A Special Forgotten Place

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

A Special Forgotten Place

By William W. Kelso

It was a perfect; beautiful, day in late summer/early fall in Northern Tennessee near the Kentucky border. I had told my friends I was going hunting, but that was just an excuse to "get away from it all." I'd just gotten over my second divorce and the emotional and financial trauma associated with it, and the damn lawyers had taken me big time. By the time they were paid off there was hardly anything left for me or the Ex. If she'd taken my original offer we'd have both come out way ahead, but she was greedy and it hosed us both. The fact she was the one who had cheated didn't make any difference as far as the judge was concerned. I had the balls, so somehow it was my fault. The only ones who got rich were the blood sucking lawyers. So I really needed to get away for awhile, as far as away from people as I could. I was totally, completely, fed up with the human race in general.

I had worked for the Forestry Service for a couple of years fresh out of college and knew where I was headed. It was the in the middle of nowhere, a rough wild hilly place that no tourists or loggers ever bothered with due to inaccessibility. About the only ones who'd ever been there had probably been Indians, moonshiners, ridge runners, hopelessly lost idiots, or somebody who really wanted to be left alone. It also had the reputation as being the kind of place that fewer people came out of then originally went in. I wasn't worried though as I was experienced, well armed, and knew my way around. It's always best to take a friend and/or let someone know exactly where you'll be and how long you'll be gone. But as usual I was over confident, self assured, and stupid.

I had a hunting license and carried my old British .303 jungle carbine w/scope, but it was only for self defense. I'd never shoot at anything that couldn't shoot back. I have a complete and utter contempt for "hunters" who sit in heated blinds drinking beer, blow away some poor starving animal attracted by the bait they leave out, and then go home in their luxury SUV's to brag about what great hunters they were. It was sickening. But there was always the chance of a rare bear or large cat, but it was more likely I'd stumble onto a still or wacky terbacky crop and have to run from a pissed off hillbilly or hippie. I used to be a Scout, so I was always prepared. If someone took a shot at me I'd be more then glad to return the favor, and I seldom miss.

I drove into the wild area as far as I could via some old firebreaks and logging roads that were almost overgrown and impassable, but my old surplus army jeep could go just about anywhere. I then proceeded to hike for two days straight until I reached a good campsite. My plans were to stay there for several days and explore the surrounding area, then head back when my supplies started to run low. I could live off the land, but preferred not to unless necessary. "Natural" food is over rated. Of course I took my camera and planned on some serious photography. Nature photography is a love of mine.

I found a very nice campsite in a large grove of very old trees. It was cool and shady and there was very little ground cover, and best of all it was very close to a nice stream with clear flowing water and some pools large enough to swim in. It was perfect. And there was no sign anyone had ever been there before, it was almost possible to believe I was the only human who'd ever visited the place, which was what I liked best about it. When I want to be alone I want to be ALONE. However it would turn out that wasn't the case.

I first realized I wasn't alone the first night I was there. I had just finished dinner and was cleaning up when the forest went quiet. I'm sure you know what I mean, just like in the movies. It suddenly got very still and the normal animal and insect noises stopped. Could have been for any number of reasons, most harmless, but just in case I put my carbine across my lap and built up the fire. But as usual nothing happened, so when the sounds started again I called it a night and had a good restful sleep. Early the next morning I got my carbine, camera, canteen, and set out to have a look around. It was rough country, lots of steep hills, sinkholes, thick brush, etc. You had to be careful as a broken ankle or leg was almost a sure death sentence. And out here a cell phone was useless. But it was beautiful too, and I got some great photos. The local deer and other wildlife seemed almost unafraid, and I got some great close up shots. Once a fawn walked right up to me and sniffed me curiously, but it ran off when it's mother called.

When I got back to camp it was obvious someone had very carefully gone through my stuff; so much for being alone. I jacked a cartridge into the breach of my carbine and took a good look around. So far as I could tell nothing was missing, so I yelled as loud as I could and told them to come out, but no reply. It was most likely another camper, or some recluse or something. I decided to stay one more night and then find another place to camp. I didn't want to infringe on someone else's "territory". They hadn't taken anything; or been aggressive, but maybe it was just a warning. If so I planned on heeding it. Most mountain folk have a code and if you follow it you'll be just fine. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone and everybodies happy.

That night my unseen stalker paid another visit, and as before everything went perfectly quiet. I stayed up a little later then I'd planned as I was getting nervous by now, and when I went to bed I slept with my carbine loaded and ready. If something tried to get into the tent I'd have enough time for one good shot. To my relief nothing happened and I finally got some; uneasy, sleep. I got up very early, broke camp, and headed out. I decided to follow the creek as far as possible as the going would be easier. As I rounded a small bend I came almost face to face with the strangest and scariest thing I'd ever seen.

The creek bank was fairly high on my side and the ground was a thick soft mulch of rotten leaves so I wasn't making any noise, that and the fact I was upwind is probably the only reason I was able to "sneak" up on the strange beast. I climbed a small rise of earth that had built up around the base of a tree whose roots had been partially exposed by erosion, and the thing was drinking from the creek. I froze, and it didn't see me right away as I was above and behind it. I had never seen anything like it before. It was crouched over and I could see powerful hindquarters with a long tail and strong looking back, but it had no fur that I could see. The skin was a grayish green color and looked leathery and at first glance it looked reptilian. It must have sensed me or something as it suddenly reared up and lifted its head and sniffed at the air, its tail whipping back and forth. Then it suddenly whirled around and became perfectly motionless when it saw me. To my even greater surprise the things torso looked human, well muscled with nipples. The head looked more like some sort of reptiles though; it was large with a blunt muzzle and had weird small horns on top of its nose. It suddenly crouched down and gave a deep guttural hissing snarl revealing very nasty looking fangs, so not being the overly brave type I turned and ran like hell. I didn't even remember I had a weapon.

I'd gotten about a hundred yards when the ground suddenly opened up under me and I plunged headfirst into one of the numerous sink holes that dot the limestone underlying much of northern Tennessee and southern Kentucky. It wasn't a very deep one, but it was deep enough. I bounced of a ledge on the way down and nearly brained myself, and I was out like a light when I reached the bottom.

I woke up with a long drawn out moan and touched my head, and immediately jerked my hand away. Oh man did my head hurt like a SOB. I gingerly touched my head again and realized I had a large thick bandage on it so I assumed I must be in a hospital, but boy did it smell bad. And since when was a hospital in a CAVE? I looked around in confusion. There wasn't much light, but I could see a dirt floor, a limestone wall, ceiling, stalactites and stalagmites. I tried to sit up and collapsed with a moan as the whole world seemed to whirl and twist; God my head hurt! I realized I was lying on a none-too-clean mattress and was covered with equally none-too-clean sheets, blanket, and a quilt. I took a closer look at my immediate surrounding and saw another large pile of dirty bedding nearby and not much else. Then to my horror the other pile of bedding stirred and the monster I had seen earlier stood up and shook itself! OMG!

My immediate thought was run like hell; again, but that was impractical for several reasons. The first one was I was in a very dark cave; no telling how far underground, I had no light, and I was stark naked under my covers. So I just pulled the covers up to my chin and stared at my strange captor. It finished stretching and turned its attention to me, and I thought "Oh shit, time for dinner!" It moved over and squatted down next to me and stared back. I really couldn't see a lot as the light was so dim, but it wasn't as large as I had first thought, but it was large enough. The large head on the end of the thick neck was intimidating to say the least. It didn't seem to have any lips, and now I could see there were fine scales on its body, so I guess it really was a reptile of some kind. It had two large nostrils and the eyes were far back on the head and shadowed so I couldn't see them. Just above the nostrils were the two strange small horns I'd noticed, kind of like ones I'd seen on photos of some snakes and lizards. It had fairly large ears that kind of reminded me of a horse, but they were hairless. Then it reached out towards me with a weird three fingered hand, or two fingers and one thumb, all with nasty looking claws and with a whimper I pulled the covers over my head.

