The truth dawns... Possession Chapter 7

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#7 of On the sending out of the soul...

Toby discovers the fate of his body... while Davor finds being a slutty mare isn't ever...

Toby discovers the fate of his body... while Davor finds being a slutty mare isn't everything he expected... And the new owner puts the book to use...

The truth dawns

Possession Chapter 7

"Ohoooooooo..." Toby moaned inhaling sharply... he'd forgotten Davors tail hole was still virgin territory. As officer Jonny pushed deeper in, Cameron climbed to his hooves and moved around in front of Toby. The big Antelope smiling down as he caressed the Wolfs white muzzle.

"Want one in each end?" He asked smirking already knowing the answer, even before that wide fanged maw opened wide.

"Living the dream..." Toby moaned as Cameron's long, sleek, pink cock was speared smoothly into his mouth... Toby moaned and panted for breath through Davor's long Wolfish muzzle, as he suckled on that long hard Bovidaes cock. Taking deep ragged breaths as Davors once virgin tail hole was slowly spread wider and wider by officer Jonny's thick canine cock. As the big older German Shepard leaned over his broad chest, maneuvering the Wolfs ass cheeks wide apart. While in front of him, Cameron's long smooth Antelope organ was already humping ball's deep into that sleek lupine muzzle. Cameron's hot flexible organ sliding right down Davor's throat, even as Toby worked hard to suppress the Wolf's natural gag reflex.

"Ammm damn yer tight." Jonny growled low and sexily into that pointed lupine ear, even as he lay upon that powerful young athletes body. "I love a tight bitch... but thats going to make this more painful for you." The big German Shep panted, as he leaned his body weight on his not yet fully swollen knot. Contrary to his warning the unswollen bulge popped right into the Wolf's tail hole with very little discomfort. Although Toby's discomfort began to grow slightly as that hefty knot began to rapidly expand within that formerly virgin butt. The pleasure totally overrode any discomfort however, and the two of them were soon whining in shared pleasure. As that huge knot swiftly harden up within the young Wolf jocks tight hole. "Gotcha now." Officer Jonny panted into Toby's ear, as his strong hip's made short swift strokes.

" Ohoooooooo yes!" "You've got me all locked up officer." Toby moaned playfully, fondling Jonny's shiny cast metal badge. As the German Shepards loose fitting uniform shirt flapped back and forth as he rutted that firm round jock ass. Even as Toby wrapped those long strong athletes legs around Jonny's waist. While he struggled to breath, as Cameron's long hot Antelope cock fucked in and out of his submissively suckling mouth. Toby craned that thick lupine neck back over the edge of the desk. To allow Cameron's rock hard rut stick to plunge straight down his gulping throat. Until the Antelope's soft furry crotch was pounding roughly against that long wolfish nose...


The big bay stallion's rubbery upper lip curled back into a wide leering smile of pleasure. Even as his powerful body slammed balls deep into her one last time. The team Doctor whinnied loudly in pleasure as he orgasmed hard for a long moment. The sneering gloating look on his long muzzle a familiar one, Davor had felt that way himself. It was then that the former jock realized that she'd just been used. The big stallion's sympathy and agreement had all been an act... as was his caring professional manner. The Doctor was just like any other male he just cared about... just wanted the pleasure between her legs! 'Errr Her!' choked as the former big jock realized that she no longer ever thought of herself as a He.

"Ammmmm thank you baby... that was wonderful." Doc Morgan grunted leeringly, leaning forwards to kiss her on the forehead gently. Slowly he slipped out of her, and then stripped the condom off of his huge semi hard fucker. "I think the Coach wants..." He started to say as she went to pull her panties back on. But Coach Newman cut him off smoothly.

" No... that's ok sweety... you go ahead and get dressed and go get some rest." The big Ox ordered softly as he stood up. "The Doctor and I will see to it you are never bothered by that nasty ol' Rhino again." The big Ox smiled grimly as he watched Veronika slowly got dressed. "Just one thing before you go..." Coach Newman smirked as he saw her glance down at his crotch. "No it's not that." He snickered, knowing that she was on the verge of falling to her knee's. The big Ox took the small pink cell phone from her purse. "I just need to borrow your phone is all..." "Now off you go sweety mare." He chuckled, slapping her on that big round equine ass. And then waited until she staggered out, and closed the door. Before he turned to Doc Morgan frowning darkly as he did so . "It's been along time coming... but you know as well as I do that sick fucker needs taking care of." "Hell he's needed it since back in school..." The big bay stallion nodded his long equine head slowly.

