Brothers (2016 Patreon Reward)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Final Fantasy/Ronso

The full release of my Patreon Ronso story "Brothers" for you guys to enjoy!

Yenke realizes he has a desperate need when it comes to Kimahri, when he heads to the local hot spring of course, there's a few surprises waiting on him there!

If you like these stories guys come follow me on Patreon; my address has changed as me and Wolfgang are partnering up, it is now at the $5 level you'll not only get to read them ahead of time, but also you'll be able to vote on who you'd like to see next :)


"Puny Kimahri so small!" Biran Ronso grunted as he shoved Kimahri by the chest, making the warrior take a step back. "So small he could fit in tiny handbag!"

"Haaahaha!" Yenke chortled in response. "So tiny, he could fit in Summoner Yuna's shoe!"

"AHAHA!" Biran laughed.

"Kimahri not so small to be bullied by you." The warrior snarled, his fur already raised a bit, his tail swishing behind him. "Kimahri take you both on!"

Standing upright, Kimahri stabbed the butt of his halberd into the ground in front of him, causing it to spark with magical energy. Biran and Yenke looked at one another and grinned as they spread apart, facing their brother with showing teeth and growling throats. "Kimahri gonna wish he had walked away." Biran said.

"Hornless Kimahri worthless fighter." Yenke taunted.

"Kimahri will teach Yenke a lesson." Kimahri growled.

Suddenly, the sky overhead darkened as Yenke turned to Biran. "Biran... does all this seem familiar?"

"What Yenke talking about?" Biran asked, not turning his eyes toward the warrior. "We will defeat Kimahri and prove once and for all what that runt deserves!"

There was a crackle of thunder that made Yenke jump slightly as the pair began to circle opposite Kimahri. Biran raised his arms, as his greatest weapons were his hands and Yenke brought out his own spear. A flash of lightning reflected off the metal of the spear, making Yenke wince and he barely had time to react upon seeing Kimahri suddenly charging at him.

"AHH!" Yenke grunted, deflecting Kimahri's weapon and jumping to the side, trying and failing to disarm the warrior. "Biran help Yenke!"

Biran laughed. "Yenke will do fine. Defeat Kimahri!"

"B-Biran!" Yenke spun his weapon and deflected another attack from Kimahri. Kimahri quickly rebounded with a thrust and nearly stabbed the warrior.

"Yenke not warrior." Kimahri snarled. "Yenke nothing but lacky, Kimahri can smell Yenke's fear."

Another blow deflected by Kimahri as the warriors tackled each other shoulder to shoulder. Despite Kimahri only coming up to Yenke's chest by way of height, he had a great deal of brute strength that bounced him back a good bit. A flash of lightning shot from Kimahri's spear now, sending a blast of electricity through Yenke and causing him to cry out as his muscles gave out in his legs, making him collapse to his knees in the snow.

"Yenke not worthy of being Kimahri's brother."

"HUAHHH!" Kimahri raised his spear and there was an exploding sound of thunder that rumbled through Yenke's ears.


"AHHH!" Yenke cried out as he awoke suddenly, bolting upright on his bed roll.

It was daylight out, the soft glow of the sun was penetrating the windows of his hut, now hurting Yenke's eyes as he winced and raised a hand defiantly to block the light. He was alone now, lying naked on his bed as he tried to shake off the remnants of the dream he'd awakened from. Putting his hand on his chest, he tried to breathe a little easier and bring down his heart rate. As he exhaled slowly, he looked up to see a familiar face peering in through the flap of his hut's door. "Kimahri?"

Kimahri's eyebrows lifted as he realized Yenke had awakened. "Yenke... feel alright?"

Yenke looked down at himself, then quickly covered his nudity. He shouldn't be ashamed, he had a warrior's body and quite an impressive form, but for some reason he didn't want Kimahri to see him like this. His body covered in cuts and bruises more than made up for how he was feeling. "What... happened last night?"

