The Eternal Orgy

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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This story is copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Eternal Orgy

By William W. Kelso

Man has existed since long before recorded history, and in those primeval times great nations and empires rose and fell to leave no trace, or only the faintest hints they had ever existed. Strange creatures; most now long extinct, shared those times with man and it was a time of wonder and terror. There were many different Gods and Goddesses and other supernatural beings, many kind and benevolent, many cruel and evil, and more who were merely neutral-neither good nor evil. Many of these were created by the belief of their followers, and when those followers' numbers dwindled and the Gods and Goddesses were forgotten they faded away and ceased to exist. But some left behind traces, objects which still contained power or magical abilities, some good, some evil, some neutral. And in those places or artifacts the ancient deities sometimes live on.

There was once such being, a God/Goddess, both male and female with personas of each. He/She could appear as male or female, or both, or one of each at the same time. He/She was a patron of fertility, of life and growth, of sexual pleasure and lust. His/her followers became beasts, part human and part animal, that they could worship and honor him/her through sexual pleasure experienced as both human and animal so they could enjoy the pleasures of both. In the temples built in his/her honor orgies were held with both beasts and animals participating, and welcomed new followers who in turn become beasts themselves. These followers waged no war on others, they forced no one to join their beliefs or become as they were, their society was peaceful and they only wished to be left in peace to love and worship their deity. For the time they were quite advanced, both in the arts and sciences.

But others saw their bestial forms as evil and blasphemous, something they did not understand so therefore must destroy. And these gentle creatures were hunted down and destroyed without pity for they were unable to comprehend the desire to kill or destroy. Some fought back, but they were too few. A few escaped and survived for awhile, even breeding with one another for some time. But eventually they too perished until none remained. To this day some myths still exist about these creatures, but their origins are unknown. These included Satyrs, Minotaur's, Pegasus, werewolves, and many more. Every society has legends and myths based on these long dead beasts. And as the last temple was under attack and the remaining few followers sheltered in the inner sanctum they called out to their God/Goddess to save them, and he/she did so in the only way she could, by giving them eternal life of a sort. And it is only in this one place that he/she is still worshipped. And even though his/her name is long forgotten these followers live on and still worship their deity. After the temple fell the attackers walled up the inner sanctum and the temple was torn down until no trace remained, and soon it was forgotten it had ever existed, and it has remained hidden, except that once every thousand years it can be found by "accident" or design. And then after one month it is sealed again for another thousand years.

The jeep and trucks came to a halt and Dr. Thompson dismounted and took a look around. Talk about the middle of nowhere, he thought. He headed over towards a small cluster of tents with his student volunteers following him. He'd been skeptical when he first heard about the find, and had only come at the insistence of one of his old professors. Dr. Milburn had been so excited he could hardly talk coherently over the phone, and had told him it was the "find of the century". Well, that remained to be seen. God, he thought, it must be 120 degrees! The sweat just poured off of him. They were smack dab in the middle of the desert 200 miles from Cairo, and there was nothing here, nothing at all. Old Professor Milburn must have gone cuckoo, he thought. And speaking of the devil, here comes the crazy old coot now, he thought fondly.

"Peter! Dr. Milburn exclaimed, you've finally made it! I'm sorry for the rather Spartan accommodations, but we're on a shoestring budget. The idiots that be have no idea of what I've found. If it doesn't have the possibly of gold and treasure their interest span is quite short I'm afraid. And I see you brought some eager young minds, excellent! And they can all draw?"

Dr. Thompson hugged his old professor and mentor, and said "It's good to see you too Prof. Now what exactly is this "find" of yours? As far as I know there were no settlements or cities of any kind this far out in the desert, Egyptian or otherwise. And why this need for artists?"

"My boy, who said the find was Egyptian? Frankly I have NO idea what it is; it's unlike anything I've ever seen. It actually looks more Greek or Etruscan from the statues and carvings, but there are no written characters, runes, or hieroglyphics. Only the art, and it's, well, unique. And will be disturbing to some."

"Prof, why didn't you at least send me some photos, at least given me a hint? The only reason I even came is you asked me, if it had been someone else I'd have told them to get stuffed."

Dr. Milburn laughed, "Yes, knowing you I'm sure that's exactly what you would have said. As to why I didn't send photos, every one we've tried to take has some out blurred and unrecognizable. With film, digital, any way has failed. I have no exclamation for it, but the conditions in the crypt are, unlike anything I've ever seen before. You need to see it to believe it."

"Well Prof, Dr. Thompson said, that's what I and my band of eager followers are here for. When can we see this amazing find of yours?"

"Well, replied Dr. Milburn, first let's get you settled in and out of this horrible sun before you drop dead of heat stroke. We'll wait until evening to enter the crypt; it will be more bearable then. Now come, I have iced tea waiting for everybody."

"No argument there Prof, lead the way." Dr. Thompson said.

"Man, this really bites!" whined Tony. "When Dr. Doom said he needed volunteers for Egypt I was thinking pyramids, King Tut's tomb, and great stuff like that. Not the middle of the world's biggest, hottest, freakin sandbox!"

Mandy said, "Tony, why don't you put a sock in it? We've been listening to you whine and bitch since we left Cairo. It's getting really old."

"Speaking of bitches, Tony replied. Who died and made you supreme leader?"

