You Otter Be Ashamed

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#94 of Commissions

Commission for tokeki

An otter named Wade with a history in professional wrestling circuits goes to a job in the porn industry, doing similar stunts. Little does he realize when he meets a gator named Arkrann, that he is in way over his head

"You Otter Be Ashamed"

The sunshine through the bus window was enough to draw Wade into an early sleep shortly after his boarding in Arizona; it was early in the morning, but the heat quickly built up and the otter's eyes slowly closed over the scrolling through his iPod into a deep, heavy slumber. The brown furred creature had fallen asleep hard and his legs were a bit stiff after he had curled them up behind his butt before he fell asleep. His head rested against his travel pillow that he had placed on the warm tinted glass, listening to the gentle vibrations as the bus made its way along the highways of the afternoon. It wasn't until he felt the bus come to a stop and let off the familiar sound of the air breaks as they hissed through the rumbling bus engine winding down.

Opening his eyes, Wade realized that it was already growing close to dusk. He wiped his mouth off from any drool he'd leaked and pulled his head off the pillow before stuffing it in his backpack. "Are we here already?" He asked himself, yawning some as he put his glasses on and lifted his iPod back into his hand. It was a quarter after five in the afternoon; it was getting late and he realized he needed to rush in order to get to the studio on time before it closed down. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and scooted out of his seat. Rubbing his eyes he hopped down out of the bus and took a look around. Even in the evening, the air in Los Angeles was still quite warm and he tugged at the collar of his t-shirt to try and cool his neck. Pulling up his phone, he did a quick lookup for the directions to Cherry Dragon Creations; his destination would only be open for ten more minutes now, but he had to make sure to get there. Thankfully, it wasn't far and he took off at a high paced walk to his destination.

The building at the location didn't look like a production studio, it was a three story building with long glass panes of windows that stretched across the top floors and an elongated more warehouse-sort of look with rusted red roller doors along the wall a bit further was a smaller door with the logo of the studio next to it. As Wade approached it, he could see it was the hours of operation along with the logo of the studio. Trying to turn the door handle, Wade groaned, finding that it was locked.

"Aw man. I can't even get in th--" His voice was cut off suddenly by the sound of the door handle turning and he took a jump back as a beastly-sized alligator pulled open the door.

Wade froze for a moment as the reptile stared at him, he was massive in size though maybe six inches taller than him, he was a lot more muscular and his blue-green scaly skin reflecting off the low lighting that met the doorway. "Well hey." He said. "Look what the night brings me."

"Ahh--hey... my bus was late, I was supposed to meet with Tokeki earlier today about a job?"

"You look a little green around the gills for this stuff kid." The gator said with a look of confusion on his face.

"I've had some experience..."

"Well, you ain't going to catch the boss today." He interrupted as he pulled the otter in and drooped an arm around him. "He'll be in tomorrow and I'm off the clock..." He squeezed Wade's arm. "Say you're pretty built for a little otter guy, you got a lot to offer huh?"

Smiling politely but answering with a more crude response, Wade slipped out of the gator's arm. "I've got a little experience in pro wrestling." He said. "I wouldn't mess with me if I were you."

The gator let out a deep chuckle and shrugged. "If you didn't want me to mess with you, maybe you chose the wrong career path kid."

Wade fumed a bit. "And I'm not a kid." He growled.

"Right." The reptile answered with a nod. "Well I'm famished, I'm going to go catch something to eat. You still think you got it in you tomorrow, we open at six and we'll see about *really* getting it in ya." He said with a rather lewd wink before stepping away with a laugh.

Wade watched the gator slide into a jeep, turn it over, give one final glance and then barrel from the parking lot, leaving a cloud of light dust behind. The otter looked back at the building and groaned; he supposed he would have to meet with his boss tomorrow. Adjusting his backpack on his shoulder he continued his way back out toward the street as he made his way down the road toward where he'd spotted a hotel on his walk over. It was crude, a bit underwhelming for his first night in the city, but at twenty-three dollars a night, he couldn't complain a lot. His room was clean and his bed; while unsturdy in certain positions, was more comfortable than the seven hour ride in on a bus.

