Summer Heat – Chapter 21: New research

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#21 of Summer Heat

There we go into the first weeks of the new year. But there are still things even Zen can learn and is eager to try out. This school year will sure be a very wild one because Zen is not intending to slow down as it seems.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 21: New research

Zen and Lena did not leave his room for long the next days. Because the school year just started and the new girls were not used to him mating he decided to wait until they had classes to show them how much endurance he had with it. Lena did not care in her heat but just presented for him every time she woke up and Zen pushed inside her most of the day. Nina and Ida came for a visit every day and Zen involved them into the mating sometimes having them lick his balls or even taking them once when Lena was sleeping. At the end of her heat he moved her to the cottage of the cubs and mated her the whole last night in her new room while Sierah, who had the watch duty at this night, watched them and masturbated from the sight. Then Lena's heat stopped and the school year could finally start. Zen explained her what her job was. She was responsible for the cottage and to watch after the cubs so he did not have to rotate the girls for it. He introduced all the cubs to Lena and she was all over her grandson Nico. She adapted to the new situation soon and Zen was sure that she was the right person for this job. He was pleased not only by the fact that he now did not have to worry about the watch over the cubs but also that yet another sexy woman was part of his harem. The first week, where there were no classes to get the girls to adapt to the new live style, passed in a flash and soon it was time for the introducing class for everyone. Zen pondered which girl he would take for the introduction into their main topic of this school, the mating. There were 6 new girls, even if Tammy already got taught about mating during her mother's heat, and Zen wanted to greet them with showing them the routine when one of them should go into heat. It was also not far until Sandy would get her cub and he wanted to show the new girls before that. He had decided to take his sister for the introduction and show the others how he would take her and the hymen could be shown with one of the new girls. Zen had looked up the new girls' species but there was very little on reptiles or birds. The only thing he could find out was that these species did not have hymen because they were laying eggs. The internet could not even give him the information if cross breeding was possible at all. Not only because all this knowledge was restricted but also because alligators and birds were very rare and normally also stayed under themselves. He had Mara take Samantha and Katherine to the side and ask them about egg laying and how they experienced it to know at least a bit about the differences. For alligators, it seemed that they were in season only in spring to early summer and that they lay eggs after a month. For birds this was different. They got a more normal circle of a bi-monthly rhythm and normally lay an egg at the end of the circle that was, if they did not mate, unfertilized. That was all the information Mara learned from the girls but it was more than Zen had been able to find out before. All the rest would have come from their research. But Zen also heard from Mara just the other day that Katherine came to her explaining that she was in heat. When Zen heard that he changed his plans for the first class and prepared to research all about the differences of birds in the process of teaching the new kids about mating.

"As all the girls who were here last year know we have some special topics here at school. I want to remind you that you are not allowed to discuss any of these special topics outside. Not even with your parents. Does anyone understand?" all the girl nodded. "Different than in any school you might have been before we are actually teaching you about the difference of male and female and about growing up." He continued and did an introduction with telling the new girls all about hymen and heat and where cubs came from. The girls listened to him with big eyes while the other girls, who already knew all this, silently whispered with each other. "But this year even the girls who were here last year will learn something new because we have new species and with this we also have new things to learn. Katherine, do you mind coming up here?" the crane girl was a bit shy. Like all the new girls, except Tammy, she had not adjusted to being naked all the time yet even though her feathers were covering all her privates. Zen could see that the feathers between her legs were dripping and he knew that she was most likely also confused and bothered by her heat. "As a bird, Katherine does not have a hymen. Roana, do you mind coming here as well for a moment?" The coyote girl stepped up. Zen saw in her eyes, that were looking at the ground, that she also felt embarrassed but she had a tomboy character and tried not to show it. He had her sit down at a trunk, they were outside again, and gathered all the new girls to show them the hymen and explaining them that this was a proof that she did not do adult stuff yet. After he showed her hymen he asked Katherine to bend forward and lift her tail. He parted her feathers and showed her soaking wet pussy. He showed them that Katherine did not have a hymen because as a bird she would start to lay eggs after every heat. He had Katherine explain how she experienced the egg laying and her voice was interrupted by moans when he started to stimulate her slit. He explained her and the new girls that this was one of the techniques how they could make their heat more enjoyable and bearable. He asked the other girls to try it as well and just Nelly Shields, the 9 years old bear cub, did not follow his instructions. She seemed in a way a bit stunned and just stared at Zen. He let her be for the moment. He would talk about her later. When Zen started to lick Katherine, the girl moaned loud and the new girls also imitated this and licked each other like all the other girls did already. Just Nelly was still just staring and pushed away Lily who wanted to help her to experience the feeling. When Lily looked to Zen he shook his head to signal her to let the girl be for now.

