The Seeker, Chapter 11

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 11

By William W. Kelso

I grabbed some more stuff out of the chest of drawers and started to stuff them into my Mistress's suitcase. I kept my body heat down as low as I could as I didn't want to set her stuff on fire, she doesn't like that. Not that she has much, going naked all the time makes for small wardrobes. In Hell the perverts wear clothes. I held up a complicated leather harness with lots of buckles, now THAT was interesting. I held it up next to my body; I'd like to see her in this, woof! My Mistress came out of the bathroom; gave an irritated hiss, then came over and grabbed the harness and said,

"NO! We're not taking that, its last century's model! Quit putting stuff in my suitcase Pet, I'll pack it myself, Hiss! Go and guard the front door or something."

"But Mistress, if we don't hurry we'll miss the boat!" I whined. Then I stuck the harness back in her suitcase when she wasn't looking.

"And with you helping we'll NEVER get done, Hiss! Now get out of here and let ME pack! Hiss! And where did you put the urinal cakes?"

"I ate them all. Hiss" I replied in a sulky voice.

"You WHAT! A whole box?" Vulva hissed. SMACK! "Get OUT of here you greedy pest!" SMACK!

"Yipe! Yipe!" I squealed as I ran out the door. Geez, what a grouch. It's not like she didn't hog most of the goodies all the time anyway. I was lucky to get the crumbs. The man-eating plant giggled so I flipped him the bird, and he returned my salute. Dumb plant, at least we weren't taking it along.

I cheered up as I walked into her office though, and dutifully took up my usual position on my favorite asbestos rug facing the door. That way I get first dibs on anything that wanders in. We're going a vacation! Oh boy, first one in the ten years or more I've been a demon, and to the beach no less! The only down side was we had to pick up her bonehead brother on the way AND drop by to spend at day at their mothers cave. I carefully weighed the options, throw myself in a volcano or visit her Mom's again. Needless to say her Mom and I do not get along. She thinks I'm not housebroken (hey, I had to go somewhere!) and I think she's a great big scary bat from Hell. She looks like a lizard-goat demoness version of Phyllis Diller. Eyuck. She does have a nice body though, kind of a heftier version of her daughter. But I guess I could survive a day if it meant a vacation at a tropical paradise. Meeting her brother would be interesting though, from the way she talked about him he was a real jerk. We'd probably get along great, we jerks stick together.

About that time the mail Imp showed up, stuck his head around the corner, saw me, and almost left again. But it was too late, I'd seen him and he couldn't get away. He got quite a ways down the tunnel before I caught him though. I dragged him back through the door and sat on him while I signed for a rather large package. Then I let him go, much to his surprise. I can be mean, but I'm really not all that rotten, I'd just wanted to get the mail. Mail Imps have short careers; sooner or later something they're delivering mail too gets hungry, or is in a bad mood and takes it out on them. Delivering bills in Hell is not high on the list of desirable jobs. I put the box on my Mistress's desk without opening it; she doesn't like it when I open her mail. Besides sometimes it blows up, especially if it's from the "Explosive of the Month Club". Then I went back to my guard position and promptly feel asleep. Some guard I am. Something came in once and took her desk while I was sleeping which was pretty impressive as it weighs about five tons. Actually that time I was comatose from too many Flaming Luggies the night before because my Mistress had a party and made me tend the bar, which was not a good idea. But we got it back and I got to fry the demon's butt that took it. It's bolted down now though.

I woke up though when a bat making high screeching noises came flapping into the room. At first I thought maybe Dracula had come for a visit, but turns out it was just a courier bat. I had chomped the first few that showed up (including Dracula) before Vulva found out and told me what they were, after beating the crap out of me. It flew over to the desk and dropped a message tube, then turned around and left again. I scurried over and opened the tube, it was a reminder about Great Lord Ba'al's upcoming Halloween Party & Orgy, or as we preferred to call it "Getting your Ashes All Hauled Eve". It was the big party of the year, and attendance was mandatory, or else. I for one had NO intention of finding out what "or else" meant. Nope, not the least bit curious. There aren't any cats in hell as curiosity killed them all (or the rats ate them). This year's motif was "Fantasy, Mythical or Legendary Creatures". Hell, I thought we WERE mythical creatures! Last year's was a hoot, my Mistress and I went as Yogi Bear and Booboo and won a prize. Guess who got to be Booboo. I was so embarrassed I ate the prize and blamed it on the plant.

About that time Mistress Vulva came in so I ran over and rubbed my head against her leg, I love to do that, she smells so very nice. And sometimes it leads to other fun things. Hopefully I ran my tongue over her mound, but she didn't respond, much to my disappointment. I told her,

"Mistress, we got a package in the mail and a message reminding us about Great Lord Ba'al's party. Can I open the package, can I, huh, please?" I asked hopefully, I love to open boxes (as long as they don't blow up in my face). I always got short changed on my birthday and Xmas (not that we celebrate that day down here) so I made up for it by opening packages, preferably other peoples. Never know what you're gonna get that way, as long as it isn't high explosives or scary photos.

Vulva replied as she scratched her Pets head and he squealed in delight, "No, you can't open the box, it's a surprise. And like we could ever forget that stupid party, we get an invitation every twenty minutes. Talk about over advertizing. Hiss!"

"Surprise Mistress?" I asked uncertainly, "As in the GOOD kind, or the "BOOM" kind?"

Vulva laughed, that incident with the nitro glycerin HAD been funny; it had taken her almost an hour to scrape him off the wall. "Don't worry my Pet", she said when he started cringing while she was laughing, "It's just our costumes for the big party. They're adorable, you'll just love them. Hiss."

Yep, I thought, the BAD kind of surprise. Most surprises in Hell are the bad kind, we like things nice and boring whenever possible. At least after last year's costumes what could be worse? Oh ye of little faith.

"Can I see them? Hiss." I asked.

"NO! she replied, not until the party, and especially not after you ruined the last one I bought you. Hisss. And they had better not disappear either! Now come on, we need to fly to my brother's and meet him at work, then on to Mom's. Hiss."

I didn't ruin that stupid Lederhosen outfit, I thought, Equa did when she ripped it off and raped me, and then ate me with her, with her, uggh! At least I didn't remember that part very much! But she did give me a lovely mane, and I really like horses now. But I kept my mouth shut.

"Oh joy, I can hardly wait." I hissed. SMACK! Unfortunately My Mistress can tell when I'm being sarcastic. She's pretty sharp.

She gave me the suitcase to carry. I'm her full time guard dragon, sex slave (I like that part!), bar tender & waiter, flunky, village idiot, bell hop, and baggage handler. At least it didn't weigh much. All I had was my GAY harness, and it's not even mine. I'm just a slave; I own nothing, not even myself. Which is fine by me, it makes for good job security and low overhead, which is pretty important if you're immortal. I put the handle in my mouth and followed her down the tunnels, since I'm four legged that was the best way to carry it. I was very careful not to chew through the strap though. My fangs are pretty sharp as my tongue well knows. Fortunately it was fireproof, so my drool didn't set it on fire.

We left the main entrance; past the bowing Imp guards, and walked out into the desert a short ways. We did some wing stretching exercises to limber up, and then took to the air with powerful flaps of our wings. Of all the things I like best about being a demon its flying (and sex); it almost makes up for the down side. Of course it's not so great when I fly into, through, or down stuff. It was a great "day" so far though, the sky was nice and bright, the wind scalding, just enough sand blowing to polish our scales, and I hadn't screwed up yet. Perfect! It was some way to her brothers place so we didn't waste much time, and the suitcase only came open once (it wasn't MY fault!). But we found everything even though I almost got eaten by a sand hydra. Vulva saved my scaly butt though, and I blasted the hydra into last week. Try to eat ME will you!

Finally we reached her brother's place, "Vulkrebs Enterprises, Limited". Gee what an original name I thought, and compared to Mistress Vulva's the place was a dump as far as I was concerned, which was saying a lot. Demonkind are not known for their house keeping skills, we're a bunch of slobs. Most barns are nicer then our places, even some college dorms are nice then our places. We landed and stretched, getting the kinks out of our wings before folding them. As we approached the gates to his domain the two guard Imps bowed respectfully, and one said,

"Greetings Mistress, you are expected. The Master is in his office and requests that you join him there at your convenience."

Mistress Vulva didn't say anything as we passed through the gate, but the Imps weren't expecting her too. An Imp is happiest if their owners don't even know they exist. I winked as I went by though, which probably just made then nervous. The other Imps, beasts, and lesser demonkind we passed in the tunnels also bowed. If they didn't they'd have a 700 pound dragon sitting on top of them to remind them. You WILL show my Mistress the respect she deserves, she's earned it. I am very insistent about that; much to her delight. She calls me her "etiquette enforcer" which is a lot better than most of the other things she usually calls me.

I was pretty impressed as we walked down the tunnels, the place was really busy. I saw demonkind and Imps making all sorts of stuff. Furniture was being carved out different kinds of stone or crystal (wood furniture in Hell has a short life expectancy), fine jewelry was being made (we're not big on clothes, but body jewelry is popular), chains and harnesses for slaves, and lots of other stuff. The most interesting was weapons, power lances and armor. It looks like her brother was a "Jerk of All Trades", a real entramanure.

When we reached her brothers office I still had the stupid suitcase's handle in my mouth, I wasn't about to leave it unattended as something would swipe it and I'd get blamed. Thieves in Hell, say it ain't so! I was surprised he actually had a door to his office, which was rare as normally doors are reserved only for the really higher ups. It's a status thing, lesser demonkind and slaves don't rate doors. When Vulva opened the door I started to follow her and caught a new and very interesting scent, a fire dragoness! In my eagerness to see I pushed past my Mistress and tripped over the stupid suitcase; fell on my face, and bit my tongue.

"Owoooooo! Aiiiiieeeeehiissss!" I squealed as I ran around in a circle holding my tongue. "Neigh! Ow! Ow! Ow!" My Mistress gave a hard yank on the leash and said,

"Knock it OFF Pet! Sit down and behave yourself!"

So I obediently sat down; whining, with my mouth open still holding my poor often abused tongue, and then remembered what had distracted me. I looked around and saw the most beautiful little fire dragoness I had ever seen looking at me with her mouth open. She was lying by her Masters desk on a fireproof rug just like I did by my Mistress's own desk. Then I realized what she'd just seen, oh hoow embarrassing. She must think I'm retarded. With a slurp I pulled my tongue back into my mouth and shut it and tried to look dignified. But I couldn't help but stare at her; she was so lovely, her scales were shiny and her eyes were beautiful. And then I realized something else, she was a Seeker too! Don't ask me how I knew, I just did. My mouth fell open and my tongue dangled out again. She got up with a hiss and hid behind her Masters desk, shyly sticking her head around the side and looking at me. I was in love!

Lydia didn't know what to think when the door to her Masters office opened and two demonkind entered. She sat up in surprise when a fire dragon (a male fire dragon!), wiggled through the door past the demoness, fell flat on his face ,and then started doing a little dance of some kind and howled. When he stuck his tongue out at her for the second time she nervously got up and hid behind her Masters desk, but looked out at him again. He was kind of cute, but that harness was pretty gay. She liked the mane too; he was the first of their kind she'd seen with one.

Vulkrebs and Vulva said at the exact same time, "When did you get a Seeker!?!" They both laughed, and then Vulkrebs said,

"So that's what Vulkna meant by a big surprise! Hiss! Really sister dear, you should have told me."

Vulva smiled and said, "Yeah, hiss, like you ever call. You should have called me when you got yours too!"

"Touché sister dear, it looks like we were both remiss. My apologies, you have no idea how busy I've been. Hiss." Vulkrebs said.

Vulva replied, "Oh, I have an idea brother, running the breeding pits of Hell are not exactly an easy task either. Besides, I've had my Seeker much longer then you've had yours. Hiss. I really should have mentioned it sooner."

"Hmm, he must be the one I've heard about, is he really so um, uh, accident prone? Hiss." Vulkrebs asked.

Vulva laughed, and said "Oh definitely, it's truly amazing the fixes he gets himself into, but he does have a very nice 99% success rate, only reason he doesn't have 100% is the last one hid in a church, but he did squish the guy with a V-8. He'll do anything to please his Mistress. Yes he will, he's a good little jelly bean." she said as she scratched her Pets head and he crooned in pleasure. "We got a one week all expenses paid vacation at the Marquis de Sade's resort for that one. Hiss."

"You lucky girl, I've heard interesting things about the Marquis's fun house. It's by invitation only too, he must have been impressed. How did you get your Seeker by the way? Hiss." Vulkrebs asked.

"Oh, the usual way. Vulva replied, raped his body and soul and dragged him down to Hell. How'd you get yours?"

Was NOT rape, I thought. I wanted it! And DON'T call me that! I rubbed my head against My Mistress's leg and made happy noises while she scratched my head. I do so love it when she praises me, makes all the crap worthwhile. The fire dragoness looked around the side of the desk again, and then ducked back out of sight. I watched intently, and then started to get up and go after her, but my Mistress gave a hard yank on the leash, so I sat back down with an impatient whine.

"Mistress, I whined in her head, I just want to say hello!"

Vulva replied in my own head, "That's not all you want to do, I know you better than that. You stay away from her unless Vulkrebs says it's OK. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes Mistress, but she's so pretty!" I said

"Yes, she is Pet, but you leave her alone. Promise me?"

"Yes Mistress" I replied. I gave a soft hiss, and flared my nostrils to catch the little fire dragoness's scent better; it was sweet and so nice. I gave a little hiss and looked for her, but she was still hiding.

Lydia looked out at the male dragon again and he stared back at her intently. He was rubbing his Mistress's leg and evidently loved her as much as she loved her own Master. With a soft hiss she shyly ducked back out of sight. She'd seen other fire demons; including dragons, but he was the smallest male she'd seen. By fire dragoness standards she was a real runt, it was nice to know she wasn't the only one, and it was so interesting he was male. She could smell him, and he smelled, well, male!

Vulkrebs, unaware of our little telepathic exchange, replied, "Oh, pretty much the same way. Hiss. She was sacrificed to me and accepted my offer. She was a most unusual and enjoyable mate though, she actually enjoyed it. She is a very insistent little sex slave too, just about keeps me worn out. And what she can do with her tongue! Hiss."

She enjoyed being "raped" too, I thought. How interesting. Maybe that has something to do with why we're both Seekers? A fire dragoness Seeker, how nice!

"Well, said Vulva, she certainly is a pretty little thing. You lucked out this time brother dear, hiss, normally you just end up with a female breeding human for the pits; not that we can't use those, when you get offered a sacrifice. I think most human females find your, um, charms, rather intimidating."