It gave what sounded almost like a grunt of amusement, and pulled the covers back down and I stared back at it in terror. It reached out again and I feebly tried to push its arm away and it opened its mouth revealing black rubbery lips and gums full of razor sharp fangs and a long black forked tongue licked over its fangs and it gave a low growling noise. There was no doubt it was a carnivore; it's mouth reminded me of a raptor dinosaur I'd seen in a movie once, and if it wanted to it could easily rip me to shreds as I was way too weak to do anything about it. It reached towards me again and I shut my eyes and moaned in terror. But to my surprise instead of ripping my throat out it took the bandage off of my head and I suddenly felt something warm and wet lapping at my wound and realized it was licking me! Tasting my blood! And I passed out again.

When I woke up the second time I was still in one piece; the bandage was back on my head, and I felt a little better. My head still throbbed, but at least if I moved I didn't feel like I was going to puke or anything. I didn't see any sign of the monster, but I did see my canteen and some of my trail rations lying on the floor next to me. I realized I was thirsty and starving, so drained the canteen and made short work of the food. Propping myself up on my elbows I took a good long look at my surroundings, and as I had thought before I was definitely in a cave of some kind. My eyes had adjusted better to the dim glow which I now realized was coming from some sort of moss or fungus growing on the ceiling and walls in large splotches. The cave was a "wet" cave as I could hear water dripping, but the area I was in was dry. Like with most caves the temperature was around a steady 70 degrees, cool and dry. But except for the bedding there was nothing else to be seen.

The food had made me sleepy again and my aching head felt much better if I didn't move, so I lay down to go back to sleep. About that time my captor showed up. I heard it first; a scrabbling sound, and then it moved into the dim light. It moved in a kind of bent over gait that reminded me of a kangaroo or one of those raptor lizards on the history channel. Kind of crouched over with its arms tucked up next to its chest, and in the dim light it did kind of look like a dinosaur or big bipedal lizard. As it got nearer I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I heard it settle down next to me and felt its breath on my face and I don't know if it knew I was awake or not, but I didn't open my eyes to find out. Then it put another blanket over me, and lay down next to me! You have no idea how close I came to losing it, but it just gave a snorting hiss, squirmed around a little bit, and then evidently went to sleep as fairly soon its breathing became slow and regular and it snored with a soft wheezing sound.

I could feel its back pressed against me and it was warm, so whatever it was it was warm blooded. I couldn't remember, are there warm blooded reptiles?? In spite of myself; and I think because of the warmth of the beast next to me and its gentle snoring noises, I soon fell asleep too.

I woke up first; I have no idea how much later, and it had rolled over on its back and was lying with its legs spread and its arms resting on its chest, head thrown back as it snored peacefully. I realized one thing right away, it was a girl as it had very human looking genitals, very FEMALE genitals complete with pubic hair, and it also had a small scattering of coarse hairs across much of its body, but at the same time had pebbled skin (what I had initially thought were scales) like a lizard. Its legs were shaped like a dinosaurs and it had three large toes with nasty looking claws with were kind of loose and curled up now. What the fuck was it? Then it stopped snoring, gave a grunt and kicked its legs, and woke up. By then I was pretending to be a sleep again. It sniffed at me, and then left.

When it came back I didn't pretend to be asleep again, but just looked at it with the covers still pulled up to my chin. It strode over to me and set down my canteen again and some more packs of trail mix and other food. Then it sat back on its haunches and waited. I saw its eyes for the first time; they were one of the weirdest things about it. They looked human except for the fact that the pupils were narrow and vertical like a reptiles. It gave a soft hiss and gestured at the food. Being very much aware of my nudity; and it WAS a girl, I bent over and got the food and water, sat up with the covers down in my lap, and ate the food and drank the water. That seemed to satisfy it, and to my surprise it took the wrappers and disappeared with them.

For the first time I also noticed there was no garbage or debris of any kind around the "nest", except for the bedding it was very clean, or as clean as a cave can be. It came back a short time later and squatted down and leaned back on its tail and looked at me again. For some reason I didn't feel threatened. It seemed; curious maybe?

I tried talking to it, but it just tilted its head from side to side and looked at me intently. For some reason I got the impression it understood me, but it couldn't talk itself. Then it suddenly leaned forward onto its front arms/legs (?) and sniffed at me again. This time I didn't try to push it away as it removed the bandage from my head and started licking my wound again. That can NOT be sanitary, I thought, but I wasn't in any condition to protest. At least it was apparently doing its best to help me. And I honestly don't know if its slobber helped or not but it tingled a little bit, and soon my head felt a lot better.

It left again after awhile and I used that time to get up and relieve myself as I had to go really bad. I wrapped a blanket around myself and using the light of the glowing fungus; or whatever it was, I found a sandy spot and did my business, and then covered it up like a cat would do. I did not want to stink up what was evidently my prison, or upset the warden by crapping in the sleeping quarters. The beast was; if anything, clean. I also noticed the bedding; thank God, had no apparent vermin. And the smell; now that I was used to it, really wasn't so much a stink as a kind of strong musk. I had smelled the creature as it slept next to me, and the bedding smelled of it as well. It would appear it had given me part of its own bedding, which made me ask the question again; WHY was it taking care of me??

Later when it came back again I noticed it had what looked like blood on its muzzle, and as it lay down next to me it gave a belch. I did NOT want to know what it had been eating, somehow I had the feeling it hadn't been a can of Dinty Moore beef stew.

It was pretty much the same routine for the next couple of days. I'd wake up, the creature would give me food and water, and it would leave for awhile, come back and feed me again, leave, and then come back for the "night". Or day, I had no way of telling time as my watch was gone too, it had stripped me completely. But I had a feeling it was mainly nocturnal, and that it had been the nighttime visitor who had stalked my camp. One day while it was gone I had wrapped a blanket around me and looked for a way out, but the glowing fungus appeared to be mainly in the "nest" area and the light it gave was deceptive. I had only gone a short distance before I almost took a nose dive into to a large hole or pit, and when I dropped a pebble in it was quite some time before it hit water. OK, so much for exploring. So I just went back to the mattress to wait for whatever fate my strange jailer decided. I had NO idea as to what was coming.

It was obvious the creature was intelligent, not only from the way it cared for me and brought me food, but it also evidently "cultivated" the glowing fungus. Once a day it disappeared for a short time before coming back with its snout full of water which it then spit all over the fungus to water it. It even pruned it by removing dead portions. Sometimes it would just sit and stare are me for long periods and I'd stare back. What was this thing? Since it obviously wasn't planning on eating me; unless it wanted me really skinny, my curiosity was driving me crazy. It was certainly not "native" to the region, was it even native to earth? But it couldn't be some sort of alien as it was definitely at least partly human. Was it some sort of a "missing link", a freak, the result of a mating between a reptile and a human, a monster, an escaped medical experiment?? There were all sorts of legends about monsters and boogie men in these parts, but it really didn't seem to meet any of them. Was it a "Behinder", the monster that you never saw as it was always behind you until it attacked?? What was it???