Kimahri bowed his head slightly. "We... Kimahri, Biran and Yenke, were arguing as usual. Biran want to challenge Kimahri to face Biran and Yenke in combat. Storm come up and interrupted... lightning strike bash Yenke. On head... and on chest... and on back... Kimahri never see something like this before. Yenke lose consciousness... Biran and Kimahri brought Yenke home."

Yenke pondered for a minute; was that what happened? Was his dream just his imagination after all? He winced, feeling the pain in his abdomen and clutched at his chest. Kimahri took a step forward. "Yenke fine." He said sternly, stopping Kimahri in his tracks. "Kimahri can leave now."

Stunned and looking a little irritated, Kimahri simply nodded his head before stepping from the hut and leaving Yenke alone.

The Ronso sat back on his roll, wincing slightly as his ribs ached as he looked out of the small hole that operated as a window to his room and he watched Kimahri step down and out into the snow, disappearing into its heavy downpour. He sighed and leaned back some, resting his head against the wall and pulling the cover off of him, leaving his half-erect cock out in the open. It sprang to life suddenly when he saw Kimahri looking at him naked and he blushed as he grasped the shaft. Immediately a moan passed from his lips, he'd always wanted the smaller Ronso to notice him, Biran and he have had... fun before, but Kimahri...

He gripped his cock, feeling it harden fully as soon as he touched it. He leaned back a bit further and began to stroke himself. He'd always imagined Kimahri taking him, even though he was so much taller, he wanted the warrior to press his meat into his tail and take advantage of him. His pulse could be felt clearly under the flesh and his slow, steady movements began to spring small rivers of white to the surface and he began dripping over the lip of his flesh, down to his stomach and down to the fur around his crotch. He huffed a bit and imagined the smaller Ronso, breeding him, pushing himself in so hard that his balls slapped him. He closed his eyes and licked his lips. He could feel Kimahri on top of him now. Growling; moaning, grunting as he strived to make his fill even deeper. Yenke wanted this badly, every muscle on his body tightened up, his free hand traveled from his nipple to his tail and with a bit of play, he was able to press two of his digits deep inside.

"K-Kimahri..." He moaned aloud, imagining the warrior's thick shaft plunging into him now. Now, more than ever he wanted him. "Yenke want... Kimahri flesh..." He felt his cheeks burn with a blush as he imagined the beast giving a savage roar before breeding him--"AHHHHHH!" Yenke's roar echoed through the hut and probably a good distance away as he came suddenly.

Glancing at his flesh, he watched as his white fluid spurted forward like a faucet, splashing across his hairy abdomen and chest, clinging to every strand of fur it encountered. As he began to settle down, he twitched as his muscles spasmed from the release and then groaned in agony as he remembered how painful it was to even breathe. After licking his fingers clean, he really began to analyze how much of a mess he'd just made of himself.

"Yenke?" Biran's voice from outside startled the dark-haired Ronso as he quickly pulled his blanket over the mess and pretended to be resting. "Yenke awake? Biran thought you made a noise."

"Ah... must have... been a dream." Yenke lied, smiling with a rather toothy grin at the blond barbarian who had pressed himself past the door and into the room. "Yenke hurting pretty bad."

"Yes." Biran nodded, raising his eyebrows. "Kimahri here?"

"Kimahri was here." Yenke emphasized. "But Yenke not feel like entertaining..."

Again Biran nodded. "Yenke should go to spring, bathe and soothe Yenke's muscles."

The younger of the pair nodded. "Yes. Perhaps." He realized that would be a good way to also clean off the mess he had made.

"Biran leave for now. Go to the springs, we will meet again later."

Yenke nodded a bit too much at the idea. "Yes. Biran go, Yenke will clean up and--soothe muscle."

Biran paused and looked around puzzled. "Yenke seem... nervous."

"Nervous? No. Not at all." He shook his head this time, again too much. "Just aching."