Yuck, I thought. I felt sorry for the "female breeding humans" in my Mistress's breeding pits. They're kept pregnant all the time as the only way the animals, Imps, and beasts of Hell can breed is with human virgins. Ever wonder why virgin sacrifices are so popular with demonkind? We need the breeding stock. They're probably better off than the male Hell Studs though; some male virgins become sex crazed living breeding machines. They're demons too, but have only one function, servicing as many females as fast as possible in as short a time as possible. There are so few of them they have to service females 24/7 to keep up the demand for livestock. It might sound like fun, but if you'd ever seen one of those poor insane monsters, or heard their screams of unending agonizing ecstasy, you wouldn't volunteer, I guarantee it. It's not the fun kind of sex, its mindless animal mating and they average about twelve females an hour. They have permanent erections and they don't even stop to eat, their "food" is the sexual juices of their partners. Yuck. I guess going insane from sexual pleasure and lust is better than some ways though. Their "mates" are only animals, beasts, and Imps though, they'll never have sex with a human female, none of Mistress Vulva's Pets; myself included, ever will either. We lost that right when we lost our humanity and became demonkind. It's an irony I guess, we get more sex in a day then most humans do in a month, yet technically we'll remain virgins for eternity. If I tried to mount a human female it would kill her in seconds, she would literally burst into flame. But I have NO desire whatsoever to try; my concept of a "desirable female" has undergone a major change since my own transformation. To me scales and fur are lovely, soft pink squishy skin is revolting. Human females don't even have snouts, tails, or nice long forked tongues! They're butt ugly as far as I'm concerned.

"Speaking of breeding sister dear, Vulkrebs said, I hear you've managed to get yourself knocked up again. Hiss, hiss, hiss! Tell me, who's the lucky father? Anything I know?"

Vulva replied "You're looking at him brother dear; my dear little Pet "knocked me up" as you so eloquently put it right there on the altar when I was raping him. What's even more amazing is he is still virile, I guess because he's one of mine he's still technically a virgin even though he is a most insatiable little demon. He's gotten at least half the fire dragoness's in Hell pregnant over the last ten years, including some Ladies. It's a shame I can't breed him with the lesser demoness's, I'd make a fortune. As it is he's limited to fire demonkind and demi or higher level demoness's. How about your own little Pet dragoness, who knocked HER up? Hissss?"

Vulkrebs blinked, and said, "What did you say?!?"

Vulva gave a loud laugh, "Oh, brother dear, don't tell me you don't know? Your Pet is pregnant! Hiss! Surely you can scent it, she's gravid with eggs."

Vulkrebs blinked again, and said "But, I, I'm the only, oh my. Hiss."

Vulva was bent over laughing, holding onto her alarmed Pet to keep from falling over, "Oh, oh, Hiiiisss! She cackled, you mean you really didn't know? Oh, oh, hiisss! And, and YOU'RE the father? And you gave ME Hell about getting pregnant! Oh, oh, hiss! Hiss! hiss!! Oh, this is priceless, what WILL Mommy think!"

Vulkrebs looked down at his Pet and she looked back at him guiltily, then pressed her head against his leg and crooned in affection. He reached down and gently stroked her head. Him? A father? It wouldn't be the first time, but it had been a long time. And it was the first time with one of his Pets. He found he was looking forward to it. He kept gently scratching and stroking his Pets head and she hissed in delight. Yes, he was looking forward to it very much.

Lydia looked up her master guiltily; she really should have told him. But when he seemed pleased her whole body trembled in delight and she rubbed her head against his leg and hissed her love for him as he gently caressed and scratched her head. She forgot all about the other fire dragon.

Well, I thought. This was an interesting development. It would make a good plot for Hell's most popular soap opera "As Hell Burns". I wonder what the kids will look like? I tried to imagine it, and scared myself. My Mistress was laughing so hard I started to get worried, plus she was drooling all over me too. Not that I minded that very much, she does the same thing when I'm servicing her.

"Mistress, we're going to be late. I hissed. We don't want to make your Mom mad, now do we?" That got her attention!

Vulva gave a final hissing cackle, and said, "My Pet is right brother dear. We'd better get a move on or Mommy dearest will be pissed if we're late." They both gave a shudder at that possibility.

Vulkrebs stood up, and said, "Well we'd better be off then. Wait here for a minute and I'll get my stuff." And he disappeared back into his personal quarters. His Pet started to follow him, but he told her to stay and wait for him. She didn't like it, but obeyed her Master.

Mistress Vulva took the opportunity to get up to inspect the photos and paintings hanging on the wall of her brother's office. She got into an argument with one in what sounded like Russian, and that gave me the opportunity I'd been waiting for.

When I was pretty sure my Mistress wasn't paying any attention to me I snuck over to the desk and stuck my head around it, but there was no sign of the fire demoness that I'd seen! What the? I thought. I hadn't seen her leave or anything, where'd she go? I stuck my head under the desk, but nothing. With an exasperated hiss I started to circle the desk looking for her, not realizing she was doing the same thing looking for me. The desk was so big; it looked more like judges podium to me, that despite our sizes we were able to avoid one another. I could smell her though, so lifted up my head but she wasn't on top of the desk either. In growing frustration I started moving in faster circles around the desk, but still nothing! Finally I turned around with a hiss of exasperation, and as I came around the corner of the desk I ran right into her and we both bonked our heads together and I bit my tongue again.

Lydia saw the male dragon get up and start towards the desk when his Mistress was distracted, and she ran around the side to avoid him. She wasn't quite sure what to think about him yet. She heard him sniffing around, so crept around the desk to see if she could get a better whiff of his scent. To her great surprise he wasn't there! She looked under the desk; then on the top, but no sign of him. She knew he had to be here somewhere, but where the heck was he? She sped up and started racing around the desk faster; came around a corner, and ran right into him head first and gave a loud hiss as she got knocked on her tail.

With a shriek I jumped on my hind legs and started hoping up and down holding my tongue and going "Yip, yip, Hiss!, snort, Whinny! yipe!" and the dragoness streaked past me with a loud hiss and disappeared through the doorway to her Master's quarters. I tried to follow, got tangled in some cords; tripped, dragged Vulkrebs computer off his desk, and was soon rolling around squealing as my struggles just wrapped the cords more securely around me until I looked like someone had hogtied me in them. "Lemme go!" I roared.

When the male jumped up and started shrieking and dancing around again Lydia took one look; gave a loud hiss, and took off for her Masters private quarters. There must be something wrong with him, he must have mental problems!

Mistress Vulva turned around at the loud shriek from her pet and then watched with her mouth open as he proceeded to destroy her brother's computer system in seconds flat, then screamed at the top of her lungs "PET, WHAT THE FUCK!" The fire dragoness gave a loud hiss and fled in panic.

Lydia ran into her Master; knocked him down and still panicking kept going and dived under her Masters bed with a frightened yowl. She could still hear the other dragon hissing and screeching and thought he was after her.

Vulkrebs; who had gotten his suitcase and the gift for his Mom, had been coming back down the hallway when he was trampled by his fleeing Pet and he hissed "What the FUCK!" as he was knocked flying. His Pet kept going and disappeared into the bedroom. Getting up he walked back into his office to see what all the commotion was about and found his sister screaming at her Pet whom she had evidently tied up in computer cables. "What the FUCK?" he said again.

Vulva screamed and hissed at her Pet as she smacked him with her tail. "What, hiss, is wrong with you!" SMACK! "I can't take you ANYwhere! HISS!" CRUNCH! "Just ONCE I'd like to be able to go somewhere, SMACK, without you wreaking the joint! HIIIISSSSSS!" WHACK!

I just lay there helplessly and whined, I couldn't even beg for mercy as my muzzle was tied shut by one of the cables, and her mind was closed. To make it even worse the insulation on the cables was melting and the keyboard and tower were on fire now. "Whhiiiiinnnnneeee".

Vulkrebs blinked, and said "Really sister! If you wanted to tie your Pet up and punish him you could have used something other than my computer cables! I do have fireproof chains you know. And can't you do this later; we're going to be late."

Vulva looked at her brother incredulously, "But I didn't, HIISS! HE! OHHHHHH! HIISSS!" and with an enraged hiss started jumping up and down on her helpless Pet. "I AM, STOMP, GOING TO, STOMP, GIVE YOU, STOMP, SUCH A, STOMP, PAIN! HIISSSS!!"

You already have, I thought. I just played dead; it was all I could do. Didn't make any difference though, when my Mistress is mad she can beat dead things to death. Why does this always happen to me, I thought? Then she started jumping up and down on me in addition to whacking me with her tail. WHACK! Ow, ow, ow!

Vulkrebs said, "Sister, while I must say I admire your enthusiasm in disciplining your Pet we really must be on our way. Mustn't keep Mummy waiting you know. If we do she'll sic her pet sandworm on us when we get there."

Fortunately her brother reminded My Mistress of our time table and she stopped pummeling me while I still vaguely resembled something remotely alive. I had hoof prints on my back and butt for weeks. It did get that kink out of my back though.

Vulva stopped what she was doing and breathed heavily. She gave her Pet one last kick, and then squatted down and tried to remove the tangle of cables from around his body, but just made it worse. Finally with a snarl of frustration she used her fangs to just bite through some of them; they were ruined anyway. He still had smoking melted rubber insulation all over him, but it would burn off.

"Pet, she said in her mind, GET UP! HISS! I know you're faking."

I opened one eye warily, "Am I still alive?" I asked.

"Unfortunately YES!" she replied. "Now GET UP, we have to be going. If we're late Mom with give us to Rover to play with! HISS!"

THAT got me moving, her Mom's pet was a forty foot sandworm that tried to eat me last time we were there. I sat up and tried to scrape the smoking insulation off of me, but just smeared it. I looked up and saw the female fire dragon looking at me from around the corner of the hall door. Oh great, I thought, she probably saw the whole thing, what a great first impression. WHY do these things always happen to me? It's SO unfair. I smiled at her and waved, and she ducked back out of sight. Way to go Casanova.

Lydia crept back down the hallway as soon as the screaming and sounds of conflict died down. She stuck her head around the corner and saw that the demoness had tied up her Pet and was beating him, then she started jumping up and down on him too. The poor thing, what had he done? He looked like he was unconscious and the cables binding him were on fire. What a horrible Mistress he had! Finally the demoness let him loose and he staggered to his feet and tried to wipe the burning insulation off of himself, he looked absolutely pitiful. Then he saw her and waved, and she pulled her head back around the corner. He was so brave after such a horrible beating!

Vulkrebs went back to his room to get his suitcase, and almost tripped over his new Pet who was waiting in the hallway. He wasn't quite sure exactly what had spooked her so badly, though his sister had been pretty rough on her own Seeker. He scratched her head to reassure her, and told her to come on. Then leading the way he led their little troop of two demi-demonkind and two fire drakes down the tunnels towards the exit. His Pet carried his suitcase in her mouth and his sisters Pet carried hers the same way. It was probably a funny sight, but nothing dared to laugh, at least where they could be heard. Laughing at ones superiors in Hell is not a wise career move even if it WAS funny. Most demonkind have no sense of humor anyway, or a very warped sense if they do. You would not believe the practical jokes we pull on one another.

Once they got outside Vulva kept a sharp eye; and leash, on her Pet. She knew what he wanted to do with the female Seeker. Not the she disapproved mind; they were demonkind after all, and she'd trained him well. He was no longer the horribly shy and sexually traumatized human male she'd claimed as one of her Pets. Now he couldn't get enough and she was proud of him. The fact he was mainly limited to her for a partners was just fine with her, he excelled at pleasuring his Mistress and was always so enthusiastic, but she did rent him out to horny fire demonkind females on a regular basis. She made a bundle off his stud services. She just wanted to make sure the timing was right with the little fire dragoness, and she'd have to arrange the mating with her brother of course. Besides, the dragoness was off limits until she'd laid her clutch. She was too far along to mate for now. She contacted her Pet in her mind,

"Pet, you stay away from her for now. She's carrying eggs, so NO mating until she's laid her clutch. Hiss! I'm VERY serious about this Pet. And Pet, I'm sorry I freaked out a little bit, you know how I get when I have to go visit relatives. Hiss. I'll, um, make it up to you later. Hiss."

"Mistress! I replied. I was bad; you punished me, you don't have to apologize! I'm sorry I upset you. Hiss." And; a little miffed, I added, "Of course I know the female fire dragon is pregnant, I can smell too you know. I just wanted to say Hi and get acquainted; she is such a pretty little thing. And you know I can never force myself on a female." And I knew what she meant by "make it up to you later" too, oh, I do love to service my Mistress, yes indeedy!

Vulva replied, "I'm sorry Pet, I should have given you the benefit of the doubt. But you can be so charming I was worried she might give in anyway. You'll get to meet her at my mother's, I promise." And she added in a more serious tone, "If you need to go, do it BEFORE we're in the cave, please! Blowing up Mom's toilet last time did NOT make a good impression! Hiss!"

"Yes Mistress", I replied. And I pranced a little bit, she thinks I'm charming! "Mistress?"

"What is it Pet? Hiss." Vulva asked.

"I love you." I hissed. Vulva just smiled.

We exited Vulkrebs domain and got ready to take off. While we were flapping our wings and stretching I got a better look at the female Seeker. She really was pretty I realized. She had colorings similar to my own, red with black highlights. He tail was perfect, just the right length and width, and it whipped slowly back and forth in a way I found incredibly enticing. I felt a stirring in my vent, but managed to squash it, which was very hard for me to do. I had promised my Mistress no hanky-panky, plus she WAS pregnant. Even demonkind frown on sex after a pregnancy reached a certain stage, Hell even animals do! It's just not done, we're deviants but we're not stupid deviants. I noticed she was looking back at me, and ducked my head in embarrassment. I hoped she hadn't seen me checking her out! I flared my nostrils and caught her scent again, it was so sweet. Down boy!

As she stretched her wings and flapped them to get ready to take off Lydia kept sneaking glances at the male fire dragon. In the brighter burning light of Hells sunless sky she could see he really was handsome, she loved his black shiny mane and the barb on his tail was really sexy. She saw him look her way and pretended to be looking at one of her claws and nibbled at it. She looked up again out of the corner of her eye and he was stretching his legs and had his wings open and she stared in frank desire, he really was good looking. Her only mate since she'd been brought here had been her Master, but she hadn't wanted another one. She had been approached by more than one male, but had rebuked their advances, which they had thought was quite rude of her. But she just wasn't ready yet. Her master had taught her so much about sexual pleasure though, and lately she'd started looking at other males; fire demonkind of course, with more than a passing interest. The main problem was most were so large, the dragon was the only smaller one like herself that she'd seen so far, and he used to be human too. She really hoped he liked her. Please let him like her!

