The Seeker, Chapter 12

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!!

The Seeker, Chapter 12

By William W. Kelso

WHAM! I bounced through the door, hit the desk, and rolled into a corner of My Mistress's office. Dragon in the corner pocket, I thought. Boy is she pissed off about those stupid ships, and that stupid castle. It wasn't MY fault! I'd been trying to help! Don't I get any credit for good intentions? My Mistress followed me into the office, grabbed me by the tail, and chucked me across the room. CRUNCH! It would appear not, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions (and other things, some still alive) so they don't count for much down here. My Mistress had kicked me all the way back from the Marque de Sade's pleasure resort and dungeon; or more correctly the smoldering ruins of said resort (I said I was sorry!). She alternated between her tail for long distance shots, and her hooves for closer up pummeling. Except for the few times we took to the air to avoid mobs of pissed off demonkind and Imps. At least I learned some very creative new four letter words and other original insults. Oh great, here she comes again. Man, I have never seen her so mad before! WHAM! SMACK! Finally she got tired of bouncing me off the walls, floors, ceiling, and what little furniture we have, and chucked me into the Office Supplies Closet where I was soon battling for my life against insidious demonic cleaning and office supplies bent on my total destruction, not to mention her shrunken heads collection that led a coordinated attack.

Vulva shut her ears to the horrible screams coming from the closet and went over and sat down at her desk, and resting her elbows on it rubbed her head around the base of her horns. She had one HELL of a headache. She couldn't believe her Pet had ruined her first vacation in over two hundred years, and on the first day! She loved the little maniac, but he really pushed her patience sometimes. Like now. How DOES he manage to do what he does; without really meaning to, she thought? He's like a force of nature bent on destroying everything in its path with a smile on its face. Maybe he really was a double agent from Heaven like some of her former friends had suggested while screaming and frothing at the mouth. Even by Hell's standards he was pretty destructive. Maybe they ought to send him to Heaven, he'd have them begging for mercy in a week. She looked up as a courier bat flapped into the office, dropped a message tube, and then turned around and left before the man-eating plant could grab it. She looked at the huge pile of message tubes that were overflowing from the "IN" basket. How had so many piled up in just two days, she wondered? Sometimes days went by without getting any, but the minute you leave they pile up, it's like they know you're gone. Well, this is Hell after all, as if she could forget. But even she never got used to some of the routine bullshit.

She heard another wail from the closet and the sound of things breaking. Tough, she thought, I'm going to leave the little Mongolian Horde in there for about a month. At least Hell will be safe in the meantime. Besides, her tail and hooves were sore from all that walking and smacking the stuffing out of her Pet over a hundred miles or so. It had been amazing how far they'd been pursued too; they'd had to take to the air on more than one occasion to keep from being captured. She could still hear blasts from power lances as her guards fought off the last of their pursuers. With another weary sigh she turned on the computer, and as usual the stupid thing got stuck halfway out of the desk, so she had to kick it a few times to get it work. She was SO looking forward to getting a hold of Bill Gates and some of those other guys who had inflicted PC's on the world! She wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be undercover demons though. At least she didn't have an Apple PC, those things scared the Hell out of her.

"Miissttrreess!" I moaned as I scratched at the door. I'd been in the closet now for a really long time, and my defenses had been finally overwhelmed. I was completely covered in melted plastic trash bags and Styrofoam peanuts, and the shrunken heads were determinedly chewing on my tail. "PLLEEAASSEE" I wailed. I shook a hind leg and kicked off something that was gnawing on it. "OWOOOO!" I yowled. She'd even closed her mind to me! I was really getting worried, she'd never been this mad before for so long. "OW!" I said as something bit my snout, and with a snarl I pulled it off and threw it away while it chattered at me in some weird language. Damn heads! "MIISSTTRREESS, PLLEEAASSEE, I'M SOOORRRYYY! OWOOOO-HISS!"

Vulva hissed in frustration as she opened another message tube and it was another death threat. Not that she or her Pet could die, but it was the thought that counted. Philistines, she thought! There had only been two legitimate business related messages so far, the death threats, and the rest were reminders for that stupid Halloween Party of Great Lord Ba'als. "WE KNOW ALREADY!" she screeched as she read another invitation reminder. Another courier bat flew into the room, and with a roar she jumped up and chased it back out before it could deliver its message, and it flew off down the tunnel squeaking in terror. Still snarling she went back to her desk and opened the email account. Vulva's mouth dropped open in consternation and disbelief, over 600 emails! In two days! With a growl she started opening them, and was soon screeching in fury.

"Oh yeah, well the same to you buddy! HAH, you and what army? Oh, I'd just love to see you try! Bring it on buttface!"

Hmm, that actually might be kind of interesting. She thought as she read the numerous death threats and other nastygrams that made up most of the emails. She deleted most, but sent replies to some of the more creative ones.

I could hear my Mistress screaming and yelling at her computer, either that or at me. I'd finally shut up and was sulking in a corner with my wings wrapped around me for protection. I'd finally managed to wear out my foes, but I knew they were regrouping. Sure enough a heavy cleaning broom bounced off my head and it was on again. "MIISSTTRREESSS!" I yowled, "THEY'VE GOT MEEEE!"

Vulva hissed in dismay as she read some of the other emails. At least so far no more courier bats had shown up, the last one had probably warned its buddies to stay clear for awhile. Which was just fine with her, damn things were pests. Quite a few of the emails had red flashes next to them which meant they were official business, or other important matters. She saved them for last; and finally just deleted most of the other emails without even looking at them as she was tired of the Spam and death threats. Somewhat hesitantly she started opening the red tagged ones. Most were about what she expected, claims for compensation from demonkind who had lost Imps and property "due to the actions of her familiar". Well, nuts to them, so sue me! Take it to court and it'll be a hundred years before they even make it to the dock, and her crack legal team will tie things up for eternity. They were still processing claims from the Punic Wars. There were several ones that really worried her though. As she read them she gave a hiss of despair, this is bad, really bad!

