Alien Livestock

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Be prepared for a different twist on alien abduction.

Alien Livestock

By William W.Kelso

Samantha was scared and completely puzzled at the same time. She stared at the strange thing that shared her cell with her, or stall, or whatever it was she was confined in. It had no door because the thing that was constantly fucking her held her helplessly in place, both through sexual ecstasy and with its strong tendrils or tentacles.

The strange aliens had attacked without warning, and she had been among a large group of young men and women that the weird looking aliens had selected from thousands of other prisoners. She and the others had then been loaded onto one of their spaceships, but she had no idea what had happened to the rest of her fellow captives. When the ship had landed on this strange planet she had been taken to some sort of large complex and examined and the aliens had performed all sorts of what she guessed were tests on her, some very unpleasant. But they hadn't really hurt her or anything. Then she had been taken to another building and led out on a platform which was surrounded by raised tiers of benches full of aliens, like an arena. She had been stripped of her clothes when captured, so was still nude when she was put on display and sold, because it could only have been an auction. And more humans and other "things" had been auctioned off as well as she watched from a cage. Then the alien that had bought her had brought her to this strange farm, or whatever it was. When she first arrived; and was being led by her owner to this stall, she had seen pens full of all sorts of weird animals in pens of some kind. Some were pretty recognizable, or at least similar to animals she knew, but some were totally bizarre.

When she'd arrived at the stall she found some more of the aliens waiting for her and they had a strange looking thing with them that looked like a great big dark pinkish purple slab of meat with leathery skin more than anything else, it had a kind of broad fleshy looking pedestal for a base with some tentacles of something like them around its center, but she didn't see any eyes or a mouth. She didn't even realize it was alive until they led her up to it and it suddenly extended two fairly short thick penis shaped stamens (?) out of a mouth like opening in the top. And she had screamed and cried; begging them not to, when they had forced her to sit on top of the thing and be impaled in her vagina and asshole by the twin penises, because that's certainly what they felt like as they slid into her. The penetrations weren't especially painful as the cocks were covered with thick slippery mucus, but the sheer suddenness and bizarre setting had freaked her out big time.

Once the weird things penises had penetrated her to the hilt in both her vagina and asshole the aliens had held her struggling body in place until the thing had sprouted several large vine like tentacles and wrapped them around her thighs, waist, and arms to hold her helplessly in place. As soon as the rape started the aliens had left her alone with her "lover". The tendrils had tightened and loosened several times as they moved around, evidently trying to find the most comfortable position for both of them under the circumstances. Then once the thing was satisfied with its grip on her it had started fucking her, but it held her firmly in place and it didn't move at all. Evidently the penis like tubes it had inserted inside of her contained its actual penises which were huge, and were now pistoning in and out of both her openings in a steady rapid thrusting rhythm. She had struggled at first at the horrible violations, but it was useless and before long she stopped trying to get lose and could only moan and gasp in pleasure as orgasm after orgasm rocked her body. The damn thing was insatiable, and it sure could fuck. She had to admit she never been fucked so thoroughly before. And she could feel it as it spurted its sperm; or whatever it had, deep inside her body again and again. And not a single drop ever leaked out, whatever it was she was keeping all of it in her. For two days it fucked her nonstop, then gradually slowed down, and then stopped. And now that she was no longer dazed and almost delirious from sexual ecstasy she realized something very wrong was happening to her.

