The Traveling Salesman Chap 1

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#41 of Charns tales...

The Traveling Salesman

He'd been driving on the shady country road for hours. Seeing no more than a few farmhouses scattered over great distances. But this didn't bother the big Tiger; he was a traveling salesman. And such is the nature of his job, and of course having a hobby helped. He turned off the paved road, down a long winding driveway towards a remote farmhouse. As the dimness of twilight was just beginning to descend, his trusted old Dodge sputtered to a stop. With an annoyed snarl the big feline climbed out and looked under the hood. "Ok it's a motor." He grunted looking the hot dead engine over pointlessly, as he knew little about cars. Taking the cell phone from the pouch on his belt the Tiger checked. "Not even one bar!" He grunted hardly surprised, he had not seen a cell tower seen the state line. "Well I was heading there anyway..." He grunted glancing up the valley to the tall old farmhouse. Trees closely surrounded it, and half obscured the dimly lit windows. Shaking his huge feline head, the big Tiger opened the cars trunk. Taking out the long dark display case, and catalogs. Then he paused and pulled a smaller black bag from the deep car trunk. Maybe he'd get to indulge his hobby; there were always a few strapping farm boys in such places. As night quickly closed in the Tiger hurried up the valley path. It was quite a walk, and the Tiger was panting for breath by the time he got there.

"Who might you be?" A gruff voice inquired, as the big well dressed feline approached the porch. The big Tiger froze, squinting into the darkness. At last spotting the grizzled old horse sitting beside the door. The Tiger had half expected to find himself starring down a shotgun barrel.

"Ummmm... I'm well with Acme..." He started, much more awkwardly than he normally would have.

"We don't want any!" The graying stallion grunted. "Get everything I need from the feed and seed in town."

"Well we carry things you just can't find..." The big feline started to argue automatically.

"If the feed and seed don't have it... we don't need it!" The old horse countered.

"Well I'm sure if you just..." The Tiger started, then smiled and shook his head. "But right now I bigger worries than making a sale."

"Oh... and what might that be?" The old stallion asked sounding less than interested.

"My car broke down... could I use your phone to call for a tow truck?" The big Tiger asked.

"Ya could..." "Except the darn thing stopped workin', in the big thunderstorm; about three weeks back." The old horse grunted. "And there aint no one come to fix it..." "Guess we don't do enough callin' to make it worth their while..."

"Ahem... well then could you drive me into town?"

"Can't do that... Abel my oldest has taken the truck up to Mtn Pleasant won't be back until tomorrow mornin'."

"Oh." The Tiger grunted.

"Yer welcomed to spend the weekend." The big grizzled gray horse grunted.


"Yep." "There aint but one garage in town, and it's closed on the weekend." The old horse explained. "Of course we aint got no room in the house what with six boys."

"Six sons!" The Tiger grunted his big green eye's glittering brighter at the thought.

"Yep... would have been seven but my wife died in child birth," The old stud grunted bitterly. "But you can stay in the hired hand's bunk." "Out in the barn... ifin ya don't mind sharin' the room with a Burro..." "He don't speak good English, but he's friendly enough."

"A burro, huh... heh." "Makes me wonder what you need a hired hand for, if you got six strapping young males to take care of things." The old horse eyed the big feline piercingly, as if trying to read his thoughts.

"You aint never ran a farm this big... I guess." The grizzled old stud grunted, obviously hiding something.

"Sure, I'll take the hired hand's bunk... I'll even cook breakfast for y'all in the morning."

"Will ya now?" The old stallion grunted. "Do most of the cookin' myself what with the wife gone and all." "Be a nice change ta have someone else do the cookin' fer a change!" "Tried letting Miguel do it but all he can cook is that spicy Mexican food."

"Everyone else asleep by now?" The tiger asked reshouldered his bags, glancing out to the shed. A single faint light was on in the rambling old barn.

"A yup... Barthalow, Cobalt, Dorn n Ethan are... I suppose Frank is out tidying up things round back." "And of course Abel's out for the night..." The old stud smiled. "Wooing his girl, probably."

"Nothing like wooing..." The big feline chuckled as he headed towards the shed, pausing outside. ‘Creck-creak-grunt-creak'. ‘Hmmmmm... that's the sound of sex.' The Tiger thought peeking into the dirty head high window. Large green eye's narrowing at the sight of a big frothy, muscular red ass. Presumably Frank, long flowing tail flagged humping and pumping away into a smaller gray figure underneath. The tiger stared at the huge low slung nuts all round and heavy. Slapping and flopping about wildly, as the horse obviously ass fucked whoever it was underneath... The tiger felt a twinge go through him, a powerful instinct... but he suppressed it, for now. The big red stud grunted and nickered obviously trying to keep his voice low. Making the Tiger wonder if the old stallion knew what his son was doing. Moving around to the door, he peeks in. To watch the roan furred hips of the big horse, flick up and down driving that long thick equine salami into the quivering burro beneath.

