Summer Heat – Chapter 20: Start of a new year

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#20 of Summer Heat

Happy New year to all my fans and readers.

The new school year is starting and this means some new students for the school. We all know how this will end, right?


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 20: Start of a new year

Bertha did not do much the next days during her heat instead of being mated by Zen day in and day out. At the nights Tammy crawled into their bed and she got used to being knotted when her mother slept and then falling asleep between her mother and the big handsome wolf with his knot sitting tightly in her snatch. Zen also trained the girl in giving muzzle even though he spared her from deep throating him yet. Bertha snapped out of her love daze when her heat died down and she did not remember most of the last days. Like Paula she accepted the fact that Zen impregnated her and all conditions for the employment and in the next days after her heat ended she still slept with Zen even though he already assigned a room for her. She seemed to have imprinted on Zen as the first male to mate her since she conceived Tammy and she discovered a liking to being pounded by the wolf. It took a week for Tammy to learn to not sneak in with her mother, who now slept in her own room, every night but to stay in her bedroom. She got used to sleep in a room with the other girls and the time of the beginning of school was right around the corner. Zen reminded all, especially the small Tammy, that during the day of the parents' arrival they were not supposed to talk about the actions and to wear proper clothes.

The day of the new school year on the 1. September greeted them with a warm sun. The cubs were moved to the cottage again under the care of Sierah and Sandy while Zen introduced the new doctor and swimming teacher to the parents. There were 6 new girls that were admitted to the school this year including Tammy. The otter girl would join Sandy, Mimi and Bea in their room, Nelly Shields, a 9 years bear cub, would join Tina, Lily and Olga and in a new prepared room there were 4 new cubs. Samatha Spikes, a 12 years old alligator, Katherine Sen, an 11 years old crane, and two orphans that were sent by the ministry because the orphanages were full. They were the 8 years old ape Christine Allers and the 10 years old Coyote Roana Miller. The new parents were shown around, again the renovated cottage was not part of the tour, and the tour finished in a big meal they took together. When the other parents were drinking coffee with Mara, Paula and Bertha the mother of Nina and Ida, Lena Minx, asked Zen for a talk and he led her to his office and closed the door.

"What can I do for you Mrs. Minx?" he asked after he had her sit down at the other side of his desk and sat down in his chair himself. The lynx woman took some time until she spoke and Zen scanned her. She was still a young woman, maybe in her late twenties. She looked cute with her blue eyes and the well-groomed fur like a bigger version of Nina and Ida. Her two daughters seemed to have inherited everything of her looks. "Well, Mr. Moons..." she started and looked into his eyes. Zen saw that she only wore a mask of happiness but her eyes looked quite concerned and sad. "... with all the current economic problems that are going on in this land I lost my job last month and even with trying hard I could not yet find another one. My daughters..." she started to knead her hands nervously, "... purposed to me to apply here. I am not sure what I can do to fill a position here but Nina pursued me to at least try." Zen noticed that Mrs. Minx did feel anxious. "Lena..." he started. "... can I say Lena?" - "Yes, of course." Said the lynx hastily as if this was some kind of test she had to pass. "Thank you. You can call me Zen as well. Well, Lena, what did you do before?" The lynx woman looked to her hands and seemed a bit embarrassed. "I worked for a cub care center of small cubs but in the area where we live there were too few cubs and it closed down." She looked up and he saw that she tried hard to impress him and show her worth for the school. "But I am sure I could also care for bigger children... I..." he smiled. "I think there actually might be a positon for someone with your experiences here." He baited her and the look on her face showed surprise and a happiness that made clear that she did not really dared to hope that her application here would be successful. "Well, there are a few rules here, as you can imagine. Here in the school all staff has always to do what I say and follow my command and you should never tell anyone outside what we are doing here. You understand, the company secrecy to protect our intellectual property and so on." Lena Minx nodded and smiled. "It is like this for the care centers as well and I am used to such clauses." She said. "Okay, then I think we can go for a small test." He looked at the clock. "The lunch with the parents will go on for another hours or a bit longer so I think we got time to do it now." He stood up and asked Lena Minx to do the same. "I will first do some physical tests. Please do not move, okay?" Lena Minx looked a bit startled but did not complain. She was still so happy that she might get a job that she was set to accept these terms.

