Summer Heat – Chapter 24: Complications

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#24 of Summer Heat

Oh no, there is trouble ahead. Do you think that Zen got a big problem now or will he find his way out? Is he at the end of his luck? Well, we will see next week.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 24: Complications

When Mara got into his room the next morning the two girls were still sleeping. There was some explaining to do by Zen and he told Mara everything that happened in the last night. "This is a mess." Mara whispered. "What do you intend to do with them now?" Zen looked up to her while he caressed the asses of the two girls that were sleeping left and right to him. "First I will breed them good as long as their heat is lasting." Mara put the hands on her hips and looked at him with a stern gaze. "I figured as much. You are hopeless when you smell heat." She shook her head. "And after their heat? You should finally learn some self-control. You should have bound them and sent for the police directly. What do you think will happen if they talk about this?" There was a bit worry in the voice of Mara. "Don't worry. I will not give them to the police and in return they will stay here until the cubs are born. Maybe they even like it here by then and..." Mara hissed. "And what is if someone comes searching for them? If they send for the police because the girls went missing? Do you at least know who they are?" - "Well, this is Dott ..." he pointed at the cheetah. "... and this is Minna." He pointed at the mouse girl. "I did not mean just their names." Mara sat down and looked at the bed where the boy and the two girls were snuggled up together. "For now you should stay here and not have them run around outside. I will ask Paula to get their car inside and we will try to find out where they came from and how they even got the location of this school. I know you will not control yourself anyways so please at least do not overdo it with these two, okay?" Zen nodded and felt that the girls to his right and left started to wake up. "Thank you. I was sure you would understand." Mara hissed again angry and stood up to leave the room. "Oh, and Mara..." he whispered and she stopped and turned to him. Her face still showed her worry and anger over Zen. "I am sorry. I love you." He whispered. A smile creeped over the face of Mara before she slipped out of his room and closed the door.

