
Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!


By William W. Kelso

I was enraged, how DARE he cheat on me! I'd been going out with him for almost two years and thought it was getting serious, that he might be the one I'd been looking and waiting for, for so long. We'd even moved in together, but now this! I didn't want to believe it at first, but now that I had proof I had no choice. And at first I just cried; but then I got angry, angrier then I'd ever been in my life. It was a seething, boiling, anger that turned into hatred, intense raw hatred. The fact I'd really loved the bastard just made it worse. I'd never had much luck in the love area as I wasn't a great beauty and was pretty smart to boot. It tended to scare away a lot of males. The few flings I'd had turned out to be less then satisfying, sexually or compatibility wise. I don't mind sex, if fact I liked it quite a lot actually, but when that was all a man wanted after awhile it turned me off. Especially if he just did a "Wham, bam, thank you M'am" to get himself off and left me wanting. Even worse were men whose only areas of "interest" other than sex were beer and football. When they weren't fucking me they expected me to wait on them hand and foot while they and their buddies yelled and grunted like a bunch of baboons while watching a game. No fucking way. So when I met Charles it seemed like a dream come true, a match made in heaven. He wasn't a macho stud type at all. He was quiet and studious, intelligent, liked quiet evenings and sex equally well, was interesting and a great conversationalist. He was also a great lover, our foreplay could last for hours and he liked to fuck me long and slow. We had many of the same interests and we could talk on an equal level. And he hated football with a passion. He was perfect, until this betrayal. As I looked at the photos the private detective I'd hired had taken I cried. How could he do this to me, be so cruel. Then with a scream I threw the photos across the room and sat down and held my head in my hands. I'd LOVED the SOB!

Charles had first met Linda by accident at a local restaurant, by bumping into her and causing her to drop a plate of food. After profuse apologies on his part, and she'd been gracious about the accident, they had parted ways. When he ran into her again at local antique book store he'd apologized again, and seeing that they had similar literary interests he'd chatted with her for awhile and was impressed by how smart she was, and before he even realized it he'd asked her out on a date. He was certainly no ladies man and figured she'd dump him after a few dates, but to his surprise it just got more serious until she asked him into her place for a drink after dinner and a movie. He was taken by surprise; but delighted, when she made it obvious she was interested in him sexually. And while he doubted they'd ever be big porn stars it was pretty fantastic as far as he was concerned, and she seemed pretty satisfied too which made him proud of myself. She was pretty well off having inherited a lot of property from a maiden aunt, and so he had moved in with her and had no regrets about leaving the dinky little apartment he'd called home since graduating from college. Her house was huge, and he had his own room, study, and bath. But he seldom used his own bed. He was soon very much in love, and she seemed to return his feelings. They would sit for hours just cuddling and kissing. They were no spring chickens, but they got by just fine as far as sex was concerned. And she was one wild lover, and helped teach him to do stuff he never would have considered before, and stuff he had never even imaged before. It's amazing how many erogenous zones a woman has if you just knew about them. There was one small glitch that came along unexpectedly, but he aimed to put a stop to it soon. He'd made up his mind to ask Linda to be his wife, or if she wasn't into the marriage stuff his life mate.

The glitch was another woman named Tasha, and it happened by accident too. Charles was on his way home from a sales trip for the company he worked for and it was pouring; cold, nasty, and wet. He'd always been a bit of a Good Samarian, so when he saw a young woman trying to change a tire in the downpour he pulled over to see if he could help. Turned out the spare was flat too, so he offered to give her a ride to a gas station. When it turned out her apartment was nearer he just took her there. She asked him in for a cup of coffee in thanks; he accepted, and an hour later they were fucking their brains out. And while his sex with Linda was usually slow and gentle and very intimate this was wild animal sex, the kind he'd always fantasized about. What Tasha saw in him he still didn't know, she was about twenty years younger and a borderline nymphomaniac with a body to match. She had that dusky tan skin from her Persian heritage, and a full voluptuous body with large firm breasts. He still remembered that first mind-blowing time they made love. After fixing him the coffee she disappeared to get into some dry clothes, and when she came back she had on a robe and nothing else, as he quickly found out when she opened it and let it drop to the floor. While he stared with his mouth open she smiled, beckoned with her finger, then turned and went into the bed room. He honestly believed there was no man alive who could have refused that blatant and incredible offer. He thought it started as a "mercy fuck" for the nice old guy that done her a favor. But much to his; and he thought her, surprise he had been able to fuck her good and hard three times in a row over a period of several hours. Impressed and well satisfied she'd asked to see him again, so they had a hot and heavy relationship based solely on sex that had lasted almost six months. He felt that every man needs to have at least one relationship like that; it does wonders for the self respect and libido. And it also made him a better lover as he learned new ways to pleasure a woman, and Linda certainly appreciated them. But Tasha and he both knew it wouldn't last, she was just too beautiful and their age differences began to strain the relationship. So he made up his mind to tell her it was over next time they met, and he thought they both knew it was time to say goodbye.

I had first suspected something was going on when some of Charles business trips turned into overnighters. Whereas he had always been anxious to get home to me as fast as possible before he suddenly seemed a little more distant and less enthusiastic. Then one day I got a phone call from a friend who was looking for him, and when I said he was away on a business trip the friend had been surprised as the trip had ended yesterday. The friend, probably realizing he'd messed up, had lamely tried to cover for Charles, but it was obvious. I was stunned, but instead of confronting him I decided to try and find out another way in order to avoid an ugly scene, and what if I was wrong? So I'd hired a private detective a friend recommended, and he'd taken photos of my so-called lover and a beautiful; much younger, woman going into an older Victorian house that I owned. He was not only cheating on me, but doing it my aunt's old house! It added insult to injury in my hating mind. And I was going to make both of them pay; make them wish they'd never been born. But I wouldn't shoot them or anything like that, and since I couldn't divorce the schmuck I'd have to find another way to make them pay. And so I did, and it was perfect. No bodies and no one to tell what had happened. No death, no violence, just sweet revenge. The perfect crime; and no one even got killed. What would happen to them was far worse than mere death, they wouldn't get off that easy.

For most of my life I'd had been a loner, the plain super smart little girl all the Neanderthals like to pick on. So I'd retreated into my own little world and pursued strange and dark interests. I wasn't a Goth or into nihilism, but I did dabble in the occult and Wiccan to some extent. Over the years I'd made some strange and interesting friends. So now I went to one of these friends, and she told me how to contact a certain old lady who was "knowledgeable" in the "arts". She was expensive, but when it came to curses and revenge she was the best. So I had gotten directions; and instructions, on how to find the old lady and introduce myself. It had to be by recommendation, no walk-ins allowed. Because of the "arts" she practiced she had to be very careful about who she dealt with.

I sat across a small coffee table from Madame Marian and nervously sipped the cup of sweet tasting tea the old lady had given me. The old lady looked like an older version of Morticia from the old Adam's Family show. She had long straight grey hair, black clothes, and dark makeup. I had no idea how old she was, and wouldn't have believed it if I'd known the truth. But the most unnerving thing about her were her intense green eyes; they were as cold and emotionless as a snake. The woman had an old world accent, maybe German or Slavic. I explained what I wanted and the old lady looked at me with those piercing eyes, and said,

"My child, this is a horrible thing you ask, a powerful unnatural magic. I can understand; and even approve, of your reasons, but you must understand it is irreversible. Should you change your mind later it cannot be undone."

I replied, "I don't care, I want them both to suffer, and to know why while they do. I want them to know who did it to them, and why. I don't care what it costs."

"Very well my child. I can do that which you desire, but it will cost you $5,000 in cash, up front, and $5,000 more when it is done. I guarantee satisfaction. If the spell does not work for whatever reason I will give you a full refund. These are my terms, and they are not negotiable. You must be serious about what you ask, and be willing to pay a great deal for it."

I blinked and did some quick math in my head. Yes, I could get that much cash together without much trouble. I simmered as I remembered the photos of my "lover" and the other woman locked together as they coupled, and burning with hatred, I said.

"Yes, I'll do it. I can have the deposit her tomorrow if you want. Now, what can you do to them? I want to know every detail."

Madame Marian replied, "Excellent, the pact is sealed. As soon as I have your funds in hand I will prepare the spell. Now the only thing that remains is for you to choose the form they will assume. Rats or snakes are quite popular."

I was a little nonplused; frankly I hadn't really given that part of the deal much thought. Rats or snakes? No, Charles liked snakes, and I hated rats. And since I planned to keep them as "pets" after their transformations I wanted it be something really horrible, bugs or plants maybe. But then I suddenly thought of something, and I could tell my smile actually unnerved my host. When I told the Sorceress what I wanted the old lady actually blanched, and said,

"Are you sure child, you know they will live as long as humans in any form they assume. I have never heard of this, uh, form being used before. It is a most unusual request."

"Will they know, will they still have their memories?" I asked.

"Yes, they should. Honestly I have never seen this form used for a transmogrification curse before. I'm not 100% sure how it might affect their mental capacity since they will become rather, um, primitive forms. But they should retain at least some of their memories. Yes, they will know."

I felt a tingle of anticipation, it would be perfect! "And you say it will be permanent; there will be no changing them back? Can you make them live even longer?"

"Yes, the form is permanent, and nothing can ever change them back. And yes, for another $2,000 in cash I can give them eternal life, they will be unable to die. But know that the longer they live the more their memories will fade, and eventually their human memories will fade entirely."

"So long as they remember for as long as I'm alive so I can see them suffer, after I'm gone I don't care what happens to them. Very well, I'll have $6,000 for you first thing in the morning."

Madame Marian watched as the woman left her shop. The power of hate, she thought, was the most powerful of all emotions. She shuddered, but with a sigh she got up and went to prepare the ingredients for the potion the spell would create. It was very complicated, and she needed one living ingredient. She did not have the one she needed, but fortunately knew where to find one as they were not rare. She went out her back door into the overgrown back yard, and turning over some old boards and other debris quickly found what she needed. She took the creature and put it in a small bowel. Then she prepared the other ingredients and got them ready for the spell casting, but would wait until she received her money. If the woman didn't come back she wouldn't be terribly surprised as many backed out at the end, but she thought this one would because of the hate she's seen burning in the woman's eyes.

