Traveling Salesman Chap 3

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#43 of Charns tales...

Traveling Salesman Chap 3

Cobalt's tale...

The Burro has been teasing and flirting with Cobalt almost the entire day... and it had been a long one. Sixty bovines to be milked, with gallons and gallons of milk to be tested. Carefully checked before added to the vats. The Burro kept rubbing up against the big straight horse, teasing and murmuring and saying all sorts of weird stuff. But it was hot out... and heat makes furs act funny, some times. The young Burro rubbed at himself through his worn overalls, the barn was nearly a hundred degrees and his balls hung real low. He stared at cobalt's, knowing that the big friendly stud had some biggies of his own...

"Jou eeeverrrr think... what it might feeeel like to have one of theeeese on jou?" The little burro asked as he held up one of the plastic milking cylinders. The big young horse paused, as he finished dumping the milk down into the vat, and slowly put the bucket down.

"What... are you crazy?" The young equine stud asked, even as he blushed. "That would be dumb... I'm not a cow... I don't have any udders!" He snorted playing dumb, as he wiped at his brow. But of course as a horny youth, he had thought about it. Wondered if it would feel good, he peeled his sticky shirt off of his sweaty chest. Wearing just a pair of working Carharts, with a nice big bulge stuffing the front. "Why... have you?" He demanded turning the question around on the Burro.

"Ohooo jes senor..." The little Burro answered more honestly than Cobalt had expected. "I was ooonly thinking, it might feel nice..." Miguel gestured down toward his crotch. "On jour burrito...hee hee." He giggled nervously.

"hooo ho ho!" The big blond stallion snorted lewdly thinking about it... and liking the idea more as he did. "Well... it mighty feel very nice..." He admitted. "And it mighty even fit on your burrito... but on my salami it wouldn't cover a third of it." He boasted proudly.

"Si senor, it would!" Miguel corrected. "Joo must jus use a bigger tube!" He grins, pulling out the box that had been shipped with the milker, with cylinders far too long for cow teats. It turns out the machine had also been designed to be used for milking bulls, though with the family had no bulls they'd never really realized that. His sly grin widens as he pulls out the tube. "Dees long enough, si?" Cobalt grunted in surprise... as he saw this larger tube. He'd thought to dissuade the burro with his taunt. But now was trapped by his own words, and Miguel's grinning eagerness.

"Errr... What is that for..." He grunts stunned and excited. "Ahem yeah... it sure enough does look long enou... but I..."

"Senor, I know joo and jour senorita haff broken up... you make so much noise at night in your bunk it wakes up tus hombres!" The Burro grins and taps the horse in the chest with the tube. "Dees may help you out, si?" He waits until the stallion takes the tube, and then moves to undo Cobalt's pants to pull his big semi hard organ out into the open.

"We're not broke up... just..." The stallion tried to protest, but he knew that they really were broken up! In fact he knew a certain fox in town was rutting his ex! "I do?" He grunted embarrassed, thinking about it so hard, he isn't even aware of what the burro is doing. Until his pants are around his ankles and Miguel is rubbing cool lube over his semi hard mare poker! "Help me out... you... your kidding..." He tries to deny as he stares at the long plastic tube in his hands. "Errr Hey!" The Burro says nothing, because he knows the horse will just protest if he does. So he takes the clear plastic cylinder, and lifts up the horse's long leathery horse cock, and slides into the other. Then, he plugs the cylinder into the unused milking tube, and releases the valve turning on the machine. The horse is left holding a plastic tube leeched onto his cock, which begins to slurp air out of the tube. The suction pulls air in around his huge equine pleasure stick, which was not quite hard yet and thus, has not quite formed a plug. "Ahahaha!" Cobalt whinnies loudly as his hot erection is swallowed by the cool tube, but instead of sagging as he expected his big cock grows and fattens within the clear plastic! "I really don't think..." He tries to protest again, as the milking machine surges! Forcing the big blond stallion to release a long loud moan of pleasure! "Mother fucker... that feels..." His eyes roll and his hip's push forwards as the air makes disgusting sounding 'Slurps'.

"Heh heh, woopsie, must secure itt." The Burro comes to stand next to the blond horse, and reaches to the underside of the tube. There's a little drawstring there, and he pulls it tight helping attach a collar to the root of the horse's fat cock. Now trapped and secured, the machine begins to Chug... Chug... Chug... Air being pulled out of the tube and making the horse's cock inflate, pressing into the plastic a bit. Then allowing a bit back in, then drawing again. "Senor, maybe jou shoould hold on!" Miguel snickers pulling up the horse's left arm, and attaches it to a hook in a solid wooden beam. Then the other arm, to another beam, spread eagling the stallion as the machine continues to chug! Cobalt can hardly believe the sensation... little lone what is going on! He knew some of his brothers used the Burro to reliever they're sexual urges, but never expected the little fucker to be so... helpful... His hip's thrust wild and uncontrollably as the machine gets a firm hold on his mighty cock and he staggers!

