A small Quest... Konu is traveling through a small out of the way village with a problem... and is asked to give them a hand with it...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#6 of Konu Badgers tales

               A small Quest

A small Quest

The big Badger threw his cloak off as he sat that the tavern table. Sipping bitter black ale as the kitchen prepared him a evening meal. The small village had only the roughest fair, and Konu was not looking forwards to beet soup and day old black bread. When he suddenly became aware of a couple of furs whispering across the room. The Badgers keen ears were unable to make out what they were saying, but it was obvious they were talking about him! His paws moved to the hilt of his sword, and he slipped his chair bit farther back away from the table. The big Bear looked like a cross between a black smith and a constable. And the fat Boar he was talking to was clearly some type of town official... The pair shared a fleeting look at Konu then quickly conversed once again. Then making up their minds they strolled purposely across the tap room and up to the Badgers table. "Ammmm..." The fat Boar cleared his throat and wrung his big flabby hands together. Konu looked the pair over as they approached his table. Having been approached like this many times before, in a similar manner. He now understood what it is they wanted.

"Excuse me..." The Boar grunted, as he realized that Konu was looking him over pointedly. "I... Errr we were just wondering..." The Boar paused then started on another track. "It appears that you are an..." Clearly the Pig was trying to choose his words carefully... he didn't want to call the Badger a Mercenary. "An adventurer of sorts... and the town has need of..."

"Just stop stammering and tell me what it is you want me to do." Konu snapped. "Yes, I'm a mercenary." "I'll do pretty much whatever you want... if the pay is good." He growled, sipping at his tankard of ale some more. Not exactly polite, but not horribly rude either.

"Oh... I'm the mayor by the way... well mayor and barber..."

"It's nice to meet you both, but if you have something that you want me to do." "Spit it out, or I'm going to bed."

"Uhum... Uhum ok forthrightly said... very well then." The Boar grunted one hand absentmindedly jingling the purse on his belt. "We have a bit of a problem." The Pig grunted. "Well honestly we've have it for sometime." He explained as he sat down at the Badgers table. "A band of ill mannered Satyr's have taken up residents on a small hill just to the north of town." Konu sniffed as he heard the proposal... Satyrs not something you run into every day. And that was a blessing if there ever was one.

"I see... well that's not too hard to believe." "A Town like this can hardly be expected to repel a band of satyrs efficiently." He growled. "How many of them are we talking here?" Even Konu had his limits... if the band was to large. But at the same time the Badger was strapped for cash, he needed a job... badly. "And what exactly have they been doing that they are causing you a problem?" The fat Boar nodded at the badger's words clearly glad the stranger grasped things so swiftly.

"Indeed... indeed not we've only one the constable... and Baric here can't be expected to take on a band of four or five such creatures." The mayor explained as the Bear nodded his head in agreement, clearly he wasn't a fighter even with all his size and strength. "What have they been..." The Pig trailed off, and his beady eyes narrowed as he tried to decide what to say and how much to tell. "They have magic... and have been enchanting our towns furs into joining in their drunken... revelries!" The fat Pig said carefully.

"Ahahah... that explained it." Konu grunted taking another swallow of his ale. "So they are Bacchanalian satyrs... eh?" "Not as bad as I had feared... if they had been five demonic satyrs, I would have been out." The Badger grunted, taking another deep swig of the ale. "So I expect the revelries are... less than voluntary for your villagers?" "I assume they either poisoned the town well with their ambrosia, or they've got the whole town boggled from their panpipes." Konu had dealt with the exuberant and indulgent Bacchanalian satyrs before. Thankfully they were not all that hard to dismantle, if you could get past their mind numbing and libido enhancing magic. They were almost worse than succubi.

"Well... well of course..." The Boar grunted trying to sound offended and and shocked all at once. "We're good honest god fearin' folk... our young males and females don't normally..." The mayor stopped himself and looked around blushing but no one was around to hear him.

"How much are you willing to pay?"

"Those damnable Pipes!" The Bear broke in, as he looked more than a bit uncomfortable. But quickly grabbed the purse from the Boars belt. "We've got thirty six silver lordies." He announce plainly as the Boar winced and tried to grab the purse back.

"Now... now Baric we don't want to get this fellas hopes up... thats the towns budget for the rest of the year!"

"Hmmm that's all?" "Oh well..." Konu sighed, starting to accept the jingling purse he paused. "Thirty six silver lordies is all you have for the town's budget... for a year?" He blinked thinking damn this was a poor town. No wonder the bread was black, the economy seemed to be in the red! The Badger sighed. "Just keep it." "I'll get rid of them for free." "However, the manner in which I dispose of them is up to me understand?" "You want me to do this, and not bankrupt your town. "You keep your jaws shut about anything you might see or hear, got me?" Konu growled pointing at the pair. The Pigs muzzle looked sickened at first as the Badger talked of taking it all...

"Half a years..." He clarified his mood lightening as he heard the Mercenary say 'just keep it.' "Well... well I don't see any problem with that..." "However you want to do it... just so long as they're not rutting everyone so much nothing can get done!" The Pig stood up and clapped his paw on Konu's broad shoulder in a friendly manner. Then hurried away before the Badger could change his mind. The big Bear watched him go and snorted then looked at the Badger and warned.

"Packin' yer ears with wax won't help against them pipes..."

"No... no it won't." Konu agreed with a slight smile. "Deaf furs are called to their revelries, as easily as those who can hear the song." "It works on something a little lower." The Badger admitted as he saw the Bear frown. "I however have resistance to this particular type of magic." "A magical charm that absorbs magic of a sexual nature." "Very costly... its a recent acquisition in fact, took it off of a wizard I slew about two weeks ago." He explained as he stood up and stretched, his cloak falling into place over his armor and sword. "Point me in the direction of these Satyrs." "I want to approach them alone, without them being in revelry." "I don't need to worry about a townful of hostages once I make my move."

