
Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is for my good friend Scaliecrystal.


By William W. Kelso

Rachel closed her eyes and sobbed in terror as she listened to the doctor's screams pain and horror, but mercifully they were short. When she looked up the creatures had hung him by his ankles and cut his throat, and were now dressing him out as if he were a deer or pig. She watched in horrified revulsion as they cut off chunks of his still quivering flesh and swallowed them raw in apparent delight, throwing their heads back and working their mouths and throats to swallow the meat as they weren't able to chew. Snake-people, which was the only way she could began to describe them; for nothing else came close, except for maybe monsters. In any other circumstances she would have been fascinated since she was a herpetologist, but at this point she felt only sheer terror and despair. She thought back on how she had ended up in this dreadful predicament.

When Dr. Robertson had asked her to join his small private expedition into the depths of the Amazon in search of new species she had jumped at the chance. He had been one of her professors when she had been working on her doctorate, and her thesis had been on boas and other large constrictors. A chance to see them in the wild was too good to pass up. If she was lucky she might even see an anaconda or two. Just that would make the trip worthwhile. Once they had all their gear ready they'd been flown to a remote airstrip, and from there had gone upriver in four large canoes. It was a fairly small expedition. In addition to herself and Dr. Robertson there had been his assistant Tony, two students doing field work for credit, six native porters, and a guide. She was the only woman.

Rachel had always been a brainy girl, and while pretty enough had never much cared to play the "dating game". She was more interested in academic pursuits after she graduated at the top of the class from High School and was awarded a degree from Berkeley. Maybe not the top school for her Major, but it was close to home and affordable. So she deliberately kept her hair short and maintained a cool professional "don't touch" persona. She still got a few passes, and the only one she had gotten serious about had broken up after he went home and they didn't see each other for an entire summer. They stayed friends, but in the meantime he got married and kept his wife pumping out babies. She didn't want to have anything to do with that, thank you very much. She'd made a small name for herself in professional and academic circles. Dr. Robertson had kept her in mind, and his offer had been too good to be true. She now wished more than anything she had told him to forget it and had stayed at her nice cushy job at the zoo running the reptile house and doing research.

And now she was here, stuck in an ancient cage with bronze bars, stark naked, watching as one by one her colleagues were butchered and eaten by snake people. It was like something out of "Land of the Lost". Now only she and four of the porters were still alive, and she had no doubt that she and they would soon join their unfortunate friends in the creature's bellies.

They'd been in the field for almost a month when some local natives had mentioned some sort of "demon snake" or "people of the snake" farther upstream. They held a little meeting, and figured it was worth a look. Famous last words. They'd gone upriver and followed a tributary for another two days when the attack came without warning. One minute it was quiet (or as quiet as the Amazon ever gets), the next second the air was filled with darts blown at them by invisible attackers. In no time everyone was pin-cushioned with the small darts, and after that paralyzes set in almost instantly. One porter managed to fire one shot from his rifle, but the recoil knocked him out of the boat, and the water soon started to churn as piranha made short work of the unexpected feast. Then they had all stared in disbelief as their captors came to collect them. At first she thought they were people wearing elaborate snake costumes, but it was soon obvious they really were snakes of a sort, albeit bipedal ones with fully developed hands. And they were definitely related to boas; not lizards, as they had the distinct arrow shaped heads and banded markings. They looked like what boas might have evolved into a few million years into the future.

