The Grove of Life

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Grove of Life

By William W. Kelso

She was fed up, she had finally had enough. First she had fled to this new land to avoid the depredations of man, but even here they would not leave her and those she protected in peace. Though the Sacred Grove was still isolated and well hidden it seemed that almost every day man came a little closer. And now they were in her woods in greater numbers than ever before. But enough, though it was not her way she would strike back in order to protect that which was hers. But unlike man she would not destroy or kill, but instead would bend those who trespassed to her service in atonement for their sins. And already she had found the first who must pay.

Bobby stalked through the woods carefully, often stopping to look and listen for any signs of the big buck. He was positive he'd winged it, and there was blood spoor which he had been following. It was the biggest buck he'd even seen, at least a sixteen pointer. He'd swear he'd made a good hit, but you never knew sometimes. He'd seen heart or lung shot deer go for amazing distances before dying. The fact he was poaching didn't bother him any, screw the Feds, these were his woods. His family had been ridge runners ever since the war with the damn Yankees, and damned if any govt. man was going to tell them what they could and couldn't do. Be a cold day in Hell before that would happen. He'd been tracking the buck for hours now though, and was just about to give up when he suddenly saw it break from cover and dash across a small clearing. You're mine! He thought, and kept following.

She watched as the hunter pursued the sorely wounded buck. The buck would have fallen before now, but she gave him strength. The buck would lead the man to the grove, and there the man would be in her power. She was not human, but was what could best be called a Nymph, or Dryad to be more exact, a spirit of nature. She drew her strength from the earth and growing things, and in return gave them her care. As with all her kind she lived in a symbiotic relationship with a great oak, and so long as it lived she would stay with it, when it died she would find another home. Normally a gentle and secretive entity that was about to change. It was time to fight back.

Bobby was getting really irritated with the damn buck; it should have dropped long ago! From the amount of blood it must almost be bled out by now, but it kept going and he was too stubborn to give up the chase. He was an experienced hunter, and had never had a deer led him on such a long chase before. It had led him way up in the hills into an area he didn't remember having ever been in before. He'd heard legends about haunted hollows and spirits and such, but he was a modern man and prided himself as not believing in them old wives tales. Just a bunch of hooey made up to frighten little kids around campfires. Besides, he had his trusty 30.06 Springfield, and was a crack shot. Any haunt shows up and he'd blow its balls off.

She watched as the great buck staggered into the Sacred Grove, and with a gentle touch she gave it freedom from its pain. With a soft groan it settled to the ground and fell over, and she crouched and gently stroked its noble head. Goodbye old friend she thought, tears in her eyes. Then hearing the hunter approaching she turned and faded into the shadows.

Bobby broke through the underbrush and suddenly found himself in a small clearing surrounded by the biggest oaks he'd seen. They must be hundreds of years old, he thought. He'd never have found this hollow if it hadn't been for the trail of blood the buck had left. It had led through a narrow cleft between too steep hills, and then suddenly opened up into a small hollow with this ring of trees in the center. There was even a small spring that seemed to well up right out of the ground in the center of the clearing, and it had a ring of smooth white rocks, quartz, around it. He looked around in wonder, and then turned his attention to the fallen buck. Oh yeah, he thought, that is one Hell of a rack, even bigger then he'd thought, eighteen points! His biggest buck ever! Laying down his rifle he pulled out his knife and bent over the fallen animal; then froze as he heard a voice!

"Hold thy hand man; I would have a word with thee." The Dryad said as she stepped into the light.

She had taken on her most human form, and knew the man would find her most desirable. She was lithe and sensuous with full firm breasts, an ample mound, and long flowing hair. Her eyes were brilliant green, and except for a greenish tint to the highlights in her hair looked entirely human. For all their pretensions and posturing men were animals too, and just as susceptible to a desirable female as any other male in rut.

Bobby rocked back on his heels and stared with his mouth open. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Where had SHE come from? About the last thing he'd ever expected to run into in the deep woods was a beautiful naked woman! He shut his mouth with a smack, and stammered,

"Um, hey there little lady, you, um, lost or something? You need help or anything?"

To Bobby's credit he might be a low life, but he wasn't a rapist. He did his best to avert his eyes from the ravishing woman, and was embarrassed at the reaction in his pants. The fact he could probably "take advantage" of the "poor lady" did not once occur to him, he'd been brought up to respect womenfolk, and even the idea of taking advantage was repugnant.

She walked up to the man who was trying to look away, but not having much luck. She felt no modesty at being nude in front of the man, she had never worn clothes, and modesty was a foreign concept to her, but she knew humans were often embarrassed by their own natural bodies, but had never understood why. But being what she was she had often had animals or men for lovers, so was no stranger to sex. In fact being what she was she needed it. So she was looking forward to coupling with the man, but it would not be just for sex this time. No, he must make retribution. She walked even closer, and he stood up with a look of both uncertainty and lust on his face.

"I am glad you have come to this place man, she said in a soft voice, it has been long since I have had a lover." And she put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a long, slow, very intimate kiss, and as soon as her lips touched his he was hers.

Holy Bejezus, Bobby thought as the incredibly beautiful woman kissed him, and was now undressing him, kissing and caressing him as she did. He weren't no virgin, but he'd never had any lady do this before! Something in the back of his mind told him this wasn't right, that he should be worried, but the rock hardness in his pants told him something else, and it was in charge as far as he was concerned. She started cupping and fondling his balls, Holy Bejezus!

She gently fondled and caressed the now nude mans penis and testicles, and was pleased he was fairly well endowed for a man. He was rock hard and she licked some pre from the tip of his rampant erection, and he gave a deep moan of lust and pleasure. She smiled to herself, it was always so easy. Animals or men, it made no difference, if she desired a mate they all came to her willingly. She took his penis into her mouth and began to gently tongue and suck him, his whole body trembling.