Vulva finished reading the last of the red tagged emails. She blinked a couple of times, and then slowly got up and walked over to the door to the Office Supplies Closet. Her Pet had been pretty silent for awhile, and that was usually a sign he'd had more than enough. When she opened the door he came crawling out and he was pitiful looking, he was covered in melted smoldering goo and looked like he been tarred and feathered with Styrofoam peanuts. She had never really understood why he was terrified of the closet. She looked inside and as usual he'd pretty much wrecked it, there were shredded trash bags and shattered mops and brooms all over the place and some of the shelves had collapsed. At least her shrunken heads collection appeared to be safe in their storage boxes. He always claimed they attacked him, but she thought it was just claustrophobia. When she crouched down next to him he cringed in fear, and she felt ashamed of herself which was a most unusual experience for a demoness. She really had overdone it this time. She smeared the worst of the melted crap off his head and muzzle, and then gently hugged him and he started crying. He was so fragile emotionally. She had no idea why he loved her so much, but it was a genuine love and she didn't care why, she just accepted it gratefully. She still found it amazing that someone could genuinely love a creature like her. And she had known for quite some time she loved the little dragon too; with all her heart (if she had one), in spite of his faults. He made her laugh and cry at the same time, and no one had ever done that before. She was fond of all her "children", but he was so very special.

Finally I head the door open, and crawling on my belly I slinked out of the door and crouched submissively at My Mistress's feet. When she crouched down next to me I shut my eyes and winced, expecting another blow. Honestly, her blows really don't hurt me all that much, being what I am. It's her displeasure with me that really hurts me, down to my very soul. I love her so much, and want to please her more than anything else. I try so hard. If my Mistress is mad at me I'm one miserable little demon. When she wiped some of the melted trash bags and peanuts off my snout, and hugged me instead, I started to cry. A 700 pound fire breathing Hell dragon that rips the souls out of baddies, I'm such a wuss.

She held the little dragon until he stopped crying and was just rubbing his head against her leg (and smearing gunk all over her) in a show of affection. She finally lifted up his head and looked into his beautiful reptilian eyes with the flames of Hell flickering in their depths. Demonkind all have reptilian eyes, and to a non demonkind they appear to be a cold and emotionless, but to another demonkind they portray many things. Vulva could see his total love and trust of her in those eyes, and it touched her dark heart. She gently licked his snout with her tongue and he closed his eyes and crooned in delight. Still holding his head she said,

"Pet, we are in big trouble, you and me. Hiss. In addition to numerous demands for compensation due to your rampage we've attracted the attention of those whose attention we DON'T want to attract. Hiss. We have been summoned to appear before a Hell's Navy Court of Inquiry into the loss of the HIMS Inferno, plus Great Lord Ba'al has asked us to "drop in", preferably from 10,000 feet without using our wings. Hiss. So you get the idea."

"Mistress, I'm sorry!" I wailed. "I didn't mean to do it. I LIKE the Marques de Sade! He was nice to us, I didn't mean to wreck his castle and sink his ship! OWOOOOHISS-NEIGH!"

"Pet, Pet! Vulva said. Calm down."

And she stroked his snout until he finally stopped squealing and howling. She knew he really was sorry; he seldom got so worked up about the devastation he left in his wake, usually he just blamed it on someone else.

"Don't worry, she said. We'll work it out somehow. Hiss, I've been in plenty of bad fixes before (well, actually not THIS bad, but I won't tell him that). Hiss. I'll have to call in a bunch of favors and sell off a lot of the livestock and slaves, but we'll get by."

I had a sudden horrible thought. I was a slave! With a wail I asked, "Mistress, will you sell me too?" OWOOOOOOO-HIISS, SNORT!" The very thought terrified me.

Vulva sighed again, this was getting ridiculous. "NO PET, I will never ever sell you, I've told you that before. You're my familiar, so we're joined, plus you're one of my Pets. Besides, what would I do without my little jelly bean to protect me?"

"Don't call me that!" I hissed, even as I rubbed my head even harder against her warm furry legs. She was so nice and soft, and I love the way she smells, like burnt cinnamon with a hint of sulphur.

Vulva replied, "We'll just have to take a major loss in our breeding stock, and the Hell Studs are overworked as it is. I really need to get another one or two. At least we have plenty of human brood females. Plus I'll need to call in about every major favor I'm owed. Hisss."

Hell is weird when it comes to the concept of money, we really don't have any. Hell is full of gold, silver, and treasure of all kinds. To us its junk, about the only stuff with any value is body jewelry, but even it's not worth much. The economy (if you can call it that) is based more on barter and trade, including "favors". And "favors" can range from "I owe you a box of urinal cakes", to "I'll come to your aid and fight to the death by your side". Demonkind take favors VERY seriously to say the least. Say you owe a favor to a demon you haven't seen for a 1000 years, and then one day he shows up and asks you to honor it. You drop whatever you're doing and take care of it right away. Even another demonkind who hates your guts will return a favor. Honor in Hell? You bet, but it's more a matter of mutual survival then any grand noble concept. A demonkind who doesn't honor favors owed is soon without any friends or allies, and that's not a good situation to be in. A demonkind on their lonesome is fair game for everybody and everything. Every demon Lords and most demi-demonkind have specialties, goods or services that they offer in trade for other stuff they need. My Mistress runs the biggest livestock auction in Hell, plus she breeds all the stock. The only other livestock operation is Vulcan's Fire Drake farm. Her brother Vulkrebs makes stuff, the Marque de Sade offers "vacations", the shit demonkind keep the sewers working, etc. But it's mainly between the higher ups, the slaves and livestock don't own anything anyway, and most of us are just bartering stock. You get the idea? If you do you're smarter than I am, I still haven't figured it all out and I live here. Of course my IQ is somewhere between those of a bag of hammers and a dirty sock.

"I'll help Mistress! I said. You can sell my stud services some more; you always get a lot for them, don't you? And you can sell my professional Seeking services too. Yeah, that's a good idea, yeah! Hiss!"

Vulva laughed, "Oh, don't worry, I will my randy little stud. Hiss. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Hiss. But it may wear even you out. Hiss."

"Well, I said smugly, it will be fun finding out. Hiss!" I replied.

"But Pet, Vulva said. Then you'll be too tired to service your poor Mistress. Hiss."

Rats, I hadn't thought of that! And I DO so love to service my Mistress. Even just thinking about it turns me on big time, so I stopped rubbing my head and stuck my snout between her legs and licked her mound. She gave a little yelp, and gave my snout a gentle slap.

"PET, you raunchy thing! Don't you ever think about anything else? Hiss!"

"Nope, I know what I like." I hissed as I started licking her again and this time she didn't smack me, which was a good sign. Mmm, she tasted delicious.

"Well, I could use a good massage, Hiss." Vulva said while she rubbed the top of her Pets snout as he licked her mound, and then she gave a small moan of pleasure as he gently ran his tongue inside of her. He was SO good at that.

Oh yeah, do-dah, do-dah! I thought. When my Mistress says "massage" she means a full body major fucking session, and I always aim to please. I ran my tongue inside of her vagina and she gasped again. I closed my eyes in delight as I tasted her, I love to eat my Mistress, and she tastes delicious. And she always has me go back for seconds, or thirds, etc. I can never get enough.