Madame Marian watched as the woman placed stacks of crisp one hundred dollar bills on her table. The she opened her purse to show the remaining $6,000. She did not take the money at first, but instead asked,

"Are you sure, my child? This is a powerful and horrible thing you will do. As I have said it cannot be undone and will be forever. It will be a horrible fate, are you sure even they deserve such?"

"Yes! I replied. He's toyed with my feelings and emotions like I was a plaything. I gave him my love, and he took it and used it, and then found another without even the courtesy of ending our relationship. Had he at least done that I could have lived with it, but not this. If he loves that slut I want them to be together forever."

With a sigh Madame Marian picked up the stacks of money and secreted them away out of sight. Then she told the woman,

"Wait here my child, it will take me a few minutes to cast the spell and create the potion."

Madame Marian stood over the small cauldron and carefully measured out the various ingredients in the correct amounts. This was crucial; a mistake could render the potion useless, poisonous, or cause unwanted side effects. But she had been doing this for longer then she could remember. She had case her first successful spell in Hungary in 1513. She put a last pinch of powder into the now boiling cauldron. Now there remained only casting the spell and adding the last ingredient. She picked up the creature; which played dead at her touch, and speaking the words dropped it into the cauldron. It disappeared with a loud fizzing sound and the cauldron glowed a sickly green color for a minute as the creatures life essence was woven into the spell, and then it was done. Putting on rubber gloves she carefully removed the small cauldron from the Bunsen burner stand and set it aside to cool. Next she got a small heavy glass bottle and a funnel, then carefully poured the virulent green colored liquid into the bottle and screwed the lid down tight. She shuddered to think of what would happened if she was exposed to the foul stuff, even her powers would not be enough to save her. She poured the rest down the sink after first adding a neutralizing agent. This was one potion she wouldn't keep as she'd never want to use it herself. She put the bottle in a felt bag and took it to her patiently waiting customer.

I looked at the small bottle, and asked, "How does it work? How do I give it to them without their knowing? I want this to be a "surprise".

Madame Marian replied, "It can be ingested, or applied to the skin. The results will start immediately; but the change will take some time, especially in this case since the form is so, um, unusual. They will become incapacitated almost immediately so will not be able to seek help, not that anyone could help them. But be warned, do NOT get any of the potion on your own skin, the curse does not care whom it afflicts."

"Will it hurt?" I asked.

"There will be discomfort, yes, but also sexual arousal. The true pain will come from the horror they'll experience when they see what is happening, realize what they are becoming. And when you have finished with the potion you must return what remains to me as it must be destroyed lest some other poor souls run afoul of it. I ask you again, return the potion and I will give you a refund. But this is my last offer."

My only response was to put the bottle back in its felt bag and put the bag in my purse.

"Thank you Madame Marian." I said, and I got up and left.

Madame Marian watched her go with a sad grin. The money would go a long way towards supporting her as her "services" were not called for very often anymore. This was her first large commission in several years. It did not matter much though as her time was almost up, and her Master would come for her soon enough. Her 500 years was almost up, and soon she would pay the price for the wicked life she had led. She already had so many sins chalked up against her soul she doubted if this one would make much difference. She wondered what Hell would be like. She shuddered again, but it probably wouldn't be as bad as the fate the woman who had just left had planned for her two victims.

I was thrilled, I'd heard so much about the Madame I had no doubt the potion would work as promised. The old lady was a legend in certain circles. It was said she even summoned and did business with demons. During my dabbling in the occult and Wiccan I had seen stuff that could only be explained as magical, so I knew it was very real. And I knew just how to give them the potion; it would be so easy and so appropriate.

I pulled up to the house I owned, the one my ex-lover and his sex toy had been using for their rendezvous, and hid the car in the back alley. I let myself in with my key and went straight to the main bathroom. It had an oversized tube; a Jacuzzi kind of thing what doubled as a shower, that her aunt had installed for therapeutic reasons. My detective had bugged the house; including the bathrooms, with hidden cameras. I'd watched the X-rated films in silent fury many times, and noticed one thing. Every single time they had sex they always took a shower together afterwards. And then they rubbed each other down with Charles's favorite body wash, so it was perfect. I got the bottle of body wash and unscrewed the cap, then I took the small bottle containing the potion and carefully poured the contents into the body wash bottle. The opening was small so I spilled a little bit, but after I put the cap back on I rinsed it off under the faucet, and then put the bottle of body wash back in the rack. I almost dropped the bottle once as I held it under the flowing water when I burned myself on a finger. Damn hot water. I sucked my burned finger for a minute, and then I set the hidden camera so it would be motion activated. I wanted to record every delicious second of what was going to happen so I could watch the disc over and over. I knew they'd be here this weekend as Charles had already given me another lame excuse about being out of town for the weekend. Just so he could bring his whore here and fuck her. Well, I hoped they enjoyed themselves this one last time. Then I went to an unused room and settled down to wait. As I waited I unpacked the small aquarium and other supplies that I'd brought with me. I wanted them to be as comfortable as possible in their new "home". I'd take care of them and watch them suffer over the years, it would be marvelous. The Sorceress had told me I'd be able to see it in their eyes; the knowing, because the one thing that changed last was the eyes because they were the windows to the soul. At least not at first, but eventually even the eyes would change and after that all human memory would be gone as well. But it took a very long time. Perfect!! And sure enough, here they came, right on time. The bastard and his bitch, hot to rut.

Charles got out of the car and held the door open for Tasha, and then they both almost ran up the front walk to the grand old house. He knew the signs, she was horny and so was he. They both knew down deep it would be the last time though. They didn't love one another; except physically, but they'd always be friends. He'd miss having sex with her, but was ready to give that up to spend his life with his one true love. He hoped Linda never found out about his physical fling as he knew it would hurt her, and he couldn't bear the thought of that. He had the engagement ring he planned to give her Monday, and a specially made card asking her to be his wife. He hoped she would accept, it would make him the happiest man in the world. As usual just about the moment he and Tasha got in the door they started tearing their clothes off as they headed to the bedroom. Five minutes later he was energetically fucking her while they both moaned and gasped from the pleasure. Tasha wasn't much on foreplay, she liked to skip the preliminaries and get right to the serious fucking, and as usual it was incredible. She had her legs wrapped around his waist and dug her hands into his shoulders as she bucked and heaved under him giving deep guttural grunts of lust. Their second round lasted longer, and was more gentle and tender as they knew it would be the last time. Then after they had their second orgasms it was time to take their usual post-coitus shower. They loved to clean one another off, and sometimes when oiling one another down with body wash it led to another glorious coupling. But not today, at least not in the way they thought it would.

I watched in ever increasing rage as my "lover" fucked the bitch he'd dragged here with him. They were like animals, grunting and slobbering all over one another, hardly any foreplay at all, just bestial rutting. My God, I thought, is that what WE look like? Oh, they definitely deserve this! I almost laughed with glee when they headed for the bathroom, but held my hand over her mouth lest an unwanted snicker give me away. When I pulled her hand back down it had snot on it, so I grabbed a tissue and wiped off my hand, and blew my nose, must be coming down with a damn cold. I did fell a little under the weather. Great, just great.

Tasha and Charles got in the shower and turned it on, HOT! Then they soaped one another down and rinsed it off. He got the bottle of body wash and shook it up really good, then poured some in her hands and some in his and they started to rub the wash on one another. Talk about erotic as Hell, and today the stuff actually seemed to tingle a little. It felt nice and warm too, almost like it had a little Ben-Gay in it or something. But the warmth and tingling faded quickly. He felt a sudden urge for a nice long soak as the sex had made his back sore, and when he mentioned it Tasha thought that was a great idea. So they filled the large tub with hot water and slipped in with mutual "Oo, ow, ahh's". They sat down facing one another and that's when he told her he couldn't see her anymore, that he was going to get married. She didn't get mad or anything though she was a little sad. If only they were closer together in age, right now it wasn't so bad, but in another twenty years he'd be 65 and she'd be 45, and it would make a much bigger difference then. The post-sex wind down and the lovely hot shower and hot bath were making him sleepy, so after awhile he nodded off, and a short time later Tasha did too.

I watched as they got in the bath together. I felt a longing and wished it was me with him, but not for what was going to start happening soon. I had hoped it would already have started, but it had only been a few minutes. I blew her my nose again and had to use extra Kleenex's since there was so much snot. Must be allergies; it's that time of year, I thought as I scratched at my arms. I'd always suffered from ragweed and cedar pollen, just about drove me crazy. I gave another hard blow to clear my sinuses.

While the man and woman dozed in the tube of water something started to happen. It wasn't very noticeable at first as some thin mucus began to drip from their noses and lips, but it quickly became a fairly steady flow and thickened as well. And unseen their anuses and sexual organs were also drooling the thick mucus that flowed into the tub in increasing amounts, and as it merged with the water it became thicker. The water began to turn thick and turgid. They both gave soft moans as the curse began to take effect and start their transformations in to the same kind of creature whose life essence had been used as the main ingredient of the potion. They also became increasingly sexually aroused, the man's penis becoming erect and rampant and the woman's vagina hot and demanding as the steady flow of mucus continued. Their sleep became more restless as the water cooled and thickened.

I watched; fascinated, as something started to happen. They were slobbering all over themselves, and didn't even know it! Plus the water in the tube was slowly turning a whitish-grey color from the gook flowing into it, and Charles had an erection again. This was turning me on, I thought, as I felt a warm wetness between my legs. Reaching down I rubbed my mound through my shorts and was surprised to find my shorts were drenched in sexual juices. "Uh, uh, Uggghh", I moaned in pleasure as I rubbed myself through the fabric. I'd never been much on masturbating, but ummm, it felt good.