The snake people had quickly gotten into the canoes, pushed the helpless humans to one side, and then paddled a few hundred yards up river and turned into a huge mass of hanging vines that looked impenetrable, but just screened a cave like opening between two cliffs. Then they paddled down a narrow sluggish stream between two sheer rock walls before emerging into a small valley completely surrounded by the escarpments of steep; almost unclimable, hills. No wonder they had never been discovered before, at least by anyone who had lived to tell about it. They had beached the canoes and proceeded to loot them, then had dragged the humans with them as they moved; hissing and croaking to one another, deeper into the thick jungle that filled the valley. She had started noticing ruins buried in the thick growth, and then they had reached a huge central square or plaza in front of a large partially overgrown temple of a design she had never seen before. It was virtually without ornamentation, made from huge blocks of unmortared stone, and clearly very ancient. There they had all been stripped naked, much to her embarrassment as several of the snake folk had given he a very personal examination. They seemed intrigued by her sex and the fact she was so light skinned. She was one of those fair skinned red headed types who never tanned, only burned and peeled. They had put her in a larger cage by herself, and other snake people kept coming to stare at her and hiss at one another, it was unsettling to say the least. She was given water and food; fruit thank God, and was better treated then her male companions.

She was easily able to tell the difference between the sexes of the snake people despite the absence of any external sexual organs; they all had a cloaca like other snakes. But they had the same characteristics as the boas they were clearly related to, the females were noticeably larger than the males, and seemed to run things. Their primitive society was clearly a matriarchy. The females were about five to six feet tall, the males about four to five. They were slender with fairly small chests and long sinewy bodies and tails and had the heads of snakes. And as with snakes they couldn't chew their food, only swallow it, dislocating their jaws for larger pieces. She'd found that out by watching them butcher and devour Tony, just like he was a pig or other animal. Then slowly over several days they had done same to the others, poor Dr. Robertson had been their most recent victim. Any attempt to communicate with them; to beg for mercy, had been ignored. She got the impression they weren't terribly smart as they wore no clothing other than a few arm, leg, or tail bands or other bangles. Plus their only weapons appeared to be the blowguns and crude spears. But for now all she could do was wait to see how soon she or the others would be on the menu.

Towards evening the next day the snake people came for her and the remaining four porters. They all screamed and begged at first, but then they calmed down as they were led past the outdoor butcher block and into the gaping entrance of the huge ancient temple. As she was led down a sloping ramp into the depths of the temple Rachel noticed carvings on the sides of the tunnel, and it was evident they had once been painted long ago. And the carving all showed snake people, most in elaborate costumes or clothes of some kind. They also seemed more developed and cultured then the ones dragging her into the depths. Perhaps they were the devolved remnants of an ancient race that had disappeared except for these surviving throwbacks? It was a good a theory as any.

Finally they reached a huge chamber that seemed to be carved out of solid rock. The four men had ropes tied around their wrists and were hoisted into the air with their feet just barely off the floor, but she was taken to a raised platform with two heavy stone pillars on each side, and they tied her so she was suspended spread eagle, nude, and helpless between the two pillars, held by her wrists and ankles. Then several female snake people approached her carrying heavy pottery jars, and began to smear a thick cream with lard like consistency all over her body, one even ran its cool scaly fingers deep into her vagina as she twisted and gasped from the rude intrusion. God, what a smell she thought as the pungent gunk made her eyes water. Weakly she pulled against the restraints, but they were too tight and she was wasting her time. Then the snake people left her alone on the platform. The chamber was well lit by burning braziers and torches, including two on the platform, so she was able to see quite well. There was an opening to a tunnel directly in front of the platform, and warm air was blowing from it, and with it came the dry musty smell of reptiles. The snake people all became quiet and subdued, and then several began to beat on some drums that produced more of a vibration then loud noise, and they all began to hiss in unison, the same hisses over and over again. It was obviously a ritual of some kind.

At first she just hung with her head down, moaning from the pain in her shoulders and legs, but when she heard a faint scraping sound coming from the tunnel in front of her she lifted her head and froze, doing her best to listen. The sound came again, a scraping rustling sound that slowly grew louder, and then as she watched in growing horror; but also professional fascination, a huge albino boa constrictor came slithering out of the tunnel and raised its head to look around. As soon as the snake people saw the great snake they became completely silent and stood still. The snake noticed Rachel now and slowly slithered closer, then it coiled itself in front of her, and lifting up the front of its long body it brought its head to the level of hers, and looked her directly in the eyes. No, she now realized, not a platform, an altar.