But whatever it was it couldn't, or wouldn't, tell me. It kept feeding me, and other then crouching over me to "clean" my head wound it left me pretty much alone. A couple of times it gave me a good sniffing which was kind of embarrassing as it sniffed me ALL over, and I didn't try to stop it as I knew who would win if I protested.

Then an incident occurred that disturbed me greatly, the creature raped me and I was helpless to prevent it from happening. I guess it had waited until I was better and stronger before forcing itself on me. It came as a complete shock of course, even more so as the creature was definitely not human. And of course normally it is a male that rapes a female, but not in my case. It came over and crouched down next to me and at first I thought it was just going to examine my head wound again, but instead it started to pull the covers off of me. I pulled them back and it leaned closer and gave a deep growling hiss that I pretty much understood to mean "behave!" So when it pulled the covers off again I stayed perfectly still until I was lying naked on top of the mattress, and at that point I still didn't understand what was happening as I honestly thought it was finally getting ready to eat me. I begged it not to hurt me, and it rubbed my face with one of its "hands" in what I guess was meant to be a reassuring gesture, but it just made me cringe and shut my eyes.

It started sniffing me, so close I could feel it's hot breathe blowing against my body as it gently ran its hands over me and made a strange little crooning sound. But when it reached my crotch and started licking and fondling my penis and balls I figured out what was going on pretty quickly. OMG, I thought, it's horny! And I could only lie there and watch as it caressed and tongued my penis and balls, and after awhile God help me I responded as it was surprisingly gentle and its tongue was warm and slick. Once I was hard it didn't waste time, it scooted forward and rising up it lowered itself onto my erection and I felt my penis press against; and then penetrate, its nether lips. It was wet, hot, and slick and I slid in easily and couldn't help but give a gasp of pleasure and the creature gave a soft ululating squeal and began to rock and slide back and forth on me. It grasped my shoulders to keep me pinned and rocked back and forth as it ground down on me. And believe me it was most definitely a girl. I gripped its arms and gasped and moaned as it rode me and we moved together, and it would a lie if I said it wasn't pleasurable, but I draw the line at enjoyable. I was being raped and was helpless to prevent it and had tears running from my eyes at the horrible degradation and humiliation, and the pleasure was merely the natural result of the act of coupling but it was definitely involuntary. I finally came, but the damn thing kept rocking back and forth like it hadn't happened, and soon I was clawing helplessly at it as the pleasure turned to pain. Then the creature suddenly picked up its pace, and then threw its head back and gave a deep guttural hiss and I came for the second time as massive orgasms rocked both of us. I was surprised at how intense and pleasurable it actually was considering the circumstances, though the second time was more agonizing ecstasy.

With a soft hissing sigh the creature collapsed across me and gently licked my face for awhile before finally rolling off and going to sleep next to me. But this time it pulled me into its arms and held me and caressed me for awhile while it made more of those strange cooing sounds. Oh my God, I thought, I'm its mate now! It had left the covers off, and as it got pretty chilly without them I eventually snuggled up closer to it for the warmth. This close to it I could feel its heart beating in its chest and its strong dry musty scent really wasn't that unpleasant. When I woke up it had rolled over partially and had me clasped to its chest and one leg was thrown over my hips, which was nice and cozy and very intimate and disturbing. But I didn't budge and soon it woke up. It gave me an affectionate "kiss" by licking my face, and left. I have GOT to get out of here, I thought. Living in a cave as the unwilling mate of an amorous monster was NOT how I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Plus while it hadn't hurt me during our "mating" I certainly wasn't interested in a repeat performance if I could help it. If anyone; a woman or man, tells you they enjoyed being raped they are full of shit. It would have been bad enough if a woman had done it, but a freakin monster?

Soon after it left I got up and grabbed a blanket, wrapped it around me, and went exploring again. The creature usually left in the same direction, so I very carefully started off in that direction as I figured it was a way out. I reached out with my feet and felt the floor in front of me and found a few suspicious spots where the ground sloped down or dropped off, so avoided those of course. Then I reached one spot; and straightening up from checking the ground I hit my head on a stalactite; right on my head wound, and my head exploded in agony. I screamed and lost my footing, and fell into empty space. I hit icy cold water with a loud splash and surfaced with a gasping moan of pain and shock. I tried to climb out but all I could find was slick vertical walls. Finally I managed to find a small ledge and cling to it, but soon my whole body was numb and I couldn't even feel my hands anymore. God it was cold, and my whole body shivered and shuddered from the icy water. I knew hypothermia was setting in and once I couldn't hold onto the ledge anymore I would quickly drown. I didn't want to die like this, in a cave where my body would probably never be found. I started to lose my grip and soon had a harder time keeping afloat and holding onto the ledge.

Suddenly I heard a fairly distant wailing cry full of pain and anguish. The creature! I tried to call out, but could only manage a wheezing gasp. I heard it call again, another wail of loss and pain, and I felt a stab of pity as I knew it was calling for what it thought was its mate, even though I didn't return the feeling. I tried to yell again, but just managed a feeble croak.

I lost my grip and floated away from the ledge as my legs and arms just wouldn't respond anymore, and splashing feebly I slipped beneath the surface. At least it didn't hurt anymore. Then I heard a loud splash from nearby, powerful hands grabbed me, and I was pulled from the icy water. I felt the creature sling me across its back and it ran back to the "nest" and dropped me on the mattress. I was shaking uncontrollably and my teeth were chattering. The creature lay down next to me and pulled the covers over our bodies and then held me close and she was so very warm, and with a sob I clutched at her and she held me and made soft soothing noises. Finally my shivering stopped as I warmed up and; exhausted from my near drowning and/or freezing to death, I fell asleep.

When I woke up the creature was still holding me, its eyes closed as it softly snored.

I looked at its large misshapen head and the fine pebbled leathery skin covering it and I reached up and gently stroked its muzzle. It had saved my life twice now, and had cared for me both times. I put my arm around its neck and pulled myself closer to its warmth as I couldn't get enough as I was still chilled to the bone from my recent dip. It put its own arm across me without waking up and gave a small hiss of contentment. Whatever this creature is, I thought, despite its fearsome appearance, it's a gentle caring being and I couldn't help but feel some affection; and certainly gratitude, toward it. I certainly couldn't bring myself hate it despite what it had done to me. When it woke up it scared me by opening its fang lined mouth and gently gripping me by the throat and giving a low hissing snarl; then it pulled away and licked my face and cooed at me again. I got the message loud and clear, "You're mine, don't try to leave again." But honestly after my last "adventure" I had no intention of trying that again.

I'm not sure at what point the "rapes" became cooperative on my part, but God help me the couplings were pleasurable and she was gentle with me. Refusing was not an option, so eventually I started to cooperate and gradually they became outright lovemaking with me being as enthusiastic as she was. Now much of the time I initiate our mating as often as she does; which is fairly often, but she is definitely dominant. Any attempt at refusing her advances resulted in my being pinned with a snarling snout in my face and/or fangs around my neck. She is very persistent and won't take no for an answer and is a surprisingly demanding and passionate lover. She often wears me out as she enjoys long drawn out couplings, often two or more in a row. And she makes me come every time.

