Summer Heat – Chapter 19: Swimming Teacher

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#19 of Summer Heat

Merry Christmas!

Today I bring you the next chapter op Summer Heat and I hope that you like it. The new school year is drawing close and there are still some things to do before that.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 19: Swimming Teacher

Paula got used to the pace with them very quickly. She discovered that the school was much different from her previous workspace. She had the freedom to go at any time if she wanted but she did not want to leave. The others felt more like family than work and she became good friends with Mara and Sierah in no time. She helped the girls to care for the many cubs that were around and watched her daughter helping them at nursing the young when they were thirsty. It had been a shock at first for her when she realized that her daughter would be a mother at her young age and in addition to the same male she was pregnant from. She learned the rules of the school and Zen even told her how it came to this school and that without the taboo on sexual topics and all this secrecy the indecent meeting between him and his sister might never have happened. In secret she was happy about this outcome. She remembered all the years that she had starved for the touch of a man but never had the courage to try out a new relationship because of her daughter. Now her daughter did not bind her to a fate alone anymore and when she was honest it had been more an excuse because she had been afraid. At first she had been very reserved after her heat had passed and even though she still felt the urge to experience the thick member of Zen again she had been secretly eyeing him and trying to avoid showing it open even less when her daughter was present but soon she learned from Zen that she did not have to hide it with them. She shamelessly presented her pussy to him even when her daughter was around now. Not that this happened often but with the long time she had been without sexual activity she starved for some pleasure. Her own daughter, Sierah and Mara also helped her out and soon she discovered the pleasure of a female tongue and fingers. She learned from her own daughter things about how a female could experience pleasure she never experienced before and she totally fell for the handsome wolf and let herself settle in with the fate of being one of his females and helping him to build a school that made the girls, including her daughter, to his loyal mating toys. Zen provided her with all she needed and soon packages with all the medical equipment and medicine she needed to take care of their health, and also to go on with her research, arrived and Zen helped her to make one of the vacant rooms ready to be a treatment room.

July passed away and they celebrated Mara's birthday in August when Zen brought up the topic of additional staff. "We still need a good swimming teacher and if we can manage a person to watch after the cubs." He had been searching around in the internet for females to apply for such jobs but none of them had been giving him any impression of trusting them enough to let them into the secret. "Does anyone know someone who could fit into this role?" Paula looked around and then raised her voice. "I might know someone who could fit into the role as a swimming teacher. She used to be a professional swimmer and trained a few kids before she lost her job. She would be available now." Zen looked up to her and remember a story she told him before. "Your otter friend that you told me off? How was her name?" - "Bertha, yes. I think we could trust her. I do at least." Zen pondered and looked up to Paula a few times. "Do you know her heat circle?" he asked and his eyes fixed Paula. "Well, of course, she is always at the third week into a month but why do you want to know that?" Paula was so used that the topics were spoken openly in this company that she did not even hesitate to speak about the heat circle of her best friend. "Well, as you know an interview during her heat circle will make it easier to tie her to us." He grinned and tipped at his balls with his paws. "You mean you want to..." she whispered. "It would happen sooner or later, don't you agree?" he chuckled and Paula just nodded. She was not sure if she wanted to deliver her best friend to Zen as a sex toy so freely but she already was bound by the rule to follow his command. She submitted to him as his mate and therefore did not complain. "Can you call her up and ask her if she is interested in an interview and swimming test in 10 days?" he asked. "Or whenever you think her heat will start." He added with a grin and Paula nodded again. She called her friend and she still was desperately searching for a job and therefore directly agreed to get there in 9 days. She had to sell her car and house and would bring her daughter with her. For her it was like a saving straw because she had been in a similar situation as Paula with no place to go when the new owner would have her leave at the end of the month. She got there by bus and Zen went to the village by car to transport them to the school. In the car he already broke the waters with her and got her to tell a bit about herself. Her daughter Tammy was very shy and did not speak one word. From the behavior of the woman and the lines that drew on her dress when it was tightly pressed against her in the car Zen suspected that she already was in heat. "Can you show me your swimming this evening?" he asked and her hesitation also added to his suspicion that she already was in heat and the calculation of Paula had been right. In the end the otter woman, that was nearly as shy as her daughter, agreed to show him her skills this afternoon. The swimming pool had been finished in the last week as well as the improvements on the cottage and other facilities he had built. The workers just left the day before with all work for the new school year being done. "Does your daughter want to watch you or stay with Sandy and my sister?" Tammy did not answer and after a while Bertha answered for her. "I think it is good if she gets to play with the girls. She had been in the bus for hours and would need some walking and exercising. Tammy just nodded shy and pulled her stuffed animal, a wolf pup, closer.