Bobby stood with his head thrown back and his whole body shuddering. Lordy, Lordy, what she was doing? He had never felt anything so good in his life. He reached down and tentatively grasped the back of her head and noticed how clean and fresh she smelled, almost like crushed mint. "Ohhhh,umm" he moaned. He felt like he was going to come any second, he needed to come, but for some reason he couldn't, and the pleasure just kept building. "Uh, uh, uh!" he gasped. When she reached behind his knees and gently pushed him over onto his back he didn't protest, all he wanted was for the pleasure to go on.

She kept sucking and tonguing the man's penis, enjoying herself immensely, for her sex was as natural as breathing, and she never tired of it. Each coupling was as pleasurable as the last for she was insatiable and was not capable of feeling post coupling soreness or satiation, her needs were permanent. She knew the man could reach climax anytime, but she was in control and would not let him until she was ready herself, she had this power over her lovers. But she was not cruel and she knew to deny a male release for too long a period would change his pleasure into pain. So she knew when it was time, and reaching around behind the shuddering mans knees she tripped him and gently lowered him to the ground. Then she straddled him, and lowered herself onto his eager waiting maleness. And leaning forward she began to rock back and forth and up and down in a steady rhythm, and the man bucked and sobbed his lust as he thrust into her. Yes, he was proving to be a most satisfactory lover. But now it was time for him to start to pay for his trespasses. She reached inside of him with her power and it began.

Pa and his brothers ain't never going to believe this! Bobby thought as the lady lowered herself onto his aching cock. She smiled down at him as she impaled herself on his cock, then she leaned forward and put her hands on his shoulders and started to rock back and forth. With a moan he started to thrust up into her as best he could, and reaching up he kneaded and fondled her incredible breasts. He'd never been on the bottom before, but he wasn't about to complain. And this was by far the best fuck he'd ever had, and better yet, was still having. She smiled at him while she rode him, and had the most beautiful green eyes he'd ever seen. He swore he could feel those eyes reaching into him, and felt a lovely warmth began to spread throughout his body.

Good, she thought, he was hers now; body and soul, and the change would be easy and quick, having total control now she started the process. He gave a moan of pain and pleasure even as he kept thrusting into her, but never slowed down. She knew there would be some pain and discomfort; as well as resistance later, but once started it was irreversible. He was hers now, and would be under her care and protection for the rest of his long life. She felt his body start to change and sped up her rhythm, and a short time later brought both of them to incredibly pleasurable orgasms, the first of many. She stayed on top of him a little while longer to let the change take hold, then dismounted and stood up to survey the now visible results.

Bobby gave a moan of pain as he felt his legs start to cramp, must be the hard ground he thought. It got worse, and then faded to a minor discomfort. He pretty much ignored it though; he was concentrating on his partner. "Uggghhh!" he gasped, God he needed to come! He'd never taken this long before! She suddenly sped up and he rammed himself into her as hard as he could, and then came in the most unbelievable powerful orgasm he'd ever experienced. He let out a deep yell of sheer ecstasy as he exploded inside of her, and came and came as his loins voided themselves of all his human seed in order to make way for a new seed that even now was filling his testicles.

She stood and looked down at the man; his seed running down the insides of her thighs. He had leaned back with his eyes closed and a big grin on his face. He was still hard, and as she watched the change progressed, and his penis changed shape as white fur grew to cover his now larger testicles and rapidly forming penis sheath. It was only fitting that he take the place of the great buck he had killed.

Bobby gave a grunt of discomfort and his smile changed to a frown, that felt kind of weird, he thought. Starting to sit up he said "Lady, that was really someth..", and then stopped when he saw his lower body.

"OH MUH GOD!" he blurted out.

His legs, those legs! They couldn't be his! He kicked and the legs kicked, legs covered in grayish-brown and white fur, long slender powerful legs ending in black shiny split hooves. Rising up on his elbows he could see his now completely inhuman genitals, the fur covered testicles and penis sheath, the long pink pointed rampant penis dribbling pre. And the white fur on his lower belly was spreading, moving up his body!

"NOOOOOO!" he screamed, them's DEER legs! What in the hell is happening to me?"

He managed to stagger to his feet, and feeling something on his butt reached around to find he now had a short furry tail that flicked around on its own as he touched it. He looked at the "lady" in horror, she weren't no lady, she was a witch! He knew he had to do something and looked around for his rifle, but it was gone along with all his clothes. He just stood and looked at her in disbelief and growing panic as he felt the spreading fur reach his armpits and start up his neck.

She stood and watched as the man came to understand his predicament, and began to panic. She felt no remorse for what she had done, but did feel sorry for his evident terror, but that would fade soon enough. She watched as the fur spread up his chest and over his shoulders. His terror and panic were increasing so she knew what she had to do, he was ready. She walked up to him and he rolled his eyes in terror, but couldn't pull away. She kissed him again on his still human face, then turning she dropped to all fours and presented herself to him. She knew he could not resist her offer.

Bobby stood trembling as the "lady" walked up to him again, he wanted to run as far and as fast as he could, but his feet; no hooves, felt rooted to the ground. Lordy, Lordy, he thought, what's she going to do to me now? But she just held his head and kissed him again, and he found himself responding to the feel of her lips and tongue in his mouth. He was sorry when she pulled away. He looked down and moaned as the fur spread down his arms. She smiled at him, then turned away and dropped down with her rear facing him, and he felt a sudden surge of lust more intense than anything he'd ever felt before wash over him as he stared at the swollen pink wet lips of her sex. Unable to stop himself he crouched behind her, and reaching down guided his strange new penis into her, and then lunged forward as he mounted her with a groan of pleasure. Giving a deep grunt of lust he started thrusting into her with a steady powerful rhythm, gasping and moaning from the sheer ecstasy. Oh God, he thought, it's never been this good before!

She smiled as she felt the buck mount her, and he was very energetic as he serviced her. She knew he would be a good lover. She lowered her head and gave deep moans of pleasure as he thrust into her and bellowed his own pleasure.