I've come to love the feel of her warm pebbled hide against my body and her powerful musky scent that becomes sweeter smelling as we mate. Thinking about those very things I reached over and gently stroked her muzzle and the two funny little horns, she loves that. She leaned closer and ran her long forked tongue across my face, then pressed her snout against my face and I let that amazing tongue slide into my mouth and explore it, then slowly slide down my throat. I don't know if her saliva has some sort of aphrodisiac effect but it tingles a little, and once she starts licking me I quickly become aroused. I sucked eagerly at her tongue as is slithered around inside my mouth and she made little moaning sighs of pleasure as I stroked her snout and neck. I lowered my hands to her now hard nipples and rubbed and tweaked them and her moans became deeper and more urgent. Still kissing her I ran my hands down to her vagina and rubbed against it, and then slowly worked first one; then two, fingers into it as she gave guttural moaning hisses. She was warm and wet and ready, and with a soft snarl she pulled away from me and stood up, then crouching down she braced herself and presented herself to me and raised her tail, and looking at me over her shoulder gave a soft cry of lust. Most of the time she prefers to be on top, but lately she's been letting me mount her from the rear, which is very enjoyable for both of us as I can draw our couplings out even longer. She was larger than I was so I didn't have to bend over much when I mounted her. I reached over and grabbed her in front of her hind legs and started fucking her with powerful steady strokes as I lunged into her and it was fantastic. She was as slick and wet as any woman I'd ever had sex with, but like her saliva her sexual juices tingled a little bit and it almost drove me crazy with lust and soon I was gasping and grunting as I humped her and she was squealing in pleasure. I also think my strange erotic partner and the primitive setting made it even more intense. It was timeless in this place, and our grunting heaving bodies and sounds of lust and pleasure could have taken place millions of years ago and not been out of place. I sped up, then slowed down, then sped up again for as long as I could and her cries became more desperate and almost had a pleading tone to them, and I knew she was ready, and I know I was. I picked up the pace and rammed myself into her as hard and as fast as I could and a minute later gave a loud cry as I orgasmed violently and she shrieked and bellowed as I pumped into her and I felt a hot wash of both my own, and her sexual fluids. Oh God, that had been one of the best yet, and afterwards she gently cleaned me off with that amazing tongue of hers, and then we just held one another for a long time and she rested her large head on my shoulder and cooed.

About the only time she leaves me now is to find food for me, and I miss her while she's gone. She does not eat with me; but finds her own food, and from the fresh blood on her muzzle at times she must be a skilled hunter. Somewhere she found a small solid fuel cook stove for me and I'm able to cook the random cans of stew, veggies, corn, or whatever else she finds. I think she must be raiding camp sites or cabins. I have no idea how long I've been here, but it must have been several months by now. She has let me have more room to move around by cultivating more patches of the glowing fungus, the stuff grows surprisingly fast. There is a pool nearby where we take short, very short, dips in the cold water and also a small room with thick sand on the floor I think of as the "bathroom". However I am not allowed to leave the cave and have no idea where the exit is. I am her mate, but I am also her prisoner, she is totally in charge. I have very mixed feeling about the arrangement. I truly do love the strange gentle beast, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life living like this even if the sex IS fantastic.

But mostly we spend our time lying on the pile of mattresses under the covers as we sleep, mate, or just hold one another. It's a strange; unnatural, but wonderful kind of love. She's a beast, but there is also a lot about her that is very human. Her genuine unconditional love for me, her tenderness towards her mate, the way she cares for me. And while our couplings are partially bestial, they are also very human as well. She loves for me to touch her and our foreplay can last for hours. I'm not sure when, but at some point I realized she's the most passionate, and by far the best lover I've ever had. I reached over and ran my hand between her legs and stroked her sex and she gave a low hiss of pleasure, and soon we were writhing and moaning as we joined together for another fantastic mating.

Finally a day came when she took me by the hand and led me into a part of the cave I had never been in before. I had my blanket "serape" on that I'd made by poking a hole in the middle, but was otherwise still naked, though I was used to it by now. My mate never provided me with any clothes. I wore it in the cave because even though the temperature always hovered somewhere around 70 degrees constantly it still got pretty chilly if you're naked. After a fairly long while; the cave was huge, I saw daylight up ahead! I held my hand over my eyes as after the long stay in the cave the light was terribly bright even though it was fairly dim. I had to get down on all fours to crawl out of the entrance, and as soon as my eyes adjusted I found I was in a small valley or hollow between several very steep overgrown hills. The cave entrance opened out onto a ledge next to a deep clear pool of water that was shaded by the trees. There was moss and ferns growing everywhere, and several kinds of wild flowers. The sun shone down through the branches and you could see dust motes of light dancing in the light breeze and a small waterfall fell into one end of the pool. It was a breathtakingly beautiful place. I realized it must be spring or early summer, which meant I had been in the cave five or six months! It had not seemed to be such a long time.

I walked over and sat down on a fallen log and enjoyed the warm and fresh air and my "mate" squatted down next to me. To my surprise she had picked some of the flowers and was sniffing at them, them shyly she offered them to me. It was an amazingly human gesture. I took them and put them to my own nose and they smelled sweet and clean. And speaking of clean I was filthy, so I got up and tested the water. Cool, but not ice cold, close enough. I took off my blanket serape and waded into the water, giving little yelps as it was pretty cool. It was deeper than I thought and soon I was swimming, floating on my back and looking up at the sky through the tree branches. I heard a concerned hiss and looking over at her she was running back and forth along the bank and was clearly worried, and I remembered what had happened last time I was in deep water. So I swam back to the shallower part and she calmed down, and gave an indignant squeal when I splashed her. The bottom was sandy so I scrubbed myself as best I could with the clean sand. The cool water was starting to get cold, so I got out and lay down on a small "beach" next to the water and let the sun dry me off. She was obviously relieved I was out of the water and came over and lay down on her side next to me.

The sun had warmed me up nicely and I was pretty dry now except for my hair being damp. She leaned over and pressed her snout against my hair and took a deep sniff and I could feel her breath against my skin. I reached up and gently caressed the side of her snout and scratched one of her "horns" and she made a soft happy sound, I kept scratching and worked my way up her muzzle until I reached her ears and fondled and scratched them while she hissed in pleasure. Her skin was surprisingly smooth considering how rough it looked, it was so slick and smooth it almost felt "slimy" but that was just an illusion as she was very clean. I ran my hand down her neck to her chest and rubbed one of her nipples and felt it grow hard, and while I was doing that she ran her hand/paw down my stomach to my genitals and stared gently kneading me. I looked down at her large three digit hand or paw; or whatever you'd call it, as it fondled me and was amazed she could be so careful and tender with those wicked claws, never once did she scratch me with them except for a few minor times from when our mating became too intense. I was rock hard now and breathing hard as I wanted her; and she wanted me, but our foreplay wasn't over yet. We knew each other intimately now, and each of us knew what the other liked. She rolled over on her back and spread her legs and I took her nipples in my mouth and tongued and sucked on them until they were as hard as my penis. She didn't really have breasts per se, just the outline of them like you'd see on a well muscled man, but her nipples were large and almost the size and thickness of my thumb, and very, very sensitive. She loved for me to gently nibble and bite at them and moaned as I pleasured her, and I love to suck and tongue those large rubbery nipples. Then it was on to better things, and turning around I straddled her and ran my tongue down her belly until I reached her vagina. It has protective leathery flaps or lips over it, but when she is aroused (which is most of the time) they become as soft as suede and pull to the sides exposing her very human dark pink lips and clitoris. I started licking and kissing her sex and exploring it with my tongue, then gave a gasp as she returned the favor. I felt her tongue loop tightly around the base of my scrotum, and then she wrapped the rest of it around my penis and started stroking the shaft with her tongues forked tip. She gently closed her mouth over my penis and balls and started sucking. I gave a deep moan of pleasure, and still moaning I turned my attentions back to her lovely soft velvety nether lips and probed as deep as I could with my tongue and she kicked her legs and her tail whipped back and forth as she moaned and hissed. As I kept my tongue busy she started giving high pitched squeals and I could feel the hot breath from her nostrils blowing against my thighs as she breathed through her nose with heavy panting breaths. Finally she gave a deep grunting moan and let me go and I turned around again and kneeled with my knees on each side of her tail.She looked up at me and whimpered, but instead of mounting her right away I wanted to wait as I was too close to coming, so I lowered my head between her thighs and started kissing and tonguing her again and she gasped and reached up and held the back of my hand with her paws and pushed me against her and thrust at me. She was wet and swollen from her need and the taste of her sexual juice was salty and sweet at the same time, and her scent was different from the human woman I'd been with. It was cleaner smelling and more natural, and I love it. Finally she gave a gasping whining hiss, her tail slapping against my back and I knew she was desperate, so I moved forward and guided myself into her and started fucking her with slow steady powerful thrusts, and we both came a few minutes later and she screeched and clawed at the ground snapping her jaws together with loud snaps, and I gave a deep shuddering moan and came and came.

