The Challenge...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#46 of Charns tales...

The Challenge...

"For me... and I guess this is just my old age and experience speaking..." The big Tiger droned sounding slightly down. "I guess just gelding some dumb fur isn't such a big deal, anymore..." Charn sat back in his seat and starred off into the distance. "I mean you geld thousands of males, eventually it kinda gets routine..." "Ya know?"

"Awwww getting jaded... huh." The big stallion grunted as he took a long pull off the beer bottle in his hand.

"Maybe... I mean unless you know there's something special about it..." He paused. "Like, you know tricking a particularly well hung male into giving up his balls... or turning a fella in love with his cock into a pride less sex toy for someone else..." He considered a moment more. "No... maybe jaded isn't the right term, just more... hmmmmm... involved." "I mean anyone can cut off a pair of balls... it's the balls and who they are attached to that matter."

"Yep... someone who's done it and knows the in's and out's I agreed completely." The big stallion smirks thinking of the dozen gelding house bois he's got!

"That's why I like you..." The Tiger confessed. "You have no problem displaying for me just what you got, and how much it means to you!"

"Personally I like powerful furs... weary... street wise furs to cut ya know no easy virgins." The Horse admitted.

"Wait... you mean YOU like to cut furs?" The Tiger grunted a little shocked, he'd known the stallion liked to collect gelded boi toys but...

"Heh..." "Where did ya think I got all my house bois?" The older stallion smirked.

"I thought you had one of your pred friends cut them for ya!" The Tiger admitted, suddenly wondering why the stallion had him around...

"Hahaha... that's what a number of preds use to think..." The stallion smirked gloatingly.

"Well, I am proud of ya." The Tiger grunted playing the naïve fan boy. "How do you do it?" "I mean, how do you lure them in... or do you not need a lure, being as big as you are?" The teased, as the stallion sits out a Lion sausage.

"Well I have different ways of course... I tailor my approach to each new conquest."

He explains as the Tiger takes the sausage, slicing it and putting pieces of it on crackers. His erection thick and hard dangling from his sheath now. He loooves eating Lion dick!

"Tell me about this Lion." Charn requests as he savors the heady taste.

"Oh... heheh him..." The stallion smirked as he watched the Tiger enjoy the meat. "He came in here with on a red carpet... treated like the king." "I wined, dined and let him up my rump... then once he drifted off tied and awoke him." "He was very loud and demanding right up until... I made him a neutered cub." The big horse chuckled.

"Mmmmmmm..." Charn savored each slice, listening and approving; cock drooling a strand of glittery pre. "Delicious... there's nothing Quite like convincing a proud, alpha male to let you tie him up!" "And then that first time you have his balls in your paw, and you are looking him in the eyes..." The big Tiger shivered. "Yeah, when the control shifts into your court... and he knows it!" Charn snickers rubbing himself absently. "Tell me about the next one?" He requested.

"The next one... was kinda boring... he was a younger stallion actually." "Beat me in every game we played at the gym... could have easily over powerful me physically." "But I out thought him... got him to agree to a test of male hoods." "I clamped him into a steel frame work... telling him it was so if he fainted he wouldn't get hurt." "Then he discovered the test was a sharp one... Hahahah gives dumb jocks a bad name." The big roan stallion smirked. "Its amazing the things you can talk a over proud male into doing..."

"Ammm Hmmmm." The Tiger agreed, shifted in his seat trying to control his arousal. "Sometimes yes, yes it is... you got any more to eat?" The big stud reaches around the big feline rubbing his leaking organ gently, as he hands Charn some nice testicle Pâté. "The Wolf who answered the door... how did you get him?"

"Now that really was no challenge at all... I used this kitchen block actually." The Horse explained as he fondled the felines stiff organ a bit more. "I got him intimidated because he needed work, and so he agreed to let me pump his rump..." "Once he was bend over the block, like so..." The big stud moves over to demonstrate the wolf's position. "All I had to do was trigger the spring loaded cheese slicer... Hahaha!" Charn eyed that cheese slicer, which he could turn on easily. His erection throbbing, as he thinks about what it would do to the horse's huge, round, tight balls. His musk fills the air, sexual and alluring, as he scoops the Pâté up with crackers and slurps it off.

