Training the next generation

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#48 of Charns tales...

Training the next generation...

"Does it have to be someone random?" The rangy young feline asked, as his father finished explaining his planned hunting trip.

"Why... no I don't suppose so..." The big handsome older Tiger answered with a curious smile. "Do you have someone in mind?" Charn watched as his young son grinned slowly.

"Well... I was just thinking that Coach Murphy would be a lot of fun!" Vorlan answered licking his lip's as he thought about the big Rhino.

"Coach Murphy..." Charn purred as he thought about that big jock stud. "Good choice son!" He snickered rubbing Vorlan on the head fondly. The big Rhino coached Vorlan's soccer team, and had been giving the young predator a hard time. Both father and son had come to agree that the Rhino secretly had a bias against preds. "Why don't we take a ride by the Coaches house... and see if he's home!" Charn purred as his bright emerald eyes gleamed with enthusiasm.

"Now that the season is over... he will be!" Vorlan assured... "His son Jerome told me one day after practice, that his dad never does anything after the season is over."

"Jerome... oh yes the ‘Star' of the team." Charn smirked thinking about how the coach treated his jock son compared to the other young players. "You like Jerome?" Charn asked his son curiously.

"He's a big prick..." Vorlan answered honestly... "And loves to show it off and make the other guys look at it and touch it..." The young feline explained. "But I love his big prick... and he knows it!"

"Does he now?" Charn smirked.


The big burly Rhino sat back in his recliner with his hoof like feet up, a bag of chips in his lap. Sipping a cold beer sitting nearby on his coffee table, as he watched the first round playoff games.

There came a knock at his front door, the Tiger standing slightly behind his son, an arm casually around his shoulders. Charn has an ambivalent, vaguely disconcerted look on his muzzle, as he leans in to knock on the door again.

"What?" The big slightly over weight Rhino grumps as he hears the knock on his door. Standing up slowly, he trots across the room to answer it. One eye on the TV screen as he does, his big cock bulging against a hefty thigh under his baggy sweat pants. "Errr hello... is there something?" The big Rhino pauses as he recognizes Vorlan and more vaguely his father. "Well hello there... what can I do for you?" He asks quickly as a sudden loud cheering can be heard coming from the TV in the background.

The Tiger makes eye contact, though his son keeps his muzzle down looking ashamed for some reason. Charn has had a long time to explain what would happen, and what his son's 'role' would be in this little game. He smiles politely, not showing his teeth, and offers a paw to the huge Rhino. "Howdy, I'm Vorlan's father." He announces.

"Errr... hi." The Coach grunts over his shoulder, the big Rhino strains to see what's happening on the TV; as the crowd roars and cheers.

"I know the season is over, but I had some questions about some of the things that happened in the locker rooms while the season was in play." Charn purrs seriously, inwardly pleased when the big Rhino looked nervous. "Would you mind if I came in, to talk?" The son's eyes wander up from the ground, until he stares at the long meaty snake of flesh bulging against the Coaches soft grey sweatpants.

"Ahem... sure... of course come in!" Coach Murphy agrees leading them in and quickly taking his seat in the recliner. Even as the replay shows him a great turn over... young well build athletes celebrating and patting each other on those round well-formed asses! "Ammm things that happened in the locker rooms... during the season?" The big Rhino asked arching an eyebrow as a commercial comes on. The sofa is big enough for two, and the recliner half faces it. When the Rhino pulls back the crank, opening the seat all the way to put his feet up. The two Tigers on the sofa get a great view up the leg's of his cut-off sweats, the bell of the Rhino's cock visible. The Tigers looks slightly unabashed by this, something the Coach probably doesn't pick up on! As the young feline squirms next to his dad... clearing growing intensely aroused.

"Yes... well apparently young Vorlan here was made to feel uncomfortable or... inadequate... by certain actions that happened with your son!" Charn purred in that same dramatically serious voice. "I was hoping you might be able to clarify things, set the table straight as it were." The sharp, male musk's of the two Tigers are pleasant without being overbearing, reminiscent of a sweaty locker room after a hard game!

"My son... Jerome?" The big Rhino grunts, a sudden uncomfortable look coming over his long muzzle as he hears these words. It's clear the big stud knew what his son had been doing to the other boys. "Well... I'd be happy to help in any way I can... but I'm just not sure what I can do to... set the table straight as you say!" The coach grunted readying himself to argue in his son's defense. Charn lifts a big striped paw, flapping it dismissively at the guarded Coach.

