One Night at the Swinging Jewels...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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This is a old story that I somehow lost/forgot about but members of the yahoo group might remember... about a jealous little Rabbit and a big equine stripper heh

One Night at the Swinging Jewels

The young black Rabbit looked at himself in the mirror as he finished wiping the soap off of his slender paws. He grinned cheekily, his long ears pulled together behind his head like a ponytail. There was a lot of noise coming through the stage walls, the sounds of a large excited audience in the theater just beyond. Based on the whooping and hollering, a very big and excited audience. He glanced up at the clock 9:33 the main show always began at 10:00. Peter was very excited himself, he'd finally gotten a job at the hottest male sex club in the city! He would finally get to see the Stud, and with a little luck get to do a whole lot more. Peter left the bathroom, moving up so he could peek through the curtains. On stage a sleek muscular Tiger was stripping down in front of the drunk and bawdy audience. Stripe swinging his hips and showing off the bulges under his tiny tight electric blue speedo. The Rabbit didn't have much of a bulge himself, usually he got upset about that, but not tonight. Tonight he was looking to getting his fingers on the biggest bulge in Town!


The huge honey golden Clydesdale stallion hurried into the back of the sleazy strip club. Hastily stripping down, as he made his way around back stage; to his dressing room. The big stallion was the club's star performer, the biggest draw 'The Swinging Jewels' had. Stomping into his dressing room, Jerome lay out his clothing; and then flopped down onto the massage table. Glancing around for one of the club contracted masseuse's, it had been a hard day for the big stallion. And he was badly in need of a limbering up, and a quickly orgasm. "Hey... shrimp." He grunted noticing the little Rabbit standing in the doorway watching the show for the first time. The little Rabbit just stood there, eyes taking in the sight of the big naked horse. He smiled at the big fellow, as he sauntered over closer.

"Uhem hi... I'm Peter." He stammered knowing exactly who he was now talking to... a thrill ran up his leg. "Umm... this is my first day on the job." He stammered faining embarrassment as he looked over the stud's massive naked body lustfully.

"Heheh... it shows Petie pie." The big stallion snickered, looking over his shoulder at the clearly aroused black Rabbit. "They did tell ya what this job entailed right?" Jerome smirked as the little Rabbit gulped and nodded. "Ok good... we'll start out with a brushing... comb out my tail mane and fetlock's." Jerome ordered grandly. "Then you can get my rocks off..." The big stud smirked. "With your paws or your mouth however you want... then a good rub down before I go on stage!" Jerome announced blithely, rolling over muzzle down on the massage table. "Chop chop... I'll be going on in less than thirty minutes kid!"

"Comb... rub down... rocks off... chop chop!" "Yeah got it Mister Jerome!" The young Rabbit hopped up, straddling that muscular waist, and began to brush and comb through the thick luxurious mane. Making it glossy and smooth, nice and rich and shiny for all of the studs adoring fans. Then the tail, he pulled it up, separating it into three big tassels, two of which he pulled out to either side. The table had all sorts of holes on the sides, for holding bottles and brushes. Therefore it was easy to tie two of those strands into loose knots there, to keep Jerome from turning back onto his back again. Peter brushed the last one, between each of the ties, letting the horse feel him stroking his long silky tail.