Zen wanted to think about what Mara said to understand her worries but the scent of the girls' heat slipped from under the cover right into his nose and he felt his member growing hard fast. His head was swimming in lust and he rolled to the side to face the cheetah girl. He let the mouse girl go with his left arm to hug Dott. His penis already brushed against her fur and he felt his knot slowly form. He rolled Dott around so that her back was facing him and then he moved her tail to the side with his paw while he pressed close to the girl. The heat scent kept him captured. He bit her scruff and pushed forward slowly. His member brushed against her tail and then over her slick and drenched folds. It felt a bit sticky and slimy from the leftover of his cum and her new girl juices that coated her soft labia. He moaned loud into her fur and then he aimed and slowly pushed forward. Dott, who was starting to wake up, started to groan first and then moan. She alternated moans and groans with each slow push of his thick member into her snatch. Before the girl could completely wake up she was just as much mesmerized by her own heat as Zen. She started to emit small chirps and Zen also started to push faster and harder. Dott half opened her eyes but because she was facing away from Zen the lust filled boy did not notice that. He just continued to move in and out of her tight snatch that he already stretched to fit his member the previous night. Zen did also not notice that Minna slowly woke up. The mouse girl moaned from her heat and still half asleep started to put a finger into her snatch. She was not awake enough to notice that more than just her own juices coated her pussy and that she was not alone in the bed. She still had her eyes closed and moaned together with the pair next to her. Zen pushed extra strong and his knot started to slip into Dott who just started to climax around his member. He pushed through the twitching tunnel. It had been fast and if Zen would not have the instinct to knot the cheetah girl, he would have climaxed for a few minutes already. Finally he felt his thick knot pushing past her labia and her tunnel sucked him in until he was resting deep inside her sacred chamber and gushing his seeds into her waiting womb. Her twitching exploded once more and she roared which woke Minna up completely. "What is going on here?" the mouse girl squeaked which finally turned Zen's consciousness, that slowly came back after his orgasm, to the other girl. "Good morning Minna." He moaned. "How did you sleep cutey?" Zen rolled on his back taking the exhausted, moaning and huffing Dott with him until she lay on top of him. The cover that had been over all three was thrown off to the ground during his heated mating with Dott. Minna stared at her nacked friend and the wolf boy under her. Then her gaze went to Dott's nethers where they were connected. She gulped when she saw the big bulge at the snatch of her friend and the messy area around their connected nether regions. "How did we get here and who are you?" Minna wanted to know. She breathed hard and she was now kneeling next to them still looking at her friend and the wolf boy in shock. The shock of waking up next to a male that was in addition banging her best friend seemed to clear her mind from the ropes of her heat and she tried to recapitulate what had happened. "You do not remember what happened last night?" Zen moaned and he rolled to the side to face Minna which also had Dott facing her friend. The cheetah had been so exhausted from her orgasm that she closed her eyes again even though her fast huffs and the twitches of her tunnel told Zen that she was still awake. He saw that Minna tried to remember how she got into this bed and why she was naked. Her snatch was dripping her own hot juices and the rests of his spunk from the last night. "We drove to this school, that Dott heard off, to get a story." She mumbled while trying to put the pieces in her memory together. "And she opened the door for me and I ... I was caught by a guard?" she looked at Zen and Dott who moaned. Zen remembered that he was a stranger to Minna. Both the girls had not seen him while he was mating them and later they had most likely been too much in the sensation of their heat to remember everything that happened. "I am helping you through your heats." Zen whispered while he caressed the dugs of Dott which drew a few more moans from the cheetah girl. "No!" said Minna like a reflex but her eyes glued on Dott's snatch and Zen noticed that she was moving her paw to her own snatch and caressed it. "We are not even supposed to be seen naked by the other gender." The mouse girl squeaked when she suddenly realized the situation she was in. "Calm down Minna." Zen said with a low voice but the mouse girl seemed to realize that he was the guard that caught them and that he was doing something that she learned to never do. He felt that his knot shrunk enough for him to pull out of Dott which he carefully did while he still was looking at Minna. "No, I need to get out of here." She threw a gaze towards Dott as if she wanted to determine if she could leave her friend here but this moment of hesitation was enough for Zen to grap her by the wrist. "I am afraid that I can't allow you to leave until you have been punished thoroughly for breaking into my property." He said. The mouse girl tried to fight against his grip but he did not let go. They wrestled a bit but the mouse girl did not have the strength to overpower Zen and soon he pulled one of the ropes from the desk and bound her paws on her back. To make sure that he would not have the same problems with her friend he also bound the paws of Dott again and then he lay Minna on top of the cheetah girl. The mouse girl started to moan when Zen licked her snatch. Dott also moaned together with her because he placed them with the mouse's snatch right above the cheetah's and spared a lick for them both. "Don't worry." He whispered and licked over the ear of the mouse girl. "I will make sure that you get through the heat the best way possible." And with this words he pushed his member into her sore and stretched snatch. It still was far too tight to move freely and the mouse girl started to sob and groan. Only every now and then she moaned. Her friend Dott however moaned the whole time, because the balls of Zen slapped against her wet pussy every time he pushed and stimulated the cheetah. It took Zen much longer with Minna than it took him with Dott until he cramped his entire knot into the mouse girl. Despite the pain of her sore tunnel she was already climaxing when she finally relaxed enough for him to push in his knot and gush all his semen into her tiny belly. He stopped and rested with his knot inside her snatch and his balls resting against the drenched folds of Dott. He kissed the cheetah on her muzzle and in her high arousal the girl returned his kiss which muffled the moans of them both. The only thing that was audible was the mouse girl that sobbed and groaned between some moans of her orgasm. Zen felt her body twitch and shiver between him and Dott. After a minute he broke the kiss with Dott and started to lick over the big ears of Minna. She only huffed now, exhausted and finally adjusting to his thick member and knot inside her. A few tired moans escaped her when he licked over her erogenous zone, the ears. Zen enjoyed her twitching tunnel and let it milk his member until she slowly stopped twitching and her breath became more stable. While Zen waited for his knot to shrink enough to pull out he moved Minna next to Dott and while he rested with his dick, that sometimes twitched once in her tight cavern, inside her snatch he used his paw to stimulate the pussy and clit of Dott and lick over her erect and sensitive dugs. The cheetah girl came around much better than Minna. She seemed to enjoy his stimulations now and there were no objections from her. This was one of the reasons why Zen just put Minna on the one side of the bed, when he was able to pull out his knot, and let her rest and directly moved over to Dott. The girl raised her hips and pushed her snatch towards Zen's face. She was unable to crouch because she was laying on her back with the hands still tied on her back but the gesture was clear. The girl wanted him to mate her again. And Zen was more than happy to fulfil this desire. Zen allowed Minna to take a long rest and concentrated just on Dott for the next hours. The girl squirmed and moaned under him and climaxed nearly as much as he did. Her belly bulged and shrunk again when he let her empty and the bed as well as their fur became wet and sticky. Zen only stopped when the cheetah girl, who did not have his training and endurance with mating, finally dropped down exhausted. Minna had watched them for a while but also fell asleep some time before Dott joined her. Before Zen put Dott next to Minna and pulled the cover over them, he changed the wet sheets of the bed. He had by now always a big stock in a drawer in the room because it happened often that he had to change the sheets when he was at it with one of the girls. He smiled when he looked at the peaceful faces of the girls in their sleep. Both were smiling now and he wondered if they had a nice dream. Minna would still need some persuading but Dott already was totally submissive and seemed to have found the pleasure, and maybe even an addiction, of having Zen mate her. Now that he looked at the two sleeping girls, that were just one year younger than he was, he regretted a bit to have taken them by force. Mara was right, that he lost control to easy nowadays whenever he smelled heat. He might have the control here at the school over all the girls but if he was honest, their heat controlled him. For him mating with any girls in heat, or even sometimes when they were not in heat, had become something like an addiction. He could not help it, but every time he smelled the heat his mind just went on auto pilot. "I maybe really should learn some self-control." He mumbled when he took a last look at the girls and moved to his shower. It took him a while to get all the sticky half dried fluids out of his fur but half an hour later he stepped out of his room with a last look at the sleeping girls. He wanted to meet Mara and see what she found out about the two girls.