"You will Tony, if you'd don't lay off the insults." Brian said. "Mandy's right, we're sick of your whining like a cry baby. It's too fucking hot for that kind of crap. So knock it off, or I will."

"Yessir, Captain America!" grouched Tony, and he gave a snappy British salute.

Tina said to Mandy, "I swear, they're like six year olds. And they're supposed to be qualified field workers? God help us, they'll be too busy picking on each other to do anything. Talk about testosterones."

"Tell me about it. Men!" replied Mandy.

Tony and Brian said at the same time "Women!" Then they ducked as the girls chucked some small objects at them.

Dr. Milburn had seen most of this little exchange from the shade of the awning in front of the main tent, and raised an eyebrow at his old student.

Dr. Thompson laughed, "I know Prof, but despite their bickering they make a good field team, and they're all good artists like you requested. Like all artists I'm afraid they are a bit temperamental, but they're also very professional. You won't have any reason to be disappointed."

"Well, if say so I trust your judgment, you've always been very good a picking your followers. Now why don't you call them over her before they melt and we'll have a nice cold drink and made introductions all around? Your arrival has doubled the size of our team, but you'll be glad to know I have Dr. Simpkins and Dr. Rush with me. The other member is our guide and driver, Ben Shareef. We've used him at some other digs, he's top rate. He's also our cook, but I recommend you have some of the students help it that department."

They talked for awhile, had refreshments, and then they dozed in the heat of the afternoon sun. When the sun had finally dropped below the horizon Dr. Milburn gathered Dr. Thompson and his team together, and told them,

"Prepare to be astounded." And as he led them into the dark tunnel leading into the earth he added, "The shaft was found purely by accident, a group of geologists searching for oil found it. They called it in, then for some reason they just disappeared off the face of the earth. When a search team arrived all they found was their vehicle and campsite, everything in order, except no people. They think both of them got heatstroke and wandered off into the desert, which happens fairly often, I'm afraid. Poor fellows. But just in case I carry a sidearm and I want Dr. Thompson too as well, and Ben Shareef has a machinegun. If it was bandits we'll be ready if they come back."

As they descended down the shaft Dr. Thompson examined the walls, they were well made from fitted stone blocks, but there was no sign of inscriptions or carvings of any kind, the walls were plain and unadorned, but when they entered the one and only main chamber that changed dramatically. Dr. Milburn turned on some battery powered lights and they all gasped.

The chamber was quite large, and whereas the shaft had obviously been manmade the chamber appeared to be a large natural cavern that had been adapted for use as, what? The life size statues were everywhere. Some blended into the walls in huge friezes, while other stood alone or in small groups scattered throughout the cavern. And while it was much cooler then outside it was humid and wet, condensation dripped from the ceiling and statues, and pooled on the floor in small puddles. In minutes everyone was drenched in sweat. And the statues themselves were beautiful works of art, and obscene beyond imagining.

None of the statues were human; they were all strange creature's part human and part animal. Satyrs, Minotaur's, Centaurs, and many other recognizable mythical creatures, and also many for which there was no name. Part human, part reptile, part avian, every kind of animal seemed to be represented. Some merely had the heads of animals, but many were more animal then human. And every single one was engaged in some sort of sexual congress with others, every known sex act was well represented. Male with female, male with male, female with female, no act was left out. And many had multiple partners. In the center of the chamber statues of four beasts were engaged in group sex. One male with the head of a snake and scales on his body lay under a goat woman with his penis penetrating her vagina while a bull man mounted her anally from behind, and a man with the head of a donkey stood in front of the goat woman and his cock was in her mouth. All four had looks of extreme pleasure on their faces or muzzles. As did every other statue who's face could be seen. And there were hundreds of them. They all appeared to be carved out of the same cream colored marble and each statue was anatomically correct in every way, and the detail was exceptional. They left nothing to the imagination.

Tony summed it up quite eloquently when he said "Holy Shit!" which the rest of the team echoed in somewhat less vulgar terms. "Oh my God!" "They're obscene!" "Jesus Christ!" and so on.

Dr. Milburn said, "So far we've been unable to get any photos of these remarkable works of art. Can you imagine how long it must have taken to carve so many life sized statues? And yet to my knowledge I've never seen sure a pure kind of marble before, and to date we have no idea where the rock was quarried. And the most amazing thing is we've dated the site to being over 15,000 years old!"

Dr. Thompson let out a snort, "Come on Prof, you know that's impossible. No one was building with fitted stone blocks that far back, plus there is NO way they could have carved these um, amazing statues. The closest they resemble is some of the Greek ones, but they're much more lifelike. And there's no damage that I can see, not even age or stress cracks. There's NO way they can be that old!"

"I assure you, Dr. Milburn replied. I made the tests many times, and am just as perplexed as you. That's why I called you as you specialize in pre-classical artifacts and civilizations. I was hoping you could tell me, that you would have some clue."

"What of artifacts? Dr. Thompson asked. I need to see anything that was found at the site. Pottery, tools, everything."

"We have yet to find a single artifact, either in the crypt or nearby. There was the entrance to the crypt, and nothing else."

"Nothing? Dr. Thompson said in surprise. Surely if they put so much effort into creating this place they must have left offerings, used it for burials, or at the very minimum there should be religious artifacts!"

"Not a thing, not one single thing. Dr. Milburn replied, just the statues."