Vulva looked at her brother and he nodded, so they both crouched and sprang into the air with loud snaps of their wings, and flapping powerfully gained altitude rapidly. The two dragons joined them with roars of delight at taking flight as they were creatures of the air. They could easily have out flown their owners as with their larger; stronger, wings and more streamlined bodies they were much faster in the air, but they held back as they knew their place and followed their owners on the right, slightly behind and lower as befitted their status as slaves. Reaching the right altitude they all winged their way towards a range of low mountains in the distance. As they flew they passed other demon kind and called out, and received and/or gave polite greetings and/or required subservience, and once dove to a lower altitude to give a passing Dragon Lord the right of way.

The Hierarchy of Hell has strict rules, and you had best follow them. Even the slightest slight; no matter how unintentional, can get you in BIG trouble. I have a rule I go by; If it moves bow to it, if it doesn't move bow anyway. Better safe than skinned alive.

I had tied some of the former computer cables around my Mistress's suitcase as I didn't want it to come open again. I carried it with my hind legs and kept it clutched close to my body. Having to fight sand hydras for her private things was not something I wanted to experience more than once. They're nasty things and can actually chew up a demonkind pretty badly if they're big enough. Of all the vermin in Hell (hey, NO jokes!) they're the worst. Every few centuries we have to mount punitive expeditions to cull their numbers, and the Imp casualties can be horrendous. As we flew I kept sneaking furtive looks at the dragoness, and a couple times I caught her looking at me. We hadn't even spoken to one another yet. She really was beautiful; her sleek scaled form was so graceful in the air. If I didn't have the stupid suitcase I might have tried to show off for her, I'm pretty good at aerial aerobatics. I wanted to fly over and take a closer look, but since Vulkrebs was along too I'd better keep a low profile. After all she was his mate and sex slave just like I was my Mistress's, but we really didn't see it that way. Slaves yes, sex slaves most definitely (as often as possible), but we were also their lovers and mates. But that didn't mean they had anything against us mating with other demonkind, in fact they insist on it. My Mistress makes a fortune renting me out for stud service and I'm kept pretty busy. It was a weird set up, but it worked.

Lydia took quick glances at the male dragon as they flew along. She caught him looking at her too and hoped he liked what he saw. She wanted to take a closer look, but decided she'd better not. She wasn't really sure how her Master would react if she showed an interest in another male, even just a slave like she was. She belonged to her Master, and she accepted that with no regrets. But still it would be nice to at least make friends with the male, but so far they hadn't said a word to one another. She looked at his powerful haunches and long masculine tail and felt a tingle in her vent. That alarmed her a little; she didn't want to signal her interest with pheromones, so she looked straight ahead for the rest of the flight and ignored him. Being an animal now much of her reactions were instinctual and beyond her conscious control, and having been created by a Sex Demon didn't help either. All of Vulva and Vulkrebs pets are a little sex crazed. But she couldn't quite get the handsome young Seeker out of her mind. She so hoped he liked her, she had been ugly as a human and still found it hard to accept she was a hottie (in more ways than one) by Hell's standards.

After a couple hours of high fast flying they reached the mountains and Vulva and Vulkrebs began to spiral down to the entrance to their mothers cave followed by their slaves. They all came in to perfect landings near the entrance, and the two demi-demonkind led the way into the cave, their slaves following closely behind and carrying the luggage. The area was occupied mainly by older semi-retired demonkind even though there was not really anything like permanently retiring for immortal beings. They just like to take a couple hundred years off every now and then and let the youngsters have some fun. Since Hell was constantly growing (plenty of vacancies down here) they'd have no problem finding a "job" and/or Lord to serve anytime they wanted. If they didn't a Lord would find them. But for now their mother was "retired". Dad was still running around in Lower Heck causing all sorts of trouble, they were all so proud of him. Over 4000 and still going strong, he was an inspiration! He was strictly old school when it came to a hostile takeover, cut their heads off first then negotiate the terms. Works every time.

As we approached Mistress's mom's place I kept an eye out for "Rover" her pet sandworm. He had a hidden pit in her front yard and I'd "found" it the hard way last time I was here by falling in and landing on him. It was somewhere in her "yard" which was an area loosely defined by human and Imp skulls mounted tastefully on poles with a kind of reddish moss growing everywhere. The scattered bones were a nice touch too. I won't tell you what the local version of a Garden Gnome is, you wouldn't believe me. Let's just say I won't go near one. We followed our owners walking side by side, but couldn't say anything since we had the suitcase handles in our mouths. I sidled a little closer to her and let my tail brush against hers, not really a sexual invitation but just to say Hi. To my delight she returned the greeting, and her sexy tail was slick and smooth. I gave a muffled hiss of pleasure, but then all of a sudden she stopped and gave a loud squeal of fright!

Lydia walked next to the male dragon as they followed their Master and Mistress into the cave. Due to their peripheral vision they could see one another fine even with their heads pointing straight forward, and she liked what she saw. Up close his harness kind of looked dashing as the colors went well with his natural coloring. When he moved a little closer and brushed his tail against hers she gave a soft hiss and brushed her tail against his in polite response. She felt a nice tingle when she touched him and shivered, she wanted to do much more than just give him a tail pat. Then all of a sudden she felt something grab her hind leg and wrap itself tightly around it, and she gave a squeal of surprise and fright! Turning her head she watched as a huge cavernous maw filled with writhing tentacles exploded out of the sand, and more of the tentacles wrapped around her body! She shrieked and started to bite at them but there were too many! "MASTER!!" She shrieked But he was too far away, the monster would have her before he could get there!!. She squealed in terror as it started to drag her into its mouth.

I dropped the suitcase and spun around as I heard her squeal and then screech in fright, and saw the giant sandworm rearing up out of the hidden pit. With a roar I blasted it with my fire plume, raking the stream of superheated air across its tender mouth and tentacles and it burst into incandescent flame wherever the stream hit it. With a shriek the worm let her go and disappeared back into its pit in a geyser of churning sand. Serves it right! Nasty mean worm thingy. Then all of a sudden she was holding onto to me! It caught me by surprise, but I wrapped my front legs around her in response.

Lydia screamed as the monster tried to drag her into its mouth, and then the male dragon was there and roaring a battle cry he blasted the thing with his fire plume and it gave a wailing cry and let her go. He stood there staring at the place the worm had disappeared and snarled with his crest and fighting spines up, flaming saliva dripping from his mouth and his tail whipping back and forth, the barb hard and razor sharp. He was magnificent! With a squeal she threw herself into his arms and held onto to her hero.

Well, I thought, this is a nice development! She held onto me and I lowered my head and sniffed at her flank and felt her own hot breath against my flank as she sniffed me. She smelled even nicer close up. She lifted up her head on her long neck and I did the same and we stared at each other, then she nuzzled my snout. I blinked, and did the same. A very nice development indeed. She smelled fantastic, sweet and musky. When she ran her tongue gently across the tip of my snout I almost lost it. If Mistress and Vulkrebs hadn't shown up about then I couldn't have been held responsible for my actions. Frankly I'd forgotten all about them, all I could see were her lovely reptilian eyes and her sweet musk filled my nostrils. I gently nibbled at her snout and she closed her eyes and hissed in pleasure. Then a loud voice ruined our romantic interlude.

"PET, what the fuck!" Vulva yelled. "What did you do now? You leave her alone; I told you NO mating for now! HISS!"

"Mistress, that nasty mean worm thingy Rover tried to eat her, so I blasted him really good." I said in a defensive voice.

So there. He really couldn't have killed her; we can't be killed, but he most definitely could have hurt her. Believe you me, I know from personal experience. Being chewed up and spit out by a giant eating machine hurts no matter HOW tough you are.

"He did huh?" Vulva said, "Well, good for you then Pet, about time someone put that stupid thing in its place. Hiisss."

"Really?" I hissed in surprise. Frankly I'd thought I was going to get the stuffing beat out of me again.

Vulva replied, "Maybe next time he'll know better than to attack a fire dragon. Hiss. Good boy Pet."

Vulkrebs had been watching our little exchange, then asked. "Where's my suitcase?"

About then a muffled burping sound came out of the pit. I guess Rover got a snack after all.

Lydia ran over to her Master and grabbed his leg. "Master, she said, a big monster attacked me and the Seeker saved me from it. He was so brave."

Vulkrebs crouched down and examined his slave for any damage, a sandworm can do damage even to a demoness. But except for being scared she was fine. He was mad about the suitcase though, his present for his mother was inside of it. The two matching shrunken heads of albino twins had been very expensive. Oh well, nothing could be done about it. At least his lovely new mate was OK. He had tried to come to her aid, but the dragon had been closer. He looked at his sister and the male dragon and said,

"Well sister, it would seem your Pet is a "hero" in this instance, a shame he couldn't have rescued my suitcase too. Mom's present was inside; boy is she going to be pissed."

And speaking of you-know-who, their mother showed up about that time, attracted by all the screaming and sounds of combat. She really did look like a slightly heftier version of her daughter, but was nowhere near as pretty (in my humble; admittedly somewhat biased, opinion). Her name was Vulvania, and she was a Sex Demoness too. Like Mother, like daughter. I could definitely see where my lovely Mistress had gotten her looks.

"Hello Children, so nice to see you, and on time too! What was all the yelling about? Hiiissss."

"Hi Ma, said Vulkrebs. Rover tried to eat my new slave, and Vulva's Pet creamed him with his fire plume."

Mistress Vulvania said. "I remember him, little miscreant ate all my urinal cakes and blew up the toilet last time she brought him with her. And poor little Rover, he was only trying to be friendly. Shame on you, you mean thing! Rover just wanted to play!"

Yeah, I thought. Well next time I come to visit I'll bring a box of dynamite and teach him how to play fetch. Stupid mean nasty worm thingy. Hmmph. Friendly my scaly butt, you need to feed him more lady!

"Sorry Ma, said Vulva. He ate Vulkrebs suitcase though, and your present was in it."

With a screech Mistress Vulvania leaped into the sand worm's pit. "YOU GIVE THAT BACK!" she screamed. "THAT'S MOMMIES, NOT YOURS!" Snarl, hiiissss! "DON'T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME!" WHAM! Yipe, hiss, yipe! WHACK! " SPIT IT OUT, RIGHT NOW!" SMACK! There was a little whining sound like a boiler letting off steam, then a big belch. A few seconds later Mistress Vulvania came climbing out of the pit with her son's suitcase. "Just have to be firm with the little dear; he does get carried away sometimes." She said.

Holy crap, I thought. Like daughter, like mother! I heard another whine from the pit and actually felt sorry for the stupid thing. She handed the nasty slobber covered suitcase to me, so I stood up on my hind legs and carried the two suitcases in my front paws. Yeeech, I thought.

Vulva and her brother talked with their mother as they headed into the main cave. It had been a long time, about eighty years since they'd visited their Mom at the same time, so had a lot to catch up on. That may sound like a long time to mortals, but to immortals it was about normal. Demonkind families are really lousy about keeping in touch. They went into the main chamber and set down at the carved stone table for a home cooked meal (don't ask). At least it was dead. Being slaves we got the floor and liked it, or else. We slaves got bowls of hot sulphur and several nice large brimstone cookies. Vulva's Mom does make a mean cookie. We were quite happy as we lapped up the sulphur and crunched the cookies. Fire dragons don't eat any kind of organic food, we eat chemicals and minerals. We like refined metals every now and then too, bicycles are delicious. We don't eat very often though, we don't have to. But having used my fire plume I did need to refuel. I let her have the last brimstone cookie and she ducked her head shyly in thanks, then she nuzzled me again and softly hissed "Thank you for being so brave." Then it was my turn to be shy. Aw shucks ma'am, tweren't nuthin. I thought. Then we just stole glances at one another while our Master and Mistress's talked, it wasn't our place to interrupt. Slaves are to be seen, not heard. Their Mom was delighted with the shrunken heads, and took her kids to see her collection, it's famous in Hell. Mistress Vulva has a nice collection too; they attack me every time she locks me in the Office Supplies Closet. She doesn't believe me when I tell her, but I have teeth marks to prove it. Dead things in Hell are often more active then living things.

I waited until they left the room, and then turned my attention to the female fire dragon and fellow Seeker. As I looked at her I suddenly realized I didn't have the slightest idea what to say!

"Er, hiss, um, Hi?" I managed. Oh boy, real smooth Don Juan!

Lydia dipped her head and shyly said "Hi, it's nice to meet you. Hiss."

"So, um, how did, um, you and Master Vulkrebs meet?" OH, I did NOT just say that I realized in horror! Of all the STUPID questions! "Wait! I hissed, don't answer that!"

Lydia just blinked. That was kind of a weird; and personal, question. Then she realized he was panicking a little bit, and he told her not to answer it. "I don't mind", she said kind of surprising herself. "I was sacrificed to my Master, and accepted his offer. He made love to me and so I'm here now. I don't regret it as he's the only male who ever found me attractive. I'm afraid I wasn't very pretty. He loves me and I love him. Hiss."

I thought about that for a minute, just like me I thought. "Same here, I replied. I was pretty much a failure at love. I was tortured horribly by two sadistic monsters, and when they offered me to My Mistress I was almost dead. She healed me and made me the offer, which I accepted gladly. Hiss. I love her more than I've ever loved anybody before. We were both sacrificed because we were too ugly or messed up to find any lovers. Kind of sad isn't it; we had to go to Hell to find love. It's wonderful too though, in a strange way. And how can you say you're not pretty, you're beautiful! By the way, what's your name?"

Lydia replied, "It is wonderful, all I'd ever wanted was for someone to want me for who I am, and Vulkrebs does." She shyly ducked her head again, "Do you really think I'm beautiful? My Master is the only one who's ever told me that before. I think you're very handsome, I love your mane. As for a name, I'm a slave so don't have one. My Master calls me Pet, or whatever he wants to. That's fine with me. What's your name?"

Me, handsome? I lowered my head and gave a pleased hiss. If I could have blushed I would have. "Well, my Mistress calls me Pet too most of the time, when she's not mad at me." She calls all of her "children" that. (Beats "little jelly bean" I thought). Some slaves have names they use to identify one another as calling everything "slave" can get confusing. "And yes, you are very beautiful. What was your name, you know, before?" I asked shyly.

She looked at him, and said, "My human name was Lydia. I guess you can call me that if you want. What was your human name?"

"Lydia, I said. I like that, it's a pretty name. My human name? You know, I can't remember it anymore." I said with a sad hiss. "I was pretty fucked up when my Mistress saved me, those evil bitches really messed up my mind. That other life seems like a dim dream, I don't remember much from before the Beautre sisters got a hold of me. You can call me whatever you want though. Hiss."