"I did not expect you this early." Mara greeted him. It was noon and they were having lunch. Bertha and Lena, the Otter and the Lynx woman, helped Mara with the girls while Paula was looking after the cubs and Katherine, who still was breeding her egg. Mara sat down with Zen a bit on the side to talk with him without having all the cheering girls around them. "They are sleeping. I thought about what you said and I think you are right about the control thing. I thought it was good to give them and myself a bit of a rest." Mara's facial expression softened a bit and she showed him a small smile. Her worries were not completely gone though and Zen saw that it seemed to have increased. "Is something wrong?" he asked and she just handed him a piece of paper and an ID. The ID showed the face of Dott and it was confirming that she was 16 and her name was Dott McGrail. Zen only looked at it very short. He knew the name of the girl and it was not very interesting for him to see her ID. Even though something in his head was starting to get nervous but he could not tell why. Then he read the piece of paper which was a printed version of a birth certificate. It also read the child as being 'Dott McGrail', daughter of 'Arthur and Gilla McGrail'. The weird feeling in his head increased but he still did not connect the name with anything. "Well, now we know her parents name. Was this in her bag?" Mara nodded but looked at him with big eyes. "You do not recognize the name?" Zen tried to remember where he heard the name before but at this moment his memory was betraying him. "I think I know it from somewhere but I cannot remember from where. Who is it?" Mara hissed through her teeth. "I think you know him very well taking that you are sending reports to him every month." She just mentioned and now it was Zen that looked at her with disbelief. "You don't mean... the ... the Chief of Education?" he stuttered. "Who else. I confirmed it in the internet that he has a daughter with the name Dott who just graduated from school. Was actually not hard to find out." Mara said and he could feel the tension in her voice. "Fuck!" was all Zen could say while he let the birth certificate and the ID fall on the table. Mara waited for him to add something but Zen's head was spinning. He could not believe that he forcefully mated the daughter of the chief of education and her friend as well. This all had always been risky and hard to keep under the radar but now it was even worse. He was sure that it would be impossible to keep Dott with him at the school like he planned and if they got any word about him basically kidnapping her, he would have the policy special forces breaking through the gate in no time. It was too late though. Not only did he already force himself on the girls but he also had most likely impregnated both already. "What do you think we should do?" Mara finally broke the silence that was filled with high tension. "I ... I am not sure. We have to call her parents at least and let them know she is here." He replied slowly gaining his wits back. Mara nodded but when Zen looked up he saw the same worries in her eyes that he also had. If her parents would get any idea of what they were doing here Zen was sure that there would be consequences for him. "Don't worry Mara. If it comes to worst, I will take the full responsibility so that you or anyone else will not have to suffer." Mara only reached out to him and pressed his hand once but she said nothing. Both just looked at the ID and the birth certificate and ate the lunch. When they were finished, Zen also had thought about the next actions a bit and shared them with Mara. "I think at this point there is no gain by stopping now. I am not sure about her friend but Dott has started to enjoy her heat and stopping now will only make her more frustrated." He whispered. "Maybe we can reason with them to keep silent about all this later." He continued his thought. "I mean, she will most likely be as happy as we are when this will not be published by the media, would she?" Mara looked at him and her eyes pierced into his. "You mean, you want to blackmail her?" "Call it as you like, but she did not see anything of the school yet. The only one she would have claims is against me for my 'punishment' of them. If I show them a good time, they might actually start to like it and you know the laws. It will be just as hard for them to tell anyone that they are pregnant. Dott especially might not want to make any big thing out of this in consideration of her parents. The main problem will be to make them keep quiet about it towards her parents." Mara shook her head but she did not have any better idea. "I will call her parents after the lunch and make sure that they will let them stay a few more days before I send them home. I don't think they will allow me to keep them for long enough to hide their pregnancy but maybe we can figure something out with the girls afterwards. Even though I am not sure what I can offer them for staying silent in addition to them being spared of a scandal."

