The Host

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so no takee! This one is dark kiddies, from one of my darker moody days. So be warned if you're squeamish!

The Host

By William W. Kelso

The demon watched in delight as the brood worm slowly forced its way into the screaming mans anus. He had been sacrificed to the demon, and in return the Sorcerer who had provided the sacrifice would receive greater powers and other rewards. The demon would have to return to Hell soon, but it had some time left to enjoy the show. It had enjoyed raping the man first and forcing him to orally pleasure him, but the real fun had come when it released the worm and the man's look of sheer terror as the worm began to force its way into his asshole; its path well lubricated by the demons cum, had been delicious, as had his screams. Aroused again, the demon began to masturbate as it watched the horrible violation, too bad the man's asshole already had an occupant.

I screamed as the thing forced its way deeper and deeper into my bowels,bucking and straining against the heavy leather cuffs that held me bound helplessly; spread eagle and naked, on the altar. I looked in horror at the demon watching my torment in glee, a foul sexual monster that had raped me anally and orally, then released that thing into my body. The slug like creature was now all the way inside of me, and I could feel it squirming as it forced its way; ate its way, deeper into my bowels. It was almost four feet long, and all of it was inside of me now. I turned my head to the man I had thought was my friend, this is until he had drugged me and I had woken up bound to the altar. Then he had summoned this THING and given me to it!

"JACK, Please, for God's sake, help me! Oh God it's hurting me! AAAAAA!!! UHH, oh GOD JACK, PLEASE HELP ME!"

The demon winced at the name of the Other when the man said it, but soon he would not be able to speak anymore so that was only a temporary annoyance. The worm was completely inside the man now, and the demon hissed in pleasure as it watched the man's churning and roiling stomach as the worm made itself comfortable as it started to transform its host into a more suitable home. The worm would not kill the host, he had a special purpose. He would become a brood host for the worm's larvae; they would hatch and grow to maturity inside the man's body. Of course by then he would no longer be a man, except for his mind. That was the most delicious part of his torment, he would know what he had become, but could do nothing about it as he became a creature of Hell himself. But the dawn approached and with a hiss of reluctance the demon disappeared from the pentagram as he went home to Hell. The sacrifice remained behind with his new partner. The Sorcerer would care for it until it was time to find a suitable place for the new symbiotic creature to start its new life.

The Sorcerer double checked to make sure the demon had truly departed, then closed the pentagram and blew out the black candles. They were quite expensive, no need to let them burn any longer than necessary. He looked down at the nude and helpless man on the altar. He had stopped screaming and seemed to be comatose and he could see his stomach bulging and rippling as something inside moved around. The man gave a soft moaning cry of agony and struggled weakly. The Sorcerer shuddered, but the rewards for his providing the demon with a suitable sacrifice were great. He had his instructions, he was to wait until the change was almost through and care for the thing the man was becoming until it was time to find him a "home". The demon had been very specific as to what kind of "home" it had to be. The Sorcerer had just such a place in mind, and it wasn't far. It met the demon's instructions perfectly. For now he left the man bound, but cleaned the blood and other fluids from around his anus and crotch. He could hear wet tearing sounds coming from inside the man's churning abdomen and watched as more blood leaked from his rear, and the man gave soft wails of pain but was evidently now too weak to struggle much. Finally he just stuffed the towel between the man's legs, and left the old root cellar. He would leave the man there during his "change". Plus the thick walls would make the screams impossible to hear.