"Well, Lydia hissed. I guess Pet is OK, but if you decide on any other name you let me know. And thank you for being so brave with that horrible worm thing." She leaned over and rubbed her muzzle against his neck and sniffed his mane, it was soft and silky and smelled nice.

"It was my pleasure, stupid thing tried to eat me too once. Mistress Vulvania had to make it spit ME out!" At which Lydia giggled. I felt a shiver run through me when she nuzzled my neck and gave a hiss of delight, it felt absolutely wonderful. I gently nuzzled her back, and we kissed a little with our tongues in the way of Drakes. I realized we'd better quit before things got out of hand, so said,

"Hey, I asked, are you still hungry? I know where she keeps her urinal cakes!"

"Oh yum!" Lydia said, and followed Pet into the bathroom.

When we reached the bathroom, which was huge, Lydia hopped up on the sink and watched while I dug around in a cabinet for the urinal cakes. I found them; a brand new box, and soon we were munching happily. I'd toss her one and she'd snap out of the air. When I tired the "two for me, one for you" routine she wouldn't let me get away with that. She pounced on me and we rolled around on the floor snarling and growling in fun. I finally ended up on top of her and we started nuzzling and kissing again as our tongues wrapped around each other's and we explored one another's mouths. I could smell our scents changing and knew I'd better stop, and you have no idea how hard that was. But I had promised my Mistress, and I could smell her pregnancy as well. We both knew we'd better stop, but we both gave small whines of disappointment too. I rubbed my head down her neck one last time, and said,

"We, we'd better to back before things get out of hand. You're the most beautiful female I've ever seen, but we don't want to make our Mistress and Master mad at us."

Lydia was disappointed too, she'd been more than ready to raise her tail for him, but she knew he was right. That he could control himself when he obviously wanted to mate with her impressed her. She said,

"You're right of course, we mustn't be bad. But I need to um, you know, before we go back."

"Oh, um, I've leave then. See you soon."

And I left the bathroom and moved down the tunnel to give her some privacy. There was no door, so I made sure I wouldn't be able to see anything. Watching other demonkind relieve themselves is NOT a fetish of mine. Then I suddenly realized something, RELIEVE herself! I turned and started to yell, but it was too late. I heard a loud explosive sound and a shriek, and then watched as water flooded out the door. Fire Drakes have no anuses; our sole waste product is urine that looks like molten lead. Molten lead and water do not mix well, as I had found out more than once. So taking a whiz in a toilet full of water is not recommended. The results are, um impressive. It was a hard habit to break, going in a bathroom, but I'd finally got used to going like a, well, animal. Poor Lydia obviously hadn't yet. The look on her snout when she sheepishly came out of the bathroom was so funny I had no choice but to roll around on my back and hiss in laughter.

Lydia squatted over the large toilet and gave a sigh as she started to relieve herself, then gave a shriek of surprise when the toilet blew up and water starting pouring across the floor. Damn it, she'd forgotten! She was just supposed to find a sandy spot to go, not use the bathroom! Lifting her tail high and daintily walking on her hind legs tipclawed through the water and out of the bathroom. Yuck, what a mess! When she walked out the door the male took one look at her and fell over on his back and started shrieking in laughter. At first it made her mad,

It's NOT funny! She yelled, but his only response was to laugh even harder. He rolled from side to side kicking his legs and was almost hysterical.

She started to think about it, and realized it WAS pretty funny, so she jumped on him and playfully bit at him until they were both helplessly roaring and shrieking in laughter as they tickled one another. It almost got out of hand again, but they stopped in time, much to their mutual frustration. Oh, she wanted him so badly!

I nuzzled her one last time as we lay in one another's arms still giggling. I hadn't had so much fun since I'd come to Hell, it was so very nice. Then we did our best to clean up, finally leaving a big pile of partially burnt soaking wet towels on top of the still overflowing toilet, but that wouldn't work. I'm sure Vulvania would notice a river flowing through her living room. I finally managed to stop the flow of water by cramming the towels down the pipe. I sure hoped nobody else had to use the bathroom before we left!

Having demolished a box of urinal cakes and worn ourselves out we were back in the den and dozing when our Mistress's and Master returned. They sat back down and visited for awhile, and then the phone rang. Mistress Vulvania answered it, talked for a few minutes, and then turned to her kids with a big smile on her muzzle that scared the crap out of me, and Lydia cringed too. Grins in Hell are usually full of really nasty fangs or other equally nasty things, and sometimes it's hard to tell a grin from a snarl. You usually only grin at relatives or close friends, anyone else will assume you're attacking them.

"You'll never guess who that was! It was Vaknak, her son Gart is visiting for a few days. You remember him, you went to school together. Tell you what; they still live in the same cave five ridges over, why don't you pop over there for a visit? I need to clean up a little, and getting you out of the cave will give me time to do it. And take your darling little Pet Vulkrebs dear, but leave the other one as I want his help cleaning up.

Vulkrebs and Vulva thought that was a great idea, anything to get away from their mother for awhile. I sat and watched as they flew off with my new friend Lydia close behind. I already missed her. Mistress Vulvania turned to me.

"You! In the cave, NOW!" She hissed.

Great, I thought. I get stuck here alone with the Wicked Witch of the West and the Dragon Lady all in one. What fun. Probably make me mop the floors with my tongue of something. Well, turns out she did want me to do something with my tongue, but not what I expected.

As we entered the cave she suddenly leapt onto to my back and knocked me to the floor. What the fu!?! I suddenly felt her fangs on my neck, and her tail slid between my legs and started rubbing my vent! OH MY, SHIT! I thought, I'm being raped by Vulva's Mom! And that's exactly what it was, at least at first as I am what I am (just like the great philosopher Popeye always said). I quickly became a most willing partner, plus I'd already been pretty horny from my necking with Lydia.

She snarled, then released my neck and rolled me over. She straddled me and looked down at me with her tongue licking over her fangs and reaching down she took my front paws and put them on her breasts, and oh they were nice breasts! I felt a definite stirring in my vent.

"Um, Mistress Vulvania, shouldn't we talk this over?" I squeaked.

Her only reply was to lean over and start licking my snout, and she tasted good so I opened my mouth and let her tongue slide in and explore it, and mine did the same with hers. This can NOT be happening I thought, even as I started kneading her breasts and she gave a deep snarl of lust. We ran our tongues over one another's snouts, or twined them around one another as we slid them as deeply down our throats as we could. Tongue kissing is fantastic, especially when your tongues are two feet long, or longer. She snarled again and spun around and I knew what she wanted. She started licking my vent and soon got the expected reaction, and growled as my tongue slid deep into her vagina as I eagerly lapped at and tongued her sex. She was hot and wet and slick and oh so ready. We both gave snarls of lust as we pleasured one another. I love giving tongue; my sense of taste is so incredible and the taste of female's sexual juices drives me to a level of lust I can't begin to describe, it's an intensity of need and desire that borders on insanity. Plus her scent, oh MY! With another snarl of lust I pressed my snout against her vent and probed with my tongue as deep as I could go as my nostrils flared and drank in her pheromones, and she gave a guttural moan of pleasure and ground herself against my snout.

It was my turn now, so I bit her tail and grabbing her I spun her around so she was facing me, then pulled her down onto my rampant erection. As I penetrated her I let my nether tongue lick and explore her even as I started fucking her with strong steady strokes. Her eyes widened and she let out a delighted shriek and started grinding down against me as we both hissed and grunted in pleasure. Any qualms I had about fucking my mate's mother had long since disappeared, when in Hell! Besides, she started it. And it was glorious; she was one randy old lady and proved she was indeed a Sex Demoness many times over. Towards the end I had to hold her arms and grab her neck in a strong bite in self defense as she got really frenzied and might have really torn me up with her razor sharp claws and fangs as demonic sex is often very brutal as we are NOT human. We both gave loud roars of agonized ecstasy as we climaxed, and when I felt the lust frenzy leave her I let her go and she collapsed across my chest. We both just lay there for a short time breathing heavily, my still hard erection inside of her. Well, I thought, that was a nice surprise, a totally unexpected one, but a nice one. Then she started stroking my chest and I opened my mouth as her tongue slid into it. Oh my.

The second time around I mounted her from behind in the standard "demonic position" (screw the missionary position) that is most popular down here, the old "monster with two backs". It's a good survival tactic for the males; it's much easier to control your mate from behind. They have a harder time getting at you with their fangs and claws, and getting your throat ripped out during mating is a real bummer. She crouched over and lifted her tail for me and with an enthusiastic roar I mounted her, and she roared just as enthusiastically. Take your time Mistress, I thought, no need to come back home anytime soon. No reason at all, I thought as I grunted and snarled in pleasure as I lunged into my bellowing partner. Man, this is one horny demoness! I held onto her in front of her legs as my thrusts lifted her off the ground, my head thrown back as I snarled and grunted in pleasure. She screeched and bucked under me, and it was fantastic! As we neared orgasm she became frenzied again, so again I bit her neck to pin her and brought us both to mutual massive orgasms. She gave a deep guttural long drawn out sobbing moan as she came, and I roared through my fangs around her neck my eyes clinched shut in agonizing ecstasy. Then afterward I licked and nuzzled her neck and back of her head and she softly hissed in pleasure, her tail gently stroking my body.

The next two times were very nice as well, but the last time was a snarling screeching wrestling match as we were both pretty worn out by then and I really had to work to make us come again. Both of use got in some good bites and scratches, but that just made it even better. We rolled around and it really looked more like a fight to the death, first she was on top, then I was. I really had fight to keep her pinned and she threw me off more than once, but it was worth the effort, oh indeed my goodness yes! Finally I pinned her long enough to finish, and we both almost passed out from the intensity of our climaxes. I roared and bellowed and she screamed and clawed at the floor leaving grooves in the stone, snapping her jaws in a frothing frenzy. It was one of the most bestial couplings I'd ever had, there was nothing tender or civilized about it, we were both nothing but rutting demonic animals. Afterwards we used our tongues to clean one another off so soon the only sign of our lust was a fading scent. Demonkind are much more tender during post sex mutual cleaning and cuddling, we really do love our mates in our own way. And as far as I was concerned she was one of my mates now. Once a mate, always a mate, but we have no inhibitions about sharing, to hog a female (or male) all to yourself is just plain rude. Plus just try and tell a demoness she can't mate with any other males. NOT a good idea.

I was still a little surprised by what happened, but I will not apologize for mating with her. She was an adult demoness, and I was an adult demon. We weren't related, she wanted me and I wanted her, end of story. Plus on a scale of one to ten it was pretty close to the top. She might be older, but she was more experienced too. We are very casual about sex; it would have been rude for me to refuse her "offer". Demonkind really don't "date", if you meet someone you like; and they like you, you mate. We don't have boyfriends or girlfriends, we have mates, period. Of course we mate with some more often than others, and if offspring result it becomes something much more. But if you run into someone you mated with a thousand years ago just once, they're still one of your "mates". That's about the best way I can explain it.

The whole time we were mating she never said a word, it just wasn't necessary. Talking means you have to use your mouth and tongue for something else not sexually related, which is no fun. Afterwards she brought me a plate of brimstone cookies and said

"Thank you for making an old demoness happy, I don't get many male visitors out here. I haven't been serviced that well in a long time, you're a real dear."

I had no idea how to answer, so just stuffed another cookie in my mouth. Then she asked another question, one that took me even more by surprise. It's not a popular subject with most demonkind.

"You love my daughter, don't you little Dragon?" She asked.

I almost choked on a cookie at that point, but she pounded me on my back until I finally swallowed it. "Aggg, glurk!" I said. That was one question I had to answer though.

"Yes, I said, I love her with all that's left of my soul."

"That's good, Mistress Vulvania said. She needs someone to love her and watch out for her. I could tell you did, and am glad she found somebody. So few of us do you know."

I reached over and took her hand and kissed it. "You're her mother and I love you too." I said with perfect sincerity. Hey, and I didn't mean just physically you sicko!

"How nice, she said, I think I can see what she sees in you. You're a good boy; all I ask is that you make her happy and be a loyal slave. If you don't, well, you know."

Eeep. Well, she didn't have to worry about that. Without my Mistress I would be nothing, literally. When a demonkind "dies" its familiar does too. In any case I wouldn't have wanted to keep living without her anyway.

"Excuse me dear, I need to go and, um, clean up some more. Hiss." And she headed off towards the bathroom.

I just sat there wondering what I'd tell my Mistress if she found out I'd mated with her mother. Well, I knew I wasn't going to tell, and I doubted if Mom would either. Then I heard a sudden shriek from the bathroom. Uh-oh, I'd forgotten about the mess Lydia and I had made! I headed for the door.


By that time I was already out the front door and had a head start. Helpless my ass! I thought as I ran for my life with her close behind wielding a great big stick. WHACK! Yipe, yipe! SMACK!

"YOU GET BACK HERE! HISSS!" Mistress Vulvania shrieked in rage. Owoooooo, Neigh! BAM! KE-RACK! Yi, yi, hiss, SMACK!

When my Mistress and the rest got back from their visit her mother was still chasing me around the cave wielding her stick and I was hauling ass with my tail stuck between my legs. Seeing my Mistress I thought salvation was at hand and ran out the main entrance to beg for mercy, and fell into the sandworms pit. I think it was glad to see me, but I felt differently about the matter. What a revoltin development.

"Aiiiieeeeehiisss! ROAR! Ow, ow, ow! LEGGO! HIIISSSS! GRRRRRRR, SNAP SNAP CHOMP! Owooooo!!! MIISSTTRREESS! WHINNY! MIISSTTRREESS, PLEEAASSEE SAAVVEE MEEEE! I'M GONNA DIE! CHOMP, GNAW, CHEW! Auuuggggghhhhh!" And so on for another ten minutes while everyone cracked up and laughed uncontrollably. It was NOT funny, it's SO unfair! I finally managed to claw my way out of the pit; after about five tries and being pulled back in, and lay on my back gasping. I HATE worms!

Of course I'd forgotten about My Mistress's Mom, but she hadn't forgotten about me, she came over and gave me one more good whack as I lay helpless and dying. What a low blow. The only one that showed any sympathy was the pretty little dragoness, but even she was hissing in amusement as she licked my poor mangled snout. "Owoooooo" I moaned pitifully.

Vulva finally regained her composure and said, "Pet, quit goofing off. We need to wing it if we're going to get the Marquis de Sade's resort on time. Hiss."

"Goofing off?? I said in her mind. I was fighting for my life, and you thought it was funny! You're MEAN!" And I proceeded to go into an indignant mope and pout, at which I excel. "You don't love me anymore!" I added, and started whining. Then I scared myself, what if she really doesn't love me anymore? And I started wailing. I'm such a wuss. But the mere thought of My Mistress not loving or wanting me anymore scares the living crap out of me. I guess I'm insecure.