Oh Bejesuz, Bobby thought in growing despair, ah can't stop! He knew what he was doing was speeding up whatever was happening to him, but he didn't want the pleasure to stop, and gave another bellow of lust as he thrust into her even harder. He watched, tears in his eyes, as the fur spread over his arms and then he lost his grip on her shoulders as his hands become hooves and slipped down so he could grasp her around her sides. He felt his face start to push forward as a muzzle formed and his nose became rubbery and wet, changing to a shiny black color. God help me, please! He tried to scream for help, for it to stop, but his now oversized tongue refused to cooperate and he could only give bestial grunts and snorts of pleasure. With muffled popping noises his neck began to thicken and stretch and he felt a growing weight on his head as antlers grew and branched out until they had eighteen points, and the weight now felt natural and normal. As he kept lunging into his mate in agonizing ecstasy, his lust and need still growing and unbearable now in their intensity. The last thing to change was his eyes as they changed from blue human eyes to the large brown soft eyes of an animal. And he threw back his head and belled in ecstasy as he had his first orgasm as a buck. Then with a grunt he dismounted from his mate, and stood and stared around in confusion. He felt strange, like something was wrong, but those thoughts quickly faded.

She felt the change reach its conclusion, and gave a deep moan of pleasure as the buck climaxed deep inside of her, his hot seed triggering her own orgasm as she gasped and moaned in pleasure. It was done. As he slid from her she got to her feet, and turned to face the distressed animal. She gently held his head and rubbed his nose, and her presence; the presence of his mate, helped to calm him. She looked into his simple animal eyes and saw his love for her. The man was gone now, only the buck remained. He might have some small faded memory of once having been something else, but it would cause him no pain. He was larger than she had expected; a truly magnificent specimen of his kind. She knew he would take over the dead buck's harem and keep his does well serviced and safe, and would sire fine fawns. He would also be a regular visitor to the sacred grove as she was one of his mates as well, but all year round instead of just during breeding season. She knew he would be a fine lover. She smiled as he turned away from her and left the grove to start his new life.

She had found her newest victim, but she did not think of them as such. To her they would merely be making retribution in payment for their crimes against her forest and its denizens. They would not be injured or suffer death, but would instead take on more useful forms in which to spend the rest of their lives. That they did not wish to take on these new forms was of no importance, they had no choice.

The man appeared to be a vagabond of some sort. His clothes were non-too clean and his belongings few. She had seen others like him before, they were mostly harmless, but he had dared to enter her domain. He had planted plants in a clearing; of a type she knew induced pleasure and bliss in humans, and had come to harvest his crop. However he would not have the chance. She was waiting for him when he reached the clearing.

Damn the Man, Jerry thought, as he hiked through the woods. Every year he had to move his marijuana "crop" further into the woods. It was like the damn Pigs could smell the stuff. One more bust and he'd go down for a nickel or more at a Federal Pen. He'd done some State time, and that had been bad enough. He smoked most of the weed himself, but had to sell some to his bros to make ends meet. It should be legal man, it don't hurt you or nothing, not like booze. He had almost reached the isolated clearing when a beautiful; NAKED, woman stepped out from behind a tree!

She waited until the man was fairly close before revealing herself. He was muttering to himself, and didn't see her at first. She stepped into the light, and was in her most human form. Her full firm breasts jiggled slightly as she came to a stop and smiled at the surprised look on his face. He was fairly young with scraggly facial hair and an unkempt appearance, but his unwashed smell did not bother her in the least. Many of her other lovers had much more pungent scents.

Jerry stared with his mouth open at the beautiful nude woman who was smiling at him like she was glad to see him. He was no stranger to sex, but the sudden appearance of a naked woman in the middle of nowhere would daunt the steadiest of men. And Jerry could never have been accused of being steady. He stared at her high firm breasts, slender body, and the hair covered mound between her legs from which pink lips peeked. And felt himself get an instant boner. Far freakin out, he thought. Stammering slightly he said,

"Hey Baby, what you doing way out here, man?"

He figured she was from a commune, or a tree hugger or something. If she was into that free love shit he'd definitely get in line!

"Greetings "man", she replied.

Still smiling she walked up to the awestruck man, and gripping his shoulders she gave him a long slow kiss, his eyes staring at her in amazement. She could smell and sense his arousal, and as soon as her lips touched his he was hers.

Yes! Jerry thought, as the woman kissed him and her awesome boobs brushed against his chest. It was weird, but he'd be stupid to pass up a chance to score with this hot chick. He wasn't really a hippie himself, but he wouldn't tell her that. If she wants to get laid he was the man for the job. Reaching up he returned the embrace and kissed her hard, she was the best smelling chick he'd ever kissed, her mouth tasted like crushed mint. He reached up and roughly pawed and kneaded her breasts, and felt her nipples grow hard. Oh man, this would be fucking fantastic! It was like a wet dream come true. He reached down and started to fumble at his belt, but her hand stopped him.

"No, she said with a smile as the man fondled her and clawed at his pants, not here. I know a much nicer; private, place for our joining. Come, my love."

And turning she walked into the shade of the trees, followed by her eager lust crazed partner.

"I'll "cum" anywhere you want baby!" Jerry said as he followed the woman.

He looked at her perfect heart shaped rear as her hips swiveled from side to side and thought he was going to cream himself before they got to this "private place" she was so hot about. God, he thought, she had the most perfect body he'd ever seen. And she must to around nude a lot as she had no panty or bra shadows on her creamy dark tan skin. Oh man! He just hoped Tarzan didn't show up and ruin everything.

As they reached the sacred grove she walked to the far side and waited for the man to follow. He hardly even looked around as he walked up to her, and she smiled as she kissed him again, then while he stood trembling she undressed him removing even his funny feet coverings. Then she gently stroked his erection and fondled his testicles before taking him in her mouth.

Jerry took a quick glance around the clearing as they entered it. Lush grass, no underbrush; be perfect spot to plant some Mary Jane. He'd have to remember its location, it was good and hidden. But first things first, he had a super hot chick to bone first! Oh yeah! They kissed again, and then he stood perfectly still as she took his clothes off and threw them to one side. When she started playing with his cock, and then sucking it he rolled his eyes up in his head. Man oh man, and he didn't even know her name, but who gave a shit! She was really sucking and tonguing him now and he thought he'd blow his wad any second, but despite the incredible pleasure he didn't come. Oh man, he'd never lasted this long before!

