Got Milk?

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

Got Milk?

By William W. Kelso

I pulled over by the side of the road to look at the stupid map again, where the hell was I? I thought I'd have hit the main highway by now, but no such luck. I must have taken a left when I should have taken a right at that last crossroads. A GPS would have been nice, but my basic piece-of-shit sub-compact piece-of-shit car didn't have one. I'm lucky it had an engine. At least the damn thing ran good so guess I shouldn't count my blessings. Some freaken AC would have been nice though. I thought about going back to the crossroads, but it was over twenty miles and I was low on gas, so straight ahead it was. There HAD to be quick stop or something soon. I mean even Farmer Boob needed gas.

I drove on down the little country two-lane blacktop fairly slowly because of all the dips and turns, didn't want to plow into the back of a thresher or something being towed by a tractor. Being impaled on farm machinery was not the way I wanted to go. It was beautiful countryside, green and prosperous looking, cows and horses grazing in the fields, crops growing, and boring as all get out. The radio reception was crap too, all I could get was stations playing stuff like "My Horse is my Girlfriend" or something like that.

BOOORRRIIINNGG! And of course the CD player wasn't working.

I passed a large sign with a happy looking cow on it saying "Got Milk?" and "Rolling Hills Dairy Farm", and then after that a road sign saying "Cootersville 15 miles". At last! I had more than enough gas to get that far, and Goober's station was sure to be open this time of day. So of course one mile down the road I got a flat; typical. Then after unloading the stuff out of the back the spare was flat. I was still jumping up and down and screaming when a pickup truck pulled over and the driver asked if I needed some help. I was in a bad mood and almost told him everything was "just peachy keen", but at this point an offer of help was the only bright light in an increasingly lousy day. Besides he seemed like a nice old guy.

The farmer pulled over when he saw the small car with the rear jacked up and a rather irate looking young man apparently having a tantrum of some kind. Never turn down an opportunity if it presents itself he thought. He got out of his truck and asked the man,

"Say there Mister, looks like could use some help? Got a flat?"

Der, I thought, brilliant deduction. Be nice, I thought. "Thank you Sir, I said, I'm afraid my spare is flat too. Could I get a lift to the nearest station, or could you call a wrecker?

The farmer laughed and said, "Well, afraid I ain't got one of them cell phones, don't need one. But I can give you a lift into town, but first I got to go by the house and pick up my mail. If you don't mind a little side trip that is?"

"On no sir, not a problem, I replied. I'm not in any big hurry at all. I'd appreciate it very much."

We jumped in his truck and drove on towards the exciting sounding town of Cootersville, boy I bet it really jumps on Friday nights. We talked a little bit and he asked me the usual stuff like "Where you from?" "Where you headed?" etc. I answered to be polite, but wasn't really in the mood for talking. I guess he finally caught on because he finally shut up, which was fine with me. As we turned on to a side road I saw another "Got Milk? Welcome to Rolling Hills Diary Farm" sign. And sure enough the fields along the sides of the road had lots of cows in them, big black and white ones. Eating and pooping, which was what cows do best I thought.

The farmer asked the young man some questions, and was pleased with the rather taciturn answers. Young, no roots, on the road, nobody would miss him and if they did they certainly wouldn't come looking here, it wouldn't do them any good anyway even if they did. He was perfect. When they got to the house he'd have to make a call and get his son to come help him.

We pulled up to a nice large two story house and the farmer said "Wait here." And got out and checked his mail box, then he came back to the truck and told me he needed to go inside and take care of a few things, "Only be minute." The truck was hot, no AC either, so I got out to wait for him. I walked over to a pen and looked at a couple of cows that were in it. It was either that or look at dirt or grass. The two cows came over to the fence and were friendly enough, but seemed agitated about something. One looked at me and kept shaking its head and mooing. The other came right up and stuck its head over the fence so I scratched its big pink nose and it looked at me with large green sad eyes and softly lowed. "Nice cow" I said, and rubbed its face between the eyes. Man they stink. Then the farmer stuck his head out the door and yelled,

"Hey Mister, you want some iced tea?"

Now THAT sounded good, so I yelled back "Be right there!" and as I walked away both cows got really excited and started mooing and running around the pen shaking their heads. Great, I thought, I've started a mini stampede. I said "Bye bye nice stinky cows" as I headed over to the house's porch where the farmer had set out a pitcher of tea and glasses. Man was I thirsty!

