Old Dogs (2016 Patreon Reward)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#23 of Fan Art

The full release of my Patreon Gargoyles story Old Dogs:

In pursuit of Wolf who has escaped from police custody, Hudson and Goliath prove that you can teach an old dog new tricks!

If you like these stories guys come follow me on Patreon; my address has changed as me and Wolfgang are partnering up, it is now http://www.patreon.com/fluffytales at the $5 level you'll not only get to read them ahead of time, but also you'll be able to vote on who you'd like to see next :)

"Old Dogs"

The night was just like any other night for Hudson and Goliath, as they made their patrol. Carefully gliding high enough to not be seen by the people swarming through Times Square as the late night hours slowly ticked away on the city that never sleeps. The old soldier's eye scanned a nearby clock, it was almost one in the morning and Goliath was already swooping off ahead of him.

"Ay, lad. Hold up a second." He called to the larger gargoyle, and the pair flew to the nearest rooftop before Goliath walked over to him with a worried expression on his face that made the elder smirk in response. "Don' be worrying about me. I just figured we'd slow down a bit."

"Are you not feeling well, Hudson?" Goliath asked.

"Never better." Hudson explained. "I may be old, but I'm as virile as I'll ever be."

"Then why did you want to slow down?"

"To enjoy the night, lad. That's all. Can't an old man enjoy a little bit of peace every now and again? People are in such a rush these days."

Goliath nodded silently and seated himself on a ledge that was high enough to do so without leaning back. He stared at Hudson and crossed his arms. The night had a solid chill in the air. A late October cold snap had brought about early hints of winter weather, but snow was still not falling. Their thick skin could resist cold, but the wind that was biting flipped Hudson's white hair about while Goliath's long black hair fluttered behind him as he faced the breeze. "It's getting a bit cold up here, Hudson. Did you want to go back to the castle?"

"Nonsense." Hudson waved a hand dismissively. "I've got the VCR taping all of my shows, at least until Lexington teaches me how to use the blasted digital recording-whatcha-magig."

"Mmhmm. And what did you want to talk about?"

"Nothing." Hudson answered adamantly. "I slowed up for your sake, not mine."

Goliath sighed solemnly and shook his head. "Look, why don't you go back to the castle and warm up. We're almost finished with--"

"Don't you try to send me back, Goliath. I've been at this a fair bit longer than you have."

"And you have nothing more to prove. You are a veteran warrior, one of the most stalwart fighters I have ever seen, I just feel you don't need to accompany me on our standard patrols. That's all, someone has to remain at the castle to guard it anyway--"

"Is that a fact?" Hudson stood upright again. "Is that how you see me, Goliath? A couch potato who'd prefer to stay out of the way, just to sit in front of the television all night every night?"

"That's not what I was saying--"

"I'll have you know that I have a great deal of fight left in me."

"Hudson, I never said-"

Again, Goliath was interrupted. But not by Hudson this time; this time, it was a sharp, piercing alarm that filled the night sky from not too far away. Both warriors turned their heads up to the sound and without so much as a word to each other, leapt from the rooftop and caught the closest draft to glide toward the sound.

Wolf cackled as he threw himself into the guards as they ran to the vault he had just blown open. Raising a small pistol-like device, he fired a beam of electricity at them, instantly incapacitating them. Holstering his weapon, he grabbed a large sack of money and slung it over his shoulder; a means to start a new life away from the spotlight of New York. As he made his way from the vault to the lobby, he noticed the shimmer of a security camera, pointed straight at him from a port in the wall. "You think you can keep me out of your pathetic little bank? You don't know me very well, then. Do you?" He said as he slammed the side of his fist into the camera, causing it to explode and crumble into shards of electronics equipment. "Manning. You better have my getaway van ready."

A voice on the other end came back. "Sure thing, got it parked in the alley just like you said sir." The underling's voice trembled. "But you better hurry. That alarm is causing a lot of chaos."

"Ain't nothing I can't handle." He said as he confidently made his way toward the door.

He stopped as he realized at least three police cars were outside. They shined their spotlights on him and he raised his arms instantly as the police sidearms were already at the ready and pointed straight at him. Turning his hand to the side, the officers noticed a small device in Wolf's hand with a red button on it. With a big grin, Wolf pressed the button and suddenly, explosives placed under the cop cars ignited; sending the vehicles up in columns of yellow and orange light as the crack from the bombs was enough to shatter about every window in the bank's lobby. Rushing out, he spotted one of the officers rushing at him with a baton, which he quickly deflected before picking him up and hurling him into a second officer. A third cop came up from behind him and fired at him, looking shocked as her bullet ricocheted off his back. Still he lumbered forward in a brief moment of pain before turning around and tackling her to the ground.