"But it doesn't make sense! Dr. Thompson said. This area would have had water and been able to support agriculture and had woods and wetlands during that time period. There should be some kind of traces, even fruit and grains left would have left traces."

"Nothing, Dr. Milburn replied, we even checked for possible deadly spores or fungus, but the nothing. The place is almost sterile, which is probably why the statues survived in such good condition. There was nothing in the environment of the cavern to cause any decay or damage."

In the meantime the four students had spread out to take a closer look at the strange statues. They were disturbing, but also extremely erotic, and every man had an erection, even the older ones. And the women were also aroused to varying degrees. There was no way to avoid it in a place like this. Even the most prudish or restrained person couldn't help but respond to natural instincts. The acts depicted were obscene, but also conveyed a feeling of extreme pleasure. To most of them they conveyed only that pleasure; there was no feeling of malice or evil. None of the statues portrayed any torture or pain. The vast majority of the statues portrayed couples or group sex. But there were a few that were by themselves.

Mandy had wandered away from the main party and stopped and stared at one of the single statues. It was one of a Satyr, part man and part goat. It was very much male as its large jutting penis proved, rock hard and rampant. From the waist down it was a goat, it had the torso of a well muscled man, and the head of a goat. It was carved from the same pale cream colored marble as the others. Somewhat repulsed, but also fascinated, she took a closer look at the beast. Its mouth was slightly open and the tip of its tongue protruded like it was about to kiss or lick something, and the detail to its penis was amazing. She could see the veins depicted, and even the slit on the tip of its large glacis was detailed. And it's very large balls hung between its legs and she almost found herself reaching out to cup them. At the last second she realized what she was doing, and stopped herself. What is wrong with you girl! She thought. Since when did goats turn you on? With a shake of her head she moved on to look at new, just as obscene, statues.

Tony stood and stared at the carved hindquarters of some sort of a cow woman or other beast. She was crouched down sucking the penis of a horse satyr of some kind, and her tail was raised and draped across her back. He could clearly see her asshole and her vagina, and the detail was amazing. They looked 100% real, and there was even a smooth cleft between her pussy lips. He crouched down for a closer look and fondled the hardness in his pants, God; he had never been so turned on before! He saw that the cleft went at least six inches into the statue, and the inside was even detailed with folds and the button of a clitoris. Jesus! He thought. He looked up at the horse satyr the cow woman was sucking off and it looked like whoever had carved that statues had caught the horse just as he was coming as his had was thrown back in a silent whinny. Jesus, who the hell had carved stuff like this?

Tina stared in bemused fascination at the statue of a large lizard or alligator man of some kind. His body was basically human, but he had a reptile's tail and his head and was covered in scales and he had bands on his abdomen. He was standing with his back to one of the walls and his turned head was kissing (?) another beast, but his strange looking reptilian penis was stick out of the wall at below waist level, it was oddly shaped and about a foot long. She couldn't help herself, and reached out and touched the phallus. It was slick from condensation and felt very warm to the touch, and she jerked her hand away. She felt a wetness that wasn't sweat between her legs and gave a soft shudder. This place was so, so arousing. She couldn't but be turned on by all the incredible debauchery around her. She could almost hear the moans and sobs of pleasure depicted on the human and inhuman faces. Or bleats and roars; whatever sounds such creatures would make while experiencing sexual ecstasy.

Brian looked at the deer or gazelle man; or whatever he was, lying on the floor with its legs spread and it's animal shaped cock jutting up at an angle, it's muzzle was busy tonguing the vagina of a goat girl who was standing over him, actually his tongue was deep inside the goats vagina Brian realized as he took a closer look. The goat had a look of utter lust on its bestial face, her mouth was partly open and he could almost hear her gasping. He was Gay, and the deer man really turned him on. Jeez, he thought. He'd never seen such lifelike statues before, it made even classic Greek stuff look lame. He reached down and rubbed the hardness in his shorts. Jeez. If he was alone he might even, but no, that was sick. But still, maybe later tonight? He gave a shiver of anticipation as he looked down at the large jutting erection again. Sure would beat a dildo.

Both professors continued to argue amicably for quite awhile, feeling out possible theories, and discarding them just as quickly. This site made no sense in the historical context of know history. Two things they did agree on. It had to be a place of worship; obviously sexual, and was probably earth goddess or nature oriented. Beyond that, anything was possible. All of a sudden the lights flickered, dimmed, and then came back up, but not as bright as before.

"Oh dear, said Dr. Milburn, it's doing it again. For some reason electronics do not work well here, we think it may be because of some sort of magnetic field or other interference as any attempts to use monitors or scanners are useless, they just go crazy. Even GPS doesn't seem to work right in this vicinity, we'd have never found the place if those oilmen's camp hadn't been here. And batteries seem to die much faster. One of two more such surges and they go dead. We'll have to bring fresh batteries when we return to start the drawings. But for now I suggest we leave and get a good sleep. We'll return after that."

Since everybody was tired; and had jet lag, that suggestion was met with unanimous approval. But everyone was strangely reluctant to leave the chamber despite the sweltering humidity. There was something here that enticed and called to them, some more strongly than the others. The younger team members were the most affected by the strange yearning.