The farmer was pleased, it was so easy sometimes. Quite often he had to head into one of the bigger towns to find what he needed, but this had worked out just fine. It saved him the trip and cost of gas. He dosed one of the glasses of tea, and when the man arrived he handed it to him with a big smile on his face. Yes, sometimes it was so easy.

I took the glass of tea and said "Thank you sir, that's great. I was dying of thirst."

He told me to sit down because he had to wait for a phone call, but would only be a few minutes. I sat down in one of the big comfortable chairs around the table and enjoyed the shade and deliciously cold iced tea. I had a grin on my face when the drug kicked in, and with a sigh slumped down in the chair as I passed out.

The farmer walked over and lifted up one of the man's eyelids. Yep, he was out like a light, be a few hours before he'd wake up. Be more than enough time. He took out his cell phone and called his son again and was glad to hear he was on the way. He was up at the main barn, so was only a short distance away. Perfect timing, couldn't have worked out any better. Then he called his brother in town and told him where the man's car was. It would disappear without a trace, just like the man. It was a smooth operation that had worked for generations. The man moaned and the farmer got up to check him again just as his son pulled up.

"You already got one Dad?" his son asked, "Boy that was quick for a change."

"Yep'er, found him by the side of the road less the five miles from here. Mana from heaven, right enough. Just fell right in our laps. Now help me get him up to the barn, we need to do this soon before he wakes up."

His son was a good strong boy, and they got the man into the back of the truck in no time flat. It was about a mile to the main barn where they "processed" the new arrivals. They picked him up and carried him through the large double doors and into the barns shadowy interior. It was empty except for a couple of sick cows that were spending the day in their stalls. They looked at the humans as they passed and one gave a long sad moo.

"That's right girlie, laughed the farmer, you'll have a new sister soon."

They reached a small clinic where they kept the veterinary supplies and threw the man up on the big oversized exam table. The clinic was very well equipped as they took good care of their stock. They stripped the man and later they would destroy his clothes and other personal items. He wouldn't need them anymore. His son came over with a hypodermic full of a dark green liquid, swabbed the man's arm with a sani-wipe, then found a vein and injected the liquid. It was the first of several injections that would be administered over a period of about a month. The others would just be boosters to speed up things, but the first shot was all it took. He noticed they were getting low on the potion, so made a mental note to order some more from Madame Circe at the earliest opportunity. It was expensive, but more than paid for itself. Next they moved the man to a special stall with full walls and door, put a heavy collar around his neck that could only be removed with a key, and attached it to a heavy loop bolted to the back wall. Then they left the still unconscious man lying in the straw on the floor of the stall.

I woke up with a horrible aftertaste in my mouth and felt like I was hung over, but didn't remember drinking anything, except tea? Not that I was much of a drinker anyway, couldn't afford it. I sat up and suddenly realized several things in this order. I was naked; I was sitting in straw, and had a collar around my neck that was chained to the floor! What in? I jumped up and stared around in fright. I was in a fairly large, but bare, room. I yanked at the chain, but it was solidly attached to the ring on the wall. I walked over to the door, but couldn't quite reach it because of the chain.

"HEY! I yelled. What the fuck is going on? Someone help me! HEY!" but after several minutes of that I gave up.

I looked around the room again and noticed a heavy animal smell. Geez, didn't they ever clean up around here? And why was there straw on the floor? The only other thing in the room was two buckets, one was full of water and from the smell I knew what the other was for. No TP though. I felt kind of sick to my stomach so took a good long drink which helped. Then all there was to do was sit down and think about what the Hell was going on. OMG, I'm naked, I'm chained up, they're going to rape or torture me, or both! I'd read and heard about freaks who kidnapped people (usually girls) and kept them as sex slaves. OMG, OMG. What if they, they castrated me! I got up and yelled some more, but no one came so after awhile I shut up again. OMG.

The farmer looked at his son and grinned, then said "Sounds like our new arrival is awake, reckon I'll take him some food shortly. We also need to milk the little lady; it's been over a day. Guess we can do both at the same time. C'mon son."

I jumped up as I heard the door unlock and then watched as it opened. I wasn't sure what I could do, if anything. If I jumped the guy and he didn't have the key to the collar I was fucked, if I jumped him and failed I was fucked too. But when I saw there were two of the perverts I didn't do anything. From the resemblance the younger man had to be related to the old farmer. Plus the cattle prod the younger one was carrying dampened my enthusiasm for unarmed conflict. The older man threw a bundle at my feet, and then they both backed out and shut the door.

"Hey, I yelled, what the Hell do you think you're doing? This is kidnapping you know! Hey!" But there was no answer, they just ignored me. Well, at least they didn't try to have sex with me.