I woke up with a start, and screamed again at the unbelievable pain in my guts. It had been like this for hours. I would pass out from the agony, then wake up again in a horrible cycle. It had been going on for what must have been days, I could only really tell time when Jack came to feed me and give me water. God, how I begged and pleaded with him to stop the torture, finally begging him to just kill me and end it. But he never once answered me, except to cram food into my mouth and pour water down my throat even as I screamed. He fed me until I was no longer able to eat anything, a bloody froth spraying from my lips as the THING inside of me devoured my insides. He kept pouring water down my throat as that was all I could accept now. I could no longer relieve myself as well, and the horrible stench from soiling myself repeatedly faded. You cannot digest food or shit if you no longer have a stomach or intestines. But the coppery smell of fresh blood remained, the altar was drenched in it as fountains sprayed from my mouth as I writhed and screamed endlessly, and it also flowed from my ravaged anus in large amounts at times. I could hear and feel the thing inside of me as it ate me alive. I should have died long ago, how can you live without internal organs? I didn't know it yet, but the thing was part of me now, and it wouldn't let me die as it kept turning me into a suitable host for its young.

Finally relief of a sort came. The THING has been fairly inactive for awhile and I can no longer feel it feeding inside of me. It no longer had anything to eat, except for the worm my insides were completely hollow, the worn itself now provided my body with what it needed to stay alive. It appeared to be dormant or sleeping right now and a strange feeling has been spreading through my body, and I'm changing, horribly so. My gut is swollen and bloated feeling and where my navel once was is now a fairly large sphincter like opening that oozes thick mucus. My arms and legs have gone strangely numb and feel weak and useless, and then one day as I weakly struggled one of my wrists suddenly slipped free of the cuff. It caught me by surprise, and I lifted it up and it fell limply across my chest. I tried to lift it up again but it just kind of flopped around. I tried to undo the cuff on my other wrist but couldn't get my fingers to work right. Finally with a moan I gave up and just let my loose arm lie beside me. My arms and legs are free now, the last time Jack came to water me he undid the cuffs as they are no longer needed. My arms and legs are boneless floppy things now, and my fingers, and I assume my toes, have grown together. They now resemble large fleshy tentacles, and they curl and uncurl slowly and I have no control over them.

I can no longer beg for mercy as the THING has devoured my vocal cords, all I can do is mewl and slobber as something even more horrible is happening to my head. My face has pushed out into a kind of boneless fleshy tube and my tongue will no longer fit entirely inside of my "mouth". It hangs out a couple of inches and I drool constantly making horrible wet sucking and slurping sounds, but I've found I can extend it to great lengths and routinely lick and clean my "face" and stomach to clean off some of the drool. I can't seem to stop myself, and sometimes I even lick that horrible sphincter where my navel used to be and the mucus is thick and sweet. Oh God I've learned to like the stuff. I have not eaten in days, I no longer even feel hunger, and the water is all I need. I stare up at Jack and plead with my eyes when he waters me. Please help me, kill me. Oh Sweet Jesus what is HAPPENING to me?!?

It continues and the changes grow more and more horrible. My penis and testicles are growing steadily. I had not even been aware of them as I do not need to urinate any more, but one day as I awoke from a short feverish sleep in which I had horrible nightmares I was surprised to find I had a rock hard aching erection. Raising my trunk, or snout, or whatever my head is now as there is no longer any bone left in it; all my bones have long since liquefied, I could see a massive erection jutting up from between the two writhing tentacles that used to be my legs. Good God, it was a least twenty inches long! Rising up further on my now long and prehensile neck I could see my balls too, and they were the size of coconuts and were pulsing gently. And oh God I needed to satisfy that need more than anything, and unable to stop myself I swallowed my own cock with the gaping wet maw of my mouth down to the hilt and eagerly sucked and caressed my penis with my tongue as I slobbered in pleasure. When I came I would have screamed if I could, but all I could do was slobber as my cock pumped into my snout and I could taste the same sweet mucus flavor as the stuff oozing from my navel. Evidently my testes now produce it instead of sperm. I now know that the only way I can "feed" is by pleasuring myself and draining my balls on a regular basis several times a day. I eagerly wait for my erections, and often spend hours licking myself and caressing my balls and cock with my tentacles trying to induce one or speed it up. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Slowly the times between erections shortened until I have to "feed" at least once an hour, much to my delight. I look forward to it as it is the only pleasure I have now and it's wonderful. The feeling of fucking myself is indescribable, and the mucus that has replaced my sperm is delicious; thick and sweet, and I slobber in delight as I drain my balls once an hour as my cock pumps them dry. It is my reward for keeping myself well fed like a good host, my "partner" wants me healthy and strong.