As they slept on the thick mucus began to sweat from their skin as well, running down their bodies to join the ever thickening goo in the tub. It resembled cum or semen now more than water, thick and slimy, disgusting. And their skin had started to turn a grayish-brown color, and on their arms and legs their skin was almost translucent and pumping veins and even the bones of their fingers and feet could be seen through the opaque slimy skin. And those fingers and toes were beginning to merge and grow together even as the hair on their heads fell out and onto to their shoulders, or into the thick slimy mucus that had replaced the water in the tub, to join their pubic and other body hair. Soon their bodies were slick and hairless, their skin glistening and slick. And their sleep became more distrubed as something caused them to feel unease; to warn them that something was not right, and they tried to wake from their stupor.

I watched the now increasingly evident signs of change. They both looked kind of pale now, and their hair was falling out! Oh, how I wished they'd wake up! Even if they did it would probably be awhile before they realized what was happening, and I wanted to see the expressions on their faces when they did. God, "Uggggghhhh!" I gasped, I was horny as Hell, and this was really turning me on. I had my hand inside my shorts and panties now and was furiously finger fucking myself, and I was hot and super slick and it felt soooo good! "Yes, yes, UGGH!" I gasped as I climaxed. Wow, that was a good one. The orgasm was brief and very intense, but didn't bring much release. So I started again, grunting in pleasure as I ran my fingers over my nether lips and fingered my clitoris. As I did I stared at the camera screen. Something new was happening, at last! I leaned forward in anticipation even as I kept masturbating.

Charles woke up with a gurgling gasp, and leaning over spit up a huge glob of snot. Yuck! He felt cold too, the bath water had gotten cold, and they must have been asleep for hours. He raised his head and looked at (?) Tasha?? What was wrong with her, where the heck was her hair? And then he saw it, on her shoulders and floating in the now nasty looking slimy water. And she looked horrible, like she was anemic or something. Her skin was puffy looking and a sickly grayish-brown color. What was going on, was this a dream? He reached out to shake her and wake her up, but his loud yell as he saw his arm woke her up. She took one look at him and tried to scream, but gagged and choked as she spit up thick snot from her mouth and nose. To his horror and disbelief his arm wasn't an arm anymore, it looked like a tentacle! His fingers were gone, and from the elbow down his arms were rubbery and floppy and through the translucent gelatinous skin he could see a few veins, but NO bones! He tried to scream, but instead gave gurgling gasps as he coughed up gobs of gunk. And he was so horny; his dick was so hard it hurt. Tasha had pulled her own arms out of the thick gunk they were sitting in and her arms looked like floppy tentacles as well, and she let out a long gurgling moan of terror as goo spewed from her mouth and nose. Then she dipped her arms back into the slimy mess and he realized she was using the soft tips of her "tentacles" to masturbate as she gave soft slobbering moans of pleasure. He tried to masturbate too, God he was SO horny, but he just couldn't get a grip on his penis as his "tentacles" seemed to have no muscles, nothing to grip with, they were useless. Finally; in desperation, he reached over to Tasha and pulled her on top of him and lowered her onto to his aching erection. And, oh it felt so incredibly good. Gripping her awkwardly with his mostly useless arms he managed to fuck her by thrusting up into her and the fluid filling the tub undulated like thick mud. "Uggghh, uh, uh, uh!' he gasped. She was moaning in pleasure too, but when they tried to kiss their faces just slid around as the thick slippery goo completely covered them. Finally they managed to press their lips together and their tongues slid deeply into on another mouths, tongues much longer then they should have been, but they didn't care as they ground together desperately trying to reach the release they needed so badly. "Ugghh, uuurrrrr!" God, what was happening to us, they wondered. This was wrong, so very wrong! But they couldn't stop as the first of many mutual orgasms caused them to cry out in pleasure as they moved together in the thick slimy soup, their lust increasing and the pleasure blinding them as to what was happening as they desperately tried to reach the release they needed so badly.

I gave a deep grunt of pleasure as I climaxed again. Wow, I thought, what was that, the third or fourth time? I'd never gotten off this many times in a row, and it still wasn't enough. I reached up and wiped some more of that damn snot off my face and realized I was sweating like a pig. I was drenched, my clothing wet and sticky and very uncomfortable. It felt foul too. With an impatient snort I stood up and slipped my shorts and panties off and sitting back down spread my legs and pushed my fingers deeper into my demanding sex. Oh yessss, much better! Watching them fuck while they changed was making me hornier then I'd ever been before. And those slimy tentacle arms and bald heads, revenge WAS sweet! And they even seemed to be enjoying it.

Charles lost track of how many orgasms he'd had as he brutally fucked Tasha, but finally he was spent and felt his now numb penis as it went limp and slid out of her. She gave a final gasp and came one more time, then leaned forward against him as we both gasped and moaned. He reached up and tired to hug her, but his arms were merely short stumps now, as were hers. Gurgling he spit up some more goo and it plopped in the tub water which he now knew was the same stuff. Somehow the whole tub was full of it now, it was overflowing now and the thick stuff was slowly oozing down the sides. His skin was itching and burning, but the goo felt cool and soothing, and with a sigh of pleasure he let himself slide down into it up to his neck. Oh yeah, that was nice. Tasha had done the same and they stared at each other in bewilderment for awhile. Now that their incredible lust had disappeared it was time to try and understand what the HELL was going on. Was it toxic waste, some sort or horrible disease? They would have never guessed the truth in a million years. Tasha choked up some snot and spit it into the pool, then asked,

"Charles, what's happening to us? Ptoie, gag! What is this horrible stuff? I feel so strange, where are our arms, where's my hair? This is so wrong. I'm scared Charles. Gagg, gurgle, splutter."

"I don't know honey, gag, I've never heard of anything, gaag-sploo!, like this before. We must be sick or something. I feel so, so weird. I'm going to, gurgle, try and get some help. Gaagg, we need, uck-urgle, to get to a hospital. Pfaw, gag!" Goddamn it was hard to talk with that crap coming out of his nose and mouth, his throat was full of it.

It was hard to stand up without any arms to get a purchase with, and the damn snot was thick and sticky. But finally, with Tasha helping support him, he managed to get his feet under him and slowly stood up with a loud sucking sound as the goo reluctantly released its grip on him, long gooey strands clinging to his body. And he stared at himself in shock, and so did Tasha,

"Charles, where, where's your penis? Gaaag" she said.

And she was right, his penis AND his balls were gone, and in their place was a rough grainy dirty white colored rubbery skin, and his legs had grown partially together halfway down to his knees with a thick spongy growth between them. And as the thick slime oozed down his body he could see the rubbery skin covered most of his chest as well, and there was a kind of ridge or flange forming along his sides. And the skin on his sides had a definite greyish tint to it with scattered black spots. Tasha tired to stand up too, but the thick slimy gunk pulled her back down, but not before he saw her chest. Her lovely breasts were still there, full and firm, but without nipples, only faint shadows of them remained. They were a smooth grayish-white color now as was most of her belly and chest, but turning brown towards the edge. Finally she managed to surge into a standing position facing him, and the union of her legs was slick and bare, her vagina was gone without a trace except for a fading crease.

I kept moaning and grunting as I masturbated, and looked in revolted amazement as the two people in the pool of mucus stood up and I saw how much they had changed. It had been almost two hours now since they'd woken up, and the changes were much more apparent and noticeable. I giggled; it looked like they wouldn't be doing much fucking anymore, at least not as humans. Except for the bimbo's boobs there was really no way to tell them apart now. Shuddering, I gasped as yet another orgasm rocked my body. Oh yeah, this was great!

With a horrified moan Charles tried to step over the edge of the tub, but with his legs partially joined he stumbled and fell to the cold tile floor with a squishy sounding splat and lay there stunned. The floor was covered in the thick fluid too; it had overflowed from the tub and coated the whole floor up to an inch in depth. He landed on his back and could only roll around helplessly. He couldn't get any purchase, so finally he just pushed himself up next to the wall in a leaning position. Tasha managed to get out too and fell on her face with a wet smack and then just lay there and flailed around. Unable to get any purchase in the slippery mucus she gave up after awhile, exhausted. He tried to get to his feet again, but had to give up as his legs felt numb and they were tingling like they were falling asleep. So he had to give up too, and just slumped over spitting up huge amounts of goo that joined the thickening coating on the floor. God, what IS this crap, he thought where the Hell did so much of it come from? He looked at Tasha's back and it was covered with thick looking rough brownish pebbly textured skin and there was an oblong shaped grown on her upper back and neck. Her skin was brown with black spots and stripes. The thick slime covered them both, and he realized it was actually oozing out of their skin like sweat. He was starting to wish he hadn't gotten out of the tub as his skin was itching and burning even more now. Looking down at his increasingly inhuman body he was horrified to see the thick spongy growth between his legs had grown down to his knees, and the skin on his legs was so translucent now he could see veins and bones. And the thick skin was pulsing and rippling and itched horribly, but there was no way he could scratch at it. It was torture. He found that spitting gobs of goo onto his legs helped a little bit as it joined the already thick coating of slime. And he gave a gurgling whimper as he could actually see it happen as the spongy growth flowed down between his legs to his feet and they merged and began to lose their outlines as they seemed to melt into one another. And looking up he saw that the thick leathery looking skin on Tasha's back now extended down past her butt; which was gone now, and she had the same thick spongy growth pushing down between her own legs as it joined them together. He could feel something on his own back too as he felt it slowly slide down over his own rear. His skin felt incredibly sensitive now, and he could feel the tingling spreading over his whole body and gasped as the itching and burning intensified, then blessedly faded slowly away to be replaced by an almost pleasant tingling. Tasha suddenly gave a great heave, and despite the thick strands of sticky goo that tried to hold her down she managed to turn enough to she could look at him by raising her head. She coughed up more goo and slobbered without saying anything, and as he watched a long thin ribbon like tongue came slithering out of her mouth and it had what looked like teeth all over it! She stared at it in horror and gave a gurgling moan as she sucked it back into her mouth with a wet slurping sound. He ran his own tongue around inside his mouth and could feel teeth on it as well. He closed his eyes trying to deny what he was feeling and seeing, that it was impossible!

