Yuletide Lexington

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#22 of Fan Art

In loving honor of the Christmasy season I figured I'd make a festive trist between Lexington and Broadway for the holiday season. Lexington, unsure what to get Broadway for Christmas discovers a secret that inspires him to act on his own festive nature.

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday season and I hope you enjoy this little tale ;)

"Yuletide Lexington"

"What to get him... what to get him..." Lexington grunted to himself as he pushed his way through the large swinging door and into the castle's interior hall; his arms loaded with gifts he had gotten for his clan.

It was Christmas Eve in New York, snow was falling gently outside the large windows as Lex's stumbling around turned into echoes as he entered the mostly empty room. He couldn't see over his pile of presents and nearly stumbled over Bronx, who was sleeping nearest the roaring fireplace. Bronx yelped and leaped to his feet, but Lexington managed to swing his foot and regain his balance. "Wooah!" He cried out as he re-caught his gift boxes and made his way toward the tree in the center of the room, still muttering about gifts.

Brooklyn had been sitting in a large wingback chair near the fireplace and watched Lexington's wary balancing act, he chuckled and clicked his talons together. "You need help with those?" He asked.

Brooklyn was notorious for his present peeking, as Lexington learned when they were still young. He peered a discerning eyeball toward him and scoffed. "No, thanks." He said, regaining his cheery disposition. "You just get back to sleeping by the fire, this all has to wait until tomorrow night."

"So, you got everyone's gifts?" He asked.

Lexington took a moment to respond, first dropping to his knees by the tree to unload his presents and spreading them out meticulously. "For your information, no." He said. "I still haven't figured out what I want to get Broadway."

Brooklyn bolted upright. "So, my present's there?"

"Sure. It's the one in red." Lex pointed. "But no peeking until tomorrow night."

"It's after midnight, technically it's Christmas."

"Oh great. So let's get Xanatos and Fox and Alex and Elisa out of bed at three in the morning on Christmas so we can open our presents."

"Hey, I thought I was supposed to be the sarcastic one."

"Not to mention Talon, Maggie, Claw--"

"Okay! Okay! I get it! You don't have to be so snarky about it..."

"We all agreed we'd open presents tomorrow night after sundown." Lex said. "Plus I still need to figure out what to get Broadway."

"How about a three pound turkey?" Brooklyn suggested. "Or a pie or something?"

"You can't wrap food for a Christmas present!" Lex objected. "Besides, I want to get him something personal that he'd like." He hummed a bit. "Maybe I can get him a new brimmed hat? Or a trench coat?"

"And he'd shred those like the last ones." Brooklyn said. "Human clothes don't really last a long time on us." Lexington nodded. "And it isn't exactly like we can just walk into Macy's and get him something."

"Okay, thanks Brooklyn. That was a lot of help."

"I thought I said..."

Lexington cut Brooklyn off. "I'm not being sarcastic, I appreciate it."

"Oh... well, you're welcome."

Lexington sighed as he left the main hall and entered the corridors, still pondering exactly what he could get for Broadway. As he turned a corner though, he gasped in surprise as he bumped into Goliath, walking alongside Hudson just leaving the library.

"And where ya goin' in such a hurry, lad?" Hudson asked.

"Sorry." Lex responded. "I'm just trying to come up with ideas on what to get Broadway for Christmas, that's all."

"Isn't it a bit last minute?" Goliath asked. "After all, we found Broadway presents days ago."

"He's not an easy gargoyle to shop for... what did you guys get him."

Hudson glanced around, likely making sure that Broadway wasn't in earshot before leaning in and whispering in Lex's ear. "I got him one of those air-popcorn machines." He chuckled. "Figure that'll keep him busy for a while."

"And Elisa recommended I get him this... "Dirty Harry" movie series..." Goliath added in confusion. "Though I am not sure why they call him this, the man who plays him looks rather kempt."

Lexington rolled his eyes at the statement, and he noticed Hudson do the same. "Well... thanks you guys."