It was definitely a boa constrictor, but unlike any she had ever seen. It was pure white with ivory colored belly bands and the pink eyes of an albino. She guessed its length at almost twenty feet or more. Well, she giggled in her mind, you've finally found a new species, too bad you'll probably never live to write about it. She had no doubt this was some sort of sacrifice, and that more than likely she would soon be inside the snakes belly. It was easily large enough to swallow her with no problem. She shuddered, wondering what it would be like to be eaten alive. How long would she survive in the snake's stomach? She knew from her studies that in some cases prey the snake had not killed by constriction could remain alive for hours, even days if they had enough oxygen. Oh God, please no, she thought. Let it be quick.

The huge pale snake looked at her for awhile with its strangely beautiful emotionless dark pink eyes, and then it flicked its tongue out and started brushing it against her body. It started with her face and slowly, talking its time, worked its way down to her breasts. She had nice firm breasts, and the delicate touch of the snakes tongue caused her nipples to swell and get hard, which seemed to fascinate the reptile. It slid a little closer and started to wrap its tongue around her breasts while the forked tip caressed her nipples. OMG, she realized as she felt a sudden wetness in her exposed spread sex, I'm getting felt up by a snake, and it's turning me on!

The snake was obviously attracted to her at least in part by the crap the snake people had smeared on her body, and the snake was licking it as it licked her. Moving down from her breasts it licked her belly and ran its tongue into her belly button out of curiosity, then it found her vagina and spent quite a long time there licking her mound and gaping lips, and pressed its snout and pushed against her nether lips while at the same running its tongue deep inside of her. And she couldn't help but give deep moans of pleasure, it felt so good! ''Uh, uh, ohhh" she gasped as the snake kept up its explorations. Next it moved its head back around and behind her and she felt its tongue licking across her back, then her butt cheeks. It paused briefly by her asshole, but didn't linger long, much to her relief. When she was alone in the lab; or at home with her "pets", she often took a large snake and let it coil around her naked body, she had enjoyed the erotic feel of their slick scales against her naked flesh. So in a way this was kind of a fantasy come true, horribly so and horribly real. She looked as the snake reared up and looked at her again; obviously its inspection of its meal was over for now. Then without warning it opened its mouth and lunged at her, and she could see two long fangs glistening in the firelight just before they sank into her shoulder. That's not right, she thought, boas aren't poisonous, they don't have fangs, only teeth for griping prey! Then she gave a sob of pain as she felt the poison start to circulate through her body like searing acid.

Rachel hung with her head down as she felt the poison spreading throughout her body. She was totally confused as boas shouldn't have fangs or be poisonous, what was this snake? The searing almost unbearable pain had faded to an overall tingling now, and she was aware the snake was exploring her body with its tongue again, and gasped in pleasure as the tongue invaded her vagina, which was much more sensitive now for some reason. "Ummmm, ohhhhh!" she gasped from the snake's attentions. The snake raised its head to look her in the face again, then it pressed its snout against her face and she felt its tongue pushing at her lips, and with a moan she opened her mouth and the snakes tongue slid inside of her mouth and down her throat. Oh God, she thought, what are you doing to me?? She found herself kissing the snake back, the feel of its thick smooth tongue inside her mouth incredibly pleasurable. "Umm, ummm!" She gasped, this is so wrong!

The snake "kissed" her for awhile longer, giving hisses of pleasure of its own, and then pulled away for her. That was, that was, so nice, she thought in a daze. She heard the snake moving around again, and then it coiled and climbed up one of the thick stone pillars, then it leaned out and gently wrapped several coils around her body. Oh God, she thought, it's going to constrict and suffocate me now! But to her surprise the coils around her body, while tight, did not try to crush her, in fact they felt sensual as they slowly slid around her body, almost like the snake was caressing her, and it even took some to weight off of her arms as it supported her with its powerful coils. Its head came looping back around to look her in the face again, and its tongue licked across her face. She felt the thick muscular trunk of its body pressing against her butt, and looking down she watched as its tail came sliding between her legs, upside down so its belly bands were facing up. And as she watched the bands surrounding its cloaca suddenly opened and its hemipenes; twin penises, came sliding out. With dawning horror she suddenly realized the snake wasn't going to eat her, it was going to FUCK her!