"Perhaps Biran should help--"

"No, Biran go." Yenke said. "Springs not far, Yenke will be fine."

As soon as Biran left, Yenke moved to get ready to head out. He cleaned his blue fur and brown fuzz as best as he could, but he couldn't completely clear the sticky semen lodged in most of his abdomen. He stuck his armor under his arm, and unlike his usual proud-self, chose to take a cloth and wrap it around himself as he stepped out into the snow. The stormy wind immediately tried to drag the cloth off him as it whipped into his body, almost knocking him over. Even if he hadn't been weakened and hurt by the storm earlier, it would have been hard for him to keep his balance as he made his way from the village and down the snowy peaks toward the billowing steam coming from the hot springs located just a couple of ledges below their encampment. The springs were often a place younger warriors would go to mess around and breed with each other outside the traditions of normal Ronso mating, but they've also found that the springs contained a remedial quality in its waters. Elders have gone in after being gravely injured only to emerge rejuvenated and young spirited. As such, it was a place that only the Ronso were permitted, and it would be a necessary treatment for Yenke, who cradled the lower part of his back as he made his way into the cave.

The smell was the first thing that hit him; immediately, it helped to unlock the tight muscles that had been injured. It didn't smell of sulfur, like some springs did. It was natural water that cooled enough from the mountain's snows to blend the perfect temperature as it hit the greenish blue pool at the bottom of the rocks. Steam filled the room like a fog and it hindered the view from only a few feet away. As he approached the water he grunted as he put his armor down, removed the cloth from around his waist and sank into the bubbling waters. He let out a long, deep sigh as he found a ledging of rock and sat upon it, his shoulders the only things above the water he stretched those out on the wall behind him and floated a bit. Exhaling he began to rub at the dried cum in his fur and started to scrub it free, not noticing another figure appearing from beyond the smoky atmosphere.

"That for Kimahri?"

Yenke's back jerked rigid again, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as before and he looked up. Kimahri was naked in front of him, an impressively built warrior, the lion was also impressively endowed for his lack of size. The crossbreeze from the cave's entrance caused Kimahri's blue fur to flutter a bit, his braids swaying against his pectorals as he looked down at the larger Ronso. Casually reaching down, Kimahri ran a thumb along his balls as if to scratch an itch and it attracted Yenke's attention to the meat that dipped there. "Is what for Kimahri?" Yenke asked innocently.

"What Yenke wash off in bath." He responded with a deadpan attitude, pointing at his crotch.

"Kimahri has no idea what he is talking about." Yenke said, sitting upright. "Why is Kimahri here?"

Kimahri didn't wait for an invitation before stepping down into the water and settling next to Yenke. "Kimahri come for a bath." He said with a pause. "Perhaps there could be room for more?" He suggested as he leaned a bit closer to the larger Ronso.

"Ki-Kimahri... Yenke--AHHH!" He growled out as Kimahri abruptly shoved his weight into Yenke's chest, straddling the larger Ronso's lap and pressing their cocks together under the water. The reaction was immediate, and Kimahri noticed it with a grin.

"Yenke want Kimahri...?" He asked, this time leaning in close so his maw rested close to Yenke's ear.

Their flesh touched and Kimahri's weight emphasized their mutual arousal. Yenke moaned and his hands rested on Kimahri's hips, bidding him forward and Kimahri took that as a response. He grabbed Yenke roughly by the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss. Yenke felt his face flush in embarrassment; he never realized Kimahri was attracted to males before, and keeping his fun with Biran quiet, he didn't think the warrior knew his own tastes. Their tongues wrestled briefly before Kimahri's invaded Yenke's lips and he hardened his grip, pinning the larger beast's arms back as he aggressively took control, grinding himself even harder against him.

Yenke let out a soft moan of submission, and Kimahri took the key before biting down on the larger male's neck, growling in his dominance as his tail swished and rose above the water and back down under it again. His growl was more bark-like now and he broke the kiss with a grin across his muzzle. "Yenke does want Kimahri..."