Six o'clock came on quick for Wade, who shook out of his sleep still thinking of the alligator he'd met the night before. Something in the way he acted was almost a turn on and with the way this company deals with its product... an urge to be in the same room with him didn't seem all that bad.

He rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. After draining himself at the toilet, Wade climbed into the shower to wake up a bit, but the water was luke-warm at best and he spent half the time hoping that his shampoo would completely rinse out of his fur. Drying off, he pulled on a pair of long brown cargo shorts and tucked in a black shirt before slipping his dull green vest over his shoulders. Checking the mirror several times to make sure his fur was in order, Wade grabbed a cup of coffee and made his way out into the cooler morning, returning to the building he'd left the night before. It was no question he knew the switch from wrestling into the "wrestling porn" industry was a bit of a stretch. He'd had no real experience outside of the staged performances he'd done as the "Masked Marmot" and Tokeki knew of his past experience, which was why he'd recommended a spot in this industry. Still though, having the dragon keep things hush-hush was a big favor to ask.

He turned onto the lot from the night before just as he saw a red dragon with blue hair making his way toward the studio door. He was dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a yellow muscle shirt, leaving his big arms out in the open. Picking up the pace, Wade saw the dragon enter the door and he rushed in after him, immediately losing the direction he'd gone, Wade peeked around the first corner he came to and immediately clapped a hand over his mouth to prevent the surprised squeak come from his throat as he blushed. Beyond the door were two lions completely naked, their arms locked in a furious wrestling match. The one on the left was much bigger, both in height and muscle while still sporting an extremely healthy cock that bobbed in the air as they grappled against each other's shoulders to keep the other from pinning them. It was fully erect and at least the girth of the otter's forearm, he had a thick, bushy blond mane that fell over his eyes as the pair slapped muscle together. The other lion had a red mane that was a little shorter and a little limper over his shoulders. His body was a bit of a mixture of his golden fur and bits of his red mane scattered throughout, giving it a bearish appearance. He wasn't as muscled or quite as endowed as his counterpart, but he definitely wouldn't have gotten any complaints from the otter, who immediately sprang to life as he watched.

It was the smell of sweat maybe, or the fact they looked like real professional wrestlers that he'd been accustomed to seeing in the ring on a weekly basis. This was no act though as the bigger of the lions got a foothold and yanked the smaller one forward into him, grabbing him around the shoulders, the red haired one was hoisted into the air in an almost completely vertical pile driver and slammed hard down onto the floor beneath them. Wade felt a twinge of something, but it wasn't empathy for the small lion, it was closer to hardon fascination. The smaller lion roared out and struggled to free himself from the hold as the bigger one turned a pair of green eyes toward Wade. He smirked, winked, and then gave the other lion a sound slap right on the ass.

"AHH!" The second lion exclaimed, the clear resounding shout of pain which somehow resonated with a lingering gasp of pleasure.

Again the lion slapped his counterpart, this time much closer to his most sensitive area. This time the smaller lion yelped and his body jerked like it had been hit by a wave of electricity. His legs were kicking as the bigger one increased his hold, tightening the weight on his shoulders and back as he pinned the smaller lion against the mat with more and more of his weight.

"Excuse me?" A voice from behind Wade nearly made the otter's heart jump up into his throat as he spun around, briefly unaware of the arousal so prominently displayed in his pants.

"OH!" Wade gasped before realizing that the red dragon was standing behind him with a look of confusion on his face. "Oh, Mr. Dragon right? Tokeki? I'm Wade."

Tokeki's eyes lit up a bit as he recognized the name. "Ah, Wade. We were expecting you yesterday."

"Yeah, sorry about that." The otter said. "My bus came in late and--"

"No need to explain yourself. You've got some perfect timing, we're actually getting ready to set up for a shoot in a little bit and I was hoping you'd be part of it."

"R-really? Don't I need like some kind of orientation or something?"

"Heh." The dragon chuckled. "Kid, that will be your orientation." He said smartly as the pair turned down another corridor, entering a wider area so the pair could walk side by side. "You get what this whole thing is about right?"