"The hill they camp on is south east of town between the road and the river." The big Bear explained, having listened to the Badgers explanation thoughtfully. "They don't get started to early... sleep most of the day..." "Even still you'll most likely find a few towns folk at they're camp." The Bear constable warned shivering slightly as if something was crawling up his spine.

Konu patted his shoulder. "Relax... what I have in mind for those Satyrs will pay them back in the worse possible way for them." "Just go home and relax, do what you normally do." "I'll handle it." He growled with confidence, turning away from Baric. He walked over and purchased some extra bread and some hard cheese and dried fish from the bartender, rations he would need anyway. It made his money purse light... too light. He would fill his water skins with river water to save money this time. But that was for later, for now he turned and left the bar. In the afternoon sunlight, walking toward the hill in the distance. On the way there he began to devise his plan of action... The big Bear nodded and watched him go... wondering if the Badger was as good as he claimed at this kind of thing. Then turned and did just what he was told to do... wanting to make darn sure he wasn't out at sun down. The hill was small and steep, but there was a narrow well worn path winding around up it. And the grove of tall oaks at the top was shady and smoke shrouded. A small fire burned within a rock ring in the center, and a number of naked furry bodies lay dozing around the glade. As Konu appear, a small stocky figure hopped down from a rock where it had been laying. And eerie lilting music drifted down the hill side. As the one Satyr not drunken or asleep began playing his pipes. Konu felt the strange tingle as the music played. It was definitely laced with magic. However his charm, a tight leather and ruby studded cock ring around the base of his penis. Absorbed the magic and it's insidious effects, allowing the Badger to keep his mind. However, as part of his plan, Konu allowed the Satyr to believe he had been ensnared! By unfocusing his eyes, getting a stupid drooling grin on his muzzle and making his cock erect in his trousers, as he had seen it done before. He danced up to the Satyr, gay as a song and dropped to his knees before him.

"Oh little master!" "Let us make love until the stars fall, drink wine until the vineyards run dry!" "Please, let us dance and sing and make love all the days of this earth and never let anything get in our way!" He growled in a seemingly lovestruck voice, clutching at the bandy little Satyr's thighs. The round bellied little Goat man smiled lewdly, as he looked down at the kneeling Badger. And unslung a half full wine skin from his shoulder, taking a long draught as he glanced back over his shoulder. Only one other figure was awake, a glazed eyed Pig. Who was so sticky and hard used from the night before, he was unappealing even to the horny Satyr.

"Yes... Yes we'll dance under the star and rut the night away..." The fat little Goat man grunted, pressing his furry sheath and balls against the Badger muzzle. "Have a taste of my seed and wash it down with wine..." He took another long drink as the pink tip of his cock peeked from its furry sheath. Konu glommed onto that cock tip like a starving cub to its mother's tit! Running his tongue around it fawningly, as his paws grabbed hold of the Satyr's balls and squeezed them gently. Rolling them around and tugged on them as he sucked on that pink cock tip. He relished the flavor of the little Goat man's musk, enjoying it as it tickled his tongue. He put on quite a show, using all of his focus and techniques on the little Satyr. Sucking him off with wild abandon, while inwardly planning his next move. The Satyr swayed on his hooves, and was soon rocking back and forth humping at Konu's fawning muzzle lustfully... Even as he let the wine drain down his throat, one hand rested in the Badgers head to steady him.

"Ammmm yes you do that very well..." The Goat man bleated, as he pulled Konu over to a small stump where he could sit down. As the big Badger suckled on him with such skill it was amazing. "I bet your tail hole is even better..." The pot bellied Satyr moaned as he enjoyed the Badgers fawning mouth. Konu sucked more and more, until his mouth was filled with hard Satyr cock and then looked up at the Satyr.

"Oh yes... oh yes little master, so very much so!" "I want this in there, I want all of your friends to fuck me!" "To fill my tail hole with their seed, let me drink the wine of their lust!" He begged, slobbering over the Satyr's groin crazily. He lapped at those massive Goat balls that dangled between the Satyr's furry little legs. The curly brown fur on them thick and musky with the taste of sweat, wine and seed. "I need it, little master, let me take all your cocks!" "I want it!" "I need to feel your cocks inside me, so deep that they churn in my belly!"

"Hehehe..." The fat little Goat man giggled, as the hot mouth licked and kissed all over his now fully aroused groin. The Badger was a talkative one... they were rare! Normally the pipes magic left them willing and horny, but wordless. "Oh no need to worry about that..." The Satyr chuckled. "You'll be taking all their cock this night and perhaps tomorrow night too..." The Goat man assured leeringly, thinking this one he'd keep around for awhile! "But now lets get something in yer belly..." He grunted pulling that hot fawning mouth back to his raging erection. "It'll only take a bit more of that and you'll get a nice hot treat!" He promised lewdly. The Badger kept on sucking, not changing his pattern in the slightest. Konu slurped and suckled on that thick aroused organ vigorously, bobbing his head and deep throating it until his lips repeatedly smooched the fat little Satyr's sheath. He swallowed around that thick cock, gulping the leaking pre-cum down and lubricating his throat with it. 'Oh indeed soon very soon he'd be having a very nice hot treat resting in his belly!' Konu thought with a smirk. The little Satyr lay back giggling wildly, as the big Badger worked vigorous and lustily to pleasure him... Unable to see over his belly the little Goat man spread his thigh's and reclined farther still. As his furry ball's began to tighten up, his thick pink cock pulsing wildly. And tensing as he held his eruption back as long as he was able letting it built. "Ohoo Ohooo yeah get ready slut... get ready to have your stomach filled..." The horny Satyr bleated slowly clutching at his wine skin. Konu grinned around that thick tensing cock, grabbing those balls as they draw up and holding them stretched. Keeping them from unloading until the Goat man was squirming in need and pleasure. Then he let go and they snapped up like rubber bands to the base of his cock and started to unload. Konu took the cock all the way down to the root, until his nose was pushing the satyr's sheath back to his groin. At the first taste of semen, like the the touch that springs a bear trap! Konu's jaws snap closed on the root of that thick penis, muzzle twisting from side to side. Sharp teeth slicing it cleanly off at the root and pulling it up and away.