Yenke panted, hardly able to catch his breath. "Ye-yes..."

"Good. But first, Yenke must make Kimahri ready." He said as he stood and seated himself on the ledge, his erection only inches from Yenke's face.

Hungrily, Yenke wrapped his lips around the shaft, his tongue encircling the shaft almost completely as he leaned into it. His hands grasped the blue orbs that dangled before him and he brought his mouth over the tip. His mouth tightened as he made his way down the shaft, feeling it jerk and throb as it entered the warmth of his maw. He heard Kimahri moan at the touch and the sensation, the taste, the musk... it made him want to cum immediately, but Yenke swallowed the desire to do so; choosing instead to swallow as much of Kimahri's sex as possible. Kimahri grabbed Yenke's head then and suddenly pushed himself in deeper, almost triggering Yenke's gag reflex and he attempted to pull back. Swallowing though, he gained his second wind and moaned at the forcible nature of Kimahri's lust. He growled, massaging the warrior's cock with his throat and causing it to twist and swish against the back of his esophagus. Pulling his head back as Kimahri released it, he took a deep breath and went back down on it, feeling his saliva make the flesh slipperier each time it pulled out a little more and a little more than that. Holding his breath, then gasping with each release, the activity was getting him rather worked up.

Kimahri pulled Yenke from his cock and had a wide smile across his face. "Kimahri will release too soon if Yenke continues that." He said. "Up." He told the other Ronso, suddenly standing him then in a commanding tone he pointed to the stone. "Bend over for Kimahri." Unable to contain his excitement, Yenke laid himself across the rocks, exposing his backside to the other warrior. Kimahri smiled and ran a thumb along his chin, caressing Yenke's cheeks carefully. "Yenke has a beautiful ass." He complimented as he trailed his finger along the curves, then up the crevice and under the tail. "Kimahri will take Yenke's beautiful ass."

"Yes... Yenke would like that." He admitted, feeling his face grow warm with his embarrassment as he felt the fingers press inward; he gasped and clutched at the rocks, scratching the stone in front of him as he felt the other Ronso begin to finger-fuck him. He huffed and felt Kimahri's firm hand press down on the small of his back. He was a foot taller, and Yenke was acting like some virgin whelp waiting to be bred for the first time.

The next sensation made Yenke cringe, then moan all at once. The rough ripple of the Ronso's tongue now making a lap from his balls to his ass. The tongue pressed inward, making Yenke clench on instinct as he leaned forward and moaned; his tail stood almost straight up and his body shook impatiently, but Kimahri took his time as if relishing the moments they had together. "P-P--please..." Yenke whimpered.

"Please what?" Kimahri asked. "Yenke must be specific."

"Br-breed Yenke... Kimahri... make Yenke yours..."

Another long, slow lick climbed the Ronso's taint again before Kimahri pulled away and a warm cock tip replaced it right at the base of Yenke's tail. Yenke exhaled sharply, anticipating the penetrating shaft, and he received it. Giving a grunt as the pain shot briefly through him, it was replaced by a warm, smooth shaft as the tip pressed upwards into his body. Yenke's knees almost gave out at that and he immediately began to leak precum onto the stone under him. Kimahri grabbed his hips, then thrust into him even harder all of a sudden.

"AHN!" Yenke cried out as he felt his flesh collide with Kimahri's own. His body tensed up and his body shook violently as Kimahri pressed his weight down on his shoulders, forcing a butt-up position the deeper in he went the higher his backside rode. "Ye-yes!" He cried out. "Fuck Yenke, Kimahri!"

Kimahri obliged rather harshly, now slamming hard into him, Yenke felt his fingers clutch and scratch at the stone, making patterns much like the ones previous Ronso had left before. His cries echoed loudly through the cave as the pair mated under the mists of the springs.

"No." Kimahri said abruptly as he slowed his pace down after what seemed like an eternity. Yenke looked back at him, suddenly feeling exhausted from the ride. "Not like this. Yenke must face Kimahri."