I stood up unsteadily, and with a disgusted grimace I pulled my damp and icky shorts back on, but left my panties off as they were just too nasty. It was time for me to go tell the "lovers" what was happening to them, if they hadn't already figured it out. From the way they looked now it was pretty obvious to me. I paused to wipe snot off my nose and flung it away with a snap of my hand. I'd run out of Kleenex an hour ago. It had been almost six hours now, and I figured maybe they had another hour or two to go as they were changing pretty fast now. I reached down and rubbed myself again, my damn pussy was still dripping sexual juices and demanded more attention. I stuffed some already soaked tissues down my shorts to keep my juices from running down her leg; I'd never been so wet, and eagerly left the room to break the "news" to the two revolting things in the bathroom. As I went I really had to fight the urge to keep pleasuring myself. I almost fell once when I gripped a table because my hand was slick with snot, gross! I felt a little unsteady as my legs felt like they'd fallen asleep, probably since I'd been sitting for so long. I reached the bathroom door and looked in revulsion at the thick mucus oozing through the crack at the bottom. Eyuck! It took me a couple of tries to get a good grip on the shiny brass knob, and when the door opened I stepped inside with a big grin on my face, and it clicked shut behind me. I almost slipped and fell in the thick sticky gunk, so had to hold onto the sink counter and brace myself. I reached up and scratched at my chest as I looked in satisfaction at the two things looking back at me. Charles was lying propped up against the wall the bitch was on her belly where she belonged. The hope in their eyes was delicious. I smiled again, and said,

"Hello Charles, how are you and your fuck toy feeling today, Hmmm? It looks to me like you've got some nasty colds there."

Charles watched in hope as the door to the bathroom opened and Linda came in! Yes, she could find help for them! He tried to talk to her, to ask her to call for help, but all he could do was make wet smacking sounds as more slime vomited from his mouth, a mouth which no longer had any teeth and now resembled a puckered sphincter more than anything. So instead he pleaded with his eyes. Poor Tasha gave a loud gurgle and her hideous tongue flopped out onto the floor and dragged a large glob of goo back into her mouth with it. She started making a horrible wet mewling noise and lifted her head to look at him and Linda, the utter terror in her eyes showing.

"Wow, I said. That is one nasty tongue, and she sucked your cock with THAT thing? And speaking of your cock, looks like you don't have one anymore doesn't it lover boy? You're lucky though, saves me the effort of cutting off!" And I kicked Charles in his side; and his body belt like a big heavy bag full of gel.

Charles stared at her in horror, and tried to talk again, but it was useless as his vocal cords were long gone. He had nothing to make any sounds with except his now large flapping lips (?) and long slimy tongue. So all he could do was make wet smacking sounds and slobber. "Glurk, urrrrrgle!" Please Linda, he thought, please get us some help. I feel so strange; it doesn't feel right, this is so wrong! "Sluuurp, smack!" he managed to gurgle. He looked over at Tasha and her body no longer resembled anything remotely human. Its thick tubular shape was covered in rubbery looking glistening brown skin with irregular black stripes running down the sides, except for black blotches and spots on the strange raised thick shell like hump on the upper part of her back. She still tried to lift herself up every now and then like she still had bones inside her body, but those efforts were becoming weaker and weaker. And her body was lengthening, her "tail" pushing out and becoming thinner. She raised her head and stared at him with terrified eyes, and her nose was gone now. Her face, except for her eyes, was smooth and rubbery now except for her strange puckered mouth and the writhing tongue inside. And somehow I knew my own face mirrored hers now, and I could feel and see my own "tail" stretching and lengthening. And my sense of smell was gone as well. I felt strangely panicked without it. And though I'd been trying to deny the dawning horror for some time, Linda verified it by saying in a deranged sounding high pitched voice,

"My, aren't the two of you fine specimens of "Limax Maximus"! Or, if you're ignorant and don't know Latin, nice big fat Leopard Slugs! That's right, SLUGS! You'll spend the rest of your cheating lives crawling on your bellies and eating SHIT!"

And I kicked the large grey colored one hard, but my foot just left a dent which popped back out of the soft rubbery flesh. And what the hell was wrong with my damn pussy! I wished I had brought a dildo with me, but hadn't thought this would turn me on so much. I ran my hand down my shorts and started fingering myself, ohhh it felt so, ugghh, good!

Oh God no, Charles cried in his mind. Linda, what have you done? He felt a strong ripple run down his body as his tail pushed out and lengthened some more; and he could actually see the rubbery flesh rippling and spreading as the tail grew. He could no longer feel his legs and could tell his leg bones were gone, liquefied and absorbed by his hideous body. He had a kind of thick rough pad running from all the way under his chin almost to the tip of his tail, but the last couple of feet were covered with some kind of short tubercles. The pad was a grey color with a pale fringe and shorter blackish wart like tubercles that formed a kind of fringe or rough lip where it met with the skin on his back which was a different color and texture. He tried to stand up or roll over, and small ripples moved down the pad, and it was covered in clear thick mucus that seemed to ooze from his skin constantly. That's what that goo is, he realized, slug mucus, MY mucus. He shut his eyes again to try and ignore the horror; to make it go away, but he could feel his guts churning as the last of his bones were broken down and his internal organs became those of a slug, a gastropod mollusk with no bones of any kind except a kind of vestigial shell on its back. He felt the heavy rubbery skin covering his whole body now as it began to push its lip over his head; and at the same time felt his now boneless neck and head start to elongate and push forward. No, no, nooo, I don't want to be like this! He screamed in his mind as he felt his face began to change even more. He tried to beg Linda for help, but just slobbered and drooled as his long tongue slid out of his mouth and began to lick and scrape at the pad. He was hungry, and the mucus tasted good. When he realized what he was doing he pulled his tongue back into his mouth in horror. And he could smell another slug lying nearby now as he grew two short sensitive feelers or tentacles from his soft spongy face, one on each side of the horrible puckered mouth, and they waved gently back and forth as he scented and tasted his surroundings. All of a sudden he felt a blow against his side, and he quickly pulled his head and neck under the protective cover of the thick rubbery skin that protected his back, his pad rippling as he desperately tried to roll over. He looked up at the huge towering woman standing over him and realized he had been shrinking, losing body mass by constantly vomiting up the thick mucus from his mouth and other body orifices. Another blow came, and he pulled in his two tentacles and pulled as much of his body as he could under his thick skin and mantle for protection as he shortened his body to about half of its length in defensive reflex.

I kicked the ugly grey slug again as hard as I could. It seemed to notice it more as it was smaller now, and pulled in on itself. There was nothing human left now except for the terrified blue eyes, and they were starting to slide farther apart. The woman's grey eyes had begun push out from her body on the ends of stalks and they began to wave, twisting and turning as she looked around. The eyes were the only human thing left about her. The utter horror in them was wonderful. Then the brown and black slug began to move in a smooth slithering crawl, and soon disappeared around the side of the bathtub as it effortlessly moved through the thick paste of slime covering the floor. It passed out of sight and I guessed it had gone behind the toilet. It was only about two feet long now, and the thick mucus was still pouring from all its orifices except for the breathing hole on its back. Good riddance, I thought, it was probably looking for some shit to eat. Well, I'd make sure they had a fresh supply all the time so they could eat to their hearts content, if they even had hearts anymore. I leaned over and stared into the fear filled eyes of the cringing grey and black slug. I almost felt sorry for the poor repulsive thing. It lay curled up on its back, helpless and vulnerable. I reached over and picked up a bottle of liquid soap and held it up so the slug could see it. It started rippling and squirming, clenching its eyes closed as it panicked. And even as I watched its eyes pushed out on supple tentacles like stalks, but then instantly pulled back into its body as the eyes stared as her. The change was finally over, the man was gone forever. There was nothing human left about the large slug. It's revolting mouth puckered and quivered; the tip of its hideous tongue licking in and out, and I'd swear it was trying to talk, to beg me not to hurt it. And in the end I just didn't have it in me to torment the repulsive slime covered creature, so I set the bottle of soap down again. Seeing the threat removed the slug lengthened itself again and began to slowly turn and writhe as it tried to roll over on it stomach, but the thick goo held it in place. I leaned over and said,

"Well George welcome to your new life. I hope enjoy it, I know I am."

I didn't know if slugs could hear, but from the way the two eye stalks came to a halt and the eyes stared at me I thought maybe it could. With a big smile I said,

"I must say you make a really loathsome worm, oh, I'm sorry, slug. Guess you're a little higher on the evolutionary scale. And I hope you learn to like it, because it's forever. No way to change back, ever, and I even paid the old Sorceress a couple of extra grand to make you immortal. That's right lover boy, welcome to eternity!"

He gave up trying to beg after Linda kicked him again. As he cringed he felt his eyes began to push out of his face until they were on the ends of long supple stalks. But when Linda picked up a bottle of soap and held the spout over him he quickly pulled them back in and panicked, desperately trying to flip himself over so he could flee. He had no idea what the soap would do to him, but he knew it would be bad. But when she put it down he stretched his body out to its full length and tried to roll over again. His belly was getting dry and it hurt, he wanted to crawl through the slimly mucus and draw moisture from it. He smacked his mouth and looked at her pleading with his eyes. Please, please help me. It hurts. When she leaned over and talked he found he couldn't hear anymore, that he was deaf now. But his body seemed to pick up the vibrations and was able to read her lips to a certain degree. And when what she said sunk in he screamed in what was left of his human mind. Forever, eternity, like THIS? Oh God, please noo! Why Linda, why? I love you; I was going to ask you to marry me! Why have you done this horrible thing? Whhhhyyyyyyy?!?