Not pausing the Badger swallowed that thick cock down, his throat bulging as he gulped it whole! Strong paws stretched the Satyr's balls away from his groin, even as cum fountained from the Goat man's sheath! The little Goat mans leg's kicked and flailed, as his bleats of pleasure grew louder. Before turning into confused and frantic squeals of pain. As the pain and pleasure warred for control the Satyr's hip's kept bucking even as his empty sheath fountained cum and blood. Konu bit down hard on that trapped sack neck, chewing down on it and the taut cords inside. Severing the skin and snipping the sack and both testicles cleanly off with a tight powerful bite! Leaving the little sex deity totally devoid of sex organs!

"Wha... What the fuck..." The Satyr grunted as those sharp teeth snipped his tightening ball's from between his thighs! "IIIEIEII..." He squealed one last time, as his beady little golden eyes rolled back in his head! And he pasted out from shock pain and blood loss! A magically potent little sex deity totally emasculated! Fishing around in a belt pouch, Konu quickly pulled out a healing pad. And slapped it over the Satyr's wounds, before dragging him off into the bushes. And then returned to the Satyr's camp, the young Pig had found himself a playmate. Sporting a huge erection a young rangy Satyr was teasing the entranced Hog.

Konu took a moment to plan his next moves. Already he could feel the previous Satyr's equipment churning in his stomach. The mythic creatures were so tied into magic, that even their physical bodies absorbed a great deal of it. It would aid the Badger even more against Satyr's magic, since he was absorbing a good deal of it from the digesting organs in his belly. Putting on his best entranced face, he walked over to the Pig and Satyr. And dropped onto all fours before the Satyr beside the hog, looking for all the world like a horny dog begging for a bone.

"Ohoo lookee here... we've got a newcomer." The lanky Satyr smirked as the Pig nosed and nuzzled between his thighs at the long stiff organ that was dangling there. "Down cum slut." He ordered the Pig and stood up walking around behind the kneeling pair looking over the Badger lustfully. "Looks like you've not been mounted as yet..." He leered down at Konu who was still cloaked and dressed. "That's amazing Durvan loves to ride... is he still keepin' watch?"

Remembering what the previous Satyr had mentioned about being talkative, Konu answered in the barest of stupefied sentences. "He is... I sucked his wonderful cock and he wanted to save my ass for later." Konu replied, hoping that the Satyr would take that as answer enough. The Badger had a very rigid boner in his crotch, not only just for effect. But in response to the fresh castrating he had just preformed. It would add some convincing truth to his dull words. He remained kneeling there, his short bushy tail wagging over his muscular ass, almost begging the Satyr to mount him.

"Hahaha he must be getting old..." The younger Goat man laughed as he stroked his oozing cock playfully. "Oho well his loss is My gain..." "Why don't you get out of those restrictive things and I'll show you what pleasure you've been missing..." The Satyr chuckled lewd as he reached down to fondle the Badgers erection through his trousers... "And you can stick this in my little Piggy slut here... hahah."

Konu grunted. "Oh yes master, fuck me please." And growled softly as his hard on was squeezed through the tight leather of his pants. He straightened up onto his knees long enough to undress, bearing his muscular body to the Satyr from the pads of his feet to the tips of his ears. His thick Badger cock sprang up to rigid fullness as the pants came down, pre-cum smeared across the head quickly replaced with another dangling drop. The only thing he had on now was the magical cock ring around his nuts and dick. And the rings in his ears and on his paws. If the Satyr tried to take any of them, things were going to go downhill fast. Konu hoped he wouldn't have to slaughter the Satyrs, but he would have been capable of doing it if they tried to take his trinkets. Satyrs were lovers not fighters, and Konu loved to fight. Instantly the young Pig snorted and drove his flat nosed muzzle between the Badger's hefty thigh's, a hot tongue and mouth quickly going to work on that hard on. As the lean rangy Satyr sat himself atop those round muscular buttock's, his hot hands wandering all over the Badgers sleek powerful body.

"Ohooo you are a big boi..." The Goat man breathed excitedly as he pressed his face into Konu's back fur, and rubbed against that rough fur excitedly. The Badger could feel that hot drooling erection moving down his butt... slipping into the crack of his ass. Hot sticky pre-cum smearing against his tail hole as the Satyr hump excitedly, obviously eager to pierce those gate. "Open up for me... open up for the cock you've been dreaming about!" The horny Goat man hissed in the big Badgers ear... Konu groaned loudly as that hot fawning mouth engulfed his rigid cock, his paws clenching on the grass under him. He moaned soft but insistently. "Yes master, fuck me, give me your cock, I want every inch of it!" He groaned and relaxed his backside, letting that long cock slid up inside him easily. The Badger having taken far worse than the Goat man's hard on, and letting him slam in up to his nuts was no problem for the experienced Konu. He refrained from putting a paw on the back of the Pig's head, as he was sucked off. Instead just letting his head droop submissively, and let the Satyr ride him to his pleasure.