The Glomph had been dormant until its upper orifices were smeared with a special cream to stimulate them. And as soon as it felt warm moist flesh engulf its joining tubes it reacted. Awakened by the caress of the warm flesh on the tubes it quickly extruded sensory tentacles to hold the animal in place until the joining was complete. As it stroked the insides of the animal's body with its nerve ganglia rods the rapid movements served two purposes, they stimulated both the Gormph's nerve ends and the animals making it much easier to bond. Slowly its rods unraveled into thousands of fine hair-like tendrils and they began to attach themselves to; and merge with, the animals nervous system while at the same time injecting specialized genetic fluids with served the double purpose of lubricating the thrusting rods and also being slowly absorbed by the animals digestive system, and thus distributed to every cell in the animal's body. When the rods had been fully assimilated into the animals body it and the Glomph became one, and now they only had to wait until the joining was completed. It would not take long and it and the animal could not be separated without both dying. The fact the chosen animal may not enjoy the bonding and its subsequent effects did not matter to the Glomph as it was artificial biological construct created in a laboratory. It had no mind or awareness other than a few instinctual reactions triggered by certain fluids and/or olfactory signals. It's only function was to first assimilate, then see to the new Glargh's health and feeding. It now provided its "partner" with all nutritional requirements and also removed waste products. Its own internal organs became the animals as well, and the animals own internal organs would be absorbed as it only needed one organ now to perform its very specialized new function. When a Glomph bonded with an animal they became a new life form called a Glargh by the aliens.

Samantha could feel something happening inside of her, a strange feeling of pressure and intrusion in her lower body that soon spread into her chest and even head. It wasn't really painful, just wrong and disturbing. At least the thing wasn't fucking her anymore, but she almost wished it was sometimes as waves of lust washed over her from time to time. Once she even tried to move up and down on the penis like intrusions in her pussy and butt to try and get it to start fucking her again, but the things tentacles held her firmly in place. But now that she wasn't being constantly stimulated she took a better look at her surroundings, and especially her bizarre stall mate. She realized it was also on top of another one of the things she was sitting on, but it also appeared to actually be part of the thing too. It was a thick shaft of semi-rigid flesh with a large flared pointed head with a single opening on one side, an opening that dribbled a thick looking fluid constantly. The shaft led down to a large soft lumpy looking bag or pouch with large veins that continued up the sides of the shaft. The fleshy pad that was its foot (?) had several large tentacles and smaller tentacles scattered around the base of the shaft like the one she was sitting on. While the shaft was a tan color very much like her own skin, the fleshly base was a dark purplish color like hers. She could have sworn when she was first brought here the weird thing had also had tentacles on the shaft, but she must have imagined it as they were gone now. It didn't seem to be aware of her presence, and didn't do anything except make some horrible sounding wet mewling sounds every now and then. To her it looked like a giant four foot dick more than anything else. It was repulsive. She had also been aware that the weird aliens had visited the stall a few times and had evidently fed the things sharing it with her, including the one she was sitting on. But they had brought her no food or water, but to her surprise she wasn't hungry or thirsty at all. She felt well fed and full all the time. And she looked up as the aliens returned again. The alien that entered the stall totally ignored her and proceeded to throw what looked like some sort of biscuits or crackers on the floor, and refilled a water bowl. Then to her grossed out amazement it licked the penis things head and then gently sucked on it for a few minutes! Gross! Then it left again. There was no door on the stall, and the things, including the one she was stuck on, weren't going anywhere as they had bands around the tops of their thick fleshy bodies that were chained to the wall.

The Sliz was quite happy with the progression of the change to the Glargh that had been in the stall longest. Within another day, two at the most, it would be ready to add to the herd. Its fluids were almost ripe for milking. Both it; and the newer Glargh, had originally been females from the same race. He had bought some of them to give them a try as they were new on the livestock market, most likely from some new world added to the Empire. So far the results were excellent; they were quite susceptible to genetic manipulation. Their largely soft; and fairly fluid, bodies transformed smoothly and easily with no side effects that had been determined so far. So they were perfect for transformation to a more useful form, namely foodcocks. The Sliz were a race of highly evolved mollusks, they basically resembled anthro-slugs. Their lower bodies were tails with foot pads, but their upper bodies had two pairs of "arm" tentacles in addition to frills of smaller sensor tentacles around their mouths and three larger eyestalks with multi-faceted insect like eyes. Their diet was entirely liquid based as they had no teeth or anyway to macerate or grind up food. They had developed a liking for various fluids, sexual and otherwise, that various alien races produced, including this new one. They thought human semen was delicious, and to them it was very rich and nutritious. But since human males produced such limited amounts; it was used mainly for lubricating sexual organs while mating, the Sliz had to find another way to "harvest" the sweet fluid. So as they had done with other alien races they'd conquered and added to their livestock supply they found ways to alter the aliens to be more useful in producing the fluids they needed. By merging the alien animals with a Glomph to become a new Glargh the result was a new animal that produced copious amounts of the fluid on an almost constant basis. The fact the animal might be a sentient life form was of no concern to them, intelligent or not it was still just livestock to be used for the benefit of its owners.