I leaned against the sink counter and looked down in satisfaction at the frantically struggling slug. Good, he understood and knew his horrible fate, I could tell it. He knew I had done to this to him and his bitch, and that it was for eternity. I wished he could still talk so I could listen to him scream and beg while I laughed. As I watched he kept spewing mucus, but then suddenly stopped except for drooling strands from his mouth. He was about a foot long now, the rest of him had become the thick mucus he was wallowing in, and was stuck to. I still had one more piece of news to tell him though. With a smile I said,

"Charles dear, thought you might like to know you're a hermaphrodite now, boy and girl. So is your "girlfriend". If the two of you mate it will be as male and female at the same time. Should be interesting! Slug sex, bet you can hardly wait! I wonder if you'll have two orgasms? Hmmm? Oh, and don't worry. I'll take good care of the two of you and make sure you have plenty to eat, I'll even make the food myself, nice and warm and fresh straight from my ass. I have a nice little aquarium where you can spend the next fifty or sixty years; until I die, honeymooning with your fellow slug lover. The two of you can fuck all you want. Won't that be nice? And think of all the little baby slugs you'll make together."

Charles had stopped struggling as he was exhausted. At least he wasn't spewing mucus all over the place anymore. He just lay there and his only movement was his eyestalks as he looked around. He didn't like the bright light and wanted to find someplace nice and dark and warm, and the floor was cold and chilled him. When she talked to him again he could feel the vibrations, he struggled weakly for another minute, and then gave up. He wished he could cry because he was in his mind, great wailing sobs of sheer hopeless terror. Oh God, he didn't want to be like this! He didn't want to be a, a slug! And poor, sweet, Tasha, she didn't deserve this! He looked at Linda in despair. Please, he begged, please flip me over, please help me! I can't move, I need mucus, I'm drying out. Please, it hurts, it hurts! I'm hungry. He didn't know if she could see the plea in his eyes, or was just tired of tormenting him, but suddenly she reached out and flipped him over with toe of her shoe. YES! He thought exultantly as he started slithering through the lovely wet thick mucus. That feels sooo good! He was surprised at how fast; at least to him, he could move as he easily slid along by constantly running ripples of muscular contractions down the length of his foot pad as he extruded mucus to lubricate his path. He found the trail of the other slug he had had sensed; no-not a slug-it was Tasha, and started following it. I'm not a slug he wailed in his mind, I'm a man, but his mind felt strangely subdued, almost uncaring and oblivious as to what had happened. He found he was more concerned with finding food and shelter. As he rounded the corner of the bathtub he paused, and turning his long soft supple head he raised his eyestalks looked back at Linda. I loved you once, he thought, then he turned and slithered out of sight as he left his former life behind forever.

Chasing off after his bitch already, I thought. Hope they enjoy slug sex. But when he stopped and looked at her one last time I felt a sudden pang of sadness for what might have been. Well, too bad, I thought. He had a new life now with the "mate" of his choosing, so I hoped he'd be happy. I carefully walked over to the door being careful not to slip in the nasty slug mucus, and was sure to shut it again as I left the bathroom. Didn't want them getting out before I had time to collect them and put them in their new home. I knew I'd enjoy watching them slither around and fuck in their glass prison, no privacy for slugs! I'd even put "natural" slugs in with them to keep them company. I might even put the aquarium where they could watch TV, if they even cared about that anymore. Who knew what a slug thought about anyway, even one with a human mind and soul. But now I needed to take a dump and get cleaned up. My little trip to the nasty main bathroom had left me covered in slug mucus and it made my skin crawl. God it was nasty stuff, and I was still so fucking horny. Who'd have thought revenge was such a turn on.

Charles followed the other slug's trail, Tasha's trail he had to keep reminding myself. She was curled up in the corner of the walls behind the toilet and her stalks were all pulled in. He slid up next to her and gently stroked her head with his eye stalks and sensory tentacles, and she extended her own and returned the caresses. He moved up next to her and they rubbed against one another trying to comfort and console each other as they contemplated their horrible fate. At least she doesn't know it's for eternity he thought, and there was no way he tell her, or he, or whatever they were now. The other slug's slick slippery body felt wonderful, and slowly the caresses became more urgent and a wonderful feeling and need filled them. They began to twine their bodies together, and they coiled and curled around one another as they felt the familiar stirring of lust. Oh God, he thought, this is so wrong, but it's wonderful too. Reluctantly he pulled away, but it was just temporarily, he knew what he had to do. He slithered to the side of the toilet and Tasha followed close behind, his mucus trail exciting the other slug as it smelled his lust. He kept going and slithered right up the side of the toilet until he found a suitable spot. The other slug followed and they coiled together again and extruded a thick rope of mucus, and lowered themselves until they were hanging suspended in the air. They eagerly and lovingly coiled and wrapped their bodies around one another, and his mate was so very beautiful, slick and smooth, and their muscular contractions against one another was erotic beyond belief. And after quite some time he felt himself start to get an erection, and watched in fascinated horror and wonder as a long thick opaque bluish tinted penis was extruded from an aperture near his right eyestalk, and he had a perfect view. And it kept growing and lengthening, impossibly so. It must be a third of his body length he thought in wonder, and it was so sensitive. And his mates own penis was growing as well as it slid out of the other slugs head. They froze, their bodies still tightly hugging one another with their heads side by side. Slowly their penises wrapped around one another and grew together as they joined, their bodies quivering in ecstasy. They formed a large ball shaped soft frilly looking cluster that hung down below them. Oh, oh, oooh God, Charles thought. Uh, uh, ugggggh, this is, is, fucking incredible. He had never felt such sexual pleasure before in his life; his whole body was feeling it, not just his now merged penis. His memories of human sex paled in comparison. The whole time they "kissed" by rubbing their large rubbery faces and sensory tentacles together. They even rubbed their eyestalks together as they stared lovingly into one another's eyes. The other slugs eyes were still Tasha's, staring out at him from her monstrous new body. He would have thought mating as a slug would be brief and disgusting, but it went on and on and he screamed in his mind at the pleasure and agonizing ecstasy as he pumped his sperm into his partner and the other slug pumped its sperm into him. With a final quivering shudder it was over, and they slowly uncoiled their penises and pulled them back into their heads and it was over. They were both pregnant now, and in a few days they would both lay up to thirty eggs. His mate let go of him and fell to the floor with a wet smack, and he pulled myself back up the mucus strand and slithered back down to join the other slug. Exhausted they lay side by side and fell asleep, as close to one another as they could get.

I slipped my mucus drenched clothes off and stepped into the shower and, oh, man the warm water felt so nice on my hot itchy skin, that damn mucus had irritated it. I started to lather myself with soap, but I winced when it started to burn the rash the mucus had left, so I just rinsed off and got out of the shower. The damn towel felt like sandpaper to my sensitive skin, so in the end I just stayed wet. I'd dry off in the cool air soon enough. I walked over to the mirror and picked up a brush started to comb out my wet hair, and then stopped in puzzlement. I'd only run the comb through my hair a couple of times, but already it was thick with tufts of hair. I pulled them out and combed a little more, and again the comb came away clogged with hair. I leaned closer to the mirror, and reaching up pulled out a large chunk of hair, and it came away without any pain. And I also realized there was loose hair all over my shoulders, it was literally falling out and already looked thinner. What the fuck, I thought? Reaching up I wiped a large glob of snot off my nose and looked at it, and then in dawning horror realized it wasn't snot, it was mucus! I felt a warm wetness on my thighs and looked down to see the same thick slimy substance steadily oozing from my vagina, and reaching down I ran my fingers inside my hot slippery sex and moaned in pleasure and fear as I finger fucked myself. Oh God, NO! I leaned against the sink grunting and shuddering in pleasure as my lust kept increasing the more I pleasured myself. Oh God, something's wrong, I need to call Madame Marian! But first, "Oh, uggggghhh!" I needed to come, it felt soo good. Surely a few minutes wouldn't make any difference, and it felt so good as I ran my fingers in and out of my pussy. So, ugh,ugh, good!

Charles woke up and realized Tasha was gone from his side. He extended and raised his head as he looked for the her, his eyes stalks twisting from side to side. He felt a moment of panic; he didn't want to be alone, not like this. Then he saw her over by the base of the towering toilet. She seemed to be inspecting something, and then as he watched she started to disappear! Quickly he slithered over just in time to see her tail vanish into a narrow crack at the base of the toilet. The dark opening looked very inviting for some reason, so he stuck his head through it and looked around. The crack went through the floor and under the house and he could see the crawlspace, but to him it was large dark cavernous place. He could see Tasha slug moving down the toilets pipe leaving a glistening trail of mucus and moving farther away. The space smelled nice; warm, damp and humid, and somehow he knew there would be plenty of food. Eagerly he pushed his elastic body through the narrow opening and was surprised at how easy it was, the way was already nicely lubricated by Tasha slug's mucus. With a soft plop he finished squeezing through and followed the other slug's trail of lovely smelling mucus and absorbed much of it as he slithered followed the other slug into their new home.

I was panicking as I coughed up a large glob of mucus. Where was that damn number! I dumped out my purse and pawed through the contents which were sticking to the thick slime that seemed to be oozing from my arms and hands now, I was covered in the nasty stuff, and GOD I was horny! I'd never felt lust like this before, and the more I pleasured herself the more it increased and it was becoming unbearable and I was insatiable. I was climaxing every few minutes, but there was no relief, and my sex was growing more and more demanding and sensitive and it was constantly oozing that horrible mucus. Finally I found the piece of paper with the number, and grabbing my cell phone I punched in the number. As it started to ring I sat down in a chair and plunged my other hand into my sopping wet slick pussy and started desperately sliding my fingers in and out. "UGGGGHHHH!" I gasped, and I was already experiencing another intense orgasm when the phone was picked up and the Madame's cultured voice answered.

"Uggghhh, uh, uh, uh, eeeerrrrryaaa! I gasped. Oh God! "I'm sorry Madame Marian; I was um, ugh, distracted. Please, uh, uh, uh, something's gone wrong. What? No, the potion worked fine, they're changed, uhhh, now, uh, uh, but please, I think I might be changing too. Yes. But it's different, not as, ohhh GOD, fast!" I gasped as I came again, I can't stop, I can't stop! "Please Madame, ugggh, I need help. I feel so, so strange. Please help me. Ugggh! What, the address, oh thank you, thank you! It's 2249 Robertson Road, great big old house on the corner. I, uggghhhh, oh, oh, thank you! Please, uggh, oh, UH! Please hurry!"