"Not yet Pet, Vulva hissed, we need to get cleaned up first. We need to get that nasty melted goo off of you, and you've smeared it all over me too. Look at my lovely fur, it's a mess! Hiss. It's time for a trip to the baths."

Oh boy! I thought, I love going to the baths. Except when my Mistress is chasing me, which come to think of it is about 50% of the time. I like to hide in the sulphur or mud baths and play U-boat commander. I just love to torpedo my Mistress and other unfortunate schweinhunds. She's gotten pretty good at depth charging me though. And the other patrons usually leave when we show up, sometimes screaming. I have no idea why.

As we walked down the tunnels to the baths area we passed other demonkind and Imps, and since she is the ruler of this domain they all bowed or rendered the required subservience. She politely acknowledged the demonkind, but ignored the Imps and beasts. I spotted one demon overseer who either forgot, on purpose (doubtful), or just wasn't paying attention. But like the military we have a "no excuses" policy. So I jumped on him and pinned him with my fangs around his throat and; snarling, pointed out his breach of etiquette. My Mistress could have had him skinned alive for such a breach (though that is a little extreme) but instead she let him off with a stern warning. And a stern warning from my Mistress has scared Imps to death. I doubt very much he'll ever make the same mistake. And as we continued on our way my Mistress said,

"Thank you Pet, Hiss, good boy."

And I was so proud of myself. I do insist my Mistress gets the respect she deserves, oh yes I do. Diss my Mistress and you'll have a 700+ pound fire-breathing dragon chewing on your butt. (And it's got nothing to do with the demon DIS, he's one of the really old demons you DON'T want to mess with.)

As we walked into the baths grotto; as usual, some of the patrons got up and left. And of course the Imp attendants pretty much panicked. My Mistress is the local big wig, numero uno, El Heffe, and I'm not that popular myself. So I usually wreck the joint, at least I make things interesting for awhile. Of course "interesting" in Hell is usually not a good thing. It's "interesting" when something is eating you, you're being skinned alive, or you're fleeing from several hundred pissed off sailors and pirates waving swords and other sharp objects. So I guess I could see their point of view. In Hell boring and uneventful is preferred. We love to be bored. Otherwise it's usually periods of extreme terror, running for your life, or a combination thereof. Yes, boring is nice.

I planned on doing a running cannonball into the bath with the most demonkind in it. But instead I slipped on the wet floor, slid into a stalagmite head first, and knocked myself silly. At least I didn't bite my tongue. My Mistress just ignored me and walked past, and with a sigh of pleasure lowered herself into one of the boiling sulphur pools. I got up, staggered around, tripped, and fell head first into a boiling mud pool where I stayed for awhile with only my tail sticking up in the air. I'd finally come to realize I don't need to breathe anymore (no lungs) so could stay submerged without suffocating. And the lovely boiling hot mud did feel good to my poor abused and battered body. So I dozed for a little while.

Finally I got bored, so submerged and went hunting for something to do, in other words I wanted to find some poor schmuck to mess with. I left the mud pool and snuck over to the sulphur pool my Mistress was in, and slowly slid in and submerged except for the top of my head and my eyes. Auf Periskop, ziel sehend! Bekämpfen Sie Stationen! Slowly and stealthily I approached my unsuspecting Mistress. It looked like she was sound asleep, perfect! As I prepared to submerge for a torpedo run to put one amidships she suddenly said, without opening her eyes,

"Pet, if you come any closer I will call Equa and arrange a date for tonight. And let her finish what she started. Hiss."

Yipe! We've been spotted! Clear the bridge! A-ooga! Krachkopfsprung! I swam over to the edge of the pool and climbed out. How does she DO that anyway, she never even opened her eyes. She never lets me have any fun. What a kill joy, I just wanted to play. Of all the threats she makes; and she's got a bunch, Equa is the worst (actually it's kind of toss-up between Equa and the Office Supplies Closet).

Equa is a horse demoness who's a Vore Demonkind. Their specialty is eating things in creative ways. And that includes their sexual organs. A Vore demon eats stuff with his dick; a Vore Demoness eats stuff with her pussy. Or they use their assholes. Eyuck, grossa-mundo to the max, but you get the picture. One weird thing about Vores is they can only "reproduce" by eating another demonkind and turning THEM into Vores too. Imps and beasts aren't so lucky, they're just food. For some reason most Vores are equine (have no idea why). I know from personal experience because Equa ate me with her pussy once, all the way. I don't remember a whole lot; which is probably for the best, but I do know it happened. But she didn't keep me inside her womb long enough to be reborn as a Vore Demon. But I did get a lovely mane out of the deal, plus tendencies to whinny and neigh like a horse. At least so far my dick hasn't tried to eat anything though, thank Big L. I'm already fucked up enough, I have NO idea how I would have reacted to that! And since I don't want to find out it's a pretty powerful threat. As it is Equa keeps calling wanting a second date. He LIKES me! No way Jose! Once was "interesting", twice is right out unless she catches me again and I can run really FAST if I have enough warning. But in all honesty she IS one beautiful incredibly sexy demoness. If it weren't for her rather um, unusual, culinary habits I'd jump her in a second.

I plopped back into the mud pool again and amused myself by slapping my front feet together and squirting little jets of mud at the attendants when they walked past. I have deadly aim. Getting bored with that after awhile I looked for some other poor slob to torment. Hey, I AM a demon! Most of us aren't happy unless we're messing around with someone; or something, and doing our best to make life miserable for them, especially our friends. Sometimes I like to crawl up the wall and hang from the ceiling over some pool bathing demonkind, and when they open their eyes drop down on top of them and scare the crap out of them. Of course sometimes that backfires as Mistress Vulva had to pry me out of a trashcan once after an irate demon Lord stuffed me into it with the other trash despite my strenuous objections. Of course since this was one of Vulva's personal bath grottos I could pretty much mess with anyone I wanted as she was the highest ranking demonkind around. It's good to be the Mistress's familiar.

Not finding any handy victims (all the attendants had wisely disappeared) I settled down and decided to take it easy for awhile. I lay down on my belly and rested my head on my crossed front legs and looked at my Mistress. I blinked a couple of times, and then REALLY looked at her. I got up and moved over a little closer and looked down at her. She looked so tired and worn; I could see the stress in her face as she dozed. She led such a hard life; we all do, and I only made it worse for her. I felt like a total jerk, my unintentional acts of mayhem had gotten her in trouble again. Being a slave I wasn't really responsible for my actions; kind of like a child, and it was the "parent" that caught all the crap. I gave a little whimper of concern and remorse, and leaning over started to gently lick her muzzle. She stirred and said,

"Pet, I told you I'm not in the mood to play right now. Hiss. So beat it you little troglodyte. Go play in the mud. Hiss."