"Ahhhh... well, boys will be boys." Charn grunted as if embarrassed at what he had to say.

The Rhino's smooth leathery lip's twist up into a knowing smile... as he listened to the Tigers words... at first. "Yes..." He chuckled gloatingly.

"I remember when I was that age... there was a lot of experimentation and such like that going on." He paused to clear his throat. "It's not that unusual for kids to figure out you know... who they are with each other." "If your son likes sucking dicks, that's all well and good..."

"Yes boys will be..." "Errr... what?" That gloating slightly superior look slowly melted off the Coaches big round muzzle as he heard the last few words. 'What the fuck... was the Tiger getting at!?!' "My son doesn't... he is Not a..." Clearly this has taken the big stud off guard and he fights for a long moment to recover his self-control! Although his long organ thickens and grows even farther down his leg as he does. "I think maybe your getting this story slightly wrong..." The big masculine Coach grunted irritatedly. "My son often has other..." He looked sharply at the young Tiger sitting beside his father. "Young males wanting to touch and even suck on his powerful stud hood."

"He does?" Charn questioned looking thoughtfully for a moment, then turns to his son and raises an eyebrow. "Well, I have no problem with that... in my traditional culture you know, from way back in the day of tribes." "It was considered an honor... a rite of passage for young males, to be able to nurse at the groins of a proud warrior." "The seed of the strongest warriors of the tribes would be consumed by the youths, and would help them grow big and strong." He rubbed the top of Vorlan's head playfully. "It's something that continues to this day, though of course with modern... uhu political correctness." "It is considered... ahem... barbaric, and so it is kept private of course." The big Rhino is startled and somewhat shocked by this confession. And looks back and forth from father to son a few times before the smile returns to those smooth mobile lips.

"Well... I'm sure..." The Rhino started but was cut off as Charn continued.

"Vorlan told me that your son wasn't allowing him to suck his cock though... preferring to suck on him instead." He gave the Coach an amused look. "In fact, that's rather why he's so upset... he feels that if he is denied the chance to go through this rite." "That... Ahhhh he won't be respected by his peers!"

"Well I can surely understand that... a family and traditional cultural tradition has to be respected!" "Even in this day and age where some people wanta do away with all our customs and rites of male hood!" Coach Murphy snorted still clearly upset at the Tiger's insistence that his son was a cocksucker! "If you want I'll speak to Jerome and make sure he's more... receptive to this!" The big horny Rhino assured... then a slow smile played across his muzzle. "If you feel it might help he could even... do it for me." The Coach grunted then quickly added. "Just a thought!"

"Do it for you?" Charn grunted as if surprised... "Well... to be honest you are certainly more of a warrior than your son." He glanced at his son, who looks rather shell shocked, embarrassed and flushed. But is sporting some major wood of his own! As both father and son stare at the lengthening tube of flesh drooling out of the leg of the Coach's shorts. "If you would be up for it... and assuming Vorlan is ready for the Rite." "I think you would truly be worthy of being the vessel for his initiation." Charn chuckles, patting his son's on the back in congratulations. "Unless you think he's too big for ya son!" The young Tiger gulps, staring fascinated at the Rhino's huge blunt fucker.

"Well... he is awful big sir." Vorlan artfully stammered making the big Rhino's smile widen, as he listens to the father and son discussing his size and obvious masculine power! He'd not felt this much of a stud since his wedding night years ago! The big gray Rhino licked his lips as he enjoyed the look of worship in the young Tiger's eyes. "But I think I can take him!" Vorlan assures in a nervous, but determined tone. As he slides off the sofa and onto his knee's on the floor then moves over in front of the Coach. Whose eye's flicker from the horn young cocksucker, to the game playing on the TV screen.

"That's a good lad... the only failure is not having the courage to try!" The Coach spouts his motivational words, even as the young Tiger slides in between his legs and begins to nuzzle at his big blunt cock tip. Charn watched smiling for a moment, and then turns his eyes to the game. He studied the screen, trying to figure out which of the players the Rhino is most intently watching... "Number 38 there... he looks like a powerful runner."

