Learnin' the trade

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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Learnin' the trade...

"So whatcha thinkin' fer a summer job?" The big Ram snorted aggressively across the dinner table at his teenage son. "I could see if they wanted any temp help down at the plant." He grunted before his teenage son could answer. "They're always looking for help in the warehouse." The young Ram across the table paused between mouthfuls to grunt back.

"Uncle Pen said I could help him out over at his place." Arn answered quickly before his father could snap out any more offers. The big Ram frowned and shook his head as if annoyed by buzzing nits. Clearly he disapproved of that idea... but couldn't deny it was a moneymaker.

"That's nice dear." His mother cut in just as quickly, if more softly. "Poor Pen's getting old and needs help more than he use to..."

"What tha gardenin' or tha... workin' on folks inners?" Arn's father snort gruffly, flashing his wife a sour look. "Cuz if it's gardenin' ya gona be doin' ya can help out in tha Johnson's tomato fields!" "I know fer a fact he pays damn good fer summer help."

"Uncle Pen said there'd be plenty of both I could be doin' and learnin'."

"Well... guess it'd be good fer ya ta be seein' if'n ya got the stomach fer such work." His father grunted making it plain he didn't think his soft son would have. "I can tell ya right now... most don't!" The big Ram grumbled as he went back to eating his dinner sullenly...


Arn was up bright and earlier the next morning and trotting through the morning fog. Eager to start his summer job, working for Uncle Pen, the old Veterinarian wasn't really a relative. But like most of the kids in his small rural community Uncle Pen had delivered him! Saw to his health care needs as he had grown up. The small Mill town had only the one Doctor... and even though they were only twenty minutes drive from Portland. They were small enough and rural enough that life was simple still. Cutting across the Ledbetter's fields the young Ram got the legs of his trousers soaked with dew. But it save him a lot more walking, and he was able to get on the narrow two lane road leading to Pen's place. It was a rambling old house set a short ways back from the road... Lurking in the shade of centuries old oaks, up a white graveled driveway. An office, with two-exam rooms and a small but well equipped operating room. Had been added to the old house, the operating room having once been the formal dining room. And was still connected to the Kitchen by a pair of swinging wooden doors with round porthole windows in them.

Stepping off the rough pavement, Arn's hoof steps crunched softly on the white gravel of the driveway. The big old house was quite and dark as he approached it. Uncle Pen had told him to be here around ten o'clock, so he was a couple of hours early. It was then he heard the car pulling into the driveway, turning around he expected to see the Doctor's old Chevy. But the car coming up the drive was long, sleek and looked brand new! The big silver medallion that was glittering on the hood, left no doubt that it didn't belong to anyone local! Quickly the young Ram hurried up to the Doctors door, as the long black car stopped just outside. The drives door open and a big aggressive looking Bull climbed out. Snorting softly as he looked over at Arn with a questioning expression on his big bovine muzzle. At that moment the door open and a friendly-faced old Goat peered out.

"Ahaha... Dan right on time." Uncle Pen greeted the big Bull with a pleasant nod. Then followed the Bull's gaze to the startled young Ram standing just outside. "Arn!" The Goat exclaimed clearly surprise at seeing the youth so early. But quickly recover however and tossed the young Ram a bundle of folded canvas.

"Would you cover Dan's fine, clean automobile please?" The young Ram nodded as the big Bull stepped past him and was ushered into the Vet's office. "When your finished with that, go around to the kitchen and have some breakfast." "Everything is on the stove and should be still warm." The old Goat assured as he turned to follow after the Bull. "He's a young local fella I hire to help around the place..." Arn heard him explaining to the big bovine as the door closed. But the newcomers deep, grumbling reply was too distant to be heard. Arn shook out the canvas covering and draped it over the sleek black car. Noticing that the canvas was dotted with sap splotches from the over hanging tree's. But confused as to why it would be... Uncle Pen always kept his car in his garage. With this task finished... Arn entered the house and trotted around to the kitchen. The food on the stove was still warm... just as Uncle Pen had said. About half an hour later... the young Ram was feeling full. When Uncle Pen came in and greeted him, smiling pleasantly as he poured to big glass's of juice. "I wasn't expecting you quite this early..." The Goat observed. "Dan and I have a bit of medical business to do..." He explained.

"Why don't you start on weeding the garden... don't get in any big hurry." Uncle Pen grunted. "When you get tired stop and rest... oh and if you're thirsty feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge you want."

"Ahem ok... thank you." Arn replied pleasantly as he stood up and headed towards the garden out back. The old Goat watched him go, then picked up the tray and returned to his quest.

The young Ram started on the end row... and slowly began working his way across the field. The morning fog had burned off and the sun was beating down from a clear blue sky. Standing up Arn paused to survey the garden... he was a little more than half way across. But was hot and tired already, when he remembered Uncle Pen's offer. Something cold to drink was just what he needed. Wiping the dirt from his hands the young Ram trotted back to the kitchen. Opening the fridge he found a bottle of grape juice and quickly poured himself a glass. Gulping down half the glass, before he paused for a breath.