Samantha watched in amazement as the thing sharing her stall had extruded some thick tentacles and used them to drag itself over to the food, and it used the same tentacles to shove the biscuits into wet toothless slits around its base that were evidently mouths. It then extruded a tube like tongue into water bowel and took a good long drink. Then it became motionless again like it was most of the time. And the one she was attached to did the same thing, dragging itself; and her, over to the food and water bowl. Then it too became motionless and quiet again after feeding. The other thing suddenly gave one of those wet mewling cries again, and Samantha jumped in surprise. Stupid thing! Samantha felt a sleepy lethargy stealing over her and finally fell soundly asleep. During the night the other Glargh gave some more wet cries that faded away as it entered the last; and final, stage of its metamorphosis and cellular differentiation into a new being. The shaft shortened and thickened a little and became rigid in a permanent erection and the large testicles swelled to fill the scrotum. The head became more pointed with a slanted glans with a ridge of soft pointed "horns" formed around the raised edge of the glans base. The sensitive "horns" would help to stimulate the Glargh to ejaculate when milked. The new foodcock was ready to be collected by its owner and be put to work. Technically it wasn't a penis despite its appearance and the way it functioned as it did not produce sperm, merely semen without spermatozoa. Nor was it "erect" in the same way as a penis as it contained no spongy blood filled spongiosum or cavernosa, it was merely a solid shaft with an inner cartilage like structure and muscular flesh with nerves endings that would respond in the same way a penis did to stimulate ejaculation, all covered by a layer of extremely sensitive skin. It's two huge testicles contained a powerful muscular organ that would pump the fluids through the shaft when signaled by the stimulated nerve endings. The host animals mind and much of its nervous system remained intact as well as they would help to increase the level of response to the milking stimulation. It was a very simple and very specialized organism.

Samantha woke up when the alien slug man came to "feed" the things again, but this time it led the other thing away after it had eaten. The things head had changed during the night and looked more like a great big dick than ever. The alien snapped a leash on the collar around the things middle and led it out of the stall and she never saw it again. It moved with a rapid shuffling motion, the weird rigid shaft hardly bobbing at all. But she didn't really pay the weird thing much attention; she was more concerned about herself. At first she hadn't been sure, but now she was. The vines or tentacles wrapped around her thighs and waist were sinking; growing, into her body. They looked more like large veins now and she could see them pulsating as blood or fluid pumped through them. The other tentacles had let go of her arms, so she tried to pull the remaining ones off of her, but it was no use as they were now deeply embedded under her skin. In fact pulling at them hurt, she could feel whatever they did. And something was wrong with her legs, at first they felt like they'd fallen asleep, then had gone numb and she had no control over them. They were limp and boneless looking, and when the thing she was stuck to moved they just dragged, she had no control over them. Another wave of lust washed over her and she gasped, but what was weird was it was her whole body that felt the lust, not her vagina. In fact she couldn't feel her vagina anymore, and looking down between her legs could no longer see where the separation between her and the thing was, to her it looked like they were one and the same now. Whimpering she rubbed at the spot between her legs where her vagina had been, but the smooth tan flesh just merged with the purplish flesh of the thing in a seamless joining, and her pubic hair was gone too. In fact all her hair was falling out now. She sobbed as she reached up and came away with another large handful of her beautiful blond hair. There wasn't much left now, soon she would be bald. What the HELL was happening to her! This was fucked up!

