Old Dogs (Teaser for Patreon)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#21 of Fan Art

My first full story submitted to Patreon! I'm hoping to get more involved with tidbits like this for my donators and I wanted to drop a little teaser off for you guys. I do hope you enjoy it too ;)

Want to read the whole thing? It's over here! https://www.patreon.com/posts/old-dogs-7281710

Thanks you guys for your support!

"Old Dogs" (Teaser)

"Damn tin can!" Wolf growled, punching the steering wheel so hard that it folded in on itself before he punched his way through the door and out into the cold night. Rain had begun to fall, and with it the feel of ice drops that stung the werewolf's face and head. He tucked his arms under his pits and peered around. There was no way he could stay in the van like this, he pulled open the back, grabbed the money bags he had gotten from the bank and closed it up again. Releasing the break, he pushed it with all his might toward the edge of a nearby cliff and sent it plunging down into the water below. Clapping his hands together he shivered and returned to his bags, slinging them over his shoulders he began to make his way on foot into the woods. "Got to be some place I can stay until the rain passes." He growled to himself, annoyed at having been partially foiled by the gargoyles once again. As he made his way into the woods, he sniffed the air and could sense a cave not too far away. An unmistakable scent of stone filled the air and he quickly made his way toward it. Finding some dry branches he collected them as he walked, storing him in the crook of his arm until he spotted what he had smelled:

It was a small cave mouth, but big enough to fit him through if he turned sideways to enter. Doing so, he managed to slip through the crevice and entered a much larger room that echoed with each step he took. The wind whistling through the cave's mouth filled the room as Wolf dropped his collection of sticks on the ground and, reaching into his belt he pulled out another pellet that created the flash bang he escaped the gargoyles with. Emptying its contents onto the wood, he used a rock to spark it, and immediately the fire caught, filling the entire cavern with the glow of firelight. Removing his vest, Wolf scratched at his newly freed chest as he sat in front of the flames to warm up. It would be dawn soon, and he knew he would need to keep moving after the sun came up. As the fire's glow warmed his fur, Wolf laid back on the stone floor and stared up at the domed ceiling over his head. He wasn't sure exactly when it was that he began to feel tired, but between the glowing soft light of the cave and the warmth of the crackling fire, Wolf closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Wolf's sleep was disturbed suddenly by the feeling of something clapping over his mouth; a dark claw scratched at his face slightly as it jolted him awake. "Well well..." Goliath's deep voice caught his ears as he was grabbed by the shoulder and yanked from his position by the fire. "I love a good hunt!" He chuckled deeply as he wrapped a free arm around Wolf's muscled shoulders and lifted him off the ground. Wolf was thick and strong, but Goliath matched his strength by holding him on the tips of his toes his arms both shifting now to grapple his shoulders and his forearms, locking his arms to himself.

"Wh-what are you doing!? Get off'a me!" He shouted. "How'd you find me?"

"Would you care to do the honors, Hudson? My hands are a little tied at the moment."

Hudson grinned as he came into view; to Wolf's shock, the older gargoyle was completely naked. His dangling cock swaying between his legs as he stepped past the fire. "Aye... I could use a little fun after that long chase."

"Let me go! What are you--?" Wolf gasped as Hudson grabbed his pants by their hips and he pulled himself in closer. To his surprise, the bearded gargoyle leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Mmph!" He tried to pull back in surprise, but Goliath's wall-like presence kept his head from moving much as Hudson's tongue lewdly invaded his lips. He'd forgotten he could bite, Wolf simply froze in horror at the feeling this gave him. His body shook on impulse and he felt Goliath's hand reach down and grab the bulge at the front of his pants.

"Mmmm it would seem you've excited him, Hudson."

Hudson pulled his lips away and grinned again. "Well that's hardly a surprise."

"Wh-what are you two doing? Stop this! Let me go!"

There was a not-so-soft yank on his pants as Hudson ripped the fabric almost straight down the sides, revealing that he was wearing nothing underneath. "There we go, that's much better." He said before gently tossing the shredded garments into the fire as he grasped the flesh of Wolf's cock and wrapping his fingers around the man's orbs, squeezing them together and making him wince. "That's actually more impressive than I thought it'd be." The old gargoyle said crouching down.

Wolf couldn't help it, but he was aroused by this treatment. As much as his mind told him not to be turned on, he growled and bit his lip to try and force it away; he was getting hard under the tough claws of the older warrior. "You aren't going to do a thing, old man." He growled, but then he felt Goliath's grasp tighten on him, straightening his back out before noticing that Goliath's goliath of a cock was pressing into the small of his back as well.

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