Go Kobold or Go Home

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#90 of Commissions

A serpent sorcerer finds an unexpected place among a group of kind and submissive Kobolds, together though, they grow to be quite strong

Commission for heru

"Go Kobold or Go Home"

The rain was cold, the night was dark, it would have been pitch black had the sky not opened up to frequent bolts of lightning that streaked across the sky above. It seemed typical that in a rainforest for it to rain on a regular basis; but this was different for Sith'r, his eyes glowing in the dark produced no outward lighting more than three inches in front of his face and it was getting frustrating. This storm felt weakening, as if the very water itself drained him of his strength as he felt it course down across his muscular form. He flicked his tongue, the snake tried to make out any obstacles immediately in front of him, but he could sense nothing in front of him, nothing around him. He grunted as he pushed himself up, finding a weakness in his knees where he hadn't felt it before. Since leaving his village three days ago, he has found little energy and less food to nourish him, but he refused to give up. He didn't want to seem like a quitter and he did not want to return.

Standing up at long last, the snake trailed his fingers down his slim, muscular torso as he tried to regain some semblance of balance. The water pouring off his upper lip felt almost refreshing, but the rest of him was starting to grow a chill. He would not give up; he was too strong to surrender, and the growing sense that something would soon come upon him drove him forward again. He blinked and took a step forward, but found the reason he could not sense anything with his tongue flick was that he had run out of ground to stand on.

There was a sudden dizziness that filled Sith'r's mind as he dropped rather suddenly downward. He grunted as his foot struck the mud, which then hurtled his body down toward it, obeying gravity's call. "Nnh!" He grunted as he hit the ground and rolled. He felt the cold casing of freshly wet mud cake his back.

"Asik un taros!" He flung his hand out in front of him and suddenly felt a wave of energy pick him off the ground, softening his fall. "Sahan et--"


A crack of thunder suddenly exploded before the reptile's eyes along with a massive headache that ensued and he was plunged into darkness once more.


"What do you mean leaving us, Sith'r?" The massive cobra's chest puffed up; as village elder and possibly the most snake-formed of all of his kind, Kra'tan somehow tended to make himself look much larger than normal as he loomed over the wizard with a glaring single red eye. "You have a duty, and a responsibility..."

"Yes, yes. I know." Sith'r said, standing in his traditional garb; a large golden collar-protector that hung around his neck, flowing silver and gold kilt that barely covered his feet, which had tapped against the stone floor of the temple in impatience as he had to repeat himself yet again. "But there is more for me than this, I feed upon a different kind of energy sir. You would not understand."

"Guard duty. You are one of the most respected sorcerers of our temple and you decide to leave because you are given guard duty?"

Sith'r's eyes narrowed in frustration. "I am aware of that, but as your second in command, I refuse to stoop to such a tedious task."

"Your arrogance frustrates me." Kra'tan hissed, his sweeping robe hanging from his massive shoulder. "Do you not think a future lord should act in the best interests of his people and not in his own ambitions?"

"You snuff my ambitions and I have had enough of it." The snake replied, puffing himself up a bit as he stomped in Kra'tan's direction. "Were I in charge, you would not be speaking to me like this."

"You're right. One of your subjects would have killed you already."

Sith'r sighed. "All I ask is the chance to seek out my own people; a people I can lord over and properly indulge my--tastes."

"Your tastes are deplorable." Kra'tan's orbit rolled. "But not without its admiration, I cannot condone your leaving us on the chance you might find people to serve you better. A lord should not have this option."

"A lord should be the only one to have the option." Sith'r growled. "I am not asking your permission Kra'tan. I only warn you of what is to come.

Taking a long golden staff from the side of the throne, Sith'r could only hear Kra'tan's claws clicking along its surface as he picked it up. "Hmm, a command then. Is it?" He then clasped the staff in between both of his hands, causing a flash so powerful that it seemed to bend Sith'r's brain backwards for a second from its forceful energy. "Then perhaps... if you best me, I will grant you what you wish..."


"It awakens!" A voice roused Sith'r from his unconsciousness to see several eyes duck out of view from his sight.