"Number 38... Bednaric... oh ya he's great!" The young tiger's paws slid up the Rhino's thick, beefy thighs pushing them gently apart. His fingers curl around the dangling tip of the Coach's cock, his fingers so soft, so young. He tugs and tugs again, peeling more of that thick soft tube from its warm comfy home... to gently licking at it. "Going to be in the hall of fame onnnnnneee day!" The big Rhino moans as that long hot tongue licks roughly over his cock head. Trembling paws slowly pushing the stretchy fabric of his sweats up and out of the way. To expose the Coachs whole crotch as those warm paws fondle and caress him.

"Just let me know if you need any help, lad." Charn purrs at his suckling son. ‘Two mouths?' ‘That was something the Rhino hasn't felt in Some time!' As the young Tiger takes that big cock head into his maw, the Coach deliberately rolls his hips thrusting down the youths throat making him gag slight.

"Looks like its a bit much for ya... nothing wrong asking for a little help!" Coach Murphy advises. "No I in team after all!" The big Rhino grunts softly, as his eyes flicker up to watch his team. They are doing really well... but then so was he! Vorlan smiles as he slides off that huge cock and licks around under it to those huge dangling balls!

"Yes please..." He invites waving the Coaches big cock at his drooling father. Charn chuckled, stretching his arms out over his head and lumbering in closer.

"Well... don't suppose it could harm to help show him some..." He grunts low and lustfully. "Didn't hurt me any..." He kneels as well, at the side of then Rhino's chair, and leans over that provoked lap. Thicker, rougher, cooler fingers grasp roughly around the root of the Rhino's thick cock. As he strokes up the wobbling flesh... helping to milk it thick and hard! Charn jerks Coach Murphy off for a bit, casually mouthing the tip to keep the Rhino enjoying himself. As the football team on the TV start lining up for their next play. "Son the trick is..." He mutters quietly... as his other paw gently cradles under the Rhino's fat nuts. He pulls and stretches them down for his teenage son's eager mouth. "Never bite off more than you can chew..." "You gotta relax your cheeks, your tongue, your throat too... if you wanna get all of it!" "Why don't you practice on these... while I show you how to take a big cock!"

"Ammmm Oh yeah..." The big stud half shouted, as he watched the next play! It was executed perfectly for a big gain... and they moved closer to the goal. Even as his sexual excitement grew, from the two hot mouths worshiping his mighty organs! The father instructing his son proving to be very exciting to listen to... As that first mouth stretched and suckled on his big orb's pulling first one and then the other into that hot maw as the young Tiger practiced. "Ya... that's it listen to your father..." The Coach moaned, as his fat orbs were tongued and sucked. Even as big hot paws played over his thick stud stick, as it pulsed wildly. Making him thrust up at the felines soft lips in obvious lust!

Charn swallows that fat cock head, fingers still stroking the throbbing shaft. As he tongues and nurses on the seeping cock tip. His other paw moves to stroke over his son's head, then moving back to the neck of the Coaches scrotum. Milking down with two fingertips, and then cupping under his son's chin. He strokes with his fingertips, helping to massage feeling the twin bulges and helping to roll them down deeper in his son's mouth. He pulls off, stroking that fat staft as he feels his son gag softly. "No... calm down now, relax your throat." "Just relax and swallow... you can handle it." Regardless Vorlan chokes, and his fangs, sharp and slender prickle and chomp and gnaw against that leathery scrotum. Quickly Charn goes back to work sucking on that fat cock head enthusiastically! As on the TV screen the powerful young running back had broken through the defensive line.

"Yeah... Oh Yeah... Go!" The big Rhino shouted half sitting up in his seat. His hips bouncing animatedly even as his sexual excitement grew... the running back dodged a line backer. Then smashed into a second one, bouncing off him but still on his hooves. "Yeah... Oowww watch those teeth!" The Coach grunted, but was really paying very little attention to what was going on down at his crotch. The free safety ran up and dove at the runner's ankles, but the nimble stallion leaped over him still racing up field. "Yes... yes go... go!" The big Rhino shouted as the young Tiger gnawed and suckled on his big bag! "Oho Ohooo..." Coach Murphy moaned as that hot mouth was once again suckling on his needy cock! Charns practiced mouth slurps and suckles, hopefully drawing the stud's attention.