Zen started to test her shoulders and attempted to do a simple touch exam. This was normally more common with sports or physical labor but no questions came from the lynx woman. When he got to her waist he felt the thick fabrics of the special underwear under her dress and smiled. "Are you currently in heat Lena?" he asked and the woman was startled by the question. That he openly talked about the taboo seemed to surprise her and before she could think straight she already replied shyly. "Yes, I am." She whispered and Zen nodded pleased and sat down on the chair that she sat before. "Please strip down all your clothes and put them here on the desk including the underwear." He asked her and the woman looked at him in disbelieve. "You should hurry; we do not have all day. You said you would follow my command or not?" To his surprise the lynx mother slowly started to undress but she seemed to be very embarrassed and shy about it and he could see the fear in her eyes. When she had stripped down completely and stood in front of him naked he could smell her strong heat and saw her juice drip down on the ground from her pussy. He beckoned her closer and probed her clit and slit with his finger which made her moan. "In this school a woman in heat needs to come to me. I will take care of them to ensure they are not in unnecessary stress." He explained while he suckled on his finger and tasted her strong liquid. She tasted a bit stronger than her daughters. "As a test for this interview you have to present to me and get into the usual mating position and accept my cub. If you do this, you get the job." He offered her. The lynx woman seemed to be undecided if she wanted to accept his conditions but his probing finger, that went inside her vagina, made her moan loud and her reason seemed to fade with her growing pleasure. After a minute of ponder she slowly crouched down in front of him and Zen licked his lips and smiled. "I like your obedience Lena. Try to not be too loud so the others will not hear us. The walls in this room are thick but if you are very loud it might be audible outside."

With this words he got off the chair and moved over the crouching lynx. The moment he moved over her and bit down at her scruff he knew that she would carry his cubs and not resist anything anymore. His member glided inside her accompanied by a long moan of the lynx woman and he felt her pussy and tunnel stretch tightly around his member. "You are wonderfully tight and hot." He mumbled when he pushed forward and his forming knot collided with her pussy. The lynx under him only groaned a bit from the unfamiliar thickness of his member and after a few pushed she accustomed to him and moaned again. The rubbing of his thick rod in her tight but hot and slippery tunnel stimulated him and his fully formed knot soon smashed against her wet pussy with a smack and the moan of both increased. Zen did not know why it had been so easy to pursue Lena to do this in the first place but it was apparent that now her heat was taking over and even if the lynx woman would have wanted her body would not have objected his touch and constant pushing. He went with a middle fast pace and long pushes that pulled his tip nearly to her nether lips before sliding them all the way through her tunnel and cervix into her womb. She groaned a bit when his knot pushed into her snatch every now and then and stretched it even wider but when he finally pushed extra strong and it slipped inside her with a slurping sound she just emitted a very long drawn out moan and then climaxed around his knot before his balls contracted and joined her. Zen bit into her scruff to avoid howling and his moan was muffled by the fur in his muzzle while his paw pushed into her mouth to muffle her moans. After Zen cooled down a bit and stopped spurting into her twitching womb he looked at the clock and he did only have a few minutes left until the other parents would expect his final speech. He caressed the lynx woman while he waited for his knot to shrink down and whispered sweat words into her ear. When he finally was able to pull free he went to the shower and cleaned up before putting on his clothes. The lynx girl lay panting and purring on the ground and Zen put a cover over her. "You will wait here and stay ready for me. I will return and then we will continue where we left off." He told her before he opened his door and slipped out.