"So you wanna play with the wolf, huh?" He growled teasingly grabbing at her uniform. "Let's just see how you like to--HNNNH!" He grunted as the officer's foot suddenly kicked upward and into his crotch, sending colors along with the shock of pain right to his eyes. "YOWCH! You bitch!" He roared.

"Pick on someone your own size, lad!" Hudson appeared suddenly and grabbed the mutate by the collar of his outfit and dragged him up into the air momentarily before throwing him into a wall.

"You!" He roared in recognition as he saw Hudson and Goliath land between him and the third officer, now scrambling to her feet and disappearing. "Don't you freaks have anything better to do than to ruin my fun?"

"You're calling us "freaks"? I don't know if you've looked into a mirror laddy, but ya ain't a picture of normal yourself."

"Surrender, Wolf. You have nowhere to go." Goliath said, starting toward the mutant as he took a step back.

"Oh, you'd think that. Wouldn't you?" He said, reaching into his belt and pulling out a pair of small pellets. He threw them to the ground, causing a sudden bang and a flash of light so strong that both gargoyles reeled back in pain. As they looked again, Wolf had vanished.

"Who does he think he is? Beverly Hills Ninja?" Hudson asked.


"Nevermind." Hudson shook his head. "Come on, he's gettin' away!"

The sound of an engine not far off caught their attention and both ran to catch up with it, only to witness a black and blue van roaring out from the alleyway behind the bank. "Let's go!" Goliath roared and the pair of them scaled the nearest building to the rooftop and propelled themselves from it, flying in the direction of the escaping car.

"We're never going to be able to catch up to it!" Goliath exclaimed. "The wind is against us!"

"Then we will do what we've got to do. We have to catch him this time, lad."

The chase was a long one as Goliath and Hudson flew after the vehicle that drove madly through Manhattan and north until the city was behind them. Trees began to scatter into view, obscuring the road from the pair who dove low to keep an eye on it. Soon though, the van sped up and eventually the pair lost sight of its tail lights as it raced off into the foggy night, slamming a low-slung branch on the road as it took off. Eventually, both Hudson and Goliath touched down again, exhausted from their hurried flight and breathing heavily.

"We're never going to keep up with him." Goliath fumed. "I can't believe he got away."

Hudson peered down at the ground, then crouched to examine a small trail under his feet. As he smelled the liquid, he grinned. "Oh, I woudn't be too sure about that. It seems that little bump caused a gasoline leak. At this rate he'll be out of fuel in no time."

"You are right." Goliath observed, sniffing the gasoline as well. "But how much further can he make it?"

"Likely what he'll do is find a place to hole up for the night and find a way to civilization tomorrow. Goliath, we can find him and take him out before sunrise if we hurry."

Goliath smiled and put a hand on Hudson's shoulder. "I must say it feels good to be on the hunt with you again."

"How long's it been?" Hudson asked as the pair made their way on foot down the road.

"Damn tin can!" Wolf growled, punching the steering wheel so hard that it folded in on itself before he punched his way through the door and out into the cold night. Rain had begun to fall, and with it the feel of ice drops that stung the werewolf's face and head. He tucked his arms under his pits and peered around. There was no way he could stay in the van like this, he pulled open the back, grabbed the money bags he had gotten from the bank and closed it up again. Releasing the break, he pushed it with all his might toward the edge of a nearby cliff and sent it plunging down into the water below. Clapping his hands together he shivered and returned to his bags, slinging them over his shoulders he began to make his way on foot into the woods. "Got to be some place I can stay until the rain passes." He growled to himself, annoyed at having been partially foiled by the gargoyles once again. As he made his way into the woods, he sniffed the air and could sense a cave not too far away. An unmistakable scent of stone filled the air and he quickly made his way toward it. Finding some dry branches he collected them as he walked, storing him in the crook of his arm until he spotted what he had smelled:

