Kimahri Heat (teaser)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Patreon

February's first $5 and Up Rule 34 Reward Story

This is a teaser; roughly the first half of the story sees Kimahri visiting the inn on the Thunder Plains for an unknown reason when he sees a strange ghostly presence, things get downright strange for him.

This was the only vote on the Poll which included Kimahri (solo) and this is as close to solo as it gets. Though perhaps a solo adventure in the future could be even more strictly 'solo' eh? :) Anyway! Enjoy! The second poll will come up for my $5 and up patreons in about a week so if you guys would like to join and contribute please do so! (You'll be able to enjoy the full version then!)

"Kimahri Heat"

Thunder boomed and echoed through the sky, along with a near-daylight illumination coming from the constant lightning that filled the Thunder Plains as Kimahri returned to one of the few places that oddly gave him a bit of comfort during his journey with Yuna three years before. The area was barren of any real life outside except for the occasional tree that miraculously stood the test of lightning strikes. He'd come into the plains nearly an hour ago, but the storms seemed to accumulate and he was forced to make a stop at one of the high pillars that aided travelers by absorbing the lightning from the pikes atop the stony rock formations. He inhaled the crisp, yet electric air and exhaled slowly, drowning out the intense fireworks that constantly exploded in his ears.

He'd had no real reason for traveling back this far; leaving Gagazet behind so that he could return here, it all felt so very vivid when he started. He knew that for some reason, he needed to return to this place, as if his instinct had drawn him back.


Another loud clap of thunder indicated the lightning was striking oddly close to the shelter. He knew that this was a temporary spot, but if needed he could stay here for some time to catch his breath. "No." Kimahri said to himself. He knew he had to keep moving, his instinct drawing him in the direction of the only inn crazy enough to stay in business in these turbulent lands. He could feel the fur on his body standing on end, likely from the static that filled the air, and he scratched his forearm on instinct as he cautiously made his way toward the next marker on the path.

Two bolts nearly hit Kimahri as he made his way toward the desolate inn at the southern border of the plains, one he jumped away from, the other he had to do a bit of a roll forward to avoid, but he realized to his relief that the door to the inn was only a few feet away at that point. He sighed in relief and stepped through the portal into the building. It was a blessing for the Ronso that this land didn't include rain with its constant stormy weather, it would have cranked up the zone to completely uninhabitable at that point. He sighed and brushed himself off at the entryway, noticing the Al Bhed standing behind the counter staring at him, Kimahri quickly regained his composure and closed the door behind him, cutting out the breezy atmosphere that the storm brought with it. He adjusted his bracers and approached the counter.

"Kimahri need room for the night." He said as the man lifted his goggles, revealing his green eyes to the Ronso.

"Is'at right?" He said. "Well, I'd be happy to accommodate ya, but my rooms are filled."

Kimahri stared questioningly at the man, let out a sigh of frustration, pulled a gold coin from the pouch on his hip and slammed it aggressively onto the counter in front of him. "Al Bhed still have no room for Kimahri?"

The man's eyes gleamed at the coin as he snatched it off the table to examine it. "Oh, no... I might be able to squeeze you in somewhere my fuzzy friend. What's a ronso like you doin' in a place like this anyway?"

"Personal matter." Kimahri answered gruffly. "Room, now."

"Okay, okay. Give me just a minute, I'll have my turndown service get it ready for you." He turned to another man sitting a few feet away, snoozing happily away against the book shelves behind the door. "Rolan? Rao! Kad ouin mywo ycc ib yht lmayh uid dra drent nuus vun drec syh. E tuh'd lyna ev oui ryja du cfaab dra cbetanc uid dra tuun, E fyhd ed tuha huf!"

Immediately the man shook awake like he'd been caught with his hand in a cookie jar, suddenly shrieking; "Cina! Cina! Nekrd yfyo, pucc!" And just like that, he vanished in through a door leading into the back.

The man behind the counter then smiled broadly at Kimahri. "Your room will be ready shortly. How many nights were you planning on staying with us, sir?"

Kimahri paused for a moment. The abruptness of his coming here didn't really give him an indication for how long he'd be staying. He slipped another coin onto the counter. "Kimahri stay two nights, will pay if more needed."

Deftly, the Al Bhed pulled the second coin off the counter and smiled politely. "Of course. And I will call you once your room is prepared."

Kimahri turned to face the waiting room behind him, next to the door and under the small portal windows that provided the best gaze out into the continually dark and flashing sky, he walked over and stared out into the storm. Lightning continually illuminated the ground, giving a good vision of the windblown dust that swirled around in mini-tornados that vanished just as quickly as they appeared. As he watched, another motion caught the Ronso's eye; a strange bluish apparition hovering along the road just outside. Just looking at it gave him a chill down his spine; could this have been a fiend? Someone lost in these plains? Whatever it was, it looked downright terrifying to him. Shapeless, emotionless, the visage appeared to stare at Kimahri with sunken, blackened eyes, but he couldn't make out any features.

Staring long enough, Kimahri felt a bit dizzy and sank out of the view of the window. Sitting down on one of the seats provided for guests, he put his hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.

"Kimahri..." A voice caused him to open his eyes again and immediately he realized something was strange.

Kimahri was lying on his back now, darkness surrounding him instead of the warmth of the inn, a large pair of hands could be felt along his fur, but he couldn't see who it was. The voice was such a faint whisper he couldn't even make out if it were a man or a woman, either way, he gasped as he felt the fingers work at his armor. A warmth was covering him that had no real source, but he could feel his legs buck as though someone was on top of him, holding him down. A passionate warmth touched his neck, causing the warrior to moan softly, immediately he felt aroused by this presence and he shivered in pleasure.

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