Summer Heat – Chapter 25: A deal

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#25 of Summer Heat

Today we got a bit longer chapter. I hope you like it.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 25: A deal

The days went by fast. Zen had to teach the other girls in classes and in these times, he bound Dott and Minna to make sure they were not masturbating. When he returned to his room he found the girls moaning and leaking strongly and they started to fight for the right of giving him a muzzle and worship his dick to earn the right to get rimmed. After two days, he did not even have to bind them but they were so obedient to not touch themselves if he did not allow them. He found out that letting them bear the heat without stimulating them had a big impact on their sensibility and they often climaxed instantly when he pushed in after having them bear the burning urges for one hour. He was very nice to them now and only asked them once a day to bear with their strong feeling without release while he was out for breakfast. He brought them the food every day and the other girls had not seen them once yet. In the evening, when he was giving classes, he allowed them to please themselves or each other and he often came into the room to the sight of two moaning girls that were licking each other's snatch. In the following days their heat slowly diminished and the burning need pulled back. Both stayed obedient to him. His training paired with being nice to the girls in the last days had their mind accepting him as their master. When their mind was clearer he explained to them that Dott's mother would visit at the next Saturday to talk about the next steps they would take. He made Dott understand what a leakage of anything they did would mean for her father's job but with their submission to him, this reminder was not needed. Him telling them to not talk about it was all the girls needed. Like this, the days until the weekend went by in a flash and the life normalized again for the school. Classes were normal now and the only difference was that when Zen returned to his room, he had two naked girls, a mouse and a cheetah, waiting for him. Their heat ended but they still pleased him with their muzzles when he asked for it. That the girls were most likely pregnant would possibly become a problem with Dott's mother coming and so Zen went to Paula on this Friday to talk with her about the drug she told him about.

"Oh, yes I finished a prototype that should not be dangerous. I did not test it yet however." Paula listened to his question and was happy to report her advances with her research. "The woman who does not want to get pregnant only needs to drink the medicine within 24 hours after her first mating in heat and her eggs will not be impregnated. I do not suggest to test it with one of the young girls though. The medicine is quite strong and a cub's body might have strong side effects." Zen sighed. "Well they are 16 already but it has been over 24 hours so I guess there is no helping here." He took the bottle that Paula gave him anyway. "Thank you Paula. When I find a woman, who agrees to test this I will let you know." One of the cubs was crying and Paula directly went to the other room where they were playing with an apologizing smile towards Zen. He stayed for an hour longer, played with the cubs and talked a bit with Paula and Katherine before he returned to the main mansion. Even though he pondered the whole evening, with a few distractions by Dott and Minna who helped him to release a bit of his stress, he could not come up with any solution for what to tell Dott's mother. He had to let it come to him and then see how it turned out.