"Come on ya little spic mare... let me see ya cream yer sheets!" Frank panted aggressively into the smaller males ear, as he pounded away at his round perfect furry ass. The Tiger frowned, as he watched the burro's muzzle contort into strained pain. Silently the tiger let himself in, the leather case set down next to the bed. And then he climbed atop the rutting grunting pair. The horse having a few seconds of feeling the springs creak. Before a very large, warm, heavy weight rested on top of him. Pushing him sheath deep into the little burro's hot hole. The solid presence of his cock finally stopping it's incessant thrusting, to let the smaller male get used to the sensation.

"What the fuc..." The big stallion's head snapped up, and twisted around. A look of surprise, and them embarrassment on his long equine muzzle.

"Well... well... well your father said I could spend the night in here." "But he didn't tell me I would have a play toy!" The tiger shifted his weight, keeping Frank off balance; and deeply submerged.

"My pa said you..." The big stallion shivered as he thought about what he was doing; of course his father knew nothing about it.

"And he didn't say, I'd be sleeping on cummy sheets; not sure if I like that." The tiger's tone was coy and assertive; he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Errr... he don't... ya better not be sayin' a word to him about what yer seein' here." The stallion tried to threaten, then sensing the felines assertiveness; changed tactics. "Migiul don't have to cum..."

"Miguel huh..." "Is that the name of the fellow beneath you?" The big feline asked lazily. "He must be the stupid hired hand, your pops was talking about." The tiger began to stroke the horse's hot, sweaty, furry rump. The big feline smirked as he played with those hard round buttocks.

"Yeah that's him..." Frank snickered at the Tiger's description of the little Burro.

"Why wouldn't I tell him, hmm?" "What's in it for me to not say a word, to let you fuck this sweet little burro butt?" "And have your fun, without having any myself?" He press's down, forcing the horse to pump an inch further into Miguel.

"Why... hell if'in ya wanta have fun..." "I'd be pleased to share him with ya... Ahhhhhhhhhh!" The stallion wheeled trying to keep his secret from his father. Only to moan in delight as his huge cock is pumped deeper into Miguel's depths. The Tiger inspected the horse's nice fat sack, all nicely presented to him. "I think I should be allowed to have fun, as well..."

"Sure... sure ya should be..." The trapped stallion agreed.

"Fine then... here's the deal." "You don't want me to sell you out, than you let me watch." "As you pump this Burro's ass full of hot horse spunk." "You fuck him nice enough, that he comes too." "Then we'll keep this a secret..." "Okay?" He asked laying the trap, smirking as he feels the horse shudder beneath him.

"That's it?" Frank asked incredulously. "Hell I do that almost every night..." He assured gloatingly. "The little homo's a real slut for cock!"

"Miguel..." The Tiger asks gently, wanting the little guy's attention. The little burro doesn't look up as he hears the tiger, but keeps his muzzle in the pillow. "Is this big horse fellow hurting you?" Soft furry fingers slide into touch the smooth velvety crack, of the horse's ass; caressing it. He probes against the soft anus, and the intimate sensation makes the horse's hips flex. Making his long marbled cock throb, and harden deep inside the little Burro.

"No he's not hurrrting me senorrr." Miguel answered, his voice slightly muffed by the pillow.

"Errr Hey!" Frank exclaims as his intimate orifice is probed. "I aint one of them kind!" The big farm boy stud protests angrily.

"I know stud, but you got yourself ball's deep in a hot ass." The feline pointed out with a lewd smirk. "Don't worry about your ass." Frank looked back at the Tiger unsure...

"I jest aint one of them kind... not like him is all." The big roan red stud insisted stupidly.

"Miguel... would you like him to move around inside you?" The Tiger asked, wickedly reached down to pluck up a discarded beer bottle from the floor.

"Jes Senor... I would like him to move."

"Ok hang on..." The Tiger snickered as he stroked the empty bottle opening against Frank's big round asshole. The smooth glass nice and cool on the hot flesh, then abruptly he just plunged it in! Jamming the long necked in hard right through the horse's tight virgin rectum! The big stallion's eye's flew open wide, and he instantly began to buck and plunge. Trying to escape the beer bottle that was raping his big sexy ass!

"Fuckin' hell..." Frank half moaned, half swore; trying to keep his voice low. Knowing his father was only twenty yards away... even as his big donut winked and contracted on the intruder.