The cobra tried to move slightly and winced as a pain shot through his arm. His shoulder had been broken in his fall and the hiss he let out echoed through the chamber he found himself in. He looked up to see a vaulted ceiling that piqued at least thirty feet in the air. A small gap in the top let through daylight that shined down, making the apparent golden walls glisten it a radiant glow, naturally lighting the entire room he was in the center of. Curiously, he admired the markings etched along the floor under him and the drawings that were scribbled into the walls of this place, slowly realizing it was some sort of a temple; and that, with the images of snakes in the higher places, his kind was revered by the owners of this place.

Looking around himself, he saw food on the ground, set in shining silver and gold dishes in full display. He knew he was being watched too, any action he did now could easily be read by his hosts as hostile or welcoming. He clutched an apple off a nearby tray and lifted it to his mouth. Glancing around without moving his head, he could see eyes glittering in the dark corners of the room, watching him very carefully as he slipped his elongated tongue out of his mouth and around the cool exterior of the apple before drawing it into his mouth and consuming it. As he chewed, he saw several creatures emerge from the darkness, eyeing him curiously.

There weren't many like these ones; they were apparently all males, long dragon-like horns that swept back along their skulls like a rudimentary helmet of protection for their scalps. They were dressed lightly, loincloths adorning their waists with silk of black and red and blues that likely were only used as design than actual function. A good, strong glance from the reptile and Sith'r could see clear through them. The energy in this room was building, and he could feel their revenant devotion quickly gaining power and lust as they approached him. Sith'r smiled coyly as they approached and he realized these creatures were nothing more than forest Kobolds, who likely came across him after he had fallen.

"How long have I been asleep?" He asked one of the Kobolds, who approached him. He squeaked in surprise and bowed to the floor immediately.

"Ou-our hunting party came across you two days ago, milord." He spoke rather eloquently. This pleased Sith'r whose grin only broadened. "You were badly injured and covered in m-mud... we took you in, bathed you and adorned you appropriately."

Sith'r noticed the garb he was wearing; a belt with jeweled round discs and a dark purple loincloth trimmed with gold fabric, arm bands made of gold with the heads of snakes at either end; a necklace of feathers and gold hanging from his neck. He purred a bit at the sight of it, the dress was extravagant and quite beautiful. "Thank you, I appreciate your generosity." He said he said as he gently ran his fingers along the kobold's face. "There is a great deal more you can do for me as well, if you are up to it that is." He watched as the kobold's face turned red, highlighting his otherwise golden-brown skin with a darker color. Immediately, his body trembled slightly and something moved under his loincloth, brushing against the snake's leg.

Brazenly, Sith'r grasped the kobold's cock underneath the cloth, making him squeak in surprise, but that only delighted him all the more. The snake's hand worked around the shaft, squeezing a bit as he pulled him closer. The scent of the creature's energy was enough to arouse the snake, he felt stronger just from one touch of it, his chest swelled with a deep breath as he pulled the creature onto his lap. The kobold was probably a good foot or so shorter than him, but he didn't seem to mind as Sith'r's long, forked tongue licked along his neck. "W-wh-" He stammered, wondering if he should be objecting to this, but staring into the snake's golden eyes, the objections quickly ceased.

"I require a hefty amount of energy to heal." Sith'r said. "If you want to truly help me, then you must be willing..." He wrapped his hand around the kobold's backside, slipping his fingers up under the male's tail and pushing into the warm ring underneath.

"Uuuhh!" He gasped, almost eagerly leaning back into the snake's talons. "P-please... I am yours..."

"And your followers?" Sith'r's golden eyes flickered as he observed the other kobolds, now taking a step back. Their unsuredness still deceiving their thick erections which were impossible to hide beneath their cloths. "What are they?"

Almost instantly, the kobolds in the room that were carrying objects; spears, food, even bowls dropped them to the ground as they all fell to their knees and remained still, pledging their fealty merely through the display of their prominent bulges. This pleased the sorcerer, who used the lust, permeating the room like a rainstorm and with the wave of his hand, caused the belts of the remaining followers to unclasp and their clothing to fall to the floor. "Indulge, my friends." He said. "Indulge in me, and indulge in each other..." He turned a glance back to the leader in his hands, his fingers squeezing even tighter in the butt in his grip. "It is my way."

