The morning After...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#47 of Charns tales...

The morning after

Cameron awoke slowly, groggy from a long night of heavy binge drinking. It was spring break after all, and the big jock stud had been out partying with his best buds. The big stallion just lay there in bed holding his aching head and upset stomach, totally lacking the vivacity to get up. Slowly he glanced around, this was not the hotel room he and his frat buddies had rented! The big collage jock could see that it was a much better one. A wane smile spread over his soft mobile lip's, as he thought he must of scored some tail last night! Rolling over he looked around, but the huge bed was cold and empty. Inhaling deeply the big stallion rolled his upper lip back, as he tried to scent her out. But the heavy sea air, seemed to only hold thick musky male scents.

Still the strong taste in his mouth, was oddly familiar. He thought about just rolling over then, and going back to sleep. But his full bladder and gurgling belly insisted that he get up and go to the bathroom. Lethargically the big roan stallion crawled out of bed, and staggered across the hotel room to the bath room. The toilet seat was already up, so he just shoved down his jock and let it go. It took a second for the sensations to hit him, first a stingy deep within his flat limp sheath. And then a hot wet trickle crawling down over his aching crotch to snake down his inner thigh's. "What the fuck." Cameron grunted really looking down for the first time since he's awoke. What he saw shook the former campus stud, a sheath limp and deflated. And below that a crooked ragged line of stitches, where once his mighty nut sac had hung!

The big jock staggered backwards, leaving a trail of sprinkled urine across the carpet. Until at last the back of his legs hit the edge of the bed, and he sat down heavily. "Wha... wha... how?" He mumbled to himself, as vague drink distorted memories came creeping back. Flashes of big paws lifting away his dissevered cock! Waves of awe, as he saw how big it truly was; with the hidden root exposed for the first time! He could hear himself boasting, about how he'd not been exaggerating his length and size. And the soft happy voice purring, that indeed he had not lied nor boasted to much. Then he saw those same white and orange striped paws holding up his big velvety ball sac. That soft, almost loving voice thanking him for so sweet and over stuffed a gift. And indeed that big roan red ball sack did in fact looked very over stuffed as it dangled from the leather cord the Tiger had tied around it's neck.

A wave of uncertainty washing over him then, as he'd realized he'd just been gelded! But then it had just as quickly vanished, as that soft voice grunted lustfully. "Now you won't have to worry... no one will think your a pansy for taking cock in your tail hole." Reminding him that it was really the only thing geldings were good for... "Is to let the real males mount them, when the females were not in season!" It all made perfect sense to his intoxicated mind... he wanted to enjoying sucking and getting mounted without being a fag... Where had that idea came from? He'd never thought about it... he was sure he hadn't. But that deep soft putting voice made it all sound so... so reasonable. His thoughts and memories were so muddled by the alcohol... had he really agreed to...

And then to his shock and horror he remembered rolling over for the big handsome feline. Lifting his rump up passively, taking up the submissive position tail lifted to one side. Playing the mare for this big male who had just emasculated him! The memory of it shook Cameron to the core, yet somehow seemed right now... And then the Tiger was atop him, growling lustfully in his long pointed equine ears. Calling him... "My slutty little geldie." As he forced that long hard feline cock up the former jock studs virgin tail hole. "EEEHEHEHEE." Cameron had squealed as he'd taken a cock up his tiny pink anus for the first time. The short barbs tickling that delicate taboo flesh at first... and the big predator carefully worked his way in!

Idly Cameron wondered where his missing buddies were, and how the Tiger had gotten him alone... They had all planned to stay together... safety in numbers even for drunk Frat boi's. It wasn't like Jerome and Tim to let him wander off with some strange predator. Especially with one who was obviously wanting to molest a cute jock stud. Well at least they wouldn't find out he was now a gelding, he decided yanking his jock back up to cover his denuded crotch. Even as he heard a soft moan come from the bath room, staggering to his hooves the big gelding staggered back in there. The moaning was coming from the tub, yanking back the shower curtain Cameron found Tim sprawled out in the dry tub.

The big sleek Jaguar was looking decidedly ill as his big green eye's tried to focus, leaning over the edge of the Tub he barfed onto the bath room floor. "Damn Cam how much did we drink lastnite?" The big feline jock croaked between gag's, but it was the cats naked crotch that catch the geldings eye.

"Holy fuckin' hell..." Cameron grunted as he saw that Tim's crotch had gotten the same treatment as his own. Just then he heard a bellow of shock and horror... stumbling out of the bath room. Cameron slid open the sliding glass door to the balcony... where Jerome lay on a deck chair. The big Buffalo was starring down at his formerly massively masculine crotch, which was now almost as flat as a females.

"What tha fuck happened lastnite?" The big Buffalo grunted more to himself that to the stunned starring horse.

"RERRRRROW!" Came the loud exclamation from the bath room, telling that Tim had just discover his new state of being as well...


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