A friendly game...A big Wildebeest gambles on a game of darts with a certain wicked Fox...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A friendly game

The sleazy Fox club owner smiled at his guest playfully. "You still want to play a game of darts?"

"Oh ya sure... you got a bullseye?" The Wilder beast asked nervously as the grinning fox wrapped one arm around his waist and guided him towards the stairs.

"Yup lets go down stairs..." The Fox snickered darkly. "I know you have been curious... wanting to know what happens to the guys that lose all there money?" The Fox explains with a grin, as they go down though a large metal door. Screams and begging can be heard from somewhere even lower.

"Ahem... well sure..." The big ugly Wilder Beast grunts, looking startled as he heard the screams and begging.

The little Fox grins as they come to the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh... they lost all there money and then decided to play one final bet."

The little Fox explained his dark predatory look growing more Wolfish. "Betting ones most personal assets... or even ones freedom is a risky business indeed!" "If you know what i mean..." He purrs softly with an iron hard smile! As the lights flicker to life... the big Wilder Beast can see two males muzzled and strapped to a table top. Laying there with their fat sacks hanging though two holes... "Yes this is a very odd game of darts my boy." The little Fox snickers again as he pick up a tray of brand new needle pointed darts. "Being as this is just a friendly game... I'll let you choose your wagers." The Fox said gesturing magnanimously. "You can place the bet first... anything goes my boy!" The Wilder Beast looks startled as he recognizes one of the furs on the table. A fat Bear who had been at the gaming tables often and was always losing.

"Wagers... Errr bet... Ummmm..." The shocked Wilder Beast frowns as he thinks about how little cash he had. The ruthless Fox grinned wickedly, as he licked his lips. Jerome can also see a teen of his own species with his horns saw off strapped beside the Bear...

"It is a fun game boy..." The Fox assured. "The slave in the bullseye can be a prize as well..." He smirks as he brings the needle pointed dart up to eye level sighting down it.

"Ammmm... really..." Jerome grunts more intrigued at that thought. Shivering in lust at the sight of the slave boi's leaking butt... "Errr ok Errr twenty I guess..." The club owner grinned and licked his furry lips again.

"All right boi... I like you." He glances back at his body guards looming like mountains just behind them. "First to hit the left nut... is winner of this round." The two slave whine and struggle as they hear this... their balls hanging low do to the heat under them. "I'll wager $100,000 against your twenty... the Bear bitch is mine!" "You can have the soon to be cow!" The Fox said with a wicked giggle, as he give the Wilder Beast his four darts. "Alright boy you can go first... I have been dieing to hear that Bully boi scream, after I found him with my baby girl."

"Ohooo so he was... your baby girl huh..." Jerome mutters as he lifts a dart and takes careful aim. Making a couple of practice arm swings, before letting it fly. The dart sails through the air hitting the trapped Wilder Beast's big full pouch with a solid sounding 'Thump'! Making the young Bull scream and buck in his restraints the quivering dart obviously driven straight through his big nut!

"Oh ho... you are good." The Fox laughed happily as he lets his own dart fly. It hits the young Bull's nut only centimeters from the Wilder Beasts own dart. "Oop... looks like I missed my target completely... wow this is harder than it looks!" The Fox laughs.

"Wow I win..." The Wilder Beats grunts so stunned to find himself up 100,000 he doesn't wonder about the Fox's poor aiming. "Hmmmm well I guess I'm just gifted..." He grunts consolingly to the Fox with a slight smile, having just made 100,000 on a single toss... Although the young Bull's screaming and wiggling is making him feel bad for him.

"Ok my friend how about a other go..." The Fox sez in a wheeling tone his smile almost frighteningly wide. "How about for round two we play for him... if you land your dart though his right nut." "You can have him after the doctor has finished up with him... or you can do it yourself if you'd like."

"Errr... have him..." The big Wilder Beast starred at that sexy round ass, and thought about just how much fun it would be! "Do it myself???"

"Cut his ball's off of course..." The Fox leered. "It's not like he can keep them after this game is over!"

Jerome flinched at the Fox's words... but of course it only made sense.