The next hour was like a torture for Zen who was still hard from the scent and the thoughts about Lena. He somehow finished his speech and had to avoid looking at Nina and Ida because the cute lynx girls made his memory of the waiting lynx in heat even stronger. When the last of the parents left, Zen directly put Mara into charge to make sure the new girls learned about the rules and all clothes were being put away before he returned to his room where a hot lynx woman waited for him moaning and masturbating. The room reeked of her heat and Zen controlled himself enough to close the door behind him before he dropped his clothes on the ground and directly was atop the presenting feline and his member was deep inside her making both of them moan. He did not hold back and allowed himself to get into a rut which increased the pace he pushed into the female in heat a lot. She could do nothing more than pushing back and moaning until he knotted her again a few minutes later pent up from the hours of holding in and thinking about her and his spunk spurted strongly into her waiting womb. She already was in a swirling orgasm from his pushes and milked his member of every spurt while he started again with small movements back and forth smacking his balls against her clit and grunting while his last spurts made her belly slightly bulged. Zen did not have to bite down anymore to muffle his moans or hold her in place. He humped her with small movements until another orgasm rushed through him and broke loose with a flood in her still twitching tunnel without his knot dropping out of her between the climaxes. She joined him in a strong moan and a peek in her orgasm shook her whole body when he felt her belly bulge even more with the strong spurts inside her womb. Zen calmed down a bit and snuggled up with her while he waited for his knot to deflate. He roamed over her big belly and enjoyed the purr of the lynx woman. None of both said anything. Every now and then one of them moaned in pleasure even though both their orgasms died down and Zen stole a lick over the cheeks of Lena. When Zen felt his knot shrink down enough and drop out of her snatch he rolled Lena around on her back and then plunged up her snatch again while he moved on top of her again and pulled her into a kiss. She did not object but just moaned. He felt her strongly bulged belly press against his and her erect dugs pierce through his fur and rub against his skin. Lena did have endurance. She did not drop out with two more rounds but her belly grew so big that Zen had her roll around and get on all fours again. Her belly nearly touched the bed and she started to emit some groans every now and then. Zen took her one more time and stretched her womb to the limits with another load before he rolled on his back taking the lynx mother with him and while he felt his calming spurts he caressed her big belly. Both of them were tired by now but still not tired enough to directly go to sleep.

"You are a great fuck." Zen whispered into her ear and she moaned. "I think that runs in your family. Your belly is nearly as big as the one of your daughter when she was pregnant." Lena moaned but slowly Zen noticed that she understood his words because her pussy tightened a bit behind his knot and she turned her head towards his. "What do you mean by that?" Zen continued to play with her teats while he whispered back. "Well, you know, it is not only the teachers that I help through their heat. Your daughter was so cute when she was deflowered and with her big belly later. And her son is a very cute boy as well. Congratulations for becoming a grandmother." He smiled and moved his head to lick over her cheek. "Your job here will be to look after all the cubs. There are 7 right now but there will come more, I promise." The purring of her stopped. Zen was sure it was some kind of shock for her that her thirteen years old daughter already had a cub. "But don't think about that now. Enjoy your heat to the fullest. How long has it been that you had this much fun with a male?" Lena did not answer. Zen gave her a few minutes but still no answer so he started to whisper again. "So you want to tell me that the father of Nina and Ida never took you continuously like this?" Lena shifted a bit uncomfortably and Zen stimulated her dugs and clit and drew out a silent moan. "I see. I promise you. Even when you are not in heat and you need a good mating session, just come to me. I will make sure to satisfy you." With this words he pulled the cover over their bodies and settled in for the night. He felt his knot still sealing her entrance but a lot of spunk was pushing against it and when it shrunk a bit, drop by drop pushed past it when he moved a bit and tickled onto the tail base of Lena. He fell asleep before his knot popped out and had the bed and their fur bathed in his cum until it was drenched. In her sleep Lena emitted a relieved sigh when she deflated and started to purr again.

Summer Heat – Chapter 21: New research

# Summer Heat - Chapter 21: New research Zen and Lena did not leave his room for long the next days. Because the school year just started and the new girls were not used to him mating he decided to wait until they had classes to show them how much...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 19: Swimming Teacher

# Summer Heat - Chapter 19: Swimming Teacher Paula got used to the pace with them very quickly. She discovered that the school was much different from her previous workspace. She had the freedom to go at any time if she wanted but she did not want to...

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Believe – Chapter 25: Conclusion

# Believe - Chapter 25: Conclusion When Imya woke up it was dark already. The big white she-wolf was still next to her and warmed her but all the lights, the fires, the people, they all were gone. Even the child was not there anymore. They must have...

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