Old Dan's Game...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Old Dan's Game...

The young stallion smiled weakly over at the big grizzled canine, as they finished unloading the last of the hay bales into the dusty old barn. Mr Thorstein had already called it a night and went home to his family... But the young high school jock, and the old migrant farm worker lay back in the hay resting...

Old Dan smiled gap toothed over at the teenager, as he fished a bottle out of his baggy overalls... Unscrewing the top he took a long swig, before handing it over to Cameron. The young stallion wasn't to sure about drinking this stuff, but didn't want to appear young and weak in the older males eyes. So the roan stud took a long pull on the bottle, the fiery liquid burning all the way down.

And on a mostly empty belly, it left the young stud feeling hot, dizzy and giddy...

"Damn thats good." The young stallion grunted breathlessly, as the big canine snickered and took a second drink and then handed the bottle back to the horse.

"No it aint..." Old Dan smirked... as he watched the handsome young stallion take another long drink. "But it'll get ya good'en drunk...' The big canine assured, as the young stud tipped the bottle up and took a slightly smaller drink.

"Yeah I guess so..." Cameron whispered as the alcohol raced through his system, and made the already sweating stud even hotter... Quickly the young horse pulled off his sweat soaked T-shirt, as the older Canine unbuckled the straps of his overalls... Taking another quick drink, and then pushing the bottle back onto the Stallion...

Nakedness was not a new thing for them... they had went skinny dipping back in the summer heat... And as they lay there in the hay drinking the rest of that bottle, Old Dan stripped his dirty overalls off... Cameron was really feeling the power of that cheap liquor now and soon joined him... They had jacked off together a number of times, so it wasn't shocking for the teenage equine to be naked with the big dog...

True it was a new sensation for the young stallion to have help getting undressed... but then he was busy nursing on that bottle... Old Dan smiled as he looked down at the naked equine... that sleek short red fur gleaming in the twilights weak light. Cameron lifted that bottle, and sucked down another long swig... And then choked as a very pleasant sensation spread through his groin... Glancing down he was stunned at what it was... Old Dan had found something to nurse on as well...

"Wha... Ya suckin' ma... Ummmmmm..." Cameron moaned in pleasure, as that hot mouth suckled on his big half flaccid horsie hose...

"You like that?" Old Dan asked slowly, as his strong paws held the studs thighs wide apart. And his mouth licked and kissed the horses hot sweaty junk.

"Ooooo fuck yeah..." The horny young jock stud moaned, his hip's already thrusting up slightly as he finished that bottle and looked at it sadly...

"Here ya go..." The big old canine grunted, handing Cameron a fresh bottle; that had seemingly appeared from no where... The young high school jock took the bottle and began suckling on it at once... Even as Old Dan suckled on that big equine rut stick... making it raise slowly to full erection. As the young stallion lay back starring up at the rafters as he poured more liquor down his throat...

The old canine sat back then, licking gently at that big blunt cock head. As he pulled out the tool, it was old... but well made of solid metal. "Lookie what I found the other day..." Old Dan chuckled shoving it in front of the young stallions muzzle...

"Whatz it?" Cameron grunted drunkenly trying to focus on the gadget... he loved gadgets and this one looked interesting...

"They called it a EZ bander... see the metal bands there..." Old Dan snickered as he pointed out the bands and other interesting things... "They use ta use it ta keep the herd counts under control..." The old canine explained as he moved it back down... watching Cameron's eye's follow it...

"Ohoooo how'd it do that?" The now very drunken stud asked, as the big old dog grinned suddenly down at him...

"Here I'll show ya..." Old Dan assured as he set the cold device down on the horses hot crotch, working those big floppy nuts through those shiny rings... "See first they'd fit a young studs knackers in here..."

"Ohoooo I see..." Cameron slurred, as he watched the old dog get the Ez-bander fitted against his crotch. Letting that fat sack dangle down very low through the rings...

"Then they'd squeeze this grip..." 'Click click...' Old Dan squeezed it once and as they both watched the bands shrank a bit... "See that tightens the bands..." The old Dog explained as his paws working the grips quickly... 'Click Click... Click Click...' Soon those big balls were bulging even more, as the studs velvety pouch was squeezed...

"Ohoo and that kept'em under control?" Cameron asked, as he reached down to fondle the bander with his own hand... "Can I try it?"

"Hahah sure..." The old Dog chuckled, letting the young stallion grasp the handle and squeeze the grip... 'Click...click.. click..click.click.clickclickclickclick.' "Yeah that's it..." Old Dan growled watching excitedly as those metal bands were racketed tighter and tighter, it wouldn't be long now.

"But I don't see how this... 'Curchunk!' wor...RRRRKRKKKSS!" Cameron slurred, as the bander tightened down so swiftly. That he was startled when the bands reached their maximum tightness, and tripped the spring loaded blade. That Bander gave a loud 'Curchunk' as the blade dropped, and then the two of them watched as the young roan stallions fat sack dropped off. Its top sealed by a bright metal band... a second band pinching the sack neck just under the geldings hard cock...

"Hahahah..." Old Dan roared with laughter... Cameron drunkenly joining in... it was absurdly funny. Reaching down the old Dog picked up that fat sack... "Ya just gelded yerself boi..."

"Hahaha..." Cameron giggled drunkenly... as he watched his fat sack dangling for Old Dan's fist. "Fuck me... I'm a gelding." The roan jock snickered.

"Well... I guess that's what geldin's are for... I mean they aint breeders anymore..." Old Dan agreed lifting the young former studs legs up over his shoulders. And then pushing them back, as he moved up closer. "So their jest a fun fuck fer intact males." Placing his pointed canine cock to that hot virgin tail hole... "Been wantin' ta do this all summer... ever since ya first showed me that fine pink asshole."

Spitting on the young stallion's big round equine anus, the old Dog buried his bone in a single plunge. Leering down at the gelded jock... but it was all for nothing as the drunken equine had passed out... That didn't stop the old Dog of course, although it would have been more exciting for him. If he could of watched and listened to the former stud's protests as he raped him...

Early the next morning the old Dog collected his pay from Farmer Thorstein. And then jumped a slow rolling freight train for Florida to work the Orange harvest.

It wasn't until well afternoon that Cameron staggered into the Hospital... The Sheriff found the Bander in the barn with the Horses prints on it... But the jocks big nuts were never found... being as they were made into hobo stew by a certain migrant farm hand. And so the Sheriff decided that the drunken jock had gelded himself and lost them... Down in Florida old Dan found something besides Oranges he wanted to pluck... Between the thighs of a young handsome Goat who was helping out, but that would have to wait until the end of harvest...


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