"Oh I'm goinaaaaa..." The young Satyr inhaled sharply as his cock sank into those willing depths so smoothly..." "Ohooooo someones got talennntttt..." He moaned again as the Badgers anal muscles closed on him, squeezing his cock with delightful power... "Ummmmmm fuck..." The horny young Goat man groan as his hip's began to hump and thrust. Draped over that powerful black and white fur coated back, the Satyr moaned and bleated as his body withered and ground against it... Konu growled, but it wasn't from pleasure this time. As good as that mouth felt between his legs, it was blocking him off from reaching the Satyr's sex organs. The Badger was becoming irritated, he wanted to deal with this Satyr before or as he was having his orgasm. But the slavish subservient Pig was in his way! 'Just how could he get the little porker out of his way?' The Badger was wracking his brains to try and figure it out. Finally, he realized his orgasm was nearing, and decided to try something risky. Just as he was about to shoot his load, Konu grabbed the Pig's fat head and shoved him all the way down his big cock so the porker's snout was in his pubic fur. He felt and heard him gagging on that hard cock as Konu came hard, pumping him full of thick Badger cum. He held him there feeling the Pigs teeth on his cock root... all it would take was one bite! But at last he felt cum spray out of the Pig's nostrils onto his arm and then let him go. Thankfully, the choking Pig pulled off to swallow and catch his breath. Konu had to work fast, he knew his spasming tail hole would have been working magic on the Satyr's lusty cock. He took his chance, reaching back he grabbed the Satyr's pouch as it swayed heavily between his legs. Cradling it before jabbing a claw into the soft skin of the pouch itself. The finger with that claw was wearing a black iron ring, made in the shape of a spider. With it's long legs entwined to make the ring portion of it, the spider's body being the top part of the ring. That claw on Konu's paw was split in two, the magic of the ring making it appear as fangs. The Satyr grunted softly as those fangs pierced the skin of his pouch and injected it with a powerful necrotic poison! The Pig choking and gagging rolled out from under the Badger and lay licking his lip's and swallowing on the ground. While atop his back the Satyr snickered around moans of delight as the Badgers quivering tail hole worked it's magic on his cock.

"Looks like you've given the little cum slut more that he can swallow." The Goat man giggled driving himself even harder and deeper into the Badger as he panted for breath... The pleasure such that he barely felt the piercing of his heft low swing sack... think it merely a snagged hair getting pulled loose. "Damn you've a hot hole... keep squeezing like that..." The Satyr ordered as his body pounded even harder and faster against Konu's round perfect butt cheeks. Konu chuckled watching the Pig gag and swallow down his thick load. As he began to milk the Satyr off with his tight anal muscles. His work is done now, all he had to do was sit back and let the poison do it's wicked work. Even now the insidious liquid is churning over those big orbs inside their sack. Making the surfaces of them begin to weaken, start to show blisters! And then little tiny holes like wear showing on cloth rubbed against stone. As those holes opened, raw semen crept out into the fluid of his pouch. The poison killing the nerves even as the insides of the Satyr's testes began to leak out into his pouch. Slowly the outer shell of the balls broke down and those raw innards unraveled into his pouch. The ropey coiled tubes becoming tangled within his pouch, unnoticed as his nuts literally disintegrate. Those remnants degrading into a sort of thick chunky soup, and the tubes they had been connected to became conduits out of the Satyr's body. The dead or dying nerves sent signals to the Satyr's brain that only could be interpreted as pleasure! That was added to the milking the Badger's ass was giving his cock!

"Fuck... Ohoo Fuck... so hot!" The young Satyr moaned as his groin seemed to be blazing with a pleasant heat... He shivered as the hot muscles gripped and squeezed his throbbing cock. "I'm never going to let you go..." The horny Goat man huffed as his body drew nearer and nearer to climax... his thrusting growing into a wild frenzy of lust. The slap, slap, slap, of groin against ass becoming a fast savage rhythm of pent up sexual desire. "I'm goina... I'm goina..." The Goat man moaned into the fur of the Badgers back, as a frothy sweat covered his contorting form. And then with a loud bleat his body stiffened... and Konu felt a stingy geyser erupt up his tail hole... hot, creamy pleasure pudding at first. But the squealing, bleating Satyr just kept spewing and that smooth spoo quickly became chunky... As he spurted, the thick spunk got thicker and thicker until he was ejaculating his own testicles into Konu's ass. But the poison laden cum/testicle matter mix was seeping through the flesh of his cock. Starting to work on the tendons and muscles that held it anchored inside his crotch. As he thrust, his cock started to stretch more and more, until it slid out and back in. The male flesh becoming more rubbery and less stiff, as the cum flowed through his organ. His pouch was empty by now, the big hairy sack having deflated completely. And it was flapping uselessly against the Badger's own potent pair. Finally there was just a few threads of tough meat holding his cock on at all, the rest of his dick root having liquefied! Some of it leaking out of his sheath, a runny red liquid dribbling onto the


"Ammmm Ohoo yeah take that... take my load..." The little Goat man was moaning as he lay atop that broad muscular back... the pleasure surging through him. Furry hip's thrusting weakly now as more and more feeling left his throbbing organ, until as last only the warm bliss of after glow was left. "Ammm damn... your some kinda fuck." The Satyr panted into the Badgers ear, that hot breath tickling as Konu smirked and pulled forwards. "I'm going to rut you forevvv..." There was a soft sucking sound, and the Satyr jerked and gasp for breath confused by what he was feeling. Planting his small cloven hooves on the grass, he sat up and stepped back looking at the Badgers furry black rump in confusion. "I... Wha..." The Goat man eye's widened and he looked down at his crotch in horror... There between his legs was nothing but a wet gaping sheath, a bit of blood trickling out of its wide open maw. Under it his once proud sack was empty and flaccid, the massive jewels that had once graced it gone without a trace. But what stunned him more, was there wedged like some sort of macabre dildo in Konu's ass, was his cock! Konu reached back and pulled the 'dildo' out, showing the Goat man that it was indeed his cock! And the rush of chunky fluids that followed it, could only be the remains of his testicles. The large chunks of grayish matter splattered on the grass and dribbled down Konu's thighs could only be his balls. Konu stood up, grabbing his cloak from the ground he cleaned himself up a bit. And waved the Goat man's cock before his face, tapping it against his nose.