"Shush now... wouldn't want papa coming in and finding you like this!" The Tiger taunted derisively. "You be a good horsie, and take it all for me!" The big feline ordered evilly, as he twisted and ground the neck up first. Then the wide bottle body, watching as the greasy hole winked and choked on the smooth green glass! He snickered mockingly, as the horse's ass burped around it, the bottom end of it all that was left stick out. He tapped the glass lightly, making a loud ‘Clink clink' sound. All the while riding Frank as he rode the Burro underneath. "Now let's see here..." "Miguel, does that feel good?" He asked reaching down, past the flexing, pumping ass. To grab the two nice round horse nut's beneath, and began to tug them up and back.

"Uhuuu take it out!" The horse ordered hotly... but was rewarded with even more of it being planted inside of him.

"Shut up... or I'll call your papa in here pussy!" The Tiger growled threateningly.

"Shit... oho shit please..." Frank begged now, this getting Miguel to look up for the first time. A faint smile on his black and gray muzzle, as he watches the stallion get violated.

"Jes senor... very good..." The little Burro answered cheerfully... even as the bucking twisting Frank moaned softly from his nut's being pulled up.

"Good Miguel, I'm glad to hear that." He sneered stretching the stud's mighty orb's out, until he could grind them against the cold hard glass. Pushing the cold bottle in just a bit further, battering the stallion's pleasure knot. "Miguel, if you had your choice." "Would you want Frank and his brothers putting their cocks inside you every night?" The Tiger asked squashing the nuts mercilessly, rubbed and stretched and ground. The little Burro looked suddenly anxious... and afraid. Unsure if he should say it out loud... but the look on his muzzle. Saying clearer than words, that he was not happy being their fuck toy! As each pelvic thrust bumping them against the glass, and pushing the bottle a bit deeper into Frank's equine ass. He opened up the little black satchel, pulling out his specialty-crimping instrument. The big roan stud was gasping for breath now, as his big balls were mashed between glass and paw.

"Son of a..." Frank moaned not paying any attention to the conversation. His mind on the long glass dildo grinding against his prostate, and his aching ball's! Slides the stapler like crimper over the taut scrotal flesh, handles held easily in big paws. Smacks the stallion's big balls against the hard bottle bottom again!

"Sorry Frank... guess your balls ache don't they?"

"Yer damn right they do..." The big stud grunted even as his anus clinched and quivered on the invading bottle.

"Not to worry one little pinch, and you won't feel that anymore... I promise!" "But first... I wanna see you cum in this hot little Burro's ass!"

"Yeah...yeah ok I'm real close..." The stud panted thrusting faster, his big cock hilted in the Burro.

Quietly, to Miguel the Tiger whispered. "It's okay... if you help me..." "I'll make sure nobody puts their cock in you again." "Just squeeze your butt real tight, when I say so." Then he slowly pressed the handles on the crimper, the metal stapler clips being squeezed together. Flattening the horse's cord's and blood vessels out, partially crushing them! Just a quarter inch of skin between the two clips, as he prepares the stud for his unmaling.

"Si Senor!" Miguel whispered back, wondering how much truth was in the Tiger's word's; but willing to try.

"Ummm ummmmmm... fuck..." Frank moans his big ball's quivering in need. The stallions long cock-flexing rock hard within Miguel's hot little ass.

"There we go..." "Miguel keep him inside you..." The big feline ordered glancing up, the horse's ass nice and widely stretched; soft and sloppy now. The little Burro gritted his teeth, and clenched his ass muscles down. As powerfully as he could on Frank's huge throbbing cock, that was desperately trying to squirt within him! "Excellent!" He pulled out a small pair of scissors, just a bit longer then the length of the clips themselves. The horse's nut's were softly twitching, partially numb as they flexed and tried to pump their sperm out. But of course it was all backed up inside them, held back by the crushing clips! The scissors were aligned, and he gave the horse three seconds to feel that cold steel against his naked sack. Before with a squeeze of his brawny fingers, he closed those razor sharp blades! The big red horse's nuts were suddenly off! Sliding down to rest on top of Miguel's own smaller gray ones.

"What the fuc..." Frank started as he felt the cold steel on his hot male flesh. Head snapping around, but by then it was to late. His huge velvety roan ball sack was laying detached on Miguel's smaller set!

"He won't be fucking you or anyone else any more!" The Tiger growled grinning wickedly, and then stood to shed his own pants. His long Tiger cock iron hard and drooling for some naked horse butt action!