"Veronika was very lucky... she should have been dead." Doc Morgan snorted angrily. "This time I have to agree with you Bill." The big bay snorted. "He's had all the offspring he's likely to sire."

"Hah Nate is a good kid..." Coach Newman grunted. "I'm not believing for a second that Julius fathered him."

"He could take after his mother." Doc Morgan pointed out smiling.

"More likely his mother found a better male to sire her offspring." The big Ox countered smirkingly, but then Coach Newman's demeanor grew deadly serious for a moment. "So we're agreed?" He asked waiting until the Doctor nodded yes before he went on. "Then I'm making the call." Opening the pink cell phone, he dialed the hotel and asked for the big Rhino's room. "Hello Julius..." "I know what you did to the slutty little mare..." "And unless you want the police involved you'd better be at the Gym in ten minutes." The big Ox announced flatly and then as the Rhino tried to stammer a denial he hung up. "Better get your things ready... I gave him ten minutes." "But I bet he'll be here in eight..." Coach Newman laughed darkly.


Cameron's breath exploded in one long lustful sigh... as his tight Antelope ball's drew up even tighter. Even as he leaned forwards and pounded Davor's long muzzle even faster. As he orgasmed down the big Wolf's gulping throat... He pulled back then... giving the big Wolf a taste. As the last dribbles spurted out over that lapping lupine tongue. Toby licked and lapped at that drooling cock head even as it was pulled away. The big Wolf's own body was singing with sexual desire, as officer Jonny pounded his male pleasure gland. And stroked his thick lupine bone with one well lubricated paw. "Ohooo gods... Ohooooo fuck... I'm I'm gunna..." "AHOOOOOOOOOO!" Toby howled in pleasure as that big hard lupine cock tensed... holding back for a long moment. And then erupted... shooting a long thick rope of watery lupine cum up over his furry belly and chest. A second later the big German Shepard was joining him in orgasmic bliss...

As the trio rutted, officer Jonny's campus Police radio had been muttering, all but forgotten in the back ground. Mostly drown out by ragged lust filled breathing and moans of sexual pleasure. When suddenly it began to squeal in a particularly loud and annoying manner. The big German Shepard... who had just collapsed on top of the spent Wolf, smearing both of their bellies and chests with hot slimy lupine cum. Jumped at the sound and twisted around starring at the forgotten radio across the room in something akin to horror. "That... that's a priority one emergency." Officer Jonny choked in shock as he struggled to pull out of the Wolfs tail hole. But his own knot held them firmly together, even through it was now pulled back between his legs. "I... I've got to get to my radio... got to answer." He panted struggling and moaning as his knot refused to let them separate. "Here... let me." Cameron panted as he slowly pulled the head of his spent cock out of that long muzzle. And then quickly staggered around the desk to where the radio lay squawking. Picking it up he quickly handed it to the German Shepard, who keyed the mic and quickly spoke into it. "Talk to me!"

"This is Terry chief." A ragged clearly upset voice came back over the crackling radio. "We... it looks like we got a..." "Well it looks like a... two fifty one." That ragged emotion filled voice croaked.

"That's a dead body Terry." The big German Shepard explained skeptically. "Don't you mean a two fifty two... drunk and disorderly." Officer Jonny grunted impatiently.

" No... he's definitively dead chief." Terry's voice came back over the radio, sounding stronger now that he had shared the awful news.

"Oh fuck!" Jonny grunted into the mic, as he suddenly collapsed forwards. His rapidly deflating knot slipping out of the Wolfs clenching hole with a lewd sounding 'Slurp'. "Where the hell at?" The big German Shep grunted as he picked himself up off the floor.

"Sprague Hall... up on the fourth floor boss." Terry answered back, as Toby sat bolt upright. A sudden look of fear and horror on Davors long lupine muzzle.

