From King to Queen

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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From King to Queen

Cam swaggered down the hall of his high school like he owned it. In a sense as the school's quarterback, and water polo team captain he did. The big broad shouldered Tiger was the de facto king. He was also an arrogant bastard, who bragged about all the females he had bedded! And about who he wanted to have, and about all the wimps he'd put in their place.

The big stud opened his locker, and his eyes focused on a black gift box; wrapped in purple ribbon with a lavender scented envelope. Instantly he thought. "Camilla Leone!" She always wore lavender perfume, and purple accented outfits; to show off her red fur. And she was one of the few school hotties he had yet to score with! Cam ripped open the envelope, and read the flowered card inside.

"Dear Cam, I've wanted you for so long." "It's been my fantasy for you to wear what's in the box." "But only what's in the box to meet me at the field house at 4pm today." "I'll leave a note with further instructions, and the keys to the field house are in the box." "Until then lover boy!" And it was signed simply. "Your Secret Admirer."

'The key to the field house it had to be Camilla, her father was the head coach.' Cam thought to himself, grinning gloatingly. ‘Score another one for Mr. Superstar jock!' He thought to himself as he opened the box. He examined the contents, and snickered, "Wear only this... Kinkee!"Â

Then the big feline quickly jogs over to the field house, looking around to make sure no one was around. He then unlocks and enters the small dingy out building. Inside he strips out of his sweats, and decides to see how the Chastity Belt fit's. The stainless steel cap set up, fasten around his big cock and ball's prefect if tightly. The big feline admired the resents, thinking it made his genitals looks like some sort of futuristic robot! All cold shiny chromed steel, it was definitely turning him on. Cam heard a soft cough behind him, and half panic's thinking that the coach or janitor had caught him! Spinning he finds himself face to face with a wickedly grinning Camilla.

"Hello Cam..." She purred as he spun around to face her. "You look good in that... very good... it excites me!" She admitted with a wicked smile.

"Yeah!" The big jock grunted. "I'm getting pretty excited myself!" He admits leeringly, as he starred at her pert breasts.

"You'd never know it by looking at you!" The sleek red Tigeress laughed, gesturing to the blunt steel encasing his loins.

"Ammmmm hmmmm." Cam grunted as he looked over the chastity device. "Guess not... huh... so how do you get it off?" The big jock stud asked pawing at the prison he'd just placed himself into. Even as the Tigeress chuckled evilly.

"Who said you could take it off!" She asked arching one fine dark eyebrow. Cam pulled and pounded on the chastity belts steel frame work. "Ahem it's not coming off!" Camilla assured as she watched him amused. "Not without the key!"

"Then lets have it baby!" Cam grunted already frustrated by his impotence to remove it. "Get my out of this thing so I can give you what you want!" He grunted lustfully.

"I've already got what I want... where you're concerned!" Camilla assured the big dumb jock with a smirk.

"Where is the key... bitch?" The angry Cam demanded, regretting putting the device on now!

"Hahaha..." The Tigeress laughed at the helpless jock. "I'm not telling you!" She replied grinning even more wickedly. "But I will give you a little history... chastity belts in the middle ages were usually worn by females!" She laughed darkly as she activated the belt's power. The big jock startled, as the magic made his big chest shimmer and change. Cam watched in growing dismay, as his chest began to grow and mound up!

"Oh gods!" He mumbles looking down shocked at his new very feminine breast's. As the powerful magic made his big masculine body shimmer and melt, into a slender delicate feminine form. Sweat and tears rolled down his blunt feline muzzle as his sexual organ's began to change. Within the belt, Cam felt his big penis and testicles shriveling and pulled up! Then suddenly he couldn't feel them at all anymore. The pushing and pulling deep inside his body caused him to wince in pain; but all he could do was wait it out. Under the chastity belt, the opening of his sheath stretched open wide, as his sheath shrank and twisted; his scrotum flattening. His pelvic area widens, perfect for cradling a cub, his once proud male hood is gone completely. As even the shiny steel of the chastity belt, flattened and changed. She wanted to scream, but her breath was taken away as a birth-canal began to form. Cam felt his testicles being drawn deep inside of his body! Changing as they did so, fallopian tubes growing to the new ovaries. The stunned former jock, fondled her new dusky body in shock. It not even registering on the big feline, that this sleek new body was very familiar looking!