The leader had barely any time to react before he found himself now facing the floor, his butt in the air as Sith'r loomed his face over it. With two fingers, he spread the male's cheeks apart at the cleft of his hole and quickly pressed his tongue to it. The kobold gasped in surprise as his fingers clawed at the floor under him. Moaning loudly as his hands continually flattened against the tile and then grabbed at it again. The end of his tail madly swished, but Sith'r enjoyed it. Using one hand to tighten his grip on the kobold's balls and shaft, he tugged down roughly, exposing as much space as he could put his face into. He inhaled the male's scent so deeply that it was like a wind tunnel flooding him all of a sudden. He moaned and purred loudly, his cries of 'yes!' and 'more please!' were lost amidst the now reverbirating echoes of his kin; which, as he looked back, he realized were now pleasuring each other in Sith'r's audience. The feeling of the snake's tongue driving even deeper made him pant and moan, burying his face into his elbow as his cries only continued to get louder.

Sith'r pulled his lips back for a moment, his saliva soaking the kobold's ass and making his flesh glisten in the golden light around them. Unbelievably aroused, he inched forward some, his silky loincloth and cock rubbing against the kobold's rather lewdly as he shifted up and lifted the male's legs so his weight was resting more on his forearms and elbows than his knees. Sith'r delighted in the smell the taste of the wet flesh, the musk of a kobold was intoxicating for him and the more he gave into his pleasure, the easier his own shoulder seemed to feel as his magical energies began to heal it.

Sith'r's cock rubbed underneath the kobold now as he gently humped upward, dragging his flesh along the lean flesh of the creature. He could feel his precum escaping, dripping onto the floor after forming a trail of it along his stomach. His tongue reached even greater depths now as Sith'r slapped the kobold's ass soundly before diving into it again and again with his face. It felt so natural now, slippery and looser from his tongue. The cobra could hardly stand it anymore and eagerly inserted one, then two fingers along with his tongue in order to play with his quarry even further. There were no objections to this; only the sound of muffled moaning as Sith'r eagerly pulled back on the kobold's abdomen and pulled him back into his lap; this time, finding a seat for his spike to intrude.

"Ahh! Haaahhh!" The leader cried out as he felt Sith'r beginning to penetrate him, the reptile's cock continually slipped in, then popped out as he wrapped his arms around the creature's waist and began to play with his cock as his elbows held him still. He bucked up a couple of times before the kobold could feel the cock slip in even further. This prompted the creature to moan even louder. He ignored the stares from the audience and began to give into his lust. There was a sudden glow that surrounded him that seemed to come from the snake himself, as his tongue continued to lick along the kobold's neck. "Wh-what... is--" He panted, unable to control another burst of moaning.

"This is my power--" The reptile answered back, though his lips did not move. "Let me feed on your energy--"

He felt the snake buck into him harder, and the beast cried out again, feeling his own erection slapping against his stomach, splashing cum across his stomach as he approached a rapid orgasm. "Let him feel--" He trailed off, not realizing he hadn't spoken aloud. "Nnnhhh AHHH!" He cried out again, suddenly sending his white seed splashing wetly against his stomach, his abdomen and everywhere as his cock slapped the pools and flung the fluids on all sides of him. He heard the wizard's shoulder pop and a sudden increase in vigor as he was flung to the floor under Sith'r's weight. Driving into him even harder now, the kobold cried out again and again, with every lustful lunge as the cobra thrust himself in deeper and even deeper still. His body was trembling now, his body tightening, his now healed shoulder holding him up as his hand worked underneath the leaner body under him. The driving force behind his lust finally coming to a head as he reached a climactic finish.

"Hnnnn!" He grunted forcefully as he thrust in and held himself. His grunt turned into an elongated hiss as a flood of warmth began to fill the kobold up. The kobold could feel the snake's fluids filling his stomach, distending it some with its pure heft and amount before a seal or something decided to go, and sent several trickles of warm seed down his legs and onto the floor.

