The Truth About Unicorns

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Truth about Unicorns

By William W. Kelso

A fairy ring! I thought, how cool. Haven't seen one of those in ages, all the recent rain must have caused the mushrooms to grow. And it was a really nice big one too; the whole outer ring was solid with NO breaks or thin spots. I got out my camera and started taking some photos of the whole ring, and some good close-ups. Photography is a hobby of mine, and I roam around the countryside looking for interesting material for my subject matter, and I love unusual or rare shots. I've taken some really good photos, but nothing quite like this before. I'd been here before more than once as there's always plenty of plant and wildlife along year-round flowing streams in Texas. And I'd been to this clearing before, but the cattle usually had all the grass grazed down to nubs and there were usually plenty of fresh cow pies. But the rancher had rotated the cattle to another grazing section and so this time there was lush grass in the clearing, and the mushrooms were thriving. We'd gotten about two good weeks of almost daily rain which probably explained it, rare for this time of the year.

I stood back from the circle to get a good shot of the whole thing when suddenly there was a flash of light, kind of like glare off a shiny object, but really bright. I had to close my eyes and blink, and when they cleared I suddenly realized there was a horse standing in the middle of the fairy ring, then just as suddenly realized it was a pony, and then just as suddenly realized there was something strange about it, it had a HORN in the center of its forehead! Holy freaking crap! It was a unicorn! No way, I thought, some joker is playing a trick on me.

About that time the unicorn (?) saw me, flicked its ears towards me and flared its nostrils, and seemed poised to run. Then it relaxed, gave a friendly neigh, and trotted over to me. And as I looked at it closer I realized that there was no way it was some pony or colt dressed up with a fake horn. It was pure white and had a golden mane and socks on its legs; it had a pink muzzle with black lips and a fluted golden horn that came to a sharp point. I had no doubt that horn could be a very deadly weapon if needed. It looked at me with the deepest blue sapphire eyes I had even seen, and coming closer it nuzzled me gently. Still not believing what I was seeing I reached up and rubbed its velvety smooth muzzle and it gave a soft snort of pleasure. I could see its tail now, very long and with a golden tuft at the end, it was definitely not a horse's tail. And it also had split hooves, golden ones. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

The unicorn raised its head and looked at me again, then softly blew in my face and its breath was sweet and clean. Then it licked and nuzzled my face and I laughed as it tickled a little bit, and the unicorn gave a snort of amusement at my reaction. I ran my hand through its beautiful golden mane and it nickered in pleasure.

"Well, I said, where the hell did you came from?" and scratched its ears. The unicorn looked at me again, and said in a deep pleasant voice,

"Not even close my friend, I'm from Tir na nOg. It's nice to meet you."

I backed up so quickly I fell on my ass, and found the freshest meadow muffin in the clearing at the same time. Gross. Then all I could do was stare with my mouth open. I also noticed from my new angle that the unicorn was a dude.

"I, what, who? You can TALK?" I blurted out.

"And so can you, the unicorn snorted in amusement, isn't that amazing! Now my friend, where in the name of King Oberon am I anyway?"

"But, but I didn't think animals could talk!" I said in amazement.

"Funny, said the unicorn, I didn't think humans could either, looks like we're both wrong. Learn something new every day." And he snorted in amusement.

"But, but how? I mean, how do you know English?" I stuttered.

"Is that what it's called? By magic, how else? To me you're speaking High Elfish. It works both ways. Now, where am I friend?"

"Er, um, you're in Texas, in the United States. Um, how did you get here?"

"Texas? The unicorn mulled. What a strange name, is this not Eire or the Land of the Scots? And as to how I got here, through the ring of course." And he threw up his head and snorted. ‘What a strange hot land, where are the forests and fens?"

"Um, I replied, it's semi-arid around here I'm afraid, no forests or fens other then the mesquite trees." And I pointed at the scrubby little trees lining the banks of the stream.

"Those are trees? The unicorn said in surprise, I thought they were bushes." It lowered its head and nibbled at the lush grass. "At least the grazing is decent though."

This is really freaking me out, I thought. Maybe I've been out in the sun too long and it fried my brains. There is no way in Hell I can be talking to a talking unicorn in a clearing in Texas! I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I opened my eyes the unicorns head was only about a foot from my face and it was staring at me in concern. Its eyes are so incredibly beautiful, I thought.