"Ammmmmm yeah." Jerome moaned as he enjoyed the soft bristled brush moving all over his body. The big stallion's eyes half closed in pleasure and a long sigh escaped him. As the black Rabbit move on to combing out his long shaggy tail. "Your one of the best hires they've made in years." The big honey gold stallion moaned, his eyelid's sagging closed completely as relaxation took him. Peter smiled and dipped a paw down between the stud's thighs. To wrap his fingers around one of the horse's balls and pull on it. Pulling just enough to tug the whole sac out from underneath the stallion's tight flat belly. The big stud lifted his body, as his sac was pulled out from underneath him. Completely at ease with the little rabbit moving and fondling his huge orbs. The black Rabbit rubbed and strokes those heavy balls smiling faintly. The Rabbit's fingers are soft, warm, yet very firm, as they knead, stretch and roll those heavy nuts between the stallion's thick thighs. Peter let them go, moving to the horse's huge dinner plate sized hooves. He pulled one leg to the side, brushing through the thick fetlock, and attaching a heavy alligator clip to the fur there! It was strong enough that the hair would pull out of Jerome's leg before it pulled out of the clamp! The Rabbit pets and strokes his way back up, before he starts playing with those big nuts again. "You have such big furry nuts... you're so furry all over." "I bet the audience would be really surprised... if you came out with your big balls all bald..." "Would you let me trim these for you?"

"Ummmmm... Trim?" Jerome repeated inquiringly in a lazy half asleep voice.

"The fur... big bald balls." The Rabbit repeated wheelingly as he fondled Jerome huge junk.

"Yeah maybe so!" The big stallion grunted, so relaxed he was barely awake. "It's not something I've seen before." He admitted his breathing deepening as his mind drifted closer and closer to dreamland. The soft Rabbit fur on his big nut's feeling so good Jerome agreed with a barely audible mumbled. "Sure... go ahead... trim away... shrimp." The big stallion's long marbled cock slipping from its sheath down a hole in the table to hang dripping below. The black Rabbit purred quietly to himself, everything was going perfectly. As soon as he had seen that hole in the table earlier, he knew exactly what he would do... And now his fingers were full of the big stud's fat horse nuts! "Alright... I'm going to have to stretch your balls down some." "So that they don't get nicked while I shave them." He explained nervously to the big stallion.

"Ummmm... whatever." Jerome grunted drowsily, surprised at how arousing he was finding this whole thing. He'd never felt quite like this before. The Rabbit grabbed hold of both of those huge balls and pulled on them slowly, but firmly. Feeling the horse's proud jewels stretch easily between his fingers. almost too easy! The hole that the horse's huge dong was sticking through was normally just the right size. But the Rabbit had lined it with silk, a few layers of it. So that now it was just a little too narrow for the horse's thick salami.

"Ohooof!" He moaned as the small Rabbit's amazingly strong fingers stretched his big low hanging sac out. The huge stallion's cock flexed under the table the tight hole making him even harder. His mighty hip's almost humping as his huge marbled organ throbbed eagerly. The black Rabbit's strong fingers were covered with soft silken fur, Peter let his warm silky fingers molest the horse's nuts! Even as he pulled them down and slid them through a silk noose. Jerome could feel the noose keeping his balls stretched tight, and achy! Stretching so that they would flop about while he danced no doubt. The Rabbit tightened it, enough to keep them trapped low in their thickly furred sac. The big horse felt fingers stroking up and down, as the Rabbit seeming to take his time. Usually by now the hired help would be gagging on his cock, not playing with his balls.

"We'll get you nice and relaxed for your big show." Peter promised smirking as he thought that it would be a show no one would ever forget!

"Yeah can't do the show without that..." Jerome groaned softly lust a little thicker in his voice now. "Or I'd be popping out of my pouch way to soon." The stud explained softly. Jerome could feel cool shaving cream slathered onto his nut sack, being rubbed in and lathered. The little Rabbit inspected his straight razor, and then brought it to that big vulnerable package.

"What"s your favorite part of stripping?" The metal could be felt scraping all that thick fur around, sliding against the naked skin underneath, baring the horse's dark skinned pouch.

"Dancing in front of all those horny males always excites me..." Jerome admitted with a lewd snicker. "The thought of all of them wanting me so badly, and not getting any... heheh." The big stud chuckled sleepily as the rabbit worked. Jerome moaned drowsily not really paying much attention to the little servant. The scraping continued as the horse began to drowse off, the Rabbit shaving the entire sac clean as a whistle. He trembled in delight, seeing that the horse was pretty much asleep, those big balls stretched down so far that they were pretty much numb now anyways. He rubbed the naked skin for a bit, then slid that straight razor under Jerome's balls and sliced cleanly upwards. There was a small little jerk as the blade cleared through that thick protective flesh! Jerome's precious sac yielding to the sharp blade, and then the black Rabbit was chuckling wickedly.

