Summer Heat – Chapter 27: Reasons

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#27 of Summer Heat

I was asked in the past about the relationship of Mara and Zen. Well, finally there is a bit of light being shed on this relationship and why they are as close as they are.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 27: Reasons

When Mara got into Zen's room the next day she saw to her surprise that Zen was pounding the chirping and mewling Ida hard and on the chair there was a bound cheetah who was crazy from her need. She first thought that it was Dott but soon realized that it was her mother. She stayed a bit until Zen was finished with his current orgasm with Ida and then questioned him about the situation. "Oh, good morning Mara. Sorry for not informing you last night but we actually got a late guest and I did not want to wake you up." He moaned because the tunnel around his thick knot was still twitching lightly and stimulating his spurting sensitive member. "I know it is asking a lot, but could you please go to Paula after the breakfast and fetch a bottle of her special medicine for Gilla?" Mara knew which one Zen meant but she still looked at him with a stern face. She was barely able to think with the muffled mewled of Gilla McGrail. She looked into the face of the woman and noticed that she was so occupied by her strong need that she did not regard Mara or notice that she was in the room. She only looked at Zen and Ida and squirmed and dripped her juices on the chair. "Will that now become a regular thing? Because I do think that it is risky and might cost us detection." She asked Zen. Her wolf friend only smiled. "Don't worry. She will not tell anything. After all it was her who came here voluntarily and asked for me to help her cheat on her husband." Zen caressed the body of Ida and by her exhaustion Mara knew that the girl had multiple orgasms behind her alone this morning. "This may be but every time she comes here she might be followed and don't you think it would be suspicious if she left her home to get here every time she is in heat?" Zen looked at her and his smile vanished. "You are right. I think I should talk with her when she is more responsive." He replied after a minute of pondering. He pulled the purring lynx girl off his shrinking knot and kissed her before he held the dripping girl towards Mara. "Can you take care of Ida and get her some breakfast?" he asked his friend. "Come back when you have finished breakfast." He whispered into the ear of Ida while Mara sighed and received the girl. She put her on the ground and gave the lynx girl a soft kiss on her forehead. "Come Ida, let's get you a shower before we get to the breakfast. Are you not coming Zen?" she looked at Zen who approached the cheetah that was struggling against her ropes with her eyes rolling into the back. "Never mind." She just commented and took the paw of the younger girl to leave the room. When she was about to shut the door, she heard that Zen pulled out the gag and pushed his member into her snatch because of the loud moan followed by a roar of the cheetah just when the door closed behind her. She just shook her head in disbelieve of the scatterbrained decisions of Zen some times. She was not angry at him, she was long past this point for anything he did, but more worried.

"She should just let herself get knocked up." Paula was mixing the ingredients for the anti-pregnancy medicine. "I mean I understand that this would be bad for her in terms that her husband might find out what she is doing behind his back but you are right Mara. If this go on like that she will be here every month and at some point, it will be discovered. Even more if she loses her awareness because of her heat." The beaver woman seemed to be less concerned about Zen being busted but more about the consequences for Mrs. McGrail. "I think I will have a talk with her from woman to woman, when her heat is declining. You said she wanted to stay until her heat is over?" she looked at Mara who sat in a chair and stretched her arms exhausted from the morning of watching the girls. "Yes, this is what Zen said when I brought him back Ida after breakfast. You know him. It was hard to get any conversation running at all with the two females in heat in there. I am just happy that he seems to not threat Ida the same way he does Mrs. McGrail. Even though it seems like the cheetah is wanting this. Just like her daughter and Minna." "I was wondering about something for a while now. You are Zen's girlfriend, aren't you?" Mara raised an eyebrow. "Aren't we all his girlfriends, the girls included?" she asked but Paula shove away her comment with her paw. "Yes, we are. I mean, you are his childhood friend. Aren't you jealous or angry that he is mating with others than you? I thought you were something like his wife. I mean more than we others anyway." Mara smiled. "I have such thoughts sometimes, but only very rarely. Zen and me are more like..." she searched for the words. "Yes you could say we are like brother and sister. We know each other for our whole life, even before I could remember. He once saved my life and since then he always had been special for me. He was something alike a big brother for me and he always cared for me." - "He saved your life? How did this happen?" "Well, I do not remember much of it. Most of what happened was told to me much later by my parents. I only remember his hands holding me...