"You OK friend? Asked the unicorn, you look kind of stressed out and pale. Maybe you'd better go sit down in the shade."

"Um, yeah, maybe I'd better." I replied. The only decent shade came from a big old scrub oak tree and a few large mesquites that had grown much larger than normal due to the year-round water supply. I went over and sat down with my back to the oak and just stared at the unicorn, and he looked back at me.

"You OK now? He asked me. Feeling better friend?"

"Um yeah, thanks. I said. You said you came through the circle, you mean the Fairy Ring? How, why?"

"Yes, I came through the Fairy Ring, and as to how, by magic of course. As to why I have no real idea, it was as big a surprise to me as it seems to be to you. I certainly didn't plan on it. It's been a very long time since a ring opened to another world or land, and I have never heard of this Texas before. It seems to be a bleak barren place. I just trotted into the ring, and then I was here. I'm glad I found a virgin right away."

Well, being a born and bred Texan I had to defend the honor of my home state so I replied, "It's not bleak and barren, just depends on the weather and area. We have some nice forests and fens. And HEY, I'm NOT a virgin!" I said indignantly.

The unicorn threw back his head and gave a squeal of amusement. "Of course you are my friend, otherwise how else could I talk with you? I cannot approach or converse with a human who is not pure. You ARE a virgin!" Snort!

"OK, OK, I said, just keep it down will you!" Not that I thought anyone would hear, but you never knew. "So, um, I guess you're lost or something?"

"Well, not exactly. The uniform replied. I don't know where I am, but the circle will stay open for a day and night, so I can always go back. I'd like to take a look around though, this is the first time I've passed through a circle in a very long time. I'm amazed it opened, they haven't for centuries. We thought we were cut off for good."

"Centuries! I said. How old are you?"

"Well, no one in Tir na nOg ever ages, so I really don't know how old I am in your years. Pretty old though, but time is different there." The unicorn said.

"What's it like there?" I asked.

"It's green, and beautiful, and wonderful, and sometimes incredibly boring. But if the circles are opening again at least we'll be able to have some fun." The unicorn replied. "You mortals are so much fun to play with, you take everything so seriously!" Snort, nicker!

"Uh, thanks, I guess." I said. "Are there really Elves, goblins, and Dragons and stuff too?"

The unicorn snuffled, and said, "Of course, but stay away from Dragons, they're hungry all the time. And goblins aren't much fun, no sense of humor and their jokes are horrible."

"I thought you and all those others were just myths and legends, at least that's what everyone says. Where have you been for so long?"

"Well, lots of us think humans are myths or legends. I've been around long enough to know better though. As to where we've been, when the rings stopped working we were stuck on our own side. We can't really survive here for very long, it's kind of hard to explain. Not enough belief, we just fade away after awhile."

"That would be horrible!" I said.

The unicorn visibly shuddered, "Yes, it is. We just cease to exist; unlike humans we don't have a soul or afterlife. When we die it's for good. That's one advantage your kind has over us, and we envy you for that."

"Well, I said, to live forever must be nice too. I'd love to see your land, or country, or whatever though. It sounds nice."

"Yes, it is nice. The unicorn said, but it's dangerous for mortals to visit. Most never come back, and those that do are usually changed. I'm sure you've heard the legends. Well, most are true. We don't intentionally; at least usually, do bad things to mortals. But time is different in my land, you may spend what you think is a day, but when you come back hundreds of years may have passed in your own world. So I wouldn't advise it."

"Um, yeah, I said, guess I'll pass."

"I'm going down to the creek for a drink, want to come with me?" the unicorn asked.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Watch out for snakes though."

"Snakes!" the unicorn said in alarm, I thought there weren't any in Eire!" He pranced and looked around nervously.

"This isn't Eire, remember, I said, but don't worry, most are harmless. If we see one I'll take care of it."

"Thank you, you're very brave, I HATE snakes!" The unicorn said, and then he nuzzled my face and licked me and he smelled like fresh bread and his saliva tingled. It was nice.

"No I'm not", I said, embarrassed. "Most snakes are harmless and just want to be left alone. Don't mess with them and they'll return the favor."