Moving over to take a seat at the table... when he heard a bellow come from the next room. Quietly moving over to the swinging double doors Arn peered through one of the porthole windows. Surprised to see the big Bull laid out on the operating. He'd always been curious about the Vets work, so looked on with great interest. Dan's powerful lower legs were strapped into the stirrups, as Uncle Pen gripped a set of long handled clippers. The Bulls long pink cock was draped up over his sterile pad covering his chest. And was pulsing and spasming wildly as the big Bull gave himself a pearl necklace. Even as Uncle Pen worked those handles hard back and forth! "Almost gone." The old Goat mumbled through his surgical mask, as the big Bull moaned and shuddered. As the young Ram watched Uncle Pen lifted the Bull's huge ball sack up, holding it for his panting patient to see. The Bull smiled weakly as he watched the Vet dispose of his dissevered testicles. Then sagged back feebly onto the table, as Uncle Pen carefully stitched up the open wound where his jewels had once been. The old Doctor noticed the young Ram starring through the small window.

And gave Arn a pleasant wave with his red stain latex glove covered hand. Then returned to his patient cleaning up and bandaging the Steer's crotch. Then he picked up the big dissevered jewel sack, with its hefty contents and strolled out into the kitchen.

"Hello Arn..." The Goat said smiling as he strolled into the kitchen carrying the Bull's balls. Arn looked from that hefty bulging male sack to Uncle Pen then back again and gulped. The old Vet smiled pleasantly and lifted that heavy package up to look at it. "Unwanted cargo..." The Vet explained as he crossed the room and stuffed that big sack into a meat grinder. "Dan in there was tired of them... well more than that..." "He's wanted rid of them for many years... since he was younger than you actually." The old Goat explained gently and patiently. "I understand that need... and make a habit of helping those who truly want it." He stripped off his latex gloves and tossed them into the trash.

"But what about... I saw him cummin'..." Arn grunted confused.

"The male body often has these involuntary reactions... although some patients want help in having one last orgasm before..." The Goat Vet's smile was strained, but at last he decided to just be honest. "I sometimes assist them in having that orgasm... if they wish me to." He explained... "Its something I enjoy doing for other males." The old Goat was as much as admitting he was gay... and Arn was suddenly happy he'd come in when he did.

"I... I kinda like that kinda thing too..." The young Ram stammered make the Goat chuckle softly.

"No harm in that..." Uncle Pen chuckled easily as he moved to look out the window. "Why don't you go up stairs and take a shower get washed up good." "And when you come back you can help me move Dan to the guest room for his recovery."

"Ahem... ok but what about the garden?" Arn asked as he stood up a little to quickly making his chair scrape across the floor.

"Nothing there that can't wait until later... or even tomorrow for that matter." Uncle Pen assured as he flipped on the switch for the meat grinder. And turned those big Bull ball's into just so much shredded meat... Glancing sideways at Arn as he did to catch the young Rams reaction... Arn didn't even flinch as the Vet destroyed another male's proud jewels. The Vet smiled... maybe this was the lad he'd been looking for, someone to train to be his replacement.


Over the next few days Uncle Pen showed Arn his routine, in office visits and house calls. And the young Ram spent as much time looking after their big Bull patient as the garden. Dan turned out to be a nice guy... a Portland area lawyer and divorcee. He'd spent his whole life disliking his own sexual desires. And although he loved his cubs, and even still cared for his Ex-wife. He was very happy to finally be rid of his male organs, after four days he was healed well enough to go home. Uncle Pen instructed him in how to remove the stitches and advised him to wait at lest two weeks before doing so. As Arn folded up the car cover, he and Uncle Pen watched the big Bull slowly drive away. As that big black car disappeared down the winding country road. The old Goat turned and smiled at his young apprentice. "Things are pretty quite... I guess we can schedule another out of town consultation." Arn raised a eye brow questioningly, as the smiling Goat winked at him. "We're going to be needing plenty of money to send you to medical school." Uncle Pen grunted. "That is... if you want to take over my practice some day." The young Ram's widen in shock... and excitement. He really did like the Doctors life... but harbors little hope of ever getting to go to collage... Money was just to tight for his lower income family to afford.

"Wha... you mean you'd help... but nawww I couldn't take your money..." The young Ram stammered looking embarrassed.

"I don't see why not... you'll be working for me..." Uncle Pen explained to smooth the young furs pride. "Plus I get someone to look after me in my dodder age... and look after the folks in the community I love." "That sounds like a lot of work for you to do to earn your way into it!"

The old Goat bargained hard knowing the more he talked about how much work it would be. The more the young Ram would feel he's earning it and not taking charity.

"Well... I guess... yer right..." Arn grunted suddenly feeling better about the idea. As he followed Uncle Pen inside... putting the car cover in the hall closet. As Uncle Pen motioned for him to come into his study, a flickering computer screen lighted the small cluttered room. Uncle Pen was checking his email... as the young Ram approached. "Ahhhh here is a good prospect." The old Goat grunted opening an email entitled ‘Make a bitch out of me!' The writer explained in detail how he wanted to be turned into in his own words ‘A cunt boi!' The explicit nature of the description and reasons for it left Arn blushing and hot. But there was an aroused lump in the young Ram's trousers when Uncle Pen stopped reading.

"Ahem so you think he's a good... Ahem prospect?" Arn grunted his voice thick with excitement as those erotic images flirted around in his head.

"I'd say so..." The old goat grunted as he slowly typed out a reply to the email...

"I'll send some emails to feel him out a little more..." Uncle Pen grunted obviously aroused himself. "But he's looked good so far... and he has the money already set aside."


The charity of night...

The Charity of Night "Look'it what we got here..." The stout rough looking Bull dog growled, as he and his buddies slipped out of the darkness. Predators circling their prey as the handsome rather effeminate feline looks around...

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