"I bet that was quite startling..." He snickers. "I admit, I've been wanting for some time to take a large equine friend of mine to the zoo." "I'd like to show him to the feral Tigers... he's always expressed a desire to have sex with one of them." "Do you think that would be too naughty?" The Tiger asks teasingly, knowing the sly equine would understand the hidden meaning and sly innuendo. The big stud gives no sign of understanding, but slides both hands over the Tiger's leaking organ. As he pushes Charn gently back against the counter... taking a number of thin cock slice out for him to scoop Pate with.

"Yes he was very startled its fun to see that at times..." He lifts the big feline up so Charn is sitting on the counter top, and he can nuzzle the felines hard on. "Tigers at the Zoo... heheh that would be naught, but in a good way!" The horse licks that dripping tool, as he maneuvers the Tigers rump into a hole in the counter top. Unconcerned Charn dips the slices, erection hot and hard as steel against the stud's lips as he sits on the counter. His balls just a bit to big to fit into that hole, they would have to be pushed through one by one.

"I think it's always... very stimulating to see something proud and beautiful... devoured by something bestial." He purred, his dick dripping intoxicatingly virile male musky, the tiger seemingly unaware of the stallion's intentions. "I need to find a glory hole." He muses... playing cat and mouse... both enjoying the game. Hunter going after the most dangerous game another cutter!

"Glory hole..." The Horse smirks, liking the idea of it. "I know one close by..." He explains seeing those orbs to big and plump with stud juice to fit into his trap. " A certain club I happen to ow... go to from time to time." He shivers in suppressed desire wanting badly to add this trophy to his collection. Charn slides forward, off of the counter, nuts tugging free of their wedging in that hole. And sliding forward to slap against the horse's own, which are only slightly bigger.

"Oh yeah... you think they're still open, this late at night?" He drags his fingers down the stud's chest, his other moving to wrap around the trunk of that mighty cock; and giving it a warm squeezing tug. "I'd just looove to get them off..."

"Oh I bet you would..." "It's late but I think they'd still be open." Grunts in pent up lust. as that big deadly paw tugs at his massive cock getting the paw and wrist wet with equine pre. "Ya I'm feeling the same way myself..."

"Lead the way, stallion... you mind taking your car?" Charn asks tugging on the stud's big cock, as his own juts hard into the horse's belly. The big Tiger stroking the stud easily as his shaft stains the equines fur. "Maybe we'll both get off, there..." "Heh... I'm hopin' to get my mouth around some nice big stallion."

"Oh some hot young stud... I can understand that." Plays dumb, wondering if the Tiger is playing at the same game he is. But trusting his experience and wisdom to keep his valuables safe. As he dragged the feline along by that hard cock, keeping Charn hot and bothered. Knowing he'd be more likely to make a mistake like that! "Both get what we want... maybe..." "I'm looking for some nice big Dom stud myself!"

"Oh yeah?" "You looking to get your butt stuffed, little pony?" Charn teases, hunches into the horse's big hand playfully. Strong, powerful strokes, grinding his maleness into that gripping fist as if trying to penetrate it. The bar is really too far, but they get there. Slipping into the doors just as they lock them to outside company. It being the weekend, it is expected some of the patrons will be... staying the night. The Tiger sees another tiger, similar in build to himself, in passing. And gives him a wink.

"So where are these Glory Holes, slut?" The stallion smirks at the felines dominant manner... he'd used that before and gotten what he wanted.

"If I can find the right cock... sure I love it up my rump." Cameron admits freely using the pre they are both dripping to lube his hand, as he strokes leading the Tiger on. Noticing the other Tiger only in passing, failing to take real notice of him. "Right up these stairs by the private offices..."

The other Tiger was smoking a cig, but at hearing the horse talking about how he'd like to be plowed. The big feline takes notice... and quietly follows the pair up stairs. Charn notices and smiles looking to the stalls.

"Seems pretty straight forward..." He grunts watching a Badger leave one. "I'm gonna head into the one on the end... gonna grab a quick drink first tho'." "Good luck... Happy hunting." The big feline smirks leaving to allow the horse to choose his own stall.

"Oh ok... sure good hunting, come to think of it I'll take a quick leak first." He grunts starting the other way, but when he sees Charn leave smiles. ‘Could it be so easy...' Quickly he slips into the stall nearest the end... waiting and watching for his pred prey. Having to suck a goat off first, but that only makes him harder and more excited. Until at last he sees striped fur on the other side of the hole, a fanged mouth is shown first. But the stud slips a note through saying... ‘I want to take it...' And a huge feline penis slips through the rough glory hole.

