A Familiar for a Familiar

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

A Familiar for a Familiar

By William W. Kelso

"Glitz, where are you honey? Vivian called. She hadn't seen her familiar for awhile and needed her to help with a spell.

"Coming Mistress!" she heard in her mind.

A few seconds later the small red dragoness landed on the counter next to her with a flutter of wings. Folding her fragile looking gossamer wings; which was misleading as they were actually almost indestructible, the small creature looked at her with bright beady eyes, and asked,

"Whatcha doin Mistress?" In a high pitched chirping voice.

"We've got a love potion to make, customer paid in cash. What have you been up to? I haven't seen you all morning."

The little dragoness scratched behind one horn with a hind leg, and replied,

"Oh, making sure no bugs or mice had gotten into the herbs and chasing flies. It's great exercise. I also got the mail and opened it, just bills and junk mail though."

Vivian picked up the little creature and held it up to her face and kissed it on the snout, and it affectionately licked her face with its tiny; but long, forked tongue. It was about twenty inches long and looked like a regular drake in every way except size. But while it was reptilian it wasn't a true drake, it was her familiar. It grasped her with its sharp little talons and wrapped its long tail around her arm. As with all its kind it was bound to her, and she dearly loved the little beast. She gave it another kiss, and said,

"So you've been good? Did you stay out of the cinnamon; you know what that does to you."

Glitz hissed back at her, "Yes Mistress, I've been good, and of course I stayed out of the cinnamon, but it IS so good! Sssss. Can I have a little, pleassee?"

"You know too much is bad for you, Vivian lightly scolded the little dragoness. It gives you a tummy ache."

"Just a little bit, pleaassee, I've been good!"

Glitz whined and wheedled. She knew if she was persistent she'd get a treat, and she had been good all day.

With a laugh Vivian finally gave in, she always did.

"Well, OK my lovely." She said, at which Glitz gave a little shriek of joy.

She opened a jar of pure cinnamon and put a small pinch on one finger, and holding it out to the little dragoness watched as her familiar delicately licked the powder off her finger with flicks of her tongue while it hissed in pleasure. The little creature loved the stuff, it could be addictive to her kind, but in small amounts was good for them. It helped them to concentrate their powers and was an aid in spell casting, but she'd seen other familiars who were addicted and it wasn't pretty. Too much of a good thing could be bad. So she was very careful in how much she let Glitz have. And she kept it in a familiar proof jar too, not that

Glitz had ever tried to get into it, at least to her knowledge.

Glitz finished her treat, and looked up hopefully, "More?" she hissed.

"No, you greedy little thing!" Vivian replied, besides it'll be time for lunch after the spell is done, helping me always makes you hungry you know.

Glitz gave a hiss of pleasure at the thought of "lunch". "We going to do the spell now Mistress?" she asked.

Glitz had been her Mistress's familiar for quite a long time, but time was relative to her so she didn't know how many years for sure. Like most of her kind she had been "created" by a very powerful spell. She was bound to her Mistress as she was a part of her in a way; it had taken part of her Mistress's life force, or "soul" if you will, to create her. But she was an entirely separate being, with a personality of her own. She was quite content with her life, and dearly loved her creator and Mistress. She had not only been created to serve, but to be a friend and companion as well.

Vivian said, "We might as well, all the ingredients are ready to create the charm, and you can help with the casting."

"Don't I always!" quipped Glitz.

With a hop she jumped on her Mistress's arm and ran up it to her shoulders and wrapped herself around her neck, and lifting up her head gently nibbled on her Mistress's earlobe. She loved to do that.

"Glitz, stop that, Vivian giggled, it tickles!"

Reaching up to stroke her familiar's warm little body Vivian got up, and walking to the front door of the shop she locked it and put out a "Back in one hour" sign. Then she walked into the back room and carefully locked and bolted the door; it would not do to be interrupted while casting a spell, even a fairly simple one. If she was she might end up falling in love with a chair or cockroach. Not fun.

For this simple spell she didn't need her spellbook as it was a spell which could be memorized. She took a small silver charm in the shape of a leaf and put it in the center of a small pentagram. She was a witch or Sorceress, but more along the lines of Wiccan practices, though she did have a few "contacts" of the darker or demonic sort. But she was one of the few that knew that so-called demons were for the most part no more evil then she was, just more ruthless and demanded more in payment for their valuable services or patronage. They were fact beings from another plane of existence that predated Christianity by eons. That didn't mean they were nice though, you always had to be very careful when dealing with the creatures. She had heard what happened to those who didn't; being a sex slave to a ten foot lizard man with twin twenty inch hemipenes wasn't high on her list of ways to spend eternity. That was how she had gotten Glitz, by making a "deal" with a demonkind. A familiar was necessary for more powerful spells to be safe and have a more powerful effect, the familiar helped to focus and amplify the power of the magic so the caster could concentrate on the words and gestures of the spell itself. In order to rise above a certain level in the craft a familiar was necessary. Trying to cast higher level spells without one was almost suicidal.

She had made a deal with a Demoness of Carnal Pleasure named Vulva that she had dealt with on several occasions. The sensuously beautiful demoness had first requested a male human virgin sacrifice, but Vivian had refused. The demoness had finally settled for six female goats and a Billy. It seemed she ran the breeding pits of hell and always needed fresh livestock, which was really more than Vivian wanted to know. While demonkind do like living "sacrificed", they will accept other payment as well. She sometimes dealt with a rather minor demon that would provide rare spell ingredients for chocolate, he loved the stuff. His favorite was Hershey's Kisses. Vivian also derived much of her power from "natural" sources as well, but a little black magic could come in handy. Glitz herself was a demon of a sort as the spell to create her was demonic in origin, but her little friend didn't have an evil bone in her body.

Vivian closed her eyes and concentrated, and could feel Glitz helping her. She made a few passes over the pentagram, chanted the spell slowly and carefully, and spoke the final word of power to activate the casting, and it was done. Fast and simple, and she was a hundred bucks richer. The charm would be effective for about a year, more than long enough to let nature take over if the lovers fell for one another. It would help make the man more attracted to the woman she'd made the charm for, but didn't guarantee true love. It just helped get things started a little faster. She took the charm and put in an envelope. Since it was a benign spell she didn't need to use any cautions.

Glitz flitted down to the counter top and looked up at her, "We done Mistress? She peeped, I'm hungry!"

"You're always hungry!" replied Vivian.

"That's because you don't feed me enough! And I been busy all morning; caught a bunch of bugs." Glitz hissed in defense.

"And probably ate them, your little belly looks fat to me." Vivian said.

She flipped her familiar over and rubbed her black belly bands, the same color as her horns and spines. The little dragoness kicked its legs and hissed and squealed in pleasure and started nipping at her fingers.

"Just the flies, the roaches are nasty. Mistress, stop that, it tickles!" Glitz hissed. She grabbed a finger and gave it a hard little bite, being careful not to break the skin.

"OW! Yelped Vivian, why you mean little thing!"

"Please Mistress, I'm hungry!" the little dragoness said plaintively.

"OK baby, time to eat." Vivian said.

Vivian slid her shirt over her head, and reached around behind her undid her bra. It felt good as her breasts were freed from the confinement of the bra. Her breasts were nice and firm, full but not too large. Her nipples were large as were her aureoles. She was quite satisfied with them, and thought they were her best feature, them and her nice firm butt. She picked up Glitz like a baby and held the little dragoness next to her chest, and with a happy hiss the familiar began to suckle. It felt good, ever since she'd gotten Glitz she had been lactating so she could feed her familiar, It took about a half an hour to feed her familiar, fifteen minutes on each breast, and it felt nice to have the pressure in her breasts relieved. She moaned with pleasure at the feel of the little fangs and tongue on her nipples as Glitz suckled hungrily, it was almost a sexual feeling it felt so good.

All familiars had to be fed like this, even those with Masters, but while some could eat regular food as well they were dependent on their Master or Mistress to provide the extremely rich special nutrients they needed. Creating and bonding with a familiar had changed Vivian's own body chemistry as well, and her breasts produced not only milk but she lactated blood as well at the same time to provide a thick sweet syrupy milk for her familiar. Her familiar liked to feed about every six hours, and Vivian very much looked forward to these mutually pleasurable sessions. She gave small moans of pleasure as she gently stroked the feeding dragoness. When the feeding was over her breasts felt less tender and were noticeably slightly smaller as Glitz had a big appetite. The dragoness gave a happy little belch, and nuzzled her Mistress.

"Mmm, Mistress, that was so good." She hissed.

"You always say that." Vivian replied.

"Because it's true. Glitz replied. It's my favorite thing in the whole world."

"You just like boobies!" Vivian said teasingly.

"Uh-huh, you betcha Mistress, too bad they aren't bigger!"

Vivian took a swat at Glitz as she took off with a shrill of laughter and darted gracefully around the room.

"Why you little, my breasts as just fine!" Vivian yelled.

"Should be bigger!" Glitz hissed in laughter.

"Then you'd get fat and couldn't fly anymore!" Vivian laughed.

Glitz dodged her Mistress's swats, which she knew weren't meant to connect. She looped and dived around her Mistress's head and they both laughed at the regular routine. She finally landed on a shelf and settled down to take a nap. Her belly was full of milk and she was sleepy and content.

Her Mistress opened the shop again and started working on some powders or something as Glitz watched sleepily. A loud bell would announce any customers and give her plenty of time to "freeze" so she'd look, and feel, just like a statue. It was her way of "hiding in plain sight". You could even pick her up and handle her and it would be just like handling a hard unliving statue. But she would be completely aware of what was going on around her, and could respond if needed be. Usually; if she had time, she would swoop down and stand on a wooden base on a counter, or the one on her Mistress's desk for "private" consultations with "special" customers. Part of Glitz's functions was a guardian, despite her small size she could be a most vicious protector. She could breathe fire and also inject poison through her claws and fangs, in addition to being an accomplished spell caster of her own. She would; literally, fight to the death against any odds to protect her Mistress. Finally she closed her eyes and fell asleep, giving soft little hissing snores. Her life was simple and she was a very happy little creature.

Vivian did a quick inventory of her supply of "medicinal" herbs and other supplies. She was low on mandrake and moonwort, but otherwise OK. She had opened her shop about ten years ago; shortly after getting Glitz, and it had been fairly successful. She called the little shop "Vivian's Sundries and Necessities, Fine Antiques and More", but her main business was providing other Sorceress's and Sorcerer's with the herbs and other ingredients they needed for their own spells. Her clientele was small; but loyal, as she provided only the best pure genuine ingredients, which was very important to the practice of their craft. An impure or fake ingredient used in a spell could be devastating. She didn't like the term witch; the stereotype of an ugly old crone in ragged black clothes was insulting. Most witches she knew were drop dead gorgeous as there were spells to keep oneself young in appearance. Not that she ever used them, well, not much. Those sales, and her sideline of charms and other harmless spells, brought in more than enough to pay the bills and keep her well off. The antiques were mainly a cover. If she'd put out a sign that said "Vivian's Alchemical and Thaumatological Supplies for Sorcery and Demonolgy" it would have turned heads. As it was a small nook and cranny antique store was perfect. She even sold a few antiques every now and then. She smiled when she thought of how shocked and disbelieving people would be if they knew Sorcery was alive and well in the greater San Diego area.

Vivian had been a Sorceress for almost her entire life, even as a child. It had been a family tradition of sorts. One side of her family; her mothers, were Gypsies. Her father had been in the military and met her mother when her caravan had stopped near an Army Base and set up their carnival. In one of those strange "opposites attract" romances they had got married and been happy. Her grandmother had not approved at first, "He isn't one of us!", but when she saw how happy he made her daughter she had warmed towards the rugged good looking soldier. It hadn't hurt in that he had gone out of his way to be nice to her relatives, especially her mother. Her grandmother had finally come around and changed her mind, and had gotten along just fine with him after that.

Vivian had learned most of her skills from her grandmother and an "aunt". Not all her family had the "talent", her mother certainly didn't. But it was strong in her, and she enjoyed it. But she used her powers for the light, or more benevolent, forms of magic. She would not sell curses or other spells meant to injure or transform a person against their will. Her "aunt" had been a practitioner of the darker arts, and Vivian knew for a fact she sold curses such as transformation spells, and her aunt had been disappointed when Vivian chose the other path, but had respected her decision. Madame Marian; which wasn't her real name because it sounded better then Madame Gertrude, had once told her how a stupid woman had accidently changed herself into an immortal slug. Eyuck. Because of her aunt's dealings with the darker powers she had been ostracized by the rest of the family, but Vivian had always gotten along just fine with the imposing old lady. Anytime she needed advice in dealing with the darker powers she always called her.

It took me some time to work up my nerve to enter the antique store. I'd heard the lady that owned it was some sort of Voodoo Queen or Witch or something from a friend of mine. Claimed she made a love charm for his sister that really worked and his sister scored with the college quarterback. I was a senior and hadn't gotten laid yet, and was getting desperate. To be a college senior and still a virgin was as embarrassing as hell, especially in San Diego of all places. I knew it was because I wasn't the athletic type, wore glasses, and was a little nerdy looking to boot. I was interested in girls, but they didn't return the interest at all. There was one girl I really liked; and she wasn't even that hot, but she just laughed at me when I tried to ask her out on a date. Finally, after walking past the store for the tenth time I finally worked up my nerve to go in. I'd tried everything else, so what could a little magic hurt?

Glitz woke up as the door bell rang, and scooted behind some larger jars to stay out of sight. She carefully peeked around the edge of one to see who had come in. She recognized him; it was that young male human who had been walking back and forth in front of the store for over an hour. She could tell he was harmless, and her senses told her he was anxious and uncertain. Bet he wants a love; or maybe a dick enlarger, potion. She knew what a dick was, but was uncertain why males wanted larger ones. She called in her mind,

"Mistress, customer! Some kid."

"I heard sweetie, thanks." Vivian replied.

Vivian smiled when she saw the rumpled looking young man. She was certain she knew what he wanted. He was looking at an old hand made ship model of some old tramp steamer that had been in a box of junk she'd bought, but she could tell his mind was somewhere else. Bet he wants a love charm, or maybe a penis enhancement potion, one or the other was what male customers usually were interested in. He didn't seem to notice her; or was shyly ignoring her, so she walked up to him and said,

"Hello Sir, May I help you?" And the man jumped, and then looked embarrassed.