I followed as the unicorn daintily trotted down to the water, and lowering his head took a drink. I reached up and touched my face where he'd licked me, it still tingled. As I caught up to him I said,

"You know, you're very beautiful." Oh gee, can't believe I said that.

"Why thank you", the unicorn replied dipping his head shyly. "What a nice thing to say."

It was true though, he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. He was so white he almost glowed in the sunlight, and his golden highlights were the color of pure gold with the same glow and sheen you see on polished gold jewelry.

"Well, it's true." I said. I'd left my pack under a tree next to the bank, so I went over and got out my mini-sized boom box. "Want some music?" I asked?

The unicorn looked around and snorted. "Music would be nice, but I see no musicians."

I set the box to play some of my favorite tunes, starting with "Should I Stay Or Should I Go?" by The Clash. I turned up the volume fairly high.

The unicorn reared up and threw his head back and forth. "What is this? I hear music but see no players!"

I smiled, and said "Magic, of course."

The unicorn snorted and said, "It is a most powerful magic, but a benevolent one. The music is strange, but not unpleasant."

When "You Got me Now" by Van Halen started playing the unicorn started throwing his head up and down and kind of dipping. He evidently liked that one. Always been one of my favorites too, just because it's old doesn't mean it's bad. I even had some old ragtime stuff by Joplin and Cab Calloway on the loop. He really got into "Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue" sung by Guy Lombardo, and he got a hoot out of Elvira too.

Soon we were both grooving and dancing to the tunes and laughing like a couple of idiots. I finally fell down on my butt in some mud and he gave a whinny of amusement and I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face. I tried to get up, slipped and fell on my side in the squishy mud, and we both lost it again. He trotted over and nuzzled my hair and then started licking my face again and before I even realized it I started kissing his muzzle. His saliva was warm and I swear it tingled. "Mmmmm" I murmured and he gave soft chuffs and ran his tongue into my mouth! THAT got my attention, and startled I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" the unicorn asked in a hurt voice. "I thought you liked me, you said I was beautiful."

"Um, you are, it's just that, um, normally I don't kiss, um, dudes." Not to mention barnyard animals, I thought.

"Dudes? What are these dudes of which you speak? I know them not." The unicorn said in a puzzled voice.

"Sorry, I said. Guys, boys, other males. You know; the same sex." But even as I said it I wanted to kiss him again, it had felt so nice and the tingling had grown and spread throughout my body by now. It gave me a warm loving feeling.

The unicorn lowered his head again and nuzzled me again, and when he started licking me I kissed him back, and this time didn't pull away when he ran his tongue into my mouth. It was big and warm and he explored my mouth and I kissed him back. The wonderful tingling sensation increased dramatically as I swallowed some of his saliva, and it felt so good. I reached up and held his head and we kissed for a long time and it was so very erotic and sensual, and when we finally pulled apart I was disappointed.

"Well, the unicorn said, that was very nice. You kiss well for a human, a shame your tongue isn't longer."

I was in a daze, I'd never kissed another guy before, let alone a four legged one, but it had been; like he said, very nice. I licked my lips and could taste his sweet saliva and feel the tingling on my tongue. I was embarrassed, but I wanted more! I could NOT believe I was being turned on by a horse, or rather a mythical animal!

"I've never, um, kissed anyone like that before. It was, it was really nice." I muttered.

The unicorn gave a soft snort, "Well, if you had then I doubt you'd still be a virgin." And he gave an amused whinny.

"Yeah, I said, it's not like I've ever had much luck with the ladies."

"I don't see why not, the unicorn said; I certainly think you're very nice. No accounting for taste I guess."

I stood up and looked down at myself. Yech, I was a mess! My pants and shirt were drenched in mud and cow shit, and I smelled like it too. The unicorn wrinkled his nostrils, and said,

"P-U, you really stink, my friend. I'm used to the smell of dung, but all I can say is P-U!"

"Yeah, I guess I do reek. Guess I'd better get cleaned up as best I can." I replied.

"OK, while you do I'm going to listen to some more of that strange music." The unicorn replied, and trotted back over closer to the box. It was still playing, but I'd turned it down some.