I am NOT a troglodyte I thought in indignation, they're nasty things. But I kept gently licking my Mistress's face and whimpered again. I remembered the first time I had seen that hideously lovely face looking down at me. I had almost been dead and my body had been a mass of cuts and bruises, both inside and out. She had gently and tenderly healed me, and then given the one thing I had wanted more than anything else in my life. Love and a home, of sorts, but far better than nothing, believe me I know. She was an evil creature over 3000 years old and had raped my body and soul for her own purposes, but she had never lied to me and cared for me in her own way. And I loved her intensely, with every fiber of my warped and twisted existence. I kept licking her and crooned my love, and she reached up and stroked my snout without opening her eyes.

"Mmmm, that's nice Pet."

With a soft hiss I slid into the boiling sulphur next to her. I kept licking her muzzle and then slowly worked my way down to the tips of her breasts that were just peeking above the surface and wrapped my tongue around one and caressed her nipple with the forked end of my tongue. She sighed and gave a little hiss of pleasure.

"Hiiissss, Mmmm, Pet, don't stop." She said.

Believe me, I had no intention of stopping. But I did want to do something I very seldom really get to do, largely because of what we are. I wanted to make love to my Mistress. Don't get wrong, I usually get to service her two or three times a day (in addition to her other partners), but it's usually little more than animal rutting, don't make the assumption that because we're intelligent we have human sexual mores, we're demonic animals. I enjoy it immensely; and so does she, but I wanted to make LOVE to her this time, slow gentle tender love instead of just a roaring snarling bestial mating. It's amazingly hard to do for a creature such as me as once I start to get aroused the beast usually takes over, and I become the demon I am. And believe me, despite any doubts to the contrary, I AM a demon, 100%. You wouldn't like me if I was mad and/or after your soul. But if I really concentrate I can sometimes beat the beast back long enough to make love instead of just rut. Maybe it was the obvious worry in her face; her true concern for me, which let me do it this time. And so I made long slow love to the object of my adoration, the incredibly gorgeous female beast that is my Mistress, owner, lover, mate, and mother of my children. She's an ancient evil denizen of Hell and beyond redemption, but she has at least one soul who loves her for what she is with no conditions or expectations other then the privilege of spending eternity by her side. I love her so much I once turned down salvation to remain with her, no lie. To me Heaven would be a bare joyless place without her. I would rather be her slave in Hell.

I kept licking her muzzle and breasts and started stroking the tip of her tail with the tip of my own tail. Most demonkind have very sensitive erogenous zones on the last foot or two of the tips of their tails. We have barbs on the tips which can be razor sharp and deadly, or soft as suede velvet. And our barbs were soft as we curled them around one anohter's tails and gently caressed and stroked them. Vulva had her head thrown back and she was making little hisses of pleasure with the tip of her tongue sticking out of her slightly open mouth. I started kneading her breasts with my front feet/hands and ran the tip of my tongue across hers and the forked tips clasped and entwined and then she opened her mouth and our tongues slid into it as they wrapped around one another and we both hissed at the feeling. "Giving tongue" in Hell adds whole new meaning to the phrase. My penis was fully extended and rock hard now, and the feel of the boiling sulphur against it was driving me crazy and I knew I'd better do something or the beast would take over. With a guttural hiss of lust I positioned myself between my Mistresses spread legs, and straddling her with my front feet on the edge of the pool I pressed the head of my penis against her eagerly waiting vagina and mounted her to the hilt with one powerful thrust, and she threw her head back and gasped. But instead of humping her I just stayed like that; perfectly still, and extended my nether tongue and started running it up and down my shaft, and the feel of it made both of us moan in pleasure. The feeling of it sliding up and down my penis and rubbing against her soft sensitive vaginal muscles at the same time was incredible for both of us.

"Mmmm, hiiissss, Pet! Um, ohhh yessss!" she moaned.

I pressed my snout against her muzzle, and we kissed again as our tongues explored our mouths and throats, and it was a long slow gentle kiss (by demonic standards) as we both opened our mouths as wide as we could; and snarling, locked jaws. And I began to thrust into her with slow powerful strokes that penetrated to the lips of my vent every time. And even though my whole body was shuddering from lust and pleasure I managed to beat the beast back. I reached under my Mistress, and griping her rump I hoisted her up to the level of the surface of the pool and slid her a little further up over the edge of the pool to give me a better angle, and with a deep grunt began to penetrate her even further as I speeded up the rhythm of my thrusts. She was clawing; hard, at my back now, her claws skidding over my scales which were the only thing that kept me from being mauled. She wrapped her legs around my waist in front of my hind legs and her hooves were drumming on my back as I made love to her. It was beautiful, glorious, slow, gentle, real love. I gave a long keen of ecstasy, and lowering my head I gently bit her neck, my eyes squeezed tightly shut and I beat back the beast as I kept slowly thrusting.

"Umm, ugggghhhh, Aaaaahiiissss, Pet! Oh, oh, uh! Don't, don't stop! Uggggh!" RRRAAAWWWWRRR!!" She hissed and shrieked as she clutched me to her.

And I didn't want to stop, not ever. Our tails were completely entwined around one another now, the tips writhing and coiling around one another. It was tail sex to the max. I was amazed at how long I was able to keep making love to my Mistress, more as a man then a demon. And I think the beast was jealous, but it finally settled down to enjoy what I was doing and stopped fighting for control, and after that it got even better. I drew out our mating as long as I could, but finally reached that point where I had no choice but to climax. As I felt it approaching I speeded up my thrusts and Vulva shrieked and roared in sheer ecstasy and I roared as we both came, and it was more intense and pleasurable than normal, and we drew it out as long as we could, and we're both very good at that. Finally I collapsed across her chest with a deep moaning groan of satiation, and dismounting I rolled over and slid down into the pool pulling her with me, and held her with only our heads above the churning boiling surface of the pool. I think we heated it up even more. She rested her head against my chest and I held her in my powerful front legs/arms and nuzzled the top of her head. She gave a moan of pleasure as our tails were still busy with one another's, and said,

"Mmm, thank you Pet. That was, hiss, special. Thank you for loving me." She felt so, so secure and protected in his strong gentle embrace.

I gave a soft hiss, "Now and forever my Mistress, with all my soul."

"Yeessss, she hissed, now and forever my Pet." Then she suddenly giggled, which believe me she doesn't do very often.