I realized they hadn't gone far when I heard another door nearby open and heard their voices, and a woman's voice! OMG, I'm not alone, they have some poor woman here too. I listened carefully and heard,

"C'mon missy, time for milking. Now don't struggle, you know you'll feel better afterwards. Not much longer and we can put you with the herd, you'll like that. It's breeding season too." I heard the female voice say "Nooo, Moooo, Please don't doooo this, it's not right! Please, moooo!" The farmer said, "Don't fret bossy, it only makes it worse. You'll change your mind once you're with the others though." I heard them walk past the door, and the woman was sobbing.

"Hey you sick MF's! I yelled. What are you doing to her?" But there was no answer and the sobbing faded away. I heard them come back later, but no one said anything. After they shut the other door and left I heard some muffled sobbing from next door. I moved over to the wall and said,

"Hey, can you hear me? Are you OK, what did those sick fucks do to you? The bastards!" I heard movement, and then a voice said,

"Whooo are yooou?"

Man, talk about a speech impediment. I thought. "My car broke down and farmer creepo gave me a lift, and then gave me some spiked tea. I woke up here." I didn't tell her I was naked which was bad enough as it was.

"Did, did they give youuu a shot yet? She asked in that weird deep voice.

Did they? I looked at my arm and saw a band-aid for the first time. I peeled it off and there was a small red dot. Damn it, what did they give me? "Uh, yeah, I said. I think they did."

"Then it's toooo late for youuuu. I'm sooorry." She replied.

OMG, I've been poisoned! I thought. "What do you mean, what did they give me?"

"Youuu'll see, mooo, youuu'll see." And then she gave a horrible giggling sound and wouldn't answer me again.

OMG, I'm stuck in a cell next to a nut job. I was still feeling pretty sick, and picking up the bundle they'd thrown in I opened it and there was big submarine sandwich. I started drooling at the sight of it, man was I hungry! I started to eat it, then paused and lifted up the bread, no meat! Weird. After I was finished I took a long drink of water and felt a lot better. I burped as my stomach let out a loud gurgle. About the time I finished the light suddenly dimmed and I guessed it was night time.

A short time later I heard footsteps coming, and this time I was determined to put up a fight. I got one of the buckets and prepared to whale on anybody that came through the door. However they went past my door and I heard them open up the door to the crazy woman's room. I heard the woman say,

"Oooh nooooo, please, please, not again!" The man said "Come on honey, this may be your last time with a man, besides I can smell your heat. You're almost too big for me as it is." "Noo, please!" the woman said. Then a short time later I heard grunting moaning sounds that meant only one thing, the SOB was raping her! "C'mon, uh, bossy, you know you, uh uh, like it!" the man grunted. The only sounds the woman was making now were "Ooooohhh, mooooo!" Finally the man gave a final deep grunt and said "That was nice bossy, see you tomorrow night." And afterwards the only sounds were the woman's as she slobbered and cried. Bastard, I thought. He tries to do anything with me and I'll rip his dick off.

I moved over to the wall and started to say something, but didn't. I mean, what could I say to a woman who's just been raped? I'm sure she didn't want to have anything to do with another man right now, even one on the other side of a wall. I examined the wall; it was heavy close fitting planks with no cracks. There was a large knothole at about eye level, so I pushed at it. It was a little loose, so I pushed harder, and with a pop it fell out on the other side. I put my eye to the hole and stared into the dimly lit room next to mine. I couldn't see much, but then noticed a figure crouched in a corner. I put my mouth to the hole and said in a loud whisper,

"Hey lady, you OK? Don't worry; we'll get out of here somehow. I'll try to get away and find help." I watched as the figure stood up and almost shit myself. It wasn't a human; it was a cow, sort of!

It looked around in confusion and I got a good look at it. It stood on its hind legs but had legs ending in hooves, its body was covered in white & black hair in splotches, and it had a long tail what swept back and forth. I turned trying to find the source of the sound it had heard and I just stared. No way! It had human breast and huge udders, and its face had a muzzle and it there were horns on its head!

"HOLY CRAP!" I said, and it saw the knothole.

It walked towards the hole, its udders swinging between its legs. It bellowed "Doon't looook at me!" and suddenly jammed the knot back in the hole.

I stepped back from the now blocked hole. Holy crap, I thought again. What was that thing? Some poor deformed freak I guess. And that guy had SEX with it? They really were pervs! Holy Crap! Jesus, I thought as I sat down in a corner to spend the night. Jesus!