Vulva let out a sigh. He can be so emotional sometimes, she thought. When he gets like this there was only thing she could do. "Come here Pet" she said. But he just turned his back and gave little hiccupping snivels. Normally she wouldn't put up with this kind of behavior from one of her Pets or slaves, but he'd been so traumatized she made allowances, plus she did love the little twerp. She walked over and squatted down in front of him and took his large head and held it against her chest and he grasped her gently with his powerful hands and hissed in pleasure as she stoked his neck and scratched his mane and crest. She said in his mind,

"Don't be scared, Mistress loves her little jelly bean, yes she does. I'm sorry I laughed, but it WAS funny. And you can't die, I keep telling you that."

I sniveled and said "Was NOT funny, and it certainly felt like I was dying, and it BIT me all over. And don't call me that." But I felt a lot better now, My Mistress still loved me and all was well in the world, or at least Hell.

Lydia watched as her Masters sister comforted the distraught fire dragon and thought, maybe she's not so mean after all. She rubbed her head against her Masters leg and he scratched her between her eyes and she hissed in pleasure. The male dragon certainly loves his Mistress though, no matter what she does to him.

Well, now that all that was sorted out it was time for goodbye's all around so I pretty much just waited while my Mistress said goodbye to her brother and Mom. I snuck up closer while they were busy to say goodbye to the pretty dragoness and we nuzzled a little bit. She asked if I was OK, she really is nice I thought. We were so busy nuzzling and licking each other we didn't notice we had an audience. I ran the side of my head down her long beautiful neck and she nibbled at my mane and we both hissed in pleasure, it was divine!

Vulkrebs looked at his sister and said, "Vulva dear, I do believe our little Pets like each other."

"Really, do you think? Hiss." Vulva replied, "What gave them away?"

Vulvania said, "Aw, they do make a nice pair. Hiss. You ought to breed them, the hatchlings would be darling."

Vulkrebs laughed quietly, "Actually I agree with Mom sister dear, breeding two Seekers could be very, um, profitable. What say we get them together after my Pet has laid her eggs? Split the chicks fifty-fifty?"

"Done! Said Vulva, but only for you brother dearest, anyone else and it would be seventy-thirty. Hiss!"

Lydia didn't notice them either, she was concentrating only on the male she was nuzzling and licking. He smelled so nice, despite the worm slobber all over him. She thought he was the most handsome, bravest, dragon she'd ever met. She loved his eyes, they were so beautiful! When their owners called to them she didn't hear at first, and when she did for the first time was reluctant to answer her Masters call.

"Come here Pet, NOW!" said Vulva, and gave a yank on the leash.

He gave the little dragoness one last nuzzle, and then very reluctantly, but obediently, came to her side and rubbed his head against her like she liked so much, and she scratched his brow ridge.

"Good Pet, don't worry, you'll see the little dragoness again, I promise." He perked up at that and gave a happy hiss.

Vulkrebs stroked his Pets snout and said, "Don't worry my little one, we'll be seeing my sister and her handsome little Pet again soon enough. I promise my love." And she hissed in pleasure, and rubbed against his leg. Oh, he did like that very much.

I didn't want to leave, which surprised me as Vulva's Mom's place was not my favorite hangout. Too much wildlife; and I didn't mean the worm. I knew it was because of the little dragoness, I felt something for her I hadn't before. I loved my Mistress with all my heart (or whatever I have) and Vulkna too, but it was just different with the dragoness. She was so beautiful, she was so perfect! To me she was the epitome of beauty. Maybe it was because we were both fire dragons AND Seekers and were sacrificial virgins, but I was pretty sure that was only part of it. I just wanted to BE with her so badly, for sex (most definitely) but for other reasons as well. I didn't want to, but when my Mistress called me I went to her and rubbed my head against her leg like she likes, and I like too. She smells so good! I am pretty obedient most of the time, OK! Some of the time. Give me a break.

As we were stretching our wings and getting ready to take flight Vulva's Mom came over and gave her a final hug, and without her daughter noticing gave me a very intimate caress with her tail.

Whoa! "Eeeep!" I squeaked. Well, maybe the next visit wouldn't be so bad after all. That was one randy old demoness, and I always aim to please. Woof!

"You say something Pet?" asked my Mistress as her mother walked away whipping her lovely tail back and forth.

"No Mistress, just nipped my tongue a little. Hiss."

And got felt up by your Mom, but I'M not telling. What my Mistress doesn't know won't hurt her, but if she does find out she'll certainly hurt me! So mum's the word, HA! A little joke.

"OK Pet, let's be off!" Vulva hissed.

We spread our wings and I roared a goodbye to everyone, but mainly the little dragoness, and she roared back. Then I followed my Mistress as we flapped off in the direction of the Marquis de Sade's holiday resort and dungeon of doom. I kept my head turned as long as possible though, and watched the rapidly shrinking figures standing in the burning sands of Hell's desert, but my eyes were on the little red dragoness. I missed her already. I'd never felt this way about a female before.

I kept my position as close to my Mistress as possible and kept looking at her lovely backside and the way the tip of her tail snaked back and forth. What a view! I didn't mind being behind and below her at all, in ANY situation! I was so engrossed by the view the trip went by fast, and way too soon (at least for me) we arrived at our destination. I guess I was expecting the Hilton or something, but it was an Honest to Big L freaking castle, a BIG freaking castle. Oh, how cool! I thought. And it got cooler when I saw a large dock with a REAL square rigger tied up next to it! And the ocean was actually blue-green like a real ocean. For some reason I'd been expecting an ocean of boiling sulfur or something. But I wasn't too keen about that though, I mean, you know, fire dragons and water do not go well together. Believe me, I know! Every time I fall in water I feel like an Alka-Seltzer, complete with all the bubbles. Even boiling water is cold to me.

We landed in a great big central courtyard and were greeted by High Imps dressed as Imps-at-Arms in real armor! They bowed, and led us to see the "The Lord of the Castle". It was of course the Marquis, but he was done up as Henry the VIII or some other English git. He was glad to see Mistress Vulva, but gave me a somewhat hesitant look.

"Ah, Vulve de la maîtresse et, um, animal familier du lézard étrange. Bien rencontré! Bienvenu à mon château de douleur et plaisir! Welcome lovely lady, I hope you will enjoy your stay! We have a dungeon reserved just for you. Tell me, do you prefer chains or leather, or perhaps both? Hmm?"

"Mistress, I said in her mind, I didn't understand a word he said at the first, I think he insulted us. Want me to bite him?"

Vulva replied in my mind, "He was very polite Pet, now you behave! NO biting unless I say it's OK, promise!"

Spoil sport, I thought. "Yes Mistress, I promise to be good."

Vulva addressed the Marquis, "Greetings Sire, I am most definitely looking forward to some down time and relaxation, this is my first vacation in over 200 years. Hiss. Your offer was most appreciated. I will have to, um, show my own appreciation in, um, Hiss, person."

Oh great, I thought. Get the whips and earplugs ready, she screams and roars a lot. And I was SO jealous. No way can he keep up with her, I thought; she'll break him in two. It'll serve him right! Takes a dragon to make HER happy! Hmmppff! I gave a unhappy hiss, and the Count looked at me nervously.

The Marquis replied, "Madame, vous me tentez! Let us say, today after lunch in my um, private quarters? Qu'est-ce qui vous disent?"

My Mistress batted her eyelashes, and replied, "Oui, oui, mais bien sûr monsieur! I look forward to our engagement with great anticipation."

Oh BARF! I thought, time to put out the "Free Nooky, Get in Line!" sign. But what about me? I started whining and rubbing her leg, I wanted to hump my Mistress! It's not fair!

Vulva reached down and petted her Pets head. "What of my companion Count? He does have his own needs despite being a lowly slave."

Thanks a LOT! I thought, but kept rubbing her leg with my head, I just LOVE to do that! At least she remembered me; usually I just get ignored when she gets horny unless I'm the object of her horniness, which is always very nice.

The Count replied, "Ah, oui, I agree it would be a good idea to keep him, um, occupied. Less a chance of um, comme faites vous dites, an unfortunate mishap. Qui, I have recently added to my staff of specialists several female fire lizards, they need practice and may have him to play with if you consent. You must first sign some release forms, it is but a technicality. Vous savez, for the insurance company. Annoying I know, but necessary."

I perked up at that, fire lizards! Next to fire dragoness's (and my Mistress) they're my favorite lays! They're so sleek and smooth! Ohhhh, I gave a shudder of anticipation. Oh Boy, yeah, yeah, yeah! Do-dah, do-dah! I gave an impatient whine.

Vulva read over the consent forms carefully, you ALWAYS examine any kind of legal document in Hell very carefully before you sign! It's the first thing they teach you in "How Not to Get Screwed 101". Hmmm, she thought. It was a standard non-liability form in the event of injury or damages to guests or their property (such as her Pet). The part about not being responsible if a guest is eaten or accidently beheaded by a guillotine was a little odd, but acceptable. She knew her Pet pretty well, he was too tough to eat and too much of a coward to go anywhere near a guillotine. Very well, they were here to have fun, so she signed the forms and gave them back to the Count.

"Ah, excellent! Et maintenant nous pouvons commencer l'amusement! And the fun, she starts! Attention, gardes! Take this dragon to the lower dungeon and have them give him the full treatment until told to stop. Rapidement, faites la vitesse!"

I wasn't really sure what was going on, but when two Imps approached with their swords drawn I wasn't too keen about that. With a roar I started to attack, but my Mistress pulled me up short with a hard yank on the leash and I flipped over on my back with a loud "Urrrrk!" She put her hoof on my neck and said,

"PET, I told you NO biting unless I SAID so! Hiss!"

I looked up at her and whined, "But Mistress, they had swords! I thought they were going to hurt you!"

"Well, yes, but Pet you EAT swords! Vulva replied. And don't worry, we're safe here, if anyone does attack you it's part of the dungeon theme. These nice Imps just want to take you to meet the nice lizard ladies."

"Really, I said, lizard ladies?" I looked around. "Um Mistress, what Imps?"

The Count, who had watched his loyal guards drop their swords and disappear amazingly fast in a loud clatter of hooves and armor, said "It would appear my retainers have run off, but no matter, I have many more."

Shortly two more High Imps showed up and put fireproof manacles on my wrists and led me away at the points of their swords to be "punished" in the dungeon. I wasn't too terribly happy about being parted from my Mistress, but if lizard ladies were involved I guess I could endure it for awhile. I did look over my shoulder and whine though as I really DO worry about her if I'm not around to protect her. As they led me away I heard her say,

"I am sorry about that Count, he really is, Hiss, very protective of me."

The Count replied, "Vulve de la maîtresse, ce n'était rien! I admire his dedication to duty; my own guards could use him as an example. Now, shall we retire to the main hall for lunch? I would also like to show you my collection of Oriental Disemboweling Cutlass's as well."

Vulva said, "Ohhh Count, sounds like fun, and I DO like unusual cutlery!"

Yeah, I thought, maybe he'll give her a personal demonstration. Hey, I can hope can't I?

The two Imps led me through a series of thick iron banded doors, down some suitably gloomy tunnels lit with genuine smoking torches, and then chained me up in a cell complete with rats and hot and cold running cockroaches. Very authentic, I thought. I tried the chains, fireproof and spellbound! NO way was I breaking them. Rats, I'd wanted to go exploring, but got stuck chained to a wall with only Hell rats for company. So I amused myself with making life miserable for the rats (hell rats are reptile versions of real rats, but larger and much nastier) by spitting exploding luggies at them. They were getting together to rush me when the door to cell opened and two absolutely beautiful female fire lizards entered. I just stared at them with my tongue hanging out, and so did the rats, all thoughts of conflict gone. Oh my, they're wearing clothes, what a turn on! At least sort off, it was more like fireproof leather harnesses that didn't leave much to the imagination. But ANY clothes, or harness's, on a demonkind is considered to be very sexy. Except for my own GAY harness, it just sucks.

The two lizards slinked up next to me and rubbed my chest and shoulders while they nuzzled and licked my snout, and I eagerly nuzzled and licked them back. Oh yes I was going to have a GOOD time! You betcha, oh indeed my goodness yes! When they started rubbing their tails against my vent they soon got the desired result and I hung there panting while one took my penis in her mouth and started sucking and tonguing me and the other one kissed me and ran her tongue down my throat! Hubba, hubba, I thought, this is great! The fact I was helpless and chained to the wall just made it kinkier then, well, Hell! For the next hour or so the cell echoed to the sounds of reptilian lust and pleasure, hisses, grunts, and snarls of extreme pleasure. After I exploded in the mouth of the first lizard they changed places and started all over, much to my delight. Even the rats got into it, seeing what we were doing really turned them on and soon they were having a big rat orgy of their own. Little buggers were really getting into it, bless their scaly little hides.

Vulva lay chained to the bed, spread eagle and helpless as she watched the Count climb onto the bed. The chains were spellbound, so she truly was helpless which was just delightful. She ran her forked tongue over her lips. The Count had a large feather in one hand, and she wondered what he was going to do with it. She soon found out, and her screeches of laughter and sexual arousal echoed down the halls and the Imps and beast servants nudged one another and giggled. The Master how a new toy, and she had NO idea of what she was in for! If the Master was happy, they were happy.

When the two lizard ladies finished with me; and they were definitely in charge, they took me down from the wall, put manacles around my wrists and ankles which basically hobbled me, and then led me out of the cell and down the tunnel to another larger cell. We left behind a pile of sexually spent rats, except for a few who followed to see what came next. Evidently they found us to be an inspiration. The two lizards threw me up on a large stone slab and removed the chains, then put on new ones and turned cranks to make the chains very tight and soon had me totally immobilized in a spread eagle position. They even put a cuff on my tail and chained it down, and one around my neck to keep me from being able to move my head around. I was totally, completely, helpless. Then the two lizards jumped up on the table and laid down next to me and rubbed the full lengths of their bodies against mine and teased and stroked me with their lovely tails until I was moaning from lust, then they jumped down and left me like that!

Now THIS was torture! I don't think I'd ever been so hard before (well at least not for a few days). I looked around as best I could and whimpered. I needed a female sooo badly! My throbbing cock was starting to ache from sheer need, and I knew with it would stay that way until it got what it wanted. No limp dicks for our kind, once we're hard we HAVE to come before we can go flaccid again. To deny a male demon release after arousing him is sheer agony for him, and the longer you do it the more his lust grows. So you know what I mean by torture! I let out a loud hissing snarl and pulled at the chains. "I need a female!" I roared. I couldn't even pleasure myself as my neck and head were immobilized too. I don't do that very much; don't have too, but in this case it would have been nice. I whimpered, ohhhhh, I was SO horny it hurt!