"Nooooooo! She screamed, Stop it, this is wrong! Please don't, oh God Nooooo!"

She babbled and squealed in horror as the snake positioned itself to mount her. Its twin penises were very large, at least a foot or longer each. They were a dark red color with pointed tips with no glans or head, but they had large knots an inch or two above the base. They were unlike any reptile's penis she had seen before with the exception of a few lizards. They almost looked more canine. The snake lifted its tail and; despite her frenzied struggles, carefully pressed the tip of one of the penises against her vagina, and then with a powerful ripple of its tail began to push into her, and she threw her head back and screamed in pain and horror as it penetrated her deeper and deeper, then she felt the knot slide into her stretched and aching vagina, and then swell up locking them together. And then the snake began to fuck her with powerful thrusts, its tail coiled between her legs and rubbing against her belly and chest, the tip looped over her shoulder as it grasped and ground against her. As it coupled with her it looked into her face and flicked its tongue in and out as it licked the sweat from her. She found herself staring into its beautiful pink eyes almost as if mesmerized. This can't be happening, she thought, raped by a snake? This insane!

As she stretched to accommodate the huge member the pain quickly became pleasure, which slowly grew until it was almost unbearable. She could feel its other penis rubbing against her belly and she found even that erotic. The snake pressed its muzzle against her face again, and with a moan she let its tongue slide into her mouth, and her cries of lust and pleasure became muffled as she bucked and tried to grind against the snakes belly bands to meet its own thrusts. She had never known such sexual pleasure before in her life. The snake suddenly gave a deep hiss and its coils tightened against her as its whole body shuddered, and she screamed in agonizing ecstasy as she felt its massive organ spurting deep in her body and it triggered her own orgasm, and she had never had one so intense or powerful before in her life. She sobbed as the snakes tongue pulled from her mouth and the huge penis slid from her throbbing vagina. Oh God, she thought, that was the best fuck I've ever had in my life, but it had been bestial and horrible at the same time, and so very wrong.

She felt something brush against her thigh, and looking down could only watch incredulously as the snake positioned it other penis as it prepared to mount her again! She whimpered, oh no, please not again! Then as it thrust into her, penetrating her much easier this time, she arched her back and tried to spread her legs farther apart as she screamed in pleasure as the new hardness slid into her and she felt the knot swell to lock them together for their second mating. Ohhh God, she thought, oohhh God, it feels so good! The second coupling lasted much longer, and she found herself eagerly returning the snakes "kisses", licking its tongue with her own as they moved together, and the second orgasm when it finally came was even more pleasurable and long lasting then the first. And she felt actual disappointment when the snakes knot shrank and its penis slid from her. She hoped it would want her again, she wanted the snake inside of her again, and any inhibitions she might have felt had disappeared in the waves of incredible pleasure that had wracked her body. But the snake was through with her for now, and turned its attentions to other things. As it slithered away the lizard people came forward and untied her from the stone pillars, and left her weakly leaning against one. She reached between her legs and felt the heavy coating of cum and sexual juices on her thighs and in her drenched thatch. She fingered herself as she remembered what it had felt like to have the snake inside of her. She moaned, oh, it had been marvelous.