Even though it was still fairly early they all said their goodnights, and left for their tents. There was a tent for the men, a tent for the women, and separate tents for the two doctors. Since the other team members had gone into town for more supplies they pretty much had the camp to themselves. As they lay on top of their sleeping bags; it was much too hot to get inside of them yet, they were all strangely subdued as they thought about what they'd seen. That old professor friend of Doc Thompson's was right, it was a spectacular find. Soon they turned out the lights to try and get some sleep.

An hour or so later Mandy slowly raised her head and looked at Tina. Her friend's breathing was slow and steady and Mandy knew she was sleeping soundly. Having shared hotel rooms with her for several nights she knew her friend was a very deep sleeper, and was hard to wake up. Mandy put on a light jacket, and other then her panties, bra, and tennis shoes that was all she had on. It was still very hot, and she knew it would feel even hotter in the chamber due to the humidity. She was scared of the dark, but just had to see the statue of that satyr again. She felt the wetness between her legs, it had never gone away. Taking an electric lantern she left the tent as silently as possible. The night was clear; and the moon bright, so she wouldn't need the lantern until she reached the entrance to the crypt. She couldn't believe she was doing this.

She set the lantern down next to the statue and looked at in the dim light. Its penis jutted up thick and rampant, animal and inhuman. But she could only stare at it as she felt her own arousal growing. With a soft moan she slid her panties down and stepped out of them. She still couldn't believe she was doing this; she'd never done anything kinky in her life. If anything she was a bit of a prude, while not a virgin her sexual encounters had been few and far between and strictly missionary. She wasn't ugly, but wasn't a beauty either. She was fairly lithe, with small firm breasts and what she thought was a nice ass, but her face was plain and she cut her hair short. She didn't realize it, but many men assumed she was lesbian; or at least butch, and others were scared off by her greater intelligence. For all that she was a pretty passionate lover, and had always wanted more then she received from her lovers. But to have sex with a statue? She looked at it again and a drop of condensation glinted on the tip of the beast's rigid penis, and it looked like pre to her. She felt an increased wetness between her legs, and with a start realized she'd been running her fingers in and out of her pussy as she stared at the statue. It seemed to beckon to her, promising pleasure and satisfaction and she felt her nipples harden. She reached over and ran her hand down the length of the marble erection and it felt strangely warm and slippery. She faced the statue and gripped it by its shoulders, then with a strong hop she wrapped her legs aground its waist and could feel its erection pressing against her stomach. This is so wrong, she thought, even as she raised herself up and with a guttural gasp lowered herself onto the beast's penis and moaned as it slid easily into her vagina. She lowered herself until she felt her butt cheeks press against the statues thighs, and then rested fora few seconds to allow herself to stretch some to accommodate the large stone penis, her whole body shuddering at the delicious feeling of its hardness inside of her.

Finally, with a deep sob of pleasure she started to ride the statue, holding onto its shoulders and slowly sliding herself up and down the length of its erection. "Ohh", she moaned, it felt soo good! She threw back her head and gave a gasp as she ground down again, and when she opened her eyes the statue pressed its muzzle to her lips, and before she could respond its long tongue slid into her mouth and she felt strong hands grasp her around the waist and with a muffled bleat of pleasure the satyr began to thrust into her! Her eyes wide open in shock she found herself staring into the now brown and gentle eyes of the satyr, and could feel its warm fur against her hands as she clawed at it. "MMpppfff, Mthr Fckr, Whaamppff! She squealed around the tongue exploring her mouth. Her struggles as her legs flailed only helped to bounce her up and down on the satyrs rampant phallus, and he kept grunting and bleating in pleasure as he coupled with her and soon her own muffled sounds changed to moans and gasps of pleasure as she felt herself nearing her climax. When the satyr slid a hand down between them and started rubbing her clitoris she screamed as a massive orgasm rocked her body and her partner gave a shuddering bleat of pleasure as he exploded deep inside of her. And with that successful mating she joined in the worship of the God/Goddess.

Mandy could feel a wonderful warmth spread from her joining with her lover into her whole body, and as it did she changed. He was thrusting into her again and she had her legs wrapped around his waist and her head rested on his strong shoulder as he nuzzled and licked her. She knew something horribly wrong was happening, but didn't care. All she cared about was the male hardness inside of her and the hands caressing her breasts that were giving her so much pleasure. She moaned a little bit in pain as her toes grew together and became cloven hooves and her gyrations threw off her tennis shoes to expose their shiny new blackness. Hair and fur sprouted from her body and quickly spread to cover her and a short tufted tail grew from her spine. As she gently bit at her lovers neck her face pushed out into a muzzle and hers ears lengthened and hung down as short horns pushed their way through her skin. Her lover tore off her bra and threw it into the darkness as he mated with the newest female satyr in their congregation. Another one had joined them! And the chamber echoed to voices, bleats, hisses, and other sounds greeting their new sister. But all she could do was gasp and bleat in ecstasy. She never noticed the lantern flickering and finally dying. And a short time later as another light approached down the entrance tunnel she froze like all her fellow beasts as they became cream colored statues. But they were awake and aware, and watched out of seemingly lifeless eyes as the light came closer.