The Saturday, January 20, came and Mara took all the girls with her to the cottage where the cubs where. They told them that they would do a day with playing with the cubs and learn about caring for cubs. Especially Tina, Isabelle and Debra were very happy to learn more about caring for their cubs that would be born in a few months. They showed their big bellies proud and the zebra girl even started to lactate in the last days. Zen put the two girls, Minna and Dott, in his room and prepared his office for the arrival of Mrs. McGrail. She pulled up with her car exactly at noon and Zen opened the gate to allow her to stop the car if front of the mansion. To greet her he put on some jeans and a shirt. Mrs. McGrail wore a thick coat because the weather was rather cold and when she let Zen help her out of it and put it into the wardrobe she revealed a long yellow dress that was fitting her yellow spotted fur perfectly. She looked a bit tired. "Welcome Mrs. McGrail. I hope the drive here was comfortable?" she nodded and let him take her paw for the greeting. "It was a bit stressing after my week but with my husband out of the house I was at least able to slip out. He traveled to a political meeting and will not be back before Monday." She explained. Her paw felt soft but lifeless in Zen's paw and he made haste to lead her to the office and had her sit down on the chair he prepared for her. "I am sorry to invade here. I know that normally no one is allowed at the school after the term started. I hope I will not be a burden." Zen smiled. "We made some arrangements for a trip of the girls so they are not in the mansion right now. You do not need to worry. I can understand that you wanted to discuss this in person." She returned the smile exhausted. "I thank you Mr. Moons. I can't express how much I appreciate that you are so understanding and that you kept this from going into a scandal. I would like to leave the police out of this if possible." "I will not involve the police, don't you worry. Your husband was good for me in helping me with this project and therefore I think it is only fair if I keep an uproar about this from happening." He replied and sat down in his chair. "Where is my daughter?" she asked. "She is in another room. I figured you would want to talk to me first, but when we are finished we will get them." Mrs. McGrail closed her eyes and held the paw against her head and with the other massaged her shoulder. "Is everything okay, Mrs. McGrail?" Zen asked and raised from the chair to get closer to her. "Are you not feeling well?" - "Just the fatigue and some stiffness from the drive here." She replied. "I have to admit that my worries about all this and the stress in the last days piled up the fatigue." She looked up to him and he saw in her eyes that she was very tired. "Maybe, before we start, I can help you to relax a bit with a massage? I also keep the health and energy of the girls and staff here good by massages. I am trained in medical and refreshing massages as you might know from your husband." The training he mentioned was one of the certificates he got during the training for medical care of children when he prepared for running the school over a year ago. "I could never ask you for that." She said in a polite way but he just smiled at her. "I am offering it to you. Where do you have the stiffness? Just in the neck or in your whole back." He asked. "Actually in the whole body from neck to the legs. It was a long drive here." She admitted. "But is it really okay with you?" "Like I said Mrs. McGrail. I don't mind at all and afterwards we might be able to talk about it much better. First let me make sure that you are feeling better and get back some energy." He opened the door and offered Mrs. McGrail to show her the way. It was only a short way to the small infirmary where they had a soft padded plank bed with a special extension for the head that was adjustable for the head size. It was specialized for massages. "Please take your dress off and lay down on your belly. The head goes into this special extension there and then just relax and let me make you release the tension in your back and shoulders first."

Zen turned around and pulled the curtain around it to give Mrs. McGrail a bit private to undress and lay down. She seemed to be accustomed with massages and when he returned a bit later with the special oil for massages she laid on the bed. She had taken her dress and shoes off. She only wore an underskirt and Zen could see it bulging out a bit as if there was something beneath it. He started to softly run his hands over the back of the cheetah woman, over her shoulders, arms and neck. He felt the knots and stiffness in her neck and parts of her back and first started to stroke them softly at from the spine to the outside to make her relax a bit more. He also stroked along her arms, skipped her clothed hind and stroke her legs until she relaxed with a sigh. She winced a bit when he softly wrapped his paws around her tail and stroke it in the direction of the fur. Her tail first twitched a bit from her tensing up but his soft and skilled strokes with slightly massaging thumbs made her relax and her tail soon lay in his hands limp and started to relax with each massaging pressure. He went on with her legs and massaged her feet and the legs until all the stiffness and tensions softened and another sigh could be heard from the cheetah. He knew that he was skilled. Mara had praised him a few times and all the pregnant girls enjoyed it when he massaged them every week, a small bonus when one of the girls was carrying his child. Other than this he did it only once a month for everyone else or if they hurt themselves he did a partial massage of the part that hurt. Zen returned to the upper body and started with the arms. He applied a bit more pressure and went down from the upper arm to the lower arm and her paws. He took each finger and massaged it to release the strong tension. After the arms, he massaged her back, which took him a bit longer because she had very strong tensions there, and then moved on the neck and massaged her head and ears as well. She was by now breathing slow and steady and had her eyes closed and just enjoyed the relaxing massage.