"Mmm... I did take your load, every last bit of it." "And I think it's going me a damn sight more good than it ever did you!" Konu swallowed this one's cock down as well, knowing he kept himself clean so there would not be any undesirable matter on the cock. It was still salty with the satyr's melted balls. Konu was glad that the ring gave him immunity from most poisons, or else he would be melting from the inside out right about then! The Satyr starred glassy eyed in shock as the Badger made his gory presentation, wincing as the entranced Pig bent to lick up the spilled seed and grayish chunks of his master's former mighty male hood. This was all to much for the young Goat man, who had thought himself a rut god! And now found himself completely without a male hood with which to rut! "Gods..." He swore once and fainted away falling back onto the cool grass... As the fat Boar unbothered by the scene before him, slipped up between the helpless Satyr's legs. And guided his own twisted organ into the Goat man's empty sheath. Beginning to rut it with a lusty squeal... even as around the glade other bodies began to stir... Konu noticed the bodies moving as he watched the Pig going at the Satyr's empty sheath with wild abandon. He could smell the wine and musk in the air, and knew the rousing villagers would not have much on their minds besides relieving their morning wood in whatever way possible. He mounted the Pig, fucking him as the Pig fucked the cockless Satyr. Still trying to make it look like he was as horny an entranced as they were. The young Hog bucked and squealed loudly between huffing breaths, as his anus was once again filled with a hard organ. Flabby pink hip's thrust back as vigorously as they pounded forwards into the weakly moaning Satyr... The Pigs huge ball's hung very low like all his breed, and as the Badger rutted he could feel them bouncing against his thigh's. It normally took the Pig a long while to cum... but things were hardly normal... He'd spent the night getting rutted and had not been made to cum himself. Now with a thick cock pounding his pleasure knot and a hot tight orifice wrapped around his needy erection, the Boar was fast heading to his orgasm!

Konu fucked him as hard and as fast as he could, wanting to purge himself again into the fat young Boar. As it was extremely arousing to him to be in this situation, a testicular assassin amongst beings who were totally devoted to the male hood. He thrust his fat red and purple cock into the Boar with such speed and vigor that his testicles ached from slapping against the Pig's ass in such rapid fire motions. Konu groaned, panting and gasping for breath, his thick rough fur starting to stick to him with sweat as the Badger fucked his very best. Wanting to drive the seed out of the Boar even as he pounded his own load into him! The Boars cumbersome body bucked and hunched between the wide spread thigh's of the Badger second conquest... The three of them a grunted humping pile of lust. The young Boar squealed as the pounding on his bared buttocks grew to a savage flailing... His long twisted organ stiffening within that empty sheath. A fiery burning pleasure racing down it as the poisonous goo within that sheath did its work on his pulsing organ! The Pig's squeals grew louder and longer as his big balls bounced around... Quickly pumping a steady stream of porcine spunk into the semi-conscious Satyr's quivering hole. "Weeee Weeee... uhuuuu..."

Konu snarled deeply, a bark of extreme ecstasy striking him hard between the legs and knocking the spunk out of him in tremendous spurts. He hunched, thrusting so fast his balls were a bouncing jerking blur even as their load rushed up and out through the Badger's mighty cock! Spurting deep into the horny squealing Boar, who suddenly reminded the Badger of the Mayor. Pleasure ran down Konu's spine in a shivering wave, making him shiver with goosebumps as the orgasm finally drew to a close. And he pulled his rigid and still dribbling cock from the Boar's ass, leaving it gaping and dripping with the Badger's thick white jizz! The young Boar collapsed in exhaustion atop the emasculated Satyr... panting and puffing his body in bliss! As those big ball's just kept surging and squirting. His cock had gone numb, but that didn't matter now that his orgasm had begun... The Pig's eye lids fluttered as his lust gave way to exhaustion, and he slipped into sleep once again... His cock sliding from its sheath to hang from the Satyr's for a moment then drop out onto the ground between they're wide spread leg's... Konu watched that big pork stick fall out onto the grass, pink and still even spurting leftover cum from its corkscrew head. He reached down and shoved the long organ straight up the unconscious Satyr's ass, a little surprise for him if and when he came to. The Badger knew it was only a matter of time before the others woke up, and not wanting to seem out of 'character' for an entranced fur.

Just standing around, he knelt behind the sleeping Boar. And started pretending to rim his ass, cleaning the spunk, but really working to stuff that Pig's balls into his mouth! But they proved to big to both fit in there, so slitting the side of his sack open. Konu fitted the Boars left nut into his mouth, and quickly dissevered the cords with his teeth. The Pig inhaled sharply and moaned in his exhaustion but otherwise didn't stir. So the Badger quickly squeezed the second big ball out and snipped it off as well! Across from them. a white bearded older Satyr awoke and climbed to his hooves. Moving off a short ways to empty his bladder and retrieve a bulging wine shin... Before slowly tramping back into the clearing with his long wobbling erection leading the way. A smile split his beard as he saw the Badger rimming that well spunked tail hole and he beckon the newcomer over.

"I've got something a bit more needy for you!" Konu heard the older Satyr's call and turned his head, his whiskers sticky with his own musky spunk. As he saw that huge erection between the old Goat's thighs. He got up and practically galloped over to him, skidding to his knees before the older male.

"Yes master anything!" He proclaimed, not even waiting for an answer, as he began fawning and suckling all over those massive white balls and thick rigid dick before his muzzle. Basically worshiping that huge cock and those mighty balls as he debased himself before the Goat man.

"Hehuhe..." The horny old stud chuckled in his deep gravelly voice and began rolling his hip's. Humping that long wobbly cock in and out of the Badgers smooth furry lip's. "I do enjoy an eager cock sucker..." He rumbled as he took a long drink from the full wine skin... then dribbled a bit down onto the shaft of his cock... They rested on his shaft for all of a second, before the Badger's long pink tongue lapped them away. Konu churred at the taste of the strong sweet wine, and the salty musky taste of the old males well used and big cock on his tongue. He grabbed those huge Goat balls dangling beneath it like a pair of boulders and tugged them firmly. Rubbing them against each other and stretching them out. The Badger wrapped his lips around the head of the Goat man's cock and suckled it! Probing his cock slit with his tongue and tasting the powerful remnants of his piss still inside from him having recently emptied his bladder. It only added to the taste on the Badger's fawning tongue. "Hehuhe..." The old Goat chuckled again as he watch the enjoyment on the Badgers muzzle, then reach down and pulled that muzzle off his cock. Shoving the neck of the wine skin into the Badgers mouth instead, giving him a long drink of the powerful wine, before smiling down at him. "So your quite the slut... too act like this without the magic dulling your mind and firing your loins..." He smirked as the Badgers eyes flickered up at him... Konu's ears started to flatten for a moment, as the wine skin was stuffed into his mouth. But he swallowed the sweet potent drink down regardless.