Brian slowly rolled over and looked at Tony, and as usual he was snoring away like a buzz saw. He didn't much like the overweight slob, but he was an excellent artist, had to give him that. But he didn't enjoy sharing a tent with the flatulent pig. And he wasn't even Gay. Brian wouldn't have been interested even if he was, to be quite honest. Tony just turned him off, in fact he turned everyone off. The girls all thought he was gross, so did most of the guys come to think of it. Brian didn't advertise his sexual orientation, and was sure more than one of the female students had been puzzled by his lack of interest despite their attempts to flirt with him. But they never once thought a hunk like him might be Gay. So much the better. But now unable to sleep thanks to a fat turd name Tony he found himself thinking about the statue of the deer. He hadn't brought a dildo with him for fear of discovery, but that statues marble penis would make one hell of a nice one, and he as horny. Carefully he left the tent, taking a lantern off the table on the way.

As started down the tunnel Brian paused for a second as a puff of humid air flowed past him and could have sworn her heard, what? Voices? Faint sounds of animals and moans? He listened carefully, but whatever it had been was gone now. Must be this creepy place, it was playing tricks on him. He made his way over to the prone statue of the deer man and looked down at its thick jutting penis and licked his lips. Oh yeah, this was going to be great. He licked anal sex and was well broken in back there, so despite the cocks size he was sure he it would fit OK. Then he remembered something, damn it, he'd forgotten to bring any lubricating jelly! Damn, damn, damn! But he was already hard himself, so he rubbed some of his own pre onto his hand and reached down to slick up the marble penis, and was surprised to find it was already nice and slick from condensation, but it sure felt slick for water. Whatever, that is was nice and slick and smooth was the main thing. Slipping off his trunks and T-shirt Brian positioned himself over the penis, and carefully lowered his rump onto the tip and felt it push against his asshole. With a happy groan he used his own weight to impale himself on the waiting hardness, and ooooh yeah, that was nice! Leaning forward he put his hands on the stone chest of the deer and began to rock himself back and forth, grunting in pleasure as the marble penis slid in and out of his asshole. "Oh, oh, oh God!" he murmured as he bit his lip from the pain and pleasure, and reaching between his legs he began to maturbate.

As Brian rocked back and forth he suddenly felt the statue shift under him, and hands grabbed him around his waist! "What the fuck!" he cried out. The body under him was now soft and warm, and he could feel its fur between his fingers and found himself staring into the large eyes of the deer man as it grunted in pleasure and pulled him back down on to its now very much alive penis! "Holy crap!" said Brian as he struggled, but the deer was much too strong for him, and oh it did feel so good! He felt another pair of hands grip his head, one under his chin lifting his head up as the other held him steady by griping the back of his head. And before he could respond his face was pushed into the crotch, and sex, of the goat girl. "Mmmpppf, urgle!" he gasped as he felt the goat's soft wet pussy lips pressing against his face! The goat gave a bleat of pleasure and pushed both her hands against the back of his head and before he even realized it he kissed those nether lips with his own and ran his tongue inside the sweet welcoming wetness of the goats sex. "Mmmppff, Mmmmm" he moaned at the hardness sliding in and out of his asshole as the deer grunted in pleasure as it fucked him, and the pleasure was incredible. He felt the deer buck under him as it's orgasm pumped deep inside of him and his own penis throbbed as he came and ejaculated all over his lover, and at the same time the goat gave a shrill bleat of pleasure and he felt her sexual juices flow past; and into, his mouth as he eagerly pleasured her. And with that successful mating he joined in the worship of the God/Goddess.

Brian could only see the tan belly fur of the goat woman as he kept tonguing and sucking at her sex and his lover was pounding his huge erection in and out of his ass again, and Brian gave a sob of ecstasy. He could feel something happening to him, feel himself becoming something else, but didn't care as he kept moaning in pleasure. He felt the wonderful warmth spreading throughout his body from the cock inside of him, and from the sex he was so avidly eating. And white and brown fur sprouted from his body as his feet changed into split hooves and a rack of small backward turning horns sprouted from his head. A tufted tail grew from his spine as his face pushed out into a muzzle and his rapidly working tongue slid even deeper into the bleating squealing goat's vagina. Soon the change ran its course and the new gazelle buck he had become bleated and grunted in pleasure as it started its new existence. And its new sisters and brother called to it in welcome. And for a short while the chamber echoed to the sounds of human and bestial pleasure and lust. And then again as a new light approached all the worshippers became seemingly lifeless statues again, including their two newest members.

Tina woke up and stretched, then sat up. Where the heck was Mandy? Must have gone to the John. She waited awhile, but when she didn't come back Tina got up and walked over to the latrine tent, but it was empty. Had she gone for a walk? She thought about waking the others, but hesitated when she heard the snoring from the boy's tent. If it was a false alarm she'd never live it down. Mandy was a light sleeper, and liked to go for late night walks, so maybe she'd gone down to the chamber to look at those fantastic statues again. At the thought of those obscene; but highly erotic, statues Tina felt herself start to get a little warm and wet. He reached down and rubbed her mound through the thin material of her panties. She was a big hefty girl, and a little too pudgy for her own taste, but it ran in her family. But she liked her large soft breasts and big ass; it gave her lovers something to hold on to. That didn't mean she had trouble finding partners for sex, she loved it and one night stands were her favorite. In fact she thought she might be a borderline nympho, she liked sex a LOT. She had tried to seduce Brian, but there must be something wrong with the guy. She'd done just about everything she could let him know she was interested short of jumping in his bed butt naked. As for Tony, yeech! She had some standards! She'd even flirted with the professor a few times, but she guessed he was just too old. Grabbing a lantern she headed for the entrance to the shaft leading to the cavern.