" Hey that's my flooo... Errr I mean I've got a friend who's room is on that floor." Cameron looked at him strangely before nodding and grunting.

"Hey yeah me too."

Officer Jonny looked them both over as he struggled back into his uniform. "Ok get dressed... you can come with me if you want."

"We just did..." Toby joked, as Cameron smirkingly added.

"Cummed real good with ya."

The ride across campus was a swift one... Jonny had the lights and siren going. Even as he notified the city police and called for a ambulance. A small crowd had gathered by the time they got there, attracted by a wailing and crying Danny. The little Mouse was pacing franticly around, while a chubby uniformed English Bulldog was trying to keep the crowd back. Toby gulped and felt sick as he realized that it was his body that Danny had found. "I'm not..." He started and then realized how bizarre that would sound. "Errr that is... I don't think that he's really dea..." But he was cut off, as the distraught Danny doved into Cameron's arms sobbing wildly.

"It... it was so horrible." "I thought he was just asleep at first..." But...but then I tried wake him and... and..." The overwrought Mouse babbled rapidly and then buried his tear streaked muzzle in Cameron's jersey sobbing softly. "I... I have no place... can't bare to stay here..." The little rodent gasped between sobs. "Can... can I stay with you just for tonight?" "I... I don't wanta be alone..."

"Of course you can." Cameron answer at once gently leading the Mouse away from the door. Toby gritted his teeth, as the thought... 'That little slut... moving in on my jock stud.'

"Don't take him to far... the city cops will want his statement." Officer Jonny explained as he slipped into the room to have a look. No one noticing as Toby in the big Wolf's body silently followed him in... And there he was... or more truthfully there his body was looking pitifully small and round on the big bed. One eye was half opened no doubt from Danny trying to wake him up. "Cold..." Officer Jonny grunted as he lay a big paw on the small bodies short muzzle... Toby staggered backwards his vision narrowing down until it was just a pinprick of light, he was falling and vaguely heard officer Jonny shout. And then darkness swallowed him whole and he knew no more.


Terrance took the small red book out and looked it over slowly, it certainly didn't look valuable. But the big Wolf jock had gone out of his way to hide it... "On the sending out of the soul." The big lizard read softly as he studied the red leather cover a moment longer. And then slowly opened the cover... reading the first few words... the big lizard's eye lips snapped close. As he recognized the hypnotic effects of that cryptic spidery red writing. Quickly Terrance set the little book aside and slithered over to his computer doing a quick research on the title. It was over an hour later... on an obscure German Occult and Paranormal sight that he found it.

'The pamphlet appeared in Salem, Massachusetts in 1783 and circulated among occult groups. Most copies were destroyed in the wake of a series of grisly murders. The first seven pages of the pamphlet contain vague mystic writing; however, the eighth page details a formula for effecting astral travel. The formula is always successful but has an unforeseen side effect: it invokes the horrid Outer God the Hydra.'

Terrance shivered as he realized what had been happening... the cursed book had been trying to snare him. He knew that this book had been created to spread havoc and feed the evil Hydra. The Wolf had been right to hide this book... but it needed to be a much better hiding place. Of course there were uses that even this horrible book could be put... so far the astral travel had been put to its most benign use. As long as the user had a body in mind... then the evil lurker was denied his meal. The big Lizard thought about it for a few moments, but could really think of no one he'd rather be. Of course that didn't mean he couldn't put it to use... there were others who weren't so content with themselves. In fact just across the hall was a lonely nerdy little Stag, who desperately wanted to be tall strong and handsome. Fifteen minutes later he was explaining to Justin how to use the book, and making a deal for payment.

It was a wild story... and one the little Stag wasn't sure he believed truthfully. He figured all of this was just away for Terrance, to get him relaxed enough to let the big Lizard suck his dick. After all everyone knew he liked guys... although normally it was guys with bigger stuff... Equines and such. And Justin most assuredly wasn't a Equine... he was small and slender even by cervine standards. "Now remember fix who you want to be firmly in your mind..." Terrance repeated. "If you show up without and objective, bad things will happen to whomever is there to see your Astral form."