... It happened when I was just a few months old. I think he was nearly one but he was already able to run and talk. He was a very early developed boy. Back then I had always had problems with sleeping and my mother often took me around the streets, carrying me in her arms. My parents are very poor and therefore they could not afford a cub carrier. I don't know how it happened. If I remember right from what my mother told me someone collided with her and she stumbled. Even though she clung hard to me, she lost her grip because of the impact and I ended up in the middle of the street. Zen and his mother had been going home from shopping and like I said, Zen was already running and talking but he noticed what happened and that a car was heading my way. He jumped on the streets and grabbed me and pulled me back to the passenger way just in time before the car stopped from its full breaking right where I had been a second before. This was how our parents met and the relationship between me and Zen started. From this point on he came nearly daily to play or my mother went to his home with me. His parents helped my family out a few times and when we got to elementary school, his parents were not home much anymore. They left him alone with his sister most of the time, asking a 6 years old boy to care for his two years old sister. My parents helped at the start and took her when Zen was at school. When his sister was old enough for kindergarten he cared for her all by himself. This is one of the reasons why he is not very fond of his parents. I think he always saw in me and my family something like an exchange for the family that he did not have. Sierah became something like my little sister and we have been inseparable since then, all three of us."

"That is a sad story." Paula sighed. "Not really!" replied Mara. "Sure, Zen still resents his parents for acting so irresponsibly, but it also made him strong and we had a happy cubhood together. He never let his parents get him down." Paula nodded. "This explains why he is so good at caring for younger girls. I think he got quite some practice. He told me that the school was only founded because he got his sister and you pregnant?" she asked while she closed the bottle with the medicine and sat back to continue her chat with Mara. "And Lily, yes. At first we only wanted to make it a fake school with just me, Sierah, Lily and Angela, but I made a mistake with the website and more girls have been able to apply and because how it was setup it confirmed their sign up and we had no way to avoid them coming." The sound of the playing cubs and the voices of Lena, Dott and Minna came from the rooms next door. The lab and medical office of Paula was next to the play room of the cub cottage after all. "He changed after we started the school though. He decided to knock up every girl in heat and keep this secret. To be honest at first I was very skeptical and I only went along with his proposal because I trusted him and I did not want to talk against him in front of all the cubs but with the time I got used to him fucking the girls in heat, or even without it." She shook her head. "I am just worried that he is overdoing it. I mean Dott and Minna turned out to be okay but his affair with Mrs. McGrail could really blow our cover." - "I am totally with you, hon. Like I told you before." Both women looked at each other and then started to laugh. The conversation went on for another hour with different topics.

