Summer Heat – Chapter 23: Intruders

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#23 of Summer Heat

Someone seems to have found out about the school and now is sniffing around. What will Zen do? Is there an opportunity in the situation?


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 23: Intruders

Zen woke up by the alarm light flashing in his room. He was awake directly and checked the cameras on his laptop. One of the sensors at the wall was activated and he switched the cameras of the area through. On the third camera, he saw the intruder. A figure managed to get past the pikes that were set on the wall and with a rope slowly descended on the other side now. It had a backpack. Zen just went to the cupboard to get his swimming trunk that rested there since the test of Bertha.

When he pulled them up he looked at the camera footage a last time. The intruder was a cheetah by the silhouette but he could not see more. He wondered what this person did so far outside in the countryside. Maybe a stray who was hoping to get a catch. He had to be careful. Maybe the intruder was armed. He was confident in his fighting skills but he should make sure that the intruder did not notice him before he attacked. He knew the whole territory very good and it took him only ten minutes to get to the walls with a fast jog. He had notified Marah of the intruder but they did not wake up the children. Mara would wait at the radio in case he would transmit her a message after he caught the intruder.

When Zen got to the wall he still saw the intruder close to the wall roaming through the backpack. It had a radio in its hand and was talking to someone. He sneaked closer carefully and he could hear a few muffled noises. The voice sounded like a girl and he was sure it was a very young voice too. She seemed to finally have finished her discussion with someone on the other side of the wall through her radio and now she put it back into her backpack. Zen ducked when she turned around to scan the area. She seemed to be unsure where to go. She decided to head towards the street that was approximate hundred meter away at the location of the entrance gate. Zen followed her and she was so loud with her steps that he did not even have to be very silent. He closed in to her and observed her movements. In a moment where the moon peeked through the clouds he saw her face. It looked very young. He was sure the intruder was his age or younger. She was far too young to be a stray and the fact that she had been talking with someone was also very suspicious. Zen was very close already and heard her breathe. He was just ten meters away now hiding behind a tree but the girl, even though she looked very nervous, did not turn around. Then she was just a few meters away from the street and Zen saw his chance when she tripped over a hole in the grass. He dashed forward, charged the girl and pinned her against a tree. She yipped in surprise and shock and began to shiver right after whimpering.

"This is far enough burglar." He whispered to her and her whimpering got a bit louder when she heard his voice next to her ear. Her backpack dropped on the ground and Zen kicked it a few meters away. "I think I should search you for weapons first, right?" and he started to feel her clothes and roam over her arms. "Do not move an inch." He said and let go of her to use both arms to search her body for secret weapons. The girl was too terrified to do anything but whimper and shiver. His paws slid over her chest but the only bulge in the light shirt were the dugs of her under it and the girl emitted a soft moan when he brushed over them.

"Are you here to attack us or to steal?" he asked and while he waited for her answer he touched her belly and brushed over the last pair of teats there. "Just wanted.... A story..." it was hard to hear her under the whimpers but Zen understood that she was searching for a story. She was most likely trying to get into journalism. "Are you even out of school?" he asked. She nodded and added softly. "Graduated this year sir. I just turned sixteen." He hit the edge of her skirt and when he moved a bit lower he felt the thick band of a special underwear below it. There was no mistaken from the form. Either this girl hid something in there or she was in heat.

"Who did you speak with?" he asked with a stern voice. "Just my friend. We graduated together. We wanted to pursue this story together to find a job." She explained between whimpers. She still seemed frightened and probably wondered if he would turn her over to the police. "What are you hiding in there?" he asked and caressed her special underwear. "Nothing!" she called out a bit louder than before. He was not satisfied with the answer. "We will see. I can't have you pull a gun or a knife out of there in surprise."