When they arrived at the mansion Zen had Paula and Sierah take Tammy to the cottage. They wore clothes to not scare away Bertha from the start. Zen went to change into his swimming trunks and then waited at the pool for Bertha who also went to change in the room he assigned her for it. When she closed in with her blue racing swim suit Zen looked over her whole body. Even though he was still thirty meters away when she stopped at the pool, he was looking at it from the side of the pool, his keen eyes noticed the dark wet spot at her crotch and he licked his lips. The otter woman looked stunning good. She had a slim body, that had not shown completely in her dress before, and a cute face that he noticed before already. Her legs were muscular and beautiful and her movements showed a grace that made Zen wonder why no one had given her a job before. He suspected Tammy to be the reason. He knew that it was hard in Pan to get a job if you had no husband but children and no one to look after them. This always was considered a risk for the employer. Her swimming performance was like Zen expected from a professional swimmer. She cut flawless through the surface of the water and showed off all different kinds of swimming styles until she left the pool panting from the exhaustion of constant swimming for over 15 minutes. Zen closed in to her while she waited at the edge of the pool with dripping fur. Zen threw her a towel so she could dry off. "Marvelous. You are everything that Paula said you were. I think you would fit in perfectly as our swimming teacher." Now that he got closer her noticed her strong heat smell and his member already poked out of his pouch still hidden from his wide swimming trunks. "Would you like to work here?" Bertha, exhausted from the swim, started to cry from the relieve she felt and did not bring out an answer. Zen moved closer and pulled her into a wet embrace and caressed her back. The smell of her heat made his member poke out under the waist band but Bertha did not notice it because she had her crying head pushed into his big furry chest. After a few sobs she calmed down enough to whisper a "Yes, I am so thankful. I did not know what to do." Zen moved a bit down and already loosened the waist band of his swimming trunk and pushed it down out of sight for Bertha. "Don't worry. I will take care of you and all your needs." He whispered and he felt her freeze under his grip when his paw slid over to her belly, along her hard teats and into her swim suit to rub her clit. "Mr. Moons what are you..." a moan cut her voice away. "You can't... I am in" - "heat..." Zen whispered and while he pulled her left leg upwards, which was easy with her flexible body, he pulled the bridge of the swim suit that was over her pussy to the side so it slid along the raised leg. "Don't worry. Like I said I will take care of you." And with this he pushed his exposed member upwards and impaled the otter woman on his rod. He heard that her protest was flooded by a strong moan and her heated tunnel stretched tightly around his member. Her tightness and stretch ability compared to Lily and Zen moaned loud into her ear when he hit her pussy with his already formed knot and a wet smacking sound echoed over the water. Zen interpreted the big eyes when she felt his knot clashing against her clit. "This is my knot." He whispered into her ear knowing exactly what she thought. "It will tie me with you and make sure that all my seed will stay inside you." A futile weak attempt to break from his embrace ended in him pulling her swim suit completely over her head and hugging the now naked otter female while locking her with a kiss and starting to pull her up and down over his rod. He saw her eyes soften and her mind going blank from the sensation his penis was causing inside her heated folds. Even though she was tight she stretched like a rubber band with a mix of muffled groans and moans in his muzzle. He pushed harder and already felt a third of his knot pushing past her labia and more with each push until with a strong push down he impaled her on his knot and it slipped in being tightly sucked in by her tunnel and sealed by her nether lips. She climaxed the moment he breached her cervix with his member and his knot settled inside her tiny snatch. Her milking tunnel drew out the orgasm of Zen within seconds and he broke the kiss to howl while she cried out in a powerful moan and fell limp into his arms while she was twitching with her whole body. Zen felt her hard dugs poke into his belly when her womb expanded and her belly inflated by the massive amount of semen gushing into her body. Her body was young and she was a trained swimmer even though she was exhausted from the exercise. Paula told Zen that Bertha was just 24 and got her daughter when she was 16. The father died shortly after leaving the young and inexperienced girl with the cub. And inexperienced the otter still was. Zen saw that she went into a love daze right away with her orgasm and he made small movements of pushing and pulling to stimulate both of them while he kept her orgasm running with stimulating her clit with his paw. Her twitching never died but soon Zen felt another orgasm rush over him and he filled the female in front of him again before leaning forward and pushing her on her back to lay atop of her and catch his breath while spurt after spurt still entered the smaller body under him. No one was around to see them except the cameras that were placed all over the facility and caught the act for Zen to store later.