"Errr hold on... yeah good idea!" He mumbles offering no resistance as Miguel lifts his arms up! Not realizing he was now trapped in position, as both his waists are tied up. "Fuck me... ohoooo... this thing can suck!" The Burro grins and moves to rub the stallion's beefy ball's through their thin scrotum, chuckling and then moving to get more lube.

"Si... si!" He murmurs in agreement, as the machine tugs at the thick cock crammed into the tube. The clear plastic was beginning to look too small, now. Making the little Burro snicker as he moves up behind the trapped stud. Thick fingers beginning to slather up Cobalt's hot tail hole, stroking the thick cool grease into his tight backside. The young blond stud is lost in a world of pleasure, and hardly notices what is going on. Until he feels cold lube being slathered onto his hot taboo hole... Instantly he tries to clamp his tail down, but discovers its restrained.

"Errr Fuckin' hell what are you?" He grunts in between knickers of pleasure. "What do you think your..." The big straight stud shouts looking over his shoulder at the small dark equine behind him. As Miguel turns up the milker increasing the suction on Cobalt's cock!

"Ahh senor... jou see, jou are using that..." The little Burro points out making the trapped stud blush in embarrassment. "So what am I to use?" His fingers slide into that tight muscular rear, and he probes around. Jumps and bucks as the burros fingers invade his virgin hole.

"What are you to use..." Cobalt repeats confused and incredulously sounding... ‘The little fucker can't possible mean he thinks hes going to...'

"I thiinnk this will help meee with My horniness... no?" The big stallion looks back to see that the Burro's short, thick dick is quite firmly arching upwards!

"You're not thinking..." He squeals. "Your horniness!!" The Burro is grinning almost demonically, as he turns the machine up once again! Watching in satisfaction as the stallion's wild eye's glaze over in pleasure.

"If you complain too much, maybe I will put a milking tube on your balls..." Cobalt squeals bucking and struggling to get away as much as he's able with the suction on his needy dick. Now that the Burro has confirmed what he wants to do!

"NO!" "No you can't... I absolutely refusooooooosa..." Cobalt moaned unable to believe his ear... was the little fuck boi threatening him!

"Oh yes he Can!" A new voice said firmly from behind the pair, as the visiting Tiger grins and strides into the barn. Cobalt's head twists around embarrassed blush on his muzzle at being caught in this position by the stranger. "And who knows, maybe after him, I will as well." He looks the blonde stud over, smirking as the Burro squishes his fingers around in Cobalt's clutching ass. But then his embarrassment turns to fear... as he hears the big felines words! "What are you waiting for Miguel... his ass isn't going to fuck itself!" The Tiger smirks, as the little Burro eagerly complied!

"You... You... You can't be..." Cobalt stammers finding his voice at last. "Your not fucking serious..." The young stud squeals bucks fighting hard to escape now! As he hears the big feline urging the Burro on! Migeul pulls a milking stool over, and climbs up onto it pushing his thick. The Burro wastes no time, pressing the broad, fat end of his cock into Cobalt's soft yielding doughnut! The buttery smooth flesh parting under a savage thrust.

"Huhuhuhuu!" Cobalt pants and moans as the Tigers big strong paw plays with his stud hood... distracting him so his rump stop's moving around. Letting Miguel's hard organ finds its way to that hot soft donut like anus, stubby prick driving into the horse's backside! Hot, searing pain blinds the stud for a moment as the Burro's cock stretches the horse's virgin rear wide open! "WEEHEEHEE..." He squeals loudly, the big straight horse is much to embarrassed and humiliated to speak and so can only whinny as he's fucked! "Sounds like we got a real slutty little mare here!" The big Tiger snickers, as he approaches closer, looking the handsome young equine over.

NNnn you can't... get away... get off." The pretty blond stud's eyes roll back and he neighs wildly as that stubby, but thick Burro cock is stuffed up his backside! Even as Miguel begins to focus on driving himself ball's deep into the horse's exquisite taboo channel!

"Mmmmfuuung soooo hot... be a gggood horsie!" The Burro moan's in delight. As Cobalt's pumping hip's fucking himself on that hard organ... banging it against his pleasure knot!

"OHooo Gods Ohooo fuckin... Fuckin..." The Tiger lifts up the tube that is connected to Cobalt's cylinder, grinning as a clear gush of liquid slides through it!

"I guess you don't hate it..." "That bad!" The Tiger snickers tauntingly. As the Burro's smooth stubby dick pounds the poor straight stud boi's quivering tail hole! Just the right length and width to really smear Cobalt's pleasure gland!

"Ammmm... No it... its the machine!" He denies weakly, even as his body sways back and forth, impaling himself repeatedly on the little Burros thick dick!

"And those are some nice testicles, too..." The Tiger leers his big paw cupping those quivering orbs. "I'm sure they'll be all emptied out by the time the milker here is done with ya!" Charn snickers. "Emptied and useless..." The straight stallion is confused by the pleasure he is suddenly feeling... and looks away ashamed of his bodies reaction. The big feline fondles and caress's the handsome studs quivering nuts playfully. As the Burro plowed deep within his clenching ass... the fondling and penetration combining to make him feel very submissive! Cobalt's long legs parting and he begins pushing his big round rump back towards the Burro. "Yeah... ohooo yeah... I'm a good little horsie." The once overly proud stud moaned slavishly.