"Ouch." The big stallion grunted groggily, still in that strange twilight area between sleep and waking.

"Whoops... just a little nick... don't you worry any." Peter purred softly into the stallion's ear. "I'll suck you off and then you can go on stage!" Peter rubbed some glue across the wound, to seal it, and to sterilize the cut. Jerome's long equine head lifting for and instant, then flopping back down as he hears Peter's explanation.

"Oho... be careful then." Jerome slurred, barely noticing how his legs and tail are restrained before drifting off a bit again. "Ya... Ya get'em off." He order dreamily... not realizing the irony of his words. Peter hopped down under the table, blood streaked straight razor still in his paw. The rabbit chuckled wickedlt as he thought. 'Oh I'm getting them off alright!' Lifting the deadly sharp blade up, he cut right through the thick loose cords of those stretched out numbed nuts. And just like that the stud horse is suddenly deballed and not even realizing it.

"Ummmmm!" Jerome moaned as a sudden odd feeling of loss maked a chill run down his strong equine spine. Jerome's powerful leg's tugging at the restraints for an instant.

"Oooh, you look good... they're gonna go 'Crazy' when they see you!" The grinning little black Rabbit snickered picturing it within his head. Lifting that warm, heavy sack up, holding it to the light he enjoyed the weight of his stolen cargo.

"Ahhhh thanx." Jerome muttered at the Rabbit's compliment, not realizing the irony. "Crazy you think so huh..." His big hip's thrusting weakly, making his dangling cock flop around under the table. Peter chuckles at the irony of the big horse thanking him, and turns back to the task at hand. Jerome can feel soft warm fingers caressing his oozing stallion cock. The noose that lines the hole it's dropped through tightens, choking into that thick flesh. The little Rabbit strokes it with both paws. Even as the images of a wildly aroused crowd, all wanting to be with him fills Jerome's mind. His mighty organ throbbing and drooling everywhere as Peter stroked it. "Ohoo!" He moans as the tightening noose feels just like the tight gates of some subordinate male's anus. Tighter and tighter it gets, as Peter reaches up to grip the horse]s thick cock right under that noose. Pulling down and then strrrrrroking, he jerks the horse off slowly, with both paws at first. After each pull, he tightened and tightened the noose, until the silk cord is almost embedded in the horse's proud sex flesh.

"Uhu... uhu uhu uhu!" Jerome moaned as his mighty organ was pumped up. The tightening cord only adding to the erotic delight, slowly waking him as his pleasure grew.

"Jeeez, your dick is so big and hard and shiny..." Peter moaned in breathless awe. "I bet you'd like to show it off 'ALL' the time, huh?"

"Ya big, hard and shiny." The stallion repeated a gloating insolent tone in his deep voice. "So many want it... want to feel it... touch it... have it in them." Jerome snickered bragging. "Oh yeah I'd love to show it off all the time!" He agreed his mind filling with delightful images... Another cord, this one a very strong flexible soft cord, is wrapped around the stud's cock. This one about a half inch below the first, it is twist-tied tighter and tighter, until it half-crushes the thick trunk almost as much as the first.

"It must suck having to get hard before you can show off..." Peter smirked. "Would it not be nice if you could just pull it out, hard, heavy and shiny..."

"Errr ya... sure." The stallion mumbled, obviously noticing something for the first time. Craning his head trying to see over the edge of the table, but unable to do so... Soft furry fingers waggle the leaking tip back and forth. Ten pounds of stallion meat just waiting to be licked and nibbled on... The blade is brought up between the twin ties, razor sharp blade rubbing over the throbbing flesh. Peter slowly begins to saw the razor blade between them, the feeling a tickling sensation. But not aching so much as the tightness of the cords. Kinda like he's just rubbing it at playfully with a claw, though the blade is sliding deeply and slowly into the stud's cock root.