The next "morning", at least I assumed that as the light brightened up again, the two men came to the room again. They came in, and while one threatened me with the cattle prod the other gave me a shot, and there was nothing I could do about it. Then they left me a big bowl of oatmeal or porridge, a half a loaf of bread, and some apples. Later in the day they came back and fed me again, emptied the toilet bucket which I'd had to make use off, and left. And they took the weird freak from the next room to be "milked" again, whatever the hell that meant. Then I was fed again, and almost every "night" after the lights dimmed one of the assholes; or both, came and raped the poor freak again. I would lie there listening to him grunting and the increasingly bestial sounds of his "lover".

I eat everything they give as I'm ravenous, and the meals have been getting larger and more frequent. I need the food to fuel what's happening to me and to help put on weight. It's been a week now and I now know that the poor woman next door is not a freak after all because I'm becoming more and more like her. I'm slowly, but surely, changing into a cow too. I heard the door open and raised my head from where I was lying on the straw covered floor in my stall; it's not a room, it's a stall. One of the men came in and put down two large buckets, one full of leafy greens and another full of cereal of some kind. I knew the one with the greens would also have some fruit or veggies in the bottom. I looked at him and pleaded,

"Please, don't do this to me. Please make it stop. It hurts; I can't even walk for God's sake. How can you do this to someone? It's obscene!"

"Don't you fret now bossy, he said, once your hooves have come in you'll be able to stand up and walk just fine, at least for awhile. Now you behave and eat your feed like a good girl."

And that was the real horror, I WAS a girl now, or would be soon, but not a human girl, a bovine one, a cow. Seems they didn't need any bulls, already had one. So I'd join the herd as a dairy cow. I looked at my twisted body and sobbed. My legs and feet hurt horribly, and they wouldn't give me anything for the pain. Not even aspirin. Said it wouldn't help. I looked at my toes, or hooves, as they were partly both now. Two toes had grown together on each foot and they and my other toe were now thicker and black and shiny, and my big and little toes were moving up the sides of my foot. My penis has shriveled and almost been absorbed into my body and is being replaced by a large pink ballooning udder with four large nipples. I'm not lactating yet, but know I will be soon. My body is largely covered with black and white hair, and I have a short tufted tail now. I reached up felt the small horns growing from the sides of my head and the large hairy ears. Oh God, this can't be happening. Then sobbing I pulled the buckets of food to me and started eating hungrily, I am SO hungry all the time!

A short time later they came back and gave me another shot, and left more food. I just looked at them with tears running down my face as pleading does no good. How can they do this? I thought. It's horrible, to make a fellow human into a stupid animal! And there's nothing I can do about it, no way I can break the chain-but not for lack of trying. And now even if I could escape I can't walk. Sometime later the light dimmed and I fell into a pain wracked sleep as my legs and back spasmed and cramped off and on all night long, the sounds of sex in the next stall didn't even keep me awake.

Earlier today I heard them take the other cow in the stall next to mine away for the final time. I could hear her mooing and lowing as they led her past my own stall; she hadn't been able to speak for over a week. I could hear the sound of her hooves on the concrete floor, all four of them. I closed my eyes as I cried for her and myself. It's been another week now and the changes are much more apparent. My legs and hips are almost entirely bovine now, my legs ending in large heavy split hooves. I looked down at my large swollen udder, drum tight and aching. I know I'm lactating as if I even touch one of the nipples white fluid dribbles from the tip. The pressure is very uncomfortable, I know I could probably "milk" myself, but I can't even stand to look at the horrible new addition to my body. My penis is gone now, no sign of it at all, and the fleshly lips below my asshole can only be a vagina. A large bovine one that is amazingly sensitive. And I pee out of it too, when I relieve myself now I just crouch, lift my tail, and cut loose. They don't provide a bucket for me anymore; they just muck out the stall every so often. I'm completely covered in hair now, even my head and udder, and can feel my tail switching back and forth against the back of my legs. I gave a soft low of sadness as I felt my large rubbery muzzle. I can still talk, but have trouble with "o's" and "l's". I feel so very, very strange. I have new longings and desires I can't identify, and it scares the hell out of me. I gave a grunt and leaned against the side of the stall as a short cramp ran up my back. I'm still changing, slowly but surely.

I looked up in surprise as the door opened again as I'd just been fed. Both men came in, one with a cattle prod. The other came up to me as I stood there shivering and flaring my nostrils in alarm, and he undid the chain from my collar for the first time since I'd woken up here. He snapped a lead rope onto the collar, and said,

"Com'on bossy, about time you were milked." And gave the rope a yank.