I tried scraping the mud and shit off, but that just ground it in and made it worse. I'm a little nervous about taking my clothes off in public, but since I was miles from anywhere and my only audience was a horse (kind of) I didn't see any problem with it. I stripped to my boxers and tennis shoes and rinsed my pants and shirt in the creek as best I could, and then threw them over some bushes to dry in the warm breeze.

I never heard the unicorn come back until he stated nuzzling my hair and the back of my neck. It felt good, so I turned to face him and let him lick my face and run his tongue into my mouth again, and I kissed him back. The pleasant tingling sensation grew again and spread throughout my body stronger then before. I felt my penis stir and soon it was stiff and rock hard. He made soft chuffing and grunting noises as he kissed me and stared into my eyes with his own incredibly lovely blue eyes, eyes like star sapphires. I had never felt anything so unbelievably erotic and sensual before. I stroked his warm smooth neck and he gave a soft pleased snort.

With another soft snort he pushed his head against my chest and I fell over on my back. He lowered his head and we kissed some more, then he pulled away and started licking my chest and I ran my fingers through his mane and pulled gently at his ears. And everywhere he licked me the tingling grew until my whole body was feeling that lovely sensation, inside and out. When he gripped my shorts and pulled them down over my legs and then off I hardly noticed.

The unicorn made a "yuck" sound when he spit out my shorts, and then turned his attentions back to me. We kissed again, then he licked his way down my chest to my crotch, and boy I did respond to that! I looked up as he gently licked some pre off my rock hard erection with his tongue, then he wrapped his tongue around my penis and slowly swallowed it! He's seducing me! I thought in amazement. Then his tongue licked out and cradled my balls, and pulled them into his mouth! Oh my God, I thought, I'm getting sucked off by a mythical creature that shouldn't exist, and boy does it feel good!! He began to suck me with strong wet slurps and I laid my head back down and moaned from the incredible pleasure. This is wrong, a little voce said deep inside, but I ignored it. I pulled at the grass with my fingers and moaned as he gently pleasured me. Oh, oh, oh my God!

The unicorn suddenly shifted so he was standing over me and I found his own penis was fully extended and hanging down just inches from my face. As I watched a large drop of pre dripped from the tip and landed on my lips and a new feeling exploded as it soaked into my skin, pure undiluted lust like I'd never felt before. With a moan I reached up and gently fondled his erection, it was equine in shape and size, but not all that large as he was fairly small by equine standards, but it was still impressive. It was a mottled black and pink with a large flared head and leaked copious amounts of pre which I now eagerly licked as I sucked and caressed him. Any inhibitions I might have had were long gone, and even though something in me realized it was probably magic I didn't give a damn. I took his head in my mouth and swallowed as much as I could and reaching up I cupped and fondled his large shiny white balls and he gave muffled squeals of pleasure. I could feel the heat his loins gave off. He started sucking and tonguing me faster and I gave a deep moaning gasp as I exploded inside his mouth and he eagerly kept sucking and didn't spill a drop. With a snort he let me go and pulled away from me, and I gave a moan as his penis popped out of my mouth. I'd so wanted to make him come too.

He snorted and pranced next to me, and said in a deep begging voice, "Get up my love, please get up." His erection was bobbing up and down and pre was drooling from it in long sticky strands.

Still in a sensual daze I staggered to my feet and stood there, still rock hard. He moved behind me and gave me a hard head butt on my back and startled I fell to all fours. He gave a loud squeal and I suddenly felt his weight settle on my back and finally realized what was happening! OMG, he's mounting me! He'll split me in half!

"No! I cried out, you'll hurt me! Please stop!"

"Ugggh, Nicker!! No I won't my love, I need you, I need you so badly!" The unicorn grunted as he lunged into me.

And at first it did hurt, and I gave a brief scream of pain, but as he slid into me the pain was replaced by incredible pleasure. He lunged a few more times as he climbed me until his front legs slid over my shoulders and I gripped them as he started thrusting into me with deep guttural snorts and grunts of pleasure. I could feel his silky thighs slapping against my rump as he fucked me, and gave deep sobbing moans of pleasure of my own. Oh God, I can't believe this is happening! He filled me with tingling warmth from his pre as he coupled with me and his hardness deep inside of me was giving me pleasure beyond description and I gasped as he suddenly sped up and his thrusts became more violent and desperate and the pleasure became unbearable, and suddenly he threw his head back and gave a deep squeal of ecstasy as he exploded inside of me. I climaxed again and felt my own seed spurt in long sticky wet strands as I came and came even as I felt his hot burning seed pulsing into me, and I screamed too, a long drawn out shriek of agonized ecstasy as I clutched at his front legs.