"Are you okay with mint oil for the massage? It will deepen the relaxing effect." Zen asked. Mrs. McGrail needed a moment to answer in her relaxed state. "You spoil me Mr. Moons. I have nothing against massage oil. My masseur is using it as well." Zen went to the table where he put the oil and got back to the cheetah woman. He wet the pads of his paws and started with her neck and head again by massaging it into the skin. He was careful to not let it soak into the fur because this would just soak up the oil and it was much more relaxing if it was only put on the skin in a minimal dose. He went down the shoulders to her arms and paws. When he was finished with this he went for the legs and massaged it into her feet and toes and then along the legs and even massaged it into her now completely relaxed tail. It took him over ten minutes until he returned to her upper body and started to work from her shoulders down to her back. She emitted a low moan when he massaged the areas where the tension had been the strongest and he spend twenty minutes to release the tension until all her muscles were soft and relaxed. She stopped to moan in the last minutes and he got to her hip and hit the edge of her special underwear, the reason why her underskirt was bulged out. "I will loosen this up a bit so you can relax there better. Is this okay with you Mrs. McGrail?" he asked but he did not get an answer. Her steady breath told him that she had fallen asleep from her exhaustion and the relaxing feeling of his massage. He just softly let his hands glide around her hips to the lock at the front and unlocked the special underwear. He also unlocked the tail lock and then slowly pulled the special underwear down her legs together with the underskirt and put it on a chair next to the bed. The smell of her heat was strong and he saw juices glisten between her legs and soak into the towel under her. When he looked at the special underwear he saw that the inside was drenched. The moans before had most likely been from her getting stimulated by the massage. Zen felt his jeans getting tight as the smell directly communicated with his member but he pulled his gaze from the special underwear, wet his pads with oil again and began to massage the line where the special underwear had cut into her fur and skin around her hip. He loosened up the tension around her hip and then started to massage the base of her tail and her buttocks. Mrs. McGrail moaned once when he massaged her tail base but she did not wake up. Zen started to run his paws over her back again and then let them glide lower and around her chest and massaged it to release the tension there. All to this point was still the normal procedure for a full body massage to relax and heal the body. He went down from her chest to her belly and massaged it while she still lay on her belly by lifting the body a bit up and pressure the tension points with the tips of his fingers. By now Zen's member was hurting in his jeans. The smell got stronger and he groaned low from the high arousal that he tried to fight down. He started to marvel in the sight of the cheetah while he massaged her. She had the perfect body, slim and beautiful with well-groomed fur, a long tail and long legs. She was a bit bigger than her daughter but not much.

A moan made him look to her head. He had hit one of her erect dugs which had made her react but she still did not wake up. He touched her dugs again and massaged them. It was by this point not a normal massage anymore. He was actively stimulating her and he noticed that his control crumbled. From the stimulation, her body reacted and her legs spread a tiny bit and her tail went up. It was still relaxed and lay on her buttocks but the tail base lifted and showed her perfect pucker and under it the edge of her snatch and the soaked fur that was glistening. Zen felt his face being drawn to her hind and while his hands still massaged the last line of her dugs at her belly, he closed in to her tail base. The smell was overpowering and he extended his tongue and licked the wet fur. He did not press enough to reach her folds but just scratched her fur and got the taste on his tongue. Her pussy twitched a bit under his breath. Her taste was like her scent, very mature and hot. Zen savored the little drop in his muzzle and suckled on his own tongue. He still controlled himself hard but his member even had the knot slowly forming and pre was smearing at his underwear. He remembered the training and the rule that a male masseur should leave it to a female masseur to treat a woman in heat. At least if it was a full body massage. Without him wanting it he had ignored this rule and now he found himself hanging on a hair with his willpower to prevent himself from giving in to the strong arousal. He could not do this. It had already impregnated Dott and this was a big problem and he was not sure how to keep this secret but if he would give in now, her mother would be pregnant as well and this would be impossible to cover up. He was not sure if her husband was mating with her at all but with him out of the house it would be easy to ensure that he was not the father by simple math at the time the baby was born. He had to resist and tried to just leave the room and leave the woman here. It would be hard to explain why he stripped her and left her like this but he still was not at the point of no return. He managed to turn his head towards the exit and then his eyes fell upon a small vial at the cupboard. His mind suddenly connected this image with the bottle he received from Paula the previous evening and that was resting in the drawer in his room. Like a curse this option filled his mind and he pulled off his shirt and opened his pants. He released his member from the tight prison and let the jeans and the underwear drop down on the floor and stepped out of it. A minute later he kneeled over the sleeping cheetah and had his hands wrapped around her hips again and pulled her up carefully. His fingers caressed over her belly and found the last line of dugs again and stimulated them which had her body react and assist him in pushing up. Her hind went up, brushed along his full erect member and he felt his tip brush against her tail base, then her tail hole and smear the pre all over her fur and pucker. Then it brushed over her soft and wet folds and parted it slightly before it dropped out under them and his member dangled right under her pussy. Her dripping juices felt hot on his sensitive member and he moaned while he still massaged her dugs and made the flow of the juice increase. He pressed his chest against her back and descended his muzzle to her neck. He took in the mild scent of the mint oil and started to lick her neck. Something inside him still fought against the instinct to plow her but it was a losing fight already. The only thing that could prevent the all deciding move was her waking up. He felt her muscle tense a bit which showed that from her being pulled up and his nibbled and licks in her neck she started to regain her senses. His mind realized his position. He was on top of her and she would wake up and know exactly what he did. There was no time. It was now or never and his mind just came to the wrong conclusion. His teeth pierced into the skin at her neck, his hips pulled back and up until his tip was nestled within her snatch and then he pushed forward with a strong push sending his full grown knot clashing with her drenched folds spreading them already to a quarter of his knot and his member spearing deep into her and spreading her cervix open to reach the womb.