Afterwards I lay on her chest and she hugged me and licked at my face and hair and made those little crooning cooing sounds I love so much. It was her way of letting me know I'd satisfied her and she loved her mate. And as always the caresses became more intimate and demanding and I was more than ready to rise to the challenge again. I was able to perform with her more than I ever had with any other female, which was just fine with me. This time I mounted her from the rear as she crouched and lifted her tail for me. I mounted her with a grunt and held her in front of her legs and found a slow steady rhythm, this coupling would be long and slow. She looked at me over her shoulder with her eyes half closed, giving soft hisses and moans of pleasure that I echoed with my own gasps and moans. I sped up and slowed down, sometimes stopping buried to the hilt inside of her and her whole body would shudder as she pushed back against me begging me to start again even though I knew she didn't really want me to yet. I had learned to read her body language and understand her sounds and knew how to give her the most pleasure possible, pleasure that I wanted as well. When I finally brought us both to climax she a loud guttural screeching roar and I yelled from the agonizing ecstasy. Then we just lay together and touched and kissed until it started to get dark.

When she led me back into the cave I asked her if we could come here again and she nodded yes. Then it was back to our nest and a night of exhausted post mating sleep in each other's arms. She always held me so close like she never wanted to let me go, and I would hold her back and felt safe and loved.

And so it went on, a very simple life without any major developments until another several weeks had gone by. If anything our sex became even better and more intense. I was in the best shape I'd ever been, if a little skinny, and was proud of how well I was able to satisfy my strange lover. At first I'd thought her a strange and frightening beast; and so she was, but I could look beyond that now and see just how beautiful she really was. Her sleek powerful form, the feel of her warm smooth pebbled hide, the soft wet caresses of her prehensile tongue, the incredible feeling when I was inside of her. Oh yes, she was beautiful and I loved her with all my heart and soul. And I no longer worried about spending the rest of my life with her, I wanted to with all my heart.

One "day" after a bout of incredible lovemaking I held her snout in my hands and looked into her eyes and asked her who she was; what she was, and then kissed her blunt nose. I really hadn't expected an answer, but to my surprise she got up and left and at first I thought I'd upset her, but then she came back with an old kerosene lantern. She handed it; and a book of matches from one of my survival packs, to me. The lantern was full of oil and gave a steady mellow glow after I lit it. It seemed horribly bright at first after only the dim glow of the moss. Then she beckoned for me to follow her. She led me into a part of the cave; past several deadly drop-offs, that I didn't think she'd taken me to before now. She rolled a large boulder out of the way to reveal a narrow passage and squeezed into it and I followed.

It opened up into a fairly large chamber and I was surprised to see the floor had been leveled off and all the stalagmites removed. And in the center of the floor was a large pentagram that had been chiseled into the stone. I started to take a closer look, but she grabbed my arm in a tight grip and pulled me back with an alarmed hiss. I got the idea, don't get too close. I could see there were puddles of black wax at the tips of the five pointed star and there was a kind of feeling like the air was charged or full of static electricity. She led me around the pentagram to the other side of the chamber and there was another passage. It led to a smaller chamber and I was shocked to see it was furnished with a large desk, bookcase, and bed. How they had been brought down here I have NO idea. And the bed was occupied by a shriveled up dead man who had been naturally mummified in the cool dry air of the cave. What I could see of him looked like a great big piece of beef jerky; the rest was covered by rotted sheets and blankets. He'd been dead for a very long time and there was no longer any smell. What were of even more interest were the desk and bookcase and their contents. I opened a drawer and found a box of white candles and stuck them in a couple of candlesticks and lit them. It's amazing how bright they were after the perpetual gloom or utter darkness of the cave.

It was soon obvious to me the long dead man had been a Sorcerer or warlock of some kind, and had been into devil worship and demonology. Many of the books and tomes were in strange languages I could only guess at, but enough were in English that I could tell he'd been very serious about his dark interests. Plus there were diagrams of pentagrams and other geometric shapes, and illustrations of horrible looking demonic creatures or beasts, things that scared me just by looking at them. There were also several journals, and if he'd been the only one to make all the entries then he must have been several hundred years old when he died. I could hardly read some of the early entries as they were in that weird Old English, but slowly they became much easier to read, and what they said caused a chill to run down my spine. It would appear he had actually been successful in summoning demons; more than once, and had made deals with them in exchange for various things. Including; to my horror, human sacrifices. This guy had been as much of a monster as the things he summoned. Then I had a sudden chilling thought and looked at my "lover". Was SHE a demon?? It would certainly explain a lot of things. But if she was then how could something so evil be so, well, good?

She must have sensed my alarm because she went over to the other side of the bed and motioned for me to follow. She pointed to a large heavy ring set in the wall with a long rusty chain attached to it, and the chain was attached to a heavy metal collar that was broken. She picked up the collar and held it around her throat and it was a perfect fit, and she pointed at the mummy in the bed and bowed to it. It hit me then, she'd been his slave! If she was a demon then he had had complete control over her. So I asked her that, if she was his slave, and she shook her head yes. Then she crouched and lifted her tail and I realized she'd also been his sex slave as well, and felt even more hatred for him whoever he had been. I asked her, very hesitantly if she was a demon from Hell. She looked at me and shook her head "no" and I realized she was crying! Alarmed I walked over and hugged her and she held me and cried for awhile, big tears that ran slowly down the sides of her snout. No, I thought, I was stupid to think you could be a demon, but what are you then? I kept holding her until she finally stopped crying and then we went back to our "nest" and she cried some more and it bothered me very much to see her so upset and sad. It must have been really hard for her to show me a place that held such bad memories for her.

To my surprise she let me keep the lantern, and even produced a large five gallon can of oil for it, she must have stolen the oil from a cabin or something, but the lantern was very old. I made more trips to the pentagram and bedroom chambers and kept going through the big pile of books, ledgers, and loose papers. I didn't try to leave as I didn't want to betray the trust she showed in showing me her secret and giving me the lantern. Somehow I know she wouldn't stop me if I did leave, but I wouldn't as I had come to realize I loved her more then I'd ever loved anybody in my entire life, no matter what she was. Her love for me was pure and without any "strings" or obligations, and it was the only time I'd been loved like that. No expectations or requirements, no premarital contracts, no BS, just pure love. As I dug through the Sorceress records I realized just what a cruel and horrible man he'd been, and the more he'd dealt with demons the more it had rubbed off on him. He had made gloating entries about torturing people and animals, how he enjoyed watching demons rape and claim the sacrifices he gave them, how they'd given him the power to have sex with any animal or woman he desired. Evidently he'd managed to make deals to stay alive and young for many centuries, but it would seem there was a limit to that kind of arrangement and his time finally ran out. During his last few years he'd had to leave Europe because of his horrible crimes, and had fled to America. He'd had a guide lead him out into what was then the frontier, and using slaves had transported all his belongings to this isolated place and built a large house. Then he'd killed the guide and one by one sacrificed his slaves to his demonic masters. The more I read the sicker I got, this guy made Jack the Ripper and the Marquis de Sade look like saints. My lover never came back into those chambers after showing them to me, and I don't blame her.