Lexington slipped past the two older gargoyles and made his way down toward the kitchen as he approached, he saw a refrigerator light come on, then go off again. Sticking his head through the opening, he saw Angela taking out a bucket of leftover chicken and taking a bite out of it as he placed it by the microwave; Fox was also sitting there, seemingly content in the dark as the gargoyle walked in. She smiled at him. "Lex. Hi." She said.

"Hey." He said. "What are you doing up, Fox?"

Fox yawned a bit. "Oh I was just feeding Alex and I couldn't get back to sleep, so I figured a little late night snack wouldn't hurt."


"And what are you doing, Lexington?" Angela asked.

Angela and Broadway had recently broken up, Lex was still in the dark on how it happened or why, but he wasn't sure whether or not to bring up his mission for the evening. "Oh, not much. Just out for a walk."

"Wouldn't that require you to be outside then?" Fox asked with a smirk on her lips.

"It's like negative twenty out there." Lex shivered. "Even as thick skinned as we are, cold is cold!"

Fox took a leg from the bucket and pointed it at Lex. "When you're right, you're right I guess."

"I'm... also trying to find any ideas for a present to give Broadway for tomorrow."

"Really? You haven't thought of anything?" Fox asked, patting the seat on the side of the table for Lex to sit down.

"Well... no not really. I mean, I know him, he's my best friend, but I don't know what he would want this year."

"I always find the personal touch works best." Angela said as she sat across from the other two, holding a cup of hot cocoa in her hands. "Make it something you'd be happy giving him and he'll be happy too."

"That's pretty insightful, I didn't think you two saw eye to eye." Fox pointed out.

Angela shrugged. "There were many things we did not agree on." She said. "There was no in between with him, he was either so clingy I felt smothered, or so distant that I didn't feel like I was part of his life."

"Ouch." Lex shuddered.

"Plus he had... other interests I caught on to that I couldn't really compete with."

"Like what?" Lexington looked up, wondering if it was some sort of a video game or addiction that he could make a present out of."

"Well, he would... disappear for hours at a time sometimes and come back all quiet and not wanting to talk about it, I discovered a secret trove in the east wing's library section in the back corner that made me realize it... that was the main reason we decided to stay as friends."

"I don't... understand."

"Go take a look for yourself, Lex." Fox suppressed a chuckle. "You'll understand right away."

Confused, Lexington got up and left the table after bidding Fox a good night. Making his way back into the halls, he headed toward the east wing of the castle, which was a bit of a trek through some of the older parts that Xanatos rarely visited. The lights were off and even in some areas dust had collected where it hadn't been tidied up in a few weeks. As he pushed his way through the darker parts, he looked at a digital clock on the wall; it was almost five already, the sun would be up in about an hour. His time was running out to find something to get Broadway. His pace quickened and soon he found himself in the library.

This library was rarely visited by Goliath, but mainly because it didn't have a beautiful arching window like the other one did, it was quite a bit smaller, and the shelves a bit barer. Brushing his talons across the book cases, Lexington watched as dust brushed off the shelves and onto the floor. As he made his way to the back corner, he saw a large, plush beanbag chair sitting in the corner next to a shelf of books.

"That's weird." Lexington said as he looked across the titles. "A bunch of these are just children's books. Broadway probably just comes back here to brush up on his reading--" He pulled one of the books and noticed the spine of something else edging out with it. As he tugged the magazine, he realized immediately that it was very, very adult oriented. "Oh... my..." He muttered to himself as he flipped through the pages.

They were definitely adult magazines alright; the titles were increasingly male oriented and the models were a little more than happy with one another within the pages. Pulling out the books on the shelves, Lexington realized that more than a few of them had magazines hidden within the bindings, or just pressed back against the walls. The material was so intense that Lexington even pitched a bit of a tent within his loincloth. He'd had an interest in other males for years, but he had no idea that Broadway felt the same way; his mouth gaped open as a few of the materials were even ones he'd enjoyed on occasion that had mysteriously gone missing months before. So this was where it all wound up. "Wow... who would have thought?" He said to himself before putting some of the magazines back into their hidden spots while taking a couple for himself to enjoy... later. He knew exactly how to surprise Broadway for Christmas.