I have continued to change, my boneless snout is now longer as is my tongue and my penis, but mainly my testicles have grown even larger. My balls are now the size of bowling balls, black, shiny, obscene and I love them and the nourishment and pleasure they give me so often as I eagerly swallow my throbbing erection and suck and suck at the sweet nectar it provides as I caress my throbbing balls and slobber in pleasure. My skin has turned a dark reddish brown color and is tough as leather with a pebbled hide. There is no longer anything recognizably human about me. Only the eyes staring in horror out of the large fleshy boneless tube my head has become, you can no longer tell where my head ends and my neck starts. My stomach is gently churning and squirming now, and I know I'll soon be entering another stage of my new "life". I will have to find a place to give "birth" to the new life living within my hollow body. The worm that is a part of me now has laid its eggs and the larvae are about ready to leave their brood host. And the worm will continue to lay eggs in me forever as I nourish it and its offspring, and it in turn keeps me healthy and alive for eternity.

One day as I lay feeding, gently caressing my pulsating balls with my tentacles Jack arrived as he did every day. I just looked at him and kept sucking and slurping on my aching erection, then mewled as a massive gut-wrenching orgasm rocked me as I "fed" myself. Finally I pulled my snout from my now flaccid penis and looked at him with hate filled eyes. He had done this to me; he had given to the demon that had made me into this THING! God, I wanted to die so badly, to find release, but somehow I knew I couldn't as I was no longer human or even mortal. When I was through feeding he put a large plastic tub next to the altar and with a grunt pushed me off of the altar and into the tube with a wet floppy boneless sound. It was easy as the top of the altar was slick from the goo my whole body seeps now, it's almost frictionless like silicon. I lay there gurgling in anger, my tentacles flailing helplessly. Next he moved the tub onto a large dolly and wheeled it up a ramp that led to the alley behind his old house. Then he hoisted the tub up with a grunt and slid it into the back of a van as I groped at him with my tentacles. I've been growing stronger and he had to pry one of them off his arm when I got a good grip. How I wanted to choke the life from him for what he had done to me, to wrap my tentacles around his neck and squeeze until I saw the life leave his bulging eyes. Oh, how I hated him! My pleasure from feeding and my hate for him were all I had left.

Jack listened to the thing gurgling and slobbering in the tub, its tentacle flailing as it explored its new surroundings. At first the tentacles had been weak, but that iron grip when one had grabbed him had unnerved him. They weren't weak anymore. He would be glad to get rid of the repulsive thing. Its bloated slimy body looked more like some sort of giant slug or leech, he no longer thought of it as having ever been human. All except for those blue eyes that had stared at him in growing horror and despair for so long, but now stared at him in intense burning hatred with little humanity left in them. No, the sooner he got rid of it the better. But he would remember those pleading and hating eyes for the rest of his life until the demon he served came to claim his soul.

Finally he reached his destination. He jumped from the van and using a crowbar he wrestled the heavy manhole cover out of the way. He looked around nervously, but at this time of night there was no one near the old water treatment plant. With a grunt he pulled the tub out of the back of the van, then tipped it over to spill is writhing contents into the open manhole. He heard a splash from far below, then replacing the manhole cover he jumped back in the van and sped away, his part of the bargain fulfilled. He left the plastic tub; the thick slimy gunk in it stank.

I fell through the air mewling in terror; tentacles flailing, until I landed in thick slimy stagnant water. With a gurgle I surfaced, my body neutrally buoyant. Using my tentacles I slowly propelled myself through the slimy filthy water until I reached a pipe opening, and then squeezed myself slowly into what should have been much too small an opening. Having no bones helped. I knew who I had been and what I was now, but I was driven by needs and instincts I couldn't deny. I was looking for something. Slowly I moved deeper into the system of sewers and pipes until I finally found what I was looking for.