"Ahem... easy with those claws little one." The big Clydesdale grumbled, even through his hips were still thrusting. His big cock down into Peter's paws, even as they work to remove it...

"We better hurry up, only got five minutes." Peter warned.

"Five minutes!" Jerome exclaimed excitedly. "Damn get it off already... ya still have to do the rub down!" The huge Clydesdale grumbled, not realizing that he was hurrying his own emasculation!

"Oh it'll be off!" The black Rabbit snickered knowingly. As Jerome feels the claws slide around, tickling the edge of the proud horse's massive drooling cock. The Rabbit's free paw continues to jerk the big stud off in earnest, even as the razor slides past sensitive skin and muscle. Sawing into the nerveless root of the thick stallion hood, each pass removing more of Jerome's mighty masculinity. He strokes firmer and quicker, scooping up the horse's goop and sliding it against his naked cock... Jerome's breath deepens coming in gasps of pleasure, as his hip's moving with Peter's stroking paws.

"Ammmmm yeah faster... I can't go on until you've finished me off!" The stallion insisted, little realizing the true meaning behind those words. As Peters lubricated paw work's over his pulsing organ. The big stallion's body tensing... gathering... on the very verge... "More..." He pants hip's flexing loin's tingling, wondering why it was suddenly so hard for him to... "I'm cumming!" He whinnied as the half cut off cock tenses iron hard in the Rabbits paws. And the last sperm within his body, and a lot juice from his prostate suddenly floods from his dissevered urethra tube. Washing down his might cock, even as the last few threads of flesh holding it on; are sliced through! And the big organ now belongs totally to the little Rabbit! The Rabbit moved, not waiting a moment, as that thick hard slimy log came free in his paws. He makes sure the tight band is still noosed around the base - to keep the stallion from bleeding. As he humps into the table with his smooth groin, body reacting through there is nothing to react with! Peter chuckles, putting the fat cock aside, and grabs a specially padded jock... Letting Jerome spray out the intense orgasm as he unfastens him from the table. Then pulls the modified underwear up, the gelding's long equine legs, and snug around his waist. Then grins as they grip the former stud's muscular butt, the firm pressure of the extra padding very familiar, feeling like his regular crotch. He pulls Jerome up, off the table still groggy as his orgasm finishes. And helps him rush into the remainder of his stripping suit.

"Damn... that was some orgasm!" Jerome groan's as the Rabbit fasten his suit on him. "I'm going to ask for you specially next time!"

"Come on stud, you gotta get out there and show your fans what they wanna see!" The little black Rabbit snickered.

"Yeah... your right!" The big stallion agreed starting to strut a bit, now as the Tiger came running off stage clutching paw's full of money! "Thanx for everything little guy!" Jerome whispered unaware of the irony, then staggers out onto the darkened stage. The spot light comes up on the big honey colored former stud, music blaring as he goes into his dance. When the big stupid horse leaves the room, Peter quickly collected his Trophies...


Slowly as the crowd hoots and hollers his suit is removed piece by piece. Until at last only that special jock is left. Watching the crowd, Jerome shakes and shimmies his hips for a while. Before he whip's it down, pumping his hip's wildly like always. But something is wrong... for instead of screaming and yelling the crowd grows strangely silent. All eyes starring at the mighty equines crotch, with his hip's still pumping hard. Jerome becomes aware that something is wrong... normally his might cock is slapping against his chest at this point. Glancing down the big former stud stares dumbfounded at his denuded crotch.

"He's been gelded!" Someone in the crowd shouts in shock.

"Yeah... The Stud's a gelding now!" A new voice agree's sound more amused than shocked.

"He aint even got a cock anymore!" A ferret in the front row laughs wildly pointing at Jerome's denuded crotch.