"Yeah... yeah I got it..." Justin grunted as he opened the small red book and began to read it slowly. He'd already picked out who he wanted to be... it had been a easy choice. Raul... his older sisters big masculine boyfriend was everything the little Stag wanted to be. Tall, sleek, strong and self confident, the big Zebra was even a football star. Yeah Raul was who he wanted to be... if like the lizard said he could be anybody... Justin read through the pages... mouthing the words as he did. Even as his thoughts centered on Raul and the big jock's handsome visage. Suddenly the text receded away from him, and Justin found himself floating above his own body. Which had slumped back on the bed slack jawed and vacant eyed. It was decidedly unnerving to look down on one's self in such a state. However the little Stag had scant time to ponder... as his ethereal shape began to drift away. Pulled by his on subconscious desires and the books occult power, he flew across the room and through the vertical blinds. Now he was drifting across campus... and even off of it into the small collage town. And old run down apartment building reared up in front of him. A small opaque window loomed up and the small Stag covered his muzzle in fear. But his hazy ethereal body passed straight through that window without sensation. The room beyond was dark... lit by only a couple of candles on a small bedside table. He recognized that broad powerful back at once... those big round globes just beneath pumping lazily. As the Zebra's tail jerked up and swung around, high lighting the dimples in those firm round ass cheeks. It was better than a porno... and Justin was instantly seized with lust. He had never had sex with anyone... even though he'd wanted to very badly. Even to the point of pretending to believe in a book on Astral projection... so that a big gay Lizard could trick him into letting the Lizard suck him off... But now here he was the big stud was rutting some slut... Justin's insubstantial form began to sink into that sleek striped equine body. Even as the big jock leaned forwards and began to thrust more forcefully. Suddenly Justin was looking out the big Zebra's eyes... at the big bouncy breasts just below him. One massive striped hand was already fondling them, Justin could feel a little resistance at first. But that faded swiftly as he got use to controlling Raul's big sleek body, and then suddenly a pretty muzzle lifted up to kiss him. "Jocasta!" He choked as his older sisters pretty muzzle starred back at him... lust and pleasure clearly writing all over it.

"Ohooo baby..." Jocasta moaned back as she kissed his long striped muzzle again, even more lustfully this time. Justin gagged... choking for breath... even as Raul's big male body kept up it's pace. Rutting his sister lustfully, as the little Stag tried to figure out what to do. The lusts that burned within his own mind, and this big powerful masculine body simply would not let him stop. Even through the thought of fucking his big sis, disgusted and disturbed him. Muzzle burning with shame... knowing he could not bring himself to stop even though it was his own sister. Justin leaned forwards and buried Raul's black muzzle between Jocasta's big bouncy breasts kissing and licking wildly.


The big Rhino starred across the desk at the frowning Ox... in silence for a long moment. Then in his smooth CEO voice said calmly. "I don't know what you Think you know Rog..." "But I can assure you I was in no way involved in it..."

"Shut the hell up." The big Ox snapped in his best irritated Coaches voice, watching in satisfaction as the big Rhino blanched. "It's me Julius... I know you..." Coach Newman reminded the big well dressed Rhino coldly, as the Rhino struggled to control himself. Clearly he wasn't use to being talked to in this manner, and just as clearly they had power over him. "I know what you did to Doreen back in the day... and I know what you've done to Veronika." "Doc here has got all the evidence we need to have you put away... now because we're all old friends here." The big Ox smiled darkly. "Doc and I have decided to give you a choice... let Doc fix ya... or we get the police involved."

"And the News papers will love this story... they might even dig up those old allegations." Doc Morgan pointed out with a wicked smile as he added. "Especially if some of your old friends clue them in about it."

"It'd be a real big scandal... taint your son's collage years..." The big Ox snorted. "Embarrass that pretty wife and her rich family." He could see that none of that was bothering the big Rhino in the least, so he tried a different track. "And of course the broad of directors of your company, are not going to want someone with those charges against them as CEO." The Ox almost laughed as he saw the Rhino's reaction to that... that one hit home. Julius sat back and thought it over for a moment... let the Quack cut his ball's off. He had plenty of money... and could afford hormone replacement treatments. And no balls meant no evidence to leave when he finished with them...

"Very well Rog... you seem to be holding all the cards... I'll let Jerry fix me..." The big Rhino agreed slowly, nodding to the big bay stallion.