Luck was a bit on Zen's side. When he called her parents, the butler said that the chief of education was not available and only his wife could take the call.

"Gilla McGrail?" Zen knew the voice. She had taken the phone once before when he tried to reach the chief of education. "Good Day Mrs. McGrail. This is Zenith Moons." - "Mr. Moons, nice to hear from you. I am afraid my husband is not home today." She answered. "Yes, I know Mrs. McGrail, but I think for the reason of me calling you should be just as good as he is. It is about your daughter." Gilla McGrail changed her voice and he could hear that she was worried. "Have you seen Dott Mr. Moons? What happened?" - "Well, I caught her breaking into my school yesterday." He broke the news to her very fast. "Sorry that I just called you now, but we did not know that she was your daughter before. We just made certain a while ago." Gilla McGrail seemed to be shocked and relieved at the same time. Sure, she was relieved that she heard her daughter was okay but it was never a nice message to hear that your daughter broke into someone else's house, let alone a restricted area. "I don't know what to say Mr. Moons. Is there ..." her voice skipped a bit before she continued. "Is there any way we could keep this event secret? It would be a big story for the media if they heard that our daughter broke into your school. It would not only hurt my husband's career but most likely also her own if this is being published." Zen noticed a chance here. He did not think about the simple fact that she broke the law by breaking in could mean, that her father and she herself would be slaughtered by the media and would lose face in the country. When he looked at it she did have to lose as much as he did. Also with the cub. If it came out that she got a cub without being married it would also be a big story for the media that she wanted to become a part of. "Mr. Moons?" her mother ensured herself that he was still listening. "Yes, I am still here." He replied even though he was not sure if she said something before because he had been distracted by his thoughts for a moment. "I think it is best if we do not tell my husband. He had enough stress right now. I will come to you and we can figure out what we do by then. I can however not make it until Saturday next week. There are a few events I must appear with my husband and it would only cause questions of him and the people if I would stay away from it. Is it okay with you to keep her with you for the week until I get her?" Zen felt like he was given a big present from the lady. He just got one week with the girls to tame them. That the wife of the chief of education was coming here was a problem for itself but at least he won some time. "I am okay with that." He replied before he thought for long about it. They would manage a day with keeping the girls away from the main building while Mrs. McGrail was here. "I thank you for your understanding Mr. Moons. I will be there around noon." She told him and then the phone call disconnected. When Zen told Mara about the phone call she had mixed feelings. She understood his reasoning that they now had time to make the girls understand that they would not want to talk about what happened, but she also was worried about the visit of Dott's mother. In the end, she agreed that there was no way around it and that they had to make sure the other girls were not around the building on this day. With this, Zen returned to his room to make sure that the girls had everything they needed. He also brought food with him.