"Yeah I'm bigger than him now!" A small fur giggles derisively... At last it all sinks in, and Jerome's muzzle turns beat red with shame. Quickly he turns running off stage as the crowd laughs and jeers at him! Then when Jerome runs off stage into the back, Peter saunters on from the other side.

"Alllllllright... by popular demand." "I am puh...LEEEEASED to offer to you, for this night only... this Special auction!!" From behind his back, he pulls out Jerome's massive marbled shlong. As the horse, with arm's pulled up behind his back, is frog marched back onto the stage. Struggling against the big male holding him, Jerome looks around shamefaced. As the clamoring crowd points and laughs at Jerome's nut less crotch and tiny stump.

"Special auction?" He chokes looking at the small black Rabbit that had bested and gelded him so totally. Peter waving the dismembered cock around like a baton. "You've all been wanting to touch this bad boy's love sausage for years now... and for tonight Only..." "One of you is going to get the chance!" The crowd begins to roar! It was then that the bidding commencing in earnest. A whirl wind of shouted offers and counter offers. The bidding is quickly over a thousand dollars and groups of friends team up, pooling money to get their paws on that long Horse dick. The ex-stallion can only squirm uncomfortably as the crowd begins to bid for ownership of his dissevered organ. Laughing even louder as the ex-stud shouts that he'll pay double the highest bid to get it back! It quickly passes the amount for a cheap car... As the stallion shouts that he'll pay double, the black Rabbit nods. "You hear that folks?" "Let's double the price..." The bidding going from ten to twenty thousand in a single blow. "And we'll throw Jerome in too!" Peter added with a wicked grin. The ferret and his squirrel friend in the front smile fiendishly, and the bidding started anew, with an also frantic air of lust! A pack of wolves in the corner are drooling for the chance at a living snack. A bull and zebra pair looking for a new houseboy... and many others, all vying for what was once the stud of the city!

"Wha!!!???" Jerome grunted so startled by the Rabbits words he's speechless for a long moment. The proud former stallion is shocked as the bidding goes wild. "You can't... I'm not... I can't fuck anymore..." He tries to explain... then suddenly understands their not buying him to get fucked! They were going to use him... as he had used so may of them over the years! "Now hold on here... I don't... I'm not... I'm a top stallion..." He tried to protest...

"Ahhh!" "Is that what you think, that you're a top stallion?" "Well I got news for you, stubby!" "Top stallion's need COCKS!" Peter pointed out with a smirk. Jerome opened his mouth to reply, but is once again speechless. Realizing that the little Rabbit is right, that Peter is more of a top stallion than he was right now! Mouth hanging open muzzle turning and even deeper shade of red as his humiliation grows. Peter turns to face the crowd, swinging the thick dismembered shaft like a giant dildo. He pointed it at Jerome. "How about we Reacquaint Jerome here with what used to make him a male???" He asks the jeering crowd. "Whattaya say?" They instantly go wild at this suggestion. Money is thrown on the stage... more than the Tiger had made easily. Jerome is marched to the middle of the stage, and turned around. His big round ass showing, the little silk cord still tightly noose around where his sac was. The black Rabbit's grin widens as he makes a show of rubbing Jerome's big blunt cock head against the geldings own donut shaped rump hole!

"What... HEY!" Jerome cries his voice, suddenly returning. As he feels the huge blunt head of his own former cock rubbing and grinding against his taut tail hole! "You wouldn't dar..." He started as the crowd begins to chant lustfully.

"FUCK HIM... FUCK HIM!" The little Rabbit chortled to the emasculation former stripper. "Of course I would!" "These fine citizens came here for a Show!" Peter pulled the thick dick glands from the stallion's rear, and lifted it up, the tip thumping into the remnants of that once proud sac.

"Ouch!" Jerome cried, jumping slightly as his now tender flesh was bumped by his big hard former organ. "That's not the kind of show..." He tried, but the crowd began chanting again drowning him out. Peter pulled it back, and then grinned to the crowd.