When Katherine was shaken by her first orgasm Zen sported a full erect member and a full size knot just by her smell and taste. He did not wait or warn Katherina but just lined up with the moaning girl that still stood bent forward while holding her upper body up with her arms around a tree. When he pushed in, the girl groaned because of his size. He could not bite her down but he grabbed her with his paws and shove hard into her. After ten pushes accompanied with groans, her inside seemed to get used to his thick and long member and she started to softly moan under her groans. She got lost in the ongoing orgasm and the stimulation of his thick organ. Her tunnel was wet, slippery and hot. Her arms, decorated with long feathers that were the heritage of the wings of her ancestors, lost the grip on the tree but Zen just moved her a bit to the side, pushed her down on all fours and took her without stopping. She moaned and groaned loud while the other girls stopped their licking to watch him take the crane girl. Especially the new girls were stunned by him fucking the girl and even though all others had seen him do this already, it was their first time seeing a bird getting mated. Mara explained the rules about mating that she seemed to not have explained before but all the girls were only watching Zen and Katherine. Zen pushed harder and harder to cram his knot into the tight crane girl. She was very tight but also very stretchy. Being an oviparous species her tunnel and snatch needed to stretch every time she lay an egg and in her heat the elasticity was even better than Lily or Tammy had been. Zen had no problem to push in his knot to the half a few times before he pushed further and sank into her with a wet slurping sound. He stopped inside her and his semen gushed hot inside of her egg chamber and she climaxed again around him and while he howled loud she chirped in high pitch.

When both of them came down from their unified orgasm, Zen pulled Katherine up with him and sat down on the trunk. He noticed that he could easily pull out because she was so stretchy. He used that to bounce the exhausted girl up and down over his knot slipping it out and in again while she sat exhausted on his lap. His member did not shrink and his balls prepared to shoot another load into the still slightly twitching folds of the exhausted girl. She only moaned silently when he came a second time and bulged her belly out more than she would most likely show at the end of her circle before she was laying the egg. Zen hoped that cross breeding was possible for them because he wanted to see the cute girl breed a fertilized egg. He pulled her beak to the side and even though it was a bit harder than with another muzzle he managed to pull her into a kiss and she weakly returned it. Zen slowed down the pace he bounced Katherine up and down and when a few minutes later he came for the third time she also peeked in her whirling orgasm which knocked her out and she went limp in his embrace. He sat there and watched the other girls who slowly started to continue with licking each other. He ran his paw over the big belly of the crane girl but he already felt the semen gush past his knot because with her now relaxing in her sleep and her stretchiness her tunnel did not form a strong seal with his knot anymore. The bulge became smaller until it was only noticeable by roaming over her belly but the feather hid the bulge itself. The hot tunnel that still quivered in her sleep a bit kept him hard inside her and after the class he still had her impaled on his member and carried her with him back to his room. He did not pull out of her but just sat down in his chair at the desk and let her rest on his slowly shrinking dick while he browsed through the recordings of the day and started to get pictures from the video footage and save the videos in a folder for Katharine. When his knot finally shrank down he pulled out of her and put her into his bed to rest while he continued to work on her pictures and videos and write a report about cranes and the mating of them.