Then I put the phone down and plunged my other hand into my throbbing vagina and gave a loud piercing scream of pain and pleasure as another massive orgasm rocked my body. All my fingers now easily fit inside of my pussy and it felt like the damn thing was larger and deeper! And still I couldn't stop! "UGGHHH!, OH, OH GODDDD!" I screamed as another even more intense and pleasurable orgasm rocked my body. "No, no, noooo!" I sobbed as I kept desperately pushing and thrusting into my insatiable pussy. UH, UH, UH, UGH, OH, OH, UGGGGHHHHH!! I sobbed with my eyes clenched shut and tears running from them.

Madame Marian set down her phone with a tired sigh. The stupid woman, she had warned her not to come in contact with the potion, but somehow she obviously had. If so there was nothing anyone could do for the her, but she would pay a visit anyway. She needed to pick up the rest of the money, and it would be interesting to see the effects of the curse. She had never seen someone change into a slug before. She gathered her purse and shawl and called for a taxi.

"Uggghhh, I gasped as I kept masturbating with both hands. It was a need that I couldn't fight. The flow of the hideous mucus had increased and was still oozing from my nose and mouth as well, and it was sweating from my skin and I was covered in a thick slick coating of the stuff, and it dripped off in slow sticky globs. I hadn't put on any clothes as I couldn't stand the feel of the fabric next to my horribly sensitive skin, and the burning and itching was driving me crazy. I was standing nude in front of the bathroom sink again as even the fabric of the chair had felt too rough when I'd sat down. I stood with my head down as I desperately worked between my legs, grunting as large globs of mucus dripped down from my face on long sticky strands to join the pile between my legs being fed by the mucus running down the inside of my legs as it oozing from my vagina and between my fingers. And every now and then strands of hair would float down to join the gooey mess. With a sob I lifted up my head and gave a moan of fear as I looked at my now bald head, a head glistening with mucus. No, no, oh please God. I saw a bottle of conditioner that was long and tall with a rounded cap, and grabbing it I slid it between my legs and into my aching pussy, and it almost disappeared even thought it was over ten inches long, I had always been small down there and had never taken anything near that large into me before, but it felt wonderful. Holding it with one hand I stoked it in and out while I rubbed my clitoris with my other hand. "Ummmm, aa-aa-aaaaa!" Oh yes, much better!

Looking up I noticed the skin on my neck and shoulders was starting to turn a pinkish gray color and looked almost translucent. "Noooo" I sobbed. The skin on my upper back felt thick and stiff, and the horrible burning and itching was growing much worse, my skin was covered in what looked like welts, all weeping mucus. I tried wiping te mucus over as much of my body as I could reach and it helped, but I couldn't reach my back. I put my hands back between my legs and gasped in pleasure as I brought myself to yet another orgasm as I slid the bottle in and out as fast as I could. "UH, UH, UGGGGGGH!!" I sobbed. Oh, oh, when will it stop, but it feels so good! And the burning, my skin was red and irritated almost everywhere. The skin on my stomach was rough feeling and slick, but the skin I could see on my sides and back seemed to be thicker and covered in places with boil like eruptions that tingled pleasantly, and I felt so dry and dehydrated. All of a sudden I knew what I needed; was compelled, to do. With a moan I pulled my hands away from my sex and the bottle slid from my pussy with a wet popping sound followed by a thick stream of mucus, and then screamed when I saw that my fingers were growing together! The ends of my arms looked more like tentacles now! "No, no, nooo!" I moaned. With a sobbing squeal I staggered from the smaller bathroom and down the hall into the larger one. To my surprise the floor was clean again, it looked like the mucus had all evaporated or drained away or something. "No, no, please no" I whimpered as I needed that mucus! I wasn't making enough for myself, I was drying out and it hurt, my moist soft skin was starting to crack in places.

Then I looked in the large tub and it was still about halfway full of thick slimy mucus that looked like cum more than anything else. It was repulsive, but I stood looking at the beckoning muck and the relief it offered and my body shuddered, but at the same time something in me told me it would be a very bad idea to get in that tub. That the "relief" it offered was an illusion. But another wave of lust washed through me and more mucus suddenly squirted from my pussy as my lust came back worse than ever, and the horrible burning and itching suddenly got even worse than before, and with a moaning sob I lifted my leg up and stepped into the tub. With a gurgling sigh of pleasure I sat down, then lay back and let myself slide down into the thick sticky cool mucus until it was up to my neck. It felt so good as it slid over my body and breasts, and almost instantly the burning and itching stopped to be replaced by a lovely cool feeling, almost like I was being caressed. I took a large glob of the goo and smeared it over my face and head, and oh, that was so much better! I could no longer hold the bottle I had been using to pleasure myself, so slid the tips of my soft gelatinous tentacles into my vagina and started thrusting with them, gasping at the intense sensation. With a moan I lowered my face into the mucus and stared hungrily sucking it into my mouth, and unable to stop myself I kept doing it until my stomach felt full to overflowing. With a wet slucking sound I pulled my face from the goo trailing thick strands of it and lay back with a sigh of relief and pleasure. Oh, yes, yes! That was much better! "Uh, uh, uh, Uggghhh!" Yes, yes, yessssss!!"

Madame Marian rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. But then as she listened she heard a faint muffled yell. She tried the doorknob, and the door opened.

"Hello?" she called, it's Madame Marian."

"Please, please, urrrggle, I'm in here!" Came a strangely muffled sounding voice.

Madame Marian followed the voice until she came to a large bathroom; and looking down at the thing in the tub she winced. It looked back at her, and the hope in its eyes was heartbreaking. Its head had flattened on the front and its nostrils were just slits now, its skin soft and almost opaque. Its face was soft and rubbery with pink tinted flesh, but its bright blue eyes were still human. It had a thick looking rubbery skin with a raised edge over its shoulders like a cloak, and its chest was a slick whitish color. It still had breasts but its nipples were fading shadows. It was busily doing something under the surface of the thick pasty gunk it was immersed it, but when it saw her it lifted its arms out of the mucus and reached out to her, and the short stubby arms ended in floppy boneless tentacle like appendages that weakly coiled and flopped. The thing opened its mouth and said in a wet gurgling voice,

"Madame Marian, urrggllee, thank God you, urg, came. Pleaz help me, I feel so strange, and it hurts sometimes. Urrggglllee, splutter. Pleaze get me out of here, the mucus is making it worse, I can feel it inside of me, changing me, plebz help, urrrrggg, me! Sluuuurrrppp."

Madame Marian leaned against the sink counter and gave a sad sigh, and said.

"I'm sorry child, truly I am. You must have come in direct contact with the potion somehow. There's nothing I can do, the transformation is irreversible. I'm afraid that in a day or two you'll be joining your old boyfriend and his lover to start your new existence." The things eyes grew wider in terror, and the thing spoke again,

"Bud, urrrgglle, please! Hep me! I don want to be like diiiss, urrrgggllee, slurp! I'm changing, urrkkk, slower and, urrgg, ids different. It musst not be the same. You can heeellpp me? I hab more muny, a lot mur! Pleasse, oh God, please! Snarrggllle, uurrggllle."

"My dear, said Madame, how did you administer the potion to them? And how did you give it to yourself. Think, you must have or you wouldn't be like this."

I thought about it as my seemingly uncontrollable tongue lolled out of my mouth and sucked at the mucus. I couldn't stop myself from eating it, I couldn't get enough even though I knew what it was doing to me. Then I remembered, it must have been when I was pouring the potion in the body wash bottle, I had spilled a little and had washed off the residue in the sink. I remembered feeling a little burning on a finger, and thinking I'd burned myself in the hot water had sucked on my finger. So I told Madame Marian about the body wash and my "accident". But it had been so little, just a drop or less! How could that change me? Charles and his bimbo had unknowingly smeared it all over themselves, and they'd changed in just a few hours. I'd gotten it on me before they did, and I hadn't noticed what was happening until after they'd finished changing. Surely the Madame could cure such a small exposure? Surely she could help me? Oh God, please let her be able to help me!

Madame listened to the gurgling thing as it told her, but it was getting harder to understand it. Its words were becoming more like wet smacks or grunts, but she still managed to understand what it was saying. She replied,

"My poor child, like I told you, I can do nothing. The reason your victims changed so fast was their change was uniform since they had anointed themselves entirely in the potion, but since you only took a small amount in your mouth it is taking much longer for the curse to spread to your whole body. It will start in your upper body and work its way down slowly. I'm afraid it may take a few days, but towards the end it will speed up. If I pull you from the mucus it will slow the change, but you will suffer more, and in the end it will make no difference. So I will leave you were you are, it is for the best child. And there is one other thing you most know, though I am reluctant to tell you for it will cause you more suffering, but because you are changing much more slowly the change will be more, um, thorough. Because of this your human mind will fade faster and the mind of thing you're becoming will take over. You will always know what you were, and what you have become, but will have no control over your new body. It will live by the instincts of its primitive mind alone. It will be a truly horrible way to spend eternity. I'm very sorry, but in a way it's fitting as you sentenced two other souls to spend eternity in this form though they will at least retain some control. You did this to yourself in your hatred, and you have only yourself to blame. But I will come back and fetch you in a few days, and give you a nice home to live in and I will care for you as long as I can, that is the least I can do."

The thing began to writhe and flail as it tried to pull itself out of the tub, but it vestigial arms were useless and just flopped around limply, and there was no way it could get to its feet in the thick slick sticky slime. It was helpless.

"NUUUURRRGGGGLLLEEEE! I screamed. Puleezz help mee, urrgg, don leb me like diss! Pulezz hep meee! Splutter, gaaag, uuurrggggllllee! Plebz, nuuuuurrgle!"

And I watched in terror as Madame Marian smiled a sad smile, and then she reached up and took the body wash bottle and left the bathroom. I stared after her in disbelief. She'd done this to me, she had to help me, and she couldn't leave me like this! Oh God, please! I didn't want to be a SLUG!

"NUUUURRRGGGGGLLLLE!" I slobbered and moaned, the thick muck churning and heaving as I desperately tried to pull free of its sticky embrace.