"Wise decision Julius." Doc Morgan snorted, ushering the big gray skinned Rhino into the locker room. Where he stripped down and hung his expensive suit up in his old locker. And then it was into Doc Morgans exam room... where Julius was ordered up onto the table. He had a tray of instruments and things lay out already as the Rhino slid up onto the operating table. Coach Newman pulled his fat legs in the stirrups, it felt kind of embarrassing and intimidating having his legs spread wide apart like that. With his thick sheath and hefty ball sack exposed to everyone in the room. Doc Morgan explained that he was going to use a special spinal anesthetic. That numbed the whole body, and paralyzes the patient at the same time. So that the big Rhino would be awake, unable to talk or move during the procedures. A huge mirror was mounted on the ceiling, and Julius found that he could see his sheath and balls very clearly in it. He was silently admiring them, when he felt the prick of a needle. And then began to feel something warm and wonderful running through his hefty body. The big Rhino opened his mouth and tried to speak then, but found that he couldn't. Panic filled him in that instant and he desperately to move, but that was impossible as well.

The big Rhino shuddered within his mind, while he watched helplessly. As the big Bay stallion picked up his scalpel, and started to make an incision around that fat nut sack. He started out very slowly but Coach Newman was leaning over his shoulder grunting encouragements, he wanted to make sure there were no scrotal remains left. So Doc Morgan went back over the original incision line several times, making sure there were no trace of scrotal tissue left. He could feel nothing of course, even as his cock climbed up that big round belly to laying throbbing at full erection. But he was forced to watch it all in the mirror, he saw the stallion grasp his big right nut and pull it really far out.

And then clamped it off, before suturing the tubes and arteries closed, the big Rhino was in near tears by then. And then with a single flick of his scalpel the big stallion removed that big ball, the Rhino took a long shuddering breath. Julius watched as the Doctor carefully placed his big right nut in a metal pan, and then proceeded to the left testicle and did the same thing to it. Placing that one into the metal pan as well, at that point he thought the worst was over... Until the big bay stallion picked up a new scalpel and started at the base of his long hard cock. 'Nooooooooo...' The big Rhino screamed silently within his own head, this was much more than a gelding. The big bay stallion worked his way around that hard drooling fucker, as Coach Newman fondled and stroked it tauntingly. Knowing the Rhino was watching and panicking anew, but was unable to do anything about it.

"What... your not enjoying being the powerless victim Julius?" The big Ox sneered down gloatingly. As he helped lift the Rhino's big hard cock away from his crotch. The thing that he had derived the most pleasure from was now gone forever... the big Rhino watched numbly as it was placed in the metal along pan with his sac and balls. All he could do was watch as Doc Morgan stitched everything up, he stared at his crotch while he waited for Coach Newman to get him a dressing. There was nothing left, just stitches all neat and in a straight line down where his balls had been. And the gaping hole of his empty sheath, which now looking like a feminine slit. He despised females... and despised the desire they engendered within himself... and now he was one! The Doctor nodded and then strolled away... his work done and well done. Coach Newman stood over the limp helpless gelded Rhino until he heard the last of the hoof beats die out. And then freed his long thick Bovine stud muscle from his sweats, stroking that long cock until it was fully hard. "Here comes the second step in your lesson Julius, and yer going to enjoy it even less." The big Ox promised as he unrolled one of Doc Morgans condoms down his throbbing length. "But I think I'm going to enjoy it a whole hell of a lot..." He smirked as he placed the big blunt tip of that mighty cock against the Rhino's virgin tail hole. "Oh and my brothers wife... Doreen sends her regards!" And then he lean forwards and thrust his huge cock as deep as it would go... "UHUUUUUUU!" The big Rhino screamed as the anesthetic began to wear off...


"Oh my gods... oh my gods..." Justin babbled as he sat bolt upright looking around wildly at the staring Lizard...

"How did it go?" Terrance inquired blandly, as he saw the little Stags damp tented shorts.

"Oh my gods... I... I just... I fucked..." Leaping up the little Stag raced out of the room, even as the Lizard called after him about his payment. "Hmmm well now it would seem... best to get payment first next time." The big Lizard mumbled softly to himself as he got up and closed his door.


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