"Si Senor!!!" The little Burro laughed, as he saw that his rapist was now a gelding. Reaching down he picked up the still warm nut sack, and played with it as Frank starred in stunned disbelief. The Tiger grinned, as he watched the abused Burro plucked the large heavy balls from between his own thighs. Snickering and rolling them from grubby three-fingered hand to three-fingered hand.

"What did you just..." Frank mumbled sounding bewildered and incoherent.

"He gelded jou Senorrr Frrrank!" Miguel supplied gloatingly, holding the former stallions dissever ball sack up proudly.

"That's... those are my..." The big horse's eye's rolled in his head, his mouth hanging open in shock.

"Jes!" Miguel confirmed with great self-satisfaction. "Those arrre jourrr huevos... guess jourrr not muy hombre any morrre!" The little gray Burro laughed in gratification.

"Shit... Oh shit... I can't be..." Frank squealed loudly.

"Jes with no cojones jour a gelding!" Miguel exulted, shoving the dissevered ball sack into the stallion's open mouth to silence him.

"Naughty geldie... you didn't let Miguel come!" The big Tiger teased. "Now if you're real nice and quiet." "I might not tell your papa, and all your brothers... that you're a ineffectual, sterilized, gelding bitch!" The big feline threats, as he twists and pulls the beer bottle out of Frank's quivering asshole! With a wet shlorping sound, to replace it with the hot barbed flesh of his thick feline cock! Just inconsiderately ramming it into the loose hole, the head pounding in against the still fluttering sphincters.

"Wha... tell my papa... my brothers..." The big former stallion repeated, his rebelliousness seeming to flood out of him. Even as the Tiger's big prick fucked into him. The wicked feline began to hunch, forcefully driving his powerful Tiger cock deep into the horse's stretched ass! Hard tight cat ball's slapping against Franks clipped off wound. Helping to gently thrust the gelding's own softening cock against Miguel's pleasure knot.

"Ohooooooooooo." The big horse moaned softly, around the ball sack in his mouth. As the bottle was roughly yanked out of him... only to be replaced almost at once with a hot thick Tiger dick! "No... you can't... I'm not a... I don't take it up the..." The horse protests, even as his anal muscles clamped down on the invading cock eagerly. While below, Miguel smiled. As he felt the once might horse cock within him, slowly going limp. Knowing it would soon be limp and useless forever.

"What?" "Not a fag?" "Don't take real males cock up your ass?" The tiger teased. "Yes you do... you've got one in you right now!" He reminded hilting his big cock in the gelding. "Mmmmm... you're nice and tight!" The Tiger grunted, his cock a bit thicker than the bottle he'd removed. Even as the big feline began to pleasure himself, within the gelded horse's snug virgin ass.

"Uhuuuuuu!" The big red gelding moaned lustily as the feline cock plunged into him repeatedly.

"See that's the sound a real cock loving slut makes!" The Tiger taunted, drawing a giggle from Miguel. "There we go." He purrs, nibbling briefly along a slender equine earlobe. "I think this role suits you... you're not such a jerk with a hard cock up your ass!" "I think we might get to be real good friends, huh..." He slaps against Frank's buttocks, pulling the fallen male snugly back. Observing as the noodle like equine cock slithers out of Miguel's rump. The stallion's former pride, now so thick and soft, so useless and impotent. "Miguel, how are you doing down there?"

"I am verrry well Senor!" The little Burro answers as he plays with Franks limp noodle.

"Why don't you roll over, and show us what you have." The big feline orders as he continues to fuck Frank. Holding him up, so the little burro can move freely.

"Jes sir." Miguel answered happily, rolling over to expose his short. But very thick black cock and tight but hefty ball sack. Reaching around the Tiger plucks Franks big red sack from his dripping mouth. Making the helpless gelding whimper as he sees his once proud jewels. But his big body keeps responding to the Tigers rough thrusts. He licks along the horse's throat, his rough tongue and sharp teeth teasing him. As his own tight balls slap the bare spot between the horse's thighs. Frank trembles and whinnies as he feels the feline using him like he was using the Burro. "Miguel would you like Frank here to lick your dick for you?" "I bet Frank would just love to feel your dick in his mouth."

"Jes I would like that very much!" Miguel answers almost crowing, as he sees Frank's eye's go wide with shock; at this suggestion.

"What!?!" "I aint no cock sucker!" The roan gelding grunts sounding offended.

"Shut the fuck up geldie!" The Tiger growled savagely. "This way you'll get a good feeling for how things are going to work around here now!" His powerful paw moves up, and he grips the back of the roan gelding's head. The Tiger roughly pushes and guides it down towards the Burro's thick hard cock.