Charn smiles as he sees his double go into the booth he'd stated he wanted! Moving up he tries to open the door, and finds it locked. He snickers, hearing moans come from with in. The cock was if anything MORE of a trophy than the one Cameron was playing with in the car. Huge and thick, the hole nearly not big enough for it. The Tiger goes to the stall on the other side, pushing the door open with his shoulder. Only to find a Bull on the other side jerking his mighty meat and waiting for some action. He grins, fangily, shutting and locking the door behind him. ‘Well, he had a few minutes to kill, while the horse was having fun with the other tiger.' "Hey stud..." He eyed those huge pendulous Bull balls. "Nice sac... can I suck it?" The bull smiles... and spread his knee's to give the Tiger room.

"Hell yeah." The big bovine smirks, spreading his thighs and sitting back. He'd been afraid no one would want to play. It was very late and he was just watching the show in the next stall!

Cameron secures the huge feline cock and balls, hardly believing it... they look even bigger now than before! Quickly he began licking and muzzling them, as he lay out his tools. Getting the big feline near the peak, but holding back teasing him; making him desperate to cum as the horse gets ready.

Charn smirked; the Bull would be excellent practice... as he pushes the bull's eye to look through the glory hole. To watch the horse toying with the cat's huge, leaking, oozing, dripping cock head and the balls that Cameron had just barely managed to squeeze through. Huge and furry, they dangle like oranges over the glory hole's wall. The big bovine watches, hardly noticing as the Tiger wraps his fingers around his long erection. Jerking the Bull off, as he slowly begins to gnaw and slurp on his low hanging testes. Gulping them down easily, he practices on swallowing around them.

"Dammnnn this guys a real freak... got some stud cat all tied up lip rapin' his junk somethin' fierce!" The big Bull grunted softly, unwittingly giving Charn a play by play as he watches... So turn on by the voyeurism he's not paying the Tiger between his legs any attention at all. As long as he's being jerked off...

"Ammmmm." The big stallion moans as he slips his razor knife up with one hand. Spreading powerful narcotic gel around the base of the Tigers package, with his other hand. The big feline would feel vague tugging but no pain...

Charn grunts, slurping up that long length, chewing at the base easily, softly. Both paws wrap around the Bull's big beef stick as he listens. His own cock hard, leaking, as he's sure the horse is as well.

The Tiger humps the wall, balls slapping it as he grunts at cool the gel, but he can't say anything. Or the horse might realize he's not the Tiger he thinks he is. So he flexes his cock, jerking it up and down, slinging hot feline pre over the horses forehead and muzzle. "Ammmmmmmmm." Cameron moans licking more wildly at that spurting organ, as it wets his muzzle. His big equine cock is aching so bad now from sexual excitement, ha can't help jacking it with one hand. Even as he works his knife through the cats huge junk... he was neutering a predator neuterer and it was soooo fucking hot!!!

"Fuck he's really workin' that kitty over now!" The big Bull breaths very excited and very near cumming. "Yeah slurp it!" He moans muzzle pressed to the glory hole intent on the act, but stunned by what he was now seeing! The Bull's moans can be heard by the horse, no doubt someone to offer him relief, afterwords maybe? Hearing the excited bovine's words, Cameron glances back at the hole... seeing a leathery black nose and flat bovine teeth! Instantly thinking that would be a good place to finish himself off, now that he had finished nutting his Tiger buddy! His need growing to a mind numbing state, as he sawed and hacked away at the Tigers package...

The huge, hot, heavy cat junk comes off without a hitch... and without a twitch either! As the cat is neutered without so much as a single spurt of cum. Five or so pounds of prime kitty package flops free of the hole - and there is a startled gasp from the other side! As the denuded predator realizes what has happened, the narcotics take him down before he makes it to the door. The Bull is so stunned; he doesn't feel the pinch to his scrotum! Or hear the gulping sound as his testes are safely stowed away!

"UUUUUUUUUUU!" The Bull grunt in shock as he watches the felines big package lifted away! As on the other side of the wall the Tiger faints quietly from the narcotics effects. "My god he jus..." The big Bull grunts, looking down to discover that his massive orbs have vanished! The shock of what he's seen too much for him and he blacks out!

