Brothers (Patreon Teaser)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Final Fantasy/Ronso

Almost 4000 words for this story and you guys get an 800 word teaser ;) Hope you guys enjoy!

Yenke Ronso develops a taste for Kimahri, finding a want; a need for him to fill, and the opportunity presents itself as he goes to a spring to heal himself after being injured during a battle between him, Kimahri and Biran.

If you'd like to read the whole thing please consider supporting my Patreon ( all my stories are available for a minimum $1 contribution per month.

Commissions and other original tales will still be posted here of course! I'm just trying to get my groundwork done! Thanks for your support everyone!

"Brothers" (Patreon Teaser)

"Yenke?" Biran's voice from outside startled the dark-haired Ronso as he quickly pulled his blanket over the mess and pretended to be resting. "Yenke awake? Biran thought you made a noise."

"Ah... must have... been a dream." Yenke lied, smiling with a rather toothy grin at the blond barbarian who had pressed himself past the door and into the room. "Yenke hurting pretty bad."

"Yes." Biran nodded, raising his eyebrows. "Kimahri here?"

"Kimahri was here." Yenke emphasized. "But Yenke not feel like entertaining..."

Again Biran nodded. "Yenke should go to spring, bathe and soothe Yenke's muscles."

The younger of the pair nodded. "Yes. Perhaps." He realized that would be a good way to also clean off the mess he had made.

"Biran leave for now. Go to the springs, we will meet again later."

Yenke nodded a bit too much at the idea. "Yes. Biran go, Yenke will clean up and--soothe muscle."

Biran paused and looked around puzzled. "Yenke seem... nervous."

"Nervous? No. Not at all." He shook his head this time, again too much. "Just aching."

"Perhaps Biran should help--"

"No, Biran go." Yenke said. "Springs not far, Yenke will be fine."

As soon as Biran left, Yenke moved to get ready to head out. He cleaned his blue fur and brown fuzz as best as he could, but he couldn't completely clear the sticky semen lodged in most of his abdomen. He stuck his armor under his arm, and unlike his usual proud-self, chose to take a cloth and wrap it around himself as he stepped out into the snow. The stormy wind immediately tried to drag the cloth off him as it whipped into his body, almost knocking him over. Even if he hadn't been weakened and hurt by the storm earlier, it would have been hard for him to keep his balance as he made his way from the village and down the snowy peaks toward the billowing steam coming from the hot springs located just a couple of ledges below their encampment. The springs were often a place younger warriors would go to mess around and breed with each other outside the traditions of normal Ronso mating, but they've also found that the springs contained a remedial quality in its waters. Elders have gone in after being gravely injured only to emerge rejuvenated and young spirited. As such, it was a place that only the Ronso were permitted, and it would be a necessary treatment for Yenke, who cradled the lower part of his back as he made his way into the cave.

The smell was the first thing that hit him; immediately, it helped to unlock the tight muscles that had been injured. It didn't smell of sulfur, like some springs did. It was natural water that cooled enough from the mountain's snows to blend the perfect temperature as it hit the greenish blue pool at the bottom of the rocks. Steam filled the room like a fog and it hindered the view from only a few feet away. As he approached the water he grunted as he put his armor down, removed the cloth from around his waist and sank into the bubbling waters. He let out a long, deep sigh as he found a ledging of rock and sat upon it, his shoulders the only things above the water he stretched those out on the wall behind him and floated a bit. Exhaling he began to rub at the dried cum in his fur and started to scrub it free, not noticing another figure appearing from beyond the smoky atmosphere.

"That for Kimahri?"

Yenke's back jerked rigid again, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as before and he looked up. Kimahri was naked in front of him, an impressively built warrior, the lion was also impressively endowed for his lack of size. The crossbreeze from the cave's entrance caused Kimahri's blue fur to flutter a bit, his braids swaying against his pectorals as he looked down at the larger Ronso. Casually reaching down, Kimahri ran a thumb along his balls as if to scratch an itch and it attracted Yenke's attention to the meat that dipped there. "Is what for Kimahri?" Yenke asked innocently.

"What Yenke wash off in bath." He responded with a deadpan attitude, pointing at his crotch.

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