While Charn watched down the length of pulsing, fleshy stud meat at the sight of his son grinning back up around his heavy mouthful. Vorlan munched up along that neck, chewing softly working his mouth and loosen his throat. He pulls his lips back, the father nodding to the son as he bares his fangs poised to snip those nuts free. Charn makes sure the Coaches vision of his crotch is blocked by his body, and suckles harder. Vorlan's fingers brace either thigh apart, keeping the Rhino from closing his legs. As he starts chewing into that thick fleshy pouch! The Rhino's virility casually, gleefully being nibbled off! The Coach pants for breath, as his sexual excitement grows almost as swiftly as the play developing on the field! Glancing down he can only see the big Tiger suckling on his thick cock mightily! The pleasure of that curling tongue and those hot suckling lip's, awash with the slight pain of the inexperienced youth who is working on learning to pleasure his betters! ‘No pain no gain...' The Rhino mutters under his breath as the running back sprints across the field. Only one player to beat... a big Lion coming up on him fast it was a race to the goal line!

"Go... go... go!" The Coach chants, as the young Tigers head twists first this way then that! Vorlan growling softly as it almost sounds like the Coach is cheering him on! "Come on... Come on..." Coach Murphy moans. Suddenly Vorlan pulls back and lifts up his muzzle, stained lips drew back in a wide smile as he looks up at his proud father! The Rhino had a nice sack; heavy eggs laying sooo sexily low! It was a real intimidating mouthful, even by Charn's well-versed standards. He was pretty sure that his son was going to come up for air, maybe need help getting them between his jaws! Or help squeezing his teeth through, but the kid was determined all right! And the father feels a surge of pride when those fangs come up clean. The Rhino doesn't even seem to notice and Charn winks as his son tries to swallow his Coaches sack down. Almost laughing as he saw Vorlan try to gulp them both at once! For he had made the same mistake many years ago, the first time he had tried such a thing. The Rhino's big body seemed to go wild, his hips thrusting up savagely as his big hands pound the chair arms! As the gap between runner and defender... predator and prey shortened!

"Oho gods I... I'm cumming!" The stud snorted as he watched the runner slow the big Lion leaped pouncing on the stallion's back! And the pair when down in a tangle only inches from the goal line! "Ohoooo Ohoooo Noooo..." Charn pulls wetly from the end of the Rhino's cock and angles it down over where his nuts used to bulge! To rest the leaking, gleaming tip against Vorlan's smirking muzzle.

"Well... looks like you might be ready after all!" Charn whispers proudly to his son as the Coach pounds the chair arms and moans. The Coach moaned as his long thick organ tensed and suddenly he was orgasming onto the felines muzzle. The sweetest pleasure he'd ever felt washing through him at that moment! "Ohoooo fuck... I should of married you!" He moaned at the Tiger as his powerful orgasm left him weak and helpless! Even as only a tiny bit of fluids dribble out onto Vorlans hot furry lips! Charn strokes that thick cock, even as it dribbles and spurts weakly on to his son's muzzle. A powerful orgasm that 'christens' Vorlan into the next chapter of his life! Charn purrs, enjoying himself his stomach nearly tied in a knot at the erotic display of masculinity and... savagery to said masculinity.

"Well done Vorlan!" He said lightly slapping the top of his forehead with the softening cock. Even as a car can be heard pulling up just outside. "Looks like you have the potential to be a true warrior... once you get a few more under the belt!" Charn purred proudly. "Go get yourself cleaned up..." He orders as the voice of Jerome and one of his buddies is heard approaching the door. The tiger tenderly, carefully tucks the Rhino's thick length back into his sweats. As on the TV screen, the fallen prey and the triumphant predator are pulled apart. The horse limping away, hands on his big bulging crotch. It looked like the Lion may have gotten a good squeeze in! ‘Maybe I should start watching this game!' Charn thought amused!

"Wow that was fuckin' somethin'..." Coach Murphy grunts, still panting for breath as his son and a young friend come in and look around.

"Hey dad..." "How's the game going?" Jerome asked, as he looked the Tiger over curiously... even as his father smiles.

"All tied up... but it's first and goal on the half yard line... Bednaric just broke a sixty yard run!" "Oh this is Vorlan's Father." He gestured to the smiling Tiger, who watched the younger Rhino's lip curl up. As he and his equine buddy exchanged sly grins... even as the young Tiger reentered the room.