"Oh, I know it's porn." He admitted. "I mean, that little show would have cemented it back there."

"Who? Terry and Leo? Those two showboats aren't even doing a shoot, that's their break." He snickered. "But yes, essentially. We are in the industry of adult entertainment. Some of our best performances actually hit the market and earn the actors and crew a pretty decent sum of money for their particular niches. You were into pro wrestling, right? It's sort of like that, but with sex."

"I gathered that much." Wade said. "So what is it like... pseudo wrestling to the tune of "I'm gonna beat you down hah! Wah!" He feigned a couple of fake arm locks and spun around with as much energy as Tokeki would have expected. He smirked.

"Not... exactly." He said as they turned another corner and suddenly came face to face with the alligator that Wade had met the night before. "Oh, Ark. There you are. This is Wade. Wade, this is one of our more experienced actors Arkrann."

Arkrann's bluish green scales were mostly covered by a leather jacket that was rolled about halfway up his forearms, a pair of fingerless biker gloves on his hands which looked a bit stretched to be there. He had a red V-Neck shirt on under the jacket and a pair of dark blue jeans that didn't really hide the lump that pressed against his leg. He had a toothpick in his mouth that he casually tugged out as he made eye contact with the otter with a grin on his face. "Ah yeah, the new kid. We met last night."

"Really?" Tokeki asked with an emphasis. "Gator works quick."

"N-no, not like that." Wade shook his head dismissively. "I just missed you yesterday and he told me to come back today. I didn't know he actually worked here though."

"What's that supposed to mean? I was closing up!" Ark responded defensively.

"For all I know, you could've been robbing the place." Wade responded sarcastically.

"Probably a shit actor anyway." Ark fired back.

"Boys, boys. Plenty of time for pot shots later, but for now I think you guys have a shoot to get to?"

"Wait... you're pairing me with him? On my first day?"

"He's the best one to show you the ropes." Tokeki said look at his watch. "And I've got a meeting to get to, so we'll just call it that."

"You got it boss." Ark gave a half-salute to the dragon, who smirked and waved before quickly skirting off, leaving the otter with the gator in a moment of awkward silence before he spoke again. "Alright, kid. Let's see if we can get your scrawny ass an outfit."

"Scrawny?" He scoffed. "And quit calling me kid."

"I'll call you that; greenhorn, until you've proven yourself otherwise. C'mon."

The pair continued down the corridor that Tokeki was originally leading Wade down. After several rooms that looked like they were ready for various sets to be put in place, they finally came to a door. Following Arkrann through, Wade quickly realized they'd entered a locker room and there was plenty of eyecandy for him to enjoy as he glanced at the naked wolves and cats and even a few cervines as they walked along the row of lockers until Ark stopped, leaned against the row and opened one of the metal doors. "Alright." He said "Let's see if we can try something on here..." He pulled out a few different styles of wrestling outfits and laid them across the benches. "We're doing a wrestling picture, so I'm going to need to find something your size."

"If I would've known I needed this on my first day I wouldn't have left my suit at the hotel."

"Well, that's how we work. Head, foot and dick first... or ass, depending on your preference." There was a pause as Wade and Ark locked eyes. "Well c'mon we don't have all day, time is money, kid."

Fuming, feeling the warmth of anger rising, Wade grabbed a white and orange striped number. "Alright." He said. "Fine."

"I'll meet you out there then. Studio three in ten minutes." Arkrann said before turning his back and walking out.

Unnerved slightly, but not deterred from this new profession, Wade stripped down and pulled on the wrestling briefs, filling them out well with his deceptively muscular body and catching the eye of several of the locker room attendees. But he wasn't sure if it was out of his attractiveness or envy for working with Arkrann. Stepping out of the locker room, Wade made his way down the hall, noticing the rooms were marked with studio numbers. When he reached the number three, he paused, took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Equipment hanging from the ceiling and leaning against the walls showed that this place was definitely up for a recording session and that a small crew were already standing beyond the lights as he realized he was coming from back stage. He looked around to see that the room had already been made up like the wrestling room of a gym. Blue mats covered most of the floor and prop pieces, such as weight benches and other exercise equipment were off to the side.