Curious, I asked, "Mistress, what's so funny? Hiss."

"Hiss, hiss, hiss, snigger! Pet, do you remember the first time we had tail sex? Hiss, hiss, hiss!! It was wonderful!"

I gave a loud whinnying snort of amusement. Boy did I ever! She'd taken me with her (she doesn't dare leave me alone) to a fancy restaurant to meet a couple of her demoness friends for dinner. At least it was fancy by Hell's standards, it had tables and even silverware, but I ate most of that. Silver is a delicacy to fire demonkind, it tastes like vanilla. As with most things in Hell the table was pretty big, and I was still in my first demon stage. I couldn't talk, didn't have a mane, and was a lot smaller then I am now, so I fit under the table with no trouble. I was also still pretty new to being a demon, and was still exploring my new "sexuality", i.e. insatiable lust. I was bored too and horny as Hell as I had a perfect view of not only my Mistress's lovely sex but also the vaginas of her two friends, so I was pretty much a drooling lust crazed wreck by then. I tried to stick my head between my Mistress's legs, but she smacked the tip of snout, so I was sulking and feeling sorry for myself. It happened by accident. My tail tends to wander around by itself when I'm not paying attention, and it found the tip of my Mistresses tail and started stroking it. At first I didn't pay a lot of attention, but when the pleasure started I sure did, and Vulva gave a little start, but didn't pull her tail away so I figured it was OK. Besides, it wasn't really sex, was it? Boy was I wrong, as usual. As our tails really got into it I slowly got a rock hard erection and Vulva started giving little hisses of pleasure. It was new, weird, and great all at the same time. Soon I was drooling in lust with my tongue handing out of my mouth.

Her two friends, seeing Vulva's open panting mouth and almost blank stare knew what was happening, and their tails joined ours! Oh Holy freaking crap! I can't couple with a regular demoness; only the fire kind, due to my body heat. But tail sex is OK. With three aroused females tails wrapped around mine I went berserk, and when I came I blasted my cum all over the place, and at the same time Vulva shrieked as she came and her juices sprayed out of her pulsing writhing sex, and with a roar I pushed my snout between her legs and bit her hard and ran my tongue into her pussy and sucked and lapped at the treat, and with an even louder shriek she and her chair went over backwards and I followed determined to get every last drop of her sweet sexual nectar (hey I'm a DEMON, remember, we really get off on that kind of thing!). She dug her claws into the table cloth and pulled it off the table when she went over; along with all the cutlery and dinnerware, and it all landed on top of me. Convinced we were under attack I fought with the table cloth and succeeded in getting wrapped up in it like a mummy with only my tail showing. It didn't help that Vulva was whaling on me by now and shrieking at me, and her two friends were both roaring in laughter. The tablecloth caught on fire and I really panicked then, and managing to poke my legs through the burning cloth I blindly ran around the restaurant with Vulva in hot pursuit whacking me with her tail and I pretty much wrecked the joint. By the time she finally subdued me by beating the crap out of me the place was a raging inferno with shrieking Imps and demonkind running for cover trying to get away the from the strange looking blazing monster that they thought was chasing them. Needless to say the management asked us to leave and never come back. The food was lousy anyway. Vulva kicked me all the way home, and then when we got there made me do the tail sex thing again. It takes talent to make yourself; and your partner come just using your tail on theirs, but it's definitely worth the effort. I have a reputation as being quite the "tailer".

Soon we were both roaring in laughter as we relived that memorable night of dining out ala tail sex. Of course that scared the Hell out of the attendants, and they all fled in a bleating squealing panicked stampede. Laugher in Hell is usually a precursor to something really nasty happening to those unfortunate enough to hear it. When we finally calmed down we noticed that while we had been making love some amazingly thoughtful attendant had left us a plate of brimstone cookies and two large mugs of pure fresh non-bath tainted sulphur. And so we had a lovely snack. And my Mistress's face looked a thousand years younger, the stress lines were gone and her eyes were brighter and clearer and oh so beautiful. It had been good for both of us. For the rest of the time we spent in the bath grotto is was as lovers, not Mistress and slave. It was wonderful, and we have so little of that, so that made it all that much more special. And I think it was the first time a single coupling had satisfied us so well. Usually when demonkind fuck they make one another come as fast and as often as possible, to drag it out for so long really blew our minds and our bodies were pretty happy too.

Then it was back to business as usual. When we left the bath it was as Mistress and loyal slave again. But she did remember to issue orders for the bath staff to get extra rations and have more "personal" time off for a week. That was for the plate of cookies and the drinks. My Mistress remembers favors, and returns them. For all she is an evil demoness her slaves are amazingly loyal. If they do something nice that's not required or expected then she does something nice for them in return, works out pretty good all around. Like I said, favors in Hell are a big deal, especially unsolicited ones. A random kindness is rare, and is therefore to be repaid twice over. A happy slave gives much better service then one that hates your guts. And "nice" in Hell is pretty rare, which makes it all that much more appreciated. Loyalties in Hell can be, literally, forever.

When we got back to her office there was another pile of message tubes and the computer screen was flashing red. With an irritated hiss my Mistress sat down and started going through the tubes. I settled down on my carpet at first, but when she started screaming at the computer I got up and moved over to a corner out of smacking range. Then I settled down again and watched as she handled the everyday business of being a powerful demi-demoness and Hell's number one Patroness of Carnal Pleasure, but of course today was extra nasty due to my unfortunate tendency to lay waste to the countryside wherever I go. A slave isn't expected to handle the admin stuff, thank Big L. All I ever did on the computer was play games (and lose) or send nasty emails to people and things I don't like, but so far she's only caught me doing that once. I was sore for a week. I jumped when she let out a shriek again, and she yelled,

"NO, don't want a subscription to Depraved Magazine; I have a lifetime one already! HIISS! Idiots!" "WHAT, ANOTHER INVITATION, WE KNOW ALREADY!" "OH YEAH? HISSS, COME AND SAY THAT TO HIS FACE SO HE CAN RIP YOURS OFF!" and so on. Pretty much the norm really, she screams at the computer almost as much as she does at yours truly. Then a little demon dressed as a Leprechaun came walking in and I wrapped my wings over my head and trembled in terror, the last time he was here he beat the crap out of me and I'd had to lock myself in the Office Supplies Closet to get away. He started doing a little dance, and said,

"Sure and Begorrah, You are invited to..." Which was about as far as he got.

With a bloodcurdling shriek of pure demonic rage Vulva leaped up on her desk with her tail whipping back and forth, and with her fangs bared snarled, and roared at the dumbstruck demon in the stupid outfit.