As she entered the chamber Tina could swear she could smell sex, but it was most likely just a result of her imagination. In this weird place with all the naked statues it was easy. She took a quick look around and nobody was there. When she saw the statue of the lizard or alligator man again she paused. She usually got enough sex so she wasn't very turned on by dildos and stuff, but damn that things cock looked real as hell, and it HAD been a long time. She felt she should let Dr. Thompson know Mandy had gone missing, but what harm could a few minutes for a quickie cause? Of course it would be the first time she'd done it with a statue; of a reptile for Chris sakes, but just thinking about it was making her wet. She slipped her robe off and was nude except for her panties, which quickly joined her robe on the floor. She took her sneakers off and put them under her knees to protect them from the hard floor. She was really wet and slick now and looking over her shoulder she slowly backed herself against the statues waiting erection and grunted as it slid into her. Finally she was able to press her rump against the things scaly thighs, and with a sigh of pleasure she began to lean forward, and then backward, and grunted in pleasure as the penis slid in and out of her pussy. Oh yeah, boy does that feel real, she thought!

It felt even realer when strong clawed hands suddenly grabbed around the waist! "Whatthefucking hell!" she squealed. She heard a loud hiss from behind her as the massive penis began pounding in and out of her on its own, and turning her head she found that the alligator man had come to life, and now his scales were green and brown with tan colored belly bands. He gave another hiss as his emotionless reptilian eyes stared in hers, and speeded up the power and rhythm of his thrusts. "Uhhhhh, oh GOD!" she moaned. "No,no, get OFF of me, uh uh uh, ohhhhh!" As she looked around in disbelief she saw all the other "statues" had come to life and were grinding and moving against one another, the chamber filled with human and animal sounds of pleasure. This, this, is impossible! She thought. She gasped as her partner squatted down and thrust even further into her with a guttural hissing snarl of lust. As he slammed into her he held her steady with his strong hands and she felt her heavy breasts swinging back and forth for the power of his thrusts. Oh God, it felt incredible! "Uhhhh, aaaaaaaa!" she moaned, it hurt, it hurt so good! She heard the sound of hooves tapping on the floor, and looked up as a goat girl approached her followed by a Billy goat. The goat girl crouched down and took Tina's chin in her hand and kissed her! "Tina, isn't it wonderful, Baaaa!" the goat girl said, then gave a higher bleat of pleasure as the Billy goat mounted her. "Oh my God, MANDY?" Tina blurted out. Then gasped as the alligator man thrust into her extra hard and speeded up his rhythm. "Uhhhhhhh" she gasped, and could feel herself approaching orgasm, she had never been fucked so well in her life! "Mandy, help me, uh uh, please!" she begged. But Mandy just kissed her again and Tina helplessly kissed her back. "Don't worry, the thing that had been Mandy said, soon you'll be one of us, and will join as we worship." Then the goat woman squealed as she and her mate both orgasmed, their loud bleats of ecstasy blending in with the similar sounds filling the chamber.

"NO, No, No!" Tina sobbed as the alligator man rode her, its' scaly thighs slapping against her rump and it coupled with her. "NOOOOOOO!" she screamed even as massive orgasms rocked her and her bellowing hissing lover. And with that successful mating she joined in the worship of the God/Goddess.

The alligator man paused for a minute, then began to thrust into her again she gave a deep moan of pleasure. "Oh, oh!" it did feel so good! She felt a lovely warmth began to spread into her body from the cock deep inside of her, and felt herself start to change. "Noo, noo, please!" she sobbed as she watched dark green shiny scales began to grown on her arms, and her finger grew black shiny claws as webbing formed between them. "Oh God, nooo!" She gasped in pain and pleasure as she felt a thick tail sprout from her spine and her mate pushed it out of the way as he kept energetically fucking her. She could feel her skin becoming stiffer and hard, and felt her face start to push forward. "Nooo, grunt, uhh, hissss, Nuuuu!" she sobbed as she snapped her jaws together in pain and pleasure. Finally all she could do was give deep grunts and hiss in pleasure and then bellow as her mate brought them both to another incredibly pleasurable mutual orgasm. And as she listened she heard the others welcoming their new sister and she hissed her own reply. She was happy and content now, and gave an appreciative roar of pleasure as her mate started servicing her again.

Tony woke up with a grunt and wiped a big glob of slobber off of his cheek. Wow what a dream, he thought! He looked over and Mr. Perfect wasn't in his bunk. Good, he thought, I hope a camel or something ate the jerk, or Ahab the Arab dragged him off, or he joined the Foreign Legion or something like that. Tony was one of those kinds of guys who was a real asshole, and everyone knew it except for him. Since he was a virgin; no girl had ever looked at him with anything but total contempt; he had become an expert masturbator. But if he tried it now that jerk Brian would probably catch him in the act. And he was so damn hard and horny, had been ever since they'd entered that fantastic wet dream of a cave. Tony had always had unnatural interests as well; he often fantasized about sex with animals. Not that he'd ever done it, but humping that statue with the big hole between its butt cheeks might be the next best thing. Plus he doubted if he'd be disturbed down there. He looked at the clock, plenty of time! He grabbed a lantern and a tube of jelly, and wearing nothing but his boxes and tennis shoes he waded through the deep sand to the entrance to the shaft.