It was a small cave mouth, but big enough to fit him through if he turned sideways to enter. Doing so, he managed to slip through the crevice and entered a much larger room that echoed with each step he took. The wind whistling through the cave's mouth filled the room as Wolf dropped his collection of sticks on the ground and, reaching into his belt he pulled out another pellet that created the flash bang he escaped the gargoyles with. Emptying its contents onto the wood, he used a rock to spark it, and immediately the fire caught, filling the entire cavern with the glow of firelight. Removing his vest, Wolf scratched at his newly freed chest as he sat in front of the flames to warm up. It would be dawn soon, and he knew he would need to keep moving after the sun came up. As the fire's glow warmed his fur, Wolf laid back on the stone floor and stared up at the domed ceiling over his head. He wasn't sure exactly when it was that he began to feel tired, but between the glowing soft light of the cave and the warmth of the crackling fire, Wolf closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Wolf's sleep was disturbed suddenly by the feeling of something clapping over his mouth; a dark claw scratched at his face slightly as it jolted him awake. "Well well..." Goliath's deep voice caught his ears as he was grabbed by the shoulder and yanked from his position by the fire. "I love a good hunt!" He chuckled deeply as he wrapped a free arm around Wolf's muscled shoulders and lifted him off the ground. Wolf was thick and strong, but Goliath matched his strength by holding him on the tips of his toes his arms both shifting now to grapple his shoulders and his forearms, locking his arms to himself.

"Wh-what are you doing!? Get off'a me!" He shouted. "How'd you find me?"

"Would you care to do the honors, Hudson? My hands are a little tied at the moment."

Hudson grinned as he came into view; to Wolf's shock, the older gargoyle was completely naked. His dangling cock swaying between his legs as he stepped past the fire. "Aye... I could use a little fun after that long chase."

"Let me go! What are you--?" Wolf gasped as Hudson grabbed his pants by their hips and he pulled himself in closer. To his surprise, the bearded gargoyle leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Mmph!" He tried to pull back in surprise, but Goliath's wall-like presence kept his head from moving much as Hudson's tongue lewdly invaded his lips. He'd forgotten he could bite, Wolf simply froze in horror at the feeling this gave him. His body shook on impulse and he felt Goliath's hand reach down and grab the bulge at the front of his pants.

"Mmmm it would seem you've excited him, Hudson."

Hudson pulled his lips away and grinned again. "Well that's hardly a surprise."

"Wh-what are you two doing? Stop this! Let me go!"

There was a not-so-soft yank on his pants as Hudson ripped the fabric almost straight down the sides, revealing that he was wearing nothing underneath. "There we go, that's much better." He said before gently tossing the shredded garments into the fire as he grasped the flesh of Wolf's cock and wrapping his fingers around the man's orbs, squeezing them together and making him wince. "That's actually more impressive than I thought it'd be." The old gargoyle said crouching down.

Wolf couldn't help it, but he was aroused by this treatment. As much as his mind told him not to be turned on, he growled and bit his lip to try and force it away; he was getting hard under the tough claws of the older warrior. "You aren't going to do a thing, old man." He growled, but then he felt Goliath's grasp tighten on him, straightening his back out before noticing that Goliath's goliath of a cock was pressing into the small of his back as well.

Hudson ignored the werewolf and indulged himself in watching their captive's cock grow and swell in his fingers; already growing sticky to the touch, it was a strange combination of human and animal cock, fully exposed with no sheath, but his white bush of hair still covered his balls, leaving the strip of pink the only open flesh on his furred body. He tugged up toward the tip, watching the excess skin curl around it and begin to drip a translucent fluid. "I believe I am, lad."

Hudson leaned forward and wrapped his tongue around the tip of the cock, it dug in slightly, playing with the pools of precum that had begun to form along the inner lip. Wolf gasped and tried to pull back, but he'd forgotten that he wasn't going anywhere. "Ahhh-hhnnn!" He gasped as he felt the warm mouth tighten around his shaft and pull it in with a lewd-sounding slurp, Hudson's grip tightening around his shaft and balls, making it pulsate in response.

"It would seem that you are very into this sort of thing, wouldn't it Wolf?" Goliath teased, yanking back on Wolf's shoulders so that his stomach arched forward and the purple gargoyle's thick shaft pushed harder against the crevice of his crack.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Wolf sneered defiantly. "Let me go!"

Goliath grabbed the werewolf's chest roughly, his claws scratching across the surface and digging down deeper into the fur to slash at his pectoral muscles. Wolf growled at the stimulation but remained adamant that this was some sort of trick. "Come on, Wolf. Give in." Goliath whispered in Wolf's ear forcing his cock harder against the small of the man's back.