I was looking at a nice old model of a Basset Lowke freighter when a voice suddenly interrupted my concentration. I had been so busy looking at the model I hadn't heard the woman approach, and she caught me by surprise. I gave a little "eep!", and turned around. OMG, she was drop dead beautiful.

"Oh, um, sorry!" I blurted out, "I didn't hear you. Um, how much is the model?"

Vivian smiled to herself. "Well, the model is $50.00, but that's not why you're here, is it?"

I just gawped at her, and said "How'd you know that?"

"Call it instinct honey, but young men from the college only come in here for one purpose. And yes, I can help you out." Vivian replied.

"You, you can make girls, um, like me?" I asked. Oh, why don't you be a little more obvious Machiavelli? Jeez, I am so lame, I thought.

Vivian smiled at the nervous young man, and said "I can sell you a charm that will help to remove inhibitions a woman might have about you, but it's up to you to make her like you. The charm will work, but it's up to you to make it work."

OK, I thought. "Um, how much?"

"The charm is $75.00 in cash, I don't take plastic. If you want it I'll need a deposit of $20.00, and the charm will be ready tomorrow. No refunds on the deposit if you change your mind."

Hmm, I thought. $75.00? Well, if it worked it would be worth it. "Um, OK." I said.

I took out a twenty and gave it to her and she tucked it down her blouse. Whoa! I'd been trying not to stare at her ample cleavage ever since we met, but now that she had drawn my attention to it I couldn't help but ogle her a little. She had on a thin shirt and I could see the outline of the bra clearly, and even better I could see the outline of nipples too as the bra was as thin as the shirt. And just because I was a virgin didn't mean I was dead, and the old trouser snake started to get into the act.

"Well, thanks, gotta go!" I blurted, and turned and left before I could embarrass myself even more.

Glitz had been watching the whole exchange with interest. She could sense the young human's loneliness and longing, and his scent told her he was a virgin. She gave a sad little hiss, she was a virgin too, and she knew what it was like to be lonely. Oh, she had her Mistress, whom she loved dearly, but it wasn't the same as having, well, someone like yourself around. She watched the young man leave with sympathy. He seemed like a nice human, not like some of the retards that came in all the time wanting bigger dicks. She didn't understand why he hadn't mated. She knew why she hadn't; she was the only dragon familiar around. In fact she and her Mistress had never heard of another. The more common familiars could sometimes mate with one another, or find natural mates. If you were a cat or a rat that was pretty easy, and even the bats found mates, but if you were a dragon, tough. She'd always wondered what it would be like though. She had watched a couple of lizards mating the other day, and had felt feelings she never had before. As she had watched them grinding together she had felt lonelier then she ever had before.

Vivian watched the young man's hurried departure with a smile. She had smelled his increasing arousal, but wasn't insulted by it. She had that effect on men. In fact, if he hadn't stared at her breasts THAT would have been weird. He seemed like a sweet guy, it was really a shame that some of the nicer ones got treated so badly by Lady Love. Well, at least the love charm would give him a fighting chance. She decided she'd give it a little more "oomph" then usual. She called in her mind,

"Glitz honey, we need to make another charm."

The little dragon came flitting over and landed on her shoulder. It licked her ear and said,

"I heard Mistress. He was nice; do you think you can help him? Sssss?"

"Why, yes he was. I think we can help him, at least give him an edge." She was a little surprised as her familiar seldom showed much interest in customers. "Do you like him?"

"He was just so lonely Mistress." Glitz replied, her ears and crest drooping a little from her own melancholy feeling.

"What's wrong baby?" Vivian asked as she gently scratched the little dragons head between her horns. She really was a little worried, her familiar was usually almost irritatingly cheerful, and for her to act so sad was unusual.

Glitz spread her wings and took a short glide and perched on top of a bronze bust of Mozart. She carefully folded her wings, and looking at her Mistress, asked,

"Mistress, what am I? I mean, Ssss, why is there only one of me?"

"You're my familiar, but you know that. When I created you I had no idea what form you would take, so I honestly can't say why you're a dragon. I'm sure there are others, just not around here. Don't be sad baby, you know I love you."

Glitz flew back to her Mistress's shoulder and rubbed her head against her neck in affection.

"I know that Mistress, I love you too. It's just that, Ssss, sometimes I feel myself wanting, I don't know, something else."

Suddenly Vivian thought she understood. "Why Glitz, you aren't interested in boys, are you?"

Glitz reared up and dipped her head as she contemplated the question. She found she was little hesitant to talk about it even with her Mistress. She waffled a little bit, then said,

"I guess so Mistress. The other familiars are always talking about it, and I saw two lizards mating on a windowsill yesterday. It just made me think is all. Mistress, what's it like to mate?" And she looked at her Mistress expectantly, her eyes bright and innocent.

Oh dear, thought Vivian, of all the questions her familiar could have asked THIS was not one she was prepared for. How do you explain sex to a demonic creature in the form of a legendary beast? That Glitz was fully mature she knew, as all familiars are created that way, and she knew the little dragoness knew how everything worked, but to tell her what it was like to have a sexual partner? Oh boy. She thought about it, and finally replied,

"Well honey, it's wonderful, but can be a pain in the butt too. I think it's easier with familiars as they are; no offense intended, closer to animals. They don't have to worry about the possible complications from falling love since they're sterile. They just meet and well, do it. With humans it's much more complicated."

Glitz said, "No offense taken Mistress, but thank you. I know I'm not human, but I AM smarter than those stupid cats or rats. Ssss. They just seem to like it so much though. Mistress? Why don't you mate much? I've seen how male humans act around you, I know they would like to mate with you. And you got me from a deal with the demoness Vulva, and I know she mates a lot."

Vivian was a little taken back by that last question. She almost told the nosey little dragoness it was none of her business, but the question was totally innocent. The little dragoness was looking at her expectantly, so Vivian did her best to explain.

"Honey, the kind of magic I use requires that I abstain from frequent, um, relations with males as it would affect my powers. Drain my batteries so to speak. And when I do it's usually with a sorcerer or warlock as we have ways of negating the loss of power that wouldn't work with a regular human. Plus because of you I have special, um needs, a regular human would find it hard to, um, satisfy. You're right, Vulva is very prolific, and because of our deal I think it rubbed off on me a little bit. It just that right now there aren't any males around that I find, um, acceptable as mates."

The little dragoness blinked a couple of times, and asked, "I think I understand Mistress, you have to like a male to mate with him. Mistress, next time you do mate, can I watch?"

"Glitz, no, you can't watch! That's not a nice question!" Vivian said.

Glitz lowered her head in apology, "Mistress, I'm sorry, I just, I just want to know what it's like!"

Then she gave a little wail, and flew off to her favorite hiding place in the rafters of the old building where she had her nest. It was a good vantage point to keep an eye on the shop, and she had lined it with pilfered pieces of soft cloth and cotton balls, in addition to the skins of some of the small animals she sometimes preyed on. She'd also added some nice shiny trinkets she'd found as she found the bright sparkling objects fascinating. She had even found a piece of broken mirror, and liked to look at herself in it, and wonder about what she was. Because it was back up in the shadows she could see fine, while anyone looking in her direction would see only darkness and shadows. She usually slept with her Mistress, but sometimes she liked to be alone. Or if there was a mouse or vermin problem she used her perch to watch for prey.

"Honey, Vivian called her mind, I'm sorry I was mean. It's just that mating is a very private thing. Humans don't like to be watched while they're doing it. Come her baby, it's time to eat anyway."

Glitz replied, "I'm not mad at you Mistress, it was a stupid question. I'll be there in a minute; I just need to fluff my nest."

"OK honey, anytime you're hungry." Vivian said.

She really was worried about her precious little friend. The relationship of a familiar with its Mistress or Master was very special as in a way they were their children. It had taken some of Vivian's body; blood, and part of her life essence; or soul if you will, to create Glitz. So when a familiar was upset or moody their human partners felt it as well, and worried.

Vivian had taken a look at Glitz's nest once when the dragoness was busy in the storeroom chasing a mouse that had been nibbling at some dried herbs. The dragoness had woven a kind of basket from straw and twigs (no telling where she got those) and lined it with pieces of rags, cotton balls, skins (ugh), and decorated it with bright little pieces of jewelry (so that's were all those single missing ear rings had gone, the little thief!), and other shiny trinkets like a crow would. It was touching in a way, her friends own special little hideaway. After that Vivian purposely left out shiny little objects for the dragoness to "steal" to add to her nest. That way her good jewelry didn't get pilfered anymore.

A short time later Glitz swooped down and landed on her shoulder and announced she was hungry. Vivian took her shirt and bra off, and gently held the little dragoness's while she eagerly suckled at her breasts, and it felt sooo good. She wondered if her familiar felt any sexual pleasure from feeding from her breasts. The dragoness certainly loved the taste of her special milk, and couldn't get enough. And Vivian loved the feel of its little fangs and tongue on her nipples. She gave a soft moan as Glitz bit a little harder on one nipple and sucked harder.

After the last feeding of the day they created the charm the young man had ordered and then cleaned up and got ready for bed. As usual Glitz slept curled up on her pillow next to her head, or sometimes under the blanket if the night was cold. But Vivian knew the little dragoness would be up and about off and on all night as she patrolled the shop. She was very dedicated to keeping the place free of any kind of vermin, and also any unexpected visitors. There had been an incident with a burglar a few months ago, but there was no evidence left after she and Glitz got through with the crook. Vivian wondered how he liked being a rat. Sometimes when she took the trash to the bin out back the rat would run out from under the building and stand up and squeak at her, but she ignored his pleas. The spell was irreversible; he was stuck like that until his life span, his human one, came to an end. She hoped he spent some of his time contemplating why he had ended up like he was. She did leave cheese and scraps out for him though. She also told Glitz to stay away from him, sometimes her familiar killed and mice and rats, after all she was a drake. Gross. She gave her familiar a little kiss on the end of her snout, and quickly fell asleep.

Glitz waited until her Mistress was asleep, and then went on a patrol of the shop and its various closets and the storeroom. They had a small apartment in the old loft, so she had several areas to check out. After she was done she got a drink out of the toilet (to her water was water as long as it wasn't yellow), because as usual her Mistress had forgotten to fill the water bowl. It didn't bother her though. Then she flew up to the rafters and curled up in her nest to think for awhile. She thought about the mating lizards; and curling her head back under her belly she inspected the almost invisible fold in her belly scales between her hind legs. Her Mistress had called it a "cloaca" once, what a weird name. Sounded like some kind of shellfish or crab. She licked it for awhile, and while that felt good it didn't feel like what her Mistress had described. She wondered what it would be like to have a mate, to feel the weight of a male on her back, and to feel him inside of her. To her pleased surprise she did start to feel something in her "cloaca", and the more she thought about a male the nicer the feeling became. She suddenly realized she was getting wet down there, and surprised she licked the thick fluid oozing from her sex. It was sweet and salty at the same time. She licked all the visible fluid off, then ran her tongue inside of herself to get more, and shuddered at the feeling. That was nice, really nice! With a hiss she reared up to give herself a better angle, and ran her tongue in and out of herself for awhile and the nice feeling grew and spread until she was hissing in pleasure. Finally the pleasure came to a peak, and her whole body shuddered as she climaxed and she threw her head back and a loud squeal of ecstasy. She fell back and lay hissing softly in pleasure; that was the first time she had ever felt anything like that before! So that was sex! She liked it! And she had no doubt it would be much better with a male. But as the afterglow of her orgasm faded she realized that might be easier said than done.

So far as they knew she was one of a kind, neither of them knew of another practitioner of the arts with a drake for a familiar. They all had stupid stinking rats, cats, or bats. But she wanted a mate! Her Mistress had mated before; she had smelled it on her when she came back from one of the rare times she didn't take Glitz with her. She now understood that was why her Mistress left her behind those times, she didn't want her watching. Well it wasn't fair, if her Mistress had mates then her familiar should have at least one! She knew she had been created; she had no memories of a life before she woke to find her Mistress lovingly cradling her in her arms. Maybe her Mistress could make another familiar? But even as she thought that she knew the answer, her Mistress had once told her a Sorceress could only create one familiar. Even if the familiar was destroyed they couldn't create another. Then Glitz suddenly sat up and gave a hiss of excitement. Maybe SHE could create a familiar! Why not? She could use magic too because she was a magical creature. But how?

Glitz hopped onto the rafter and ran along it until she reached the far end, then dropped off and flew into the study where her Mistress kept her spell books and books of lore. They were warded by powerful spells; as the burglar/rat had found out, but since Glitz was basically an extension of her Mistress the spells would not affect her. She could read perfectly well, had been "born" with the knowledge, and not just English. She pulled several books off a shelf and carried them one at a time over to the huge old rolltop desk. She didn't need to turn on a light, she saw as well in the dark as in the light. She read everything she could find on familiars, creating a familiar, and other related subjects. But there was nothing that would work. She also looked up transformation spells, potions, and anything related. She found them fascinating, but most were way too complicated and beyond her capabilities. She doubted her Mistress would be very keen on the idea of transforming someone anyway; she had an aversion to that kind of magic. She gave hisses of frustration as she read, and turned pages faster in growing agitation. She was not a terribly patient creature, and had seldom done so much reading at one time.

She was about to give up and go back to her nest to sulk for the rest of the night when she suddenly ran across something in one of the lesser books. Eagerly she read the description and what was needed to cast the spell, then again much more slowly. It was perfect! She could cast this spell with ease! It was a kind of transformation spell, but different from the usual curse types. The warlock who had designed and created the spell called it a "Mirror-Image-Duplicate" spell. It was used to create an exact physical duplicate of one's self, at least in appearance. The duplicate would look like you, but would retain all of their own personality and memory. It was used to create "decoys" to fool assassins or robbers. It had been used mostly by Sorcerers and Sorceresses and other practitioners, but also sometimes by rich merchants or nobles. Evidently it had fallen out of use as the change was permanent, and having exact twins of yourself running around could be embarrassing and hard to explain. Plus in at least one incident the duplicate had killed the original and took his place. Nasty. But there was one problem, she wanted a mate; a male dragon, not another female that would be her twin sister.

Glitz was an amazingly smart creature, and had all of her Mistress's knowledge available in her own memory. And as she pondered the problem she applied that knowledge, and finally gave an excited hiss when she realized the solution. By combining the Mirror Image spell with a gender change spell the right way the two would work in concert with one another. Yes, yes, it would work! Hissing in glee now she quickly memorized a list of what she needed, then she looked at the two spells and carefully wrote them down, weaving the two together to form an entirely new spell. She checked, and double checked. The only hard part would have been powering or "enabling" the spell, but as it turns out Glitz could do that part herself as she was a conduit of magical power. She checked the spell again, it was so simple! The spell would create a duplicate of her, but a male version.