But his ears did flatten completely when the Goat man spoke, insinuating he knew the Badger was acting. He didn't say anything, hoping the old Goat meant something else. Trying to go back to those big cock and balls without giving away his secret. But at the same time readying himself to deal with any problem that might arise from this. "Its ok..." The old Satyr whispered with a leering smile... "Some males just like the way we treat'em... I've had my share of lonely shepherd boys..." The white beard took the wineskin back and swallowed a long drink from it. "Magic's fine fer them towners... but I like someone who really enjoys cock..." He explained with a sly smirk. "So do you want my cock?" Konu smirked... so not every Satyr thought only with his balls.

"Yes, I do want your cock!" He stated firm and truthfully. "I want every single inch of it down my throat, filling my belly." "I want your cock so deep in my guts I could swallow your balls." Konu growled still keeping up the sluttish act, as he nuzzled and sucked at the head of that old but still strong cock. "Them younger male cocks are fine enough." He growled. "But a big well aged, well used monster like this... Ammm that's my kind of cock meat." He chuckled licking and tonguing the old Satyr's balls.

"Hahah you had me at yes!" The old Goat snorted, as he guided his length between those soft furry lip's. And humped the Badgers muzzle a few time good and hard. "And if you can I'd love to feel my cock and ball's both in your mouth..." He assured pulling back and smearing pre-cum over the Badgers wide nose playfully. "I understand... them young bucks get to eager... but I'll fill your belly right proper!" The white bearded Satyr promised as he poured more wine over his big pink member and shoved it back in that waiting mouth! Konu opened his mouth and throat as wide as he could get it. On his left index finger, the snake ring there flared to life and his jaws unhinge imperceptibly. And take in that huge cock without so much as a gag. The magic of the ring stopped his gag reflex, and allowed his jaws to stretch wider than they normally would. The Badger able to take that thrusting cock all the way down to the root, so that his nose was pushing the Goat's sheath back. And his tongue was slurping those large balls up into his mouth. So that his teeth were pressed beneath that huge sack, and on top of that massive cock pinching them together. As the Badger's throat and tongue swallowed and slurped all over the Satyr's massive tackle.

"By the gods!" The old Satyr moaned as first his long thick cock vanished into that hot tight throat... and then his big dangling ball's were lapped up over the lip. And suddenly his whole package was within that warm wet fawning mouth. His big ball's being rolled around within their sack by the Badgers strong tongue, and that black and white striped muzzle pressed his sheath flat back against his groin. "I'd have never believed it..." The old Stayr moaned. "Magic you must have..." The old studs voice trailed off as the looked down sharply, and he moved to take a step back... The suction from Konu's throat held him fast, the Badger's throat and gullet began to undulate like a snake's swallowing a large lump of prey. It stretched his junk out from his groin and worked it over, squeezing and milking his balls and shaft deeper and deeper into Konu's throat. Two large bumps appeared in the Badger's neck as the balls were sucked into it with the Satyr's cock. Konu moved his head deeper, keeping the root of the Satyr's big cock almost painfully tightly stretched. As he sucked and kept his lips pressed against that furry sheath. It was intense and maddening all at the same time. Konu as close as he was, heard a gentle pop deep inside the old Satyr's groin, a tendon somewhere breaking. The old Goat man was standing there wide legged starring down open mouthed at the kneeling Badger!

Konu kept up his continual sucking the older Goat's well used prick. He never let up, in fact sucked harder as he heard deep encouraging pops coming from the Goat man's groin.

"Oho Uhu Oho Uhu Uhu UHUUUUUU!" The old Satyr moaned and grunted as the pleasure between his legs the pleasure of that suckling mouth grew more and more intense. A few moments later, Konu received the reward for his diligent and powerful sucking. As with a soft, meaty ripping noise the Goat man's junk was quite literally vacuumed off. And swallowed entirely whole, his cock and both testicles being pulled loose from his body by the Badger's powerful magically enhanced throat and suction. Pleasure and pain intermingling within his mind and loins them as the Badger pulled away the old Goat squealed.

"Dear God!" He staggered as the holes in his ruined groin fountained blood... Konu pulled back, licking his lips as the holes in the satyr's ruined groin fountained blood, the badger mercifully slapping one of his custom healing patches over the wound so that the satyr did not bleed to death. "That... that was almost better than a orgassss..." The old Satyr passed out and flopped face down on the ground as the healing patches did their work saving his now forever changed live.

It took Konu a few heavy swallows to get everything down to his stomach, his throat bulging like a snake's with a big meal. He felt that cock and balls drop into his stomach and felt it churn with a massive dose of natural magic. This older Satyr's genitals had been steeped in his magic over the years, and Konu's body was absorbing it. It felt very strange, but Konu found the dose of powerful magic to be invigorating and energizing. He wondered if it would garner him any advantages against the final satyrs left in the glade. The Badger heard a soft moan and followed it over to the far side of the glade, where two very young Satyr's lay together. Clearly these were the most inexperienced of the band and had ended up bottoming for the big gray donkey who lay intoxicated beside them. The trio were all still very deep in their cup's and the two Satyr's were just barely conscious...

Seeing the two Satyrs were young and inexperienced, Konu had little doubt they'd be easy to deal with. He saw that they were still out of it, and decided to use that against them. Squeezing in between them gently and taking their cocks in his paws, he started to pump them off. The Badger's muscular digits worked over their young and quickly rock hard shafts. Even as the two satyrs remained heavily drunken and barely aware that anything was happening.