"Cam... leave those alone and come with me!" Camilla sneered tossing Cam a heavy brocade medieval costume. The former jock dropped it... "Some football player!" The Tigress scoffed, with a wicked sneer.

"I'm a quarterback... not a receiver!" Cam countered in quickly rising octaves.

"Well... you're a receiver now...!" The Tigress sneered. "Now put that on... Cam or perhaps I should call you Lady Camille, now!" The Tigress added wickedly.

"What did I ever do to you?" The transformed former jock asked in a lovely soprano voice.

"Hmmmm... Well you told all your cronies that you'd fucked me!" The sleek Tigress pointed out darkly.

"Well... Errr... that's just what a guy does." "When he wants to sleep with a girl!" The former jock grunted under her breath. She turned up her nose and sniffed.

"Yeah... right!" "Now hurry up, I haven't got all day!"

"What's going on?" Camille asked. "A renaissance fair?" The Tiger tilted her head, surprise the dumb former jock even knew what that was!

"Heh... sorta only much more real." "Your former receiver Jerome has got your key, and the question is..." "How far will you go, to get him to unlock your chastity belt." "And how badly will you want him to do that, considering your current condition." Camille's big dark eye's snapped open wide!

"You... you're kidding... right?" The stunned former stud jock stammered.

"My brother is a sorcerer... and he lost a bet to Jerome." The Tigress explained slowly. "Jerome's fantasy was to be a medieval monarch, and to have me as his damsel." She frowned. "Well... I nixed that idea right quick!" "But my brother and I came up with an alternate scenario." "If you look in a mirror... you'll see you look and sound just like me!" Her smirk grew even wider. "But instead of Camilla Leone... Jerome's dream date will be Lady Camille." "Your job is to satisfy him... if you don't mess this up!" "I may let my brother change you back into a male... may!" The grinning Tigress emphasized.

"You expect me to... to sleep with a guy!?!" The former jock choked in shock and horror.

"Either you do whatever Jerome wants... or the only cock you'll ever have between your leg's!" "Will be on another guy's body!" Camilla snickered. "Got that... sister?" She demanded powerfully.

"I... Yes..." Lady Camille answered sullenly, the situation just to far beyond the pale for Cam to think of anyway out! Lady Camille watched, as the Tigress transformed into a handsome effeminate young canine page boy; with sleek black fur. Opening the dull wooden door, that no longer opened onto the playing field at the school. But instead opened into a massive stone hall, with torches and candles all around. There were bright tapestries lining the rough stone walls. And big males sat around wooden tables, dressed in medieval garb. Some were in armor, but most wore tunic's and tabards.

The pretty young page blow a trumpet, then opened a scroll and read. "Presenting Lady Camille... betrothed to King Jerome of Scotland." He/she swung her arm back with a flourish, then whispered harshly. "Get a move on... milady!" Awkwardly and slowly Cam entered the medieval throne room. Jerome was at the head of the table, and had the jolly glow of someone who'd been drinking for a while! Most of the other males were players on Cam's football or water polo teams. The former jock felt awkward and embarrassed as all eyes focused lustily on her well bosomed chest!

King Jerome rose and graciously strode down to her. "No need to be afraid, Cami-errr, Lady Camille." "Your present is most welcomed indeed." "This will be your new home... this is your new home." The sleek slender Cheetah slurred slightly. "Come dine and drink with me... m'lady." He raised his goblet and shouted. "A toast to Lady Camille my future queen!" A rousing cheer went up from the other assembled males. Cam couldn't help noticing, the breeches the king was wearing. Seemed to accentuate the size of the erection Jerome was sporting! She licked her lips nervously, starring at her former receivers mighty bulge. The Cheetah noticed her staring at his crotch, and licking her lips. Smiling he leaned in and whispered.

"My aren't you the eager one?" A gloating grin on his spotted feline muzzle! "But that'll have to wait, until we adjourn from the banquet." Cam's dark eyes went wide; she was appalled and said as much!