With a hiss of excitement she flew into the supply room to get the ingredients she needed. She only needed very small amounts, so they wouldn't be missed. She knew she was being bad; and that her Mistress wouldn't approve, but she was bound and determined. She had no problem herself with what she was going to do, by her very nature she was a selfish little creature, vain and proud like all demonic entities, and in her own case in many ways like a very intelligent and very powerful child. She loved her Mistress, but if she had to be bad to get something she wanted she didn't care, in her view there was nothing bad about it. She wanted it, she would get it, and that was all that counted. It would be a mistake to think she had only human emotions and desires.

It was almost dawn, and she was feeling a little weak as it was time for her to eat again. Her little body burned up an amazing amount of energy as her metabolism was many times faster than normal. But she was bound and determined to prepare the potion first. She quickly mixed the ingredients and then heated them with her own flame until they were molten and liquefied, and then she cast the spell and enabled it with her own power. The potion glowed for a few seconds, and she knew it was ready. She had made a very small batch, little more than a thimble full, but it was more than enough. Carefully holding the small miniature tea cup she put it in she flew back up to her nest and left the potion there to cool and "cure". Then she cleaned up all traces of her activities, put the books back on their shelves, and with tired flaps of her wings flew back into her the bedroom and joined her Mistress.

Her Mistress slept nude so Glitz would have easy access to her breasts to feed during the night, and eagerly Glitz began to suckle as she was starving. Except for moans of pleasure her Mistress slept on, she was used to her familiar feeding during the night. She finished feeding; and happy with her belly full of the rich milk she curled up on the pillow next to her Mistress's head and lovingly licked her ear a few times, then tucked her head under her tail. She was quite pleased with herself as she fell asleep.

Vivian woke fairly early as was her norm. She liked to have a long hot shower and leisurely breakfast before opening up the shop. Plus she had some errands to run as well, so would be opening a little late anyway. If she had been going to see another practitioner or someone who knew what she was she would have taken Glitz in a special handbag. Familiars loved to visit and gossip with one another as much as their partners did. She hated to leave her familiar even for a short time; it was hard on them both to be separated. Whenever she got back Glitz would always be frantic and she would have to console and comfort the little beast. Then she had to give her a treat for "abandoning" her. The little dragoness was so like a child in some ways, but even Vivian herself started to feel anxious and depressed if she was away for more than an hour or two. Their "reunions" were always emotional and joy filled.

But this morning she had to go to the dentist for a checkup, and having a dragoness in her handbag might be hard to explain as she had no doubt Glitz would find a way to escape and go "exploring". That incitement at Wal-Mart had been embarrassing. She had stopped there to pick up a bottle of dishwashing fluid after visiting another Sorceress to buy some supplies, and the little mook had somehow gotten out of the handbag, out of the car, and gone into the store to look for her. Her first hint something was wrong had been all the screams and laughter. She had found the little dragoness running down the aisles looking for her, and the reactions from the various other customers and staff had been mixed, but quite vocal. The sight of a rather large red lizard running around had terrified the women and delighted the children and men. Thank goodness Glitz hadn't decided to fly! That would have been hard to explain, but she'd been so scared by the bright lights and loud noise she had been more interested in finding her Mistress. She had scooped the little runaway up and apologized for her "pet iguana", which had got a screeching hiss of indignation from Glitz at being called an Iguana. When she got back out to the car she had given her familiar a little smack on the snout, which was the first time she had ever punished the dragoness. But the look of utter shock and hurt on Glitz's face as she had squealed and cringed had immediately made Vivian feel ashamed, and she'd hugged the little beast and cried, and Glitz had wailed at her Mistress's evident distress. They had consoled and forgiven each other, and soon things were back to normal. But no more unnecessary field trips!

As Vivian got ready to leave on her errands she expected the usual temper tantrum from Glitz, so was pleasantly surprised when the little dragoness just sat still and told her to "Hurry up, I'll be lonely". She gave her familiar a quick kiss and headed out before she could change her mind. Later she would realize she should have suspected something.

Glitz was sad as her Mistress left as she absolutely hated to be separated from her for even short periods, but she had things to do. For once she hoped her Mistress would be gone for a good long while so she would have time. She had already decided who her "mate" would be, and hoped the nice young male human would come by to pick up his charm before her Mistress got home. The fact the human might not want to be her mate never occurred to her, she just didn't think like that. To her the whole world rotated around her and her Mistress; her whole world WAS her Mistress, and nobody else really counted. It never even occurred to her that other people might have feelings too.

Glitz took up a position where she could see most of the street and hopefully waited. If the young man didn't come before her Mistress got back then she'd have to find another mate somehow, but she was in luck as she spotted him waiting to cross the street. With a hiss of excitement she flew to the door and unlocked it and flipped the sign from "Closed" to "Open". Then she flew up to her nest and carefully dipped all of her claws in the thick gooey potion. Then she waited, and a couple of minutes later the door opened, the bell rang, and the young male human entered the shop. He stood uncertainly at first, and then slowly made his way to the back of the shop calling for her Mistress. The man passed under her beam and she moved to the other side and kept watching him intently. She wanted to make sure he was well away from the front windows and door before she attacked. She crouched; her tail whipping back and forth slowly, like she was hunting a mouse or bug. Then as he reached the back counter she struck.

It was a quick precision attack as she was a consummate predator. She raked the man's back with all her claws and bit him on the neck. His thin shirt was no protection against her razor sharp talons, and they bit deep. It took just a few seconds, and she was back on her beam before he even saw his assailant.

I felt kind of stupid that I was actually buying a "magic" charm, but was desperate enough to try almost anything. So I worked up my courage; again, and entered the antique store. Besides I'd already given her twenty bucks, and I wanted to buy the model too as rebuilding old ship models was a hobby of mine.

"M'am?" I called as I nervously walked towards the back of the store, but it was quiet and I didn't see or hear anybody. "Hello, M'am?".

Man, what a creepy place, I thought. It was dimly lit and there were shadows everywhere. There didn't seem to be anyone in the shop, but the sign said "Open" and the door had been unlocked, so she must be in the back somewhere. I had no idea I was being watched and that my life would soon change in a very weird and terrifying way. Just as I reached the counter with the cash register I suddenly felt searing pain on my back and neck, and with a scream I reached around behind me and there was nothing there, but my hand came back bloody. I felt a burning numbness spreading from my neck to the rest of my body, and reaching over I grabbed the edge of the counter to hold myself up, but my legs went all rubbery and I slid to the floor. God that hurts, were my last thoughts as everything went fuzzy, then dark.

With a hiss of glee Glitz flew down and landed by the now unconscious man. She had bitten him to knock him out and so he'd more "cooperative" when he started changing. She could vary the strength of the poison in her bite, just a little knocked you out, a little more also paralyzed you for awhile, and more then that was fatal as it made your heart stop. But she had been very careful. She grabbed the man's collar and dragged him around behind the counter, for her size she was exceptionally strong. Her claws left scratches on the floor, but she didn't even notice, not that she would have cared anyway. She didn't want a chance window shopper to see anything out of the ordinary, such as a man turning into a dragon. She also flew over and locked the front door and flipped the sign back to "Closed" again. The she flew over and perched on the bust of Mozart so she could watch her "mate" take form. She had never seen a transformation; other then the rat burglar, and watched in fascination as it started.

She watched as the man started to thrash and moan, waving his arms around and kicking his legs like he was having a fit. It sounded like it was hurting him, and she gave a little whimper of concern, she hadn't wanted it to hurt! He arched and bucked as his skin became rougher and red scales began to form on the visible parts of his body. His two smallest fingers grew together and his hair fell out as horns began to form on the back of his head, and with ripping sounds his tennis shoes split open as sharp black talons began to push through them. The rear of his pants started to bulge, then split as a short red wildly thrashing tail emerged, and slowly it began to lengthen as black ridges formed down its back. She could hear popping cracking sounds, and see muscles flowing and rippling under his skin and his cries of pain almost became screams, and she flinched at the pain in them. He suddenly began gasping and clawing at his waist, and she saw what the problem was. It was his belt! It was so tight now it was crushing his lower belly! With a little shriek she flew down; and using her razor sharp fangs she chewed through the belt,and with a loud "whompf" sound his belly and chest suddenly expanded like a balloon and he gave a deep sigh of relief. His clothes were just tatters now and his body was entirely covered in shiny red; almost iridescent, scales very much like her own. He was quiet it for awhile, then he raked at the air with his new sharp talons and gasped in pain. Glitz was frantic now; it wasn't supposed to hurt so much! His head and body still looked fairly human, but as she kept watching mesmerized that began to change. With loud pops his spine extended pushing his neck and tail out as they lengthened, and his grimacing pain filled face pushed forward into fang lined jaws as he gasped for air. His lashing tail knocked over a small table with a loud crash, but she ignored that. He gave a loud shriek and rolled over onto his belly and she watched as large bulges in his back split open with wet ripping sounds and his wings pushed out, small and weak looking, but they unfurled and quickly grew in size and lost their wet soft look as they aimlessly flapped before finally partially folding. He hissed and thrashed a little longer, then gave a final long hissing moan and lay still except for his heaving rib cage. Glitz was happy it was over; his evident agony had shocked her and she was glad he had been unconscious. Her own little hearts had been beating like trip hammers she had become so agitated, and she slowly calmed down as well. She really hadn't meant to cause the man any pain, and it had upset her terribly.

Glitz looked up as an old maritime clock chimed the bells for 2:00pm, and she was shocked that the change had taken almost three hours! With the rat burglar it had only been about fifteen minutes. But it wasn't over yet, so she kept watching. After another half hour she was getting worried. Why wasn't he getting smaller? He should be her size! He couldn't be her mate is he was so large. She found herself getting mad, all that trouble for this? What would they do with a twelve foot long red dragon? Then she heard the key in the front door lock; and with a little yelp made herself scarce. With rapid flaps of her wings she darted up to her nest and waited for it to hit the fan, boy was her Mistress going to be pissed. It would have been bad enough if she showed her another twenty inch drake, but a twelve foot one was an entirely different matter. She stuck her head under a rat skin and tried to pretend she wasn't there.

I woke up and felt horrible, God I hurt all over and everywhere. Did I get beat up again by the bullies? I tried to remember, but everything was fuzzy and I was confused. I moaned and felt my tail brush against something. My WHAT? I raised my head up, and looking over my shoulder saw scales, wings, a long tail, and promptly freaked out. With a loud shrieking roar I sat up on my hind legs and looked down at myself in growing terror and utter disbelief. As I did so a few pieces of tattered clothing fell off and I was naked, not that there was anything to see. Where the HELL was my dick?

Vivian called out "Glitz honey, where are you baby?" as she turned to flip the sign to "Open".

A little concerned when there was no answer she started towards the back of the shop. Usually the little dragoness would be all over her by now demanding her undivided attention, but maybe Glitz was in the storeroom hunting. Then she dropped her bags and let out a shriek when a large dragon reared up from behind the counter and roared at her.

"Glitz, protect!" she screamed, but when there was no answer she had to take matters into her own hands.

The dragon seemed distracted, so she had time to cast a spell of immobility, which would basically bind the target, but leave it awake and aware. The dragon suddenly went rigid; then fell over with a loud bellow.

I looked in horror at my strange new body, and then was aware someone was yelling something. Suddenly I felt like I'd been wrapped up in piano wire, and fell over on my face and gave a loud yell as I landed on my nose. "RAAAWWWRR!" that hurt!

Vivian was worried sick as she looked down at the large pinned dragon, which was making muffled cursing noises and wriggling against the spell. She could feel it starting to fray already as dragons were very powerful and resistant to magic, the beast would be free in just a few minutes. Quickly she ran to her office and grabbed a wand from inside the top drawer. She had thought she'd never need it, but was glad she'd gone ahead and bought it now. It was powerful enough to blast even a dragon into next week. But most of all she was terrified for her familiar, if this monster had hurt Glitz then she would do much more than just blast him. She tried to think of who would send such a summoning against her, but for the life of her couldn't. So far as she knew she had no enemies, or at least any capable of sending such a beast. She walked back over to the dragon, and as the spell shattered he sat up with a loud roar, and she pointed the wand at his snout, and said,

"Who are you, who sent you, and what have you done with my BABY!", and she screamed the last question.

What the HELL I thought? I could feel bindings wrapped around me, but couldn't see them. I strained and felt them give, so started struggling harder. I was beyond scared now, and found I was getting mad too, which considering the situation was odd as normally I'm a devout coward. The constraints suddenly burst, and with a roar of rage I sat up, and found myself looking at the VooDoo lady and she was pointing something at my face, something I instinctively knew was a weapon that I did not want pointed at me, and she screamed something about a baby. So my roar faded into,

"Don't shoot, I surrender! What baby?"

"Who are you?" she snarled in my face, "And where is my familiar?"

Oh great, she's nuts too, I thought. "Look Lady, I just came by to pick up my charm, and what the HELL has happened to me?" I asked as I looked at hands with three fingers and one thumb, covered in red and black scales and with deadly looking claws on the tips. I looked at her pleadingly "Lady, what's wrong with me?"

Vivian almost lowered the wand, the dragon appeared more confused and upset then dangerous, but she knew such beasts were tricky, and she smelled demon on him. He reeked of powerful magic. Better safe than sorry, so she raised the wand again and aimed at his face. She'd blast him and find out where had had come from with a tracing spell. Plus he must have done something horrible to Glitz in order to breach the protection spells and wards on the shop.

Glitz had been watching what was going on, too scared to intervene yet. The loud screaming and roaring had frightened her. But when she saw her Mistress raise the wand of power again she knew she had to do something or the other drake would be hurt, or even killed. She let out a loud shrieking hiss, and flew down to her Mistress's shoulder as she yelled in her mind.

"Mistress, don't hurt him! He didn't do anything! He's mine!"

Vivian let her arm fall to her side in shock as her familiar came swooping down to land on her shoulder. She grabbed the little dragoness and hugged her as hard as she could.

"Oh baby, I was so worried! I thought you'd been hurt! And what do you mean he's your dragon? You can't summon demons!"

"Awwkk! Glitz gasped, Ssss, Mistress you're squishing me!"