The young Tiger smiles widely and waves... the smell of raw male lust and perhaps something else in the air! Something exciting and dangerous, mixing intoxicatingly. Vorlan sits in the middle of the couch, preventing the young males from joining the two adults, and nudges the Coach with his foot. "I believe you had something to tell your son..." Jerome grins at his father, watching as that cock now limp, still makes an impressive soft snake down the side of his sweats.

"Oh yes... you really must let Vorlan here suck on your cock!" The bigger Rhino grunts tiredly. "Its an old family custom and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" Jerome and his equine buddies smile widen... in fact they had been thinking something very similar! The Tiger was known to like cocks, and their girlfriends had turned down the two jocks. Because of some silly school promise thing... so were quite horny and willing!

"Well ok..." Jerome answered as he flashed the feline a grin. "Lets go watch in game in my room..." He invites this making the big equine at his side snicker!

"Sounds like a good idea to me!" Vorlan answered licking his lips. The three young males quickly headed upstairs... leaving the Coach and Charn alone.

"He really is a good boy..." Coach Murphy assured. "Sure he's had a few troubles since his mother and I split up." "That's why he lives here with me, instead of with her like his three brothers!" The coach explained as he waited for the game to restart.

"Ahhhhhh three brothers?" Charn smiled. "I wasn't aware that there were more..." "But that does make sense, Rhino's are known to be very fertile." "And always ready for more..." He chuckled, standing and moving to the chair arm again. While the football game has a quick intermission, his fingers trace down over the front of the Rhino's chest. And he chuckles softly. "I admit... I was rather jealous of Vorlan getting to swallow so much your... seed!" Those hot fingertips trail down, until he is caressing that thick soft cock through the sweats. "You ready for the second inning?" Obviously the Tiger is no sports plan, but regardless the message is clear. The big stud smirked at the obvious wrong sports reference, but figured what the heck.

"Well..." The big Rhino's body is still full of hormones, and his crotch was still throbbing. Although it was a strange kind of throb, almost like an injury! But of course, it might be the fact that he'd not really had anyone else to get him off since his wife had left! "No need to be jealous... I've still got plenty!" The Coach assured with a wide smile... knowing the Tiger had a most skilled mouth! And was more than happy to get to feel it one more time! "Its to the lads credit, that he could swallow all of that!" The Coach gloated. "I don't think he spilled a single drop!" "You may have to work to get me up again so soon, but I promise you'll get a belly full!" He snickered thinking of his jock son rutting the Tiger's boy just upstairs! Charn nods, grinning and turning the volume up on the game. As the commercial breaks end, and the game play starts once again. He gets where his son had just been kneeling, seeing the pin pricks of blood around the Rhino's thighs, from where Volran's finger claws had pressed too deeply. His own paws were much wider, and he casually spreads the Rhino's legs. That twinge of pain felt... just be a groin muscle. He leans in and nuzzles the Coach's basket, nosing about before grasping a mouthful of fabric and biting it open. Ripping it, he leans in licking under the soft warm hose.

"That's fine... I like'em when they're big, soft an thick like yours." "Easier to swallow them that way!" He purrs nosing a bulky coil of it from the opening in those sweats and slowly slurps it down. Slurping more and more of the long wet stud hose between his jaws.

"Ohoooo... Hey..." "Haha... excited huh?" The big gelded Rhino laughs, as his sweat pants are torn and his crotch is exposed. Only getting the briefest look at his crotch, before the big predators paws and head get in the way. But he feels something didn't quite look right... of course all those thoughts vanished when that hot mouth engulfs him. It's more aggressive now, more demanding somehow. But the big Rhino is feeling strangely passive, for a guy who just had a father and son servicing him sexually! "Errr... ahem could you be a little gentler?" He asks meekly.

"Gentler?" Charn snorts letting the thick length flop over the outside of a hefty thigh. He licked along the underside of it slowly, from root to tip then shrugs. "Yeah sure, I can go slow and gentle." "You want me to work you down slowly... nice an pleasant like?" He smirks, paws sliding from the Rhino's inner thighs upwards, to slowly rub that taut belly soothing the uptight gelding!