Yenke nodded, then groaned as he felt Kimahri pull himself free then he sat on the spot, bidding the larger Ronso toward him. Yenke then straddled Kimahri's legs, feeling the lion's rigid shaft pressing against his backside. Kimahri leaned back and allowed Yenke the room. As Yenke climbed up and crouched, he lowered his ass over the Ronso's shaft and pressed downward until he felt the tip pop into him. He grunted in enjoyment as he rested his weight onto his knees, then rode back on the shaft. Kimahri grinned and grabbed Yenke's hips, bucking up unexpectedly and making Yenke moan in pleasure.

"K-Kimahri feels... good..." Yenke admitted, mid-moan. "Kimahri fills Yenke so well..."

"Kimahri not the only one." The elder warrior said with a grin, glancing off toward Yenke's shoulder.

Before Yenke could respond and look himself, he felt a pair of thick, muscular arms wrap around his torso, and a firm love bite come down hard on his neck. Yenke cried out as another cock pressed against his ass and he realized that Biran had come to play as well. "Yenke think he could play with Kimahri and not tell Biran?" He growled into Yenke's ear. "Yenke want both Biran and Kimahri to fuck him so hard. Right, Kimahri?"

Kimahri grabbed Yenke's wrists, preventing the warrior from moving away as Biran huddled in closer, his cock riding along that of Kimahri's and teasing the third one's ass with a double penetration. Yenke whimpered nervously as one of Biran's arms wrapped around his thick torso and the other grasped at his longing cock. "Yenke won't be able to walk right for days after this..." He purred into his ear.

The second penetration was almost as abrupt as Kimahri's was. Yenke had never been stretched so wide before, and the dark haired warrior cried out, his roars filling the caves and probably echoing so far that they could be heard all across Gagazet. "AHH! Kimahri! B-Biran! Too much, Yenke can't!"

"Yenke want both Kimahri and Biran..." Kimahri said with a grin as the pair fucked him together.

Biran laughed. "Then Yenke *get* Kimahri and Biran!"

The pair drove their cocks into Yenke, making him cry out again and again as they stretched him to capacity and beyond. Yenke's thick body tensed up as the muscular arms of Biran around him, and the driving force of Kimahri under him continued to assault his senses. Biran continued to stroke and toy with Yenke's shaft, casually ignoring the flooding of white now pouring from it as he came close to his climax. Kimahri's body began to twist under them, his eyes furrowing in concentration as he tried to stave off the inevitable. Biran too was beginning to slow his thrusts, trying to resist an early orgasm, but the feel of Kimahri's flesh and his own penetrating Yenke's warm now-loose ass was getting to him.

Yenke was the first to release, with a mighty roar he came and arched his back up against Biran's chest; a fountain of white exploded across Kimahri's chest and face, coating him in a shower of cum that Kimahri quickly and hastily licked off where he could. It was hard to tell who came next; both Kimahri and Biran roared at once, then the flood of cum almost popped Yenke off their shafts as warmth and wetness filled him, their sticky fluids beginning to flood from his body and all over their own shafts and balls, draining wetly and loudly onto the floor as the three huddled together in a last, shaking release.

As their roars settled down and the males began to separate from each other, they each melted down into the springs and began to clean themselves. Panting, Yenke was finally able to relax and he sat as best as he could on the ledge below the water's surface, feeling its bubbling heat just below his neckline. Kimahri too came to rest beside Yenke and draped an arm over his shoulder and finally Biran, who had just arrived at the party rested just to the opposite, pressing Yenke in between them fittingly.

"Biran must say, Kimahri not so small where it counts." Biran said with a smirk.

"Kimahri say the same; we must do this again."

Yenke nodded. "Yenke needed this..." He said. "But next time Yenke feeling well, we go more rounds, yes?"

The three Ronso looked at one another, then laughed. "Agreed!" They said at once.


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