It was an old collection pond, now abandoned and unused. I inspected it carefully dragging my obscene swollen body across the concrete or swimming through the foul water. It was perfect, some old steam pipes that were still working kept the temperature warm and humid, the water level was constant, and most important it had numerous small pipes and tunnels leading into; and out of, it. Gurgling and slobbering I oozed back into the water leaving a trial of slime and swam to one of the walls. Using my tentacles I hoisted myself out of the water by wrapping them around some of the old steam pipes, the warmth felt so good. Yes, this was perfect. I clung to the pipes and my tentacles hardened, becoming permanently wrapped around the pipes to support my still swelling body as the worm within gave birth to more larvae on a regular basis. This would be my new "home". I would remain here for the rest of my unnatural hideous life until I was destroyed as I know I can not die, not ever, and I long and pray for that day. When the worm and I became one the part that had been me became demonic as well. I/we were now a creature of Hell. But that still did not keep me from wishing to end my own existence. I knew I was an obscene abomination.

I felt my penis harden and with a happy gurgle I "fed", my whole body quivering in pleasure as I sucked my balls dry of the nutrients I needed for myself and the young larvae. Shortly after I finished I lowered my muzzle into the filthy water and took a good long drink of the foul stuff, I did not fear any germs or poisons, things such as I are immune. To me the water was sweet. Shortly thereafter I felt a sudden pressure in the sphincter on my swollen body where my stomach used to be, and slowly a foot long worm emerged as I gave "birth". I licked and caressed it gently with my tongue until I had cleaned all the mucus off of it. As soon as I was through it fell from my body into the water with a splash and swam off in search of a host. Some of the worms would create new brood hosts like me, others would create other abominations. I felt the pressure again and turned my attention to the next emerging worm, caring for it until it left me for good, my foul horrible child. And in my own twisted way I loved them all.

I have continued to change, to grow larger as the worms waiting to be "born" give birth to more and more larvae that grow inside of me until they are mature. I have grown more tentacles to help anchor my increasing size and weight and to help care for the newborn worms, and new sphincters in order to birth more worms at a faster rate as I am always full to overflowing. My body is now the size of a cow, and my feeding snout or trunk in now five feet long and my penis must be over four feet long and my balls have swollen to the size of beachballs and constantly throb as they produce the nutrients that I and my offspring need. And the lovely aching erections come more often, and I slobber and squeal in ecstasy as I feed myself and my young. I have no idea how large I can grow as I stare out from my one remaining eye; my other eye has grown shut and is gone now. I have no doubt my remaining eye will eventually close for good as well as I have no need for eyesight anymore and the only thing I can see is the foul sewer that is my home. The worms emerged in a steady flow now, my tongue quickly cleaning them until I need to feed again. I have no idea how many I have given birth too, but it must be thousands. I wonder how many more there are like me now as we prepare the way for Hell on earth. We are the vanguard, the infiltrators. Many of those who join me as hosts for the Hell worms will take on horrible forms of their own, those who do not become as I am. And when the invasion starts we will emerge from the sewers and other places we call home to prepare the way, Hell's strike force. I hope that bastard Jack who sentenced me to this horrible existence through his own greed is still alive when the end comes. I know I will be. I hope he becomes a brood host like me. With a sobbing gurgle I start to feed again, gurgling in pleasure as I swallow my huge throbbing cock and start squeezing and caressing my swollen pulsating testicles. I can't even see now, my last eyes has closed and I'm undergoing another growth spurt. I sprout new tentacles to help anchor and support my increasing size. Oh God, please let me die, please, I can't stand this anymore. Why don't you help me, how can you let something like me even exist? But it feels so good!

The End?


For the Love of a Dog

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