I looked at the other man and he just gestured with the prod, so I followed them through what I now knew was a barn. I mean, were else do you keep cattle? I held onto the rope with my still mostly human hands, my hooves clopping on the concrete floor. We passed a line of empty stalls, then a couple with cows in them and I stared at them as we passed and they looked back at me in sympathy with sad human eyes. OMG, I'll be like them soon I realized, and tears ran down my short muzzle. They led me through a door and there was another line of smaller stalls. Milking stalls I realized. They took me into a special stall and got me ready by putting cuffs anchored to the floor around my hind ankles, then around my wrists so I was standing eagle spread. I looked around with my eyes rolling, and gave a nervous moo. One of the men gave me a slap on the rump and I jumped in fright, and then he said,

"Don't worry girl, it'll feel good. And afterwards we have a special treat for you." And both men laughed.

One of the men wheeled in a machine and sat down on a stool in front of me, then attached suction cups to my four nipples, the two larger lower ones and slightly smaller upper ones. He made sure they were good and snug, then flipped a switch and I squealed as felt a gentle suction on my nipples, and then watched grunting in pleasure as white liquid flowed through the clear plastic hoses into the collection bottle. Oh God it felt sooo good! "Mooooo!" I gasped, and the men laughed.

"Feels good don't it girl? You'll like what we do next even better though, take care of that other need of yours."

After what seemed like too short a time one of the men turned off the milking machine and I could see my udders were noticeably less swollen. Ohh, I felt so much better. Next he took a cream of some kind and rubbed in on my sore nipples, and it felt so good I mooed again, much to their delight.

Now that they were through milking me, and oh it had felt so good, I thought they'd take me back to my stall. I realized I was wrong though when they both took off their pants and neither were wearing underwear. At first I didn't realize what was happening until I saw their erections, and I remembered what had happened to the other "cow" in the stall next to mine almost every night.

"Noooo, Mooooo! I pleaded. Please, doon't doooo this! Oh Ggggod, Please!"

"Now, now bossy, don't you worry yourself, you'll enjoy it and you'll thank us. After all you're in heat. Now Jerry, you want to do her first, or should I?"

In heat? I thought. I'd been aware of a growing warmth and wetness to my new vagina, and a feeling and need of some kind. But in heat? OMG, only animals go into heat! I had been touching myself more often lately and the fleshy folds had felt more sensitive, but I was in estrus?? OMG!

I looked in horror as one of the men, his penis rampant, moved around behind me. He grabbed my tail and tied a leather strap around it then attached the strap to one of my wrist cuffs to keep my tail out of the way so I couldn't try to tuck it to protect myself. Then he rudely cupped and stroked my sex and ran his fingers inside of me and rubbed gently, and I gave a guttural moan of lust and fright.

"Oh yeah, Jerry, she is wet and ripe! I'll have fun busting this cherry! Yea-hah!"

And I gave a loud "Mmmaaaoooowwww!" as he suddenly thrust into me, and oh God I'd never felt anything like it before! Never felt anything SO GOOD! I let my head hang and sobbed and lowed as he fucked me, no, serviced me. He reached around in front and kneaded my udders while the other man sucked at my nipples and ohhh the pleasure! When he was through the second man took his place, grunting and gasping in pleasure as he serviced me too. He thrust in to me brutally while I lowed and bellowed in bovine lust, and about halfway through the second servicing I suddenly had an orgasm of my own, and gave a deeper bellow of pleasure. Oh GOD! The man said,

"Aw geez, she just came all over me! Talk about sloppy seconds!"

He finally finished with a grunt of his own and I felt his seed join the other mans seed deep inside of me. Oh God, I thought, oh my God I enjoyed it! I felt fluids running down the back of my legs and sobbed at the horrible degradation. To be forced to mate like an animal, and to enjoy it.

The next day as they led me toward the milking stalls we passed an open door and I could see the sunshine and smell the fresh air. Even though, God help me, I was actually looking forward to being milked and "serviced"; at least the animal part of me was, I gave a loud squeal and pulled the lead rope out of the startled mans hand and ran through the door in a desperate bid for freedom. I ran as fast as I could, my hooves clopping first on concrete, then dirt, and then grass as I ran into a meadow. It was awkward with the heavy udder swinging between my legs, but I was amazingly fast and soon outdistanced the pursuing; yelling, men. Maybe I can make it I thought! If I can find someone who's not in on this horror, who can help me find a way to change back! Oh God please! I don't want to be like this! A Goddamn freak.

