Traveling Salesman Chap 4

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#44 of Charns tales...

Traveling Salesman Chap 4

The Twins Dorn and Ethan...

"If you both have the same strength... then it comes down to a matter of will power!" The big Tiger observed as he watched the to highly completive twins argue. "Who wants it more... who's will is stronger." He went on, as the over energized equines paused in their wrestling to look over at him. Just as he had promised the pair had finished the thrashing early. And now as the surprisingly hot and sticky autumn day wore down. The still highly energized twins had been engaged in friendly rivalry.

"You know... come to think of it..." The Tiger purred. "I might have an idea!" Charn snickered picking up a old rusty length of barbed wire. "The way I see it... to measure will means testing desire and pain resistance as well as strength of purpose." The big feline smirked. "It's a test of dominance... of huevos... as our little Miguel would say." He added knowing that would appeal to the testosterone fueled twins. "So... shall we see who's more of a stallion?" The Tiger asked with a leering grin.

"Hell yeah!" Came the reply instantly from the hyped up studs.

"Alright!" Charn laughed, doubling the wire up and quickly braiding it into a single strand. Positioning them back to back about three feet apart. The feline had the big studs spread their powerful thighs, kneeling he reached between looping one end of the wire around each low hanging nut sac. The two big horses watching slightly confused, standing up Charn smiled at them. "Ok here is the deal..." He purred softly in explanation. "It's just a simple game of tug o war... only a little more extreme!" Charn chuckled as the twin studs winced, as rusty barbs pressed into tender flesh. "Whoever can master the pain, will master the other." He leered making it sound as lurid as possible.

"So... is there some line I'm supposed to pull this pansy across?" Ethan asked, flashing his older twin a taunting smile.

"No." Charn grunted. "It's who ever gives up first... and lets the other pull him around." The big Tiger licked his lip's. "Then we'll know who's the stallion and who's the mare!"

"Ohoooo... you're so going to be the mare!" Dorn smirked at his slightly younger twin brother punching him on the shoulder.

"Hah... I'll make you tell everyone who's the mare... when I win!" Ethan countered, smacking his twin's ass cheek playfully. Charn just stood there with a predatory grin on his feline muzzle.

"On the count of three... boi's." Charn growled as the two stallions turned back around getting ready to pull. The big Tiger grasp the wire pulling up on it. Making each brother think the other was already pulling, trying to gain some advantage! "One... two..." Charn counted, as both young studs snorted and shifted their weight forwards taking the slack out of the line. "Three!" The Tiger called stepping back to enjoy the show, as the twin draft horses surged forwards.


"FFFuuuccckkkk!" The two young draft horses whinnied and squealed, as the barbed wire loops closed tighter and tighter around the necks of their big virile sac's! But neither stopped pulling, ever with their big jewels stretched far out from their bodies. Even with the rusty wire barbs digging into their flesh. Their big steel shod hooves were churning digging up clumps of turf the size of dinner plates.

"Give it up little mare!" Dorn grunted as he strained against the pull. And the gnawing pain in his guts, he'd been hit in the big saggy balls before. But this was different and in ways even worse, surely his younger brother would give up soon.

"Fuck you!" Ethan grunted back, as he shifted more of his weight forwards strong leg's trembling. As his male jewels screamed in agony but he was determined not to give up before his older brother.

"Nawww that's what mares are for!" Dorn countered, the pain in his guts now a fiery agony.

"That's what I'm going to do... when you admit you're the mare!" Ethan snapped, as each stud taunted and grow angrier with each breath. The pain serving to infuriate them, and that anger making either more determined!

"Oh!" Dorn grunted. "So the mare gets mounted huh!" "You're gonia enjoy my cock up your pussy ass!" Dorn taunted now clearly out of control. Smiling Charn stepped in between them, placing a finger on each stretched taut sec neck. The tough flesh stretched and pulled so tight, it would cut easily he knew.

"OOOOOOOOO... the mare gets fucked... I'd like to get in on that!" The big Tiger purred inciting the pair even further.

"Sure I'll let you fuck my mare!" Ethan grunted through the haze of groin pain, making his brother snort.

"The little mare wants it bad... maybe we should invite the Burro to breed her too!" He taunted almost retching from the pain in his colt makers!

"Well little mares need lots of breeding!" Charn agreed snickering, as he watched the wire loops cut into the stallions' soft flesh! His sharp ear's hearing that flesh ripping, knowing all that would be needed was a little more taunting. "But which one is it going to be..." He purred letting his hot smooth paws slid up their ass cheeks. The two stallions surged forwards again as they felt their ass's being fondled. Clearly neither wanted to end up the mare, which as the Tiger knew was the height of irony! Since he was going to see to it that they both would be. "I don't guess it matters... both those are identical!" Charn purred rubbing smooth fingertip's over each stud's hot silky donut shaped anus.

"Like hell... mine is and out only... his is fer stickin' things in!" The twin's both said at once, biting their lips in pain as they surged forwards. The wire loop had closed and cut a little deeper on Ethan's sac neck. Quickly Charn reached down and grasped the center of the wire, tugging on Dorn's side a little. Equaling the two of them out somewhat, before he reached up under the closest tail with his other paw. Jamming a fingertip into that hot tightly drawn hole. Ethan squealed and leaped forwards, his big over full nut sac coming off with a long wet tiring sound. Dorn staggered forwards off balance at the sudden give, but before he could realize that he'd won. The wire drew taut again as Charn pulled back on it hard, and there was a second long loud wet ripping sound. Both former studs... now ball less geldings stumbled and fell flat on their face. Charn dropped the wire with its twin full jewel sac's onto the ground as if it had fallen by its self.

"Wow... looks like the two of you are equal all the way around!" The big Tiger purred as the stunned pair looked back. He made a show of walking over and picking up the wire and it's prizes. "Guess this means your both the mare now huh." He joked looking from first one to the other, seeing the shame and humiliation on their muzzles. Unwrapping they're sac's he put them away in his sales bag, then smiled as it just thinking of something. "I'm going to need some help fucking two mares!" He snickered... "Oh yeah... you did say we should invite Miguel to enjoy the mare also." He gloated as the twin geldings looked on, to shocked to protest. "Hey Miguel..." He called into the seed shed, where the little Burro had been hiding and watching. "Would you like to help me fuck a couple of sweet little mares?"

"Si senor!" The little Burro answered as he stepped out of the shed naked, his thick black dick already rock hard.

"Hey... you can't..." Dorn stammered.

"We're not goina..." Ethan protested weakly.

The pair started to protest more, but was cut off by a gesture from the Tiger. "Yes you can and will..." Charn growled. "Unless you want your sire and brothers to find out your nuttless little mares now!" The twins looked at each other mortified at the thought of their gelded nature being exposed. The little Burro moved over between Ethan's still wide spread leg's. Kneeling between them, hard cock drooling and slimy.

"Leeet meee enn!" The Burro ordered, laughing in gratification as Ethan lifted his tail exposing his virgin plucker. "Aaaahhhhh what a tight lit' mare jou arrrre!" Miguel moaned as he sank his stiff thick cock into the stallion's unlubed hole! Dorn choked as he watched his twin get mounted, then jumping as a heavy weight settled onto his back and a soft voice purred into his ear.

"Your turn my little mare!"


The charity of night...

The Charity of Night "Look'it what we got here..." The stout rough looking Bull dog growled, as he and his buddies slipped out of the darkness. Predators circling their prey as the handsome rather effeminate feline looks around...

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