After every trip to those chambers where so many horrors and atrocities had taken place I would make long slow love to her and hold her as close as I could and tell her how much I loved her, and she would coo and croon and we were happy.

I managed to get some the Sorcerers records that I could read in some sort of chronological order, and I also found a later journal that had been hidden under a stack of rotting papers. It was his last one and told how he'd managed to buy a white slave girl from the local Indians, and then something about creating a beast to serve him as slave and protector. He used the monster to terrorize the local Indians and settlers and bring him sacrifices to offer to his masters. Finally they rose up and burned his house down and he'd finally fled here and hidden himself for the last few years of his long horrible life. And from his writings he actually seemed to think what he did was justified in the pursuit of "knowledge". He was one sick fuck, and I hoped he wasn't enjoying Hell. The last entry in his journal was dated 1845, over 160 years ago. And I had a sick feeling as to who that monster had been, and still was. He had taken that poor terrified girl and somehow had her transformed into a beast to serve as his slave and sex toy, and had made her do horrible things in his service. Then perhaps the most horrible thing of all, when he died he left her behind and I wondered how long it had taken her; alone in the dark with her dead master, to break free of the heavy metal collar. But instead of remaining a monster and continuing to terrorize the local people she had instead become a recluse, hiding away from the world. Perhaps she had only done those horrible things because she had no choice, and when he died she was free of his evil influence and reverted to her previous human nature only to be trapped in the body of a monster. Of course I had no way of knowing for sure, but it all added up. And if she had been here since 1845 then that meant she was over 160 years old; even older depending on how old she'd been when she was changed. And since she wasn't human anymore; and had been created by a demonic spell, did that mean she was immortal? If so no wonder the poor thing had been so starved for company, and a mate. I finally finished going through the desk, bookcase, and several large trunks and boxes I found in a small storage chamber. To my surprise I found a great deal of money in one large strongbox, gold and silver coins from many countries and periods, gold and silver ingots, and jewelry encrusted with precious stones, pearls; it was like a pirate's treasure. I guess dealing with demons was profitable, if you wanted to pay the bill. But I didn't take anything as I had no intention of leaving anytime soon, and the money felt tainted. How many souls had he sacrificed to acquire that wealth?

When I went back to our "nest" she was waiting for me, and I looked at her in a new light and with a new understanding. She was a monster and wasn't human, but she had a human soul and needs. She had kept me with her after saving my life because I think she couldn't stand being alone anymore. At first she had refused to let me go because she didn't want to be alone again. I think she had fallen in love with me from the start, and since her only previous experience with sex had been against her will maybe she thought forcing me was normal. Then once she realized I loved her back; and oh how I do love her, she realized that keeping me against my will wasn't the right thing for one lover to do to another, so I was free to leave any time. I can't begin to describe her joy when I told her I wouldn't leave her alone again, that I loved her and wanted to be with her forever. She held me and cried and cried until I was crying too. Then we made long slow tender love and it was fantastic. My only worry was that if she really was immortal then I would grow old and die; and that scared me more than anything ever had, that I would have to leave her and she would be alone again.

I stayed with her for what I thought were several more months until something happened over which neither of us had control. I got sick, very sick. At first I thought it was just a bad cold, but I got sicker and weaker and was soon burning with fever. She kept me warm with her body and fed me and put cold compresses on my forehead and would wipe my body down with cool water. But slowly I got sicker and sicker until I was having trouble breathing. And she was frantic, moaning and keening as she held me, utterly terrified. Finally I became incoherent and delirious. I would have brief moments of awareness and she was always there and would hold me close. But then my fever got worse and I became comatose.

I woke up in a hospital with IV's and monitors stuck to every part of me you could imagine, including a catheter. For several days I was too weak to do anything other than blink my eyes. The doctor and nurses came and went, and slowly I got stronger. A sheriff's deputy came by to ask me a few questions and I was shocked to find out I'd been "missing" for almost three years! He wanted to know where I'd been and if I'd been held hostage, so I told him I had no memory at all, and quite frankly it did all seem like a strange dream. He wasn't happy, but had to accept what I told him. I sure as hell wasn't going to tell him I'd been living in a cave with the ancient corpse of a Sorcerer and making love to a monster he'd created over 160 years ago! I did NOT want to end up in the loony bin. Evidently they'd found me almost dead from a very severe case of viral pneumonia lying by the side of a country blacktop. I was dressed in my old clothes and still had my old wallet and ID's, so they knew who I was.

My job and apartment were long gone, but my saving and checking accounts were still in my name as five years hadn't passed yet. Not once while I was in the hospital did anyone come to visit except for the deputy and a reporter looking for a "human interest" story. He asked crazy stuff like whether or not I'd been kidnapped by UFO's. I almost told him the truth, but figured he might actually believe me. That's all I needed, some nuts running around the backwoods looking for a "demon". So told him I just didn't remember and he left very disappointed. The only phone call I got was from one of my ex's bitching about some payments I'd missed on the settlement, not "how are you", just "where's my money?" Bitch. As I got better the only thing I wanted to do was go back to the only one who'd ever really loved me. It must have torn at her to have to let me go, but by doing so she'd saved my life for the third time. I had no hesitations about returning to her, to the only true love I'd ever known.

After I checked out of the hospital I first went to the bank and cleared out my accounts and claimed the few thousand dollars that were left. As I was standing in line a woman looked at me and said "you stink mister!" and she was right as I was still wearing my old clothes and they were thick with the scent of my mate, but to me it smelled wonderful. I bought a good used jeep, some food, and headed home. I had been in the hospital almost three months and I couldn't wait to hold her in my arms again and tell her how much I'd missed her. I drove all night until I reached the overgrown firebreaks and loggers road. To my surprise my old jeep was still there, slowly rusting away under the trees where I'd parked it so long ago. I threw my pack over my shoulders and headed out at a quick pace, but soon had to slow down as I was still very weak.

It took me almost two and a half days to reach my original campsite and the place I'd first seen her drinking at the creek. I called and called, but there was no answer. At night I built a large fire hoping she'd see it, and nothing! I was becoming frantic by now, where was she? Had she been hurt and I hadn't been there? Could she be hurt? If not, then where was my love? I didn't know where the cave entrance was as I'd only seen it from down in the small hollow or valley it was concealed in.I had NO way of knowing where it was. And I called and called until my voice would give out, then after resting would call some more. I started exploring the area, climbing every hill and outcrop trying to find that entrance. I looked for days, then weeks. My food ran out and I started living off the land, hunting and eating berries and whatever else I could find. And I would sit with my back to a tree and cry for hours sometimes as I felt my despair growing. I didn't want to be alone anymore; I didn't want HER to be alone! Where was she, where was my love!?! Was she watching me even now, did she no longer want me? Had she decided it was best that a monster like her live alone in the dark, away from any emotion or caring? I would call out how much I loved her; that I didn't care what she was, but there was no answer, only mocking silence. My calls became more desperate and animal like as I wailed for her. I became weaker and sick again, but still I kept looking, refusing to give up. I would search until I died if I had to. And finally I found the hollow!