As he made his way back toward the hall, Lexington took a stop to grab a sheet of notebook paper, he wrote a few words down in it and stuffed it in a small red envelope and placed it under the tree before realizing that the sun was due to come up. Exiting onto the roof, he was greeted with the sudden chill of the wintery air as he made his way to the roost, where Brooklyn stood and Broadway was just coming in from his night out; his face was dark from breathing so hard, likely from trying to get back on time.

"Could have cut it closer." Brooklyn said sarcastically.

"S-sorry, I was just getting some last minute stuff." Broadway said. "How was your guys' night?"

"Good." Brooklyn said. "If we didn't turn to stone to sleep I'd be all not tired waiting for Santa to come."

"But he would have been here and gone already." Lexington answered with a knowing grin, which then froze into stone as the sun reached the horizon and showered the clan into their stone sleep.

The next night was a lot more festive than the eve before; the Gargoyles awakened to the smell of turkey and warmed egg nog, which Goliath didn't like too much but the others seemed to enjoy. Everyone was there: Elisa, who was off for the night. Xanatos, Fox and Alex. Even Owen, who didn't prefer to celebrate the holiday, was still there enjoying everyone's company for once.

Everyone gathered at the tree and opened their presents; Goliath received a knit sweater from Elisa, courtesy of her mother Diane and he put it on, despite the hideous red and green colored-reindeer embossed monstrosity that it looked like. Hudson got a rather thick book of photos from his latest television shows and began to thumb through it, while Brooklyn got a new pair of aviator sunglasses. Lexington had gotten a laptop computer, which Xanatos had gotten him while Bronx received a rather large bone to gnaw on. Other gifts came in, but it was only Broadway who noticed that Lexington had slipped out of the room at some point before noticing his gift from him.

"Lex?" He looked around and saw he had gone as he looked at the envelope with his name scribed on the front. He used a thumb to flick it open and pulled out a note. Remembering what he'd learned from his reading, he began to read it to himself:


My present for you isn't one that the others can see, I know what it is you want. Come alone and find me in the East library and I'll let you unwrap your present."

Broadway looked up at the others conversing and having a good time amongst each other and he got to his feet, still clutching the note in his claws, he made his way as directed toward the library in the east wing. He got there in record time, he figured as he looked up from the note one moment and he was already standing in the doorway. Folding the note he looked around to see if he could spot Lex anywhere. "Uhh... Lexington?" He asked.

"Oh, hey Broadway." Lex's voice echoed as Broadway headed toward the source. "So... I couldn't figure out what you wanted for Christmas, I mean Hudson got you an air popper and all, but I discovered something you might enjoy trying out..."

Broadway turned the corner to his normal nook and spotted Lexington reclined on his beanbag chair completely naked. The olive green gargoyle was reclined back in the seat, his erect flesh decorated with a bow and some garland to give it a rather festive appearance. Lexington smiled at the sudden blush and bashful look Broadway gave him. "Me." He finished his sentence as his thumb worked its way up his length, teasingly tugging at the silver and red ribbon tied around it.

"H-hey Lex what--what are you doing? Put some clothes on, someone might see you!"

"I think someone already has." Lexington grinned, noticing the shape forming at the front of Broadway's cloth. "Now, why don't you come unwrap your present and give it a try?" He asked with a certain tone to his voice that made it sound like Broadway had such little choice in the matter.

"I--uh..." Broadway was at a loss for words.

"You could always take it back though. I'd understand if you didn't want it." He teased.

Broadway blinked, and hesitantly made his way toward him. Lexington smirked as Broadway admired the flesh, hesitating to touch it. "It's not like it's going to bite you." He said.

"I-I know that..." Broadway fumed, determined to not look foolish to his friend he curled his finger around the bow and was startled as the flesh twitched at his touch before he carefully undid the knot and pulled back the garland.

"Go on." Lexington bade Broadway as he fiddled with his shaft between his fingers, drawing the blue gargoyle even closer.