Mrs. McGrail woke up instantly. "What is... ooooh..." a long moan interrupted her question when Zen pushed again, this time nearly pressing in half of his knot. Her insides clenched a bit now that she was awake and hugged his member gently. This made the experience even more rewarding for Zen and he began to plow her with a fast pace luring out strong moans with each push. She seemed to not realize her position right now but would not have been able to do anything even if she would have noticed. He had her pinned with the bite in the neck and she could do nothing more than moaning and twitching around his member. He moved in and out with a high pace, not pushing strong enough to slip all his knot in, prolonging the final. The head of the cheetah was swimming in endorphins and hormones from the heat and stimulations which left her no free thought about the situation or that it was not her husband that took her. In Zen's head, she just turned into a Dott who was in heat again. Her mother was nearly as tight as the girl that he just deflowered a week ago. Her insides also started to clench in her starting orgasm and this time Zen pushed as hard as possible, sending his knot inside her with a wet squelch and inseminated her waiting womb on the spot. He let out a loud howl that built a duet with her roar. The milking around his penis went on for a few minutes and then got weaker, just like his spurts that slowed down. Her moans got more silent and finally she went back to sleep. She sure had been very fatigued already when she arrived here and Zen spread her legs with his paws to allow them to dangle right and left from the plank bed and sit back himself taking the female with him, who was now sitting in his lap, impaled on his member and knot and breathing calm in her sleep. Zen still felt the last throbs of his member and the faint twitch of her insides while he calmed down himself and finally his mind caught up with what he just did. His paws softly caressed over her erect dugs and ran over the full line of them while his mind slowly thought about the consequences. There was no going back now. He still remembered that his mind had accepted this when he thought about the medicine of Paula but it had been his horniness deciding and his mind just denying the all saving thought about the consequences. He was not even sure if the medicine would work or which side effects there were. Sure, Paula said it should be safe to use but she did not know if it actually worked. In addition to that he could not just let the woman drink something that was potentially dangerous and the main problem was not at all if she was pregnant or not but that he just mated the wife of the chief of education. If she would utter any word to her husband, no scandal or information would keep him from sending some special forces to the school or the police. But now that the damage was done his mind also relaxed because it could not get any worse now. He slowly went back to enjoying the hot and wet tunnel around his member and just pushed the worries aside and his hip up. Zen picked the cheetah up and carried her out of the medical room to his own room. Dott and Minna made big eyes when they saw him walking in naked with Dott's mother impaled on his dick and knotted. They did not ask anything but just looked with an open muzzle. Zen moved to his bed and carefully lay the cheetah woman on her stomach and laid down on top of her, still knot deep inside her snatch. He felt his knot slowly shrinking down until he was able to pull out. Semen was leaking from her snatch onto the sheet.