"Ummm yeah... that would be nice... thank you." The Coach moans, as his hip's slide down a little towards the felines muzzle. As his legs are pushed up and out, the big former stud grunts and feels his control of the action slipping farther! ‘What was going on?'

Charn grins... "Well let's just relax you then!" He purrs, pulling the Rhino's shredded sweats down, that cock thick and soft and oh so sensitive, coiled on the Coaches lower belly. The Tiger pulls the Rhino's rump closer over the soft cushion. The mysterious absence of those once huge heavy balls, not resting on his rump, not even fazing the dulled, disoriented Rhino. The football game started up, but it's in the background. As the Tiger pulls his own pants down, baring his thick feline shaft. He lets it rest against the Coach's rump, as he softly licks the Rhino's long, thick fucker!

"I... Ahem..." "What are you..." The big former stud questions, as he's rolled up into a position more for a female than a stud like him! "I... I don't know what your customs are... but here guys like me don't Ummmm..." The Coach protests very softly... clearly not wanting to draw attention to them! And have his son see him in this less than masculine position! Charn puts a finger to the Rhino's lips, and winks down at him.

"Shhhhhh... you gave a good deal of your seed to my son, it is only fitting that I repay you!" "Now hush up... you wouldn't want the others to hear!" Charn whispers back. "Would you?" He licks again, stretching that warm maleness up the Rhino's belly. Before swallowing its now very flaccid girth. Enjoying the marshmallow soft feeling of it, he very gently slurps at it. And the Coach can watch as it slowly disappears like a strand of pasta between those soft fuzzy lips. The Tigers throat grasping squeezing pulling it down eagerly. The big gelded Rhino's eyes round and he nods his head slowly. Agreeing that he wouldn't want the others to hear, not that he was willing. He inhales sharply as his long floppy organ is suckled; the heat and pleasure of that mouth making him relax. And forget what the Tiger is about to do... and so he squeals loudly as that rock hard feline cock thrusts into him! Even as that slick throat grasps and pulls more and more of his weakly stiffening organ down into it!

"Oh Gods... Ohooo Gods..." He moans as he is violated and pleasured all at once!

A muffled squeal is heard from upstairs... as the youngsters have their own fun. The Tiger's lips nurse, curling almost enough to kiss the Rhino's sheath. Big strong paws rest on the Coach's hips, much as many a quarterback's paws had shortly before the coach had tossed the football when he himself was a player. Charn's paws pull him up... sheathing his malness in that throat, which continued to swallow and milk. Gently fellatioing the handsome Coach as his ass is lifted up... to better allow that feline shaft entrance!

"Ohohooooo fuck!" The Rhino moans his head dangles over the side of the chair. While his body is compressed under the Tiger's weight... as more and more of that hard feline organ is pushed into him! He can hear the squeals from upstairs growing louder, and knows it's from his son! The boys were obviously enjoying the pansy felines mouth roughly! "Sounds like your son is really getting my boy off!" He moans, half in pride that his son is topping the feline, and half in shame that he himself is not exactly being the stud at the moment! "Ohooo gods yeah swallow it right down to the sheath!!!" He moans as Charn's maw is like a liquid leech, gently drawing at that big maleness... encouraging it to plump up. It doesn't quite get completely stiff, but it's plump. He bobs his broad head, stroking that maleness in the wet velvet of his throat! As he pulls the Rhino slowly, gently down over his own hard cock! And the further in he goes, the more tightly he sucks on that thick, fat length!

"Oho yes... Ohooo Yes... Ohooo yesssss!" The big Rhino chants as his cock thickens from the pleasure, and the Tigers fat cock roughly stimulates his pleasure gland. The twin pleasures blending together within the Rhino's brain! Until he is at last rocking back and forth feeding his long semi rigid cock into the felines maw! As his ass moves up and down that big slick oh so hard cock! "Ummmm gods I never would have thought..."

Charn moans pulling slickly off, throat slime coating that semi stiff pole, his fingers caressingly stroking it! "You like that don't ya..." He pushes in fully, hip to hip, and then slowly pulls back. His thick cock grinds against that hard prostate, leaking pre-cum making it hot and slippery in there! As the big Tiger slowly takes his pleasure, within the Rhino's hot hole. "You still want me to finish this blowjob?" Charn purrs teasingly. "Swallow ya down... then fuck ya till you scream!"