"Action!" One of the men behind the lights called out as the spot came down hard on the otter.

"Wha--" Wade resounded in confusion before he suddenly felt a pair of massive arms grab him from behind, hoisting them up in a standing lock.

"So, you've come at last into my gym, slut." Wade recognized Arkrann's voice immediately; the feeling of his massive bulge pressed square against the otter's backside. "You're nothin' but a no-talent, no-good warmer for my cock!"

Wade tried to catch his breath and make sense of what was going on, but this was definitely not what he'd expected. He expected some preparation; a script, maybe some choreography before getting into this, but this felt a little less scripted and more spur of the moment than he figured. And as Ark twisted the otter's body to the side, aiming him toward the mat, he figured it would be a lot less painful too.

They struck the ground almost without effort, he heard Arkrann chuckle. "Come on, kid, fight like ya mean it! You little bitch!"

"Mmph!" Wade tried to call out, but his face was shoved into the burly gator's pit. The smell of sweat and musk flooded his senses and made his toes curl on instinct. He gagged a bit at the unexpected aroma, but he also realized he was really, really turned on by it. "Uuuuhhh!" He gasped, trying to move.

"You don't got what it takes." Ark taunted, grabbing Wade's left leg and yanking it back like he was twisting him into a pretzel. Right now, he was so twisted that Wade didn't know which way he was being held. He grunted and finally wriggled an arm free to try and push the gator off of him, but his mass of muscle was too much to push back and instead his face was shoved harder against the pits. "Come on, weakling. Don'cha like my musk? Lick it, you bitch!" He grunted again, yanking on the otter's briefs and about driving the fabric all the way into his ass.

Arkrann was wearing a one piece suit that was a bright blue, highly contrasting his blue/green skin which had black markings, mainly along the crotch area. Wade could see it out of the corner of his eyes, but the way the sleeves worked like a tanktop made the gator's pits very accessible. He grunted and gasped, the smell intoxicating and attractive all at once for him. The otter's tongue lapped at the canyon beneath Ark's muscular arm and it was shoved even harder against him, pressing so hard that the otter's snout curved up some, leaving his jaw hanging somewhat open. It was like a hairy french kiss at that point. He gawked and tried impulsively to pull away, but the gator wasn't having any of that and locked his legs tight around Wade's, preventing him from moving beyond the struggle of a slight wiggle.

"Come on little guy. What do you have now? You're not going to get away from--"

Wade grunted and slammed his elbow back against the gator's ribs. Arkrann grunted a bit and his grip loosened slightly. Not much, but it was enough for the otter's skilled bones to take advantage of it. He slid from the beast's arms and grabbed Ark's ankles. He pulled them apart just enough to free his own legs, which quickly wrapped around his opponent's neck and with a full body twist, Wade managed to flip Arkrann onto the mat under him. He slapped his tail down onto the gator's face and tried to hold him still, but he had better ideas in mind. He grabbed Wade's shoulder and kicked one of his legs free. He then spun his weight over and quickly positioned Wade back under him with a fierce grunt and all of a sudden, Wade was face deep in the massive pouch between Arkrann's legs. The gator smirked and began to slowly grind his crotch against the otter's muzzle; the odor of the male's musk penetrated the thin fabric as he could feel practically every inch of his hardening cock running against his face as the sack was pushed forcibly against his mouth. As Wade tried to cry out, his mouth was immediately filled with the spandex and he could do little more than a muffled moan. He'd never experienced something like this before, it was intense and arousing, his cock was straining so hard against his own wrestling briefs that the elasticity actually started to hurt.

"Yeah, you like that you little weakling bitch." Arkrann growled with an intimidation in his voice. Wade could feel the gator toying with his ass, lifting his legs effortlessly with a muscled arm as it strolled across the width of it. "In fact, you deserve to be punished for trying to play with the big boys." He said with a grin, looking at Wade's half-blinded gaze hindered by his own thick ass and tail.