Hudson pulled his lips from the werewolf's crotch, a bit of saliva and precum dripping from his mouth as he wiped it. "What this lad needs is a little more stimulation." He said with a chuckle. "Why don't you have him oblige me?"

Hudson turned around and crouched ass first toward the wolf, his thick tail swaying as it showed off his rump. He leaned forward against some rocks, exposing himself completely, pressing his balls and his shaft between his legs to reveal his full massive length and thickness. The vision of which made Wolf's flesh jump in enthusiasm. He grunted as he was pushed down to his hands and knees, his face directly in the gargoyle's rump as Goliath's hand pressed down onto Wolf's head, pushing him ever closer.

Wolf didn't hold a chance of resisting, he tried to pull his face away, but the large gargoyle's strength pressed his face forward into the crevice of the older gargoyle's ass until his face reached the musky odor of Hudson's backside. He inhaled and gasped; it didn't smell bad, in fact it didn't really have much of an odor beyond the smell of leather and stone. Slowly, he dragged his tongue along Hudson's taint, starting from the back of his heavy balls and making his way along the length of his crack, right to his pucker. As his tongue came across it, leaving a trail of spit, he heard Hudson groan in pleasure. "Aye, lad. That's it..." He panted, bidding the werewolf to continue. Again, Wolf's tongue made its trek from Hudson's balls to his ass. This time, summoning up the temptation to press it against the muscled pucker and earning a "Mmm!" And watching the older gargoyle stretch his arms across the boulders and scratch his claws along them. As he did this, he could feel Goliath patiently grinding his meat against his ass and occasionally he could feel a trail of moisture wind its way down his crack as the massive beast used his rump to rub himself off. He couldn't help it this time, he gave off a low moan at feeling this and he could smell his own spunk dripping onto the floor under them.

"Oh, you're going to feel so good." Hudson teased, looking back at Wolf. "But first, we need to get you ready."

He shoved Wolf backwards all of a sudden, Goliath moving out of the way for a moment as the werewolf landed on the floor with a grunt. Immediately, the purple ass Goliath possessed dangled down over his face and Wolf obliged him as well, spreading Goliath's cheeks as he crouched over his face, pressing his tongue in and immediately feeling it squeezed by the brute's well controlled ring of flesh. He felt Hudson move and throw his legs up. Moving in and dabbing his finger into his mouth, Hudson then slid that finger into Wolf's ass.

"Nnnh!" Wolf grunted, feeling the seal of his ass broken by the finger. His body jerked in response but his adjoining growl was muffled by the gargoyle butt on his face. He could feel Goliath's heavy balls resting on the top of his clavicle. Lightly slapping at it as he lifted up and crouched down, tightening his ring around Wolf's tongue again and again. He could also feel Hudson not only slip a second digit in, but he began to lick the ring with his tongue for good measure.

Soon after, and without any warning, Hudson shifted himself closer and lifted Wolf's legs up and apart, pressing the tip of his cock against Wolf's ass, Hudson grinned and pushed forward. The sudden feel of penetration made Wolf howl into Goliath's ass and Goliath bear down even harder, almost suffocating him. The forceful buck from the older gargoyle almost bent Wolf's body over double as he slid along the stone floor, feeling Goliath's precum as it drooled freely onto his chest. Each time, his tongue pushed into Goliath's ass as far as it could go and he hoped he'd get a shot at fucking the big guy before it was too late.

"AHHH!" Wolf cried out, now grabbing the ground under him for dear life. "F-FUCK!" He rolled his head out from under Goliath's ass, panting and breathing loudly as Hudson's rather impressive shaft penetrated him. The old man was definitely a grower it felt like as it seemed to swell tighter and tighter in him as he pushed his shaft in a few inches, then out most of the way, then in a few more inches. Wolf could hardly breathe under Goliath's weight, watching him playing with himself as his mentor fucked the living daylights out of him. He could feel his back stretching and twisting, contorting to every one of Hudson's movements. His body was shaking, his cock was shooting precum all over his stomach and Goliath's crotch like it was a confetti cannon going off.

"Y'care for a spin, lad? This boy's as tight as a drum!"