"Jou better be..." The Burro neighs chewing along the ridgeline of the horse's neck, hotly driving himself in the big sexy stud in front of him again and again. Cobalt whimpers and clamps his anal muscles onto the little Burro's big hard male hood milking that thick organ better than any mare could! The Burro snorts and pulls free, thick length stroking deliciously through that clenching ass before it nearly pops free! Charn grins as he watches fondling and squeezing the blond stallion's big churning orbs harder and harder! Cobalt moans feeling so good, he will agree to about anything at that point! "Gggood horsie!" He grinds in hips nudge the horse's low slung sac, squeezing them before they slide up, between his thighs, against the root of that cock. Pulls back out, and down they sag... then back up again, grinding them until they slip upwards again! This settles into a lusty pattern with Charn watching and squeezing. Reaching down to his own thick hard feline organ, Charn strokes it slowly. Then pauses to gather a big dangling drop of pre-cum off its tip! Standing up he slowly rubs the pre-cum coated finger over the stallion's lips! The horse moans, eyes glazing over as the sweet and salty taste of feline pre fills his senses! The rhythm of fucking and sucking overwhelming his mind and leaving him putty in the big predators paws! Through his clamping squeezing muscles never pause working on Miguel's fat thrusting cock! Grinning Charn slips the finger into the stallion's hot soft mouth, purring delightedly as Cobalt begins to suckle upon it!

"Hahaha!" The Tiger laughs derisively, Migeul joining him as the watched the formerly straight stud suckle pre-cum. "Seems it doesn't take much with this family to get them in a mareish frame of mind!" Charn purred.

"Si senor Gato!" Miguel agreed softly as his pumping hip's lifted Cobalt's big round rump repeatedly.

"Guess it's time to make this one a mare permanently!" Charn smirked as he watched the horse's third or forth load blast down the milkers tube. Grinning he picked the big half full jar, that was constantly receiving spurts of creamy pre. "Gotta treat for you... little mare!" He purred lewdly switching the jar out for a fresh one. Then lifting the half full jar of spunk... the horses head jerked back slightly as the strong odor of it hit his nose. "Stud milks strong stuff huh." The Tiger snickered as he hung the jar just under the horse's lips. Then slipped the clear rubber tube between the submissive studs lips. "Suckee suckee..." Charn ordered in a teasing voice, which almost made the big stud refused. But as the tube slid smoothly over his quivering lip's, and the Burro's hard on slipping in and out of him. Cobalt began to suckle getting only air at first, but then the still hot spoo flooded his mouth! And the big horse was lost in a world of bliss and strange flavors. Charn chuckled softly and slithered down the stallion's sleek sweat covered body. Grinning as he pasted the horse's huge milking tube cover cock, which was still standing straight up almost banging against Cobalt's chest.

Ducking under that big bouncing cock, Charn pressed his fluffy muzzle between the horse's thighs. Hot breath washing over the stallion huge dangling orb's as the Tiger kissed them playfully. Then open his mouth and began to suckle, putting first the smaller of the two into his maw. The horse's muscle crotch pounded against Charn's muzzle, as Miguel's fuck thrusts became more lustful! Battering the big equine closer and closer to release. Cobalt panted heavily through his nose, his body responding to the pleasure automatically. Back arching hips thrusting out, pressing his loins into the Tigers wide muzzle. Charn's needle sharp predatoril teeth, slowly digging into the horse's tender sac neck. Waiting for just the right instant, knowing the stallion would shoot again soon. Feeling those big juicy orbs drawing up against the back of his teeth! Cobalt sighed gustily through his big round pink nose. As cum erupted from the big blunt tip of Cobalt's massive cock. Splattering all over the inside of the clear plastic tube before being sucked into the catch jar. The fiery sensation of the Tigers clenching mandibles, blending with the sweet rush of the horse's orgasm! Braying loudly Miguel's short fat organ erupts filling Cobalt's clenching anus full of hot seed!


"Cobalt and Barthalow not joining us for dinner?" Charn asked, as he piled the old horse's plate full of that special dish he'd made.

"Nope... said they wasa ailin' and went straight ta bed." Cameron explained as he smacked his lips and dug into the food. The Tiger only made one dish... but he surely had away with eggs!

"Oh must be something goings around." The Tiger smirked as he watched the old horse eat slyly. "

"Could be..." Cameron grunted between mouthfuls. "They sure enough was lookin' poorly... pale an shaky." The Farmers other sons sat around the table eating. Dorn and Ethan talking and joking as they ate, still riding high on the things Charn given them. Frank sat close beside the big Tiger and said almost nothing. His eyes down cast and meek, as Charn secretly slipped a paw into his overall. Fondling his ball less crotch through the frilly silken panties the gelding still wore!


The Traveling Salesman Chap 2

Traveling Salesman Chap 2 "Heh... bet I...

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