Traveling Salesman Chap 5 Charn the traveling saleman finishes off the families Patron its Classic Charn

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#32 of Charns tales...

Traveling Salesman Chap 5

The old stallion adjusted the water dipping onto the hot rocks. And then sat back as thick clouds of steam rose up off the hot stone. Cameron leaned back closing his eyes as the hot steam waffled over his sweaty body. Hearing the door open and close, but not bothering to open his eyes he grunted. "Yer late..." "Don't know why, but I've really been needin' it bad this week!"

"I didn't know... I was expected to be here." A soft velvety voice purred amused. The old stallion looked up, startled to see the big naked Tiger standing before him. "And just what is it you've been needing so badly?" Charn asked with a lewd smile, he knew exactly what the old stud needed of course. And more over knew why he was needing it so badly... a certain protein rich item he'd been adding the the old studs breakfast. A item the big predator had been collecting for Cameron's big masculine son's.

'Did the big feline know... did it really matter if he did?' Cameron's mind played over these questions for a long moment. As he looked down at his big floppy cock, that was harder than it had been in ages. "I reckon that aint hard ta figure." The old stallion grunted. "Once ever few weeks Miguel sucks tha spunk out of my nuts!" The big Tiger smiled, obviously he knew that, but was amused to hear the old stud admit it.

"So your hired hand milks more than just the cows." Charn taunted... "I can see why you need to have a hire hand... or in this case hired mouth around!"

"Ya... but you knew that already... or ya wouldn't be here in his stead." Cameron grunted, making the Tiger's grin widen ever more.

'The old pony is sharp!' Charn thought as he told the truth. "I told him to take the rest of the day off... and enjoy himself with a couple of mares he knows!" The big predator explained slyly, Cameron's eyebrows shot up at that statement. There were no mares around here handy... and certainly none that would let a little spic Burro enjoy them. Cameron knew very well, hell even Abel had had to go to Mtn Pilot fer sparkin'. "He made me promise I'd do the rest of his chores for him." Charn explained lazily as he sidled over to stand in front of the big equine.

"You the kind what likes ta do these kinda chores?" Cameron asked, looking the big predator up and down. Making a quick judgment about the old stallion, Charn shook his head negatively.

"Nope... but I keep my word..." He assured. "I promised to do all of his chores." The big Tiger grunted as if embarrassed by the fact.

"So he tricked ya inta agreein' befer ya knew what all of'em were!" Cameron guessed cackling with laughter as he thought about it. The little spic Burro tricking the big straight predator into sucking dick. "Hahaha..." His big equine cock jumped up even stiffer, obviously enjoying the idea of the big straight Tiger sucking him off! And hating it the whole time, but having to do it anyway just because he'd given his word.

"Well don't jest be a standin' there... ya gotta lotta work ta do!" The old stallion snickered planning to take full advantage of his unwanted house guest. "I'll wager the little spic didn't tell ya how hard it is ta make me go off... anymore." He taunted the Tiger, spreading his legs and leaning back crotch thrust out. Charn stepped up kneeling between those wide spread knee's. Leaning in he nuzzled the old studs big semi hard erection.

"Oh he told me... but I think I might know a trick or two he doesn't." Charn purred as his big paws slide up the old horses inner thigh's. Cupping those big saggy nuts, as he leaned in to nuzzle that big equine cock.

"Yeah that's it... go on kiss it." Cameron grunted urging the supposed straight Tiger on. The Tiger's soft furry lip's press against that big blunt cock head. And the old Stallion knickered in pleasure as that head sank between those fuzzy lip's. "Ohohoooo soft!" Cameron moaned as those soft furry lip's brushed over his aroused cock. The old stallion's half flaccid cock stiffened even more as those hot lip's sealed around his thick organ.

And the pressure of the big felines suckling drew more blood into that big organ. It was as hard as the old stud had been in years, lifting his hip's he fucked down the Tigers throat gloatingly. Charn pulled his muzzle off that stiffening equine salami after a few deep thrusts. Letting his hot mouth wander around the old stallion's sheath and saggy ball's. As the big Tiger pretended to pant for breath, as he carefully began to speak.

"Its a fearful shame that a good god fearing straight stud like yourself..." "Is forced by his own natural desires, to resort to such unnatural vices as this." The big feline felt the old stallion's muscles stiffen, and he hear him grunt. Clearly he was feeling some straight males guilt, about engaging in homoerotic pleasure. Charn smirked inwardly... he had judged the old farmer correctly. Now it was just a matter of playing him right, and he'd be grateful for what Charn was going to do. "I just hope none of your fine sons ever discover the wickedness you get up to."

"Who's gonna tell'em... you?" The old stud grunted sounding angry... but the Tiger knew it was anger at himself for giving into his lustful needs.

"What... me... oh no what do I care, in a few days I'll be gone." Charn purred as he nuzzled at those big floppy old ball's. "I was just thinking I might be able to help you with your problem."

"I thought ya was..." The old stallion snorted grasping the back of the Tigers head and pulling in against his crotch. Charn let him do it... and just kept nuzzling and licking for abit. Until the big stud had relaxed his grip some... and then Charn purred.