Madame Marian took the bottle of body wash, then left the wretched thing in the bathroom and explored the house. She ignored its gurgling squeals and slobbering moans of terror, there was nothing she could do. When the curse had run its course she would return and collect the changeling and care for it as she had promised, but that was all she could do for the miserable thing. She found a purse, and to her satisfaction the other $6,000 was in it, as well another couple of hundred dollars which she took as a "tip". The now empty potion bottle was in the purse as well, and she of course took that. She looked at the screen on the computer and realized a hidden camera was recoding the scene in the bathroom, and she could see the thing flailing its tentacle like arms in agitation. She would leave the camera running for now and then pick up the recording disc when she came back for the slug in a couple of days. She would destroy the disc later, after watching it out of curiosity. There must be no trace of what had happened. As she passed the bathroom on the way out the thing gave a final wail and plea for help, but she just ignored it and let herself out of the house and shut the door behind her. She was not cruel, but over the years had come to accept the inevitable with no worries or regrets. The woman had done it to herself, and Madame Marian felt no responsibility.

I felt my last remaining hope die as I heard the front door close. And I was left alone to try and face what was happening to me, to contemplate my horrible future. My only consolation was she had said she would return and take care of me. I closed my eyes as tears ran down my grotesque soft spongy face. For awhile I had felt pressure building up behind my eyes, and with wet pops they suddenly began to push out from my head on the ends of growing stalks, and at the same time I felt two more pops on my lower face and felt two more tentacle like growths bloom there. And suddenly I could smell again, and even taste, with the lower ones. My nose was long gone, absorbed into my slimy mucus covered face. With a slurp my tongue came slithering out of my now toothless maw of a mouth, but it was more like a trunk or ribbon now and covered in sharp little teeth and it was prehensile, it felt so strange and with another slurp I pulled the hideous tongue back into my mouth. I gave a gurgling moan as another orgasm rocked my body, even though I could no longer pleasure myself I was still coming at regular intervals, and every time I did I felt large amounts of mucus squirt from my throbbing pussy. It felt absolutely wonderful, and I wanted it to happen more often, and I got my wish as the intervals between orgasms slowly became shorter until finally I was writhing helplessly and giving wet gurgling screams of agonizing pleasure as the orgasm became continuous and nonstop for several hours with a literal geyser of cum bubbling and churning between my legs as I came and came. Finally toward morning they started coming at longer intervals, and then slowly stopped. But the horrible lust remained, and I could do nothing about it. During the long horrible night the level of mucus in the tub had remained steady, but now the level slowly started to drop since I was no longer producing so much. But as my body was slowly revealed I didn't suffer as my own body now produced enough mucus to keep me well lubricated as it oozed from my pores. With a sobbing moan I looked at the sensitive protruding pink lips of my now hugely stretched sex, the wet gaping opening now extended to where my belly button had once been. The need to touch and stroke my nether lips was overwhelming, agonizing in its intensive need. I leaned forward as far as I could and tried to reach the beckoning opening with my new horrible tongue, but the best I could do was rub the tip against my large knobby clitoris and give slobbering gasps at the lovely sensation. But though the pleasure was intense I couldn't make myself come again, and I felt a slowly building pressure in my guts.

As I pleasured myself I lifted my eyes to the end of their stalks and looked down at my body. My skin looked pinkish and translucent on the still human looking parts of my body, mainly my hips and legs, and I could see pumping veins and bones dimly through my flesh. And in my abdomen I could see faint outlines of organs, some I recognized and some I didn't. I was almost transparent in places and completely covered in a thick coating of shiny translucent slime. You cannot believe the horror I felt as I looked at my body. Suddenly I felt my neck stretch as it pushed my head forward, and with a gurgle of pleasure I was able to stretch my neck even further and slip the end of my tongue into my gaping pussy. "UURRRGGLLLEEE" I slobbered in ecstasy as I slid my tongue deep into myself.

Charles was feeding happily on an earthworm he'd caught, plunging his many toothed ribbon like tongue through its soft skin to suck out the delicious juices. It was a big meal and he was happy and getting full as he sucked eagerly. Normally he fed on the fungus and other nutritious plants and substances that were plentiful in his dark humid home by dragging his radula; or tongue, over them and scrapping off small pieces with the hundreds of different specialized teeth completely covering it. When the thick mucus covering the radula was covered in food he pulled it back into his mouth and swallowed before extruding his radula again as he grazed. It was an amazingly effect and easy way to eat, and though he was mainly an omnivore he did not pass up a chance at meat, and for that purpose the radula was a deadly weapon. Once he had grasped something with it and snared the prey with the thousands of barbed teeth it seldom escaped. Tasha slug; attracted by the scent of his prey, joined him and he was happy to share, there was plenty for both of them. It was a nice big fat worm, and they slobbered happily as they sucked it dry.

I woke with a start and extended my eye stalks, I'd actually fallen asleep. Frantically I looked around, a little disoriented, but what I saw quickly cleared my mind. It was later in the morning now and for awhile not much had seemed to happen; or happened so slowly it was hard to see, but while I had slept there had been some major new developments. I gave a wet moan as I looked at my legs, or what used to be my legs. I could no longer talk, my vocal cords were long gone and my strange new tongue was useless for forming words. It was more like giant rubbery teeth covered trunk then a tongue. I extended it and scooped some mucus into my sphincter like mouth as I was hungry. The only sounds I could make were horrible wet slobbering and slurping noises, which I did constantly whether I wanted too or not as I labored to suck enough air past my large rubbery tongue. While I had slept thick translucent skin had spread across my legs and glued them together down to my toes, and a thick spongy growth had pushed itself out my vagina to fill the gap. I could see the outline of my hips and legs, but they were entirely encased in a thick translucent skin like a sac. My crotch was now smooth and featureless all the way down to my knees and my sex was gone without a trace, not even a seam remained. I knew with horrid certainty I would never have sex as a human again. And I could feel my bones becoming soft and spongy as they liquefied. My lower body looked more like some sort of stubby tail now, and I gave a loud gurgle of terror as my radula slid out and licked across my stomach to scoop up more slime. I tried to kick my legs free of their fleshy sac, but though I was able to raise my knees the thick goo pulled my legs back flat and my struggles were to no avail. I waved my eye stalks frantically as I slobbered and gurgled, shoving the thick nutritious goop into my mouth without even realizing I was doing it, and with every mouthful the rate of the hideous change sped up. Noooo, I screamed in my mind, please, noooo!

But what worried me even more was that the thick rubbery skin on my upper back had grown to form a kind of lip over the edges of what remained of my shoulders and useless stubby arms. I could turn my head easily on my long supple neck and see the skin where it disappeared under what looked like a shell of some kind on my back and I could see my air breathing hole on the back of my head as I no longer breathed through my mouth anymore, the horrible wet labored breathing sounds had stopped and I was breathing much easier now. The lip of thick rubbery skin had grown around my shoulders and upper chest and joined with the edges of the thick pad that had grown to completely cover my upper chest, and where they joined they were fringed with little tubercle like growths. I could feel the pressure as the lips of the two different kinds of skin continued to grow together; it almost felt like I was being swallowed. And slowly I could feel the skin moving down my back as the edges continued to join with my stomach pad, and the nubs of my arms were forced under them and absorbed into my body. Desperately I tried to fight it, to slow it down, make it stop! But the two skins continued to join and form longer ridges down the sides of my chest; which was now flat with no sign of breasts, and my stomach, but it slowed down when the edge of the skins; or hides, reached my still wide hips. It pushed against my pelvic bones and stopped as it kept joining with the pad. I felt my hopes rise a little, maybe I can stop it! And I tried my best, and for quite some time the changes stopped and I was able to rest, but then I gave a sudden slobber of pain as I felt my softening hip bones suddenly collapse as the thick fringes of back skin and belly pad pushed down over where my crotch had been and toward my knees. I writhed and struggled desperately, trying to stop the horrible feeling of being swallowed by my own skin, but it was useless.

My body cavity contained only my new organs now; my bones had all liquefied and were absorbed to fuel the spurt of grown as it speeded up. And still I fed on the thick muck, unable to stop myself, and I watched in terrified resignation as the thick skin reached the blunt edge of my internal body sac and flowed over the last couple of feet and closed and merged with my belly pad, or foot. A large group of tubercles formed on the keel of my tail, my insides churned for awhile, and it was over. My body was thick and tubular now, and slowly it grew and stretched in both directions as both my tail and neck lengthened considerably almost tripling my length, but at the same time I was slowly shrinking as mucus began to pour from my mouth and other orifices again as I shed even more body mass. I guess at this point I was about three feet long. I struggled and tried to roll over onto my stomach, but the thick goo held me in place. Finally I stopped my useless struggles. I knew if I couldn't get loose from the sticky stuff I'd eventually die. But then I remembered, no I wouldn't, I couldn't. I was immortal, an immortal slug. And with wet slobbers I wailed and cried in my mind. Oh God, I didn't deserve this, I didn't want to be a goddamned SLUG! Then it occurred to me, that maybe I was being God Damned for what I'd done, damned to spend eternity in this hideous form. And even if I did die eventually, do slugs go to heaven? But more likely there was a special place in Hell for me.

Charles was passing near the exit under the toilet bowl when he paused, and raising his head scented the air with his sensory stalks. He could smell a new slug, an unknown stranger. Being curious, for a slug, he crawled up the pipe to the bottom of the toilet bowl and squeezed himself through the crack. Waving his sensory stalks and looking around he hunted for the strange slug. Its scent was strong and powerful, full of fear, but he couldn't see it. He approached the side of the bathtub and effortlessly slithered up the side. He stopped on the edge and looked at the huge slug in the tub. It was a lovely light pinkish color with darker red spots on its mantle and stripes down its sides. He thought it was beautiful. It hadn't noticed him yet as it had its head down and was apparently very agitated as it inspected its body. He waited patiently as being voiceless; he did remember being able to speak once, he couldn't call out to it. He increased his own scent hoping to get its attention that way, and soon the giant slug lifted its head as it scented Charles. His signal had worked. The huge head swiveled to look at him and he found himself staring into terrified human eyes, pretty blue eyes. Oh my God, he thought, Linda? Of course there was no way he could ask, but as the giant slug leaned closer he let it rub his body with its sensory tentacles and gently caressed its huge soft face. He tasted its mucus and it was delicious, and he knew it was tasting him as well as they "introduced" themselves to one another. After awhile he left, but he was sure to leave a thick mucus trail for the new slug to follow when its change was through and it had become the right size to join him in the crawlspace.