"Punished?" He asked to himself while making out a muffled version of the word.


Without warning, Arkrann's hand slammed into the otter's backside with the force of a truck splattering a bug on the windshield. "MMPH!" He let out an anguished cry as he felt a throb against his chest, the massive member on top of him wakening a little bit more as his own suddenly lurched from the pain induced by it.


It happened again, making Wade squeal in pain from it. He couldn't believe this was happening, and he couldn't believe that for some reason it was turning him on even more. He trembled and shook, now trying to find his way out of this new locked position but that seemed to make Arkrann enjoy the captivity just a little more each time. As if he enjoyed feeling the struggle of the man under him more than the pain he was inflicting.

A tirade of spankings followed, each calloused, muscular hand slap harder than the one before that, but still over the top of the otter's briefs. Tears welled up in Wade's eyes; this was a real fight, really, painfully real and for some reason he was enjoying every moment of it, but he didn't want to stop trying to break free and get the upper hand so he grabbed the back of Arkrann's outfit and tried to pull him back, away from the attention to his ass. Wade felt the suit start to tear, and that was when Arkrann grabbed his arm, bending it back to stop the resistance. Wade couldn't move; he couldn't kick, he couldn't even twist due to the gator's massive weight on his chest all he could do was--

"NNNHHHH!" He didn't even feel it coming, a sudden surge of pleasure shooting through his body, then out of his dick as pools of cum began to splash out and fill the briefs with glops of his warm fluid.

"Mmmmhhh yeah..." Arkrann grinned expectantly. "Now that's what I'm fucking talking about!" He said before grabbing the throbbing mass of flesh and squeezing it hard; too hard, and all that did was make Wade squirm and moan as he choked on a now-soaked sack of flesh pressing down into his mouth. "Now let's really get things going!" He said as he finally shifted his weight off of Wade's chest and turned over, this time seating himself on Wade's abdomen. "Ah-ah!" He said as he shifted his weight to avoid Wade's arms from interrupting him by crossing them under his legs and pressing down to pin him again. It was incredible how easily the gator could hold the otter down, but then again, he was pretty massive in size.

"Arkrann let me up! That's e-enough!" Wade panted but his pleas were met with two feet shoved into his face. They were a bit more ripe than Ark's pits as they wriggled and curled around the otter's face like it was giving him a massage. "ACK!"

"It ain't enough until I say it's enough, weakling. Who gave you permission to speak? This ought to shut you up for a minute." He shoved his feet hard against the otter's face now, his claws wrapping over the contours just past his lips, over his eyes and downward, pulling his lips now back from his teeth. The wetness from his mouth beginning to increase the smell of his musk as the gator's grin widened. "Now be a good bitch and give my feet a bath, would you?"

Wade felt the gator's weight press firmly down on his crotch as if he didn't notice, the pain wasn't making his erection go away though; it was as strong as ever, even after the release which now felt sticky and matted against his fur under his shorts. Each wiggle felt like he was swimming, and now with big green feet in his face, he had little choice but to comply. His tongue ran along the rough edges and over the thickly padded surface; paying careful attention to the toe claws as they turned and curled down toward his delicate features. Through the corner of his eye, he could see the gator using the rip Wade had made in the wrestling outfit to literally tear the fabric from his chest and shred it down toward his crotch. His massive cock sprang free as the rip reached the bottom of his outfit and he leaned back, tearing it in half and shedding it like some layer of skin. He then sat back and began to feed each of his toes to the otter, one after the other while pressing his weight on Wade's stomach. During each moment, he was on the precipice of pleasure and pain. He tried moving his arms, he tried to grab at the muscular body but there was no way Arkrann was just going to let him do this. As soon as he slipped out of his outfit though, his position changed.