When he got into his room he was hit by the strong wave of their heat. Both girls were awake and they whimpered pitiful. Zen saw in their eyes, that shot to him when he entered, that they were troubled by their heat. After the stimulations, that he did on them before they fell asleep, their body wanted release and with their hands bound on their back, they were unable to pleasure themselves. They had pushed off the cover with their free feet but with their mind captured in the heat they had not been able to do much more than moan. Zen saw them dripping strong and the heat of each other seemed to drive their hormones even more crazy. Zen put the food on the table and approached the bed. The girls were rolling around and their slightly blurred eyes looked at him with plea to release them so they could masturbate. Dott even rolled on her back and raised her hips like before to present for him. Minna was not offering herself like this but she rolled back and forth and shivered from the needs that her heat was demanding. Zen placed one paw on each snatch and softly slid over the folds which earned a loud moan from both girls. Even Minna pushed her hips against his paw to feel more of this sensation but after a few seconds Zen removed the paws and licked the dripping juices from them. He felt his member maxing out hard and his knot beginning to form. Dott again pushed her hips up that hard that her juices splashed on the fur of Zen. It would be a crime to let the girl wait any longer after all this. Zen ran his paw over her belly and chest and played with each nipple while he descended on her and his penis directly found the hot mount and pushed into it hard. He held the back of the girl in position while he pushed and pulled with a high pace making the girl chirp and moan while he was grunting in pleasure. Her insides were hot and drenched. Her heat was making her passage very soft and even though she still had a bit of tightness, he was able to push into her without any problems. There was a squelching sound every time his knot collided with her pussy and pushed it a bit open. He hammered the girl so hard that her juices splashed on her fur and the bed every time his knot collided with her. It pushed in a bit more with each push and it did not take him longer than a minute until it slipped in with a slurping sound and both came down with a powerful climax. Her juices soaked the fur on his base in no time and he felt the hot and wet vice around his knot and his twitching member while he filled her deepest cavern with more wetness. While Dott roared and Zen howled, Minna was getting more and more sexually frustrated. Her tail was already drenched in her own juices and the bed under her was so wet that her legs and hind were soaked as well. She whimpered and moaned. Watching her friend getting laid was like a torture for the girl that did not know how to relieve her strong urge. The heat and the unanswered needs made her head spin, her mind retreat and her body shiver. She started to present to Zen just like Dott did before but he was still knotted in her spotted friend and just gave her one short caress over her clit which lit the fire more than that it quenched the thirst inside her. The moment Zen slipped out of Dott and made her sink down on the bed with a sigh he finally had mercy with the mouse girl. He grabbed her hips and pulled them up a bit more to be high enough for him to push in and then he speared her. Even though she was still very tight her insides were just as soft and drenched as Dott's and he collided with his knot, that was not even half its full size yet, with her folds and pushed it in, just to pull it out a moment later. She only moaned. There was no groan this time. Her heat and growing needs seemed to have blocked all pain from the stretching, if there was any at all. Her pent-up frustration increased her sensitivity and she climaxed around his member at the second push into her snatch. He did not slow down but pushed into the twitching tunnel with increasing pace. His knot popped in and out with slurping sounds and juices splashing all over them while his paws roamed over her lines of dugs and made her orgasm increase with each second. His knot swelled with each push until it was too big to be pulled out and locked him inside. He felt his member throbbing while his knot was still growing with each second and his semen pushed through his lovemaker into her chamber. She squeaked in ecstasy while he howled a second time.