With this words he unlocked the band and opened it. She still shivered and did not resist. Her special underwear fell on the ground and Zen directly smelled her strong scent. "You are in heat, right?" he asked as if he was not sure about it already. The girl just nodded and he understood that she was shy. His shoulder was still pressed against her so that she was trapped against the tree without any way to flee, even if she would have had the heart for that. "Well then I already know what punishment I will let you have for trespassing on my grounds." He whispered into her ear and pulled down his trunks. His member already was hard and erect and ready to go. He took his trunks and put them into the muzzle of the cheetah girl. "We do not want you to wake the whole area, right?" he chuckled and while she still shivered confused he closed in and felt his member brush over her wet folds. He heard a muffled moan when he carefully caressed her clit but then it turned into a scream when he held her arm with one paw and then pushed forward and upwards to spear her pussy. He felt his member break a hymen and knew that the girl had been a virgin before. It went straight to her cervix and his forming knot collided with her wet folds. He did not regard that it was her first time and that he forced himself into her virgin folds. He started to establish a fast pace while his knot grew wider and stabbed into her snatch with his penis again and again earning muffled groans from the cheetah girl. She was nearly his height. His paw at her belly felt every stab inside her through the fur. When he felt his orgasm approaching a few minutes later, he pushed extra hard until his knot slipped in completely with a wet slurp and a muffled scream from the girl. She gripped tight around his knot in pain and then her energy depleted fast and she relaxed. She lay half against the tree and half in his arms and he pulled her from the bark und leaned her against his upper body while he slipped under her shirt and started to caress her erect teats.

"You have got a nice body." He praised her but she only answered with a groan because he was shifting inside her. "I will make sure that you are full of cubs when we are finished." With this words he went into a crouch and pushed her forward until she was crawling on the ground on all fours and him atop of her. He started to push in and out with very small movements while he still was knotted and spurted inside her. For the girl, the mix of pleasure and pain that she both did not understand was exhausting and she soon just hang under him and was barely awake with half opened eyes. Zen pumped her full of semen and when his knot shrank a bit he slipped out but started to hump her again directly. She started to emit muffled moans and purrs every now and then. Zen took her on a hard ride in this position. After a second knotting, when he pulled out, he turned her around on her back and again directly went to action until he came a third time with his knot deep inside her and she emitted a weak moan under her gag before her eyes closed from exhaustion and she drifted off to sleep. He continued to ride her and after one more filling he felt her contract and climax around his spurting member which woke her up again. "Say, what is your name anyway?" he asked. After he spurted his last load and just rested with his knot stuck in her he felt questions coming up inside him again. "Dott. Dott McGrail" she answered moaning and groaning after he removed the gag. "Nice to meet you Dott. What is your friends name?" "Minna Tall." The girl answered and moaned when Zen roamed over her still erect nipples. "Well, Dott. You and Minna have earned yourself a long stay here. You will be my personal sex partners for the rest of the year until you give birth to my cubs." He pushed in a bit which shifted his knot inside her. "You wanted to get a job, right? This will be your job then." The girl did not answer him but just moaned again and then went back to sleep in the middle of the act again.

The radio clicked when Zen just pulled out after his next orgasm and he heard the voice of the other girl. She asked what Dott was doing so long but Zen just picked up the radio, that was laying on the ground, and Dott and moved with the girl in his arms to the small guard office next to the gates. There were screens for the surveillance cameras in the office and after Zen took some of the ropes in the office to tie the hands of Dott, he searched with the cameras outside the wall for the friend. After a minute he found the car of the girls and inside was a mouse girl that seemed to have been in heat as well and so strong in need that she was openly masturbating while every now and then she tried to contact her friend but she seemed to be not overly concerned about her safety. He sent a silent "Schhh" to the girl as if her friend wanted her to keep quiet and then snuck to the guard door next to the big portal, unlocked it and let it swing a bit open. The mice took the bait and Zen saw that she stopped masturbating and exited the car. He saw that in her haste she just pulled up the special underwear and grabbed her backpack before she closed in to the door. Zen waited behind the door to the guard room where Dott was laying on the ground. He did not put her clothes back on but stripped her completely and put her on the bed in the corner. He heard the mouse girl silently close the door to the outside and sneak forward. She passed him and then she saw Dott. She squeaked and wanted to run to her friend but Zen already was behind her. Even though the mouse girl seemed to be full grown she was smaller than Lily. Mice were one of the smallest species after all and she stood barely at 111cm. Zen took her arm, that the mouse girl threw up in her shock, and pulled her up while with his other paw he already gripped her special underwear and pulled it down. In her haste she did not correctly lock it and so he was able to strip it all the way down her legs in one swipe. "Welcome Minna." He whispered and the mouse girl squeaked again. "It Is so nice of you to come here voluntary to get your punishment for breaking in." And before the girl could do more than gasp in surprise he pushed her on her stomach over one table, pulled the underwear off her legs and spread them. He took the underwear and pushed it into her muzzle that just opened to scream again and then he aimed and speared forward. She was the tightest virgin girl in heat he ever entered. Even though her folds reluctantly opened and stretched she was as tight as Tammy but even in her heat she was not quite as stretchy. Without the lubricant of her own juiced, that soaked her pussy and tunnel from her earlier masturbation, he would probably not have been able to slip inside at all. Her hymen broke on his first powerful push but he needed half a minute to reach her cervix and the tight girl denied him entry into her sacred chamber. He did not loose on tries. The girl still tried to fight him but was no match in strength to the big wolf boy. To not have to hold her with both paws he grabbed the rest of the rope, that he cut to tie Dott, and while still pumping with a slower pace into the mouse under him he tied her arms on her back. "Don't worry. This is just for training you to accept your punishment." He whispered into her big ears and licked over them which earned him the first moan from the mouse girl. Her ears seemed to be very sensitive and an erogenous zone for the girl. "You will stay some time and give me a healthy cub. And in the meanwhile you will be my lovers. And maybe after a year you do not even want to leave, right?" he chuckled and increased the pace again. Tears ran out of the eyes of the girl. Her inside still did not adjust completely to the thick penis. She stretched hard to fit him inside but her cervix, assault to heavy jabs with a high frequency, still resisted his member.