"Yes..." The Coach is startled to hear himself plead, as his big hot hole clenches and milks that thick feline fucker within him. Begging to be fucked hard and fast even louder than words. "Yes... Please suck me down... swallow me whole...fuck me!" He moans louder than he wanted too, as his need was just that strong. Upstairs they could hear louder squeals and thumping as a bed was shaking and beating against the wall! The boys were really enjoying themselves it seemed!

That young feline was getting a real work out... Coach Murphy was snickering. Thinking that the young athlete was probably pretty well stuffed by now! Charn was thinking the same thing, but for a completely different reason. He licked the top of that mostly hard cock tip, making eye contact with the fallen stud. "I want you to watch me then..." He ordered, then slowly moving in and out. "Watch me swallow your cock... watch each powerful inch vanish between my jaws!" He opens his mouth wide displaying those gleaming white teeth. Turning it down he sucks that broad cock head in... he is slow... so very slow. Gently, warmly engulfing that mighty cock within his deadly maw.

"Yes..." The Rhino moans, one big hand reaching up to caress those soft furry cheeks. As he watches intently as the big feline sucks him in. "Oho gods yeah that feels soooooo good!" He moaned, as his big blunt cock head slide between those silky lips... over that hot rough tongue! And then into the Tigers grasping throat... dangling farther and farther down into it. As the Tigers maw moved closer and closer to his sheath, until those lip's were kissing. As the Coach watched the felines mouth pushed even deeper, his suckling pulling more of the Rhino's cock up and out. Until the very root of that mighty cock was pressing between those furry lips. It was not just lips though... and as he kisses that sheath. Charn angles forward... his cock pressing firmly into the Rhino's pleasure gland. And as that root is sucked on, he slowly bites! Not chewing, nor nibbling, but biting firmly and savagely! Letting the Rhino feel those teeth press into his delicate male flesh. Pinching at first then biting hard... shearing into the cock meat. Charn clenches his jaws, his fangs chopping through flesh and shearing the Rhino's maleness completely away! He pulls his head back... nothing appearing between it, like a magic trick gone wrong! And the Rhino can hear... and see as the big Tiger swallows. Again and again and again to clear his over full gullet!

The big former stud squealed loudly in pain and horror, as he watches his big cock forever vanish down the Tiger's throat! Feeling it happen right up until the last nerves are severed, and the whole thing is taken away! "Oh Fuck!" "Oh Fuck what have you done?!" The big pure gelding screams weakly now, as his questing hands reach down. Covering his limp empty sheath, and discovering that his mighty stud nuts have also vanished! He is puzzled for an instant, then realizes the truth. ‘That little bastard took more than his seed!' His eyes flickering to the stairs, as a loud scream very much like the one he himself had just released comes from upstairs. "JEROME!"

Charn chuckles knowingly, pulling back and moving over to the couch. "Best not jump to conclusions... that could have been his friend after all..." Charn smirked. "Maybe you should go check on them..." The big Rhino dashes up the stairs, even as the feline casually goes to the Coachs desk. Looking at a piece of mail addressed to a female sounding name, with the same last name. He notes the address, seeing it's a few counties away. "Mmm..." He hears the shouts and horrified screams from upstairs. "Sounds like it's about time to transfer schools again..." He chuckles thinking he knew just the county they would go. Vorlan comes slinking down the stairs slowly, clearly over full. But with a big smile on his muzzle... a bit of pink can still be seen around his mouth. As he strolls over and hands his father a long still semi erect equine stud stick...

"I'm afraid I didn't listen to well..." He admitted. "I bite off more than I could swallow..." Charn snickers, listening to the sobbing upstairs, holding the long pink dick to the light. Only to deep throat it easily... swallowing his second helping. He gets a perverse joy out of the look of wonder on his son's muzzle! And he purrs as he feels the two fleshy masses coiled together in his belly.

"Well... like father... like son..." He smirks kissing Vorlan's forehead and then walking with him to the door. "It's probably about time for us to head home... you probably need to rest up after all that training!" "And we still have the rest of the weekend for you to explore your new talents." "But I think you did pretty well for your first hunt..."


From King to Queen

From King to Queen Cam swaggered down the hall of his high school like he owned it. In a sense as the school's quarterback, and water polo team captain he did. The big broad shouldered Tiger was the de facto king. He was also...

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