She heard rasping sounds behind her, and turned and watched as three more giant boa constrictors came slithering into the chamber, but these were the more usual grayish or brown colors with reddish-brown stripes and splotches. Then she watched in numb terror as the four giant snakes swallowed the four screaming porters alive. The snake people held them until the snakes had swallowed them up to their waists, then cut their arms loose and the four men had struggled desperately as they slowly slid down the snakes throats until finally their screams became muffled as the slowly working jaws and muscles pulled them into the snakes throats and down towards their stomachs. As the four snakes slithered past her and back down the tunnel they had emerged from she could clearly see the bulging squirming lumps in their middles. She felt tears running down her face; she knew she could have easily ended up like those poor doomed men. But for whatever reason the great snake had chosen her as a mate instead of a meal. She wondered how many other women had suffered that same "honor". As the giant snakes slid from sight a huge orgy erupted in the great chamber as the lizard people paired off and mated in balls of hissing, squirming, reptilian flesh. Some coupled missionary style, but most mounted their partners from behind. She noticed that the males; unlike the giant snakes, had single penises that looked much more "human" in their shape.

After the orgy had run down the great chamber reeked of reptilian sexual pheromones, and Rachel found herself responding to them as she got wet between her legs again. What is wrong with me, she thought, how could I want that again? But she did, she longed to feel the snakes powerful coils around her body as it took her again. Her whole body ached at the thought and she gave a moan of lust. A couple of the female snake people came up to her and helped her to her feet, and gently and considerately led her away from the altar. They took her to a smaller side tunnel she hadn't seen before that led down much farther into the ground, and it looked like part of it was a natural cave that had been enlarged and improved. They escorted her into a large cave like grotto, and the huge white albino boa constrictor was coiled up in a corner. As they entered it lifted up its head and looked at her. The two snake women attached an ancient well worn; but still very serviceable, collar and chain around her neck and left her with the snake. She stood against a wall uncertainly as the snake uncoiled and approached her. It slid over to her and lifted up its head to look at her, then gently rubbed her with its muzzle, its tongue licking over her body, and she found she had no fear of it at all despite the large; thankfully now still, bulge in its belly. Eventually she lay down with the snake and it looped it coils around her protectively, and resting her back and head on some coils as a kind of pillow she stared at the wall ceiling of the cave and wondered about this weird strange turn of events, and what her fate would be. Would she be the snakes "mate" until it got hungry? Would she spend the rest of her life as its "mate", having to submit to its embrace anytime it desired her? She ran a hand across its slick white scales and gave a shudder of lust, actually that might not be so bad. She leaned back against the snake, and feeling protected and safe fell into an exhausted sleep. Even the gurgles coming from the snake's stomach as it digested its human meal didn't wake her.

She woke later when she felt the huge snakes tongue gently licking over her body with an almost feather like touch. As it licked her nipples she gave a moan as she felt them swell and become hard from the sensual touch. The snake nosed between her legs and soon its tongue was deep inside her vagina again and she clawed at its head and gave gasps of pleasure. Oh yes! It wanted her again! She gave a louder cry of lust and pleasure as it pushed it's thick body between her legs and she felt one of its huge penises penetrate her, and she opened herself as wide as she could to accommodate her lover. She felt the locking ring swell inside of her and knew they would be joined for as long as several hours, and the longer the better. Not having her ankle or wrists tied she was able to wrap her legs and arms around the snakes body and pull him even deeper into her, and from his loud hisses of pleasure he was enjoying her enthusiasm very much. And when they came she screamed and clawed at his hard scaly body, her teeth clenched shut with saliva spurting between them. And as he slid from her she knew it wasn't over. But this time he rolled partially over on his back and she straddled him, gently gliding his other penis into her, then used her weight to impale herself and lock them together. And as she rode her slowly writhing and contorting lover she stroked and caressed his other penis, and when he came it was inside of, and on her as his exterior penis blasted cum onto her chest and head, and he almost went berserk from the twin orgasms. And they had coupled yet again before finally, both exhausted and very happy, had fallen asleep with his coils lovingly wrapped around his mate.