"Relax a bit. This will make it easier for you." He whispered into her ear and pulled her up so that she was sitting on the thick shaft and her back was now pulled against the chest of the standing wolf. Her hands hit his belly fur and his paws started to caress her nipples and made her moan in combination with him licking her ears while he just let gravity push her on his rod for now. She started to relax and moan more from his stimulations when she slowly got used to the high stretching of her inner flesh. Zen felt her twitching slightly and despite she was still crying in pain the girl seemed to approach her orgasm. A minute later he drew out her orgasm by stimulating her clit and ears and with the relaxing of her cervix after one spasm he felt his member push past her last defense and enter her womb. "See, we are half way there already." He whispered in her ear. "All that is left is my knot." He continued at the moment his fully-grown knot hit her pussy lips. He was aware that it would not be easy on her to push his knot in but then again he knotted other tight bitches before. The orgasm made Minna less responsive. She just moaned and groaned under him with her eyes half open. Her mind started to get consumed by her heat. Zen lay her down on the table again and increased his force with each push into her folds stretching them more and more with each inch of knot he tried to push in. She emitted more groans under her gag now but her orgasm was still ongoing. Zen felt it die down and her tunnel tighten up a bit and he pushed extra strong and finally his knot slipped in over half and started to sink in while his member poked into the back of her womb. "Ready to receive your cub?" he asked with a smile and then he let go of the dam inside him. He gushed her full of semen with a powerful orgasm that made her womb fill to the brim within seconds and bulge her belly strongly. The girl moaned and climaxed again around his knot and then she fainted from exhaustion. Zen pulled the gag out of her muzzle to have her breathe more freely and then moved to the radio in the guard station to contact Mara. He informed her that he caught the intruders and that all was safe now and she could go back to sleep. Zen did not pull out of Minna but pulled her up so that she was resting against his torso again. Then he picked up Dott, carrying her in front of Minna which held the mouse girl tight to his torso. The smaller girl sat on his base knotted and full of semen but she did not wake up but just moaned and groaned slightly in her sleep. This way Zen carried the girls all the way back to the house and into his room. He slipped out of Minna and put both of them on his bed before he reapplied some gags to the girls to muffle their cries. After that he first woke Dott up by taking her hard and after both of them had two more orgasms and she drifted off to sleep he did the same with Minna, training them good to accept him inside during their heat. The girls did not fight anymore but just were consumed by the tingling of their heat. Their reason was taken and the pain faded away more and more with the pleasure coursing through their bodies. After he took both two more times he lay down in his bed with both girls laying tight to him, now being freed from the ropes and gags. He pulled the cover over all three of them and let the exhausted girls rest while he also drifted back to sleep.

Summer Heat – Chapter 24: Complications

# Summer Heat - Chapter 24: Complications When Mara got into his room the next morning the two girls were still sleeping. There was some explaining to do by Zen and he told Mara everything that happened in the last night. "This is a mess." Mara...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 22: Nelly’s story

# Summer Heat - Chapter 22: Nelly's story Nelly sat on the chair in front of his desk in Zen's room. All the others were outside playing but Nelly did not want to go with the others. Zen planned to finally get behind all this and ask her why she was...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 21: New research

# Summer Heat - Chapter 21: New research Zen and Lena did not leave his room for long the next days. Because the school year just started and the new girls were not used to him mating he decided to wait until they had classes to show them how much...

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