"M-master..." He groaned, feeling the snake's relaxed weight now resting solely on his backside.


"Satha etmobe!"

Kra'tan's voice echoed as his staff resonated with a ring of light that shot outward, forcing Sith'r back a few feet. The light had cut into him like a sword, leaving a gash on his blocking arm. His energy was running low; unlike him, Kra'tan's power was recharged by the moon which was rising in full tonight. He grunted and fell weakly to one knee.

"You are pathetic, and you dare to challenge me?"

"A simple disagreement leads to this?" Sith'r responded angrily. "You are not fit to lead us." Discarding his broken sword. "I wanted nothing more than to leave, but your behavior forces my hand!" He traced out an invisible shape with his finger. "Aten sabret ash!" He slapped his palm to the invisible symbol, making it glow into view and suddenly a funnel of flame shot from it.

"Platan!" Kra'tan was ready for this as a wall of ice shot up between them. "Efre dun!" Suddenly, he doubled, then his doubles doubled until they were surrounding Sith'r on all sides. "Embole!" All of the doubles suddenly exploded, ejecting the younger cobra from the temple. Coming down hard to the ground, he grunted as he tried to stand. He found himself unable to move, and realized that his body was wrapped in a luminescent purple chain as Kra'tan hovered out toward him. "You are exiled from this place." He said. "None shall hear of your traitorous nature, Sith'r, your name shall be forgotten."

"Then why don't you just... kill me?"

A smile slithered across the reptile's face. "All in good time..."


"Sir? Are you alright?"

The voice awakened Sith'r from his sleep and he looked to see a red-skinned kobold standing at the foot of his bed. Naked and rather attractive in the dawning light of the morning. Sith'r brushed off the nightmare and smiled. "I am quite alright Aken." He said.

Aken was the brother of the village elder Kanto and assigned as his personal servant. His body was a bit husky in the upper portions but it was solid, as though it were all muscle, even Sith'r couldn't tell which it was. His long black cock dragged its way along the sheets that covered the cobra's upper legs and it definitely brought another stirring below them as well. "Well it seems that something needs to be taken care of--" He said.

Sith'r smirked. "You are quite the horndog, aren't you?" He teased as Aken drew back the sheets, revealing the rigid erection beneath.

Aken growled lustily as he grasped the cobra's shaft and ran his tongue along it. From base to tip, the kobold seemed to get off on simply touching the reptile's cock. Immediately his own went to work and dragged against him. Sith'r growled in enjoyment as he grabbed Aken's hip and dragged his backside toward him. Out of all the kobolds in this small village, he favored Aken's ass the most; it was taut up near the hole, but the lower portions were a bit more fluid-feeling. They jiggled as he played with them and when he slapped one cheek in play, he could watch the ripple flow across to the other side. His flesh was almost entirely red, except the underside of his tail and along his chest and stomach, which was more tan in color. A highly attractive bit of flesh for the snake, who preferred his brighter color tones.

"Mmmmmhh..." Aken moaned a bit as his mouth slipped over the cobra's cock and began to travel down its length. The reptile's forked tongue briefly wrapped around Aken's balls as he pulled them toward his mouth, then slowly, it unraveled them as he began to drag his tongue upwards into the valley between his cheeks.

The musk was always extraordinarily strong here, and with the village beginning to wake up, Sith'r could feel the sexual energy of his followers as it became routine to pleasure the first kobold seen upon waking. That was at least thirty cocks being satisfied at this very moment, and a strong force of energy to flow through the snake's power as he began to absorb it. "Ahhhh..." He moaned and his groan trailed off as he began to lick Aken's ass, tasting it deep as the kobold's body writhed across his large chest. Spreading the cheeks before him, Sith'r grinned and plunged his tongue in deeper, making him grunt and moan all the more. It was like dipping his mouth into an expensive bowl of grapes and eating them without his fingers. He could hear Aken hiss and grunt, moan and swoon as he began to grind his butt into his master's face. The slippery, messy cleft getting wetter and smelling more and more like the snake's saliva only made him want him more.