"How things are going to work around here?!?" He repeats, as his head is forced down towards the first cock he would ever suck. "I... I can't... I won't..." And then, in between words; the big blunt head is thrust between his lips! Snickers, pushing down watching the little black cock disappear between the big horse's lips.

"That's right... Miguel why don't you hold his ear's and show him what to do."

"Aye, senor..." The grubby little hand's do just that, and Frank found himself with a big leaky sausage. Gushing the Burro's pent up pre-cum over his thick tongue and down his gullet. The big former stallion, now sterile gelding couldn't believe what was happening to him. Somehow he'd went from mounted stud, to fucked mare! He tried to pull his mouth away, as he felt and tasted the little Burro's unwashed cock; and oozing pre-cum. But Miguel's hand's were strong, and held his head in place, along with the tigers weight pressing onto his back. Then the big feline cock began to really batter his inside, and in short order the former top stud was fucked into submission! His mouth hot became fawning, and eager on the little Burro's fat black cock. Even as his hip's press back to meet the Tiger's hard fuck thrusts. The big felines own cock throbbing, so close, but wanting to savor this victory! The first victory of quite a few for the Tiger if events went right this weekend. The Tiger grabbed the horse's hips, and began to pummel Franks tight hole even harder! Wanting to make the big former top stud‘s emasculation complete! Grunting and stroking obviously pleased with the horse's once virgin asshole; and it's snug heat. The cutting having already gotten him primed, the big feline spurted. "Aaaahhhhh what a tight little mare you are!" He mocked, spurting his hot load deep, marking the gelded male with the first of many butt fucking's.

Feeling the Tigers cum explode into him, broke the once proud top stud. Forcing Frank to understand this was his new position in life. The feline collapsed, his weight heavy on his mare's back. Resting his chin on the horse's strong shoulder, licking and nibbling on his pointed ear. "Mmmmm yeah... you look like you suck cock like a pro!" He taunted. "Miguel you like how he feels?" "You think he should suck more?"

"JES!" The little Burro panted obviously very close to going off himself.

"Yeah I think so too." "Go on frank, show Miguel how good you can suck a real males cock!" "That long snout of yours is perfect for a faggot cock sucker like you. Bet you have no problem taking it all... huh." Frank moans through his long slotted nostrils, as the Tiger teases him.

"Ohoo Jes he suck it gooooood!" The burro moaned humping the former stud's mouth lustfully. "He should... he's much better at it... than fuckin'!" Miguel snickered, as the broken gelding begins to suckle and bob his head up and down that short fat cock. Frank's soft mobile equine lips pleasured the horny little Burro to orgasm. "Jes... Jes... swallow that!" Miguel moaned, as he pulled back; to fill the former stallion's mouth with his greasy cum.

With his big sweaty body trembling Frank gulped and swallowed his former fuck toys cum! At last the Burro pulled out and sprinkled his last few drops over Frank's roan muzzle. With that the Tiger pulled out, leaving the equine's pink anus twitching and leaking thick gwooy feline cum.

"Thank jou Senor Tigra." The little Burro panted then smack the back of the gelding's head. "Well?" He demanded.

"Thank you sir." The broken horse whimpered. Though it was pretty clear he had not enjoyed being gelded.

"Jou loved that didn't Jou?" The little Burro taunted.

"Yes... yes I... I loved it." Frank panted weakly.

"Well then your welcomed." The Tiger snickered slapping the gelding's ass. "Off to bed with you then!"

"Yes sir!" Frank grunted respectfully, as he picked up his overalls.

"But first slip into these!" Charn grunted reaching into his bag and tossing the horse a bundle. Unrolling them Frank found a lacy pair of black silk panties, the big former stud starred at them for a long moment. And the Tiger almost thought he was going to resist, then Frank bent over and slipped his hooves through the holes. Slowly and sexily working them up his long equine legs and over his round perfect ass. His gaping anus leaking the Tiger's cum, running down his inner thighs. The front panel of those black silk panties, looking decidedly flat and inoffensive over his nuttless crotch. Then the former stud pulled his overall's on and limped off to bed.

End of Chap 1

The Traveling Salesman Chap 2

Traveling Salesman Chap 2 "Heh... bet I...

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Servicing Daddy

Gloryhole Daddy 2 "Enjoyed that did ya..." That gruff voice leered... making Darrow jump as a big semi hard cock was shoved through the hole. "How about ya return the favor then." Darrow cringed in shock and horror as that...

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Gloryhole Daddy...

Glory hole Daddy It was a shabby little aquamarine coloured building set a dozen or so yards back from the street. Time and bright sunlight had faded it to a pale ghost of its former colour. It was just a few hundred yards from the...

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