Broadway's tongue touched the flesh, which throbbed at the very soft lick, Lex somewhat purred at it and the taste emboldened him to continue. It had a somewhat salty flavor to it, and it smelled of pine from the garland. Broadway inhaled the scent and realized how very hard he was getting as he took the cock by the tip and wrapped his lips around it. "It's so hot..." Broadway thought as his mouth traveled down the length and back up toward the top again. Lex was small in stature, but he was definitely a grower in this department as the green gargoyle's hand pressed gently at the back of his head, aiding him in swallowing the length over and over again. Beads of precum began to shoot into the back of Broadway's throat as the unexpected flavor made his nose twitch he pulled back enough to take a breath and came back down on him, groaning softly as the taste overtook him. He'd never experienced something like this before, he heard Lex moan in response and buck his hips forward, pressing himself deeper down Broadway's throat. Broadway's other hand grasped Lex's hip to steady him as he indulged, but right now he was so hard that his loincloth was beginning to get wet. He continued to focus on sucking Lex's shaft while his hands fumbled with his belt buckle. He managed to uncinch it and it fell clumsily off his waist, the belt hitting the floor loudly, he didn't care he only wanted to return his hands to Lexington's small but capable body. He felt like an animal, he wanted to devour it; no, he wanted to take it everywhere he could. He grabbed Lexington's legs and pulled them toward him, his tongue wrapping around his thick balls, his drool making everything wet down there.

Lexington shuddered a bit and touched Broadway's cheeks, the larger gargoyle's attention slipped off his cock and the pair looked each other in the eye before entering a rather messy kiss. Lex's hands reached down and grabbed Broadway's ass. Broadway huffed and felt his cheeks fill with warmth again. He wiggled some, but his needs were far outweighing his clear thinking. He rested against Lex, his hand stroking the gargoyle's arching member and he could feel new pools of precum dripping down over his hand as he stroked it. He gripped it hard, felt it squeeze between his fingers and both he and Lexington moaned at the same time.

Lexington squeezed Broadway's ass as firmly as he could, still wriggling under him. "Come here." He said as he shifted to the side. Broadway leaned forward and laid on his stomach against the large chair as Lexington slipped behind him. He lifted the gargoyles' tail and spread his cheeks as he teased the larger one's ass with the tip of his own shaft.

Broadway let out a soft sound as he bit his lower lip, his lap was soaking in his own precum right now and Lex was pressing all the right buttons. "L-Lex..." He moaned.

"What is it?" Lexington asked.

"Please... take me..." He said in a pleading voice.

"Well... it is a time for giving." Lexington teased as he crouched behind Broadway's ass, spreading the cheeks and slipping his tongue inward to help loosen the tight hole. Broadway made a whimpering noise, sort of a humming sound that quivered with Lex's rather expert touch. Lexington dragged his tongue over every surface from the back of Broadway's balls to the deep warmth of his ring.

Broadway was a bit tall for Lex, but he accommodated by putting his foot on the chair and guiding his shaft against the hole. Broadway about bit into the chair at the feeling of the warm, hard shaft pressing against his ass, then as it penetrated him he nearly shredded into it with his claws. "NNHHH!" he grunted as he felt the stinging shoot through his body and every one of his muscles went into overdrive.

"Just relax." Lexington said calmly, his wet cock slapping against the other's backside as it slowly edged its way in. "It's not like I haven't done this before."

"B-but... I haven't..." Broadway answered hesitantly.

"Don't worry, you get used to it."

There was no more warning, with a firm, lustful grunt, Lexington thrust himself forward all of a sudden. Broadway roared loudly in a mix of pain and relief as it suddenly flooded through his body, his eyes glowing with such a white fire that it looked like daytime in the room for a moment before he closed them again. Lexington grappled Broadway's large hips and brought his other foot up behind him, bucking harder into the gargoyle with a lustful, almost disinterest in Broadway's wellbeing. He moaned and pushed his cock in hard, his balls slapping loudly against Broadway's as the pint-sized warrior began to really show Broadway that size doesn't matter in this. Lexington's claws dragged against Broadway's thick skin for a moment before he grabbed up as far as he could go and thrust in so hard that Broadway began to grunt with every impact. It didn't take a moment for Broadway's pain to vanish and it was then replaced with moans for more. Lexington grinned and lowered his approach, each time thrusting upward into Broadway as he dangled from his body a bit. Their size difference never seemed so far apart as it was now and Broadway was surprised how hard Lex was holding him down. He moaned loudly, reaching back and helping to push Lex in harder with each thrust. They moaned together as Lex briefly laid against Broadway's back, pushing himself in again and again, the wet popping between their bodies becoming more fluid and more rhythmic.