It was a nice hug though, but wiggling free she flew over to the big dragon, who, not knowing what else to do, lifted up his front leg for her to land on. She gave his surprised looking snout a quick lick, and then turned to face her Mistress.

"Mistress, he's mine, I made him. He's my mate. But he's not supposed to be so big!"

Vivian just gaped with her mouth open. MADE him? MATE? What the HELL was her familiar talking about?"

I looked in fascination at the little dragoness perched on my scaly wrist. I realized I looked a lot like her, only bigger. I looked at her again, and then at the stunned and shocked looking lady. Not as stunned and shocked as I was though. I shook my head, and asked,

"Um, Hello? Can anyone tell me WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS GOING ON?" and then to my surprise let out a loud roar that made passing motorist slam their brakes on. Oh my, did I do that?

Glitz let out startled squeak and flew back over to her Mistress shoulder, and they both stared at the increasingly agitated dragon. Oh no, she thought, he's lit his fire flux and is getting ready to give a blast! Fortunately her Mistress acted fast and cast the binding spell again, and with a squeal the dragon feel forward onto his face again with a loud "OW! Son of a Bitch!"

You know, I thought, this falling face down on my snout is getting really old! I was bound with invisible bindings again, but I remembered how to break them, and started to wriggle loose much faster this time. In no time I was free, and standing up found that damn weapon pointed in my face again, and the lady said,

"Look dragon, I don't know who you are or what the hell is going on, but if you make another move to spit fire I will nuke you scaly butt, you got that lizard?"

Spit what? I thought, then suddenly realized I had smoke coming out of my nostrils! And I could feel a pressure in my chest and throat and hear an almost subliminal roaring sound like a furnace in my gut, and to my continuing confusion realized that I COULD breathe fire if I wanted! I knew how to! And that was the last straw. I sat down on my tail, tail! And holding my face, no, my snout, in my hands I started to cry.

"Waaarrr, What's WRONG with me? A-haa-haaaaa, this is impossible, sniff, what's happened to me!?! HIISSS! Waaaaahhh-haaa, I wanna go home! A-whaaaa! Raaaawr!"

Vivian dropped the wand again with her mouth open in shock. The last thing she had expected was for the dragon to start crying! And she could feel his terror and fear; he really was as confused as he was acting. This didn't make any sense! Then she remembered something her familiar had said during all the confusion.

"Glitz honey, she asked, what did you say, uh, what do you know about our; um rather unusual, er, guest?

"He's my mate Mistress, I made him. Ssss, did it all by myself, Yup. Good job, huh?"

"YOU WHAT!" screamed Vivian, startling both drakes.

With a loud hiss Glitz took off and flew up to the rafters and perched on one. She bobbed her head up and down and said,

"I made him Mistress, I turned a human male into my mate with a spell, but he's too big. Can you fix that? Hiss?"

I was watching this through the tears welling from my eyes. Mate?? Spell?? Made me? Into THIS? I turned my hands and arms; no, more like legs, over and looked at them, at the black bands on my stomach, the red scales, my thick hind legs with clawed feet, and turning my head on an impossibly long neck saw my wings! I'm a dragon too, I suddenly realized, a big red dragon! And with a deep moan I fainted and fell over on my face again.

Vivian said, "Oh dear, I think it finally hit him. Glitz, how COULD you? Don't you know that kind of magic is wrong and evil? You can't just transform someone like that!"

"But Mistress, wheedled Glitz, I was lonely, I want a mate! You get to have mates and have sex, why can't I? It's not fair! Hisss!"

And with a whining "hmmpphh" she flew over to her nest and ignored her Mistress's entreaties.

Vivian knew her familiar as well as she knew herself, and she knew the little dragoness really didn't understand that what she had done was horrible. She gave a little sigh, it would be useless to punish or scold Glitz; she would just get more confused. But of all the things to do! She looked down in pity at the unconscious red dragon, and thought. Oh you poor, poor man. You didn't do anything to deserve this. But the deed was done, and such spells were irreversible. The question now was; what to do with him?

"Glitz honey, please come here. I need to know exactly what you did." She called in her mind.

"NO, Glitz replied, you'll say mean things and scare me."

"I promise not to baby, please come here. I need you. Please, I love you." Vivian said.

A few seconds later she heard the sound of wings and felt a gentle wind against her hair, and Glitz lightly landed on her shoulder.

"Mistress, I'm sorry, was I bad? I just was so lonely."

"Yes, you were bad, but I'm not mad at you honey, I just wish you had asked me first is all." Vivian replied.

"You mean you would have let me change him? Sssss." Glitz asked.

"No honey, never that. But I could have asked around, maybe found you another drake, a dragon like you." Vivian replied.

"But Mistress, that would have taken forever. But what are we going to do about my mate? He is handsome isn't he?" she squealed in delight.

"He may not want to be your mate, did you ever think of that baby? This is a major shock to him; he may never get over it entirely. Besides, he's too big."

And what the hell are we going to do with a twelve foot red dragon anyway? She thought in exasperation. I don't think the "exotic pet" explanation would go over well with the neighbors, especially if he starts eating their pets.

"Oh Glitz, you silly little beast, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into."

Vivian looked down at the sleeping dragon again. He had his forked tongue stuck out and was drooling all over the floor, and the floor was sizzling from the sulphuric acid in the saliva. Definitely a demonic spell, she realized. And that meant big trouble. For one thing he was much more powerful than a natural drake, and would be hard to control if he decided to be contrary. And if his inherent demonic nature took over it would be bad, very bad. Anybody changed by a demonically powered spell risked the possibility of becoming a full blown demon themselves, and if that happened he would be way beyond her control as his powers would be far greater than her own. She walked into her study with Glitz still perched on her shoulders and sat down in her old oak swivel chair and closed her eyes and gave a tired sigh. She really didn't need this right now. She said,

"Glitz honey, go lock the front door and put up the "Closed" sign, then come back here and tell me exactly what you did."

As the dragoness flitted off on her errand Vivian got out her phone directory, found the right number, and jotted it down. After the dragoness came back she found out exactly what her familiar had done, and in spite of herself was impressed. It was a brilliant blending of spells. As soon as she found out everything she could she dialed the number she'd written down, and the phone was picked up on the third ring and an older woman's cultured voice answered.

"Hello, this is Madame Marian, may I help you?"

"Aunt Gertrude?, this is Vivian. I'm fine, how are you? Afraid this isn't entirely a social call. You will NOT believe what my sneaky little familiar has gone and done."

So she talked with her Aunt for over an hour, both of them leaving the phone several times to consult books and tomes. Her Aunt was fascinated by what had happened, and even thought it as funny. Vivian thought, bet you wouldn't be laughing if she'd done it to you! And the poor man, have some sympathy for Christ's sake. At the thought of the man she realized the sleeping spell would be wearing off soon, so time to go. They talked a few more minutes, and since neither could think of anything else right away agreed to talk again in a couple of hours. That way they'd each have time to do some more research.

I woke up with a confused moan, oh what a horrible freaky dream! Must have been those burritos I had at the school cafeteria, I knew they'd smelled a little off. And what the heck am I doing lying on the floor, and where the hell am I anyway? I lifted up my hand to rub my sore snout, which I could see perfectly clear even though the lights were out, and saw my scaly hand/foot with the nasty talons. And since when did I have a long snout? Oh crap, it wasn't a dream after all! With a whimper I stood up and looked around. The antique shop, oh yeah, now I remember. It was dark outside now, and the only light in the store came from a doorway in the back. As carefully as I could I made my way toward the light and sound of voices. Damn I'm big, and clumsy, I realized as my tail knocked something over with a loud crash. With my luck it was a Ming vase or something. The voices had fallen silent at the sound of the crash, so I called out a hesitant,

"Um, hello? Hiisss?"

Well, at least he sounds calmer Vivian thought. "Come on in." she answered.

She watched as a large fearsome head on the end of a long neck curled around the edge of the doorframe. If it was possible for such a fierce countenance to look scared and confused this one did. She felt an aching pity for the great beast that had once been a shy little man. He had his mouth shut, but here and there a fang poked over his hard rubbery lips, and smoke still drifted from his nostrils. His scales were a dark shimmering red, and he had three sets of black horns sweeping back from the crest of his neck shield. His eyes were a brilliant yellow with green vertical pupils, the eyes of a reptile or demon. But there was no malevolence or evil in them, only the same fear and confusion.

"Please, join us. Vivian said, we have a lot to um, talk about considering the situation", which was the understatement of the year.

After being "invited" in I carefully entered the room and sat down on my tail and haunches in a corner. My main problem was not that I was huge, it was my length. I had to keep my head ducked to keep from bumping it; again, on the ceiling, and my damn tail had a mind of its own. After it knocked over a small trashcan for the second time I finally grabbed the damn thing and held onto it with one hand, or foot, or whatever. I found; to my surprise, that I wasn't embarrassed at being nude in front of the beautiful woman, it's not like I had anything "hanging out" anyway. But I'd always been such a prude; I didn't even like taking showers with the other guys after gym class. I pretty much just sat there while the lady; her name was Vivian, explained things to me, or tried to. Even considering the evidence I found it hard to believe I had been turned into a dragon because her familiar (?) was lonely and wanted a mate? What the Hell WAS a familiar anyway? And evidently I wasn't just a "normal" dragon, I was a demon dragon! This was a kind of double whammy as up until a few hours ago I hadn't believed in dragons OR demons, and now I was both! Since she had stopped talking I asked,

"OK, so when can you turn me back? Don't get me wrong, it's been uh, a pretty interesting experience, but I've got mid-terms to study for. Hisss."

Man, I wish I could stop hissing like that, I sound like a snake, that and sticking my tongue out all the time which is rude. Of course I could smell them better when I do that, and they both smelled nice, especially the little dragoness, and she's pretty too. She has a beautiful tail. Man, why the Hell is THAT turning me on? I've never had a thing for lizards before! But she was exquisite.

OK, this is the hard part, Vivian thought as the dragon sat and looked at her expectantly and hopefully. How do you tell someone they're going to spend the rest of their life, a very long life, as what was technically a monster? That their old life is gone for good, and they're no longer even human?

That was why transformation spells were frowned upon by most Sorceresse's; because of the horror and despair the transformed human would feel, often for the rest of their cursed existence. And ones of demonic original were the worst because they were often for eternity, and slowly the demonic instincts in the changeling would manifest themselves to varying extents based on the strength of personality of the former human. Some could control it, others went "natural" as their own personality and awareness was slowly destroyed.

And as she explained the situation to the dragon the growing look of realization changed to disbelief, then despair, and then horrified resignation. And he started crying again, silently, huge tears sliding down his muzzle. God damn it, Vivian thought. Even Glitz was affected, whimpering as she sat on her Mistresses shoulder.

"Mistress, Glitz wailed in her mind, I didn't mean to make him so sad! I thought he'd like me, like being my mate!" And with a little shriek she flew away to hide in her nest. She knew she'd done something really bad now, and it confused and scared her.

Vivian let her familiar go. It was good the little dragoness was starting to realize that what she'd done had been so traumatizing, had hurt someone else terribly beyond repair, that there were consequences for what she'd done.

"I'm so very sorry" she said to the grieving beast, "She really didn't mean any harm. She's the only one of her kind, and was lonely. She knew you were lonely too, and thought you'd like to be her mate. She's like a child. I'll make it up to you as best I can. I know some people who could take you in. And there is one other place you could go, and it's not as bad as they make it sound."

Vivian hesitated to say what that other place was outright. How do you tell someone they'd be better off; more at "home", in Hell?

Please, please no, I don't want to be like this! I thought. I'd had enough troubles before, but THIS? I watched as the little dragoness flew off and couldn't help admire how sleek and graceful she was. I could tell she was very upset, and for some reason that upset me even more as I didn't want to her to be sad. And for some reason I couldn't hate her as I knew what it was like to be lonely too. I could still smell her sweet spicy scent long after she'd left.

"She's pretty." I said, before I even realized I'd spoken.

"Yes, she is." Vivian replied. Then the phone rang, and Vivian answered it.

"Aunt Gertrude? Yes, it's me. Yes, he's here, I mean, where else would he be? NO, he hasn't eaten Glitz yet, that's horrible! And it is NOT funny! You found out WHAT? Are you kidding? Oh my, STOP laughing! You want me to try what? Oh, OK, I'll call you back and let you know in the morning."

Vivian put down the phone with a funny look on her face. Well, it she'd thought it was bad before it was going even farther South really quickly. She looked at the dragon who looked back at her curiously. She said,

"Dragon, oh Hell, what is your name anyway? I can't just call you "Dragon" all the time."

"Um, promise you won't laugh? Hiss. My name is Seymour, my friends call me Sye." I replied reluctantly.

Geez, thought Vivian, no wonder he never got laid, his parents must hate him.

"Very well, um Sye, I want you to close your eyes and tell me if you can hear my voice in your head."

Uh, OK, I thought, and closed my eyes. "Can you hear me?" I clearly heard inside my head! I opened my eyes wide and nodded.

Vivian closed her own eyes, Oh Glitz, you little twerp, you have gotten mommy in between a rock and a hard place. Two familiars! And one bigger then I am!

"Well Sye, it would appear that you are now my familiar, just like Glitz."

"What, I asked, is a familiar?"

So Vivian explained it all to him, that he was bound to her, and to Glitz, in a very special way. And as she was still talking to the increasingly perplexed; and even more confused, looking dragon Glitz suddenly contacted her in her mind.

"Mistress, I'm hungry!" The little dragoness said.

And Vivian paused in the middle of a sentence with her mouth open. Oh sweet Mother Nature, how in the HELL was she supposed to FEED a twelve foot dragon familiar? There was NO way she produced enough milk, and just the thought of the large beast gnawing on her breasts made her cringe inside. Neither she nor Aunt Gertrude had thought about that. But there was one other person; well thing, that that she could ask, it was time to make a collect call to Hell.

"Sye, please wait her for awhile, I may be gone for a bit. Um, if you're thirsty there's a sink through that door."

"OK, I answered, I'm not really thirsty though, but I am kind of hungry. You got anything to eat?"

Oh, crappity, crap, crap, crap. Vivian thought. "Uh, not right now, but I'm working on it. See you shortly." And he actually waved at her as she left the office. Double crappity, crap!

"GLITZ, she yelled in her mind, come here right now, we need to call Vulva!"

"Oh boy, she's nice! Ssss!" hissed Glitz as she landed on her Mistress's shoulder.