"Well I meant in a more... permanent fashion."

"Wha?" Cameron grunted confused for a second before his sharp mind got it. "Wha ya wanta geld me?" He asked sounding a bit stunned.

"Well as you yourself have said... your wife is gone." "And it doesn't look like you'll be getting another one... so you've sired all you need to." Charn wheeled slyly as the old stallion sat back thinking over his words. "And if you let me... you wouldn't have to engage in this unnatural sin anymore." Cameron winced at the Tigers words... clearly the old straight stud had been feeling guilty for a long time. "Plus you'd be providing a unlucky stranger with a very precious meal."

"Hahah you preds... as long as I give it up willingly its within tha law." The old stallion chuckled... even as he was forced to admit the Tiger did have a point. And it wasn't like someone was trying to force it on him... it was his choice. "You ever done it before?" He asked slowly.

"A... few times." Charn answered just as slowly, even as his mind wandered over his latest conquests... The old stallion's sons, five so far with only the oldest remaining. And that was because he was away sparking with some mare...

"And how did they fair?" Cameron asked shrewdly.

"Well they were a bit ill for a few days, but up and working in three or four." The big Tiger assured with a knowing smile... he'd hooked this one, now it was just a matter of reeling him in.

"Well now that's not too bad..." Cameron grunted as he erected even farther... as the big Tiger nosed at his big floppy balls. The old stud slid forwards on the wooden seat, so that he junk hung free for the big feline's access. Charn lean forwards opening his maw wide and scooping those big ball's into it. Letting the soft smooth skin of the sack, get well past those needle sharp mandibles of destruction. Before closing his jaws around the upper edge of that big floppy sack. Teasingly be began to suck on them, pulling that big sack deeper into his throat. Even as his silky soft paws reached up and began to stroke and tug on that big stud stick. Which by now was big and hard enough to do any stallion proud...

"Ammmmmm..." Cameron moaned in delight at the sensations coming from his crotch. His breath quickening as the big feline rubbed and stroked over that huge hot stud stick. "Damn yer fur is soft..." He moaned as those big paws worked his fat erection a bit faster. Long shapely equine leg's stretch out to either side of the big feline. As the old stallion's arousal growing with each silky stroke on his cock and each wet suckling tug on his mighty male orbs. "Gunna get me off pussy?" The big equine panted, as he leaned back and looked up at the ceiling.

"All the way off poppa stallion." Charn purred as he paused an instant in his suckling. Broad powerful tongue getting everything positioned just right.

"Only if I say so..." Cameron moaned weakly as his orgasm began to build.

'SLURP' "Ummmmmm..." Charn moaned pleasantly as he suckled on those big low danglers once again.

"Otherwise I'll have the Sheriff on ya, fer breakin' the predation laws." The big stallion warned, even more weakly as he bucked his hip's up into those big deadly paws.

"HummHummHumm..." The big Tiger chuckled, tugging them down all the way to the base of that big floppy sack. Until they was practically sliding down his throat... even as his paws stroked and fondled more intensely. His keen ears listening to Cameron's crotch... hearing when he was getting close. Only to back off... keeping the big horse from shooting his load.

"Awwwwwww come on boi..." The big old stallion moaned weakly as he hunched and humped in the Tigers expert paws. Not even noticing the sharp pinch or the soft gulping sounds from between his thighs. "Gotta let and old stud have one last cum before..." He paused a long moment struggling with himself, and then mumbled. "Before ya geld him."

"Does that mean I got your permission?" The big Tiger asked smirkingly, as he teased that big hard cock slowly and unmercifully.

"Yes...YES!" The old stallion whinnied helplessly, as those silky paws brought him to his orgasmic peak. "Eat me... make a gelding out of me..."

"I already have..." Charn laughed as Cameron looked down at him in horror, even as the big Tiger lean forwards. Clearly the old stud thought he could renege after he'd had his cum... Charn smirked, taking that hard cock into his deadly maw. Just as it spewed the former studs last ever load... The big Tiger let it blast against the back of his mouth, collecting it. And then swallowed that huge stud stick down to the sheath... farther even down to its very root. Sharp teeth digging and nibbling as the old horse slumped back to weak from shock to resist. As he watched the big predator make a total gelding out of him. When at last Charn pulled back his muzzle was smear with blood and his smile was pink.

"Ammmmm now the only wicked desires you have to worry about are mine." The big Predator smirked as he grabbed Cameron and rolled him over. "And I have the desire to fuck a geldings ass..." The big Tiger swiftly plunged his hard cock up the old gelding's tail hole. And then pause ball's deep in Cameron... "I have the desire to fuck a gelding, and all your former sons are busy servicing Miguel's hard cock!"

"WHINNY!" Cameron screamed as he understood what the Tiger was saying. 'His sons... all his sons were geldings now... except for one!'


Poor Boi's plan...

A poor straight jock tales of working his way through...

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The truth dawns... Possession Chapter 7

Toby discovers the fate of his body... while Davor finds being a slutty mare isn't everything he expected... And the new owner puts the book to...

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