She kept the man from reaching his orgasm as she sucked on his penis; it was easy for her to do as he was totally in her power now. Finally she reached behind his legs and, tripping him, lowered him to the ground and climbed over him to straddle him. He stared up at her with dazed lust filled eyes, whimpering from his need. And she would give him the release he needed in the best sex he'd ever had in his life, but it would be his last as a man. Still smiling at him she lowered herself onto his rampant erection, and leaning back began to ride him in steady rocking thrusts as she ground against his body. He gasped, and she was pleased as he thrust up into her.

Holy crap, Jerry thought, as he stared up at the woman's bouncing breasts as she rode him. She had her head thrown back and was making little grunts of pleasure that turned him on even more, his own deeper moans mixing with hers. He reached up and grabbed her waist and began thrust up into her. Her pussy was nice and tight, slick and wet, and the feel of it sliding up and down his cock just about drove him crazy. It had never been this good before! He felt like he'd come with each stroke, but it went on and on until he was growing frantic to reach the release he so desperately needed.

She reached into the man through their connected genitals and began to change him even as she rode him, and her own pleasure was intense. Yes, she thought, it was starting. But she would enjoy herself for a while longer, and let the change take hold before releasing him from her control. She picked up her pace, grinding down on him harder and faster, she could tell that even her powers would not be able to keep him from coming for much longer, a male animal could only endure so much sexual pleasure. Finally she slammed down onto him one final time and let him climax, and gave a deep moan of pleasure as she sucked every last drop of his seed from his pulsing throbbing testicles. She rested blissfully for a few minutes while her lover caught his breath. She had already prepared a place for him.

Jerry sobbed in ecstasy as the nympho rode and rode him. Oh man, he thought, when the hell am I going to come? This was almost unbearable, but he didn't want her to stop, not ever! He gave a grunt of discomfort as his legs cramped a little bit, but it was hardly noticeable buried in the waves of pleasure washing over his body. She suddenly gave a guttural moan and ground down on him one final time and his whole body shuddered as the most incredible orgasm he'd ever had rocked him, and he came, and came, and came as he screamed and bucked under her. Finally; his loins completely drained of their seed, his massive orgasm came to an end. Then he just lay there with a big grin on his face as she rested on top of him, and when she got up he gasped as he slid free of her embrace. Oh man, I'm in love he thought. His legs started to itch like crazy about then, so he sat up to give them a good scratching. Man, hope we didn't do it in poison ivy, he thought. He came to a halt and stared, then rubbed his eyes. What the fuck?

She stood up and didn't spill a drop of the man's seed; her body had already absorbed its rich life giving nutrients. Then she watched with a smile on her face as the change progressed.

Jerry sat up and clawed at his legs in growing horror. Man, what the fuck! He thought. His legs had grown together, and his toes had turned into a mass of writhing tentacles! His penis still jutted out and was even harder than before, but his balls were gone! As he watched his skin turned dark brown and started to take on a rough creased looking appearance with pieces of it flaking off. He pulled off a piece and looked at it. Jesus, that's BARK he realized. He stared up in disbelieving horror at the woman as she smiled down at him.

"Jesus Christ lady, what are you doing to me? Make it stop! Please!"

She looked down fondly at the man. From the waist down his body was now the trunk of a tree, his toes extending into roots as they pushed at the ground seeking purchase. But it would not do to let him take root here; she had a special spot prepared for him. Bending over she picked him up despite his best efforts to fend her off. She ignored his pleading, it would cease soon enough. As she lifted him up she said,

"Fear not man, I am giving you a change to lead a useful and productive life. You will become the newest patriarch of this Sacred Grove, and I have prepared a spot for you in the circle of life. You will live for many centuries, your body providing shelter and life to many."

Jerry only halfway paid attention to what the loony chick was telling him. He held onto her desperately, hoping she was taking him somewhere to help him, to make this horror stop.

She gently carried the terrified man to the hole she had dug, two feet deep into the rich mulch. It was spaced evenly between two of the great Oaks that formed the circle of the sacred grove. There was plenty of room for one more. Carefully she lowered his mass of writhing roots into the hole, and they quickly took hold and burrowed into the ground pulling him deeper into the hole despite his struggles. By the time she let loose of him he was permanently rooted in his new home.

Jerry looked in horror as the lady lowered him feet first; no roots first, into a hole in the ground and instinctively he knew what that meant. She wasn't helping him, she was PLANTING him! He felt his roots pushing eagerly at the ground as they started to borrow into it.

"Nooo, he screamed, please make this stop you crazy broad!"

He reached down and pulled frantically at his fused legs, but the roots had already taken hold and the ground churned as they dug in deeper and deeper. And he could feel them as they pushed into the rich earth; feel the sustenance and moisture it would provide. He could feel his, his roots!

"Noooooo, please stop." He sobbed as he looked pleadingly at the woman who was watching with a delighted smile on her face. "Please lady!"

The Dryad watched in satisfaction as the man took root and the new rough bark that was his skin now quickly began to grow up his body. It flowed over his waist pulling his genitals into the trunk to disappear into a fold of bark, and his legs and butt cheeks grew together until his body was a rough bark covered trunk from his armpits down to the ground where thick roots pushed out from the base to further anchor him and provide support. The man was becoming quite agitated and vocal, but there was no one to hear his shrill screams and yells for help. Finally tiring of the loud noise she embraced him and kissed him as she stared lovingly into his bulging terrified eyes.

Jimmy writhed and squirmed helplessly as he felt the bark growing on his lower body thickening and spreading as it grew up his torso. He watched in horror as his penis disappeared into the new rough covering, and soon he could no longer feel it just as he could no longer feel his feet or legs. He felt his ass cheeks push together as the bark crept over them, then the bark flowed over his nipples and reached his armpits. It didn't really hurt; it was actually rather pleasant feeling, warm and sensual in a way. Maybe that's what made it even worse; something so horrible should hurt like hell, not feel so good. When the bark reached his armpits it seemed to stop, and Jimmy increased the volume of his screams and yells, but he stopped as the crazy lady stepped forward and embraced and kissed him, and it was full blown French Kiss, almost all tongue and he returned it as he rubbed and kneaded her breasts, and found himself desperately wishing he still had a penis so he could fuck her again. He looked into her eyes and; even as he was experiencing increasing pleasure, pleaded with her not to do this with his eyes. At some point he began to realize he was joining with her in a way as pleasurable as sex, but entirely different.