Hudson withdrew his cock and Wolf gave a brief sigh of relief; that was, until Goliath stood up and grabbed him by the waist, hoisting him up with practically no effort and throwing him against a wall. Goliath chuckled almost darkly as he pressed his cock against Wolf's aching ass and with a second pull back and thrust almost immediately hit the mark and shoved his massive flesh into the werewolf's ass. Wolf's cry echoed through the cavern as he was slammed whole-heartedly against the rock, his cock splashing precum as it smacked against the stone wall, feeling the entire thickness Goliath had to offer at roughly twice the size of Hudson's, he buried his face into his elbow and continued clawing at the wall in vain of escaping his 'captors' for the evening. Goliath grasped at Wolf's body hard, scratching where he could, massaging his flesh with his claws as he plunged harder and deeper into his ass. Wolf rolled his eyes, wondering where this was going to take them next. Howling turned to grunting and grunting turned to a powerful cry as Wolf suddenly began to cum without any sort of control. His cock flooded the wall with his seed, making Goliath and Hudson groan in pleasure as they continued to tease him. In the midst of his orgasm, Wolf found Goliath's arms grab tightly against his waist and he lifted him into the air and turned him around so that now Goliath's back was against the newly wet stone and Wolf was spraying uncontrollably into Hudson's body as he was turned to face him.

"Aye lad, that's the stuff." Hudson moaned, pressing his torso and chest against Wolf's still pulsing shaft. It hadn't gone down but before it stopped, it had made a real mess of the elder, who almost seemed to glisten in it within the low lighting of the cave. Hudson then moaned and pulled Wolf into a tongue-filled kiss, rubbing his cock under him where Goliath was busy burying his bone deep within his body. Hudson lewdly licked at Wolf's nipples buried under the fur of his chest, he bit down and stared at him, one eye clear, the other blank and yellowed from an old injury. Wolf didn't care at the moment, his cock hadn't gone limp his body was still riding Goliath pretty hard, and he felt ready for what he expected next...

"AHHH!" He cried out, feeling Hudson's tip pressing against his ass. Goliath pulled his cock almost completely out and Hudson had laid his own against the purple gargoyle's flesh in the hopes of both penetrating him at once.

Wolf's feet and legs were high in the air at this point, practically hugging his neck now as both Goliath and Hudson held him between their thick bodies the mess of his cum. Nothing but the sound of sloshing and grunting could be heard for a good minute or two before Wolf felt the double penetration of both gargoyles at once. He howled in pleasure and pain, his cock aching now for another release as it dangled precariously over his stomach and chest, Hudson holding himself so close now that the werewolf's member was squeezing between the older one's fuzz-covered pectorals. Wolf curled his toes, wondering how much more he was going to take.

"Ooh lads. I'm-- I'm gonna--"

Hudson's eyes went stark white, glowing in the dark as he let out a massive roar and immediately, Wolf felt the bloat of cum forcing its way, load after load into his gut. He leaned back some, panting hard as he smelled the sudden flood. He threw his head back and looked at Goliath, who too was lost somewhere on the edge of his orgasm. It didn't take long before suddenly his eyes also went white and he echoed his mentor's roar, bellowing loudly as his cum shot was so intense that it nearly set Wolf off it like a rocket being propelled into the air. It literally forced both cocks out of Wolf's ass and began to pump thick loads on his used backside. This was more than enough for Wolf, who howled and let out his own second orgasm. His cock spit and threw itself violently unaided through the air, splashing against Wolf's chest and Goliath's face in its ravaging fountain. All three were soaked in musk, cum and sweat now as Goliath and Hudson lowered Wolf toward the floor of the cave, both panting loudly and curling their wings around each other, leaving Wolf in the center.

"Th-that was..." Wolf couldn't even finish his sentence from the sheer passion of the moment still making his mind swim. "Fu-uck!"

"Don't be thinking that you'll be getting off easy for this." Hudson said, pausing momentarily between breaths to finish his sentence. "We still gotta get you to the police."

"Aw come on guys. Can't it wait a few days? We can hide out here." Wolf, whose objections earlier were being quickly erased by the euphoria was quickly met with stern looks from the gargoyles.

"I am afraid not." Goliath said. "You must pay for your crimes."

Wolf glanced between the two uneasily, letting off a chuckle. "Oh come on, you really think I'm going to go back that easily? You've got to sleep sometime."

Goliath smirked. "Indeed we must." He said.

With that, a soft glow began to radiate into the cave from outside. Sunrise was upon them, and Wolf knew exactly what that would mean. Before he could properly struggle his way out of their arms though, the gargoyles turned to stone, leaving Wolf trapped in their embrace. Unable to move or get any leverage, he stared at the stoned faces of the two lovers and groaned. "Oh great. What do they expect me to do? Play solitare while they're like this?" He sighed and soon resigned himself; he would be trapped like this for the next twelve hours...


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