Zen turned around and presented his dick towards Dott who, trained in the last week, did directly drop to her knees and started to take it into her muzzle to lick off the spunk and softly suckled on it. He started to pull up her shirt and she understood. He lay back on the bed and she licked his member while she stripped down and soon was completely naked. Her friend Minna did the same, knowing that if he requested it from Dott, she was meant as well. After they cleaned him up he mounted Dott and pushed into her while he inhaled the heat of her mother in deep breathes. The girl was much tighter and did stretch much more reluctant than in her heat and she groaned a few times under her moans. The saliva and soon his pre and her juices helped him to slip in a bit easier. Both of them enjoyed the ride until Zen noticed that Mrs. McGrail started to wake up. "You should continue that in the shower while I am caring for your mother." He told Dott and she seemed a bit disappointed that he pulled out. The girls left and closed the shower door after themselves and he heard a silent muffled moan short afterwards. Mrs. McGrail lifted her head and gazed at him in disbelieve glued on his erect penis that pointed into her direction. Her paw moved towards her snatch that was still slightly open and dripped his semen. "What have you done?" she finally asked. "Why did you do this. We are not partners and I can't get pregnant. The scandal would be horrible. Why did you force yourself on me?" Zen looked at her and sighed. "I could not help it with your smell but it seemed to me that you had no objections. Was it a long time since your husband relieved you the last time?" he changed the topic. Her silence was speaking for itself. "And for the part with getting pregnant I do have a proposal for you. I have a new developed medicine which could potentially prevent you from getting pregnant if you take it in the next hours. It has not been tested yet though. If you want I will let you test it but you will have to give a report of how it worked and if there were side effects." Mrs. McGrail did not hesitate a second. She seemed to be very concerned about getting pregnant and having to explain it to her husband. "This is a live saver. Not that I would have needed saving if it was not for your savage act but at least you help to clean up the mess a bit." Zen did not move but looked into her eyes with a smile. "Well, I could give the medicine to you but it is very rare. How do you want to pursue me that I should give it to you?" he asked. She looked at him in shock first but then her eyes softened. "Okay, but only once and under protest. You are an evil man to blackmail me like that." She said but her expression was not showing any disgust. Actually, her face and also her body that she moved into mating position with a dripping pussy and the gaze over her shoulder signaled that she longed for his member and the sexual attention. Zen wondered if she was starved out, hungering for sex. Her husband must have held her on withdrawal for a year or even longer. Her position would not have been interpreted differently by anyone in another way as as her wanting to seduce him. She needed him inside her more than he needed to be inside her. Her words however said the total opposite but Zen decided to not care about her words for now.

Her moans echoed through the room strongly when he mounted her and pushed in. His teeth pierced into her neck slightly but there was no need to hold her at all. She met his thrusts with eager pushes back against him sending her juices splashing from the wet smack of his knot against her tinder folds. He let his hip push against her hind with a fast pace making her chirp with a shrill voice. She came around his member even before he pushed in his knot and he pushed in and out for a minute into the twitching and convulsing tunnel until his knot slipped in with a loud squelch and a roar of Mrs. McGrail. He moaned loud and let all his pent up semen gush into her womb to mark his work complete. She milked every drop out of his climax and only when his seed rush finished her insides slowly calmed down and soon he lay on top of the much older cheetah woman, knotted and panting while he felt the pleased purr of the cheetah and felt her erect dugs under his paws that caressed her belly and chest. It was clear that she enjoyed this action and instead of being angry about this arrangement she seemed to be very happy at this moment. When his knot finally slipped out of her he rolled on his back and took a deep breath of the heat filled air. The adult woman, with the small rest and the energy regaining massage, however was not finished yet. She did not utter any word of disgust or that he was forcing her. By herself she directly went for his dick with her muzzle and started to lick over his rod and removed the juices from his phallus. He moaned and his shrinking member was hard and his knot full size within minutes. She did not wait for him to get up but now was hot for more and she mounted him while he lay on his back, pushing herself on his member with a loud moan and leaned forward to kiss him while she moved forward and backwards to slide his rod in and out at increasing speed. Zen let her do the work this time and enjoyed the wonderful feeling in her slick tunnel. He noticed that she had a lot of experience, maybe even more than him, with sex and got an idea of what she might have done with her husband when she was younger. Her walls clenched around his penis and stimulated him even more and when she sat up and forced herself down so hard that his knot slipped in they both climaxed at the same time. Zen let her take over control and lead in the sexual game. He noticed that the shower door opened and the girls slipped in to hide in a corner and watch their mating with big eyes without speaking a word. Mrs. McGrail did not notice them or regard anything but Zen. She rode Zen in different positions and then lay back on her back and pulled him into missionary position. Her heat and most likely also her possible years without a mate to please her made her like a hungry beast. Zen lost count over how many times he came after the seventh spurts inside her womb and a few into her muzzle or on her body. Very slowly she started to tire out again and he also was already panting heavily. Now he rested on her back in the mating position and she held his weight crouching on all fours. His favorite part had been when she had rolled around like a feral cat in heat after a few sessions but now he just was happy to get a breather. None of his mates had ever been this demanding for his energy, but then again he had always been the one in control before as well and never had a woman of the age of Mrs. McGrail. She seemed to have experience like a pro mating machine from the way she kept going and all the positions she knew that Zen not even heard of before. "You were wonderful." He whispered into her ear and licked it and she slowly got up and pushed him into a sitting position while still being impaled on his throbbing dick with his knot deep inside her twitching tunnel and sitting on his lap.