Samantha woke with a start and for a second didn't know where she was, but when she opened her eyes the reality of her horrible predicament hit her hard. Oh God, she'd fallen asleep again. She hated to even shut her eyes for more than a few seconds she never knew what fresh horror would be waiting for her. She looked down at her body and sobbed, during the night more changes had become evident. For the last couple of days her legs had been drawing up into the rest of her body. They had become nothing more than sacs of liquid, the bones and muscles long since liquefied. They had slowly drawn up to her waist and the loose skin had formed into a large sack, and now the sack had bulges in it. She knew what it was, a scrotum, and now it had testicles in it. But the sack was still mostly loose flesh; the testes had yet to grow large enough to fill it out. For the thousandth time she tried to deny what was happening to her, or was she a him now? Her lovely full breasts had been shrinking and pulling into her chest and were now much smaller, but still firm with large nipples that had become incredibly sensitive. She tweaked one of her nipples and her whole grotesque body shuddered. God that felt good. In fact her whole body from the waist up felt sensitive and tender. She heard a noise, and looked up as an alien entered. It threw some food on the floor, then it examined "her" while her other part fed itself. It seemed pleased by what it saw. She stared at it in horror, trying to work up her nerve to do something. Finally she said,

"Please, what's happening to me? Why? Why are you doing this? It's horrible, please, please make it stop!"

Then she had to spit up a large glob of goo what she had hocked up while talking. It was thick and ran down her chin. The alien paused, and her hopes went up. Maybe it understood her, maybe it would realize it had made a mistake and set her free! But instead it reached out one of its tentacle arms and wiped the goo from her face and chin, and the stuck the tentacles in its mouth and with a slurping sound sucked it clean. She stared in shock; that was just nasty! Again the alien seemed pleased as it turned and left.

The Sliz was quite happy, the new Glargh was coming along very nicely and it looked like it was going to be a big one. The rudimentary testicles were already quite large, and it was even starting to produce nutitional fluids. Still a bit bitter, but as the change progressed the fluids would become sweeter.

As the thing moved over to feed on the food the alien had dropped on the floor Samantha flopped helplessly, unable to hold herself upright anymore. She didn't know it but her bones had mostly liquefied and been replaced with a soft new material that had yet to fully form, and since she no longer had a spine to hold herself upright she only flopped around. Her shrinking boneless arms were uselessly to try and support her as well; all they could do was flap around like weak tentacles. She managed to raise her now soft and pointed head and say,

"Plebbzz, urrgg, plebzz mag id stobbb! Glurk, urrrggllle. Plleebbzz, ids hirable! Glurgg! Plleebbzz!! Don du dis tub eee!! Gaarggllle!"

The alien's only response was to walk over and wipe a large glob of the goo that was constantly leaking from her mouth and suck it off his tentacle with a smack of pleasure. Delicious! In two, maybe three, more days the new foodcock would be ready. Excellent!

As the alien left Samantha gave a wet mewling cry, "PPLLLEEEBBBZZZ, Hep eeee! Urrrggglllee! Don leb ee lak disss, urrggllee! Ah cant tag id eny, guurlge, mur!"

Samantha stared at the alien with pleading eyes, she could no longer plead with it vocally as her mouth had become a wet drooling slit, her teeth , tongue, and vocal cords long gone. Even her nose had been absorbed and she had lost her sense of smell. All the remained of her lovely breasts were fading dark spots that used to be her nipples; and her arms were small stubs now with no form to them. Her body was completely tubular now with no signs of shoulders or hips remaining. A large flange had grown around the bottom of her now boneless head which now resembled the glans; or head, of the penis like organ she was rapidly becoming. She was a little more erect and stiffer now, and she felt a horrible growing need to be touched and stroked. Her sensitive body ached for it. Her lust was constant and growing, oh God how she needed release! Her completely unrecognizable new body had several slightly raised veins running its length that branched into smaller branches, and they throbbed and pulsated as nutrients were pumped through them by her base. She now had some contact with, and feeling in her base and could feel the large fleshy pad or "foot" underneath her, kind of like a snails or slugs. The joining was entering its final stage, and she would have full control of her new body, but her needs and instincts would no longer be human. As the original Glomph had no real brain it had no intelligence, so the brain of the animal would be the brain of the new Glargh. But she would be very limited in her perception of the world around her as her senses were very limited now and she would live mainly by instinct and need. To help move she extended, and then retraced, powerful stubby tentacles to help drag herself along, and she had other tentacles around her middle, including a pair of sensory "horns" or stalks. She found she could now "taste" the air with them. She now thought of herself as an "IT", not a man or woman, nothing human had ever looked like the thing, the "IT" she was becoming.