Vulva writhed under the Count's relentless assault as he tickled her armpits, around the top of her hooves, her thighs, her vagina, under her chin, down the length of her helplessly bound tail, and ALL over! It was sheer delightful agony! She had never had so much pain and pleasure given to her by a single feather! She could only admire his skill and knew all the rumors were true, he was an expert torturer! And he used his tongue on her at the same time, and boy did he know how to use it. With him it was the lightness of his licks, gentle brushing touches, no slobbering full penetrations for him. Instead he tantalized and teased, making her more and more sensitive, bringing her to a state of lust and need she seldom experienced. She let out another screech of laughter and watched him work on her, oh yes, oh YES!

I snarled and bellowed as I pulled at the chains, but it was useless. I looked at my aching pulsing cock; it had a steady stream of steaming pre dripping from the tip into a small puddle that had formed on my stomach and it was slowing dripping down my side. "HIIIISSSSS!!" I screeched. Please, please! Don't leave me like this! I heard a heavy door open and close again, then the sound of claws on the flagstone floor as a female fire lizard slowly approached me, I couldn't see her but her scent told me she was there. I gave a deep growling hiss, I wanted her, I needed her! She walked into view and I stared in lust, she was larger than the other two lizards had been and was also wearing an incredibly sexy leather harness. She looked something like a bipedal Skink or Texas stripped lizard. Sleek and beautiful, no breasts but they're not a reptile thing anyway. Not that I don't like them, I just don't particularly miss them on a partner either, the other parts are much more interesting. She slowly ran her claws across my belly to the puddle of pre and then licked it off her fingers. Oh holy crap, I bellowed my need and lust and looked at her with my mouth open as I panted. Please, oh please! She gently ran her hand down the length of my penis just brushing it with the tips of her claws and my whole body trembled as I whimpered, and she said,

"Mmmmm, you're a big one aren't you? How nice! We don't get many fire demons here, mostly just Lords or Great Lords. It will be nice to have you to play with my little slave; I'll enjoy raping you very much. Hiss! Tell me, do you wish to mate with me?"

"HIIIISSSSSS, Neigh!! YES, I shrieked, please don't leave me like this! Let me loose, I need you!" and I roared my lust. I was an animal now, a sex starved animal, and I wanted desperately to mount this female, to pin her and take her and make her mine.

"Hmmm, well we'll see about that, the lizard said. I must say you are certainly well endowed. But you'll have to work for the privilege."

With that she jumped up on the table, and straddling me rubbed her vent along the length of my penis and I moaned and snarled trying to get at her by thrusting as best I could. "UH, UH, hiiss!" Then she crawled up the length of the table and straddled my head so her vent was pressing against my muzzle and with a gasp I started licking her, the scent and the feel of her driving me almost insane, and she started slowly stroked my shaft with her tail. "GRRAAARRRRR!" I roared.

"Good boy, she hissed gutturally, now make me come!" And I was more than glad to do so as her vent bloomed for me and I ran my tongue deep inside of her and she was hot and slick, and soon her juices were flowing as I sucked and lapped at her sex. She pushed down against my snout and gave soft pleased hisses of pleasure as she kept stroking my cock with her soft slick tail."UHHRRR" I moaned.

Vulva gasped as the Count pulled his balls from her mouth, she had been enjoying gently nibbling them with her fangs and using her tongue to caress them and his cock. He wasn't huge, but was more than adequate. Expertise could make up for size in many ways. She hadn't been brought to such a state of arousal in a long time, and it had more to do with the exquisite teasing and tantalizing foreplay. Most demons would have mounted her almost instantly and brought themselves; and her, to multiple orgasms as often and as quickly as possible, which was fine. But the Count had been working on her for over an hour and hadn't even mounted her yet! She gave a low moaning hiss of lust, and said,

"Count, please, no more foreplay. I need you now! Please mount me! Hissss!"

"Ah, but Vulve de la maîtresse, mon joli, the Count softly said, we are only just getting started, you and I."

And Vuvla screeched, tears running down her muzzle, as he started on her with the feather again. "URRAAAAAAAAA-HIIISSSSSS!" she screamed.

I had made the lizard female come five times already, and still she ground her vent against my snout as I tongue fucked her. My snout was drenched in her sexual fluids and I eagerly lapped them up. My nether tongue had extended itself from the tip of my penis and was desperately rubbing her tail as she stroked me with it. I had tears running from my eyes, oh by Ba'al's six balls I had NEVER felt such need, such lust before! I felt a sudden wash of fresh hot fluids in my mouth and running down my muzzle and knew she'd orgasmed again. I sucked and lapped at her sex, I couldn't get enough! Her fluids would have burned and melted a beast or Imp; or even most other demons, but to me they were the sweetest of nectar even though they were probably closer to hydrochloric acid than anything else. She pulled away from me until I could no longer reach her with my tongue. I looked at her pleading with my eyes, and begged,

"Please, I can't take it anymore, please, oh please Mistress. Please let me come." I hissed in lust filled agony.

She had totally broken me; the horribly pleasurable torture of orgasm denial had made me her complete and utter sex slave. I only wanted to make her happy now.

"Hiiisss", the lizard said as she rubbed her vent, and then licked her fingers. I must admit you give fantastic tongue. Very well slave, I will give you the release you desire, I am not a sadistic Mistress. Hisssss."

And she used her tail to guide my aching rampant penis into her and I roared as I felt myself penetrate her to the hilt, and she started riding me and it was sheer heaven. Oh yes, you ARE sadistic, I thought, and it's fantastic! This was a new experience for me, being totally and sexually helpless and at the mercy of a female. I am a very dominant sexual partner, most demons are, and I was usually the one to determine where, when, how long, and how many times. Except with my Mistress to some extent, when she said fuck me I asked "how many times?" But usually once I'd mounted her I was in charge. In this case the female lizard was in complete control and I found it incredibly erotic and kinky. Plus that harness she was wearing, oh Momma!

Vulva shrieked as the Count finally mounted her, she was so sensitive and ready she could hardly stand it! He fucked her slowly and gently and she bucked and snarled as she snapped at him, but he kept his head and neck out of reach. Please, she thought, harder, faster! But the Count kept up his slow steady strokes and she wailed in ecstasy. Now he was working on her breasts with his tongue and she sucked her breath in and hissed at the delicate gentle caresses to her swollen tender nipples. OH, OH! He was a sadistic fiend, she needed to come so bad, but he wouldn't let her as he brought her to the brink; just a few strokes away, again and again and again!

"AIIIIEEEHIISSSSSS!" she screamed. "DAMN YOU, MAKE ME COME!" The Count just smiled and slowed down some more. "NO, NO! DON'T, PLEASE! I CAN'T, I NEED TO, AAAAIIIIEEEEEE!!!!" she shrieked as he gently rubbed the tip of his penis against her clitoris. She bucked and shrieked as he gently and tenderly pleasured her until she was so aroused and desperate she could only grunt incoherently as she was no longer capable of intelligent speech.

I roared and bellowed as the lizard female rode me, she would bring me to the brink and then slow down for awhile, or sometimes stop entirely. Somehow she knew exactly when I was about to climax and how to bring me back down from that high and drag it out even longer. She was well trained, an evil sadistic temptress, and I loved her so much. Most demonkind have an inbred need to be hurt, we're almost all masochists to some extent, and anyone who can do it to us so well, and make it feel so good at the same time, is to be treasured. HEY, we ARE demonkind, so we're pretty fucked up to start with. She dragged it out for hours until I was a drooling mewling mindless idiot, so overwhelmed by lust and need I wasn't coherent anymore. Finally even she couldn't stand it any longer and rearing up threw her head back and gave a loud hissing scream and rode us both to massive gut-wrenching orgasms. I shrieked and flailed mindlessly as the massive orgasm went on and on, it was the most agonizingly pleasurable orgas I had ever had, and the longest lasting one. And at the end I totally passed out even as I was still coming. When I woke up the lizard was lying next to me worriedly stroking my muzzle, she had released my neck strap and I rubbed my head and neck against her body and licked her.

"Mmm, she said, you scared me there for a minute little dragon; I would have hated to lose such a stud. And that thing you do with you nether tongue, Mmmmm, Hisss, fantastic!"

I didn't say anything, just kept licking her until it turned into a memorable kiss that lasted an exceptionally long time. It was the first time a female had ever satisfied me with one orgasm. I was actually spent, at least for awhile. All the poor little rats had passed out too; it had blown their fragile little minds.

Vulva moaned and pleaded, "Uh, ugggghhh!! Count, please, I, oh please, I can't take it anymore, pleeeeaaasseee, HISSS! I, I need! Aaaa-uuugggghhhh!"

The Count had been fucking her for hours, and neither of them had come yet! How does he DO that? She thought. But he was finally losing his own "civilized" veneer, and giving a sudden deep growl he grabbed her neck in his mouth and bit down hard to pin her as he speeded up, and almost instantly they both climaxed and he gave a muffled roar as she shrieked and wailed in agonizing ecstasy. She came and came and the whole time he lunged into her snarling and bit her neck so hard it hurt. Finally he pulled out of her and lay across her body and licked the bite marks on her neck, and she licked his face and muzzle.

"Mmm, mon petit, was that as good for you as it was for me?" The Count murmured.

Vulva ran her tongue over her fangs, "Oh yes my Master, I have never been pleasured so well with just one orgasm before, and you are a marvel. When can we do it again? Hisss."

The Count chuckled, "From you that is a high complimate indeed, belle dame, but I had planned on doing this for several days. But perhaps we can start again, after a sort break for some tea and snacks?"

Days! Vulva thought, and felt herself start to grow wetter again. Oh yes! But first some snacks would be nice. "Very well my sadistic fiend, let's take a break before we resume. But this time I want you to strap me to that mounting rack over there. And maybe a hood this time, so I can't see what you're doing? Hiss."

The lizard gave me a final lick, and I gave a disappointed hiss when she stopped. She looked at me, and said,

"Don't worry little Dragon, my two little sisters very much want to make your very intimate acquaintance as knowing you orally just wasn't enough for them. They'll be along soon, so be patient. I'm afraid I must go, I have a Lord waiting to be raped by me, and I've left him way too long. But I'll be back, oh yes I will! Hiss! In the meantime you have fun playing with them; they have a surprise for you."

A surprise, oh boy! In Hell surprises are usually the bad kind, but after her I was looking forward to anything else the dungeon had on the menu! But I was totally unprepared for what happened next.

Shortly after the large female dragon had left I heard the door open again and could smell two females this time. I felt a stirring in my vent, even after the last agonizing coupling I was already ready again, goes with being insatiable. But when the two females walked into my line of sight I just stared, then screamed in stark insane terror! They had dressed up in human dresses and put on wigs and makeup and in the dim light; and still pretty dazed, I mistook them for the Beautre sisters. They were the insane human psychotic sociopath sisters who had raped and sexually tortured me almost to death before they turned me over to my Mistress as a sacrifice. If not for the love of my Mistress I would have died on that satanic altar instead of finding a home and true love. I hate them with all my dark and shattered soul, and at the same time am terrified of them. In my warped mind I was convinced they had me again, and I was back in that Louisiana mansion as they prepared to torture me again for their sick pleasure. If I had been a demon then I might have enjoyed it, but as a human virgin it had sucked big green donkey dicks. So I completely; totally, freaked out to the maximum. And I screamed for my Mistress in my mind,


Vulva; who had been sitting at a table having green sulphur tea and brimstone cookies with her host, suddenly gave a roar and sat up, then she leapt up, and crouching low ran snarling out the door, her tail barb hard and razor sharp as a large gouge in the wood showed where she had brushed against it.

The Count could only stare, his mouth wide open in utter surprise. But he recovered quickly, and calling for his guards "Mes amis, occupez-vous de votre maître, aux bras!" and gave pursuit.

Vulva heard the utter terror in her Pet's call and she knew only something truly horrible and dangerous could cause that kind of response. He could be craven and preferred to avoid conflict whenever possible, but on the other hand he could be surprisingly brave at the same time. He had attacked opponents that far outclassed him (usually by mistake) more than once in her defense, and if he was under attack she would go to his aid no matter who; or what, his opponent might be. She loved the little dragon in a way she found hard to understand, she had never loved anyone like this before. She tried to contact him in his mind, but all she found was utter insane terror. What was happening to her little jelly bean! She gave another loud enraged battle roar as she sprinted down the corridors of the castle and anything too slow to get out of her way she just ran down or bashed out of the way. Her pet needed her and she would go to him and none had better impede her way!

While the two lizards looked on in fright I screamed and roared and fought against my restraints and the heavy metal bands were soon cutting deeply into my wrists and ankles, and all I could see was the smiling faces of the Beautre sisters as they leaned over me, sharp hooks and other devices in their hands. And I screamed and screamed!!

Suddenly the dungeon door blasted inward and flew across the room trailing sparks from the powerful spell that had shattered it, and it hit the far wall with a loud boom. Vulva leaped into the room ready to cast a spell and fight any foe she found, but stopped when she saw two cringing female lizards and her pet screaming on the table he was bound to. She had expected to find another demi-demonkind at least, or even an angel, so she was caught a little off guard. But when he gave another agonized wail she turned to the lizards and hissed,

"GET OUT!! AND LET NONE DISTURB US!" And the two lizards fled hissing in fright.

Vulva went over to the table and could see no physical damage to her Pet, but he reeked of terror and his eyes had rolled up in his head and she could see the molten fluid that passed for his blood sizzling on the heavy metal manacles. He was so terrified he was injuring himself. She looked around again in case she had missed something and cast a spell which would reveal any invisible foe, but there was nothing. But something had panicked and terrified him horribly. She grabbed his wildly thrashing head and neck, and had a hard time holding on to him as in his panicked state he was incredibly strong.

"Pet, Pet, what is it my love? Your Mistress is here, she won't let any bad things hurt you!" She said as she licked and stroked his snout. He kept thrashing, but his wails became a little softer. Then suddenly he went limp and pressed his head against her chest and started crying. She hugged him gently and made soothing noises, stroking him lovingly. He was still trembling and she knew he really was terrified of something. She narrowed her eyes and looked around again, but there was nothing she could see.

I screamed and wailed as I fought against my restraints, Go away! I screamed at the smiling faces, go away!!! I wailed in terror. Then I suddenly felt someone holding me and panicked even more, but then I heard a familiar voice and smelled my Mistress! With a sob I pressed myself against her; she'd saved me before and would again! She wouldn't let them have me! I was so relieved I couldn't help it and cried, she'd come to protect me. I loved her so very much. She'd kill them!