As she kissed him she could feel the change still progressing, but more slowly now. The roots and bark held him in place as his internal organs began to change and become the cellulose and sap of which trees were primarily made. It would not hurt much, and she knew he was already starting to feel his connection with the earth which would nourish him from now on. She felt some sympathy as she stared into his terrified eyes, but soon he would understand. To help speed the change and make it less painful she became to merge with him, sinking into his body to temporarily become a part of him. She did this with all the Oaks in the circle as they were her homes, but with him it would be different as he was the only one which would have a human soul. Whenever they joined the pleasure they felt would almost be sexual in nature, but went far beyond a mere orgasm, and would continue as long as she remained inside of him. When she had finished merging there was no longer any physical sign of her body as she had become purely spiritual in form. She drew her solid form from the trees which were her home, and when she merged with them again that form was returned to their own. Once she was part of him she entered his mind to soothe and comfort him during the rest of his transformation as he became another great Oak in the circle of the Sacred Grove.

Jimmy had never felt anything like this before as the woman kissed him, and he closed his eyes after awhile in growing pleasure as he pulled her to him and felt her sinking into his body. After that things got blurry for awhile, and when he opened his eyes again she was gone! But the weird thing was he could still feel her presence, inside of him, as part of him. And just feeling that warm loving presence within his own body was even better then sex, and he gave a small moan of pleasure as he felt her mind enter his, and it made him his lose his fear and feel loved and cherished as he never had before. He moaned in pleasure as the change speeded up, and he understood so much more now. He no longer felt any fear and now welcomed the wonderful change.

As the bark rapidly spread up his arms Jimmy raised them towards the life giving warmth of the sun. His fingers stretched and split into many new branches, green buds forming and unfolding into fresh green leaves. With creaking ripping sounds his arms split; and split again, as he raised rapidly lengthening limbs and branches into the air. He closed his eyes for the last time as the bark grew over his face and swallowed his head, and soon there was nothing human remaining about the still growing and blooming Oak tree; and the muffled moans of pleasure quickly faded away. The branches lifted higher and higher, the trunk swelling in girth as the roots grew and thickened, digging deeper and spreading. Smaller branches and limbs formed offshoots, sprouting leaves in an ever thickening canopy. The new tree continued to grow until it was as tall and full as its fellow Oaks, it's trunk as thick. It gave a final shudder, and more leaves bloomed and unfurled as its canopy filled out, and it was over. The smaller branches and leaves rustled as a gentle breeze blew through them, and already a mated pair of squirrels began to explore what would be their new home.

Jimmy was still there, but his mind and outlook on life had changed entirely. It's doubtful if he still remembered having once been something else, but who knows for sure.

His "thoughts" were much slower now, measured in days and seasons. He was aware; in his own way, of the world around him. His roots intertwined with those of other trees and plants, and he was aware of the small life that made their home in the earth around his deeply burrowing roots. He was aware of the other trees as well, and considered them to be friends. Sometimes even when there was no wind their branches would slowly; almost imperceptibly, sway back and forth and their leaves would rustle as they "talked" to one another. But what he was most aware of was the other life that shared his body as its home, and the pleasure of that joining made his whole being quiver in love and pleasure. When it left him for varying lengths of time he felt lonely and empty, but that only made it even better when they joined again. He would protect that other life with his strong body, shielding it from the elements and cold.

Several hours after the transformation was through a portion of the massive Oaks trunk began to almost shimmer as a bugle began to grow on the side as the Dryad took on her physical form again. The bulge, fluid and wet looking, grew and grew until it silently split open and the Dryad stepped out. Then the bulge disappeared into the trunk of the tree as if it had never existed, leaving no trace. The act of "giving birth" was extremely pleasurable to both of them.

The Dryad looked up at the mighty tree reaching to the sky. She hugged the trunk and could feel the life inside, and knew it could feel her. She felt it try to draw her into itself again, but smiled and thought "Not yet my love, but soon we will be one again". She could sense its disappointment, but anticipation of their being one again, and its total and complete love for her. She rubbed her cheek against the warm bark and gently stroked the trunk, then reluctantly turned and left as she had to constantly ward and patrol her domain. Already she could sense new intruders. Soon she would have to protect her charges yet again against the persistent humans who threatened their; and her, home.

She watched as the man moved slowly through the trees, pausing every now and then to mark a tree with colorful paint. She knew what this meant; she had seen it before. Soon other men would come and cut down the trees marked with the paint, he was deciding which of them would live and which would die. The tree would be cut down and processed in the great factories of man, and their deaths would be slow and agonizing as it takes a tree a long time to die. She felt a rage she normally did not feel as she was mainly a creature of love, but this forbearer of mass destruction enraged her in a way she had seldom experienced. She would find a very special way for him to atone for his crimes.

Doug moved slowly from tree to tree, picking the ones most suitable for harvesting. It was the first time this area had been logged since it was so remote, but it was getting hard to find good lumber grade trees in areas not claimed by a state or the Feds as "preserves". After four years of college, and two years of grad work, he thought he should have been able to find a better job than this, but with the economy the way it was he knew he was lucky. It was basic field grunt work, but eventually he hoped to move up the ladder to management.

She watched in anger as the man marked another tree for death. She knew she could not stop the encroachment forever, but she could slow it. And as for this one, she would make sure his crimes ceased. For once she didn't smile as she revealed herself to the human.

Doug had just sprayed another tree to mark it for harvesting when he heard a voice and realized he wasn't alone anymore. Hope it's not another damn tree hugger, he thought as he turned towards the sound of the voice. They had been demonstrating against the widened logging permit and could be a real pain. However he was totally unprepared for the sight of an incredibly beautiful, incredibly NAKED, young woman. She stood looking at him and seemed distressed about something.