As I ran through the meadow cows looked up and mooed or lowed as I ran by, and I think they were actually encouraging me. I could almost understand what they were saying. Finally I paused and bent over to ease the strain on my udders and looked around, my large hairy ears flicking back and forth listening for sounds of pursuit. I breathed heavily from my exertions and was covered in lather. The only witnesses were a couple of cows, and they came over and nuzzled me in greeting, and I stroked their muzzles with the large sad human eyes. My ears flicked and we all looked in the same direction as we heard a truck engine. With a grunt I turned and ran towards a line of trees, and soon stumbled down a bank to a large clear water creek. I hesitated, which way? The engine sound got louder so with a hopeful moo I turned right and made my way down the creek bed and eventually the engine sound faded. I finally stopped, and dropping to all fours; which was easy for me; I took a good deep drink of the sweet creek water.

That taken care of I realized I was hungrier then Hell. The last few days they'd only been giving me greens and what looked like little dog biscuits or pellets. I'd seen the cows eating the grass (what else?), and with some trepidation I pulled up a big handful and sniffed at it. It smelled pretty good, so I put some in my mouth and chewed. Not bad I thought as my large square teeth mashed it up, and finally I swallowed. I pulled up some more and ate, but that was too slow so finally I dropped back on all fours and ate that way, grazing on the thick grass the lined the banks of the creek. Mmmmm, it was so good! Finally full I stood up still chewing on a large mouthful of grass and clover I looked around. It was a lovely peaceful place, the tall sweet grass, flowing chuckling creek, and large old trees. Under other circumstances I would have liked to have stayed and enjoyed it more, but I knew I had to keep moving.

I kept going in the same direction and fortunately there wasn't much ground cover so I made good time, for a cow. Finally I reached a point where I couldn't stand the aching pressure in my udder anymore, so I lay back against a tree still standing up, and milked myself. I grunted in pleasure as streams of milk shot out into the grass. It felt so good it was almost sexual, and I felt my heat increase and almost wished I was hanging in the milking stall while the men serviced me, almost. That need taken care of I started moving again, drops of milk still dripping from my nipples. I finally reached a bridge over the creek and cautiously approached it, keeping to the trees and bushes. Then I saw a car approaching and ducked down, but then saw it was a police car! Of all the luck!

I ran out into the road with a loud bellow, waving my hands desperately and the police car screeched to a halt. It had "Cootersville Sheriffs Dept." on the door. With a silent "thank you God!" I ran up to the car as the officer got out and said.

"Moo!, Oooh thank Goddd! Please ooooffficer, youuu have tooo help me! I'm a man, not a cooow! Please, these evil bastards did this toooo me! I need a doctor ooor someone tooo help me. Please! Mooooo!"

The officer didn't seem all that surprised, and gave me a great big grin. "Now don't you worry none, we'll take care of everything." He walked up to me and said, "Let's see if we can get that collar off."

Then before I realized what was happening he put handcuffs on me! As I stood there in shock he took the lead rope which was still attached to the collar and looped the rope around the cuffs and tied a knot, looped it around my waist pinning my arms, and then pulling the rope he led me; still in shock, into the woods and tied the rope around a tree. Then he said,

"Now you stay here girl, they'll be along to pick you up directly. Need to keep you out of sight until then, wouldn't do to have some tourist see you now, would it?"

I looked at him in horror as I finally understood. "Noooo, Please! I begged, Not youuu tooo! How can you doooo this, you're a cooop for God's sake! Please, I'm a man, not a coooow! Please!"

"Sorry bossy, he said. Whole town depends on the dairy farms around here. And you are a cow now, like it or not. Or soon will be. The change is unstoppable. But just think; you'll have an easy productive life helping support hundreds of people who will depend on you. Now you stay quiet, I need to call Bob and let him know I found his runaway livestock."

"Please, Mooooo! I cried, Please, I doon't want toooo be an animal! Please!!" Then as he walked away I leaned against the tree and cried. Oh God, please someone help me, anyone! I looked around, but there was no one. "Moooooo." I sobbed

He came back a short time later and said, "Don't you worry none bossy, your owner will be here to pick you up soon. He's very worried about you and has a nice warm stall waiting for you and a big bag of oats. He'll be awhile though, so think I'll take me a break and have a little fun."