I had dragged myself slowly up a particularly steep and densely wooded hill and when I finally reached the top I heard the sound of a waterfall. With my hopes soaring I pushed through a screen of bushes and it was the hollow! I recognized the still clear pool of water, and since it was spring again the flowers were blooming. It was as beautiful as before, but there was no answer to my joyous shouts. I slid down the steep side and into the hollow and stopped to take a deep drink of the sweet water. I saw the place where we'd made love so many times; our secret hidden place, both of us screaming as we'd pleasured one another. I picked some of the flowers and entered the low entrance to the cave, and using the flashlight I'd brought with me followed the well known path through the pits and drop-offs to our "nest" and it was empty and had been for some time, and the fluorescent moss had all died from lack of care. I sat by the bedding and held it to my nose to smell her scent which was still strong but fading. I pressed it my face and cried. Where are you my love?? There was only one other place I could look. I left the flowers on the bedding and went further into the cave.

I entered the pentagram chamber and realized something had changed. There were new puddles of wax at the tips of the stars, and a book stand had been dragged into the chamber and one of the spell books was lying open on it. I looked at it in horror, it was one of the spell books in English and it was opened to a spell on how to open the pentagram as a direct link to Hell. I slowly collapsed to my knees next to the stand and sobbed with my hands in my face. She must have thought that after waiting for me for so long I would never be coming back and unable to bear being alone again she had opened a portal to the only place that might accept something like her since she had been created by it, and so she had gone to Hell.

Finally after recovering some of my composure I realized there was only one thing I could do. I had to go after her and bring her back; a gentle soul like her didn't belong there no matter what body it was trapped in. And if it was a one way trip and we couldn't come back, then at least I'd be with her. To be left here alone without her love; to think of her alone in that horrible place with no one to love her, would be more of a Hell to me then that other place.

So I read the spell and gathered the items I needed. The only ones that might have been hard to get were real black mass candles, but fortunately the Sorcerer had kept a large supply on hand. They had obviously been made by hand and felt greasy and warm to the touch and I shuddered to think about what they were made from. I even found the name of the demon the Sorcerer had dealt with, it was Klagnax. The spell was written in English, but the words were ones I'd never heard before, some looked Latin, others Greek, and still others didn't make any sense at all. The last part was clear though; all I had to do was add the demons name to summon it.

I was terrified about what I was about to do, but determined as well. I lit the candles and stepping up to the book stand I read the spell; being very careful to get the words as correct as I could, and at the end I said "In the name of Belial, Prince of Hell, I summon his servant Klagnax to do my bidding!" The candle flames suddenly shot up and became much brighter, and there was a feeling of a change in the air pressure in the chamber. When the candles died down and I could see clearly again there was a cloud of slowly dissipating smoke inside the pentagram, and as it cleared there was something standing there. Something inhuman.

I stared at the demon in something approaching awe, the spell had worked and I had summoned something I had always thought was a myth. It was a little larger then I was and most definitely not human. It was very much like the stereotypical demons you see in books and comics, part goat and part human with a touch of lizard thrown in. It was nude and very obviously male, its skin was a dark reddish brown and it had kinky fur from the waist down to its cloven hooves, large bat wings, and a goat like head with curled horns. It stared back at me with the soulless eyes of a reptile, cold and emotionless. We took the measure of one another for a few more minutes, and then it said in a raspy harsh voice, "Well man, you have summoned me. What is it you wish of me?"

Now that I had summoned the demon; and it had actually worked, what did I do now? Finally I told it that I wanted back the beast that had used this pentagram to enter Hell recently, and I think that surprised it. It asked if I desired money and riches, power and fame, to have an endless supply of willing sexual partners both human and animal. But in every case I told it no, I only wanted back the beast. It asked me if I would give my soul as payment.I hesitated, what was a soul really? But finally I said yes, that I would offer that in return for the release of the beast from Hell. It told me the creature was only a Hell Beast, one of many that were the workers and slaves of Hell and demonkind, and that it could give me a much more desirable "familiar" to be my slave and serve me in any way I desired, including sexually. But I was adamant in my answers. Finally it made a gesture and the beast suddenly appeared in the pentagram with it. "Is this the beast you mean?" the demon asked. She seemed stunned and terrified, and crouched at the demons feet and whined in submission, but it ignored her. I could see claw marks on her body and bruises on her neck and snout and my eyes clouded with rage.

I screamed at the demon and asked what had been done to her, and he calmly and matter-of-factly told me that "new arrivals" are always very popular for awhile until they have been "broken in" by being gang raped until a master was picked for them to serve. She heard my voice and looked at me with her strange human/reptile eyes and crouching low slunk over to the border of the pentagram and looked at me, and I crouched down and held my hand out as close to that border as I could, I so wanted to touch her.

So I told the demon again, that yes I would give him my soul if he would release her from Hell. He still seemed confused by my request, and then to my great surprise told me there was an alternative. He had recognized the "signature" of the spell I used and asked if I had other possessions from the Sorcerer. When I told him I had all of the evil mans spell books and personal records the demons whole demeanor changed, and he suddenly seemed, hopeful? He told me the Sorcerer had taken something of his long ago and he wanted it back, and if I could find that item and return it to him he would let her go without taking my soul.

So of course I said that, yes, I would do it if I could. I still didn't know what a soul was, but keeping mine sounded nice. So he told me to look for a large golden amulet or medallion with a blood red stone in the center that glowed or flickered. If I could give him the medallion he would release the beast and consider the pact honored. He said I had until dawn to find it, and after that the pentagram would close and he could not answer another summons for ten years as he could only be called once in that time period. I looked at my watch and realized I only had a couple of hours remaining until dawn.

I ran back to the bedroom chamber and ransacked the desk, dumping the contents of the drawers on the floor and looking for hidden compartments, and nothing! Next I dug through the strong boxes of treasure and while there was much gold and gem inlaid jewelry there was nothing resembling what the demon had described. I was starting to panic now as almost an hour had gone by, but there was still no sign of the medallion. I stopped and thought; it must be very special and valuable if a demon wanted it, so if I was the Sorcerer where would I keep it?? Then it came to me, of course! Where did one keep a medallion! I ran over to the bed and looked down at the mummified corpse, then with a shaking hand pulled down the rotted covers and there it was! A heavy gold medallion with a glowing red stone gleamed up at me from around his neck. With a loud "YES" I ripped it off of the body and ran back into the pentagram room.

The demon was still standing in the center of the pentagram, and my love was curled in a fetal position as far away from him as possible. When the demon saw what I had in my hand it seemed to forget where it was and started to try to leave the pentagram, but stopped at the last second. "Give it to me!" it growled, and for the first time I saw some sort of emotion flicker deep in its eyes. Then it surprised me by saying, "Please, please give it to me man!" I held it up where it could see it and pointed at my love, and told it to release her first. I thought it would most likely demand the medallion first, and then try and break the deal as isn't that what demons do, try and screw you? But again; to my surprise, it made a gesture and suddenly she was in my arms and I held her as close as I could and pressed my face close to her smooth pebble hide and smelled her sweet scent. She held me so tightly it hurt and keened a soft wail of utter joy and love. I had come back for her! She started crying and I cried too as I kissed and stroked her lovely smooth hide and smelled her musk, I loved her so very much.