"WE KNOW ALL READY!!! HIIIIIIISSSSSS, RAAAWWWWRRRRR!" and leaping down off her desk chased the terrified screaming demon out the door and down the tunnel snarling and roaring the whole time. As the noise faded I heard the demon wail,

"Jeez lady, I was just doing my job! Give me a break!" But my Mistress's only answer was an even louder roar.

Well, I thought, that's going to take awhile. I got up and went over to the desk and sat in her chair. Hmmm, I thought. Quickly I called up the order and invoice program and placed an order for a pallet of cases of Tidy Bowl urinal cakes. I know all her passwords, and she never thinks to change them. That bit of chicanery accomplished to perfection I returned to my spot in the corner to innocently await the return of the holy terror. I hoped she caught the little creep and chewed him up some; I owed him one big time.

In the meantime; unseen by me, the stupid man-eating plant had snuck up behind me, and it gave a loud wailing cry that scared the crap out of me and I jumped so high my head hit the ceiling and I bit my tongue, and then the stupid thing giggled while I ran around in circles yowling and holding my tongue. "OWWOOOOO-Yipe, yipe! HISS!" Man that hurt!

Of course you know this means war, I thought, as I pounced on the plant and soon we were rolling around the office locked in deadly combat. It was trying to eat me and I was just as determined it wasn't going to. So when our Mistress returned she found a scene of utter chaos, and not being in the best of moods smacked both of us around the office for awhile until she felt better. By the time she was finished we were both crouched in a corner hugging one another in terror. When she went over to her desk and sat down again I realized the plant had his tentacles wrapped around me, so bit one and he let me go. Homo! I thought. He just gave me the rigid digit, which is kind of hard to do if you don't have fingers, but I knew what he meant. I returned it with both front feet/hands, and we almost got into it again, but we forgot the idea when our Mistress spoke up, and said,

"HIISSS! Don't MAKE me come over there, you WON'T like it! Spoiled little demon brats! HISSSSS!"

Truce! We both knew enough to quit when we were ahead. At least he does, I usually just stick myself in it even worse. Most people; and demonkind, know to keep their mouths shut when they're up to their neck in shit, but yours truly usually ends up getting a mouthful. After that things kind of settled down for awhile.

After awhile I got up and went and made a pot of green sulphur tea and took it and a plate of urinal cakes to my Mistress, which delighted her. I even threw one to the stupid plant as a peace offering, and since he didn't throw it back I knew it was accepted. Mistress slumped back in her chair and gave a tired sigh as she sipped a mug of tea and munched a cake. She reached down and scratched my mane and I hissed happily.

"Mmmm, what a nice surprise Pet. Hiss. And you made the tea without launching the samovar into orbit. Hiss. Good boy, Mistress is pleased."

Praise! With a happy snort I rolled over on my back and she gave me a delightful tummy rub while I kicked my hind legs and squealed. I do so love her.

Then she sobered up, and said,

"Come on Pet, it's time for us to appear before Great Lord Ba'al and hear his judgment against us. This will NOT be fun, hiss." And taking my head she gazed into my eyes and said,

"Pet, please, hiss, please do NOT do anything to upset the Great Lord. He likes you for some reason, but his likes are fickle and can change at any second. Please, hiss, do it for me. Hiss. Be a good boy for your Mistress. If anything happened to my little jelly bean your Mistress would be so upset. Hiss." Then she gently licked my snout.

I closed my eyes and pressed my head against her chest. "Yes Mistress, I'll be good, I hissed softly."

Besides, I'll be too scared to mess up. Great Lord Ba'al is my Mistress's owner (yes, she's a slave too, we all are with the exception of Big L), and because of that I'm his slave too. And frankly he scares the crap out of me as he's a big scary boogey man, and anytime I'm his presence I'm so freaked out I usually just freeze in petrified terror. He thinks its respect, and believe you me I DO respect the dude. But for all of that he's not a bad boss, by Hell's standards. He's old school, and backs his minions up. Give his minion a hard time and you get the whole kick ass with extreme prejudice because it's the same as messing with him as far as he's concerned. NOT a good idea.

It was quite a flight to Great Lord Ba'al citadel, so we didn't waste any time. To our surprise there was a small "delegation" of some of Mistress Vulva's senior demonkind slaves who somewhat hesitantly wished us well. Vulva didn't say a thing as she leaped into the air, I don't think she could. She's a hardcore demoness in every sense of the word, but certain things do get to her. Things like unexpected shows of loyalty. But I gave them a big "thumbs up" as I followed my Mistress.

We arrived at the Citadel of Ba'al after several hours of nonstop flight. It was awe inspiring from miles away, so up close it blew my mind. It was a huge edifice of multi-turrets and spires that jutted up abruptly from the desert floor. One minute there was just windblown sand and the occasional ruin, then a huge fortress made from pure ebony black smooth stone without a seam to be seen, it looked like it had just sprung from the ground. I'd never been here before, and was suitably impressed. The 101st Airborne couldn't put a dent in this place. We landed in front of the huge solid helliron main gates, and in fact they were the only entrance we could see. Those gates were impervious to any attack; the helliron they were made from was rare, and invulnerable to heat. The gates slowly opened and a great towering demon behemoth strode out and grimly looked down at us. He was about forty feet tall and looked like an armor plated rhinoceros thing standing on its hind legs, and he had power lance that was considered light artillery. Bravely I ducked behind my Mistress to protect our rear in case of a sneak attack, or to lead a retreat. I'm good at leading retreats, my favorite battle cry is "Run Away!".

"Who dares to petition for an audience with the Great Lord Ba'al!" he roared in a thunderous voice, and I tried to dig a hole in the sand.

"Knock it off Grebs, you know who I am. Hiss." Vulva said. "We are expected, so tell the Great Lord we are at his disposal and await his pleasure. Oh, hiss, and by the way how's the missus and kids? Hiss."

"C'mon Mistress Vulva, you know I can't show any favoritism." The huge hulking thing said in a much lower voice. "And the family is fine, thanks for asking."

THAT has a mate and kids? I thought. Boy, I'd hate to see the family album.

The thing bellowed again, "Then enter and grovel in terror and quake in fear before the Great Lord Ba'al, Destroyer of World's, The Bane of Heaven, etc."

No problem there, I thought, I was already pretty terrorized, and I'm really good at groveling, it's a hobby of mine. I have lots of practice.

Vulva just rolled her eyes and said, "Come on Pet, and quit digging in the sand. If you have to go you should have done it before we left! Hiss!"

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of burying myself, but now that you mention it. So I took a quick whiz and burned a hole in the sand. Better to do it out here then all over myself during our "audience". I don't need to go very often as I don't eat much, but when I do its deadly stuff.