"Ooooooooooo..." The Goat boi in Konu's big right paw moaned, as his rock hard cock began to drool all over the Badgers fingers and the Satyr began to hump that big paw. While the Goat boi in his left paw made no sound, nor moved, his cock swelled and throbbed bigger and hard. Its pointed tip glistening with a single clear diamond like sparkle of pre-cum... Konu rubbed their tips together and continued to stroke them. The Badger was planning on other ways of dealing with these two. His stomach was already bulging with his previous meals, there was no way he'd be able to eat anything else for awhile. He stroked faster on their surprisingly large young cocks, working them over from all sides and with different strokes. Finally he got to his knees and gently moved the boys into a 69 position, moving their slurring mouths down onto each other's cocks and helping them start to suck each other. The two sex hungry Satyr boys, even drunk started to suck on each other instantly. Tasting their hard musky flesh on their tongues.

"MMMMMMMMGH." The pair moaned together as those long hard cocks slid into eager mouth's... And the two Goat boi's began suckling on each other compliantly. Young strong male bodies beginning to wither and hump against each others face. As they're natural lusts took over and hot willing mouths on hard needy cock fired them up.

Konu watched them giving their heads a bob now and again, reaching his paws under their balls to lift and squeeze them in his paws, rolling them and helping to keep the boys going. He watched them bobbing and sucking on each other, wondering if they'd be so eager were they not so drunk. Knowing Satyr's as he did Konu figured they would. He'd seen Satyrs go from humping a compliant male, to doing a female in less than 30 seconds. They were all bisexual or at least just fucking horny all the time. He enjoyed making these two young males blow each other in their drunken stupor. And his paws began to get harder and rougher with their balls with each passing moment, starting to twist and tug on them mercilessly as they sucked each other. The young Goat boi's grunted and moaned softly, as they're fat magically potent ball's were twisted and tugged on roughly. But this only seemed to fuel the fire in their loins and the pair began to hump a bit faster and harder against each others face. The one on the right, perhaps a bit more sober opened his eye's and peered around blearily... looking up at the big Badger meekly. Konu just grinned at him, knowing that even if he wasn't as drunk as his partner was, there wasn't a lot of cognitive ability in those eyes.

However the Badger decided to deal with him first, as he was most likely to make noise. And it would be muffled by the other boi's cock in his mouth. Konu started squeezing down very hard on his testicles. Since he only had one paw to work with, Konu had to focus on one testicle at a time. He began grinding his thumb into the middle of the tough, yet tender nut. The youth of the Goat bois having kept their nuts from getting hard and huge like the adults, but they were still very hefty and full. It was a simple matter, when Konu thought about it. To drill his claw tipped fingers through the Satyr's right nut, and split it into pieces. Not so much mush as just split apart into big chunks. The first Satyr's sagging half closed eye's popped open wide, as his first ball was pinched. That sharp claw tip driving into it... pinching it in half...

"MEMEMEEE..." The young Satyr squealed around his mouth full of cock... his lip's kissing the furry sheath of the second Satyr. As the pain made his pearly white teeth clench sharply. Konu swiftly switched nuts on the Goat boi, repeating the process on his other fat testicle! Leaving him with a jewel pouch full of shards, instead of the previous large round eggs that had filled it! Simultaneously, Konu's other paw was working on the other young Satyr's bulging balls. These though larger, did not seem as hard as the first Satyr's nuts had been. As Konu worked his left testicle between those claw tipped fingers. It suddenly collapsed and squirted through his fingers like squeezing a wad of clay. With a sickening 'Squeelckt' noise of nut matter being reduced to gooey paste. Konu felt the semi-conscious Goat boi jerk as the Badger destroyed his nut, and wasted no time in grabbing the other one! Pinching it like a zit between his thick powerful claw tipped fingers. It popped easier than Konu would have imagined, the big testicle just exploding into liquid and small gummy blobs inside the hairy sack. The big Badger smiled as his fingers squeezed and fondled that slick paste.

"Oooooo..." The second more drunken Goat man moaned as his first nut exploded easily... and those sharp teeth sheared into his big pink shaft... The pain making his own jaws clench... and the first Satyr squeal longer and louder as his own cock received the same treatment! The two young Satyr's twisting and tossing their heads from side to side as both their second nuts were destroyed. Bloody mouths coming away from furry sheath with the contents... leaving bloody gaping wounds behind! Konu snickered at his plan working out so perfectly, as the drunk Goat bois decocked each other as he busted their fat balls. That done the Badger rubbed their throats make them swallow, gulping down each other's dicks whole. Konu stood up the glade clear now of Satyrs, but his eyes lingered down to the Donkey at his feet. Temptation was tugging at him vigorously, now the thick half hard black Burro burrito. Between the Donkey's thighs a tantalizing morsel even though the Badger was full. The big equine slumbered deeply... but his thick black cock was still shiny and wet from the pleasure he'd had the night before. And the Badger's smile widen as he stood there contemplating the musky male goodness that lay before him... "Well it is a long road... and I could always use a snack later on." Konu rationalized as he slipped over between the Donkey's leg's, and pushed them out a little wider.

The Badger was a greedy one, even he was thinking that as he reached out and started to stroke and rub that thick black equine salami between the sleepy Donkey's legs. He cupped that big velvety pouch in his other paw, the orbs too large to fit in one paw; they spilled out to either side of his palm unless he grasped one fruit or the other. Konu tugged at that cock, watching it stretch and slowly harden, still slick and very warm under the Badgers paw. The Badger leaned down to lick and nuzzle at that swelling head, trying to get it hard. He didn't try to take more than the blunt tip into his mouth. As full as he was Konu didn't want to let anything 'escape' accidentally if he gagged. His magical snake ring was spent, it's powers used up for the moment until it recharged. So it was with Konu's own prowess that he suckled and licked at that growing head. The Donkey snorted and nickered in his sleep... dreams of the two Goat boys taking turns on his fat cock filling his head. Even as between his legs that big potent organ surge to floppy half erection quickly, those heavy orb's churning with fresh seed. The Donkey was having a very good dream and clear pre-cum began to ooze freely from the big blunt head of his fat black cock... Konu tasted that musky pre wash over his tongue, enjoying the subtle flavors it brought to his palette. There were so many tasty things one could do with an equines penis! He nibbled at the tip, just for a teasing sensation to the Donkey. As he looked around the glade to see if he could find what he would need for this. The only thing nearby was the Donkey's own belt. It would have to do... leaning down Konu grabbed it and made a loop in it. Fitted it around the base of the Donkey's fat cock. He pulled it tight as he could once the dick was hard, and it stiffened to steel hardness as the blood was trapped inside. There was little room under the belt to cut between it and the donkey's body, but Konu could work with that.