I gasped as he dismounted from me a final grunt of pleasure, and as he slid free I slowly fell over on my side. Oh God, that had been, been, absolutely incredible beyond imagining. He lowered his head and kissed me again, and I held his head and kissed him back, his tongue deep in my throat. He pulled away and looked at me with those lovely eyes again, and said,

"That was fantastic my love, the best mating I've had in years. I hope I didn't hurt you." He added in a concerned voice.

"No, you didn't. Well, it hurt a little at first, but after that it was fine. It was kind of unexpected, but I don't regret it at all. I, I enjoyed it too."

I'd never really thought of myself as Gay before now. Or was it bestiality, or for that matter, Gay bestiality? I thought. Well fuck it, I don't care, all I know is I love him, and if that's wrong then I don't give a damn. I felt a little sick to my stomach, so got up and went over to my pack and got out the canteen and took a long drink. There, that was better. Really worked up a sweat!

He was standing watching me with his tail swishing slowly back and forth, but after what we'd shared I felt no modesty at being naked in front of him. I felt another wave of nausea and realized I was hungry as hell. My stomach growled and I bent over a little and gave a loud belch. Excuse me! I thought. I looked around for my shorts, and saw them where he'd thrown them. I picked them up and started to put them on, but felt something brush against the back of my leg. Oh great, hope it's not a damn wasp! I felt it touch my leg again and swatted at it and caught something in my hand and pulled it around and looked at it. It was a black tail with tuft of silver hair on the end! I pulled the tail and FELT it! WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!" I dropped my shorts and let the tail go and could feel it swishing around behind me. I looked at my arms and black hair was starting to grow on them, except for some longer silver strands around my wrists. And my fingers were starting to grow together!

"What the HELL!" I screamed. I looked at the unicorn in confusion, then suddenly staggered and sat down as I lost my balance. My feet hurt, so I reached down and pulled off my shoes and socks, and my toes were growing together and I had black hair on my legs and silver hair around my ankles. I whimpered and looked at the unicorn and asked,

"What, what's happening to me?" in a quivering voice, I was really scared now. I felt so very strange. He trotted over and tried to kiss me again, but I pulled away in terror.

"Don't worry, he said, it won't take long, and won't hurt much my love."

I felt another wave of nausea shoot through my guts, and looking down realized I had an erection again, a much larger one then before and the head of my penis had flattened out and the black hair was all over me now, everywhere and I could SEE it spreading! I gasped as I felt a sudden pressure on my forehead and reaching up I felt a bump, and as I rubbed it a sharp point pushed through my skin. OMG, it was a HORN, I'm turning in to a, a unicorn!

"NOOOOO!" I squealed, and managed to stagger to my feet. I stood there swaying with my erection jutting out in front of me and felt a growing aching lust. I looked at my hands and my fingers had all grown together now and my nails had thickened and turned a silver color and they looked more like split hooves then hands anymore. I looked at the unicorn, and through a mouth that felt strange and too large, I asked,

"Why? Why are you doing this to me, I don't want this! Please made it stop! I'm scared!" It was getting harder to stand up and I shook my head and felt long hair rubbing against my shoulders and out of the corner of my eye saw it was a bright shiny silver color. "Nuuuuuuhhhh, neeeigggghhh!" I squealed.

"I'm sorry my love, but it can't be stopped. Once you've mated with a creature of Fairy you become one yourself. It is the only way my kind can reproduce, why do you think human virgins are so important to us? Now come here, I know what you need." He turned away from me and lifted his tail.

I stood there, my whole body trembling and shuddering as I felt myself continue to change. It hurt some, but also felt increasingly good too in a strange horrible kind of way as I felt my humanity fading. And the lust was becoming unbearable, great waves of it washing over me. I gave a deep snort and looked down at my now entirely equine penis, thick and rampant and drenched in pre, it was a shiny black and silver mottled color now. I flared my nostrils and I could smell my own arousal, and his too. I looked at his raised tail and I WANTED him!