"I'll push an inch in for Every Hundred dollars I see in that jar there!" Immediately a five hundred dollar bill is dropped in. Jerome who had been looking back at the Rabbit, and the crowd. His soft brown eye's widening in shock and horror. As he saw the bills dropped into the jar, and who had dropped it...

"The crowd has spoken!" Peter shouted and before those bills had reached the bottom of the glass. The black Rabbit aims, aligns, and then SHOVES! The gelding squealing as that thick hard horse cock is forced up his poor unlubricated hole!

"Nooo!" Jerome tries to deny, struggling to clamp his tail down. But it is held up and to one side. Fully exposing his big round clenched anus for penetration. "AAAAAGGGHHHH!" The big gelding squeals as his taboo orifice is violently violated, by so huge a cock! Jumping and struggling at first he quickly realizes that this is only making it worse. The crowd who had once held him in such awe was laughing wildly at his debauchment. Most of them thinking, that this was exactly what they had always wished to do to The Stud! When a ugly mule steps up to the stage, a big leering grin in his lips.

"He did that ta me once... but I had ta pay fer it!" The old mule snorted. "Here's another 500 hundred... if you'll let me shove it in him!" Peter the Rabbit stepped back, leaving Jerome's poor ass to grapple with the thick intrusion. Horses have nice, stretchy butts, and although it hurt like the dickens going in, nothing tore... too badly. The Rabbit gives the dick to the old mule, who grips the end with relish.

"Sure thing!" The ugly gray mule runs his hands over the big black organ delightfully. "Wouldn't even let me touch it... jest shoved it in me!" "And then rode 'til I was sure he'd ruined me!" The mule growled angrily.

"Errr You were always one of my fav..." Jerome tried to lie, but the old mule is having none of it. He twisted that fat log, making it grind into Jerome's poor squelched rear. Making the poor ex-stud whine as hot fire burns up inside his ravaged rump! "FUCK!" Jerome squealed trying to pull his big rump away from the massive cock. But being held in place to well, and he is forced to take it deeper.

"This being Jerome's last night here at the 'The Swinging Jewels'." Peter snickered. "I think it would be only fitting, if some of his favorite Clients were to pay him Back.." "For all the things he's shared with them!" Quickly the black Rabbit picked up the money jar, and walked through the crowd. Collecting money and sending the horny males up to the stage as if they were on the price is right. The gelded stripper glanced back at the line forming up on stage. And paled as he remembered some of those furry faces and what he'd done to them. Suddenly wishing he'd treated them a little better! The mule ground his five inches in, and then there was that ferret from earlier. Only pushing it in two inches, but then there was another and another! Many paws grasping that shrinking cock stump protruding from Jerome's butt, and pushed, wedged, squeezed it in farther. The big honey colored geldings head snapped back and he was whinnying as every inch is forced up him now.

Tears stained his big cheeks, even as the tiny stump that is all he had left. Began to dribble a mixture of clear prostate juice, and golden urine down his muscular inner thighs. His molesters reach down to fondle his hard little stub, as they force more and more of his own former stud hood up his hole. Giggling derisively at the fact his stub was so little and so hard from the anal intrusion. It felt like it was going to come out of his mouth... Finally, the last inch is pushed in, the Wolf knuckling it in until he can't even feel it anymore. Jerome's beautiful big marbled dick... gone... buried up his own ass. The great former stallion's head drops in shame as he hangs panting and moaning softly in his captor's grip. While that big thick organ lays fat and heavy on his prostate. The people sit back down - and the auction resumes! Not for just a dick or just a gelded horse, but now for both. And the bidding is hot... it runs wild and the promises become lewder and lewder as it does. The top bidders finally offering to share the gelding out to the rest of the room... if their bid is let stand. Silence falls and the whole audience smiles everyone knowing their going to get a ride on the former 'Stud!'


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