Samantha woke to find an even newer horror waiting for IT. During the night as IT slept IT's eyes had grown a layer of skin over them. IT could still see faint light through the thin skin, but even now IT felt IT's eyes being absorbed as IT slowly went blind. IT made one last desperate effort to struggle, to free herself from IT's horrible new body, but that just caused its now totally alien body to jiggle a little and extra amounts of fluid to spurt out of its milking hole. The thing she had become made a wet mewling sound as IT screamed in IT's mind. And IT could somehow sense IT was no longer alone in the stall.

Debbie looked in disgust at the weird thing that shared her stall. But she didn't pay that much attention as she was orgasming constantly as that lumpy thing the aliens had made her sit on fucked her in her pussy AND her asshole. It was horrible, but it felt incredibly good at the same time. She gave a start as her stall mate gave another soft wet mewling cry, fluid bubbling from the tip of its dick like head. She wished the stupid thing would just shut up! Then she gave a gasping cry as another orgasm shot through her, and STILL the damn thing kept fucking her! When would it stop? And she felt so strange.

Samantha couldn't sleep during the night; IT's body was just too sensitive as it slowly got harder and harder until it was stiff and rigid. IT felt the thick fleshly "horns" growing around the flange of its glacis and IT gurgled and bubbled as the thick liquid oozing from IT's "mouth" ran down the side of IT's shaft, IT's whole body trembling in pleasure from the slick touch. IT felt IT's testicles suddenly expand and swell to stretch IT's scrotum to the max, the tan hairless flesh shiny and tight. IT wanted to call to the other Glargh in the stall for help, but couldn't even make a mewling noise anymore, but so far the other one had ignored those pleas while IT could still make them. IT could sense the others presence and "see" its heat signature, so knew it was there. Otherwise IT was deaf, dumb, and blind. Sight, hearing, and speech were not requirements of the new animal IT had become.

When morning came the transformation was complete and the new Glargh was ready to begin its life as a foodcock. IT sensed the food the alien had thrown down and eagerly shuffled towards the source of the food smell, and extended its feeding tentacles shoved the food into its feeding orifices. Next it extended its drinking tube and; finding the source of the water smell, took a long cool drink. IT could sense the other Glargh nearby as it fed too. When Samantha/Glargh felt a tug on the collar round the base of IT's upper body it obediently shuffled in the direction it was led using muscular contractions on IT's "foot" pad to propel it along. IT didn't know; or really care, where IT was being taken. All IT knew was IT needed something badly, IT's whole sensitive shaft and testicles ached and throbbed with need.

Debbie watched as the weird looking alien slug guy led the giant dick monster out of the stall and breathed a sigh of relief. Good riddance. The damn thing had creeped her out. Sometimes it had seemed to be looking for her even though it didn't have eyes, or even trying to communicate somehow. Ugh! She looked down at the tentacles holding her legs and she could swear it almost looked like they were sinking into her flesh, and she felt weird. At least the damn thing she was sitting on had stopped fucking her at last.