The huge hulking demon stood to one side to let us pass. Turns out he wasn't the only guard. Flanking the entrance on each side were even larger Fire Drakes. Not the regular kind like me, but full blown Battle Drakes, Hell's living fighter bombers and Main Battle Tanks all in one. They're the biggest dragons in Hell, and the meanest, which is saying something. One was red and one was golden colored, and you could see the heat rising off their bodies in actual flames as it flickered and ran up and down their bodies. They looked at us with flaming saliva dripping from their fangs, and I have no doubt at the slightest sign of something amiss we would have been, literally, torn apart. We can't die, but we can be destroyed, and being torn apart will do the trick. One was a Dragoness, and I couldn't help but stare in frank lust and admiration with my tongue hanging out of my mouth, she was drop dead gorgeous. She ducked her head and preened a little when she saw me staring, she knew what I was thinking as we all have pretty much one track minds. When one of us sees another we want to mate with we don't hesitate to let them know it, staring in Hell is considered a polite way of showing interest, so is drooling. It's a shame she was too damn big, but it might have been fun to try. And there were even more guards, but more common ones like lesser demonkind in full battle armor with power lances and other nasty weapons. It would appear Great Lord Ba'al did not like unexpected visitors or traveling salesmen.

We finally reached two huge solid gold doors, and they opened slowly without anyone doing it (probably wraiths, they can be invisible if they want) and in the distance; up a long ramp flanked by giant columns, was a huge throne like chair and desk. It was solid black onyx with silver and jewel encrusted inlays of runes and other mystic symbols. The throne chair matched perfectly. It was very impressive and awe inspiring. And Great Lord Ba'al was slumped back in his throne sound asleep with a pretty demoness in his lap and it was pretty obvious what they'd been doing. The demoness was straddling him and both his penises were still inside of her and she was snoring like a lumberjack and he sounded like an out of sync buzzsaw. In a way it was kind of tender. I sat down on my butt and stared with my mouth open. Finally I looked at My Mistress, and said,

"Mistress, I hissed quietly, what do we do?? Should we come back later? I don't mind if you don't."

"You stay right where you are Pet!" Mistress hissed back.

Well, it was worth a try, I thought.

Vulva got the attention of one of the guards; actually they were all staring at her and drooling already, and with a motion of her head indicated the tranquil scene in the audience hall, and raised an eyebrow in a questioning "What the heck do we do now?" manner. The guard looked, and then said,

"I'M not going to wake him up; we never did find all the pieces of the last demon who dared to interrupt the Great Lords slumber. I'll get the Major Domo; he's supposed to be on duty anyway. Wait here, and don't move."

Move? I thought, not this little lizard. This place was a real creep joint. I had a feeling once you got lost in here it was for good. I moved a little closer to My Mistress.

A short time later the guard returned with the "Major Domo". I remembered him from my first night in Hell. He looked like Gollum from the "Lord of the Rings" (which is a really popular movie down here, but since we always root for the bad guys the ending sucks) except he has small fine scales all over his body and a lizards tail. If he started talking about "My precious" it wouldn't have surprised me. He still had the big fancy stick, and with a pretty impressive flair he twirled it in the air, and then brought the butt down on floor and the whole place shook, and said in a deep solemn voice,

"O Great Lord and Master before whom all quake in terror, announcing Mistress Vulva and her Pet, they are on time for their appointment. Shall they come forward to bask in thy malevolent glory, or do you want us to throw them out on their butts?"

Great Lord Ba'al snorted and kicked his feet wildly in surprise and the demoness was thrown off with a protesting squeal, and came scurrying past us. As she did I noticed she was a fire salamander, very rare. She looked a lot like a dragoness, but no scales, horns, or spines, she was plumper, and her skin was smooth. It was pink on her belly and a lovely shade of rose red on the rest of her body. I felt a stirring in my sheath, and she giggled as she ran past us as she could smell the change in my scent. Hey, I can't help it; I'm a horny little pervert. Great Lord Ba'al finally got his act together, and said in a thunderous voice, after clearing his throat,

"Mistress Vulva and slave, approach thy Master and tremble!"

Yassuh Boss! Ise a trembling, ah is. I thought, and I really was, I was already scared half to death.

The big guy radiates demonic malevolence and power. He is one of the truly Great Lords of Hell, and no one that's ever seen him can doubt that for a second, unless they're really stupid.

We slowly walked about halfway up the ramp; with our heads humbly bowed, and at the halfway point Vulva crouched down and I threw myself on my belly and covered my head with my wings. She couldn't get on her knees because of the way her legs bend, but she was crouched so low her belly bands were rubbing against the floor, and going even slower now we moved up the ramp.

With my wings over my head I couldn't see where I was going, and fell off the side of the ramp with a shriek and landed in a heap of bones and dead things; some of which weren't quite dead, and promptly freaked out big time. As I ran yowling in figure eights around the columns with guards chasing me two Drakes ran head first into one another and went down in a huge roaring heap of flailing tails and flapping wings, and I heard my Mistress scream,


Finally a Fire Drake caught me and held me up by my tail and dangled me over its open maw. I kicked and squealed and gnashed my jaws together and bit my tongue. "OWOOOOOO-HISSSS, WHINNY!" I shrieked. All of a sudden Mistress Vulva landed on the Fire Drakes face and started clawing at its eyes,


Then all of a sudden everyone froze as gales of horrible demonic laughter echoed throughout the grand hall. I looked over and Great Lord Ba'al was bent over his desk laughing helplessly. At the sight of a Great Lord laughing no one really knew what to do, so they decided to wait until things calmed down. All except for me, I managed to swing over to one of the Drakes fingers and bit it as hard as I could, and with a roar she dropped me on top of the platform and I dived under the Great Lord's desk and cowered in sheer terror with my wings over my head. Mistress Vulva flew over, and grabbing me by the tail dragged me out while I wailed in terror and Ba'al cracked up again, and this time most of the other demonkind in the hall did the same as they figured it was safe to. You ain't heard nothing yet until you've heard Great Drakes laugh. Think of an explosion at a boiler factory with a herd of scalded elephants stampeding through it.

By the time things had calmed down to something approaching sanity (or as sane as things get in this place) both Mistress Vulva and I were flat on our faces in front of the great desk and throne with our wings over our heads. Our wings were overlapping so on one could see that Mistress Vulva was holding my foot/hand to comfort me as I was stark raving terrified at this point and she knew it. It was NOT funny as far as I was concerned. It wasn't my fault; that damn ramp needed railings, or at least a warning sign, "Danger, When Groveling Watch your Step, That Means You Moron!".