When his knot shrunk enough to pull out of the still moaning otter below him Zen turned Bertha around and pulled her hind up to get her into mating position. A bit of semen gushed out before he pushed his still half erect member into her folds and from the twitching around it he went hard in no time and began to hump her again with a high pace. He let his mind sink into her heat scent and pushed everything back except for one thing: the desire to breed the tight otter in his grasp. And Bertha did not complain anymore. She did not fight it. She just moaned and twitched around his member while her tight tunnel and pussy stretched around him as one of the tightest fits he had yet. Only Emily had been tighter and the little girl had by no means been so wet, hot and stretchy. Zen dropped his pace and this helped the otter woman under him to gain back a bit of energy. She had been at the edge of dropping out from the intense exercise but she hung in there for one more knotting and one more set of hot and strong spurts inside her already overfilled womb. When Zen felt her strong twitches in a new orgasm around his spurting rod and the milking tunnel, it got weaker with each twitch and he noticed that the woman in his arms started to faint away. Her tail was tugged limb between her back and his belly and when he stood up with shaking legs and pulled her up with him he noticed that he also was quite exhausted. He left the swimming gear of them lying next to the pool and went back to the mansion. When he reached his room he dropped down on his bed pulled Bertha with him in a tight embrace. His knot still tied them together but his spurts subsided and he roamed over her big bulge of a belly while he rolled on his back and pulled the cover over them.

When Zen woke up his partner in the bed was still sleeping. He notices from his paws over her belly that she deflated and his member was limb while his belly and legs felt sticky. Just when the heat got into his nose again and his member started to crouch out of his poach he felt something move on his leg and arm. It was not the otter woman but something smaller. He pulled up the cover and looked into the frightened eyes of the little otter girl Tammy who looked up to him and clung to the arm of her mother. Her night dress was wet from all the spunk that were on their bodies. "What are you doing here?" he whispered to not wake her mother. The girls did not answer for a minute but just looked at him until she lowered her eyes embarrassed and whispered back with a small voice. "I always snuggle up with Mama when I can't sleep." Zen showed a warm smile and caressed her head which smeared more of the sticky fluid over her forehead because his paw was also damp. "I think we should get you changed. Your mother is still resting. Mind me showing you to the shower?" the girl nodded and he picked her up carefully and went the few steps to his own shower. The heat scent of her mother had his member stand full erect by now but he ignored it for the moment.