Suddenly, the feeling of another mouth on his shaft drew Sith'r's attention as he looked to see Kanto indulging in his flesh as well. The sight of the brothers together made the snake's toes curl in anticipation as they both devoted themselves to servicing him.

Sith'r's presence in the village also had a side effect; leaving everyone in an almost continual state of pleasure; when they weren't fucking each other, they were often involved in teasing one another, playing with each other or begging the snake for his attentions, which he would gladly offer in exchange for this energy that added to the society. Since he had come here, the construction among the village had increased ten fold and people could focus more on the tasks at hand, making it more than just a sexual conquest of his, but a society built around it. They did what they had to do, but never settled for less than improving their village.

"Yes... yess..." Sith'r moaned, his fingers grabbing at the sheets under him while both males played with his cock, taking the spout of white that continued to drool down each side of his shaft, and drinking from it like it were some fountain of youth. He returned his mouth to Aken's ass while he reached and grabbed Kanto's firm backside and began to rub and play with it too. His fingers pressed inward, and the golden tanned beast grunted in passionate glee. "I come close... sssss--" He hissed, despite his better judgement trying to force his nature off him. "NNNH!"

A fountain of white suddenly shot up several inches into the air as the brothers quickly began to catch it from where it came from, first Aken, then Kanto took sips from their master's cock and reveled in the mess it had made out of them. As the mess finally settled down and Sith'r began to relax, he realized his tongue had already gotten Aken off, who had made a mess underneath them while Kanto remained knelt next to them with a monstrous erection. "Come now, Aken. Why not help your brother out?"

Without hesitation, Aken crawled around behind Kanto and pushed him forward on the bed, spreading the male's cheeks out much like Sith'r tended to do and he began to drag his thick, heavy-drooling tongue along it as Kanto moaned and threw his head back. Aken was quite vigorous with his play and growled a bit each time he would lunge in to lick. The sound of his hand slapping on the tan kobold's butt was enough to get Sith'r aroused again as he watched the brothers play to his enjoyment. When he could Sithr' tended to play with all of his subjects; but he did have his favorites, and would watch as they each struggled for dominance and the chance to be fucked by him. He and Aken had been together several times, and the red kobold had learned how to take it *hard* from him. This didn't stop the cobra from fondling him as he played with his brother either. The deep round orbs of his balls, the purely ivory colored horns on top of his head, that thick red body, everything was turning Sith'r on at the moment and fuelling his own powers with the limitless supply of sexual energy that flooded the village.

The wetness of Aken's ass was more than enough to make Sith'r get hard again. He grinned as he sat back up on his knees, positioning himself behind Aken, who looked up from his brother's ass in curiosity as the thick reptile cock rubbed against his cleft like a hot dog. Need, want, everything radiated from Sith'r's eyes with the intent he had in mind. "Why don't you get a little bit deeper?" He asked without moving his lips, then forming a grin as his glow reflected in Aken's eyes.

Aken inhaled and moaned as the lusty reptile pressed into him again, and he leaned up to press his cock against his brother's tail. "Yes." He said as the fog of lust glazed over his eyes, making Kanto moan as his brother angled his cock into his wet, loosened hole and he pushed inward.

"Nnnhh..." Kanto grunted as his hands clutched the sheets under him, making him raise his ass even more. Driving his backside down into Aken's hips, they seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces as Sith'r tightened his grip on Aken's butt and began to push himself inward. A solid thrust inward, and all three of them gasped as they each felt the thrust and began to move together.

Back and forth, back and forth. Aken felt like he was being pulled apart and put back together again as his brother fell forward at the same time Sith'r pulled back, yanking his cock almost completely out of him before plunging it back in harder than before. His face felt warm with the embarrassment or lust of the moment. Feeling Sith'r's balls knock forward against his own, then feeling his brother's ass as they scrunched together was a feeling that drove him to the brink of madness again, and again. He growled and licked the sharp teeth in his mouth as he expected to be filled at any moment and also make a huge mess inside his brother's ass. "Yes.... yessss..." He moaned louder now as the familiar burn in his shaft began to make it twitch madly.

"Huff!" Kanto came first though, his ass tightened around Aken's cock again and again as he shot seven or eight times into Sith'r's bed. His entire body flexed and grew tighter with each buck that passed through the line from Sith'r to him. "F-fill me, brother..." He cried out passionately.