After two more rounds with each of the girls, Zen undid the ropes and let them eat. Their burning need diminished a bit so that their mind cleared up a bit. Even so, Dott presented for him on all fours right after she finished her meal but Zen did not fulfil her request. He kneeled down in front of the crouching girl, that mewled in need again, and held his half erect member in front of her muzzle. He softly pushed her head towards his member. "Show me how much you want me to mate you again." He demanded and after a short hesitation where Dott tried to back away, which was blocked by his paw, she started to lick over the member that was still slick from their juices. Zen moaned and enjoyed the licking of Dott until he heard Minna moan as well. She used the freedom of not being tied to masturbate. Zen directly pulled Dott's head back and took the few steps towards Minna. He forced her hands on her back and tied them up again. "Remember that this is punishment. You are not allowed to masturbate yourself. If I catch you like this time you will get your hands tied to your back like this." He also eyes Dott who had her hands close to her own crotch already and pulled them away with a frustrated moan. He sat Minna on a chair and bound the tied hands against the chair so that she could not move from it. Then he left the mouse girl sitting there, squeaking and groaning in her need and juicing on the chair, and returned to Dott who only needed one short push at the back of her head to continue with her licking. He felt his member grow and pushed it past her lips. Reluctantly she suckled on it while Zen held her hands above her head to make sure she was not secretly masturbating while sucking him off. Zen felt himself getting close to his orgasm and let Dott pull back. One sign with his hand and she turned around in place and was in mating position with her ass and tail high within a second. Zen did not even have to bite her to lock her in place. The cheetah girl had completely submitted to him and lost herself in her heat. Zen had seen girls lose it during their heat but the cheetah girl was very hardcore at that. Zen made sure to position her in a way that Minna was seeing him push into her pussy. He heard the groans of Minna through the moans and chirps of Dott and his own grunts. Every now and then he checked on the mouse girl and the chair was drenched. In desperate tries to get a bit of stimulations the mouse girl rubbed over the slippery surface of the chair, which was not enough for her, judging by her groans. Zen took Dott to two climaxes and filled her up with his spunk until she dropped down exhausted. He lay her down in the bed, without the rope, and places the cover over the exhausted kitten. Then he turned to Minna, who was squeaking again. He stepped in front of her, dripping semen onto her lap and holding his half erect member in front of her muzzle. Minna was not hesitant. She directly opened wide and started to suckle his slowly growing member. Zen noticed by the twitching of her tongue that she achieved a small orgasm just by his taste and having his member in her muzzle in her high sensitive and aroused state. He was sure that she was this strong in need that she would do anything just to have him release her ropes and she could masturbate or even doing the deal himself. With the other girls he had been dominating at times as well but the rope games with Minna and Dott were something new for him and he liked the outcome. The orgasm denial had the mouse girl on a hair trigger and submitting to everything he asked her. He felt his orgasm coming but he did not pull out. His semen suddenly spurted strongly into her muzzle and he held it in place while her cheeks filled and bulged out. She was not able to swallow so fast and with some coughs and sneezes she pushed half of the load out of her nose while the other half went down her gullet. The mouse girl looked cute with the white spunk coating her nose and dripping down from her nostrils. He pulled out and decorated the face of the girl with his last spurt and smeared the spunk over her forehead and the upper side of her nose with his member. Then he bowed down and undid the rope that tied her to the chair, but left her hands still tied on her back. He pulled her up and sat on the wet and drenched chair. Then he placed the mouse girl on his lap and while he let her descent his still slightly throbbing member was engulfed by her hot pussy. He did not even have to say something. She moaned in pleasure and started to move her hips as much as she could. Zen helped her by pulling her up and letting her sink down. Her legs were wobbly and she shivered but even so she tried desperately to swallow as much of his member with her snatch as possible. She was so wet, soft and eager that she did not even take as long as Dott until his knot slipped into her. It was full again but it popped right into the mouse girl only thirty seconds later. Because he just shot his load there was no climax for him yet but he felt that the milking tunnel was preparing his dick faster than anything did before. While he moaned and she squeaked, this time in pure bliss from her earth-shaking orgasm, he ran his paw over her face and wet it with the semen he shot there before and started to massage the spunk into her chest and belly fur and over her teats. At the same time, he nibbled on her ears and send her, with all the stimulations in addition to her still ongoing orgasm, to a new height of stimulation. Her whole body contracted around him and twitched while she cried the strongest squeak he had heard in his live and his member finally was also not able to resist. He shot his hot spunk into the mouse girl who got hoarse and a few minutes later lay limb, exhausted in his arms while his member still pushed load after load into her. The long denial and now the strong stimulations had drawn the last energy of the girl and she fainted at the top of her climax. Her tunnel still twitched but it got weaker and her body started to relax. Zen took the rest of the spunk on his paw and massaged it into her ear. It had been fun and he smiled but deep inside he decided that he should try to be nicer to the girls in the next days. He finally untied the rope that bound her hands and then carried the sleeping mouse girl, which was still impaled on his rod, the few steps to the bed. He snuggled up next to Dott and placed a kiss on her sleeping muzzle. Minna was pressed between them and the spunk that was in her fur smeared on the spotted fur of the cheetah. He took in the scent of their heat and when his knot shrunk down he moved a bit until the stimulations in the hot, soft and relaxed tunnel made his knot grow again and his member got hard inside the female. With his last spurts, he closed his eyes and slowly drifted into sleep with his throbbing member deep within Minna.

Summer Heat – Chapter 25: A deal

# Summer Heat - Chapter 25: A deal The days went by fast. Zen had to teach the other girls in classes and in these times, he bound Dott and Minna to make sure they were not masturbating. When he returned to his room he found the girls moaning and...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 23: Intruders

# Summer Heat - Chapter 23: Intruders Zen woke up by the alarm light flashing in his room. He was awake directly and checked the cameras on his laptop. One of the sensors at the wall was activated and he switched the cameras of the area through. On...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 22: Nelly’s story

# Summer Heat - Chapter 22: Nelly's story Nelly sat on the chair in front of his desk in Zen's room. All the others were outside playing but Nelly did not want to go with the others. Zen planned to finally get behind all this and ask her why she was...

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