Jerome just laughed, as if it was an inside joke! "Methinks the lady doth protest... too much." He sneered. Only after Cam was seated on a stool next to Jerome's massive throne. Did the former jock remember that Camilla and Jerome had been in some school play the year before. A British play, maybe one of Shakespeare's plays. Cam hadn't attended... but he guessed that line was from the play. A servant boy brought up a platter of food, and Cam grabbed a turkey leg. Or at least it resembled a turkey leg, it tasted greasier however. The former jock chomped away, wondering how she was going to get out of this. Maybe if she got the cheetah really drunk... Then she noticed that the throng had grown hush, she glanced up they were staring at her; with their mouth's open. It took Cam a moment to realize she'd eaten all the meat off the drum stick, and was sucking the leg bone! It must have looked like... her eye's went wide. And she threw the bone on the table, looking around for a servant she shouted.

"More wine... for his majesty!" Tom his lineman, turned to Jacob his punter. And grunted in a loud drunken whisper.

"Damn... I wish Tammy was like King Jerome's bitch!" "She never wants me to drink."Â

"That's because you're a real dick when you're drunk!" Jacob pointed out with a sly grin. Jerome clapped his paw's together, and the small band concealed on the balcony above began to play. Even as other entertainments began, jugglers and acrobats pranced about. Cam watched it all in growing wonder, it was all so bizarre. Then Rodney, the football teams towel boy came out. Dressed as a court jester, he told jokes and ribald stories. Cam really had no idea the little fox could be so funny! As the entertainments played on, the former jock found herself enjoying the evening. But she never loss sight of her plan, and kept Jerome's goblet full. But the Cheetah spent more time leering at her, and joking with his cronies than drinking! The evening ended all to swiftly for Cam, and she found herself being lead up stairs to her bed chamber. As was proper maids and ladies in waiting escorted her, while the King remained with his cronies laughing and joking.


Once within her large bedchamber, Cam quickly barred the heavy wooden door. Then savagely stripped off the heavy brocade medieval dress. Stunned as she saw herself in the full-length mirror for the first time! That big lithe feline was very sexy, even the black leather and silver steel chastity belt looked beautiful contrasted against her black and orange striped fur! Climbing onto the big bed... Cam took up a number of sexy poses to show that curvaceous body off. Slowly she let her big hot paws slide all over her sleek body. Fondling those big breasts that hung so pendulously from her chest. A hot dampness filled the steel cup of her chastity belt as her arousal grew. Thrusting her tail high in the air... Cam rested her muzzle on the cool blankets. Lifting her long striped tail up to expose her shiny pink tail hole, that was peeking out between those wide black leather straps! She was so caught up in stroking and fondling her new female body... that she didn't notice the extra paws... at first! It was only when one hot wet finger began massaging her taunt anus... that she realized she was not alone!

"Oho... hey!" Cam exclaimed cutely as she sat up and looked around shocked at her molester! Rodney grinned up at her leeringly; the little fox was still dressed in his court jester outfit! Cam really had no idea how the little Fox had gotten into the room. Her door was still tightly shut and bolted from the inside. "How did you get in here?" She demanded poutily as the little Fox smiled and laughed.

"Secret passages..." Rodney answered slowly as he leaned down and kissed her hot tail hole passionately. "The castle is full of them... this one runs straight from the Kings bed chamber into here!" He gestured vaguely towards the far wall, as Cam's eyes widen and her breath deepened. The Fox's hot mouth felt incredible on her exposed tail hole. Rodney's long slick tongue flickered out to caress that tight pink plucker as the little Fox watched her intently.

"Ohohoooooo!" Cameron moaned as that hot wet tongue lapped over her taboo orifice. "Uhuummm stop that..." She moaned as the Fox's tongue tip danced around the rim of her quivering pink plucker. "I'm a guy!"

"No your not..." Rodney snickered as he pressed his muzzle deeper between those big round rump cheeks. "I can smell your heat... sweet puss puss." The little Fox teased as his talented tongue licked and lapped over that not winking orifice. "And even if you were... I'd still do ya..." He moaned voice muffled by those cheeks. "I'm bi... that's why the King likes having me around..." He explained. "He much happier with his little jester under the table licking on his junk keeping him excited..." He pushed that pointed little muzzle between her cheeks harder, as his tongue pressed into that crease.