It's been almost three months now and Rachel now understood so much more. Her belly was swollen with eggs and she could feel the young inside moving around. He stomach was lumpy and she could feel the outlines of the eggs, but soon they would hatch inside of her and she would give birth to live young, and found she was looking forward to it. She looked at the faint scales scattered across her arms and the bands on her belly that had been forming as she slowly changed. A snake woman approached her deferentially and handed her a large struggling rat, and throwing back her head she unhinged the jaw in her short snout and stuffed the squealing kicking rat into her mouth and swallowed it alive with slow powerful ripples of her mouth and neck muscles. Her jaws closed and she gave one more swallow and the bulge slid from her neck into her stomach. She licked her lips as the thought of another nice rat made her drool. And soon she was offered two more rats, and ate those as well. Then she gave a satisfied hiss as her belly was nice and full. At first the snake people had fed her raw meat, but the last two weeks had brought her live food, which was so much better. She licked her forked tongue over her hard scaly lips to savor the fading taste of her meal. She liked plump rats; they went down easy and tasted good. Her mate slid into the grotto and approaching her pressed the tip of his snout against her stomach, his tongue licking across her swollen belly. She rubbed his beautiful head affectionately, and when he raised his head she wrapped her tongue around his as they kissed. It was a shame they could not mate, she was too close to giving birth, but she was looking forward to when they could again. He was a demanding lover, and even when she was pregnant they would mate up until it reached the point it might endanger the young. Yes, she could hardly wait to feel his coils around her again as the ground together. She loved the way he would wrap his coils around her to hold her firmly in place while they were joined, the feel of his strong body between her legs as they mated, the unbelievable pleasure. She no longer considered it wrong or unnatural in any way, he was her mate and she loved him, and she knew he loved her. And soon she would bear his children.

The scientist in Rachel was still amazed and completely perplexed by the wonderful transformation she was undergoing, but the creature she was becoming no longer cared about, or questioned it. She had a beautiful loving mate, and that was more important than anything else. Even the human part of her new mind loved the great albino snake; Rachel loved him with all her heart. The snake people; of whom she was now one, had removed her collar long ago. They did not guard or watch her, there was no need. Where would she go? This was her home now and she had no regrets. To be loved; to be so desperately needed was so nice and wonderful. She had never been loved or needed like this before in her life. She licked her mate and lovers snout again, and he coiled around her to keep her warmer and protected as they slept.

The ancient race she called snake people needed her desperately, their kind were almost extinct. They were slowly dying out and suffering from generations of inbreeding. There were only four of the "great ones" left. They were all males and only two had mates, for they could only breed with human females that then became their mates. And those mates also became reptilian. The other female breeder had been here for years, and Rachel knew what she would come to be as her change progressed. A Nagi, part human, but more snake. But it would take some time, so far her changes were relatively minor. Her tail had just started to grow and her body only had a smattering of scales. Her internal changes seemed to be more advanced though, such as her ability to ingest and digest whole living food, and the eggs growing in her belly.

She had roamed the vast underground labyrinth of tunnels, always accompanied by two or three snake people to show her the way and carry torches. Her night vision was greatly improved, but she still couldn't see in pitch dark. Her intelligence remained intact despite her changing outlook on life, so she was able to deduce much from what she found, and the rest was not hard to piece together. However it had happened, magic, nature, perhaps a brief evolutionary trial that had not worked out? It seemed that at one point there had been male and female Nagas, but as time passed and their numbers dwindled the females; which always outnumbered the males, had been driven to mate with natural snakes after the last males died. Their offspring had been the great ones, part Naga and part snake. But they found that if a great one mated with a human female she became; over time, a Nagi herself as her human DNA merged with her mates because in addition to passing their seed into her they also somehow triggered a physical change as well. But their offspring would be what she thought of as snake people, and they were sterile. They could mate for pleasure, but the females were barren. And should she choose to mate with a natural snake their offspring would be great ones. It was weird, but it worked. But the snake people had become so isolated and cut off from the world; and seldom strayed far from their hidden valley, that the great ones seldom found human mates now as human females were so rare. Human males were useless, of value only as food. And if it kept up like this they would die off in a matter of years. Once the great ones and her and the other Naga died it would be the end of their ancient race.