I watched in horror as the trooper took his clothes off and neatly hung them over some trees. When he turned to me his penis was erect and rampant, and still wearing his dark glasses he walked up to me, then squatted down and started to suck on my nipples. I gave a snort of pleasure, it felt so good! I just stood there panting as he kneaded my udder and drank his fill, and felt the warm wetness on my rump increasing. Ohhh, this is SO wrong I thought, "Mooo, Ohhhh" I moaned unable to help myself. By why does it feel soooo good? He finished with a loud belch, and said,

"Nothing like a warm fresh milk right from the udder, nice and sweet bossy, you've been eating clover haven't you? Well, now that I've sucked you time to return the favor."

As I sucked on his penis I thought, this is insane, it's like some perverted Twilight Zone episode! But it was oh so horribly real. He pulled his cock out of my mouth before he came, and I gave a grunt of pleasure as he mounted me, and couldn't help lowing as I felt his hardness inside of me. He took his time, speeding up and slowing down as he grunted in pleasure. I heard a car pull up and looked up as the two farmers approached. They both smiled when they say what was going on, and one said,

"Well Tom, looks like you're having fun, and from her sounds I think she is to."

The cop gave a gasp of pleasure, and said "Oh yeah, she's nice and, uhh, tight."

The farmer smiled again and said, "That's because we broke her in for the first time just yesterday, she'll be nice and tight for another week or two. And since it's that time of day I reckon we'll join in on the fun."

Oh God, I thought, no! Please no! But soon all I could do was grunt and bellow in unwanted pleasure as while one serviced me I sucked another's cock. They undid the cuffs and rope so I could brace myself better and I made no move to run again as I wanted what they were giving me, I had never felt such sexual ecstasy before as each of them serviced me again and again. I eagerly sucked and fondled them as they humped me, it felt so fantastic and I had several massive orgasms of my own. When they were through I followed docilely as they led me to a cattle trailer and loaded me inside. It was my one and only attempt at escape, my only bid to try and remain human. But now I gave in to the inevitable.

They took me back to my stall and fed me again, and then later visited me again and serviced me as I bent over lowing and belling in pleasure, or gave muffled moans when one would force himself into my mouth. Oh God how I loved it, needed it so very badly! When they finally left I laid down to sleep, crying as I smelled the scent of our matings which filled the stuffy air in the stall, crying because I wanted more and hated myself for that want.

The next day after they finished with me one of the men told me he had a "present" for me, and with a laugh tossed a huge equine shaped dildo that must have been twenty four inches long. I caught it and looked at it, then him, in horror. But within an hour of their leaving I was using it on myself, grunting and squealing as I forced it into me as far as it would go, bringing myself to orgasm after orgasm. And from the scents on it I could tell it had been used by numerous cows before me, it was worn sleek and shiny. The bastards knew exactly what I needed, and every day I forced it in deeper and deeper until I could take the whole length and wanted more. And as I masturbated I knew what I was doing, what was happening, and sobbed and cried as I became more and more an animal and less human with each passing day.

And so it went on, I was milked, serviced, fed, serviced, fed, milked, and I pleasured myself as often and for as long as possible. Sometimes the men would watch as I rammed the huge dildo in an out of myself and even then I couldn't stop myself. Oh God the humiliation, but the beast didn't care as it reveled in its sexual pleasure. As they watched I looked at them grunting and squealing in lust with tears running down my muzzle. And the horrible change steadily progressed.

My udders kept getting larger, as did I as I put on weight. They fed me hay and regular cattle feed now, but heavily medicated to speed up my growth. I eat and eat and it's never enough. My upper body started changing, my chest swelling and thickening, my neck growing longer and thicker. The most horrible change came when my fingers grew together and became hooves, and for a week I alternated between standing and going on all fours until I became a quadruped for good as my spine and hips changed and my arms became legs and my fingers became hooves. Because of my new changes I could no longer use the dildo, so they attached it to the wall of the stall so I could back onto it and fuck myself by rocking back and forth, I need it so badly. They no longer fuck me themselves as I guess I'm just too big now, but they do service me with an even larger dildo several times a day as I moo and bellow in pleasure, I need it so badly. They also have me give them blow jobs as I can use my tongue to scoop their balls into my mouth as I suck on them and I enjoy the taste of their cum. I eagerly wait for them to enter my stall carrying the huge dildo, and present myself with tail raised lowing in lust as I beg them to help me, to fuck me, to satisfy my horrible need.

I haven't been able to talk or over a week now as my face pushed forward into a muzzle and my head enlarged and changed shape as well. My face stretched and stretched and my eyes moved to the sides of my head and my peripheral vision improved dramatically. I can now look down my own "face" and see the flat hairy snout and large rubbery nose. I like to lick my nose with my long thick tongue, and often spend hours chewing cud to pass the time. There's not much to do unless I'm eating or they're servicing me with the dildo. One day they took me to a stall and polled my short horns, removing them entirely, and also worked on my hooves for awhile, trimming and shaping them. It didn't hurt, but I was pretty skittish.