"You promised me some medicine." She said with a very businesslike voice. Her hunger for sex seemed to have been stilled with their ongoing mating. Zen looked at the clock at his desk and noticed that they had been at it for two hours since he carried her into the room. He must have lost his mind in a rut midway because it did not feel like two hours for him. "I think this is only fair." He answered and he stood up and held her in front of him while walking over to his desk and let himself sink into his chair. Both of them moaned strong and a last spurt of his semen left his twitching member and hit the pool in her warm womb. He pulled the medicine out of a drawer and gave it to her. The prescription on the bottle said to just drink the full bottle at least 24 hours after the first cum shot and she pulled up the cork and downed the bottle in one go. "Does not taste too bad." She commented after gulping it down. "I just hope it does what you promise. Not that it would mean much for you. I am sure you know that I will report that you assaulted me and have you locked up, do you?" Zen, who had just been in bliss from his last orgasm came back to reality within seconds. After a moment of shock, he roamed over her slightly bulged belly and nipples and smiled when he answered. "I don't think you will risk anyone getting a word about this." She chuckled. "Mr. Moons. Who do you think will they believe more? It will not be more than a rumor what we did and if your word is against mine, who do you think my husband will believe more?" Zen did not back down but just reached out to his laptop and clicked on the recently recorded files to pull up the room a bit less than two hours ago. "I am not sure if anyone could misunderstand this as me forcing you." He commented and Mrs. McGrail was speechless and he saw from the corner of his eyes that she had her muzzle open when she looked at the video of her presenting like a love crazy feral cat in heat and afterwards dominated him with a bliss on her face. He felt her losing her composure. From how she did this all he was sure she had done this to someone before, maybe years ago, and all she did had been like a trap to have him in control but now she started to shiver. She had not thought about him having surveillance in his room. Her calculation failed. "I suggest you stay silent about all this and it would be great if you would report any side effects of the medicine and the result. The researcher will be happy to get a testing report. I think it speaks for itself that you should not talk to anyone about the medicine or anything that you saw here or that happened. I think it would not be good for you or your husband." He said silently and caressed the belly of the shivering female. "By the way, maybe you want to see how I impregnated your daughter? She will bear you a nice grandchild soon." He mentioned and he opened the folder of Dott and played the video how she submissively got fucked by him while he caressed the silent female until his knot shrank and his member retreated out of her snatch and she leaked his spunk on the chair.

It took an hour until Mrs. McGrail finally recovered from the shock that her trap caught the hunter instead of her prey. The next time she got out of her thoughts she saw Minna and Dott licking Zen's dick. She stayed for the night and Zen explained Mara over the speakers that he would stay in his room with Mrs. McGrail. He did not utter any word about what happened to Mara yet. After a break Zen mated the female in heat again. She seemed to be a bit calmer now and there was nothing that could be lost by more sperm inside her. If the medicine worked or not, the extra mating would not change anything. In addition, she admitted to Zen that she was strong in need and that her husband had not become intimate with her for over five years already. Only when Zen asked about his suspicion that she might have led another male into this trap before she did not respond. At the next noon, the girls were all at the cottage again, she left them with her car. Her belly was slightly bulged under her dress and she had her special underwear on again. Zen gave her a small parting gift into her womb and she held it in to keep it until she got home. She promised to keep everything secret and to come up with an excuse for Dott who was to stay with Zen together with Minna. He explained to her that this was the easiest way for her to have the cub without making a big scandal out of it. When the woman pulled out of the gate and the gate closed behind her Zen smiled and knew that he just got a powerful connection for anything that would come. Not only was Mrs. McGrail the wife of the chief of education but she also had much influence in the politics and he knew she was very popular with different political factions.

Summer Heat – Chapter 26: Testing results

# Summer Heat - Chapter 26: Testing results Life returned more or less to normal in the next weeks. Zen introduces Minna and Dott to the girls and explained them that they were additional staff to help to care for them. Zen explained the rules to the...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 24: Complications

# Summer Heat - Chapter 24: Complications When Mara got into his room the next morning the two girls were still sleeping. There was some explaining to do by Zen and he told Mara everything that happened in the last night. "This is a mess." Mara...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 23: Intruders

# Summer Heat - Chapter 23: Intruders Zen woke up by the alarm light flashing in his room. He was awake directly and checked the cameras on his laptop. One of the sensors at the wall was activated and he switched the cameras of the area through. On...

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