But Rachel intended to change all that, to save this amazing race; now her people, from extinction. But that would have to wait until she had given birth, and that would be any time now. The young had hatched and would soon seek release from her womb. She gently rubbed the sleeping snake's scales. Soon my love, soon I will bear our children, then resting her head on his body she fell asleep as well.

Rachel gave a soft moan of discomfort and pleasure as another youngster slid from her well stretched vagina. Its head poked out first, and then was quickly followed by its wriggling little body. She had given birth to four young so far, and they clung to her body with their small arms and legs, their bright little eyes looking around in wonder at their new world. She gently stroked their little bodies, her touch and hisses of love were answered by their own higher pitched hisses and squeaks as they bonded with their mother. Finally she gave birth to eleven young in all, each about a foot long and fully developed. As with other reptiles they were ready to start hunting on their own from birth, but they would be cared for and watched by the snake people until they reached maturity, and for the first few months would sometimes be fed if natural prey was scarce. She knew they would not stay with her long, but they would always know who their mother was and she would never forget a single one of them no matter how many she bore. She would always recognize the scent of each and every one of her children. And should they need her for any reason she would always be there for them, and woe to any who dared threaten her children.

Now that she had given birth; much to the joy of her and her mate, it was time for her to start to try and save her people. The great ones, her fellow Nagi, and the snake people were more intelligent then she thought. And as it had become easier for her to communicate with them she had been able to make her intentions known, and they had eagerly accepted her leadership. They desperately needed human females to join their number and become Nagi, so the snake people had been sent on raids to capture as many as possible. But they were careful to attack only small isolated villages or travelers, and if any of their number were slain the always took their fallen with them. Most of the females they brought back were local natives; any males became food for the great ones. Part of Rachel regretted this, but they had to eat and a human made a good meal for the huge boas. Fairly soon another half dozen women, soon to be fellow Nagi, were mated with the great ones. Each great one now had two mates; she shared her mate with a nice plump young woman who was still wearing the collar for now. But as soon as they began to change and realized what they were now the collar was always removed as it was no longer necessary. But Rachel also knew they needed more great ones, four were not enough, and despite their great longevity would eventually die of old age. So she arranged for the fully formed Nagi to mate with some normal boas in order to give birth to more great ones. She herself would do this once her own transformation was complete. But for now she mated only with her mate, and bore him many more young.

For a great while her change was fairly slow, but once the scales and bands had grown to completely cover her body the rate of her transformation increased dramatically. For a time she resembled a raptor type dinosaur more than anything, a larger version of the smaller snake people as she was now ten feet long from the tip of her tail to her snout. But she had to spend a period of almost two weeks virtually immobile as her legs were absorbed into her body leaving only her arms as limbs. Her mate remained with her the whole time, lovingly coiled around her, to protect and comfort her and help soothe the pain and confusion of the final stage of her transformation. When it was over she had the long sinuous body of a snake from the waist down with no remaining sign of hips, a fairly human appearing chest complete with breasts, human like arms and hands, and the head of a snake. Except for her arms and breast she appeared to be a giant boa constrictor, and so she was, but also much more. Her chest and shoulders were broader than the rest of her body, but still just as supple as the bones were largely cartilage and virtually collapsible. Her breasts were also covered in smaller softer bands, but still had large rubbery nipples. To her surprise she found they extruded, if kneaded and pressed or sucked on, a thick syrupy fluid that had incredible aphrodisiac qualities. It was one of the main ingredients of the unguent they had prepared her with in order to help make her an attractive mate for the albino boa. It would also prove most useful in helping to subdue larger prey. Her arms were larger and stronger with sharp talons and the strength in them was incredible. She now had a cloaca like any other female snake, and it was almost invisible except as a slight crease well down her tail. And she found; to her immense delight, she could now accept both of her mate's penises at the same time. And the sex was incredible now, what had gone before paled in comparison. In time she would grow to approach her mate in length and girth, but for now she was about fifteen feet long. Her thick muscular tail could propel her along the ground at incredible speeds, or slow leisurely slithers depending on need. Unlike her mate she kept the front portion of her body raised most of the time, but could go completely on her belly with no problem, and was amazed at how much she could compress her body in order to fit through small openings. She felt it was a definite improvement over her former soft lumpy frail human body, she loved her sleek silvery white scales and when her mate caressed her it was so very nice to feel his own scales against hers, he was so strong and supple she just loved to brush against him.