"No she's not, Vivian replied, remember, she's a demoness, so watch those protective spells! Just because we do business with her doesn't mean she won't grab us in a second if we screw up."

"Mistress, I know that! Geez, I wasn't created yesterday. Hisss." Glitz replied.

Vivian looked at the powerful being in the pentagram. Part human, part goat, part lizard, and very erotically female in a way most women could only dream of. Despite her bestiality she was voluptuous and beautiful, which was understandable as she was a Patroness of Carnal Pleasure. One of her specialties was taking virgin male sacrifices and turning them into fellow demonkind to be her slaves. And looking at her Vivian thought most of them probably enjoyed it.

The demoness looked back at her, her forked tongue flicking in and out of her mouth.

"Greetings Vivian, I am surprised to hear from you. This is not your normal time to summon me."

"My apologies Mistress Vulva, but I have a, um, problem. I am in need of advice."

"You may ask, Vulva replied, whether I will answer remains to be seen. However you have been a good contact, so I will give your questions serious consideration."

"Thank you Mistress", Vivian said.

And when she told Vulva her problem the demoness had broken into uncontrollable laughter.

"Your, your familiar did WHAT?" Vulva had asked in amazement, then had bent over and roared in laughter. "Hiss, hiss, hissssss!"

Miffed, Vivian said, "Mistress, it's NOT funny, this is a serious problem, how will I feed the poor beast? I don't know what to do!"

Vulva said, "Oh yes it is, it is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time, and I've never heard of a familiar doing this before. It's delicious; my Pet will get a big kick out of this one! Oh my, TWO familiars! But as to your problem, I can give you a spell to make your breasts large enough to feed him."

Vivian stared in horror, "I don't want boobs THAT big, I wouldn't be able to walk!"

Vulva gave an amused hiss, "Don't worry, I was just kidding you. But truly, you should know

the answer. He's your familiar so he has to be able to suckle at your breasts. Think little Sorceress, what can some familiars do?"

Vivian frowned in concentration, "But Mistress, I don't... Oh, OH!"

"Yesss, hissed Vulva, if you'd have calmed down you would have realized there is no problem after all. But you know your breasts WILL get larger since you have two to feed now, but not as large as I was kidding you about. Now it is near dawn and you need to shut the pentagram."

"Mistress, thank you. Vivian said. What do I owe you for your help?"

Vulva just waved a hand, "Nothing, you have been an able acolyte. The good laugh was payment enough, wait until the others hear about this! Two familiars, priceless!" And she disappeared from the pentagram in a puff of reddish smoke.

Showoff, thought Vivian. She knew the smoke was just a special effect, but it WAS impressive. And her problem was solved, at least in a way. How the dragon would feel about the whole situation was a different story, but he had no more choice then she did. I hope he doesn't make this more difficult than it has to be.

She went back to her office to tell her new familiar the news. She hadn't told him about the breast feeding part yet. Glitz wouldn't be happy she'd have to share, but it was her own damn fault.

Vivian sat down and looked at the dragon, and he looked morosely back at her. He seemed to be taking it amazingly well so far, all things considered. How he'd respond to this bit of information remained to be seen. So she told him, and his eyes got wider and wider and his jaws opened until his tongue was hanging out.

You have to feed me WHAT, with your WHAT? I thought.

I blurted out, "You have GOT to be kidding me! HISS! Lady I've never even seen a woman naked, how do you expect me to, to, suck on your boobs? And aren't I just a little too big?" I snapped my jaws with a loud "clack!" to emphasize that point. "I mean, I might accidently bite one off! HISS. Don't get me wrong, you have very nice, um, breasts. But I don't know if I could, I mean, um, I, oh CRAP!"

Vivian sighed, and said. "I'm not terribly thrilled about it myself to tell you the truth, but we have no choice. You'd die otherwise. But you won't be that large. You need to assume our normal size."

"What normal size? This IS my normal size!" I hissed.

"No, it's not. Vivian said. Glitz is the normal size for a familiar. Some have the ability to take on a larger size, it's a power only a few familiars have. But they have to be small in order to feed from their Mistress or Master. Because you are not a normal familiar; and were transformed from a larger size, you took on your larger size to start with because you were more used to it. Close your eyes and concentrate. Just think of yourself as being small, being Glitz's size, being able to sit on my shoulder. Think hard, it will come to you, it is natural for your new form."

This just gets weirder and weirder, I thought. Two sizes? How was that even possible? Come to think of it, how was ANY of this possible? I thought, as I looked down at myself again for the hundredth time, wishing it was all a bizarre dream. I'm a fucking dragon, it's real but it's crazy! Well, here goes nothing. So I closed my eyes, and thought "small"! And felt a sudden feeling of vertigo, almost like I was in a rapidly descending elevator. I gave a little squeal as I felt a moment of disorientation and being off balance, and fell forward onto all fours.

I opened my eyes and found I was staring at a huge desk the size of a building! As I looked up I saw a little head look over the edge, and the little dragoness called Glitz said,

"Wow, lookit! It worked Mistress! He's small like me! Can we mate now?"

What is it with her about mating anyway? I thought, is she a nympho or something? But I did find myself wondering what it would be like, I mean, she is pretty. Whoa, hang on there, she is NOT my type. And this is still too damn weird. I looked around in amazement, everything was so big now, it was like being in a totally different world. Talk about Alice in Wonderland, or more liked Seymour in Weird Land. The new perspective was disconcerting. I pricked up my fan shaped ears when I heard the lady; Vivian, call my name, then realized it was in my head again. Weird, weird, weird!

"Sye, come up here so I can get a look at you."

OK, reasonable request, only one problem. "How?" I hissed.

Glitz suddenly plunged of the edge of the desk and dive bombed me as I ducked, then landed back on the edge and turned around again to look down at me again.

"By flying, silly!" she giggled.

Well, I DO have wings. I thought. I flexed and spread them, and looked over my shoulder. Wow, they're a lot bigger than I thought. OK, I can do this. I jumped up and flapped my wings, and flew up and over the edge of the table and landed in Vivian's lap in a tangle of wings and legs, much to our mutual surprise.

"Well hello there." Vivian said.

"Um, Hi." I replied. I started struggling to get up, but was caught in her shirt.

"Ow!" she said, watch the claws, hold on a second.

Vivian helped the frantic little dragon get untangled, and picking him up she sat him down on the desk. He looked around in amazement, and then looked at her raptly. She felt herself drawn into his deep emotionless looking eyes.

"Hello?" she heard in her mind.

"Hello yourself little one." She replied, a smile on her face.

"So I can talk to you too, in your head?" he asked her.

"Yes, and Glitz too I think. You there honey?"

"Yes Mistress, I hear you both." Glitz replied.

Wow, I thought, ESP, more weirdness, but cool too. No need for a cell phone.

Vivian looked at the little dragon and realized he did look a lot like Glitz, but there were major differences, other than his being male, which really wasn't that obvious. No external genitalia made it hard to tell. Glitz scampered over to his side and sniffed curiously at him, but he seemed a little intimidated. And he was shy too, when Glitz tried to look between his hind legs he tucked his tail and closed his legs. But he was larger, with a thicker body and about four inches longer. His horns and spines were larger as well, more "masculine". But other than that they were virtually identical as he was basically a male version of Glitz. Both had shimmering dark red scales that looked iridescent in the right light and/or from the right angle, black belly bands, black horns and talons, black spines and ridges down their backs and tails, and black barbs on the tips of their tails. Their ample fangs were pearly white against their narrow hard black rubbery lips, and both had yellow eyes with green pupils, eyes that could stare into your soul. And black tongues she also noted as they flicked in and out. She watched as their tongues accidently touched, and both had the funniest look on their snouts.

I wish she'd leave me alone! I thought as the little dragoness kept sniffing and staring at me like I had two heads so something. Part of me knew she was just trying to be friendly, but she'd done this to me and I just wasn't ready to be best friends yet. Then she tried to stick her head between my hind legs! Not that there was anything to see, but it was the principle of the thing. Not nice! I gave an irritated hiss and clenched my legs together. Stop that, I thought. But since she was so close I couldn't help but take a good whiff of her with my nose and tongue and curiously leaned over a little to get a better sniff, and she lifted up her own head and our tongues touched by accident. We both pulled our heads back in surprise, and then shyly looked away. She smells nice I realized, and she is pretty. I found myself sneaking a look at her, very pretty.

They're so cute together Vivian thought. But it was very late and way past Glitz's feeding time, and she was sure Sye was hungry too. But they were so worked up about what had happened they probably didn't even realize it.

"Okay gang, time for dinner, or in this case, breakfast."

With that announcement she pulled her shirt over her head, followed next by her bra. Oh yeah, much better she thought as her swollen tender breasts spilled out.

"Yummy!" shrilled Glitz as she hopped in her Mistress's lap and eagerly began to suckle at one of her nipples. She was starving. When she realized she was alone she looked at the other drake and called in his mind. "Come on, it's good!"

I just sat there with my mouth open. Of all the ways to get my first look; in person, at a beautiful woman's breasts. I had certainly never expected it to be in the form of dinner! But I felt my mouth drooling as I watched Glitz feeding. God I was so hungry! But I was so damn embarrassed too. But Vivian fixed that by leaning over and picking me up. She held me on my back like a baby and her huge beautiful breast was right in my face, and I felt an irresistible urge, and gently biting her nipple I sucked, and was rewarded with a thick syrupy sweet fluid that was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted in my life. I reached up with my hands/front feet and kneaded her breast as I sucked in delight. I choked a little when I tried to laugh as I thought that here I was fondling a fantastic boob, and it was for food instead of foreplay. But that was fine with me. I was disappointed when the flow of her milk slowed, then stopped. But my belly felt warm and pretty full, so I was happy for now. I kept sleepily licking her nipple for awhile to get every last drop. You know, I thought, I could get used to this.

Glitz griped, "But Mistress, I'm still hungry!"

Vivian replied, "I'm sorry baby, but Sye has to have his fair share too. But don't worry; I'll be getting bigger since I have to feed two of you now."

"Told you bigger boobs would be better!" Glitz giggled. "And Sye is a stupid name for my mate, we need to get him a better name."

He's not your mate, at least not yet. Vivian thought. "You'll have to let him pick his own name, IF he wants to change it." She gently chided the little dragoness.

She looked down at Sye who was still curled up on his back in the crook of her arm gently licking her nipple. He eyes were almost closed and she realized he must be exhausted. He'd had one Hell of a day thanks to her naughty little dragoness, and still had some more coming as what had happened to him began to sink in. He didn't realize yet that this was for good, and his old life was gone forever. She softly said,

"Time for bed darlings, we'll sleep late tomorrow. We're all worn out."

Glitz opened her mouth amazingly wide as she yawned. "Uh-huh, I'm tired too Mistress. Sye and I can mate later."

Sye gave a little start at that, and Vivian giggled in her mind. He'll have to give into her sooner or later; I just wish she wasn't so pushy. She's so inexperienced she really doesn't know what she's in for when he accepts, and he probably doesn't either. But nature would take its course, she was sure of that. By their very nature familiars were randy little creatures. Put two of the same kind and different sexes, in the same area and it was inevitable. It would probably take a little longer in his case though since this was all still so strange to him, poor man. No, she thought, he's not a man anymore. Still, it would be nice to have two familiars running around, the others will be SO jealous.

Vivian put him down on a pillow where he immediately curled up and fell asleep and she leaned over and gave him a little kiss. Glitz started out next to her head on her own pillow, but when she woke up briefly later in the morning Glitz was curled up with her back to Sye's. She smiled and went back to sleep.

She woke up again a couple of hours later and found herself facing the two still sleeping drakes. But Glitz now had her head draped across Sye's back and was making her usual little snores. Sye was still tucked in a tight ball and was oblivious. Not wanting to alarm him Vivian clucked her tongue softly, and called in her mind,

"Glitz honey, come here." With a sleepy little hiss Glitz raised her head and scrambled over to her Mistress and snuggled under her chin.

"He smells nice, Mistress, she said. I hope he'll like me".

"Oh, I'm sure he will baby, you just need to give him time. This is all kind of hard on him; he's not used to stuff like this like we are. Just don't be so pushy, you'll scare him away. He needs to learn what he is, and accept it first."

"Really? Glitz said worriedly, I don't want to do that. Ssss."

"Let him make the first move." Vivian said.

"But how will I know?" Glitz asked plaintively.

"Oh, don't worry baby, you'll know." Vivian replied.

"Time for breakfast!" Vivian said out loud.

Glitz gave a little screech of pleasure, and yelled "Sye, get up, time to eat! Ssss!"

"Wha, huh?" But it's Saturday I thought, I want to sleep late.

Then I remembered, and sat up and stared around. I was still a miniature dragon and I looked at the other small drake who looked back at me with bright sparkling; beautiful, eyes, and then behind her I saw Vivian who had sat up in the bed and was butt naked, and I could see everything, and I mean everything, as she had thrown off the sheets as the room was warm and stuffy. I realized I'd spent the night in bed with a beautiful nude woman, no, two beautiful females, and nothing had happened. What a wuss, I thought. But at least I had a good excuse. And at the sight of those magnificent breasts I started drooling, and when she motioned for me to join them I didn't hesitate, and soon I was sucking on one of her nipple in pure bliss as the thick rich milk filled my belly. This must be what they call the "Nectar of the Gods" I thought, or pretty damn close. I gave happy little hisses as I finished my "breakfast".

When the two drakes were through with their breakfast Vivian got up and took a long hot shower. God I needed that, she thought. Then she went into the little kitchen and made herself a big breakfast. The drakes tagged along, and seeing Sye drooling at the sight of the bacon she gave him half a slice, which he nibbled at with happy hisses. She wondered if he realized how Glitz was looking at him. She had no idea how drakes went about courting, but it was pretty obvious Glitz was hot to trot, and surely he couldn't be so dense he didn't know it. Oh dear, what if he was Gay?

I sat and looked at the other little drake while Vivian showered, and she looked back at me with her bright little eyes. I blinked and she blinked. OK, this is getting kind of creepy, I thought. So I said,

"Um, Glitz? What exactly do you, um, we, do? I mean, what's our job? Hiss?"

Glitz thought for a second, she'd never really given it much thought before; she just did what all familiars did. "Well, we protect our Mistress. We help channel magic for spells. Oh, and we keep vermin out of her stock of ingredients, Ssss, and the shop. Do you want to mate now? Hsss?"