"Yeah... ok." The horny Wilder Beast grunted taking aim and tossing his second dart. That again hit the young Bull's pouch with a meaty 'Thump!' causing him to bellow and struggled even more. Instantly a second dart hit that big swinging sack, this time the Wilder Beast heard the clink of metal on metal as the second dart actually grazed his own. He was really feeling bad for the young Bull now as he bucked and bellowed with four darts in his nuts!

"Darn you just can't seem to miss... and I just can't seem to remember which target is mine." The Fox laughed as he watched the young helpless Wilder Beast struggle and squeal. "Well it looks like your going to be having all the fun tonight... unless..." "How about one more round... you win I'll double your money and give you free access to my club for life how does that sound?" "But if you miss... I get you for the night, and if you hit the red circles on the red line you become mine to do with as I please!" The big Wilder Beast Bull blinked looking shocked by this offer... it had been so easy to hit those dangling orbs. 'I'm sure I'd have no trouble winning it all... of course that'll mean the poor Bully boi will be gelded... still I've never fucked a freshly made gelding before.'

"Well ok one more go..." Jerome agreed taking up his third dart and aiming it, going through a few practice swings. But the game is not so easy this time... the injured Bull was struggling, his sac swinging wildly. Jerome paused trying to gauge the movement, regretting his rash descion. Then he took a deep breath and flicked the dart, it sailed through the air... The Fox grinned as he watches that dart fly...

"Mmmmmm..." There is another meaty 'thump', but this toss is not so well aimed. And its obvious that the dart is just touching the edge of the red circle.

"Errr..." The big Wilder Beast stammered while the Fox grinned as his two strong thugs grab Jerome's arms. "Wha...Wha... No wait you...I..." The confused Wilder Beast looks stunned as the two burly thugs appear from seemingly nowhere and hold him tight. As the wickedly grinning Fox pulled out his knife, an then undoes the big Wilder Beasts pants. Letting them fall to the floor as he rips the Bull's boxers away.

"AMMMMM yeah you are about to be a made a cow... oh yes I almost forgot." He pressed a button and the table rose so the Wilder Beast can see the young Bull is none other then his brother Cam! His ugly black muzzle coated in a shiny film of cum. "Hold him tight guys... I'm going to make a clean cut." The Fox sneers tauntingly.

"Ccow... Cclean cut..." Jerome grunts watching the little Fox with wide horrified eyes. That go even wider as he sees its his brother with five darts... that he himself had thrown in his nut sack! "Oh gods Ohoo Gods... Cam... I ... I'm so..." "Wha a clean cut..please No stop give me another chance..." The little Fox paused knife posed ready to slice into that heavy floppy black sack.

"Oh... another chance... ok then I have a idea." The evil little Fox snickered. "I'll give you another chance... if you cut and rape your brother..."

"Errr what about Cam... what'll happen to him?" Jerome grunts softly.

"I'll have his teeth removed tomorrow, and his cock and ball's removed." The Fox snorted. "And then I'll sell him, after I watch him get fucked a few dozen more times..." The Fox explained with a wicked leer. "He touched my girl I can't let him go unpunished..." The Fox's eyes narrowed as a cunning thought accrued to him. "I can see you are a horny young stud... maybe we'll make a deal..." The Fox smiled but it was all teeth and malice. "I'll fuck you and you will fuck him while cutting off his ball and feed them to him as I watch." "I'll even let you leave with the $100,000 as hush money." The Fox promised as he thrusts the knife into the big Wilder Beasts hand! Jerome looks first at the Fox... then at his brother Cam. Seeing the cum dripping from his black muzzle... knowing he's been muzzle raped already! And now has five steel darts in his balls because of him... "I think that's a fair deal... I'll even let you take him home!" "But you and him will never be allow in my clubs again... not ever understand?"

"Errr yes I understand." The Wilder Beast looks at his frightened brother, but knows this is the best deal they are likely to get! Taking the knife in his trembling hand, he moved up between Cam's wide spread leg's. "I'm sorry... I gotta do it..." He whisper to him as he grasps that big saggy nut sack, plucking the darts out and laying them aside as he cups those big nuts! The sleek slender Fox grins as he move behind Jerome and starts to rub his butt and kiss his neck.

"Ummmm have you been taken before?" He asks as he rubs and takes hold of the Wilder Beasts sides.