Still spewing mucus from my orifices I leaned over as far as the thick foot on what used to be my belly would let me, and inspected the horrible thing that was now my body for eternity. I was still looking at myself in despair when I suddenly caught a faint scent. Something in me indentified it as coming from another slug. Raising my head I saw another slug, a large grey and black striped one, lying on the edge of the tub looking at me. Curiously I leaned closed and carefully rubbed one of my lower tentacles against its body and tasted the stranger. He gently rubbed my tentacle with his own, and then rubbed against my face. When I finally noticed its grey eyes I knew who it was. Oh God, I'm so sorry Charles, I wish I could ask you to forgive me. I didn't mean it. I wished I could cry, but I'd lost that ability as well. After a few minutes the other slug turned to leave and I tried to call to it, but couldn't make any kind of noise anymore. Just soft wet slurping noises as I flexed my mouth muscles and extrude my radula and pulled it back in. Please don't go, I thought; please don't leave me like this. But the other slug was gone now, but leaning over I realized it had left a trail for me to follow, if only I could get free of this damn mucus, but it still held me fast. I thrashed in frustration, and all I managed to do was slide down until I was flat on my back. Damn it!

All during the rest of the day I continued to spew thick mucus from my mouth and other orifices, and slowly I shrank in size. The physical change was long over, but the size change continued. I shrank to two feet, fifteen inches, and finally about one foot. I didn't mind it too much as the thick mucus I was encased in kept me nice and moist. But the final horror came during the last hour as I approached the correct size. I felt my mind start to fade, to lose control, as a cold dull primitive mind began to take over. It was becoming my mind as well, and I couldn't see the intelligence fading from my eyes as they became less and less human as their color changed to black and my pupils changed shape. I screamed in my mind and struggled frantically, but it was no use. And finally the primitive mind became mine, the dull instinctual mind of a mollusk and nothing more. But way back in the deepest recess of that alien mind, locked away for all time, a human soul was perfectly aware of everything that was happening as it was also that mind, but it had no control over anything. It was strictly along as a helpless spectator to its new existence. And it spent much of its time screaming for the release of death, a release that would never come.

With a final mighty heave the new pink and red spotted slug finally managed to roll onto its footpad as the mucus holding it slowly evaporated into the air. It raised its head and looked around with dull vacant eyes and tasted the air. Aimlessly it explored the bottom of the bathtub for awhile, but not liking the bare clean surface and light it eventually slithered up the side of the tube, and while exploring it found the trail of another slug. It paused and its eye stalks looked for the other slug as it tasted the trail. Something in it recognized the scent of the other slug, but it was more excited by the offer of mating the mucus included. Eagerly it followed the other slugs slime trail until it reached a narrow crack in the floor, and then easily squeezed through it. If it was possible for a slug to be overjoyed it was, the place in which it found itself was perfect by the standards of its kind. It was warm and moist, and there was plenty of good food, but first it wanted to find the other slug to slack its horrible lust. And soon it did, and they circled one another for awhile gently exploring and tasting one another with their sensory stalks. Then the grey slug turned away and quickly found a suitable place as its eager mate followed close behind. Slithering up a pipe the leading slug found a suitable spot and lowered itself on a thick strand of mucus, and the pink slug quickly slid down the strand to join its lover. For a long time they twined around one another, then freezing with their heads side by side they extruded their penises that opened in fanlike frills as they wrapped around one another tightly and their bodies shuddered in ecstasy as they exchanged sperm and it was wonderful. Linda felt everything her primitive new mind felt, and the pleasure was unbelievable. But she was a spectator only as her new mind was capable only of very basic and instinctual functions despite the intelligence buried deep inside of it, but at least she had a ringside seat. And Charles was just as good a lover as a slug as he had been as a man. And in a strange way she was happy, at least they were together. But then she stopped thinking as a massive orgasm made her body shudder and she scream silently at the incredible pleasure.

Madame Marian let herself back into the house and took the recording disc from the recorder. She put it in the PC and watched the recorded image of the woman's transformation from human to slug. As it had taken the most part of two days she sped it up and watched in horrified fascination as the thing struggling in the tub became less and less human, and the worst part was the sheer terror in its eyes at the last as they changed and faded into the dull eyes of a slug. With a shudder she took the disc and put it in her pocket. It was the last evidence that anything out of the ordinary had happened in this house. Taking a jar out of her purse she sent in search of the creature, but though she searched the bathroom carefully it had obviously made its escape. Very well, she hoped the wretched creature would come to enjoy its new life. She let herself back out and locked the door behind her.

Fairly soon she "met" and mated with a large brown slug, and it was incredibly enjoyable as well. But even her primitive mind preferred the grey slug. And despite what they had become they quickly found that they were almost sexually insatiable, which was nice. Fucking was not a bad way to spend eternity. And they laid their eggs which they promptly abandoned in the manner of their kind, and soon the crawlspace had new Leopard Slugs living in it. So many that a great majority left to find better feeding grounds with less competition. And they never lacked for new mates, but those mating were strictly those of animals as their partners were nothing more than natural animals despite the fact that their parents had once been humans. They also mated with "natural" slugs as they were just as acceptable as sexual partners. They merely responded to the offer to mate, or gave an offer of their own which was always accepted.

There was a brief spate of scientific interest as the "new giant species of Leopard Slug" was discovered, but it faded fairly soon as after all, they were just slugs. And 12 to 15 inches was still not that big by human standards, though they were now the largest know species of slug. They were only a few inches longer then "natural" slugs anyway. But even if one of the changelings had the bad luck to be captured and dissected nothing would be revealed, they were 100% slugs physically. But they didn't know, and wouldn't have cared anyway.

The disappearance of three local people made a brief stir as well, but with no clues and no suspects the cases quickly joined the dead case files. By the time the police inspected the property the mucus had all evaporated and was long gone. The slugs "heard" the heavy vibrating tread of the humans, but didn't care as what could they do? Ask for help? More likely get stepped on, and since they couldn't die that would be very unpleasant. So they ignored the sounds and kept feeding as they dragged their radula's along the ground and swallowed what they picked up. The simple life was perfectly suited to their new forms. Eat, sleep, and mate. They could not talk, manipulate or pick up anything, and their communication was limited primarily to scent and touch. Indeed it was a very simple and surprisingly enjoyable life, with no stress, no bills, no worries, and no responsibilities, and incredibly pleasurable sex. Even laying eggs was enjoyable, and the feeling of bringing new life into the world was strangely satisfying. And when they accidently mated as a threesome one day their sex lives entered a new phase. Linda slug and Charles slug were already suspended when Tasha slug; who had also responded to the mating scent, joined them when she was unable to wait. They had twined together and wrapped their three penises to together and it had been mind blowing. And the couplings last even longer and they took turns fertilizing one another. It was glorious, their bodies locked together in tight embraces and quivering and shuddering in sexual ecstasy for hours. Even Linda's primitive mind realized a good thing. Even the natural slugs soon began joining them.

Slowly Charles slug and Tasha slug's increasingly primitive minds took over more and more control, but it was so gradual they probably never even noticed. For Linda slug it had been different as it was so sudden, so she was more aware of her mental limitations. But a slug, even with an intelligent mind, is still a slug. Just because you might be a genius it didn't change your "lifestyle" one little bit. And so their eyes finally faded became dim and vacant as they changed into the eyes of a normal slug. With that last slow change they became indistinguishable from natural slugs because that's all they were now. But even as their human intelligence was pushed further into the back of their primitive minds and became nothing more than an annoying memory the three huge slugs stayed together as something bound them. As close as slugs can come to feeling love they did love one another.

In time the house was torn down and they migrated to a new home, and then again as their new homes became untenable or were destroyed. And during these frightening and upsetting upheavals they sometimes became separated, but always managed to find one another again even if it took years or decades. They would search unceasingly until reunited. And the months passed into years, then into decades, then into centuries. They all were "killed" numerous times over the years, but they grew back whole and healthy from whatever was left of their bodies. More than once they were captured and kept as "pets" and none of their owners noticed anything strange about them other than their perpetual youth and longevity, but they would eventually manage to escape or be set free. And they ate, slept, made love, and gave birth to millions of their kind perpetuating their species for untold thousands of generations. And the last part of the horrible curse slowly took effect over the years as the last vestiges of their human minds merged completely with their simple primitive nerve ganglia. No memory; however faint, now remained that they had ever been anything other than mere slugs, and they gazed out at the world through their dull vacant eyes. But mercifully they did not even realize it was happening it was so gradual, but they were slugs which would continue to live for eternity. As to if they still had human souls, who knows? Maybe those merged with souls of the slugs, if such simple creatures have such a thing. Ten thousand years later mankind destroyed itself in a great war, and the artificial bio-plagues destroyed the scattered survivors. The slugs did not notice or care as they mated and laid their eggs in dark dank places as the war raged. And because of them their species never became extinct, and slowly their descendants began to evolve until one day reaching intelligence. And after millions of years this race of intelligent slugs ruled the earth in an advanced and peaceful civilization.

The End


Alone and Afraid

This story is copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is related to a series I am working on called "The Hidden Ones". Alone and Afraid By William W. Kelso I sat alone in the dark, scared to go outside even here. But the new needs and desires...

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Alien Livestock

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Be prepared for a different twist on alien abduction. Alien Livestock By William W.Kelso Samantha was scared and completely puzzled at the same time. She stared at the strange thing that shared her...

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The Seeker, Chapter 13

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 13 By William W. Kelso The next several days were a major bummer as Great Lord Ba'al's minions showed up to take half of my Mistress's stuff. One even tried to enter her private...

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