The Vet... A patients tale... One of the Vet and Nurse Buxom's patients tells his tale... to a new friend...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#7 of New Vet

        The Vet a patients tale...

The Vet a patients tale...

"Well I went to the Doctor's office because I was having trouble peeing." The big Boar grunted as he took another long swallow of his drink. "The blockage kept getting worse and worse... my Doctor suggested I go see a specialist in that field a new Vet who'd just came to town." "So I went to the new Vet.... he was a draft horse of some kind." "And he said that he was going to have to operate and do something called a urethrostomy." "But I really wasn't paying any attention to the Doctor, because I was checking out his hot mare nurse!" The big Hog pause and a bitter rueful look crept across his muzzle.

"She was extremely pretty, and had the perfect sized breasts, that just barely fit into the tight low cut nurses uniform she was wearing." "The Vet was rambling on about procedure... I think he said something like." "It would be so much easier to do a urethrostomy... if they could also do a full penectomy and Inguinal orchiectomy." The Hog snorted angerly. "All I did was nod my head yes, and say something like 'Uhuh'!" "Because I really wasn't paying attention to him, and he said ok as long as you agree please sign these forms." "So I signed the paperwork and was scheduled for surgery the next day." The big Hog gulped down the rest of his long island ice tea, and quickly ordered another. "So I went to the clinic for the surgery early in the morning. That hot Nurse I think her name was... Buxon was there." "Nurse Buxon showed me into this little pre-op exam room, where she prepped me for surgery." "After she made all the preparations, she gave me an awesome blow job!" "Oh that felt so good and when she was done she said. 'I hope you enjoyed that...'

"I assured her that a did very much!" "So then I was wheeled in to the operating room, where Dr. Knuttacor was waiting." "He had a tray of instruments and things with him, I slid over onto the operating table." "Where Nurse Buxon put my legs in the stirrups, it felt kind of funny having my legs spread wide apart like that." "With my dick and balls exposed to everyone in the room, Dr. Knuttacor explained that he used a special spinal anaesthetic." "That numbed the whole body and paralyzes the patient at the same time." "So I would be awake, but would not be able to talk or move during the procedure." "He had a huge mirror mounted on the ceiling, and I could see my dick and balls very clearly in it." "I was staring at them, when I felt the prick of a needle and began to feel something warm and wonderful running through my body." "I tried to speak and found that I couldn't, tried to move and that was impossible as well!" "But I didn't panic... I felt a calm surreal feeling and just relaxed as Nurse Buxon smiled down at me."

"I had no idea what the Veterinarian was going to do, but now it was to late for anything." "Because I couldn't talk or move at all, I could only watch that stupid mirror above my muzzle!" The big Boar shuddered then and called for another drink even altho' his was only half gone. "I watched helplessly as the Veterinarian picked up his scalpel, and started to make an incision around my nut sac." "He started out very slowly but Nurse Buxon was leaning over his shoulder whispering encouragements into his ear..." "My cock began to harden as I watched her lean over my crotch... the mirror letting me look right down her top!" "She wanted to make sure there were no scrotal remains left, he went back over the original incision line several times!" "Making sure there were no trace of scrotal tissue left, I couldn't feel anything of course." "Even as my cock climbed up my belly and laying throbbing at full erection." "But was forced to watch it all in the mirror, I didn't realize what he was going to do!" "Until I saw her grasp my right nut and pull it really far out." "And then the Vet clamped it, I was in tears by then." "But that just seemed to amuse Nurse Buxon who giggled and said."

'Glad you enjoyed that orgasm earlier because it was your last!' "And then she handed him a pair of scissors and he snipped the cord." "I watched as it parted easily and then slithered back into me." "And I watched as she carefully placed my big right nut in a metal pan." "He proceeded to the left testicle and did the same thing to it!" "And I watched Nurse Buxon place that one into the metal pan as well." "I thought at that point the worst was over... until he picked up a new scalpel and started at the base of my hard cock!" "He worked his way around it, as Nurse Buxon fondled and stroked it tauntingly knowing I was watching but couldn't feel anything!" "And then he spent some time down there doing something... I later found out that he was implanting nerves into the inside of my sheath."

"I would say he worked on the sheath for a good half an hour or so." "Then I watched as Nurse Buxon grasped my penis by the head and carefully lifted away!" "I screamed 'NOOOOOO!!!' but it was only in my mind of course my throat wouldn't work." "The thing that I had derived the most pleasure from was now gone forever." "I watched as Nurse Buxon placed it in the metal pan with my sac and balls." "All I could do was watch as Dr. Kuttacor stitched everything up and I stared at my crotch while he waited for Nurse Buxon to get him a dressing." "There was nothing left, just stitches all neat and in a straight line down where my balls had been." "And the gaping hole of my sheath now looking like a sows slit!" "I was so exhausted I fell asleep, awake four days later." "At which time Dr. Knuttacor said everything was healing fine, and that I could go home the next day." "I was too embarrassed to say anything, I just signed myself out the following day and went home." "I had to pee really bad when I got home... I ran into the bathroom undid my fly went to whip it out!" "And then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I would not be standing to pee any longer." "I quickly sat down and finished my business, the next day I threw out all my underwear and bought panties instead." "They fit much better..." The big Pig admitted blushing slightly.

"So do you wanta do it..." He grunted clearly not wanting to talk anymore. "Or are you just going to ask questions all night... cuz I only answer for paying customers!" The big Hog snorted as the grinning canine stood up and showed off the bulge in his jeans.

"Sure I'll try your pussy... sow boi!"


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