Rachel was pleased with the progress that had been made. Thanks largely to her planned breeding program there were now over a hundred great ones, and almost a hundred Nagi in various stages of change. Due to their increased numbers they had of necessity spread out into the surrounding jungle to look for food. But so far they had avoided confronting humans on a large scale. She was sure the few encounters that had not resulted in the capture of all the humans would be viewed as "crazy stories" by authorities. The last raid had been very rewarding; several female humans had been captured and even now were being prepared to meet their mates, all younger great ones who had not yet mated. She was looking forward to making the "introductions". Watching great ones claim a new mate always aroused her as it reminded her of her own "first date" with her own mate.

She slithered up the altar to where the young woman waited; not knowing what was going to happen to her yet. Rachel inspected the young girl and was pleased. She was healthy with large full breasts and wide hips. She helped to apply the potent unguent that would help to arouse the male snake, it contained the sexual pheromones of Nagi and female boas, and she herself had added her own scent including some of her potent "milk". By the time the boa chosen for the girls mate was ready to mount her the girl would be suitably aroused herself, as had Rachel her first time. The unguent and the young boas tongue would see to that. She envied the girl the pleasure she would endure. The girl stared at her in horror and not for the first time Rachel wished she still had the power of human speech, but that was lost to her forever. She paused to gently rub the girl's cheek and brow to try and ease her worries; it was all she could do.

Rachel and her mate coiled around one another and watched as the young great one mated with the girl. They had both fed well on some of the men captured in the raid, and Rachel could feel her meal still weakly struggling in her belly, which she found very enjoyable. The man had been almost cooperative after she had him suckle at her breasts, his lust making him almost welcome the inside of her warm slick mouth and throat. He had actually orgasmed as she was swallowing him, the feel of her tongue against his sex setting him off. She no longer had any qualms against devouring a human for food; to her they were just animals now. Any memories she might have once had of being human was long gone. She gently stroked her own lovers sleek scales as the girl moaned and the young boa hissed in pleasure. The scent of their lust filled the air and Rachel knew that soon she and her mate would respond and join in the following orgy, and was of course greatly looking forward to it. She was pregnant again, but not so far along she had to refrain from sexual pleasure. She looked at her slightly swollen middle and knew she probably carried thirty to forty young this time, her mate as so virile! Responding to her strokes he swung his head around and she stroked his lovely snout and entwined her tongue around his, her own albino eyes staring into his in pure love. A sudden shriek of sexual ecstasy came from the altar, and Rachel felt her cloaca start to soften and open. It would appear the orgy would be starting a little earlier than usual she thought in delight as her lovers and her own coils began to wrap around one another. And soon their own hisses of lust and pleasure joined those coming from the altar as they writhed and ground against one another.

The End


A Horrible Accident

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Horrible Accident By William W. Kelso My name? I don't have one now, and I can't remember my old one anymore, so it's not important. This is my story, such as it is. I don't think I deserved what...

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Sacrilege! By William W. Kelso "I'm telling you Susan, if we can pull this off we'll be made for life! That idol had got to be worth millions! According to my uncle it's solid gold with ruby eyes and...

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Cursed! By William W. Kelso I was enraged, how DARE he cheat on me! I'd been going out with him for almost two years and thought it was getting serious, that he might be the one I'd been looking and...

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