Almost as if on command, Aken cried out and suddenly began to cum into the tan ass slapping against his crotch. He grabbed Kanto's ass tight as he came bucking in and holding as best as he could with Sith'r still fucking him. As his body trembled, Sith'r also came hard into Aken's ass. His cock fell out and there was a sudden explosion of seed across the kobold's back before both of them turned to help lick up the mess that they had all made together.

"WHAT IS THIS!?" A voice echoed from outside as the three of them finally grew to relax in Sith'r's bed. Only the snake could recognize the outraged voice that now echoed through his village and he rose to face who it is he suspected had invaded now.

As he stepped out into the morning light, he could see Kra'tan hovering several feet over them. A look of anger across his face only intensified as he spotted Sith'r. "Sith'r, my disgraced general, you could not pervert your own kind, so you come and create this... this depravity."

Sith'r's eyes narrowed as he stepped out in front of the wizard, dressed in nothing but his cobra's cowl and a smile. "You ejected me from our home, allow me to eject you from mine."

"When I saw these constructs, I figured the Kobolds had been eliminated and some civilized society had taken its place, how were you able to get them to understand construction?"

"With the proper motivation, anyone can create an advanced society."

"But they are... kobolds!" He said in outrage.

"They are far more intelligent than you give them credit for. Their sexual energy allows me to maintain my strength and power, and in exchange, I give them the inspiration to improve their culture." Sith'r said. "Do you not see? If you hadn't exiled me, I couldn't have made this place better than it was."

"Leave, invader." Kanto said stepping forward. "I am the elder of this village and you are not welcome."

"Am I not?" The cobra feigned surprise. "Or perhaps it is you, who is out of place? You are certainly out of line."

"My power is stronger here than you could ever imagine."

"Stronger than mine at the full moon?" Kra'tan scoffed. "I have high doubts about that! I banish you from these lands; all of you! Our empire shall return to claim this place when you have gone! EXANTO---"

"Pava'ti Excanti!" Sith'r coiled back his arms and flung them forward with a powerful wave of green energy that shot from his hands.

"What is--what have you done?!" Kra'tan shrieked loudly as the energy surrounded him, his cry turned to a scream of pain and suddenly, a simple snake appeared out of the green energy and fell to the ground.

"The power they provide me is ever-charging." Sith'r said as he watched the snake slither off into the bushes. "We will make this place better than you could ever have imagined kobolds being capable of." He put one arm around Kanto, and the other around Aken. "And we can do it without our--your kind interfering..."

As he turned with the other kobolds and retreated back into his hut, Kra'tan stuck his head out from behind the bushes. "As soon as I've reversed this spell you've cast on me, I will return. During the full glory of the moon and use my power to--uuhhh!?"

A hand grabbing the snake's neck and lifting him up wasn't only unexpected, but it caught the snake off guard as he found himself in the clutches of a purple colored kobold who stared at him with the goofiest expression on his face. "Unhand me! You dimwit! You gigantic imbecile! Remove your hand! Remove your--" He gasped now as he was rushed in one direction. Unable to move or even to bite his captor, Kra'tan watched helplessly as he spotted a large pot of boiling water that he was being rushed toward. The last thing on his mind that day was how he hoped that indigestion would be the end of these creatures..."


Zootopia 12/13

Part 12 There was that sound again, a constant beep, beep noise that roused Chase from his sleep. His eyes were burning as if suffering from a fever, he didn't remember anything that had happened after being dragged into the Tundra Town bay by an...

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Zootopia Park 13/13 (FINAL)

Part 13 Wild Isle was a little more than three hours by train, it was north of Zootopia and even included an underwater tunnel for the express riders to enjoy a crystal-clear view of ocean wildlife, surfacing only about ten miles from its destination....

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Zootopia Park 11/??

Part 11 This Allosaurus was enormous; standing at least thirty feet in height, she had enough size to intimidate a Tyrannosaurus Rex. As she craned her neck down to look at the group, her mouth curled back in an intimidating show of teeth that...

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