With awkward hops I moved behind him, and taking my aching throbbing erection in on one my hoof/hands I pressed it against his large puckered shiny black tail hole and with a guttural squeal I lunged into him and started thrusting desperately, I had never know such a need! I held him in front of his hind legs at first as I serviced him, but soon moved my arms forward as my body lengthened and thickened and I was able to climb and cover him better. My sounds became more animal and bestial as I rode him and I could feel my jaws and face pushing forward and I gave little gasps and moans of discomfort and pleasure as my body stretched and rearranged itself. At some point I could no longer grasp him as my arms became legs, and I let them hand down his sides as I bit at his mane and grunted and squealed in pleasure as I serviced him. I dug my hooves into the ground and lunged one final time and threw my head and neck back and gave a deep guttural squeal of pain and pleasure as I exploded and pumped my seed into him, and he squealed too and I smelled his own seed as it splashed on the ground. With a final loud snort I dismounted and stood with my head down breathing heavily. Oh God, oh God!

He came up to me and started nuzzling and lipping my own neck and head. "My love, you are truly beautiful! A black unicorn is very rare."

A unicorn, I thought, as I stared down at my gleaming black ebony front legs ending in silver split hooves and socks of long silky silver hair. I raised my head and turned it on its long neck and looked at my broad black back and powerful equine hindquarters. My tail swished into sight, black with a silver tuft on the end and I could see my silver mane. I snorted and looked at the white unicorn. OMG, I AM a unicorn now!

"Why? I asked, you could have at least told me this would happen." And I shook my head and gave an angry snort. I still didn't know about this, it was so damn weird!

"As I said my love, he replied, the only way our kind can reproduce is by mating with human virgins and turning them into one of use. If I had told you would you have said no?"

"I don't really know, I replied honestly. Maybe, I just don't know. I would of least like to have had the choice." I said, tears running down my muzzle. I stamped my hooves.Hooves, I have hooves, it was still all so hard to believe.

He came over and gently licked the tears from my face and looked at me with those beautiful eyes, and I knew he really did love me, and that I loved him too came as no real surprise. I wasn't human anymore, and was starting to realize that, to see and understand that unicorns are creatures of great emotion and passion, and that when they give their love it is; literally, forever. I nuzzled him back and we kissed, and he said,

"You have the most beautiful grey eyes I've ever seen. I've never seen a unicorn with grey eyes before; usually they're green or blue. I like them; they go with your lovely black hide and silver mane. Now come, my love, it's time we went home to Fairy. This world is not for such as us."

Such as us, I thought. I looked around at the mesquite trees, the clear flowing creek, and the bright blue sky with drifting fluffs of clouds. I knew what he said was true; that I didn't belong here anymore, but I would miss it horribly. I felt some more tears running down my muzzle. He gently clacked his horn against mine,

"Come, he said gently, it's time to start your new life. You'll be the first new unicorn in Tir na nOg in almost five hundred human years. You'll be very popular with the fillies and the other stallions; they'll all want to welcome you to the herd. You'll find we're quite insatiable lovers. And if you're lucky one of the Elvin Lords or Ladies will make you for their riding mount. I know you'll enjoy it. Now come."

Yes, I thought as I felt a stirring in my sheath, I most definitely will enjoy it, very much I'm sure. I started to follow him back to the Fairy Ring, but then had a sudden thought. I trotted over to my pack and picked up the boom box in my teeth. I ain't going anywhere without my tunes, I thought. He saw what I was doing and said,

"Good idea my love, that strange music will be popular I'm sure. Now we need to hurry, I am anxious to introduce you to your new family!" and he gave a neigh and I followed close behind.

Fairies newest unicorn, I thought, one hell of a lifestyle change. As we passed through the ring and I caught the first sight of my new home I gave a loud snort of amusement as I thought, Who'd have thought, unicorns are BI!

The End


The New Familiar

This story is copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is related to "The Seeker" series in that the Demoness Vulva plays a small part. The New Familiar By William W. Kelso The Sorceress looked down at the figure on the bed in satisfaction;...

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Be Careful What You Ask For

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A Special Forgotten Place

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Special Forgotten Place By William W. Kelso It was a perfect; beautiful, day in late summer/early fall in Northern Tennessee near the Kentucky border. I had told my friends I was going hunting, but...

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