The new Samatha/Glargh followed its owner dociley, IT felt no need to behave otherwise. The owner had cared for, and fed it, and it was satisfied with that. IT somehow knew it would always be cared for and its simple needs taken care of. It was an entirely artificial biological creation, and was sexless despite its intentional resemblance to a giant male sexual organ. The alien led the shuffling Glargh to a small pen containing several other Glarghs of the same appearance, all had once been members of the same race though no evidence of that remained now. Their new forms were totally alien. He led the Glargh into the pen and the others, sensing him, moved out of the way. They made no move towards the still open gate, they knew their place. There was a row of milking and feeding stations along one side of the pen and the alien showed the new Glargh how to use them. He gently pressed the tip of its head against a sensor button, and then stepping back watched as a large clear rubber like hood emerged and slid down over the surprised; and now struggling, Glargh's glacis and shaft. But as soon as the hood sealed itself over the rigid body the struggles ceased and the creature's whole body quivered in need. A small tube inserted itself into the slit like opening on the side of the glacis, and then the interior of the hood started gently stroking the whole length of the Glargh's shaft and head. The quivering became a shuddering and almost instantly the Glargh orgasmed and the alien could see it's testicles throbbing and pulsating as they pumped huge amounts of delicious nutrient fluids into the tube and on into the collection jar inside the milking and feeding station. Once the Glargh had stopped ejaculating the hood slid from its body and withdrew into the station to wait for the next signal sent by a Glargh needing to be milked. And it also dispensed a tasty treat bar that the Glargh would smell and devour with relish. The food bar was very nutritious and also contained a special drug to stimulate the production of semen so the Glargh would be ready to be milked again in about an hour, or sometimes more often. By visiting the milking station on a regular basis the Glargh was rewarded with sexual pleasure and food.

Samantha had followed the alien because IT felt compelled to, and after all, what the hell else could the IT do anyway? IT felt herself being led into a new stall or pen and could smell and sense other Glargh, quit a few, nearby. IT was curious and wanted to "meet" them, but first her owner showed IT something. IT couldn't see, but could sense "light" and "dark" and heat signatures. IT sensed a bright heat source, and her owner pressed the tip of IT's head against the warm surface and then let IT go. Samantha panicked at first as IT felt something grab IT, but when its warm slick surface rubbing against IT's body as it swallowed IT she quivered and moaned in IT's mind. Oh Yes, please! IT felt pleasure as something was gently forced into IT's "mouth", and then the soft and slick surface surrounding IT's body began to stroke and caress IT. Uggghhh, ohhhhh! IT moaned in IT's mind as IT's body began to shudder, and then with a silent scream IT orgasmed and came and came and came as massive amounts of hot semen spurted from IT's glacis as IT's massive testicles strained and pulsated as they pumped the fluid through the shaft and into the tube. IT felt real regret as the milking sleeve pulled away from IT's body and let IT go, but at least the worst of IT's horrible need and lust was temporarily blunted. And smelling food IT reached out with IT's feeding tentacles and found a large food bar lying in the ground. IT shoved the bar into a feeding orifice and it was delicious! Now IT knew that when IT's need reached a peak IT could press against the glowing heat source and be rewarded with a lovely incredibly pleasurable blow job AND a delicious treat! The thing she had become quivered in happiness.

After her owner had left her/IT to start IT's new life IT was welcomed by the other Glarghs. One by one they moved up next to the new Glargh and gently stroked and touched it while their tentacles as they entwined and felt one another. They could not see, hear, or talk, but they now knew one another through their scents and the presence of others like themselves was comforting. At night they would group together in a corner of the pen to share body heat and would often sleep gently grasping one another with their tentacles. Their lives were simple and filled with extreme sexual ecstasy, and they were quite content with their new lives as they fed their owners. And being artificial life forms they neither aged or suffered from any disease or other afflictions, and to date none had been known to die unless deliberately, or accidently, killed. Many were thousands of years old. In time the memories from when they had once been something else would fade entirely leaving nothing but a happy productive Glargh.

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 13

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 13 By William W. Kelso The next several days were a major bummer as Great Lord Ba'al's minions showed up to take half of my Mistress's stuff. One even tried to enter her private...

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The Seeker, Chapter 12

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