Paula came to him an hour later and checked on the girl. The heat scent in the room had Zen erect and on the edge again but he did not take the sleeping girl but turned to the doctor. He roamed over her slight bulge that was the proof that like her daughter she took his child and then he pushed into her slowly making her moan in pleasure. Their love making came to an end shortly after they came in a unified orgasm by the waking of the crane girl. Zen switched over to the girl in heat and made her moan and chirp in high pitches while he left the pregnant beaver leaking and huffing on the ground. Paula seemed to not be cross with him for leaving her like this but even grabbed the cam that was in his drawer and started to film the mating of Katherine from different angles catching all the hot parts. Zen already pushed his knot in and out slowly making the girl moan and orgasm over his thick member while he reached his climax at the moment her orgasm was at the end. His spurting inside her did not only stretch the belly again but also revived her orgasm and they moaned in unison and he stopped inside her to enjoy the feeling of his spunk leaving his body to enter the hot womb of the girl. He did not stop with one orgasm inside her. When both of them recovered a bit he started to move again. With him being able to pull out his knot at any time he just pulled out with his still full grown knot and entered her again. He tried different positions, pushed his knot in and out at a high pace and made the girl squirm in pleasure under him until she dropped out exhausted again. Zen did not pull out but just laid down next to her with his knot snuggled deep in her pussy.The days of her heat went by and Katharine was totally lost in her pleasure. They did it in front of all the children during class or the meals and Zen enjoyed the feathery girl very much. At the end of her heat he already felt the forming egg and her belly was slightly bulged from her egg pregnancy. When the egg got bigger he stopped to mate with her because he was afraid that he would break it.

At the end of her heat Katharine started to get into labor. Zen had everyone gather around and watch her laying the egg. The crane girl was a bit embarrassed about the big audience but there was nothing she could do to keep the egg inside and so she popped it out of her snatch in front of all the other girls. She moaned hard and climaxed after she pushed it out which aroused Zen so much that he took the exhausted girl right in front of everyone. Her tunnel was still widened from the egg and wet and slippery. He dragged on the orgasm by pushing his knot in and out of her snatch and caressing her all over. While they were moaning and copulating the other girls observed the egg and Paula checked it with a stethoscope. After a few minutes, when Zen already gushed fresh seed into the crane girl, she confirmed that the egg seemed to be fertilized and Zen told the moaning girl that was impaled on his member to breed it and hold it warm whenever she was in bed. It was placed in her bed and a warm cover was pulled over it for the times Katharine was not there to breed it.

A week after the egg laying of Katharine, Sandy also got into labor. It was a long and drawn out birth but in the end both the mother and the cub, a male beaver that Sandy called Steve, were exhausted but at good health. To give mother and child a bit more rest they moved to the cottage of the cubs and her mother Paula cared for Sandy and the cub. Katherine also moved to the cottage because they found out that she got very nervous and her mood was at the edge while she was breeding the egg. She was very sensitive to others approaching the egg and loud noises. She still came to classes but went to her egg right after and her motherly instinct seemed to have kicked in by sitting on the egg nearly all the day and night. Zen got over it to worry about the girl after Paula ensured him that she was fine and could direct his attention to other topics that also seemed to be very important. The behavior of Nelly, the bear cub, got worse every day. She barely took part in any class activities and shut herself in the toilet for most of the time. She also did only shower when all other girls were out. Mara tried to talk to her but she blocked and Zen decided that he would give it a try to talk to the girl.

Summer Heat – Chapter 22: Nelly’s story

# Summer Heat - Chapter 22: Nelly's story Nelly sat on the chair in front of his desk in Zen's room. All the others were outside playing but Nelly did not want to go with the others. Zen planned to finally get behind all this and ask her why she was...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 20: Start of a new year

# Summer Heat - Chapter 20: Start of a new year Bertha did not do much the next days during her heat instead of being mated by Zen day in and day out. At the nights Tammy crawled into their bed and she got used to being knotted when her mother slept...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 19: Swimming Teacher

# Summer Heat - Chapter 19: Swimming Teacher Paula got used to the pace with them very quickly. She discovered that the school was much different from her previous workspace. She had the freedom to go at any time if she wanted but she did not want to...

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