"What... taken... No not since... Owww!" The big Bull grunts as he feels the Fox positioning yourself, and knows from the females he's fucked what is about to happen!

"Ammmm yeah make your brother a cow..." The Fox moaned low and lustfully. "I fucked him and so did the boys here but I bet he's still goodin' tight." He assures even as his Fox hood pokes into the Wilder Beasts plucker. The big Bull shivers and blushes in shame, as he feels the Fox move up and start kissing the back of his neck and prodding his tail hole...

"You... all of you..." He grunts in shock and the look on Cam's muzzle tells him its true... hes been totally fuck! Oddly this knowledge only makes Jerome's own cock harder, an as he works Cam's nuts down to the bottom of their sac. His long slender bovine cock is as hard as iron... a hot paw grasps him and guide him into that hot gooy opening! Cam winces as squeals as that hard organ reopens his abused anus. "Ohoo fuck he is tight!!!" Jerome moans as something wedges into his soft velvety plucker!

"Ummmm yeah I bet it is nice..." "Yeah go on all the way... fill him up!" "Piss if you have too... there is all kinds of spoo in there!" The Fox gloats as he slammed into the big Bull and starts to pounding. "Aahaha..." I've been needing a good virgin bitch." Jerome watches as his own brother withers and squeals as his thick cock slides deeper and deeper into him! The thick gooy cum filling him oozing out around that hard organ the feeling intensely exciting.

"OWOWW GODS!" He screams as his own hole is brutally taken, the pain making his hand slip up. And as they all watch, the knife blade cuts smoothly through Cam's sac neck until he's left holding his brother's dissever nuts!

"EHEHEHEEE..." Cam squeals in horror more than pain as those fat abused nuts are taken from him at last.

"AMMMMM... yeah good job boi... now put that sack in his muzzle!" The Fox growled dominantly as he slams in and out of Jerome's tight anus! Once Jerome shoves the contents of that overly full sack in Cam's muzzle. The Fox's thugs swiftly muzzle him so he has to eat them! Even as the Fox starts to moan in delight. "Ummmm yeah how does his ass feel?" The Fox moaned gloatingly..."How... how does his..." Jerome gulps and moans as his huge hard cock slides in and out of his gelded brother as the Fox rides him.

"Because your's sure feels good!" "I bet your wanting his muzzle after this..." He teased. " But I bet your father is going to be soo mad..." "What do you think he is going to do?" The Fox grinned as he started to pop his growing knot in and out of Jerome's grasping hole.

"Ohooo gods... Ohooooo Gods..." Jerome moans as he watched it all... watch as Cam is forced to eat his own balls! Ball's Jerome had just cut off of him! "It feels soooo... ohoo fuck yeah... yeah!" The Wilder Beast moans in pleasure, and then grunts as the Fox talks about their Father. The big Bull suddenly looking upset... "He... he'll geld me for... for this..." Jerome whimpers knowing their Father always liked Cam best...

"Oho... will he now?" The Fox panted slamming his knot in and out of Jerome's clenched ass roughly. "Better enjoy big brother while you can then huh." The Fox snickered watching Jerome slammed his fat cock faster and faster in and out of Cam's ass! The three of them rutting and plunging madly for a few moments longer. And then the big Wilder Beast was bellowing as he exploded into his gelded brothers ass! It took the Fox only a few moments more and then he followed suit. And then pulled Jerome back and gesturing for his thugs to drag the whimpering Cam away. "The Vet will finish up with fixing him." The Fox explained as Jerome lay against him passively. "Was that pretty much what you wanted?" The little Fox smirked after the door had closed and they were alone.

"Yes..." Jerome moaned clearly delighted.

"My Doctor will leave him with a nice tight empty sheath for you to use." The Fox promised as his knot slowly deflated and he pulled out. "Kinda cold... doing that to your own brother..."

"Just a little bit of pay back for what him and his jock buddies did to me... before they got girlfriend who'd put out." Jerome explained. "Speaking of which... have you got the other three broke yet?"

"Well you saw the Bear... the Boar is almost ready to deal... and the Horse is betting his son's collage money right now!" "So figure another week or two... heh."


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