She knew she had to use a ploy to lure this man to her grove since it was some distance away, but would use one that had always worked in the past. Many human males were very defensive of their females, and while she approved of this attitude it did not keep her from using it to her advantage. She wrung her hands, and said,

"Oh please kind sir! I have been most foully used by ruffians, and my friend lies injured and helpless not far from here. Pray help us!'

Oh my God, Doug realized, she's been raped! Probably by some of those moonshiners or other white trash that live back up in the hills. The sometimes took pot shots at loggers as they felt they were invading "their territory". That was why Doug carried a Glock; the hell if he was going in these woods alone unarmed. And if those filth were still hanging around; or looking for the poor woman, he'd make them wish they're never been born.

"Don't worry lady; I'll do what I can. How bad is your friend hurt? I have a first aid kit, but if it's bad we'll need to go to my jeep so I can call for help, my cell phone can't get any bars out here."

She wasn't sure exactly what he meant, but she didn't want him to call for help as he might slip from her control, so she said,

"Oh thank you kind sir. Please, we must go now! My friend is not far, and I fear the ruffians may soon return. She will not be able to protect herself and they will abuse her again!"

And turning she took off into the woods at a fast walk. The man should be able to keep up easily, but be moving too fast for easy conversation.

Holy crap, Doug, thought. Her friend is another woman! What the hell were two woman doing out alone in the middle of nowhere like this? He started to say something, but the woman turned and jogged off into the underbrush. Throwing down most of his gear so he could travel lightly he set off after her.

She gave a small grin as she heard him following her. She moved quickly, but not too fast for him to not be able to keep up. But every time he tried to talk to her she speeded up a little. Soon he was cursing and breathing heavily, but being young and strong he managed to keep up, but didn't try to say anything anymore as he was winded and short of breath.

Jeez, Doug thought, that lady is in good shape! How she managed to move so fast through thick brush; butt naked, without even breaking into a sweat was beyond him. Probably adrenalin, she's worried about her friend. And every time he tried to ask a question she'd just give noncommittal grunting answers and keep going. In spite of himself he couldn't help but admire her beautiful ass, and when she would turn to look at him he got good glimpses of her full firm breasts. And once as they scrambled up a slope he had a full unimpeded few of the pink lips of her sex peeking out from her pubic thatch. Down boy, he thought, the poor woman has been raped. She'll freak out if she sees another man with a boner anywhere near her! But it was hard, God she was beautiful! And how far WAS her friend anyway? They must have gone miles by now.

Finally she reached the Sacred Grove, the man gamely following close behind. He followed her into the grove, and she stopped and turned to face him. He looked around, then said,

"Where's your friend lady? Or are we just stopping to take a break?"

She smiled, and said,

"There is no friend, I just wanted us to be alone and together in a safe hidden place. Come to me my love."

The man started to say something with a look of surprise on his face, so she stepped up to him and embracing him began to kiss him. And as her lips touched his he was hers.

Doug listened in growing surprise and puzzlement as the woman told him there was no injured friend, and that she just wanted to be alone with him. He started to say something, but she grabbed him and started kissing him passionately. He felt her tongue slide into his mouth as he tried to say something again, and her saliva was sweet tasting and tingled a little. But he was a strong man, and managed to push her away. But her saliva started to have an immediate effect.

"Lady, he said, what is wrong with you? Besides, I'm married!"

She was surprised when he was able to push her away, even though the minute their lips had touched he was hers. But she was impressed; he was very strong for a human. That was good as he would have to be to survive what was coming. As the aphrodisiac qualities of her saliva began to take effect she smiled.

Doug stood and stared as a wave of lust washed over his body, and he felt himself get rock hard, which was understandable considering the beautiful nude woman who had just kissed him, and was still standing in front of him. Oh God, he thought, I'm getting hornier then hell. When the woman walked up and put her arms around him and started kissing him again he felt any remaining inhibitions disappear. He loved his wife, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. As to why this strange woman wanted to screw him, who cared. She probably had some sort of kink or fetish about seducing strangers in natural settings, and if she was some tree hugger trying to keep him from doing his job by fucking him that was fine with him.

She could sense the man's growing arousal, smell it in his sweat. She walked up to him again and put her arms around his neck and slowly and passionately kissed him, their lips pressed together as their tongues explored one another's mouths. As he began to fondle her breasts she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his body, followed by his equipment belt, pants, shorts, and she even slid off his shoes and socks, and he helped her. Now nude he pulled her to him and they kissed some more, then she reached down and cupped and squeezed his testicles and he moaned in pleasure, and sliding down to a kneeling position she began to lick and stroke his erection, before finally taking it in her mouth and sucking gently. He gasped and gripped the back of her head as he started thrusting into her mouth. She smiled around his penis as it slid in and out of her mouth, he was a skilled lover and would give her much pleasure. Reaching around behind his knees she tripped him and lowered him to the ground, still sucking his hardness, and he lay down on his back with no resistance.

Oh God, Doug thought, this is fantastic! They had kissed again, and then before he even realized what was happening she had stripped him and he had looked on as she took his cock in her mouth. And now he lay on his back propping himself up by his elbows and watched as she kept sucking him and fondling his aching balls. He almost hated to admit it, but this was the best sex he'd ever had! He though he'd come any second, but didn't. When she stopped sucking him and crawled forward to straddle him he realized he'd never wanted to fuck someone more the he wanted to fuck her.

She smiled as she straddled the panting lust crazed man, and taking his penis she stood it upright and slowly lowered herself onto its waiting hardness, and then leaning forward she pinned the man by griping his shoulders, and throwing back her head began to rock back and forth with soft moans of pleasure.

Doug gave a gasp of pleasure as she impaled herself on his cock. He was pretty big, but he slid into her easily. She grabbed his shoulders and began to ride him and it was fucking unbelievable. He did his best to thrust up into her, but she was doing most of the work which was just fine by him. He gave an even deeper moan as she picked up the pace and began to grind down on him harder. Oh yeah, oh yeah!