"Uhuuu... stop that!" Cam moaned as she was rolled back over onto all fours, as the little Fox slipped his long slick tongue inside of her anus!

"If you really wanted me to stop... I'd be flying across the room by now!" Rodney pointed out as his strong little paws cupped her big round ass cheeks. Pushing them wide apart as he tongue fucked her tight hole. The scent of her aroused musk growing so thick in the air it almost took his breath away. The little Fox could see beads of moisture tickling out from under her Chastity belt. Running lazily down here sleek inner thigh's...

"The... the King... he'll be mad..." Cameron moaned trying a different tactic, but the little Fox just laughed.

"Who do you think sent me..." He giggled as his tongue left her hole, and slowly lapped its way up her crack. "Go warm up my Queen with that talented mouth of yours!" Rodney parroted Jerome's words gruffly as he tongue traced its way up her spine. There was a soft rustling of clothes, and Cam felt something even hotter and wetter that the Fox's tongue press against her tail hole!

"No you can't!" The big Tigress protested weakly as the small Fox hunched over her back.

"Oh really?" Rodney moaned looking down as half his pointed vulpine cock was already inside of her. His hot slick tongue had done its work of relaxing her defenses. And before Cam could protest anymore the little Fox's hard bulbous knot slipped into her!

"UHUHUUUU!" Cameron moaned as the pain of that sudden penetration raced through her. "Owwww that hurt... take it out!" She moaned trying to pull away then, but the Fox's knot had already ballooned to its full size.

"Heheh... it'll hurt a Lot more it I pull it out now!" Rodney assured as he began to thrust against her lush feline rump lustfully. "Best to just finish up and let it shrink back down normally." He panted breathlessly into her ear as he explained her predicament in lewd detail! "Never been with a canid before huh." He moaned at her naïve, as he thrusts grew steadily faster and harder.

"Not a male!" Cam moaned as her long feline tail flicked around like mad, as the little Fox rutted her virgin ass!

"Oho..." The little Fox leered as she said that. "Been enjoying a little puss on bitch action huh?" The little Vulpine moaned not realizing of course that she was the very male jock that had so often made fun of him!

"Aheemmm no it... I..." Cam moaned in desire as that stiff cock up her butt, buggered her to distraction! The pleasure of it, only serving to make her sex burn in more and more need. Part of her was very ashamed of what was happening... that a little punk like Rodney was up her ass! She was taking dick... and although the idea was so wrong... the act felt... so good! "Get off Rodney... get off!" She moaned trembling violently... as the little Fox nuzzled her ear.

"I'm tryin' baby... I'm tryin'!" He assured as his hard little Vulpine cock pounded within her faster still! It wasn't what she meant... but she was feeling strangely passive. And didn't protest like she normally would have... "Almost... almost there!" The little Fox moaned as his hips went crazy... thrusting against her big soft round ass!

"Rodney please..." She grunted softly wanting the nasty little bastard to just stop and get out of her.

"Ohooo yeah baby... Ohoooo here it comes!" The lustfully little red Fox grunted gloatingly... as his balls pulled up and his hard organ tensed. Then began spraying his hot watery Vulpine seed up her clenching hole! Leaving the big Tigress feel naughty and dirty... a guy had just used her and came inside of her! The small part of her that was still Cameron the proud jock stud quivered with disgust. But her new female body was tingling with desires and needs. As the to of them lie there panting for breath... a deep ferocious growl was suddenly heard! Looking back over their shoulders... the two of them found the sleek spotted form of the King himself watching them!

"I said to use that talented tongue of yours to get her hot and ready!" The Cheetah growled as he slowly stalked over to the bed. Blood in his eyes as he watched the suddenly frightened little fox try to pull away, but his expanded knot trapped him!

"Owwwww stop that!" Cam as the knot tugged at her anus painfully.

"Pl... please... please my lord." Rodney stammered. "I didn't mean t... I meant no disrespect!" The little Fox rambled quickly.