The demon had watched this, and when I looked up he held out his hand and said again, "Please, give it to me. What more do you want, riches, power, you have but to ask and it is yours." He thought I was screwing him! But a bargain is a bargain, no matter who you make it with. So I threw the medallion to him and he snatched it out of the air with a surprised look on his muzzle. He took it and threw it violently to the stone floor inside the pentagram and there was a loud explosion and blinding light, and when I looked again there were TWO demons in the pentagram! One was bent over and I got the impression it was weak or injured, and as I watched the other one leaned over and helped the hurt one up and then hugged it and put his wings protectively around them both. And as it had stood up I realized the other demon was female, so it was a demoness, not a demon. And there was no mistaking the way he held the female, it was tender and he gently pressed his muzzle against hers and they both gave soft hisses and squeals of pleasure. The demon looked at me and said "I thank you man, that evil human imprisoned my mate many hundreds of years ago by tricking her, and used that to control me. I would gladly have given you anything you had asked to get her back."

I just stared at him as he nuzzled and kissed his mate and she held him very close. Finally he looked at me again and said "Do you find it so hard to believe that such as we can love? She has been my mate for over 3000 years and I have never wanted another. You have given her back to me, so for that I will offer you one other boon; you have but to name it and I will make it so."

I asked the demon to make my love human again, but to my dismay he smiled sadly and said, "Of all the things you had to ask, that is one thing I cannot give, it is not that I won't, I just can't. Once one had been corrupted by Hell it is permanent. I am sorry man as you obviously love the Hell Beast for whatever reasons of our own. You do know that while you will grow old and die she will live forever. I can offer you a hundred years of life and health, but that is all I can do."

My love was still holding me and crying, and as I looked at her I realized one hundred years would not be nearly enough. It would pass too quickly, and then she would be alone forever in a world she no longer belonged in. What was a hundred years in eternity? So I looked at the demon and made my request, and though he was greatly surprised he kept his word and granted it.

She screamed when she realized what I was going to do, and tried to hold me back. But I entered the pentagram regardless and gave myself to the demon. My transformation into a Hell Beast was agonizing and painful, but thankfully did not last long. When it was over I managed to stagger back out of the pentagram and collapse. As I looked up the candles flared again and the demon, still holding his lover, waved to me and I waved back, then the pentagram filled with smoke again and when it cleared the two demonkind were gone.

Maybe I would see them again someday, and if I did somehow I knew they would be friends.

My mate crouched down next to me and worriedly licked and nuzzled my own now large misshapen head. I raised it with a grunt and licked her back, my own long forked tongue wrapping around hers. Then I started licking the horrible claw marks and bruises on her lovely body and snarled softly in rage at those that had dared to so savage my love. It was a strange at first, to have become a different being, and not even a natural one. I looked like her now, but was slightly larger and darker colored, and my two horns were larger. The horns I quickly found were heat sensors of a kind, with them I could "see" the body heat of animals and the varying temperatures in the background, but I was surprisingly near sighted. My night vision is excellent though, I can see perfectly well even in the total lack of light in a cave. If I had thought her beautiful before I had been sadly mistaken, to me she was now the epitome of desire and female perfection and none could be lovelier then my mate.

When I became a beast part of my humanity was taken from me and replaced with something else, so I love her now not only as a man but also as an animal. It took surprisingly little time for me to adapt to my new life and accept what I had become. It might have been horrible if she hadn't been there, and as she always had she cared for me and helped me to learn what I had become.

She taught me to hunt for even though we didn't need to eat often we still needed food. We hunted animals such as rabbits, raccoons and other small animals. Sometimes we would get lucky and bring down a deer and feast, but we don't need much, and do not kill for fun or sport. We love to run through the woods at night and often she will lead me on a chase culminating in mating in the moonlight by a stream or in a clearing. The days we spend in our cave nestled in our "nest" sleeping or just as often mating. Being what we are we are insatiable, which is very, very, nice. And if I had thought it had been pleasurable before it paled in comparison to the pleasure we give one another now.

I taught her to swim and now almost nightly we visit the pool and go for a dip at all times of the year as our thick hides insulate us well and the temperature does not bother us much. I rummaged in the strongboxes and adorned my love with priceless jewelry and we would hiss in laughter, and sooner or later she lost it all, but we didn't care. To us it has no value other then as ornamentation, it was merely something to amuse and entertain us for a short while. Things such as we do not put much value in such trinkets.

We plunged over the edge of the hill and into the hollow with her in the lead and me following closely as I roared in frustration and she gave a squeal of laughter, the tease! We had been hunting that night and were pleasantly full as we had been successful. She let me "catch" her at the little beach that was one of our favorite spots. I grabbed her and we rolled in a kicking snarling ball of flailing limbs and snapping jaws and finally came to a halt with my fangs around her throat. I gave a deep soft snarl, and then having "won" the chase I claimed my prize. I let her go and gently started licking her snout and horns and she did the same to me as we rubbed our snouts against one another's and crooned and cooed softly. I ran my hands across her nipples as we kissed, our tongues entwined and exploring our mouths and throats. No matter how often we do that it is always incredibly pleasurable and we can kiss for hours on end. I slid my clawed hand lower and rubbed her sex and she gave a deep grunt as I pushed one of my thick fingers into her wet swollen sex, then I pulled back and licked her juices from my finger and oh she tasted so wonderful. Wanting more I straddled her and lowered my snout to her crotch and ran my tongue as deep into her as I could and she clawed at my legs even as she took my now much larger and differently shaped penis into her mouth and sucked and tongue it eagerly. I had to raise my head for a minute and give a low guttural moan of pleasure as she teased and stroked me. I carry my penis in a sheath now, and erect it is at least a foot long and dark red and always slick, the glacis is more pointed and it almost looks like an arrowhead and has thick prominent veins down its length. It is also ribbed and much more sensitive then my human penis had been, and I gave another deep moan as she kept pleasuring me. Finally with a soft snarl I reversed myself and mounted her with a lustful roar and started servicing my mate with strong steady lunging thrusts as she bucked and squealed underneath me, her strong legs gripping my waist as her claws dug into my flanks. It was a brutal bestial coupling and we both shrieked and roared our agonizing ecstasy, but it was also human enough that I drew it out as long as possible before letting us come, and as I approached orgasm I bit her neck at the base of her head and pinned her as she roared helplessly and clawed desperately at my back. I thrust once more, then again, and we both climaxed explosively as we roared and bellowed.

We rested for awhile gently licking and stroking one another, each of us looking in the others strange human and reptilian eyes and seeing only love and total devotion. We cannot talk, but have no need as we show and "tell" our love in other ways.

I looked at my lovers back as I coupled with her, my thighs slapping into her rump as I thrust into her with my tail whipping back and forth. She turned her head and looked at me lovingly, her mouth partly open as she moaned and panted in pleasure. I knew I would spend the rest of eternity with her, but that was fine with me as I loved her with what was left of my soul. As long as we were together that's all that mattered. Grunting in pleasure as we mated I raised my head and looked around at the hollow, the flowers and dust motes dancing in the beams of sunlight, the small waterfall as it plunged into the clear pool, the hidden entrance to our den, in our special forgotten place.

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 11

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 11 By William W. Kelso I grabbed some more stuff out of the chest of drawers and started to stuff them into my Mistress's suitcase. I kept my body heat down as low as I could as I...

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The Sweet Tooth

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is a little short story in the spirit of the season. The Sweet Tooth By William W. Kelso I paused and carefully sniffed the air, my ears flicking towards the slightest of sounds. My sensitive nose quivered...

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Got Milk?

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Got Milk? By William W. Kelso I pulled over by the side of the road to look at the stupid map again, where the hell was I? I thought I'd have hit the main highway by now, but no such luck. I...

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