She was enjoying herself, the man was well endowed and his hardness felt good inside of her. She lowered her head and looked at him with a triumphant grin on her face as she began to change him. This change would take more effort than the previous ones and was more extensive, so she would stay coupled with him as long as possible to help keep him subdued through sexual pleasure. Yes, he would pay for his crimes! She ground down once, then again, and then they both climaxed, and she gasped as the powerful orgasm rocked her body. Yes, he was very strong, which was good.

Ugh, God, how long can this go on? He thought, when the hell will I come? Almost as if she read his thoughts the woman picked up her pace even more, and gave him a smile that sent a chill through him despite the agonizing pleasure, then she ground down on him a few more times and gave a moan of her own as they both climaxed violently, and it was wonderful. He gave a shout of relief as his massive orgasm exploded, and came for longer than any other time.

She rested on top of the man for a short while, and then she began to rock back and forth again. She knew he would stay hard and rampant for as long as was needed for the change to irreversibly take hold. He had no choice. At first he cooperated, even grabbing her waist so he could thrust into her, but as the change began to take place his efforts changed to struggles as he realized something was wrong, but he was helpless against her strength and from his own lust and pleasure, and she brought them to several more orgasms until she felt the change reach his penis and it slid from her. She stayed on top of him for another minute, and then stood up to look down at him with a smile on her face. Yes, this change was very special.

Oh God, again? Doug thought as she started to slowly rock back and forth on his still rock hard cock again. Uggh, that felt good, so why not? He was usually good for seconds, or even thirds, but usually not so close together. Soon he was gasping in pleasure and gripping handfuls of grass as she rode him to another massive orgasm. But when she started for the third time he was less enthusiastic about it but managed even though the orgasm was as painful as it was pleasurable, but when she started riding him yet again for the fourth time he began to panic even though it still felt good, but he was more concerned in that he could feel something happening to him, something strange and very wrong. His legs started to feel numb, then strangely flaccid and weak. He tried to buck and push up against her, but his legs just kind of flopped around. He was pushing at her chest and waist now, but she was incredibly strong.

"Get off of me, damn it!" he gasped, "Stop it, you're hurting me! Please stop!"

But she didn't, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't push her off. Finally she grabbed his wrists, and pinning him kept raping him, because that's what it was now. He screamed as he had his fourth orgasm, and whimpered as she kept on grinding down on him. And what was wrong with his legs? They felt heavy and swollen, he could feel them but they felt so strange. He gave a final high pitched shriek of agonizing ecstasy as he came for the fifth time, and he felt his penis suddenly go limp and slide from her. Thank God, he thought. Stupid insane nymphomaniac bitch! He was too exhausted and weak to do anything as she dismounted from him, but finally raised himself up on his elbows to look at her, and froze as he saw his lower body. He tried to say something, but his mouth only gaped as he stared at himself in horror. That, that's not possible!

She watched the man's reaction as he saw the evidence of his ongoing transformation for the first time. At first there was confusion, the disbelief, then growing terror. He tried to say something, but only made incoherent grunting sounds before giving a loud bellowing scream.

She smiled, there was no one to hear but her, and even if someone did they could do nothing for him. What had been set in motion could not be stopped, even by her.

"Oh Goooooddddd!" screamed Doug, this was impossible!

From his waist down his body had become a rounded tube of soft purplish pink flesh with semi-rigid segmented bands, and there was no sign of his legs or feet, and the skin was smooth and unbroken where his genitals had been. The strange skin gleamed wetly, and when he touched it his hand came away with sticky strands of goo clinging to it. He tried to move his legs and the boneless tube flopped and curled a little bit. Looking closer in horrified fascination he could see still little stiff hairs along its length, and the tip was more of a flattened fluke like shape than a point. He gave a gasp of pain and discomfort as another segment of the strange skin began to form around the top of his waist and his belly button disappeared. The flesh towards the tip of his "tail" was translucent, and he could see what looked like a large vein inside of it pumping. He looked in horror at the woman, and said

"Oh God, please, what are you doing to me? Please, it's horrible, please make it stop!"

She just smiled, and replied,

"Man; you must pay for your crimes. But do not worry; you will spend the rest of your existence atoning for those crimes in a useful way. Now just lay back and let your new life start, struggling will only make it more painful."

He looked at her in horror, she was insane! How could she do this to someone? He had to do something, get away somehow! He started to pull himself away from her using his elbows, and found his strange; horrible, new body helped by rippling in muscular waves to push him along, and he could feel the little hairs gripping the ground. Slowly he slid away from her, but he could feel the change continuing, and looking down realized the segmented bands had reached his armpits and his nipples were gone now! OMG! Suddenly he felt his back brush against something lumpy and hard, it was his equipment belt! He pulled it out from underneath him, and drawing his 9MM Glock he pointed it at the woman.

"You stop this right now lady, ugggghhhh, or I swear I will blow you away!"

She frowned at the man, it was evident he held a weapon of some kind, but she was unfamiliar with it. But she had no real fear, she was virtually immortal and could only be killed if her grove was destroyed, and she knew such a small weapon did not have that capability. She said,

"Man, your threats are futile. Accept what is, what you are becoming. Stop this foolishness. You cannot escape your atonement."

Doug gasped in pain as he felt cramps shoot up his arms, and with a boneless flop he fell over on his side as what was left of his spinal cord began to collapse as it liquefied. But through sheer will power he managed to rear back up and pulling the trigger fired three shots into the woman's torso before his rapidly numbing hands could no longer hold the pistol.

She staggered and fell, and lay still for a short while. In the meantime Doug watched in horror as his fingers grew together and his now boneless arms flopped like bags of gelatin as they began to be absorbed into his body.

She lay gasping on her back. The loud roaring weapon had hurt her, but she knew it was not serious. Still, it did hurt, but already her body was repairing itself. She finally stood up and looked down at what was left of the man as he stared up at her. His arms were now nothing more than rapidly disappearing lumps, and as they withdrew into his body they formed a wider lighter colored band over his segmented body. His neck was swelling to join with his head in an unbroken tube, but his face and head still remained basically human even though noticeable changes were slowly taking place.