Again light approached and the heaving mass of figures froze once again into the semblance of statues, their blank eyes watching as yet another human entered the chamber. In over a thousand of years these were the first visitors, and already three had willingly joined their numbers. Would yet a forth join them?

As Tony crossed the chamber towards the object of his lust he paused for a second, and moved the lantern closer to the two reptilian statues. He could have sworn there had only been one. He looked at the female's large head and massive jaws, they were partially open and her eyes were clenched shut like she was screaming or bellowing. Man they were real looking! Weird. He raised the lantern higher and looked around, and everywhere he saw jutting penises, spread pussy lips, busy tongues and every kind of sexual act imaginable. Feeling his own rather large erection throbbing in sympathy he lowered the lantern and moved to the kneeling statue of the cow woman. As he took off his shorts he looked at the statue of the goat man whose cock she was sucking. He paused, hadn't it been a HORSE man before? Nah, must be losing it he thought. He lubed himself up with the jelly, and crouching down guided his penis into the statues beckoning cleft and oh man, it was smooth and warm and felt damn good! With a happy grunt he started thrusting in to the statues vagina. Oh yeah, oh yeah! He moaned as his thighs slapped against the hard rump of the cow woman.

Then suddenly he felt that rump turn soft and warm, and realized he was holding warm hairy skin in his hands as he grasped it around its waist! Suddenly the goat man statue in front of him let out a squealing bellow, and as he watched the cow woman let its cock slip out of her mouth and turned to look at him with cum dripping from her muzzle! "Maaooooo!" the cow grunted in pleasure. With a loud yell Tony tried to dismount from the cow woman, but suddenly strong hands gripped his waist and forced him back into the now soft velvety slick embrace of her pussy and he gave a gasp of pleasure as its strong muscles clasped and caressed his rock hard erection. "WHAT, WHO THE, LET ME GO!" he yelped. He felt something pointed and hard probing at his rump, then gave a gasp of pain as he felt a huge penis force itself into his asshole! "Uggghhh, NOOOO!" he squealed. He felt warm fur brushing against him as the thing behind him sodomized him, and then a head that looked like a deer's complete with horns, suddenly rested itself on his shoulder and said, "Hey Tony, glad you could join us Bro, isn't this fucking fantastic?" then bleated with pleasure as it thrust into him again. "Oh, oh, ugggh! Brian??" Tony gasped. "Not anymore Bro, I'm one of the children of the God/Goddess now, and you will be too soon." Then Tony squealed in ecstasy as a massive orgasm rocked him, and he came and came as he pumped his seed into the cow woman and at the same time the deer belled in pleasure and he felt its own seed pour into him. And, oh it felt soo unbelievable! And with that successful mating he joined in the worship of the God/Goddess.

Tony gasped as he kept thrusting into his lowing and Mooing partner. He could feel the burning warmth that was spreading through him, and could also feel his penis lengthening and thickening inside his partners vagina, and as his cock grew he could feel his balls swelling and hanging lower until they began to swing back forth. He had to lean across her back for a while as his toes grew together and became hooves, but after that he was able to increase the depth of his thrusts as she got tighter and soon he was bellowing in pleasure. He felt a long flicking tail grown from his spine as hair spread to cover his body, and grunted in pain as large horns pushed out from his head as his face bulged forward into a bovine muzzle. "AH-MAAAOOOOOO!" he bellowed as he came again, and his mate bellowed her own pleasure. The deer had left him to find another partner, but as he looked over his shoulder snorting he saw a well hung stallion approaching him and lifted his tail in invitation and anticipation and was not kept waiting long. And his new sisters and brothers called to him in welcome.

For several hours the chamber was filled with writhing figures and moans and other sounds of unending sexual ecstasy, and the four new arrivals all had multiple partners rotating on a regular basis as they welcomed their newest worshippers. They would be very popular for a long time as they got to know them very intimately.

Dr. Thompson woke with a sigh, it was only early morning and already the temperature must be over 100. With a grunt he rolled over and got up from his cot. As his did so his back popped painfully, guess I'm getting old, he thought. He quickly dry shaved (ouch!) and headed towards the cook tent. When he got there it was empty, and there wasn't even a pot of coffee waiting. Tony, Brian, damn it, he thought! It was their turn to fix breakfast. Tony he could understand, kid was a born slacker, but Brian was usually pretty good about his assigned duties. He walked over to their tent and stuck his head inside ready to yell at them to rouse the lazy bums. But the tent was empty. A little concerned he headed over to the ladies tent, and became even more concerned when it was empty too. He checked the latrine tent and shower, but nothing. He ran over to Dr. Millburn's tent and saw that the Prof was stirring. Good. He stuck his head in the tent as asked him if he'd seen the students. Saying he hadn't Dr. Milburn joined him in another search of the camp, and still no sign of any of them. Well, there was only one place left to look, the crypt. Hopefully they'd all gotten an early start and would be waiting for the two old fogeys.

As they descended into the dark the Prof turned on the lights and they searched the cavern, but no sign of the students. But they did find several pairs of shoes, and more worriedly underwear, including women's panties. Both men were horribly worried now. Had someone forced the students down into the cavern, and then killed them, or worse? How else could they explain the discarded clothing? And from the looks of it they hadn't taken any clothes with them, so wherever they are they must be naked, and if they were still alive and wandering around naked in the desert they soon would be dead.