"Pet, Vulva asked softly, what is it my brave little dragon, who dares, HISS, to threaten my Pet! Tell me and I will rend them! HISS!"

"Mistress, I sobbed, it was the Beautre sisters, they were here! They wanted to hurt me again, make them go away!" I wailed and pressed my head against her as hard as I could. "Maaake them go awaaay!"

Vulva blinked, the Beautre sisters? What the Hell was he talking about; they hadn't been dragged down here yet. But then she suddenly put two and two together. She'd seen the weird human female costumes the two lizards had been wearing as she burst into the dungeon. The poor mixed up dear, he must have seen them and; being strapped down and helpless in a dungeon, had flashbacked to when they had been abusing him with horrible sexual and other tortures before offering him to her as a virgin sacrifice. Those two loony bitches, and she gave a low growl as she thought about what she'd do to them for that. But for now she just held the terrified beast and slowly calmed him down. She realized tears were running down her muzzle, she really did hate to see her little Pet suffer like this, such utter terror. She lowered her head and rubbed it against his so he could smell her better and feel her close to him. Slowly his wails faded and he stopped crying and gave little hiccups.

"Don't worry my little jelly bean, she murmured, I made them go away. The bad sisters are gone now, they won't come back. I promise. I'll never let the hurt you again, no I won't." Oh no, she thought, they would never hurt anyone again if she had her way.

My Mistress told me the bad sisters where gone, and I believed her. She had saved me from them again. I stopped crying and was just content to have her hold me, she smelled so nice and warm, and I finally felt safe again. I knew she'd take care of me.

Vulva looked up as the Count; backed by a squad of formidable looking demonkind and High Imps armed with power lances, cautiously entered the room. He had a Wand of Power and looked positively fearless, and she realized now why he had such a dark reputation, she was seeing his demonic side for the first time. He was obviously enraged that one of his guests; even a lowly slave, had been threatened in some way.

"Madame, montrez-nous l'ennemi et nous les répartirons!" The Count snarled, "Show us who dares to threaten my guest, and we will destroy them post haste!" and his retainers raised their power lances and the feeling of barely restrained power filled the room like static electricity.

Vulva said softly, not wanting to alarm her still shaken Pet. "Count, for your assistance I thank you. But the threat is gone now, he will be fine, we just need some quiet time together."

The Count looked around one more time, and then replied, "Mais bien sûr, mais si a besoin de nous nous ne serons pas lointains. Venez, mon brave! We shall not be far madame, should you need us you have but to call."

Vulva undid the manacles from around her Pets ankles, wrists, and tail. As she did he hissed in pain, and she was appalled by how badly he'd injured himself in his frantic struggles. On one ankle she could see bone showing. To feel such utter terror, she could only imagine what that must be like. She started licking his wounds as she knew it would help, and he moaned in pain. Finally she just held him while he slept fitfully, occasionally giving soft wails of pain and terror. When the two female lizards and another larger one crept in and joined her in comforting him she didn't chase them away. Reassured by the scent of so many females he knew; and had mated with, he rested quieter, and finally fell into a deep quiet sleep. They licked his wounds as they slowly healed.

Vulva finally left her exhausted sleeping Pet in charge of the other females and went in search of the count. As he had promised, he and his household guards were not far away. She knew she owed him an explanation. She did that a lot, and apologized a lot, when her Pet was around. But she didn't mind. To her surprise the Count was actually sympathetic. He said,

"To cause such pain, and not to give pleasure at the same time. Sacre bleau, it makes no sense! I do not understand such cruelness. Pain yes, but without pleasure? A waste of time! Tel a d'aucun sens! Madame, take your poor deranged beast to the baths, we even have a lava pool. Perhaps it may help? Surely it cannot hurt."

Vulva gave the surprised Count a long passionate kiss, much to his surprise and the delight of his guards. "My dear Count, a most capital idea. For this I owe you, next time you visit you may have the choice of ten prime Imps from my livestock at no charge."

"Madame, the Count said somewhat indignantly, you are my guest, I require no compensation in such a matter of courtesy to one under my roof!"

Vulva kissed him again, "Regardless my love, the offer stands anytime you should chose to accept it. Now excuse me, I must attend to my Pet."

The Count watched Vulva as she left. He thought to himself, "C'est une femme du magnifient la plus! She had given him more pleasure then most of the females he seduced and tortured sexually; conquering her had been a most delightful privilege." Turning to his still grinning guards he said, "Venez mes enfants courageux, les boissons sont sur votre Maître!" And they gave a cheer as they followed him to the tavern.

With the help of the female lizards Vulva managed to get the semi-comatose dragon to the castle's bath house. And as promised there was a pool of molten lava waiting, a most welcome treat for fire demonkind. It was at a temperature even Vulva could withstand, though not a fire demoness she was a demi-demoness and could withstand a lava bath for awhile even though it was a little toasty. They lowered the dragon into the pool and then joined him as he slid under until only his head was above the surface. He gave a soft cry of pleasure at the lovely heat and the feel of molten rock against his scales and wounds and fell back asleep. Eventually they all fell asleep leaning against his body with just their own heads above the surface as they held him in their arms.

I woke with a start and took a quick look around. What happened? Was it a dream? I realized I was in a pool of molten lava and it felt sooo good. I raised one of my front legs and looked at my wrist, I could see a scar there, but even it was slowly healing. I remembered freaking out, but not much after. I could smell, and feel the four females, draped against, and over me. One was my Mistress and I remembered her coming to my aid and driving away the thing that had terrorized me so badly. But what had happened exactly? I leaned over and smelled her fur and gently licked her face. Then I licked the other three females as well. This was really nice, but somewhat unexpected. How the heck had I gotten into a lava pool with four desirable females? Not that I was complaining! One of the female lizards gave a hiss of pleasure as I licked her, so I ran my hand down her back and rubbed the base of her tail and she gave another hiss of pleasure and woke up, and then with a smile started to stroke my vent with her tail. Oh yeah! Soon we were both grunting and hissing in pleasure as she rode me, the lava providing a perfect lubricant as only our heads showed above the surface and the pool undulated in slow waves from our movements as we gently bit one another on our snouts. I'd never fucked in lava before, and oh man was I going to have to do it a lot more often!

Vulva woke up and sleepily lifted her head. She heard reptilian hisses of pleasure and saw what her Pet and one of the lizard slaves was doing, and thought, he's just fine now, the randy little jelly bean. Well, she was next!

A couple of hours later; after the gang bang (and I was the banger) had wound down and the three fire lizards left to pursue less pleasant duties, my Mistress and I were cooling off in a boiling mud pool. It was nice and cool after the intensity of the sex in the lava pool. Boy was I worn out! Four females several times each; that was a record even for me! I think the lava had something to do with it; I drew power from its heat.

"Mistress, I asked, I don't really remember much about what happened. Was I bad again?"

Vulva scratched her Pets crest and ran her hand through his lovely mane, "No Pet, you just had a very bad dream, but I made it go away. You're not in trouble or anything, even the Count was most understanding."

"He's not so bad, and I'm glad I wasn't bad, I don't like it when I make you mad at me. You know I don't mean it, don't you? Hiss. It just happens."

"Hush Pet, I know you don't. You just have a talent for making the wrong decisions at the worst possible times. Hiss."

An how, I thought. If I wasn't immortal and indestructible now I'd have been dead a long time ago. Being a demon does have its advantages.

Vulva said, "Pet, do you feel like going back to the dungeon for some more fun and games? Hiss. I think those three lovely lizard ladies are anxious to have you strapped down and helpless again." But NO costumes this time, she was sure they knew better then that now! "Myself and the Count have some, um, unfinished business too."

I'll bet you do, I thought. "Yes, that would be nice Mistress. The large lizard didn't let me come for hours, it was agonizing ecstasy. I like her."

Hmm, thought Vulva, I think I know who her teacher was. "Good, I'll tell one of the bath attendants to let them know to be expecting us." She rolled over and called an attendant over and told him what to do.

I looked at her as she leaned over the edge of the pool and talked the attendant. I licked my fangs, seeing her covered in mud like that really turned me on for some reason, but frankly I'm never turned off. As the attendant left I moved up behind her, grabbed her tail to lift it out of the way, and giving a deep equine snort I mounted her. Grabbing her around her waist I started humping her enthusiastically. She let out a surprised hiss, and said,

"PET, again already? Uhhhhh, oh yes, I guess so! That's it, oh yeeessss!"

I didn't answer, just snarled and grabbed the back of her neck in my mouth and started thrusting harder and faster. She gave a low moan of lust, and settled down to enjoy the rape. I love to rape my Mistress, she enjoys it so much. She is the only one I do this too though.

As we wearily climbed up the stairs; I'd really gotten in the rape thing and it had taken almost an hour, the fire lizards were waiting holding manacles with their tongues eagerly flicking in and out and with an eager hiss I speeded up. Just as they were about to snap them over my now healed wrists an alarm bell went off. To my surprise; and extreme disappointment, the lizards ran off and left us alone.

"Mistress!" I asked in alarm. "What's going on?"

Vulva replied, "I'm not sure Pet, but from the sound I think we're under attack!"

Oh boy! I thought. Nothing like a good battle to make you horny!

We both ran up the stairs, down corridors, and into the main courtyard where a large group of demonkind and Imps were assembling. The Count was getting everything organized and was dressed up in a, pirate costume? He looked like Captain Hook, except for the hook. He had on a tricorne hat, frock coat, long black greasy looking hair (wig), and sash. He even had that stupid mole again. Not to mention a wicked looking cutlass. What the hell? I thought.

"Ah, Vulve Mistess et animal familier, you are just in time for ze fun! An enemy Frigate had just entered our waters, and we buccaneers must set sail to defend our honor! Arrrrrr!"

Nice Arrrrr, I thought. "Um Mistress, I think somebody put something in their tea, they've gone nuts! And it wasn't me, honest."

Vulva said, "No Pet, its part of the vacation! Once a week they have a sea battle with another resort, and the winners get to torture and rape the losers for a day and a night. Fun all around! Hiss. Come on, let's find costumes!"

Cool, I thought, just as long as I don't have to go as BooBoo the killer pirate bear, or a parrot. Much to my delight though I found a really cool hat with a skull and crossbones on it, it had a strap to keep it on my head and it was even fireproof. Having a dragons head and horns makes it hard to keep a hat on, not that I wear one very often, and then usually only when my Mistress dresses me up and embarrasses the Hell out of me. I also found a really neat oversized sword to wave around, but after I accidently cut some of the rigging they took it away from me. It wasn't my fault, stupid ropes are everywhere!

My Mistress got a really neat vest, sash, knee boots, bandana for a hat, big gold earrings, and a nasty sword she carried in a scabbard supported by a sling over her shoulder. It was just enough clothes to make me wish we were back in the mud pool. It was super hot and sexy and every male demonkind; and all the male Imps, just drooled when they saw her. In fact just about every demonkind or Imp had on pirate costumes that covered them to varying degrees. We looked like a demented version of Victoria's Secrets ala Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp eat your heart out!

However, as we left the castle and headed to the dock I almost didn't go though. As we got closer to the water my Mistress had to hunt for me, and found me hiding under an overturned boat. I looked at her and said,

"Mistress, there is NO way I'm going anywhere near that water. You know what happens when I fall in water. Uh-uh, no way, no how." So I sat on my scaly butt and did my stubborn dragon routine, which is pretty impressive. I stuck my nose up in the air, and added, "So there, hmmpphh! Hiss."

Vulva was mad, but realized the little cry baby did have a point. If he fell in the water he'd probably set it on fire or something, weirder things have happened in Hell, and he's pretty weird to start with. If anyone could do it, he could.

With an irritated hiss, she said, "Wait HERE Pet, Hiss, don't go anywhere!" He just hmmpped again and pretended to ignore her. Ohhh, it made her so mad when he did that! The little cretin!

She caught up with the Count and explained the situation. Much to her delight he had a spell, one he had designed for his own fire demonkind slaves that would allow them to enter water with no bad reactions. It would also make them float as fire demonkind sink like rocks due to their dense bodies. She got the spell from him and returned to her sulking Pet. When she got there he was nowhere to be seen!

"PET, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" she hissed angrily.

"Wrong boat Mistress, Hiss, he replied, I'm over here!"

Opps, my bad she realized. She told him what the spell was, and cast it on him. He looked kind of skeptical, but went down to the water's edge to try it out. She didn't blame him. Fire demons and water didn't mix very well, so she could see why he was scared of the stuff. She wasn't particularly fond of it herself. Demonkind aren't big on baths, unless its boiling sulphur or mud.

I listened while my Mistress explained it to me, and then cast the spell on me. I didn't feel any different, and not being a very trusting type I went down to the edge of the water to try it out. Better that then falling overboard and finding out the hard way it didn't work. I walked down the edge of the water, but then ran back up the beach when the waves came in, but after doing that a few more times my Mistress screamed at me in irritation, so the next time I bravely held my ground and let the waves wash over my feet. I didn't blow up, and it just kind of tingled. Felt kind of nice actually. Yay, it works! I gave my Mistress the thumbs up sign, but she just pointed at the ship and yelled again. It seems that everyone was impatiently waiting for us.

Vulva had to chase her Pet up the gangplank with the point of her sword; the little twerp was still scared about going on the ship. But once they were onboard he disappeared to explore. She joined Commodore de Sade on the quarterdeck and was delighted to find the Captain was her old friend Quetzsecoatyl in her parrot form complete with her pirate familiar. Her friend always took that form onboard a ship as she was just too big otherwise. She knew her Pet would be overjoyed too; or maybe not.

After all the traditional "Arrrrr are you's" and "Arrrrr'm fine, arrrr are you's?" were over Captain Quetzecoatyl started issuing orders. "Avast there, bring in the mooring lines! Mr. Christian, prepare to cast off and get under way!" And soon the ship was a beehive of organized insanity as the sails were set, and it began to move as the hot winds of Hell filled the sails.

I ran around all over the place, this is so cool! I thought. It was a real three masted square rigger with two rows of guns, one row on the deck and one row below. And there was a great big pirate flag floating from the mast. Cool, cool, cool! Almost everybody seemed to have something to do except me so I tried to keep out of the way, which is easier said than done when you're a 700+ pound dragon. Finally I tripped over something, fell on my face, and bit my tongue. They got tired of me running around holding my tongue and squealing, so finally a petty officer yelled at me,

"You there, get aloft and man the crow's nest! Keep a weather eye out for any sign of that frigate, and at the first sign or her sing out!"