Then to my surprise instead of taking me back to my stall they led me out into a pasture and set me loose. I blinked in the bright light, and looking around saw some other cows looking at me. One came up and snuffled at me and I saw she had blue eyes, human eyes. I wondered if she'd been a man or a woman before. I snuffled her back then followed her as I had nothing else to do. I spent the day grazing with the other cows as I was still so hungry and wasn't quite as large as they were yet. The grass and clover was sweet and succulent and I grazed contentedly, occasionally looking up and lowing or mooing. Then later in the day it was back to the barn to be milked, which we all welcomed as our udders were swollen and tender. After that we were turned out into a pen with water and feed for the night. I had thought maybe my human mind would become bovine as well, just the mind of stupid animal. But it stayed human with all my memories intact, and in a way that is far worse.

Every cow in my "herd" has human eyes, and we all know what we are, and what was done to us. Human minds trapped in animal bodies. But we're utterly dependant on our "owners" for everything. We need them to feed us, milk us, shelter us, and take care of us. It goes far beyond mere slavery, and they never treat us as anything other than animals. I could probably kill one of the men by trampling him due to my size, but I never even consider it, or trying to escape, as I am as completely docile as much as any normal cow. I don't know if that's part of the spell or whatever changed us, or from bovine natural inbred instincts, or maybe both. Our life is simple and uncomplicated and once you accept it its' not so bad.

I had one more function to perform in my new life, so as soon as I was large enough I was "introduced" to the herd bull. They put me in a pen and then led him snorting and snuffling as he smelled my heat. I stared at him with a mixture of terror and desire. He was huge, his penis almost dragging on the ground. To my surprise he came up and gently nuzzled my face and I understood when I saw his green eyes, he was just like me. But at least he had remained male, or maybe he'd been a woman? I'd never know. With a bellow of bovine lust he mounted me and I bellowed too. Oh GOD! He lunged into me and I squealed as I felt him slide deeper into me with each mighty thrust. He climbed on my back and gripped me with his front legs and with deep grunts and snorts he serviced me and it was incredible. I could feel every inch of him as he slid in and out of me ans I squealed and bawled in agonizing ecstasy. When he came it felt like I had a hose inside of me he spewed so much, and my whole body shuddered as I had my own bovine orgasm too. They left him in the pen with me for several hours and he serviced me another six times, our bellows of pleasure ringing across the barnyard. At the end just before they took him away he nuzzled me again. He had no choice in the matter and neither did I; we are controlled by our animal needs and instincts now. I love him as my mate and herd bull. He gives me much pleasure when he responds to my needs and services me, and sires many fine calves with me. They keep me pregnant to increase my milk production and for the money the sale of my offspring will bring.

As we make our way back to the barn to be milked I felt my calf kick again, I know I'd be dropping him or her soon. Other cows have been birthing all week long out in the pasture, their new calves following their dams back to the barn. I was looking forward to my next calf, to being a mother again. They are so sweet and happy, and I love the feel of them suckling at my teats.

As we neared the barn I noticed a commotion at the fence next to the farmer's house, and curious wandered over to join some of my herd mates. I pushed my way to the front and saw two young women; they were giving apple slices to us and petting our muzzles. Some of the others were trying desperately to warn them and I heard the farmer yell,

"Ladies, that iced tea is ready!"

One of the girls scratched my nose and I looked at her, "MOOOOO! LOOOOWW!" I cried as she giggled. No, I thought, run! For God's sake RUN! "MOOOO!!"

"Hey Suzy, said the other, I think she likes you!"

"MOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO! MOOOOOO!" I bawled as they walked over to sit on the farmer's porch in the shade and drink their tea. "MOOOOOOOO!"

The End


Mardi Gras!

This story is copyrighted, so NO takee! Mardi Gras! By William W. Kelso Mardi Gras, New Orleans! It was everything I had ever imaged it would be and more, and less. The incredible parades and costumes, the partying, the bars and restaurants...

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Circe's Traveling Circus

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Circe's Traveling Circus By William W. Kelso It was dark and wet and I was pretty miserable all things considered. My last ride had dumped in a small town in the middle of nowhere and the local "long...

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The Seeker, Chapter 10

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 10 By William W. Kelso I lay next to Mistress Vulva's desk and dozed contentedly. She had ordered me to stay and watch the office while she attended some sort of "Higher Ups Only"...

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