Broadway soon felt something else, the deep thrusts causing his body to respond, the familiar burn of climax was fast approaching as he muffled out a few words that Lexington couldn't understand.

"Sorry, what?" He asked, slowing down a bit.

"I'm gonna---cum... you-you're going to make me..."

Lexington grinned at this and extracted himself slowly. "Here turn over." He suggested.

Broadway turned over on his back, his cock pressing against the underside of his belly fell from its support as his stomach sank in some with the change of gravity. He scooted back as Lex grabbed Broadway under the legs and hoisted them up some. Broadway took the hint and held his legs in the position as best as he could as his body angled up, allowing the smaller gargoyle to easily penetrate him again. "AHH!" He cried out, feeling the re-entry with a lustful moan. His cock danced wildly and precum began to dribble out of the tip like a faucet with a leak. Lex grabbed the upper calves to his sides and thrust forward, partly resting his own body against Broadyway's shaft. He closed his eyes and muffled out a moan, feeling Broadway's warm depths wrap around him once again.

Broadway closed his eyes at this, trying to stave off the inevitable, but finding it even harder to hold back in this position. He grabbed the beanbag for support, his claws digging loudly into the fabric as Lexington continued his own assault.

"Ho-hold me..." Lexington said, trembling, also so obviously close.

Broadway reached his arms forward, grabbing Lexington around the waist and pushing him forward, he could feel the smaller gargoyle's rump squeeze tight under his grip and his rhythm slowing a bit. He huffed and moaned a bit, his speed steadily increasing now. His moans began to swell his chest and his body began to shake even more as he began to slam against Broadway's body again and again as his climax approached. "AHHHH! FUCK!" He screamed all of a sudden.

There was a swelling inside Broadway, and a sudden flood of warmth that began to spurt into him, just as he realized what it was, his own body took over and he let out a roar sounding more like a "GNNNHHH!" As he suddenly exploded too.

Spasms of white ropes shot from Broadway's cock, spraying across his chest, with even a shot or two splashing across his face as the hose fired off every round in a completely wild and wet fashion. After several minutes, Lexington collapsed across his friend, panting heavily in time with Broadway's rapid breathing. It took some time before they were able to regain their senses.

"Huff, huff... you... alright, Broadway?"

Broadway smiled, not only did he smile, but he beamed at Lex. "You know I am buddy..." He said. "Guess I just got the best Christmas present ever..."

It took some time for the pair to compose themselves and get dressed to return to the main room again, briefly they held hands before entering the great hall where everyone was still having a party. It was odd, they'd felt like they had been gone a lot longer than they really had, but as midnight rolled around the mutates had to return to their home. Around three, Elisa, Fox and Xanatos decided to call it a night too. And eventually, it was about time for the sun to come up and for the Gargoyles to return to their daily positions. It was a light snowfall out, but not too bitterly cold, a beautiful, seasonal night as Broadway and Lexington stepped to their roosts.

"Hey, Lex?" Broadway spoke up before Brooklyn had managed to get there.


"I really wanted to thank you for tonight... it was the best present I've ever gotten."

Lexington blushed. "Re-really? It was nothing, I'm sure you would've done the same for me."

"Ha!" Broadway let out a boastful laugh. "I was always afraid if I did, I might break you. But you sure showed me not to underestimate the little guy, right?" He brushed a snowflake off Lexington's cheek.

Lexington smiled and jumped up into Broadway's arms. "You got that right. Merry Christmas, Broadway." He said with a proud and full kiss.

"What in the--?" Both of them opened their eyes wide as they realized that Brooklyn was behind them just as the sun came up, and the pair turned to stone locked together at the lips.

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