"What is this?" the girl asked when they entered the shower and Zen shut the door. He saw her inspecting the fluid on her dress. "What did you do with my mother?" Zen was surprised by the talkativeness of the girl. Her curiosity seemed to have gotten the upper hand over her shyness. "Want me to show you?" he asked and the girl nodded shy. "Well then we will need to make sure you do not wake your mother. She needs all the rest she can get right now." Zen helped the girl to undress and formed a gag from the dress that he put into her muzzle and tied around her head so that it would not drop out. "This way you do not need to hold back and we will not wake your mother." He explained the frightened girl and kissed her sticky forehead. The night dress had the heat scent of her mother and it drove Zen crazy with need. He lay the girl on the ground and started to lick her chest, belly and finally her pussy. At first the girl tried to resist and push him away but when his tongue brushed over her clit her attempts weakened and he could hear her muffled moan through the gag. "That is a good girl." He whispered and pulled her pussy lips a bit open to inspect her hymen. Her pussy looked tight and the hymen looked cute in the middle. He picked her up and held her into the camera in his shower to make sure he had close up shots of her hymen before he put her on the ground again and continued to please her with hot licks. Even though Tammy felt the pleasure it took Zen half an hour until she juiced up and a few more minutes until her possibly first orgasm washed over her and she splashed her clear girl juices into his hungry maw. He was sure that she would have moaned loud and panted now without the gag but all he could hear were muffled noises and the hard breath out of her nose. "Feels good, doesn't it?" he whispered and kissed the cheek of the otter. "The next step might hurt at first but will soon feel even better." He explained while he roamed over her erect teats and stimulated her clit. Her folds still twitched. The girl was exhausted from the licking and her orgasm and did not resist when he pulled her legs a bit more apart and aimed with his thick member. His knot already formed and pre dripped from his tip. He heard her muffled screams and she struggled a bit when he pushed his member inside her tight pussy. She was even tighter than Emily but she stretched like her mother so he was able to slowly insert into her. Zen held her arms down and slowly pushed forward seeing the eyes of her water and pop wide open in the pain when he pushed through her hymen. He slowly pushed further and felt her tight tunnel stretch around him until he hit her cervix and penetrated it with the same slow movement that he used for her hymen. His member popped into her womb a few minutes later and he pushed all the way to the walls of her womb before he began to pull back. Her tight pussy tried to suck him back in but he managed to move all the way to her entrance with his tip which took him one minute. With the same pace he continued to slowly push in and out and her lubricant and stretching helped him to insert his member easier each push. He increased his pace and the cries of the girls turned into lower muffled groans while tears still dropped out of her eyes. Zen did not regard her tears but inhaled the heat scent that stuck to the night dress and with each push went a bit faster. He bottomed out in her womb a few centimeters before his knot touched her pussy and felt his orgasm approach. When he pushed one more time and inseminated the little girl he saw her belly bulge and her tight fit sealed the spunk in her womb even though it stretched a lot. His member scratched along her expanding womb and slipped in even deeper while spurting until his knot rested against her pussy. Zen kissed the forehead of Tammy and then turned her around on the belly while his member was still stuck in her. He put her paws on the ground and even though she shivered and was not strong enough to hold the weight he had her attempt a mating position while he held her body up. He started to push in and out while he still spurted and soon he could hear a change in the muffled sounds of Tammy. She seemed to moan every now and then but she did not climax even though Zen soon came a second time filling her womb even more. Zen felt that his member inside did not touch the walls of her womb anymore. She seemed to stretch so much from the spunk that the space in her increased. When his spurts died down he started to push into her again and the additional lubricant of his spunk helped him to slip in even easier. He started to push his knot in for a little bit but her pussy lips were too tight still to open up for it. He heard her groan with each of his attempts to push in his knot. Slowly but surely he felt her pussy lips stretch around his knot and soon he was in for a third before pulling back. Then he was half way in and finally he felt her tight pussy pull in his big knot while the tip of his member scratched along the walls in her womb again. When he sat down and pulled her in an embrace he could see her belly bulging as much as Lili's did when she was in the last month of pregnancy. The girl was barely hanging in there and breathed heavily but when he let loose of his last climax she groaned under her gag and then fainted from the exhaustion, the stretching and a weak climax that made her pussy and tunnel twitch. Zen pulled the gag out of her muzzle to have her breathe more freely. He sat back with the girl on his lap and caressed her belly while his last spurts entered her tiny womb. When his spurts subsided and his knot shrunk down he let her empty completely and with her still widened pussy and the just returning tightness he managed to push his knot in one more time while his member stretched her womb and carried her back to the bed to lay down and cuddle up with her sticky mother. The sleeping little girl was sandwiched between them and he could feel his knot and member through her belly that pressed against his.

Summer Heat – Chapter 20: Start of a new year

# Summer Heat - Chapter 20: Start of a new year Bertha did not do much the next days during her heat instead of being mated by Zen day in and day out. At the nights Tammy crawled into their bed and she got used to being knotted when her mother slept...

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Believe – Chapter 25: Conclusion

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