Getting off Wade's body, he grabbed the otter by the arm and yanked him hard against his erect cock, Wade could feel it sliding along his back. Suddenly, he felt Arkrann's arm wrap around his neck and he was thrown hard into the floor in a wrestling slam that shook the room. Wade's leg was grappled and raised almost over his head as Arkrann grabbed his speedo and ripped it off of him. The sudden exposure made Wade's cheeks flood with a blush as he found himself literally bent over the gator's knee and another hard slap to his ass resounded through the room. "That's the stuff!" Arkrann cried out in a lustful glee as he felt the otter's cum dripping over his leg now. "Fuck yeah!" He exclaimed, flipping the otter impressively onto his shoulders again before ducking down into a kneeling position, his balls now dangling over Wade's face. Wade winced and tried to resist his throbbing erection as it dripped precum down onto his neck, but as Ark's cock slapped down on his face, the gator began to paint his own precum across it. It pulsed as the seed strained inside his flesh. The smell, the taste of his precum drizzled into Wade's lips, past his gums and down his throat. He gagged as his body was crunched into a more arched position and he felt Ark's thumb press into his ass in an aggressive grasp like he was ready to throw a bowling ball. "AHHH! FUCK!" Wade cried out as he came yet again, his prostate pinching tight in a series of shots that covered his face.

"That's it... that's how a bitch likes it!" He yelled with a growl before throwing his legs to the floor.

Wade panted, still recovering from his second orgasm before he was grabbed around the waist and pulled up to his knees like he was suddenly in the wrestling starting position. "Wh-what are you--?" He was unable to finish his sentence before he felt the hydrant hose-sized cock against his ass, rigid and ready for action. He gasped and whimpered. "W-Wait I'm not..."

He looked back to see Arkrann stroking himself with the leavings of the otter's last cum shot and lining up his shaft to the otter's hole. "F-fuck!" He cried out as he felt the pressure of his cockhead pressed against the underside of Wade's tail. He tried to stretch his body outward, but the gator's weight kept him in one position just as he thrust forward. "YYYYYYOOOOW!" Wade cried out and threw his head back as the gator grabbed his neck and pulled him close before their bodies slapped loudly together. "AHH FUCK!" He cried, though his voice was choked off by the gator's grasp.

"Nnnhhh nnhhh!" Arkrann growled into Wade's ear as he tightened his grasp around the smaller otter. "So tight... rrrr... you need to be stretched, bitch..." He panted as he forced himself further and further in, until the cock popped completely into the otter's ass. He grabbed the otter's ass with his other hand, digging his claw into Wade's flapping cheek and only releasing it for another passionate slam, then another. It was like the gator was spanking his ass with his thighs, and the slapping was getting louder and louder.

Wade was a pile of mush under the gator, he groaned loudly, letting off nonsensical words and noises as he felt Arkrann pound harder and harder into him, teasing his prostate and ripping his ass apart in all the right ways. "Ahhh! Ahhhnn--"

"That's it... cum for me..." The gator said with a growl before placing a firm bite on Wade's shoulder.

"HAHHHH!!" Wade panted loudly before suddenly cumming for the third time and soaking his torso before covering the mats under him in a sea of white.

"That----that's it... nnnhhh... FUCK!"

Finally, Arkrann came and it felt like a bazooka going off in Wade's ass. He felt the warmth suddenly fill his stomach, then flow over, splashing out from his ass in such a degree that Arkrann's cock popped out of his ass as the cascade came down the otter's legs. "FFFFUCK! Nnnhhh!" He grunted loudly before redirecting his cock and thrusting it into the white pie that he'd formed in his massive cumshot. He licked his lips and grinned, continuing to thrust his seed back into the otter's ass with a loud splashing noise that echoed through the room before Arkrann basically collapsed onto the otter's ass. Wade moaning loudly as he felt the heavy weight down on his back.

"Annnnd cut!" A voice called out, bringing Wade's memory back that they were actually on a movie set and that he had just jizzed all over the entire place.

"H-hooooly shit..." He panted, noticing the team behind the lights were also sporting their own tents in their pants. "That... was... *huff* intense..."

"You bet your sweet ass it was." Arkrann panted in response. Even he was trembling from the exertion. "And that was just the first scene..."

"The first scene?" Wade asked. "How many scenes are there?"

"As many as your little otter rump can handle." The gator grinned.

"Heh." Wade responded. "Well I guess I'll be in for a long day then."


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