"What, I mean, uh, I, aw crap. Sssss!" I stuttered.

Then Vivian came out of the bathroom, still butt naked. Saved! And oh God she was hot, even as a dragon I knew that. I just sat there and stared, and this time wasn't drooling because I was hungry. After she got dressed and left the room I followed, and Glitz followed me. Go away! I thought.

We all went in the kitchen, and when Vivian, no, I guess I should call her Mistress from now on, for some reason using her name seemed, I don't know, disrespectful? OK, Mistress it is. When Mistress Vivian started cooking bacon it was the most delicious thing I'd ever smelled, and when she saw me drooling she gave me half a slice and it was big meal for me. How nice, I thought. While I ate I snuck glances at Glitz out of the corner of my eye.

It wasn't that I'd been ignoring her, I hadn't been, and I couldn't have even if I'd wanted to. I was very much aware of her presence, and her body language and scent made it very clear she was interested in me, and believe you me I knew in what way too. And I thought she was beautiful, so slender and graceful, and the way her scales caught the light was breathtaking. Oh yes, the dragon in me was very much aware of the lovely dragoness, but the human part was still confused and shy. I still didn't quite believe all this was real, or permanent. But slowly I was definitely becoming more interested in her, very much so, and kept glancing at her. She was so pretty, and I found myself wondering what her scales would feel like rubbing against mine. Finally I got up, and walking over offered her half of my bacon strip, which she accepted with a delighted hiss. Then I watched entranced as she took dainty little bites and swallowed them. I had found we couldn't chew, we just bit off small chunks and swallowed them whole.

Glitz was surprised, but delighted, when Sye (she hated that name) offered her part of his bacon slice. It was very nice of him, and a little shyly she accepted the offer. He was so big and strong, and smelled so nice. Even though he tried to act like he was ignoring her she could see him looking at her when he thought she wasn't paying attention. With the way her eyes were set on her head she had almost total peripheral vision, so could see what others thought she couldn't. Maybe he did like her after all, she hoped so. She finished the lovely bacon, and carefully cleaned her claws and fingers, couldn't be too clean. She was a very tidy lady.

Vivian watched the interplay between the two drakes as she munched her toast. It was obvious Sye was getting over whatever initial reservations he might have had about Glitz. She recognized the gift of food as a kind of "I'd like to court you" offering; and Glitz had accepted. She truly hoped they would get along; and become mates, as it would be good for both of them and her. Having two drake familiars that were at odds with one another all the time would be Hell on earth. At least it looked like it was going in the right direction. She decided it might be a good idea to give them some alone time to "get acquainted". So as she put up the dishes she said,

"I've got to go to the store to buy some groceries. Glitz, why don't you show Sye around your domain while I'm gone? I might be awhile. And yes, I know we need more cinnamon."

Erk, I thought, and almost said, please don't leave me alone with her! But I snuck another glance at Glitz and changed my mind. She was so, so intriguing. I felt a yearning I had before, but in a different life, and somehow knew in this new one it would be different. Things would be, well, maybe simpler. And to my surprise realized I didn't have a problem with that, I had always felt overwhelmed before, so simpler might be nice. I took another quick look, she was so very lovely.

"Come on Sye! Ssss." Glitz said, and taking off flew out of the kitchen door.

I looked at Mistress Vivian, shrugged my shoulders, and followed.

Vivian smiled to herself, mission accomplished. She hoped things went as planned. She gathered up her purse and let herself out the front door, turned the sign to "Closed", and went down to the corner to wait for the bus.

I flew after Glitz, but was a little slower and careful as I was still new to flying, but it was very nice. It gave a sense of freedom I'd never known before. Somehow I managed not to destroy anything, and only landed on top of her once, much to our surprise as she shrieked and giggled, but I was mortified which made her laugh even more. From a "large" perspective the shop was average size, but from my "small" perspective it was a large cavernous place.

Glitz led me on a merry chase as she showed me around her "domain". She wasn't still for a second, and chattered like a magpie. And I found it endearing and sweet, and I didn't know it yet but I was falling very much in love with the energetic young dragoness. But it wasn't just as a man, but as a dragon. And as it would turn out drakes aren't much on playing the dating game. She showed me the storeroom and complained about all the "vermin", she showed me crawlspaces (for us) under the floorboards and in the walls, and other "secret" places. The store was mainly one big room with an office in the back, one big storeroom, several closets, and a loft with the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. It wasn't luxurious, but it was cozy and comfortable. Then we flew up to the rafters and she showed me the beams where she had left little trails in the dust, and coming to one central beam I saw what looked kind of like an Easter basket.

"What's this? Hiss?" I asked.

Glitz shyly ducked her head, "It's my nest, do you like it? Ssss?"

I looked at the tightly woven "basket" lined with all sorts of bits of cloth and cotton balls, the furs of small animals (she must be a good hunteress something in me approved of), and some nice shiny things I realized were pieces of jewelry and bits of metal and glass. It was a nice nest, well made and cozy. I was impressed.

"It's very nice, I like the shiny things." I hissed, and Glitz preened proudly at my compliment.

Neither of us had any way of knowing that instinctively Glitz had shown me her nest hoping for my approval; and recognition she would make a good mate. We weren't true drakes because of our size and origins, but we did have the same instincts as our larger cousins.

I poked around in the nest for a little bit, faintly amused that I found the shiny things so fascinating. Then I heard a loud horn blast out front, and moving to the edge of the beam I lay down and looked out the window. I watched the cars and trucks going down the street, the people walking by, and realized I was crying again. I was finally beginning to realize this wasn't some temporary thing, and that I was pretty much cut off from the rest of the world because of what I was now. I couldn't go back to the dorm, or home, or anywhere really. Not that my stepdad and drunk of a mom would miss me very much. Suddenly I felt a little tongue lick a tear off my muzzle, and turning my head found myself staring into the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen, eyes filled with concern and sadness and genuine remorse. And right then and there I knew I wanted her for my mate, wanted to spend the rest of my life at her side, more than anything I'd even wanted before.

Glitz watched the outside world go by like Sye was doing. Usually she didn't pay much attention to it, but today it made her think. She knew how she would have felt it she'd been taken away from her home and Mistress, it would kill her, literally. So for the first time she finally came to understand what she had done to Sye. And when she scented and realized he was crying she felt true concern and sadness, and was mad at herself for the first time she could ever remember. She sidled closer to the grieving dragon, and slowly she leaned over and licked a salty tear off his snout, and said,

"Sye, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. Ssss. It was bad of me, and I hope you won't hate me too much."

Hate you, I thought, for what? Being lonely? I looked at her red scaly snout with the brilliant yellow and green eyes that I found so incredibly enticing, her long slender neck with delicate black ridges and spines running down to her streamlined lithe body and long sensual tail. Hate, no. Love? yes. And I felt something wake up deep inside of me, and as it grew I welcomed it because it felt right, it felt natural and good. And I lost all my inhibitions and human restraints for what was coming as I already knew I wanted her as my mate, and that new awareness knew what to do.

With a deep rumbling hiss I rubbed my snout against hers, and gently nibbled at her ears and crest, and clacked my horns against hers before rubbing my head up and down the length of her neck, slowly and sensually, softly hissing the whole time. She felt so sleek and warm; it felt so very, very, sensual just to touch her.

Glitz was a little unprepared when Sye started hissing and rubbing against her, but when he nibbled at her ears it felt nice, and as he rubbed his head against her neck she gave a higher pitched hiss of her own and rubbed against his neck too. His hiss came from deep in his throat and she found the deep bass sound and vibration she felt against her scales to be very attractive, very male. She closed her eyes in joy, he does like me!

When she started making a higher pitched hiss and rubbed back I knew she'd accepted me and felt something new and wonderful, love. Not just desire and lust, but those were very much there as well. I nuzzled and rubbed her beautiful snout and neck for a while longer, the sensual feel of her scales against mine and her dainty tongue licking my snout was so erotic and arousing it made me hiss softly in pleasure. I sensed and smelled her scent change and responded in the only way I could. I quickly moved around behind her and started persistently nipping and rubbing the base of her tail, stroking it with my front feet/hands, and at the same time felt a stirring in my sheath, and soon had my first erection as a dragon. I gave a deep snarl and nipped at her a little harder to let her know my need, that I was ready for her.

Glitz gave a low guttural hiss of pleasure as she felt Sye nipping and rubbing her tail, she could smell her own, and his, lust, their mutual desire for one another. As his attentions; and demands, became more then she could stand she slowly crouched and lifted her tail to one side for him. As he reared up to mount her she looked over her shoulder and gave a hiss of wonder and not a little last second uncertainly about this. He was magnificent, but he was so big! How could that fit in her! But as she felt his weight settle on her back she knew it was too late, but that still didn't keep her from trying to turn and claw at him, but the sudden feel of his fangs on her neck caused her to squeal in surprise as he pinned her helplessly, and then took her whether she wanted him to or not.

As she lifted her tail for me I reared up with a snarl of lust and love, and looking down saw my penis for the first time since my change. Part of me thought, holy cow! I was well endowed to say the least, by human standards I had a one footer, but no human penis ever had a large flared scalloped corona like the pointed head, or a large canine like knot at the base like mine did now. But the rest of me didn't care and I completed what I had started. I guided the head of my penis into the wet soft folds of her cloaca, and then as I mounted her with a powerful lunge I bellowed in pain and pleasure, and leaning forward across her back I grasped her with my talons and grabbed her neck in my jaws to keep her from fighting back, and made her my mate. And the first time was brutal agonizing ecstasy. Like human females she had a hymen, but it was much thicker and tougher, and in male dragons there is a kind of barrier between the internal testes and the tube that carries the sperm to the penis, and it had to be broken as well by the efforts of the testes to respond to sexual stimulation and pump the sperm into the penis (but of course we didn't know this). Which meant it was almost as painful for me the first time as it was for her, especially at the last for me as the pressure built up to be strong enough to rupture that barrier. So we both roared and shrieked in pain and pleasure, and she bucked and writhed and roared under me trying desperately to throw me off, but I was just as determined not to be denied my need, so kept my grip on her neck with my jaws and shoulders with my front legs as I kept her pinned. And oh God it hurt so good. I kept lunging into her until I felt the resistance suddenly give way and gave a shriek as I slid into her to the hilt for the first time and her lips clamped around my knot to keep us joined.

Glitz shrieked through her clenched jaws as Sye lunged and pounded in to her like a jack hammer. She hadn't known mating would be like this, it was wonderful and terrifying at the same time. She fought desperately to try and get loose, to stop what he was doing to her, but he was strong and dominant and she found herself submitting to him, to her mate. She opened her mouth and roared as she felt something tear and give way inside, and he lunged into her to the hilt and she felt his bands grind against hers and something inside of her grabbed him and held him inside of her and she went almost insane from the pleasure, and his shrieks just drove her to higher levels of her own ecstasy. She stopped struggling and bent lower to open herself to him more, relishing his weight on her back, and felt nothing but love for the powerful male who was taking her and making her his, the pain was gone and only increasing pleasure remained. He was so strong and magnificent, and she gave herself to him, body and soul.

I roared and bellowed through my fangs as I bit her neck, and with my eyes clenched shut from the effort humped her for what seemed like hours, feeling like I would explode with every thrust. Oh God, when will I cum? So we moved together roaring and shrieking in pleasure for what seemed like forever, but finally the pressure built to the point it could no longer be resisted, and I felt something pop deep in my loins and my orgasm exploded and washed over me like hot lava and I went berserk as I came and came and came, filling my mate with my seed. And she gave a final shriek and her whole body shuddered under me and I knew she'd orgasmed as well. As it would turn out female drakes can have orgasms anytime, but they always have one when the male comes as it triggers their own. It makes for fantastic sex. For whatever reason female drakes cum on a 3-4/1 average compared to males, which is fine by them and the males certainly don't complain. It is very important to a male drake to pleasure his mate.

Gasping, I lay across her back to rest. She still had me locked inside of her as while the male usually starts a coupling, the female decides when it ends. And Glitz wasn't ready to let her mate go yet, she wanted more of that incredible pleasure. Which was just fine with me, much to our mutual delight. Still gripping her neck I started to hump her again, but slower this time as we were both a little sore, but that didn't stop us. It just made the second, third, and fourth times take a little longer.

Glitz hissed softly in pleasure as her mate kept servicing her, only now he was gentler and took his time, his bites tender as he gently stroked the scales on her back with his talons, his tail wrapped around hers. Oh Mistress, she thought, it's so much better than I could have ever imagined, I love him so much. Then she stopped thinking and shrieked in pleasure as he exploded deep inside of her again.

Finally, both of them exhausted and spent, his now flaccid penis slid from her as she let him go, and withdrew into his vent. Then they lay side by side on their sides facing one another, and each licked and nuzzled the others vent until they were clean. It just seemed the natural thing to do, and it felt good. Then they curled up in their nest, him with a wing over her, and both had a good long nap as they needed it. A mated pair, neither alone anymore, or ever again as drakes mate for life.

I woke up first and was instantly aware of the warm body pressed as close to mine as possible. My mate, I realized, my incredible beautiful mate. Did that really happen, did I really do that? Oh yes I did, and I realized all my shyness and inhibitions regarding females or sex were long gone. I could tell I was different now, somehow more, confident? With a hiss of affection I gently nuzzle Glitz's snout. She snores, how cute! And I gently licked her snout until she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, so beautiful I thought.

"I love you." I said, meaning it with both my hearts.

She gave a soft squeal of pleasure, and we pressed out snouts together and kissed for a long time. For us kissing was rubbing our hard snouts together while we licked each other, and wrapping our tongues around one another's. And it was quite nice, thank you very much. Humans can have their soft flabby faces. And I think that was the first time I thought myself as a drake instead of a human, a very happy drake, no less.

About this time we heard a key turn in the front door lock; and with a shriek of joy Glitz jumped off the beam and flew down to greet our Mistress. Yes, I thought, OUR Mistress. I also accepted the fact I was a "part" of her now, in a way. Accepted it and liked it. Even if I had known the spell was still working on me I wouldn't have cared. The physical change was fast, the mental adjustment took longer. So I followed her, shrieking my own greeting. And we danced around our Mistress's head until landing on her shoulders, and while Glitz always took the right, I always took the left. Then we nibbled on her earlobes until she chased us away.

"Cinnamon! Glitz piped, did you remember Mistress?"