They left the crypt and pondered about what best to do. The rest of the team would not be back until tomorrow, and the damn batteries to the radio had gone dead so they couldn't call for help. Finally they decided that Dr. Millburn would take the jeep and head into town to get help, and Dr. Thompson would stay at the camp in case one; or more, of the students showed up. Both of them were so worried neither noticed the dark clouds building up in the distance. About two hours after Dr. Millburn left the first gusts of wind heralding the coming sand storm arrived, and soon Dr. Thompson was forced to take cover in the entrance shaft to the crypt. He watched from the relative safely of the entrance as tent after tent took off like gliders and disappeared into the storm, and when the sand and dust got too bad he retreated to the crypt. He turned on the lights and sat down to wait out the storm.

As the wind blew the heavy slab that had sealed the shaft for thousands of years shifted as the sand drained away from around it, and then with a loud thud it fell back into place and sealed the shaft again. When Dr. Thompson arrived; having heard the loud noise, there was way he could hope to move that heavy stone plug on his own. He hoped there was enough air in the crypt to last until Dr. Millburn arrived with help.

He reentered the chamber and sat down on one of the camp stools and stared around him at the incredible sight of all the bestial statues. They were hideous and revolting, yet strangely beautiful at the same time. And definitely arousing, he thought as he felt a stir in his shorts. It had been a long time for him, he'd been celibate (not by choice) ever since his wife had left him three years ago. He'd been tempted with Tina as she'd let her interest in him be known, but the sacred rules of teacher-student relationships was one he kept religiously. Even the mere hint of hanky-panky with a student could ruin your career. Suddenly the lights flared up, then died. Oh just fucking great, he thought as he felt around for an emergency light. As he felt around he suddenly felt a sudden change in the very atmosphere of the cavern. He could hear quite movements and odd noises. Frantically he felt until he found a light, and then switched it on. But it was almost dead too and the light it gave off barely illuminated the immediate area around him. "Who's there!" he yelled. And then his eyes bulged as a pair of legs ending in, hooves!, moved into the circle of light, and staring incredulously he looked up to find a satyr looking at him, a living, breathing, female, satyr! "Oh Sweet Jesus!" he said.

The satyr giggled and gave a bleat, "Don't be afraid, Doc, don't you recognize me? Baa-aaaa?" "Ma-andy?" he said, and somehow knew it was true. Despite her new body he somehow recognized her. As he watched three more beasts shuffled into view, a male gazelle, a great hulking Bull, and a large obviously female lizard woman. And to his horror he recognized them all.

"Brian, Tina, Tony, what, what happened to you? This is impossible!" he gasped as he stared at the four creatures.

"It's this place Doc, hissed Tina, it changes you. It's not so bad; there is only pleasure here, eternal sexual pleasure with others like us. We mate constantly in honor of the God/Goddess whose shrine this is, and like her we will live forever. Join us Doc, join us in worship."

In horror he got up and started to back away, only to back into a solid rank of other beasts that had moved behind him. He turned and back away from them in horror, and almost instantly backed into Tina's arms. She rested her alligators head on his shoulder and ran a scaly clawed hand into his shorts and cupped his balls and erection. "Mmm, hiss, you're ready Doc, come mount me." "Nooo!" he screamed, and pulled away. But everywhere he looked were more beasts, all sexually aroused and reaching out to him. He felt hands grab him from behind and screaming he was dragged to the floor and quickly stripped. Four of the beasts held him spread eagle and helpless as the rest looked on. Tina kneeled down and ran her rough scaly hand over his chest and stomach before fondling him again, her great jaws open as she hissed "You must join us Doc, or you'll die, and we cannot allow that in this holy place. The shrine has been sealed again, and cannot be opened for another thousand years. Hiss. Don't worry Doc, soon you'll understand and welcome it. We all owe you a great debt of gratitude for bringing us to this wonderful place. Hissss."

Doc hissed in pleasure as he mounted Tina, grasping her lovely scaly body with his own claws as the coupled with her. Even though it was pitch-dark he could see as well as if it were daylight. The chamber was filled with writhing contorted bodies locked in the throes of sexual pleasure and ecstasy. He did not know how long it had been since he had joined in worship, time had no meaning in this place. Neither he, nor any of his brothers and sisters, needed to drink or eat, sleep or rest. They spent the endless years mating and pleasuring one another, most often with multiple partners, both of the opposite and same sexes. He gave a bellow of lust as he orgasmed, and dismounting from his mate he looked for his next partner and had the pick of many eager willing beasts. As he mounted his next mate he had no regrets about what he had become. That he would spend eternity in this place only pleased and comforted him.

For two days the sandstorm raged unabated. Every trace of the camp was scattered and buried, and the sealed entrance to the shaft was buried under many feet of sand. It would be another thousand years before it would be opened again.

The End


That Others May Live

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is not a Furry or Yiff story I'm afraid, it's just something I felt I had to write. It's dedicated those soldiers who go into combat unarmed, not to kill, but to save lives. That Others May Live By...

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is for my good friend Scaliecrystal. Sacrifice! By William W. Kelso Rachel closed her eyes and sobbed in terror as she listened to the doctor's screams pain and horror, but mercifully they...

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A Horrible Accident

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Horrible Accident By William W. Kelso My name? I don't have one now, and I can't remember my old one anymore, so it's not important. This is my story, such as it is. I don't think I deserved what...

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