Doug looked in amazement as the woman staggered to her feet, and when she walked over and stood staring down at his writhing struggling body he could clearly see three bullet holes, two in her stomach and one on a breast. The holes leaked a thick greenish fluid, and even as he watched the holes closed and soon there was no evidence remaining of the wounds. The woman just smiled as she looked down at him. He could feel something happening to his head, and looking down saw that his arms were now completely gone, and in their place was a wide thicker band of lighter colored flesh. He could feel his neck swelling as it pushed his head forward and he felt his skull began to collapse and change shape as it liquified. As the change neared its end his body stretched and lengthened until he was over ten feet long. He gave a moan of despair, and looking up at her said,

"Please, whud ur yu? Urrgggg, Why arl yu doin glis? Gluurkk, squueeaall! Eeee, naaaa, plsss, naaaaaaa, sqquueeaall!"

He knew what he was becoming now, knew it with certainty, and the horror was unbearable. He wanted to scream and scream, but as his mouth changed and his teeth joined his liquefying skull he could only make wet mewling squealing sounds for awhile, but soon even they faded away until his boneless toothless mouth opened and closed silently as it tried to scream. As the soft segmented skin spread to cover his head his now bald head rotated until his mouth was on the top, or what was really the tip of his long round segmented body now. His "head" was now totally featureless except for a sensitive pad above his gaping mouth and his eyes faded into simple photoreceptors capable of telling if it was light or dark, but little else. Even though he no longer had a brain; it had been replaced by a simple bundle of nerve ganglia, he somehow retained his awareness and human memories. And that was the worst of all, and the giant earthworm tried desperately to scream again, to beg for an end to the terror.

It was done, the change was finished, at least the first major part. She looked down at the huge worm as it slowly writhed back and forth trying to come to grips with its new body, trying to comprehend what it was now. Normally any remnant of the human mind would be long gone by now, but in this case she wanted the man to be fully aware of what he had become, to know and understand his fate. Though he was deaf now, and practically blind, she knew he would hear and understand her in his mind. She looked at the blindly seeking head and pursing mouth, and said,

"Man, you have been complicit in the destruction of untold thousands of trees and other plants. The punishment for these crimes is that you will spend the rest of your existence helping to fertilize and keep the soil in which the Sacred Oaks grow rich with nutrients. But first; before you began your new life, there is one other thing we must do."

Reaching down she gently grasped the slick moist skin of the struggling creature and reaching inside of it started the final change.

Oh God, Doug thought, I'm still ME, but I'm the worm as well, Oh God please no! Then he paused in his blind thrashings as he suddenly heard a voice, but it was in his mind. Punishment? For God's sake what could I have done to deserve THIS? Please, please, he thought, help me! He suddenly felt a warm touch on his sensitive body and tried to pull away, it was too bright, it hurt, and he needed to find someplace moist and dark. NO, he thought, I'm NOT a worm! Suddenly he felt his body start to tremble and shudder and his writhing became even more frenzied as he felt himself start to change again! Oh God, what now?? He struggled frantically, but then slowed to a stop as his mind faded and he felt a very strange feeling come over him as he became comatose and everything faded into darkness. The mucus covering his body began to ooze out in much greater quantities, and it thickened and turned a grayish opaque color until the worm within was invisible as it was encased in the thick gelatinous goo like a shroud.

She watched as the worm's mindless thrashing slowed, and finally it just lay quivering as the mucus cocoon formed around the length of its body. Then for a time nothing happened. Then the thick gel like coating suddenly began to churn and ripple, and then with a wet tearing sound it split open and thousands of two foot long earthworms came spilling out in squirming coiling piles. Some began to immediately burrow into the ground; others began to mate as they rubbed the thicker bands on their bodies against one another to exchange sperm. Whether it was from desire or for pleasure, or just a automatic reaction to the presence of another worm, who knew?

Desperately Doug began to burro into the ground to escape the painfully bright light. Doug writhed in pleasure as he ground against another worm as he mated with it, his body shuddering in pleasure as he passed his frothy white sperm to the other worm, and in return received its own sperm. Thousands of Doug's writhed and squirmed, mated, burrowed into the ground. Each worm fully aware and complete with human memories, each worm WAS Doug. And each somehow knew what had happened to "him" and that each one of his "clones" was identical to the original, but there was NO original anymore. Thousands of minds screamed silently in horror at that understanding, knowing that they and their offspring would all be Doug, that he would live out untold millions of lives as worms in a horrible kind of immortality. And frantically they all eventually burrowed into the rich moist earth to live in a strange dark world as the warm sunlight was now deadly to them. There they would live out their tiny lives burrowing amongst the roots of the Sacred Oaks and other plants, but if they left the sacred grove the magic that kept their human minds intact would fade and any who left would become nothing but earthworms, but maybe they were the lucky ones. But most would remain in the confines of the grove as they atoned for the crimes they had committed, always knowing and remembering they had once been human.

She watched as the ground finally stopped churning as the last of the large earthworms disappeared from sight. She felt no sympathy for the former man; in his new forms he would serve a useful purpose. And through his offspring he would continue to do so until she herself was destroyed, only then would the magic keeping his soul bound to so many small bodies fade and he would be released from his atonement. But that would not be for a long time as she was virtually immortal.

She turned and left the now peaceful and quiet grove. She could already sense new trespassers in her woods, and it was time to confront another human so they could atone for their crimes.

The End



My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Devolution By William W. Kelso Dr. Patricia Schubert was as excited as she'd ever been in her life. The project she and her fellow scientists had worked on; many their entire lives, was finally...

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A Familiar for a Familiar

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Familiar for a Familiar By William W. Kelso "Glitz, where are you honey? Vivian called. She hadn't seen her familiar for awhile and needed her to help with a spell. "Coming Mistress!" she...

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The Seeker, Chapter 14

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 14 By William W. Kelso "PET, where are you, and what are you doing? Hiss!" Vulva yelled. She'd been so busy on the computer she suddenly realized she hadn't seen or heard him...

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