Cinnamon, I thought, what's the big deal? "Mistress Vivian, I asked, why is Glitz so worked up about cinnamon?"

Vivian smiled, she could see it, and smell it in the air. Well, she thought, they certainly hadn't wasted any time. The both glowed with happiness, and that made her happy too.

"What do you say Glitz, shall we show him, let him have a taste?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" giggled Glitz.

I wasn't too sure about this, smelled like a conspiracy of some kind, but I followed them to the kitchen. We landed on the table, and while Mistress Vivian busied herself at the kitchen cabinets I rubbed my tail lovingly against Glitz's and we rubbed snouts. We were so involved with one another we never noticed Mistress Vivian turning around and smiling down at us until she cleared her throat, and said,

"Well, it certainly looks like you too have gotten awful friendly."

Glitz said "Oh yes Mistress, we mated four times, it was great. He's a hunk. I think we're married now."

"Errgrp!" I squawked, and it was possible for a red dragon to turn redder I did."

Vivian did her best to keep from laughing out loud; the look of horrified embarrassment on Sye's scaly snout was priceless. He also seemed a little smug too at the same time. Poor little Glitz, she was just so innocent in the ways of the world. Then she thought, four times? My goodness, he really must be a hunk. Carefully she measured out two small pinches on two fingers, then she lowered them to the table and Glitz eagerly started daintily licked her share, hissing in pleasure. Sye seemed a little hesitant.

"What does it so?" I asked, and saw that Glitz certainly was enjoying herself.

Vivian replied, "To familiars it's like a drug, helps them to concentrate their powers better, and it's also good for them. But like any drug too much can be bad for them. You each get one pinch a day, anymore would be too much."

Well OK, I thought. I'd smoked a joint a couple of time with some friends, and that had been nice. But I was totally unprepared for what happened. Glitz had finished and her eyes looked even brighter than usual. With a soft hiss I lowered my head, took a sniff (smells like cinnamon), and started licking up the powder. And Holy Sweet Jesus! Talk about a rush! It took a few seconds to hit me, and as I ate the powder it got more and more intense. When it was gone I sat up and stared around in wonder. It had heightened my senses and feelings to an incredible degree. WOW! I looked at Glitz and she was staring at me intensely, and her tongue licked over her lips. With a deep growling hiss I started towards her, and with a shriek she took flight, and I set of in pursuit. We both totally forgot our Mistress; we had eyes only for one another.

Well, thought Vivian. No wonder poor little Glitz was so horny, it would appear cinnamon is also an aphrodisiac for drakes. When the sounds started up in the rafters a short time later she thought, yep, definitely.

Glitz hissed at me as I approached her, tail whipping as I gave a deep rumbling hiss of my own. She flew over to another beam, and I followed right behind. We both knew what we wanted, and this chase and catch game just made the anticipation more delicious. Finally I backed her into a corner and claimed my prize. As she lifted her tail and I mounted her we both gave loud shrieks of pleasure, and I roared as I serviced her. I closed my eyes and moaned as her tight, hot, wet, slick sex swallowed my aching penis until my knot slid into her and we were joined. I didn't have to bite her this time; other than to give love nips, as after that first brutal animal coupling when we had both "broken" each other in our lovemaking was much more gentle, a combination of human, drake, and demonic. Sometimes I'd just press my head next to her neck and keen in love and adoration for my beautiful mate, and she'd do the same. Other times we'd roar and squeal the whole time as our intensely pleasurable couplings needed an outlet for some of the energy we expended. In other words we were extremely vocal when we mated. We also don't have much modesty, we don't mind at all if we mate where our Mistress can see us. Much to the amusement of Mistress Vivian. And we mated a LOT, every day, sometimes several times, and usually at least once during the night too. We are quite insatiable. But we are both sad in that being what we are we're sterile; there would be no eggs in our nest. Glitz took that especially hard as she had the same desire for children that any female has, drakes are the same as humans in that longing. But we accepted it.

We quickly settled down to a fairly regular routine. About every six hours we got to "eat", which was always a big event. And as promised Mistress Vivian's breasts did get larger to accommodate our appetites, and she went from a "D" to an "E" cup. But that was fine with her too, she loved to have us suckle and it turned us all on. And I never, ever, get tired of the flavor of her milk. To a familiar their partner's milk is pure ambrosia; it's what powers our lives. Our "duties" were simple. Guard the Mistress and the shop, in that order. Help with magic casting and spells, which we rotated on as she didn't need both of us for most spells. We also helped keep the place clean, and patrolled for vermin. Soon as I was just as good as Glitz at catching flies, and loved to crunch them between my fangs. About the only bugs we didn't eat were cockroaches or waterbugs, eyuck. They taste nasty as I found out. Glitz found me standing over a dead roach making grossed out noises and rubbing my tongue to try to get the taste of off it, and had a giggling fit that lasted almost an hour. So know I just kill the nasty things. We do love a nice juicy mouse though, we carry it up to our nest and have a little feast and I always give her the best bits. Then we "tan" the hide and add it our collection. As far as relieving ourselves goes we don't do it very often as our rapid metabolism uses up virtually everything and out diet is mainly liquid, but when we do there is a kitty litter box next to the fridge. Hey, I thought it was weird too at first, but it works just fine. I tried the toilet, but the seat is slippery and I gave up after I fell in a couple of times. Once I accidently grabbed the handle and almost flushed myself, which was not fun. Then I had to chase down Glitz to teach her not to laugh at me so much by mating with her good and long.

I had told her how humans mated, and to our surprised delight found out it was just as nice with drakes. So she lay on her back while I slowly thrust and moved in her, both of us gripping each other hard and hissing in pleasure as we rubbed out snouts together and looked deep into our mate's eyes. My lame human life seemed like some strange faded memory of a bad time, and all I knew now was complete and utter contented happiness. I picked up the speed of my thrusts and gently bit her on her neck close to her jaws, and she gave a soft shriek of pleasure and clasped me with her powerful hind legs. It was a slow, tender, gentle, loving mating and each coupling lasted a good long while. We alternated our positions, and once she lay on her side with one leg hooked over my shoulder as I knelt and serviced her, and that was new and very nice. We still had a lot to learn, and were both looking forward to it immensely. Then afterwards I curled around her and protectively spread a wing over my mate. She was my whole world, and so far as I was concerned I was the luckiest male in the world. No one else had so perfect; or beautiful, a mate. And our love will never fade.

Vivian was very glad how things turned out. It was still a horrible thing that had been done to Sye, but he seemed to have adjusted quite well. And he clearly loved Glitz, and she certainly loved him. And it was more than just physical as they would just sit and look into one another's eyes for the longest time. But they did enjoy the physical part too, and how! And they were inseparable, as with her they hated to be out of one another's sight for more than a few minutes. And he was very protective of her too, of them both as a matter of fact, which was very comforting. A twelve foot demon dragon can make a very intimidating bodyguard, and even in his normal size he was deadly. He could tell he'd changed some more too as his personality was more confident and less unsure now, and he certainly wasn't shy anymore. But she was relieved when he didn't start to show any signs of vindictiveness or outright callousness, sure signs of the demon in a changeling coming into dominance. But he seemed to have that part of his nature well under control, at least towards his Mistress and mate. But the something happened that added a whole new element to her relationship with her familiars, Sye in particular.

Ever since my change I knew other things had been happening to me. I could feel myself becoming more; I don't know exactly, ruthless maybe? In my previous life I wouldn't have harmed a mouse, now I hunt them. And eat them raw, with relish, and it doesn't bother me in the least. I also finally "got laid" or "got tail" as drakes call it, claimed a mate, and am quite content with my new life. One day about a week after my change two policemen came in with a photo of me to question Mistress Vivian. It seems a friend of mine thought I might have visited the shop. While they were talking Glitz hugged me hard as she could, her little body shivering and I could feel her hearts beating, and I knew she was afraid I might be taken away from her, that I might try to tell the Police what had happened. She needn't have worried, and very gently I took her snout in my hands and kissed her long and slow and the sheer joy in her eyes was all the reason I ever needed for staying. Yes, I am more the content with what I am now. But then a new development happened that really changed things, and scared the Hell out of me, and I think it scared the Hell out of all of us to some extent, at least at first.

I first noticed that Mistress Vivian's scent had been changing slowly for several days, and realized I'd been noticing it more and more. And I found myself drawn more and more to her crotch and the increasingly strong scent coming from it. Up to now, while even the dragon in me could acknowledge she was a beautiful woman, my only sexual interests had been in Glitz. But I came to realize that was changing. Even my frequent couplings with my mate didn't entirely deaden that new interest. I knew my Mistress was going into heat, or having her period as humans call it. But I never thought it would go as far as it did, so help me God I didn't.

It finally came to a head one evening. I had been feeling distracted and out of sorts all day long. And my coupling with my mate had been rougher than usual, not that she minded that much. But I did make her squeal as much in pain as pleasure a couple of times, which I usually don't like to do. But those times I bit her really hard as I serviced her, and it was more like the first time in intensity. It happened after "dinner" and I was really getting worked up and bit her too hard while I was suckling; more than once, much to her annoyance. After she scolded me and told me to be more careful I was growing increasingly moody and felt strange, even Glitz left me alone after I snapped at her. Things settled down and Mistress Vivian settled back to read a book, and as usual she was nude as she sleeps that way, and she lay propped up with her legs spread as it was very warm in the room, no AC. The old ceiling fan was humming away though, and it spread the heady scent of her heat through the room. Finally I couldn't stand it, and slipping off my pillow I crept between her legs and looked at her mound. I could see her pink lips clearly, and bending over I began to gently lick them and could taste her lovely female juices. She gave a soft moan, but kept reading her book. Part of me was appalled by what I was doing, but the other more feral part was slowly, but surely, taking control. Slowly I started working my tongue, and then even my head, between those beckoning lips, when suddenly she kicked me and sent me flying off the bed with a roar of surprised rage. The female was resisting, but I would make her my mate! As I got up I took on my "large" size, but it was different somehow, and stood glaring down at her. I leaned forward and grabbed her, and she yelled and fought, but that just aroused me more. I thrust my snout between her legs and ran my tongue over, and into, her vagina for awhile as she futilely beat at my armored head, and her taste made me hiss in growing lust, and then I dragged her to the edge of the bed, and putting my snout right in her face I gave a low menacing hissing snarl, my mouth open and eyes narrowed, and she became docile and I could sense her fear. Good, she would be submissive while I took her. Then I flipped her onto her stomach with her hindquarters hanging off the bed, and positioning myself I mounted her with several powerful lunges, and it was very easy as she didn't have a tail. And her screams of pain, then pleasure, helped drive me on as I roared my own pleasure.

"Ow!" Vivian said, for the third time. Sye, stop biting my nipple, that hurts! What is wrong with you anyway? OK, that's it, that's enough for now, time for bed."

What the heck is his problem, Vivian thought. He's been in a bad mood for several days, and he even snapped at Glitz today. Maybe I've been giving him too much cinnamon, have to be careful with that stuff. Maybe he can't handle it as well as Glitz can. Well, at least he's settled down. She was going to a meeting of the circle she was loosely affiliated with the next day, and wanted to study up on a new spell for curing impotency. The author of the article had some interesting theories. She was a little cranky herself too, her period was in full bloom and it always made her antsy. She had ways to control it, and didn't bleed very much, but she had to let it run its course just like any other woman her age. This time it was bad though, probably because of the increase in her breast size her hormones must be going crazy. E cups! But she still looked good, at least the regular feedings kept her firm. Since she was starting to sweat in the muggy heat she spread her legs to help cool off.

Vivian was so interested in her book she wasn't aware of the gentle touch to her cunny at first, but her body was and she have a small moan of pleasure without even being aware. But she DID feel it when something tired to penetrate her, and automatically she kicked out, and looking up heard a squeal as Sye went flying off the bed. What the? She thought.

"Oh Sye honey, I'm..", she started to say, but then froze as the dragon stood up next to the bed, smoke drifting from his nostril and the look in his eyes scared her. She had forgotten just how big and intimidating he was. It was one thing to see him in his normal miniature size, but in his large size form it was a different story. But she suddenly realized this wasn't his usual large size, in that form he was identical to his smaller form in every way except in size, but he was more humanoid in this new form, much shorter, and more slender and less thick around the middle with a shorter neck and tail. There was no mistaking him for human though, in this form he looked more like a demon. And her eyes widened when she saw what was jutting out from between his legs. Oh my God, she realized, he, he wants to mate with me! He's huge!

"Sye, NO!" she said, and tried to contact him in his mind, but found only pure demonic lust. "Nooo!" she whimpered, the demon in him has taken over.

She kicked and fought when he grabbed her, but he was way too strong. "Sye,no, fight it! Please!" she begged as she fought, and she beat at his head as he pushed his snout between her legs and tongued her roughly, grunting in pleasure. Then suddenly she found his snarling snout in her face, drool dripping from his fangs as he snarled and hissed at her, his eyes glaring into hers. She had no doubt as to the meaning, submit to me, or else. Oh my God, she thought, I can't stop him! She stared helplessly as he pulled away and began to position himself to mount her.

"Glitz, she called in her mind, stop him! Please!"

Glitz, who had been watching in interest, replied, "Why Mistress, he just want to mate with you because you're in heat. Don't worry, it will be wonderful, he is a fine mate and will give you much pleasure. Ssss."

Vivian gasped as Sye flipped her over onto her back, and dragged her legs and waist off the edge of the bed so she was bent over and helpless.

"Glitz, she pleaded, I don't want this! He's raping me!"

Glitz replied, "Yes you do Mistress, otherwise he couldn't do it, we can't harm our Mistress you know. But don't worry; he likes it when you fight back, oh yes he does! Sssss, giggle!"

"Sye, NOOOOO! OH! UGGGHHH!" Vivian screamed as she felt the head of his huge erection push against her nether lips, then penetrate her and plunge deep into her vagina. Luckily she was already wet from his previous attentions and her period, so even though it hurt like Hell there was no tearing. And he kept lunging into her as she stretched more and more to accommodate him. Oh my GOD! She moaned in pain, he'll split me in half! But soon his thick slick pre, and her own juices, had them well lubricated and he began to slide in and out of her in smooth slick thrusts, grunting and hissing in pleasure at her tightness. And the pain began to fade as he went deeper and deeper until she felt him push through her cervix and into her womb, and the pain faded to be replaced by pleasure, unbelievable pleasure. "Oh, oh, oh, ugghh!" she gasped. She realized she had never been fucked this thoroughly before in her life, and moaned and gasped as he finally seated his knot in her.