"Aye Aye, Captain Bligh!" I replied, and ran over towards the mainmast. Oh, neat, a big gun! I thought, as I stopped to admire one of the large cannon. I wondered what this rope thingy did, so I gave it a yank. With a loud roar the cannon fired, and as it recoiled it rolled over my toes and with a loud shriek I ran up the mainmast and hid in the crow's nest, after first kicking out the crows. I stuck my head over the railing and watched as the cannon ball; in what looked like slow motion, flew through the air. When I saw where it was heading I thought, Oh crap, and ducked my head down again. I didn't do it, it's not my fault!

The cannon ball whistled as it slowly arched through the air; reached its apogee, and then stated to fall. It went through the window of the Count's private bedchamber, landed on the bed and demolished it, bounced out the door and down the stairs causing several Imp maids to dive over the railing with their loads of clean bed linen and towels, kept going out the front door, rolled across the courtyard scattering a drilling squad of Imps-at-Arms, came to rest against the base of one of the towers, blew up, and the tower slowly leaned over to one side and collapsed into a pile of rubble.

The Count lowered his spyglass and tried to say something, but only squeaked as he turned an interesting shade of purple.

"What the FUCK, PET!!" Screamed Vulva at the top of her lungs, but looking around she saw he wasn't anywhere near the still smoking cannon. In fact she hadn't seen him since she came on board, but she had heard him yowling a couple of times. Where WAS the little stowaway?

"Pet, she called in her mind, HISS, where the fuck ARE you?"

"Up here Mistress, I answered, I'm the lookout. What happened? I heard a loud noise. Hiss." I said with my fingers crossed behind my back, both hands.

He'd better be on the lookout if I find out he had anything to do with that! She thought. And if he did have something to do with it he'll hear another loud noise! But for now she'd give him the benefit of the doubt, they had a sea battle to fight! Then she turned to console the Count who was leaning against the binnacle with a stricken look on his face and watching the spreading flames as his castle burned to the ground. It would appear that the tower that had collapsed had contained all the firefighting equipment. After that he had to be escorted to his cabin by a couple of concerned Imps.

"Pet, I think it's best if you stay up there for now. Hiss. I need to have a little talk with you later! HISS!"

Gulp, "Yes Mistress, I'll make a note of it."

Well, maybe I got away with it, but I doubt it. At least I was safe for now. I leaned back in the crow's nest to enjoy the lovely salt air. And half an hour later was sick as a dog as the mast waved back and forth as the ship tacked into the wind. Urggggg, barf! The fact I can't puke; no gag reflex, just made it worse. Ohhhhh, I want to die! The mast went through another slow arc as we changed course. Urrp, they're doing that on purpose! Ohhhhhh. Suddenly I noticed a white sail on the horizon just coming into sight. Oh boy! Now what does a lookout do in a situation like this? Oh yeah, he yells real loud and tells everybody.

"Sail ho!" I yelled as loud as I could. "Where away?" Came a reply. "Four points off the starboard bow!" I yelled back.

I had NO idea what that meant, I heard it in a movie once. I watched as everyone looked in the wrong direction.

"NO, no, I yelled, your other starboard! NO, NOT that way, over THERE!" I yelled, jumping up and down in frustration and pointing.

Vulva, Captain Quetzsecoatyl, and several other officers raised their spyglasses and stared in the direction the lookout reported, then turned and looked the opposite way when he changed his mind, then ended up looking everywhere in confusion. What the HELL was he talking about!

"PET! Vulva thought in her mind, I am going to stuff you into a cannon and fire you at the other ship if you don't shut up!"

"Mistress, I answered, that's not very nice! Besides, I don't think I'd fit."

"Maybe not in one piece!" Vulva hissed.

Yipe! I thought, and shut up. Zip, stifle, no talkee!

Finally someone else saw the sail, and yelled,

"Sail, two points off the port beam Captain!"

Hmmpphh, I thought. I saw it first, not my fault no one understood what I was talking about. About that time someone took a shot at me, so I ducked back out of sight. Geez, what a bunch of schmucks! I stuck my head back over the side of the crow's nest again as we changed course to intercept the other ship. Urrrrp.

As the other ship grew nearer I raised my spyglass and looked at her. She was flying a huge Hell's Ensign and I suddenly heard the steady beat of drums as she beat to quarters. There was a low rumbling sound and I watched as her gun ports opened and her guns were run out in perfect coordination. I looked again and saw the demon Captain on the quarterdeck, he had one arm and was wearing an eye patch and had a fancy jacket with medals all over it. I looked and saw the name of the ship "HIMS INFERNO". I looked again as a fife and drum band started playing "Rule Lucifer", the crew were all standing at attention and the sailors all had on striped shirts and tarred hats, and there were Marines in red coats armed with muskets in the fighting tops. She looked majestic and incredibly intimidating as she bore down on us, Hell's Ensign snapping in the breeze. His Infernal Majesty's Ship INFERNO had never lost a battle, she was a legend.

I looked down at our own crew and most didn't seem have the slightest idea how to load the cannon. I watched as one Imp put the cannonball in first, then the powder. The Captains pirate familiar was drunk as a skunk and the parrot; Captain Quetzsecoatyl, was screaming and squawking orders no one was listening too. Great, we're taking on a crack Man-o-War with flipping Horatio Nelson as the Captain, and we've got the Pirates of Penzance for a crew and a deranged parrot for a Captain. We are so fucking screwed, I thought, they're going to hand us our asses on a hatch. Maybe I'll be safe up here, and if it gets hairy I can always fly away and live to bugger off another day. Besides, I'm a lover, not a fighter.

At the last second the other ship suddenly changed course and I knew what was happening, and ducked and covered. She's crossing our "T"! Which meant she got to fire a broadside into us and we couldn't do Jack about it! And as her guns came to bear she cut loose in perfectly aimed shots. I felt the mast shudder as she raked us from bow to stern, the cannonballs flying down the length of the deck. When it stopped I stuck my head over the edge and looked. It looked like half the crew was down and at least two guns were overturned. I heard a loud crack and watched as a spar broke loose and fell to the deck. Where was my Mistress! Then I saw her on the quarterdeck, the Count had come back on deck and taken command and things were finally getting organized.

I saw the pirate familiar sitting next to the mizzen mast and he was cradling a limp parrot in his hands and crying, and I felt real concern. His Mistress couldn't be killed, but she could be hurt! I'd mated with her once when she was in her dragon form (after accidently almost eating her), plus I'd sired a clutch of eggs with her, and so my concern was real. Demonkind are VERY protective of their mates. With a roar I flew down to the deck, and crouching next to the pirate I talked him into letting me have her by telling him she'd be safer in the crow's nest. He reluctantly consented and I flew back up and taking off my stupid hat I gently tucked her into it and tied it down with the strap. The pirate soon joined me in the nest and put her back in his lap and protectively shielded her body with his. Guys a good familiar I thought. Familiars all have one thing in common, we love our Master's or Mistress's and will do ANYthing to protect and/or defend them.

I felt the ship coming about. Hah, with the Count in charge they won't pull that again! This time we exchanged broadsides point blank and they were devastating to both ships. I watched as the other ships mizzen mast cracked and sagged over but didn't fall as the rigging held it in place for now. I felt our own main mast shudder and looking down saw a cannonball sticking in it. A second later I ducked as several Marines fired at me, the musket balls hitting the mast or whizzing overhead. Geez, when demonkind play, they play hard! In fact I couldn't have told this from a REAL battle! For the poor Imps it WAS a real battle, there were plenty of dead ones on both sides. That really sucks; they get slaughtered so we can have fun, I thought, then ducked again as more shots whizzed by. "Rat finks!" I hissed.

Next time I looked both sides were throwing grappling hooks as the occasional cannon still roared out a shot. They were lining the rails yelling insults at each other, and the other captain yelled,

"Do you surrender, or do we have to board! Strike your colors and we will be merciful!"

Mistress Vulva yelled back, "We have not yet begun to fight!"

Oooo, good line Mistress! I thought. It was even in the proper context, all things considered. Eat your heart out John Paul Jones!

I decided to get into the act, so I jumped up on the crow's nest railing and started dancing around and yelling, "No chance bed wetting types! Small brained wipers of other people's bottoms! I wave my private parts in your general direction! Your silly knees-bent advanced running about antics don't impress me none, you silly kaniggits! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!" and I stuck my thumbs in my ears and waved my fingers at them and made farting noises. "Nyaaahh, Pfft, Pfft, Nyaaaah!"

By this time just about everyone on both ships had stopped what they were doing and were watching me with their muzzles open. The Count turned to Vulva, and asked,

"Madame, what the Hell is he doing? Est-ce qu'il est fou?"

Vulva just sighed, and said, "I have no idea; he's on a roll, just leave him alone until he runs out of steam. Hiss. I'll have a talk with him later."

About this time a bunch of them started shooting at me again; come to think of it a bunch of our guys did too, so I ducked back into the crow's nest but a few musket balls bounced off of me anyway. The pirate looked at me and said,

"Arrrrr, that be telling them matey!"

"It didn't work; I think I just pissed them off!" I replied as more musket balls hit the mast and sides of the crow's nest. "Go away, leave me alone!" I yelled.

A tide of sailors and Marines came sweeping over the rails as they boarded us, and soon there were sword duels and the battle raged on the decks below me. I just basically watched from the relative safety of the crow's nest, I'm not stupid. One big demon tried to climb the ratlines, so I just cut them and waved bye-bye as he fell into the water. Through sheer ferocity; and being too stupid to know when we're beat, we managed to drive them back and it was our turn to board them! Now was my moment of glory!

"Hey Mistress! I roared, watch this!"

I saw it once in a pirate movie, it looked really easy and like lots of fun. If Errol Flynn could do it, so could I! I grabbed the pirate's sword, grabbed a rope, and swung over to the other ship. "AVAST YE SCURVY KNAVES!" I roared.

I had planned to stick my sword through a sail and slide down it as the sword cut through it, but as usual I fucked up big time. I went through the sail, leaving my burning outline. "Yiii-Eeeee" I squealed as I hit the mainmast, bounced off of it, fell through an open hatchway, "Ow-Ow-OW!", down the ladder, past startled crew, through another hatchway, "Ow-Ouch-Yipe!", down some more stairs, and then rolled down a corridor and into a room full of large barrels. Just before I rolled through the door I saw a brass plaque with "POWDER ROOM" on the open door. Aw crap. Why me?

With a huge roar the HIMS Inferno blew up and started to sink, and it was every demonkind for itself! Females and young last! Imps didn't count. But I wasn't aware of this as I was about three hundred feet up in the air and still going strong. Having several tons of gunpowder blow up under your butt makes for quite a boost when you get launched into orbit, but I didn't go quite that high. I finally came to a stop and just hung there for a second along with other debris. Then I realized I was holding onto to something under each arm, and looking saw I was holding on to two powder kegs. I was too shocked to let go, or even think about using my wings, as I started my downward plunge. Aw Crap. Why me?

The pirates were cheering as they watched the other ship burn and sink and debris splashed into the water around it. Usually it didn't go this far, but a victory was a victory! They'd have fun tonight roasting those blaggards and scallywags over slow fires and gang banging the good looking ones! Arrrrr! Hoo-Rah and Up She Rises! Yo-Ho-Ho and a Bottle of Rum, and all of that nonsense.

Mistress Vulva was mildly concerned having seen her Pet disappear in the middle of a huge fireball of an exploding ship, so was looking for him.

"PET, where are you?" she asked in his mind.

"LOOK UP!" I shrieked.

Vulva turned her spyglass skyward and spied at first what she thought was an incoming missile from the trail of smoke it was leaving and the high pitched screaming sound, but as she focused she found herself staring at her Pets wide open mouth as he plummeted downward and noticed he was holding onto something, two barrels. She realized two things at once, the barrels were gunpowder kegs, and she was looking straight up! With a shriek she ran for the rail and jumped overboard.

"PET, WHAT THE FUCK!" she yelled in her mind.

"SORRY MISTRESS" I yelled as I crashed through the main hatch of the pirate ship, and seconds later was catapulted back into the air as its powder magazine blew up too. "AAAIIEEEHIISSSS! IT'S NOT MY FAULLLLT!"

A few seconds later the mainmast passed me with the pirate still inside of the crow's nest, and I heard,

"ARRRRRR SHIT!" and "SQUUAAAWWWKKK!" It passed me on the way back down too and plunged tip first into the water, but not before I saw a large feathered dragon carrying a screaming pissed off pirate in its claws take flight and head for the hills.

I hit the water in a huge fountain of water, and popped to the surface like a cork and bobbed up and down. I heard my Mistress yell at me,

"Quick Pet, over here! Hurry, they've seen us!"

"Who?" I asked as I swam over to the dingy she was sitting in.

"THEM!" she yelled and pointed.

I looked over my shoulder and saw several hundred really pissed off looking demonkind and Imps paddling or rowing toward us, and they didn't look very happy. It was what was left of the crews from the two rapidly sinking ships.

"What's their problem? I hissed. We won, didn't we?" I reached the stern of the little dingy and held on.

"Pet, you blew up BOTH ships! We're not very popular right now, now kick!" Vulva yelled at him.

I kicked my legs as hard as I could and we made pretty good headway, and thank badness the shore wasn't that far away. I watched as a small lifeboat full of Hell Rats passed us, and the occupants gave me the finger. "HEY! I hissed, Not nice!"

Vulva just yelled, "Kick harder Pet, they're gaining on us!"

"Mistress, I asked, what does keel haul mean?

"What! Hiss! Why do you want to know that??" Vulva hissed.

"They're yelling something about doing it to us, what does it mean?" I asked again.


"Mistress?" I said.

"WHAT" yelled Vulva who was leaning over the side of the dingy and desperately paddling.

"They want to give us a cat with nine tails, but that's stupid, there aren't any cats in Hell! Even I know that."

"KICK, PET, KICK!" screamed Vulva.

"Mistress? I asked.

"WHAT!" she screamed in irritation.

"Does eviscerate mean what I think it does?" I whimpered.


"It wasn't my fault, I whined, I was just trying to help!" It's not fair!


Have to catch me first, I thought, as I frantically kicked.

The End Chapter 11


The Seeker, Chapter 12

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! The Seeker, Chapter 12 By William W. Kelso WHAM! I bounced through the door, hit the desk, and rolled into a corner of My Mistress's office. Dragon in the corner pocket, I thought. Boy is she pissed...

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The Sweet Tooth

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is a little short story in the spirit of the season. The Sweet Tooth By William W. Kelso I paused and carefully sniffed the air, my ears flicking towards the slightest of sounds. My sensitive nose quivered...

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Got Milk?

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Got Milk? By William W. Kelso I pulled over by the side of the road to look at the stupid map again, where the hell was I? I thought I'd have hit the main highway by now, but no such luck. I...

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