While the women were talking, Zen worked the two kitten in heat in his room. He filled up Ida until she dropped out exhausted and then finally had mercy with Gilla and made her squirm under his heavy jabs into her pussy with his dick and knot. Zen and Ida did not go to classes on this Monday but stayed in his room all the day with Gilla. Mara brought something to eat for Zen and Gilla later and made sure to give Ida a breather by fetching her for lunch and dinner. She also brought the medicine to Zen and he made Gilla drink it. The woman was by now so much in her heat driven endorphin rush that she did not care about anything but being pounded. Zen did not leave her hanging so long and took her more often, even more because Ida was away for lunch and dinner for an hour during noon and evening. At the third day (Tuesday) he did not need to bind Gilla anymore. Like her daughter she followed his command to not masturbate and wait for her turn and in exchange he did not leave her without satisfaction for so long. He took his females in turns now and because Ida still exhausted much faster, he took Gilla multiple times in a row after two or three goes alternating between them. Zen put a collar on Gilla, just like he had done on Minna and Dott, and had her follow him to classes. If the woman would not have been so deep into her heat, she might not have wanted to present to Zen and give the girls, who were watching with big eyes, a first row show on a heavy dominating mating, but her mind was occupied and her eyes half shut while she moaned and chirped under Zen in front of everyone. He had Gilla present for him on all fours, the mating position, and after he took her and gushed his semen into her snatch and womb he had her clean herself in the way their feral ancestors had done. She submitted to his request and soon pushed her leg high, showing all the girls her soppy pussy, and started to run her tongue along the leg. Because they were not as agile as their ancestors in the end she needed help from Ida and a few other girls that licked her pussy on request of Zen. He had volunteers step up for that and no one was commanded to do it but most girls had sucked him off or licked each other already and therefore they did not complain about it but went to work. Zen used the break to take Ida to the side and give her a good fucking as well. The girl was running around with a slightly bulged belly all the time. Not that Zen asked her to do this but the girl liked the feeling of his semen sloshing inside her and how her belly was filled to the brim. It was hard for her to keep her cervix shut all the time and therefore she leaked a bit of semen, that was coating her pussy and finally dropped on the ground, every now and then. Even if he had not requested it from her, Zen adored the lynx cub with the bulging belly. She looked cute for him and just as if she was a few weeks into pregnancy already. He knew she would show much more belly in just a few months, like her sister did and her mother was currently doing. The class was ended by Tina and Isabelle licking his softening member clean while the other girls were licking the pussies of Gilla and Ida. The adult cheetah did not complain or say anything. She just moaned from the stimulations. Zen fondled and caressed the utters of Tina and Isabelle and their big bellies and spared each of them a kiss after their work was done. More and more of the girls grouped around him and wanted to get their share of the affection and Mara smiled when she looked at Zen surrounded by all the girls who had their pussies glistering wet from pleasing each other. This sure did not look like a school but more like Zen's personal mating ground. Mara knew that it was just that but even though it was also a school. The girls did learn all that they would have learned in regular schools and more. When Zen pulled up Ida and pushed his member, that got hard again, into the girl, Mara decided to also join in with the girls. She closed in to Gilla and ran her paws over her dugs before she descended her muzzle to the snatch of the older woman to release her from the tension of her heat.

In the next days, Zen belittled the adult cheetah more and more and even had her run around like a feral cat on all fours. Also no one was allowed to clean her up after he fucked her and because she also was not allowed to use her paws, she dripped his semen all the time. But as much as Zen enjoyed it to have Gilla dance in his palms, it seemed the adult female also liked being dominated this way. She was not bound anymore and Zen told her that if she wanted to stop it she could at any time. But the cheetah continued with the act and acted like a feral cat in heat. As a reward Zen did not leave her hanging anymore. He took her whenever she demanded and he was not knot deep in Ida. There were a few times when Mara watched them go, that she wondered if this was really the same woman that she had seen on television, with beautiful clothes and graceful steps meeting politicians of other countries and being the center of attention at galas. When the heat of both, Gilla and Ida, faded, Zen allowed Gilla to cut the act and she soon just behave like all other females. Her heat still had her present to Zen a few times a day but they all took part of the daily life of the school more and Paula also finally found the time and attention of Gilla to have long talks with her. The two woman soon became good friends and walked around most of the time, if Gilla was not searching the company of Zen to have him tend to her needs. When her heat was nearly over, Gilla decided that she had to get back home to not raise any suspicion. She already had talked to a friend who would testify that she was with her the whole week. Zen did not let her go without a last long and enduring mating. He left three loads inside her, that she mostly kept inside on his request, and after she put on her anti scent underwear and the dress, she started her car and pulled off the ground. The bulge of her belly was clearly visible through the silhouette of the dress. While Zen was making sure that the gates were closing behind her, Ida was sitting on his knot, holding herself in position by wrapping her arms and legs around his hip and torso and he was spurting his thick cream inside her innermost chamber. It was the last day of her heat as well.

Summer Heat – Chapter 28: Paula’s decision

# Summer Heat - Chapter 28: Paula's decision Another month passed and spring started. March went by rather uneventful and the tests for all topics went good. The girls worked good to learn all about the regular classes and Zen was pleased by their...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 26: Testing results

# Summer Heat - Chapter 26: Testing results Life returned more or less to normal in the next weeks. Zen introduces Minna and Dott to the girls and explained them that they were additional staff to help to care for them. Zen explained the rules to the...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 25: A deal

# Summer Heat - Chapter 25: A deal The days went by fast. Zen had to teach the other girls in classes and in these times, he bound Dott and Minna to make sure they were not masturbating. When he returned to his room he found the girls moaning and...

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