"Instead you put your filthy little dick up my Queens ass!" King Jerome snarled his soft furry paw smacking against the Fox's ass cheek roughly. Then slowly slid down between his thighs to grab that fuzzy little vulpine nut sack! "A fools cum up my Queens ass!" The sleek handsome Cheetah growled shaking his head angrily. "And you meant no disrespect!" The King chuckled darkly... "You could hardly be more disrespectful... however that... is a mistake you'll NEVER make again!" The Cheetah's needle sharp claws popped out... and the little Fox's eyes widened in terror! As he felt those cool sharp tip's press against his hot naked male flesh!

"My King Please..." Rodney begged but it was to late... those needle like claws pierced his delicate flesh. "IEIEIEIEEE!!!" The little Fox screamed as his sack and the jewels within them were cruelly ripped away from his groin. In and instant the little jester was made the butt of the cruelest joke of all! As he was neutered by the Kings own paws, the little vulpine whimpering and struggling. His small cock slipped from Cam's tight anus as that hard knot almost instantly deflated! Rodney slid out and fell back off the bed onto the cold stone floor. As Jerome held up one of his orb's by its dissevered cord... then dropped it into his own mouth. As the Fox watched in sicken fascination the King savored his male nugget. ‘Crunching' and chewing it up slowly as he leer down at the little Fox. "Now get out of my sight!" The Cheetah snarled... as the yipping ball less little Fox fled. Then he turned to smile down at the Tigress as she lay back on the big bed.

"I don't blame you my dear..." Jerome assured as he lay down beside her... one bloody paw caressing her pert breasts. "I know how persuasive Rodney's hot little mouth can be... believe me." The handsome Cheetah smile down at her lustfully as his paw felt the wetness between her thighs. "A treat for the sweet..." He purred dangling the little Fox's second testicle over her muzzle. Cam's sensitive feline nose twitched, as she smelt the blood and raw dissevered flesh. Her jaws opening automatically without thinking, and the testicle that had just filled her rump with seed was dropped into her mouth. Those deadly jaws instantly snapped closed biting that hard little nugget in half. A sweet bloody hormone filled taste exploded in her mouth as she slowly chews Rodney's ball into mush.

"Amazing how feral those times can make one feel... isn't it?" Jerome purred as he rolled over on top of her... his sleek powerful young male body pinning her down. "And we can do... anything!" He assured as his paws explored her trembling body... ‘Gods it was all sooooo exciting...' Cam was intoxicated by everything that had just happened... the sexual excitement... the wickedness... the closeness of Jerome's powerful male body... She wanted it... want him inside of her... wanted to be bred! ‘Oh my gods!' ‘Is that really what I want...' She thought as her shaking paws quickly unbelted the Kings royal robes. Exposing his long pink feline erection as he hovered over her.

"You... you've got the key... take it off!" She gestured to the crude steel chastity belt that covered her needy sex.

"Are you sure... milady?" Jerome asked teasingly as his paws stroked her silk fur in all the most erogenous spots. "Are you desiring to feel my... lance before we are wed?"

"Yes..." Cameron moaned as her paws fondled and stroked the King hard male hood. "I want you to bred me hard... show me no mercy!" She begged as the handsome Cheetah leered down at her... then lifted the chain from around his neck. Taking the silver key in one paw he unlocked the device... and peeled it away.

"Guide me in." Jerome moaned as he felt her soft paws pull his aroused member down into the searing heat of her sex! "Aahahaaa." The royal Cheetah moaned as his long organ slid into the hot wet velvety vice of her embrace. Watch as her muzzle contorted in pleasure... as he filled her! As the rocked back and forth atop her... repeatedly filling her with his hard male hard. The last vestiges of Cam's maleness were washed away in a sea of hormones. The tiny part of her mind that had remember her male hood and longed for it to return was extinguished forever. "Now you truly are my Queen..." Jerome moaned as they began to rut even more lustfully...


"Truer words were never spoken..." Camilla laughed as she watched the action with her brother. "Now wasn't that much more amusing than just turning them to stone?" She laughed again as she watched the Quarterback turned receiver... receive the first of many loads from the former receiver turned King.


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