There was a small boot knife on the ground, presumably belonging to one of the Satyrs. He picked it up and found that it tingled with deadly magic... hot magic. Something to do with flame and fire, Konu could tell. Certainly not something most Satyrs would make, but perhaps it had been pilfered. It would do nicely the big Badger thought as the Donkey whickered and rolled back and forth slightly, as his dreams turned darker. One of the grinning little Goat men climbed up onto his fat prick, and impaled himself on it. The Satyr's hot little hole was shockingly tight around his thick organ, and the little Goat man grinned down wickedly at him as he seemed to squeeze even harder. Making the big gray Donkey bray and buck as the pleasure/pain filled his senses. Konu took the belt in his teeth and pulled it as tight as he could. Holding it that way as he touched the blade of that magical knife to the Donkey's crotch. As it touched skin smoke instantly began to rise up. With a curiously furrowed brow, Konu looked down at the wound. That smooth soft skin looked blackened... like it was burnt! Konu touched the blade to the grass making it smoldered, he quickly tapped it against his own finger pad. It was very hot... he didn't know why a small blade would be enchanted in such a way. He could only figure that the heat made it cut better, but he wasn't about to stop. He put the knife back against that smooth male flesh and began to saw back and forth through the root of the Donkey's cock. The smell of cooking flesh began to fill Konu's nose and waft over the glade as smoke rose up from the big Donkey's crotch. His fat black cock started to stretch the more Konu cut into it. Not a single drop of blood escaping as the knife's heat seared the wound closed as it cut. Konu's pulling on it with the belt, made the cock stretch out as its base was sliced through. Suddenly the Badger seemed to pull to hard and the last strips of flesh were torn loose. And a bit of blood oozed out of the severed base, but Konu touched it with the knife and burned it closed. That fat Donkey cock dangled from Konu's mouth, by the belt it was tied with. Still hard and full of blood, even still dripping left over pre-cum from its head.

"EEEHEHEHEE..." The Donkey squealed, as the grinning Satyr in his dream seemed to glow as if on fire, and the equine could feel the heat. That tight anal ring was now on fire around his fat cock, the Donkey's hips bucked and thrashed trying to get rid of his rider. Until at last with a searing pain the little Goat man leaped off and ran away... The Donkey sighed with relief and rubbed himself, but no matter how he stroked or tugged he just couldn't seem to reach orgasm...

Konu wasn't done yet, he hefted that heavy sack of jewels in his paw. As he set the cock aside and started to work the blade through the neck of that velvety sack. Determined to cut the Donkey's balls off too. Even as he began to fall in love with that little knife, as he doesn't have to worry about string or anything else anymore to tie these organs off with. He can just stretched them out and sliced them off! The Donkey jerked as the hot blade sliced through his left testicle cord with a light sizzle, and just as quickly peels through his right one and out the other side of the sack! Leaving a bright red raw wound where the balls used to be! He's nulloed... left with nothing but a empty sagging sheath between his legs! Where his mighty maleness had once been hung so powerfully. The Donkey clutched at his denuded groin, even in his sleep aware he's lost something very important! He rolled over to get away... but is much to late!

The sun was setting and the moon on the rise, the village down below sat sullen. Awaiting the nightly assault of that magical music that stole away its citizens. But the late evening air remained silent, the hill top unlit by blazing firelight and raucous laughter... Konu stands up, a cool breeze wafting in and blowing his naked fur about. He's sweaty, and stinking of Satyr sex and cum. He walked to his clothes and gathers them up, leaving the now harmless Satyrs and the villagers to wake up on their own. He walks slowly down to the stream, and takes a quick bath. Getting redressed he swaggers back into town, the Donkey's cock and balls tucked away in his cloak pockets for later cooking and eating. It's turned out to be a very pleasant night so far, the sky clear and the air cool and light. The Badger's spirits are high as he sidles back into town. Eager to return to the town authorities to let them know their troubles are over. The town is silent, doors locked up... windows shuttered tight even the Inn is dark and closed off. The Badger makes his way to the mayors barber shop, and pounds on the door loudly. Until the door opens a crack and a very nervous looking Hog stares out at him. "Errr... Your back... so... Ummm is it?"

"It's done." Konu assures with a lewd smile. "Those Satyrs will trouble neither you, nor anyone else every again." He smirked. "They are dealt with in the most punishing of ways for their kind." He looks rather proud of himself, though he uses his voluminous cloak to hide his bulging belly. Not wanting the mayor to wonder why he was suddenly fat.

"Well done... well done..." The Pig grumbles clearly afraid the Badger will ask for money now, but still his eyes flicker around. "Here take this to the Inn." He grunted shoving his bronze medallion through the crack in the door. "I believe Tab the Inn keep generally hides in his cellar..." He grunted. "He'll give you a room free of charge for the night..."

"Thanks I could use a good nights sleep!" Konu grunted feeling full and drowsy.


Weights and Measures... Studying late a little Mouse nerd is interrupted by a gang of drunken Frat Jocks with a Question that requires Weights and Measures

Weights and measures The nerdy little rodent starred hard at the small black writing on the page. Forcing his beady little eyes to focus on it, Toby was studying...

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Honeys not so Quiet night...

Done for a certain big straight Bull friend who loves...

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