"Hoooo yeah..." Cameron quickly stands up, play with his prize a bit. As he lustfully shoves his huge super hard on through the hole for the bull to suck. "Ya wanted up my rump..." He whispers playfully to that huge Tiger cock, licking it playfully... "Well here ya go..." The Horse taunts, slowly sliding it up his soft pink rump hole. Thinking that the big predator would never get to do this kinda thing again! Charn smirks as he grips the stallion's maleness, pulling it the rest of the way through the stall wall. Pushing the unconscious Bull out of the way with his feet. Fingers curl around the heavy ball sack, and he pulls that in as well. Strong fingers Grip, and Tug the horse's balls down, as he finishes swallowing the Bull's! They splash it his belly juices, soon to be turned into more Tiger meat. He licks the broad blunt equine cock head, imitating the Bull's low gravelly voice, as best as possible.

"Hot stick here... want me to swallow it?"

"Ummmm." Cameron grunts at the Bull's lustful tugging on his aroused stallion hood. But not bothered by it in the least... not noticing that the tongue licking him was rougher than a bovine tongue really should be! "You damn right... take it all, and get ready to swallow!!!" The ‘bull' swallows Cameron down easily, the Bull's balls having stretched Charn's mouth and throat wide enough to even take the horse whole! Warmth and wetness grip Cameron's length all the way down to the root. With one long slurping gripping slurp, and the Tiger is careful not to let him feel teeth. Fingers knead and stroke and tug on those heavy balls, feeling and pinching at the cords with his fingertips.

The cat's dissever cock is so stiff, the tied off length not having lost any of it's firmness. The heavy balls dangle underneath, like a second pair of the horse's own, brushing against his inner thighs. Huge balls bouncing as the stallion thrusts, even as Charn prepares to swallow! The big stud moans and bucks back and forth onto the huge hard cock up his ass, and into the hot bovine mouth servicing his needy cock! Hardly believing how good the Bull is at taking cock down his throat! The dangling tiger ball's slapping a soft rhyme on his butt as he fucks himself with them gloating about his conquest! "Who's the best... who's the master... who's the cutter and who's the neutered fuck hole?" Cameron gloats, thinking of all the taunts he would use on his new neutered fuck kitty!

Charn presses his fangs against the root of the horse's massive maleness, sharp enamel against harder, thick cock flesh. Fingers curl around the swollen balls, and claws extend, tracing over them. So juicy, so prime... his fangs press lightly, as they situate themselves... And then he began to CHEW into the horse's hard flesh!

"HHHUUUUUUUUUU..." Moans as that hot suckling mouth swallows his cock right down to the root. "Ohooo yeah get it off!" The stallion moans in pleasure... then he feels those needle sharp points pressing into his root! "Wha... that's no bull!!!" The big horse tries to pull back at once, but only manage to get those sharp claws to rip into the soft flesh of his nut sac! "Ahahahhh Charn?" He whimpers softly... already knowing the answer! But to stunned to fully believe it! He hears a wicked chuckle, as the big Tiger feasts on his long throbbing cock! Making it a game out of it, swallowing while he chews... abusing and fondling that stud sac at the same time! The huge cat cock in Cameron's ass is pulled tighter by his own clenching muscles, big fuzzy balls the only think keeping his tail hole from swallowing it completely! The big stallion lays weakly against the stall wall, as the big predator has his fun! Then slowly slides down it as there is nothing left to keep him up right! Laying muzzle down, big beautiful butt up! On the cold tile, he can see the unconscious Bull... now a steer lying on the floor in the next stall! Stunningly the Tiger had got a two fer... Then his stall door is opened, and that big feline organ is yanked from within him. Only to be instantly replaced with a much hotter harder one! The new gelding hears a soft lewd chuckle, as he head is lifted. "Never mess with the best... now clean this off... slut!" Charn orders shoving the dissevered Tiger cock into his mouth! Weakly the newly gelded Cameron licked and sucked the green smear off as Charn rides him savagely! "Good little geldie!" Charn snickers taking the freshly cleaned organs and slowly devouring them as he uses his new fuck boi!


From King to Queen

From King to Queen Cam swaggered down the hall of his high school like he owned it. In a sense as the school's quarterback, and water polo team captain he did. The big broad shouldered Tiger was the de facto king. He was also...

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