"Raaawwwrrrr!" I roared as I thrust into my mate, she was so tight! But it felt so good as I slowly penetrated her deeper and deeper. After awhile she stopped struggling and screaming, and her sounds became those of pleasure and I grinned as I thrust one final time and felt my knot slide into her. She wasn't able to lock me inside of her, but the feel of my knot sliding in and out of her slick embrace made me moan in ecstasy. This was different then with my other lovely mate, but just as good in a different way. I started to speed up the pace of my thrusts, and finally came to a gut-wrenching orgasm as I roared in pleasure, and my mate screamed again, a long drawn out wail of pleasure of her own.

Vivian clawed at the covers as the pleasure went far beyond tolerable levels. Oh, oh, wouldn't he ever stop? She suddenly felt him speed up, and when she felt his hot seed spurt deep inside of her womb she screamed as her orgasm went on and on and seemed to last forever. I cannot believe the best sex I've ever had has been with a dragon who's my familiar, she thought. She also knew that it had never been rape, not really. He had only responded to her own need.

With a satisfied grunt I pulled out of my mate as I dismounted, and large amounts of our juices flowed from her sex. With another grunt I flipped her over and positioned myself to mount her again, we were only just getting started. With another roar of pleasure I thrust into her again, and she bucked under me and screamed, but soon wrapped her legs around my waist and ground back against me and I roared in delight at the incredible pleasure my energetic mate was giving me.

Vivian gasped as she felt Sye's strong hands grasp her and flip her over. She looked in disbelief at his massive strangely shaped erection. I had THAT in me? The she screamed when she realized she was about to have it in her again.

"Sye, NO! Please, not again, not yet! I'm not.., UGGGHHHHH, AAAIIIIEEEEE!" she screamed as he rammed into her.

Gasping in pleasure she spread her legs as wide as she could, then with a deep moan she wrapped her legs around his hard scaly waist as well as she could, and moved under him to meet his thrusts, and he roared his approval. She looked into his eyes as he fucked her long and hard, and there was nothing human in them, just pure demonic lust. Moaning she turned her head and saw Glitz, the little dragoness was lying on her side with her head busy between her own legs as she hissed in pleasure, evidently seeing her Mistress mating was really turning her on. Then Vivian could only gasp and moan as the huge male mated with her, for a very long time. She clawed at his strong legs, squealing and sobbing as he brought her to orgasm after orgasm before finally reaching his own and exploding in her again. And if she thought that was the end she was very wrong as he took her three more times before finally collapsing onto the bed next to her, exhausted and spent. And she curled up next to him with one leg thrown over his tail. She saw Glitz looking at her, and her familiar said,

"See Mistress, didn't I tell you he was a good mate? Ssss, didn't he make you feel good? Isn't he wonderful?"

"Yes baby, he most certainly did." Vivian replied.

Then she laid back to contemplate this new, totally unexpected, development. But before too long she fell into a deep satisfied sleep, Glitz curled up next to her sucking slowly on one of her breasts.

I woke up with a startled snort. OhmyGod, did that really happen? I realized I was my large size, but it was different, not as large and more human like. Looking down next to me saw My Mistress still sleeping, our dried sexual juices caking her thighs and the sheets. OH NO! I DID, I RAPED my Mistress! With a screech of terror, scaring both Glitz and Mistress Vivian, I changed to my normal size and flew out of the bedroom and loft and up to the nest. Then I curled up in a tight ball and wailed. I was horrified and enraged at myself, how could I do that?

Vivian woke up with a start, what the? Then she felt the thick stickiness between her legs and all over her thighs and stomach, not to mention the sheets sticking to her. She watched as Sye, now in his normal size, flew out the door with Glitz in hot pursuit. Oh dear, she thought. This certainly changes things, but as she remembered the powerful male dragon's body against hers as he pleasured her she thought, maybe this won't be so bad. The Mother knows she'd never been fucked that good before, and she'd had plenty of partners, even magically enhanced ones. But a demon dragon for a lover, one who was also her familiar? Oh my. But evidently Sye didn't feel the same way.

"Sye?" she called in her mind, but he ignored her and she could feel shame and self loathing in his mind. He was talking this hard.

"Glitz baby? Where are you and Sye?"

"Mistress, we're in our nest. Mistress, I'm scared, he won't talk to me!"

And Glitz started wailing too. Her mate was upset, that's all she knew, and she didn't care what it was about. Her wails became even louder when she tried to hug him and he pushed her away. Didn't he love her anymore?

Later, after cleaning up, which had been quite a chore; where had it all come from?, Vivian stood under the junction of beams where her familiars had their nest, and called out,

"Sye honey, please, it's OK. It wasn't your fault. I should have known my period would affect you. I'm not mad. Please honey, you're scaring Glitz."

But there was no answer, just the sound of Glitz wailing in distress. The little dragoness just didn't understand what had happened.

For three days Sye refused to answer her calls, out loud or in his mind. He refused to feed too, and Vivian was really starting to get worried. How long could a familiar survive without food? They were tough creatures, but not immortal. Sometimes a dying Master or Mistress would transfer their familiar to a new partner, but most of the time the familiar would refuse and die with their original partner, such was their devotion and love for the one who had given them life. This had to stop.

Gltiz was beside herself, frantic with worry. Her mate was sick or something, he wouldn't eat, and she skipped many meals herself to stay at his side. She stayed as close to him as she could, but he turned away if she got too close. He wouldn't even talk to her. And now his scales were dull and his breathing fast and shallow. She shook his shoulder again, but he gave no indication he was even aware of her being there. She hugged him to her and wailed, but he just kept gasping for breath and didn't respond. With a shriek of terror she flew to their Mistress and said,

"Mistress! Please, Ssssss! He won't wake up, and he can't breathe! It's all my fault, he doesn't love me anymore!" And she cried and wailed as her Mistress hugged her.

"No honey", said Vivian, as she tried to comfort the terrified and grief stricken little dragoness. "It's not your fault, it's nobody's. He sees what he did with me as something bad, he thinks he hurt me. He won't listen to me when I try to explain it to him. But this ends now, come on, let's go get him."

Glitz whimpered hopefully, "Mistress, please make him better, I don't want to be alone again. If he dies I'll go with him so he won't be alone. Ssss."

Vivian shuddered, she had no doubt the little dragoness meant it. She knew that with natural drakes one often died soon after its mate, unable to bear living alone. She climbed a ladder and looked in the small nest. She sucked in her breath when she saw Sye. He was thin and she could see his ribs, his scales were dull and faded looking. She gently rolled him over, but he was listless and unresponsive. She feared she might be too late, that she had let this go on too long hoping he'd recover for his trauma. She had underestimated the effect of what he saw as "rape". Gently she cradled him next to her, his neck and head hanging limp with his mouth open as he struggled for air, and she carefully climbed down the ladder, Glitz worriedly hissing on her shoulder.

She went to office and put him down on the desk, then quickly she removed her shirt and bra. Sitting down she held him in her lap and pressed a nipple to his mouth, but there was no reaction. Her breasts were tender and swollen as not even Glitz had fed in over twenty-four hours, and thick drops of milk slowly oozed from the tips.

"Glitz honey, I'll need your help. Help hold his head so the milk will go down his throat, we need to make him eat."

With Glitz's help they managed to get a fair amount of milk into his mouth, and while some dribbled out, most didn't. While Glitz held his head Vivian squeezed her breast and nipple, and finally he started reflexively swallowing and she felt the worst was over. When they were done she held both the little drakes in her lap and she and Glitz fell asleep, Glitz holding him close to her an giving little keens of worry.

I woke up in a weak daze. I licked my tongue over my face and tasted sweet milk. But how? Blearily I looked around and saw a huge breast in my face, and felt both Mistress Vivian and my mate holding me. I was confused. How could they even stand to look at me? I'd raped my Mistress and betrayed my mate; I had felt for sure they'd want nothing to with an unfaithful monster like me. But it was evident they'd fed me somehow, and closing my eyes again I began to cry softly. Did they still want me, even after what I had done?

Vivian and Glitz woke up at almost the same time when they heard the faint wailing sound. Vivian looked down and Glitz was crying too as she hugged her mates head in her lap and licked his snout, but they were happy tears.

"Sye, Vivian said softly, we're not mad at you honey. Please don't think that. We love you.

You didn't do anything wrong, you did what you're supposed to do. Glitz loves you so much, she was so worried."

"But, but I, I raped you. I said. I heard you screaming, but couldn't stop myself! Hissss." I sobbed. "I betrayed my mate, how can she want me now? I'm a monster."

Vivian said, "Sye, at first I was scared, I admit it, but later it felt so good I was screaming from pleasure. I've never been with a lover who made me feel so good before. Many Masters and Mistresses with familiars who can take on larger forms have their familiars as lovers. It's part of a familiar's nature to want to pleasure their partners. I should have realized you'd have the same desire to pleasure me. I want you to be my lover too; I would like it very much."

"You mean you don't hate me, you're not scared of me? What about my mate? I don't want to cheat on her if she doesn't want me to, I could never do that! I love her too much to do that."

"Ask her yourself, she's right here." Vivian replied with a smile.

I had been so intent on my conversation with Mistress Vivian, and was still so dazed, I hadn't even been aware Glitz was still hugging me tightly. I looked at her and her eyes were closed and she was crying. I felt my heart breaking to think I'd upset her so badly.

"Glitz, my love, I said. I'm sorry I mated with another female. Please forgive me, I'd never do anything to hurt you, you're the love of my life. Without you I just couldn't live. I couldn't stand to be alone again."

Glitz looked in his dim weak eyes, and replied, "And I couldn't live without you, if you died I would too. I don't mind if you mate with our Mistress, we're all part of one another. She is your mate too, as much as me."

Gently I kissed her snout, "But you'll always be my first love my beautiful little dragoness. I love our Mistress too, but you'll always be my mate." And I kissed her again in concern because she was crying again.

Vivian looked on with tears in her own eyes. The love the two had for one another was a palpable force she could feel, and she could feel their love for her as well. I'm the luckiest Sorceress and woman in the world she thought. Thank the Mother it was all sorted out. She reached down and scratched Sye's head between his middle horns like he liked.

"Sye, Vivian said, come on honey, you need to feed and get your strength back. And she held his head to her nipple as he hungrily suckled and pulled at it. Oh that feels so good! She thought.

It took me a few days for to recover from my malnourished and weak condition, but once I did I was delighted; as were my mate and Mistress, to find out I could keep both of them well serviced and satisfied. I suspect it's the demon in me, courtesy of Mistress Vulva, but none of us are complaining. We were also very surprised to find out I now have three forms, or sizes. The first is my "normal" miniature size, a full size version of that, and one about half size with more human characteristics. It was unheard of, but we felt it was probably due to my very unusual origins.

And while Glitz is my true mate, I find that servicing my Mistress is a most pleasurable duty, and I take it seriously. Any Glitz loves to watch as I make love to our Mistress, and I think she can feel the pleasure I give our Mistress through our mind links.

Gently I curled my tongue around Mistress Vivian's breast, tweaking her nipple with the forked tip while she held my head and moaned in pleasure. Hissing my own pleasure I slowly slid my tongue down her belly until I reached her mound, and then with a wet slurp pushed my tongue into her vagina past her swollen protruding lips. Mmmm, I thought, she tastes so good. I tongue fucked her slowly and leisurely while she arched her hips and gasped, and she squealed when I rubbed her clitoris with one of my large fingers. I pulled away and looked down at her lovely nude body, spread before me. I was in charge, but the demon was there too. I like to ask it for advice, which it readily gives, we've made peace with one another and I no longer fear that dark side of me. I reared back and crouched on my hind legs, because of how they're shaped I really can't kneel on my kness. Mistress Vivian knew what I wanted, and smiling she crouched between my legs and started licking and sucking my throbbing erection. I closed my eyes and gave a long hiss of pleasure. She licked and sucked the head, then started to swallow me inch by inch. It never ceased to amaze me she could swallow almost six inches of my twelve inch length, but she could, and it was wonderful. Because of my size the length of my neck I was able to lean forward over her back, and angling my head ran my tongue into her vagina again and lapped hungrily, and I felt her whole body shudder. Glitz got into the act, and crawling under our Mistress she kneaded and suckled at her nipples and Mistress moaned in pleasure. I felt her quiver and the increased flow of her delicious sexual juices let me know she'd come again. I was getting close too, but wanted to come inside her vagina. I pulled away and slowly circled behind her, and she watched me over her shoulder as I reared up to mount her. I covered her, and leaning forward grabbed her shoulders in my claws and started humping her with a steady fast rhythm, grunting and gasping in pleasure.

He's taking his new duties seriously, Vivian thought in pleasure, and then gave another deep moan of pleasure as he picked up the rhythm of his thrusts. She was down on all fours and he grasped her shoulders with his powerful hands and she could feel his hot breath on the back of her head as he serviced her from behind. And oh, he was best lover she'd ever had, and she knew she'd never need another; no male could ever match him. She could also feel Glitz fondling and sucking her nipples and that was nice too. Sye was turning into a very skilled and passionate lover under her tutelage, and what he could do with that tongue of his! She gasped as he thrust into her again, then gave a long moan as slowed down and became gentler. Oh yes, definitely very talented.

Hmmm, Vivian thought, she'd have to see about getting an enlargement spell for Glitz. Now that would be interesting! Then she screamed in agonizing ecstasy as her lovers massive orgasm filled her to overflowing, his roar ringing in her ears. Good thing this old brick building has such thick walls, she thought in her mind with a giggle. He paused, and then started thrusting again. Ohhhh, yes! She sobbed, he was insatiable! This familiar for a familiar thing had turned out quite nicely after all! Oh GOD, he's so large! "UUGGGHHHHH! YESSSSS!!"

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 14

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 14 By William W. Kelso "PET, where are you, and what are you doing? Hiss!" Vulva yelled. She'd been so busy on the computer she suddenly realized she hadn't seen or heard him...

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The Host

My stories are copyrighted, so no takee! This one is dark kiddies, from one of my darker moody days. So be warned if you're squeamish! The Host By William W. Kelso The demon watched in delight as the brood worm slowly forced its way into...

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For the Love of a Dog

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is dedicated to all the dogs that have shared my life and given me their unconditional love, to all those sweet gentle souls that I still miss so much. If there are no dogs in heaven, then I won't go...

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