Finally Great Lord Ba'al gave a last rumbling chuckle, and deigned to notice us after he had regained his most imposing composure. He blew his nose and wiped some tears off his face, and said in the voice of doom,

"Vulva, my little harlot, and her Pet. You have really, to quote the old saying; "Screwed the Hell Hound". Tell me, my luscious one, what am I to do with you and your protégé? I mean, while I'm impressed with destruction as much as any other Great Lord, why did it have to be one of our own castles and ships? What do you have against the Marque de Sade? I'll admit he's a bit of a Nancy Boy, but he does have legitimate complaints. I mean, you single handedly destroyed his entire livelihood. It will take him years to rebuild his castle. I am NOT amused as he is one of my slaves, so you in effect destroyed MY castle and ship too. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

Mistress Vulva started to say something, but Great Lord Ba'al roared out,


At this point I passed out, and Mistress Vulva had to drag me back down the ramp and out of the citadel after the tongue lashing was over. All things considered we got off lightly. The Great Lord's threats are usually more of a promise, so we did indeed luck out. We still had our tongues and skins.

After we left the Great Lord turned to his major domo and said, "So, what do you think Bernie, was I too lenient?"

"Not at all Great Lord, the Major Domo replied. Talking half her property and stock was most punitive; you still have it Great Lord. This will reinforce your dominance over your slaves for centuries to come. They will tread most lightly in fear of your wrath."

"Thanks Bernie, Ba'al said, you always were a good ass-kisser, you do it with such style and half the time I believe you're even sincere. But I must say they do show proper respect, the little dragon fellow grovels delightfully. And while he's a bit odd he does get the job done. I think I rather like him. I haven't had such a good laugh since I was visiting Mistress Vulva's domain a few weeks ago, and come to think of it he was the cause of that too. And Mistress Vulva's books usually balance and actually show a profit. I'm sure it will be just a minor setback for her, she'll bounce back."

"Indeed Great Lord, the little Seeker was most respectful, and Mistress Vulva is a rather, um, impressive demoness."

"Why Bernie, you like her, don't you?" Ba'al said in an amused voice.

"Yes, I must admit so, Great Lord. But a demoness of her beauty won't even look twice at a worn out old house slave like me." he said wistfully.

"You'd have to be dead not to get a boner when she's around", said Great Lord Ba'al. Then he looked reflective for a second, and added, "But come to think of it I have seen dead things get boners when she's around. Tell you what Bernie; I'm in a good mood so tell you what I'm going to do. I'll arrange a date with her for you, what do you think about that, old friend?"

Bernie almost tripped and had to catch himself. "Great Lord, you'd do that for me?" he asked incredulously.

"Why not?" said Ba'al. "You're the best Major Domo I've had in over a thousand years. About time I did you a favor. Now I'm thirsty, time to head for the bar. All that fucking and yelling and roaring has made me thirsty."

And as they left the great hall the Major Domo's voice was much louder and more threatening than usual as he announced the Great Lord's passage, and Ba'al smiled to himself. It was amazing what a little show of kindness could do to insure a slave's loyalty. Besides old Bernie really did need to get his ashes hauled, and Ba'al couldn't think of anyone better to do it the Vulva. He visited her himself on occasion, she was one the best lays in Hell.

When I finally woke up the first thing I did was check my mouth, and was overjoyed to find out I still had a tongue. It probably would have grown back anyway, but I was glad I didn't have to find out if it would or not. We were outside of the citadel and my Mistress was sitting on a nearby boulder with her head resting on her crossed arms and knees and was staring at nothing. I went over and plopped down next to her and worriedly nuzzled one of her ears.

"Mistress, what happened? I don't remember much after the big dragoness tried to eat me. Hiss."

"She wouldn't have eaten you Pet, it was just a threat. Hiss. Having another demon go through your digestive system is not a fun thing for either." Then she gave a tired sounding sigh.

Eeeeew, I thought. A living tour of some thing's intestines was definitely way down on my list of "Things to Experience"; right above going through a garbage disposal and right below being eaten by Equa's pussy again.

"But what happened, Mistress? We still have our skins and tongues, so it couldn't have been too bad."

One of Great Lord Ba'al favorite punishments it to have a demonkind skinned alive and then use their still living skins as rugs. Ouch. The demonkind will eventually grow their skins back, but that has GOT to hurt. And the damn rugs will bite you if you're not careful; all I can say is stay away from the heads.

"Pet, hiss, it's bad enough. I have to give half of what I own to the Great Lord to do with as he sees fit. Hiss. Half of my slaves, half my livestock, half of everything. Pet, where are you going?" Vulva hissed.

I had walked over to the great portals to the citadel and was kicking one of the doors. "To have a little word with Great Lord Butthead, HISSS! No way is he going to rip you off like that just because I had a bad day." "OPEN UP ASSHOLES!" I roared, and kicked the door again.

When the doorkeeper opened the slot in the door he couldn't see anyone, so thought he must have been imagining things, and shut it again.

"What was it Grebs?" asked one of the Fire Drakes.

"I dunno, thought I heard someone yelling insults, must have been my imagination, this place really creeps me out, its spooky."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Hisss." The Fire Drake replied.

Vulva sat on her squirming kicking Pet a little longer and kept her hands clasped around his muzzle. When the slot in the door closed again she stuck her face in his, and hissed.


PET, are you stark raving crazy? You do NOT "have a little word" with Great Lord Ba'al! He'd take everything AND turn us into tasteful home decorations and furniture! Now are you going to behave, or do I have to tie you up and drag you home? HISSSSS!"

I squirmed a little bit more and snarled, I was really mad! But of course Mistress was right, she always is. So I just nodded my head and she let me go. I let out a soft wail and hugged her leg.

"I'm sorry Mistress, if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be in trouble all the time. Maybe you should sell me. It would be for the best." I said sadly. Then to my surprise she held my snout and kissed me on my nose, and said,

"That's sweet, but don't you EVER suggest that again Pet. They can have everything I own as long as they don't take you. Hiss."

What could I say in answer to that? So I just rubbed my head against her legs and crooned and hissed in delight. At that moment I was the happiest demon in Hell.

"It's not all bad, hiss, though. Vulva said. A certain little Fire Salamander made an appointment with me for your services next week. She thinks you're cute."

I gave an even louder hiss of happiness. Happy Days are here again, do-dah, do-dah!

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 13

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 13 By William W. Kelso The next several days were a major bummer as Great Lord Ba'al's minions showed up to take half of my Mistress's stuff. One even tried to enter her private...

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The Truth About Unicorns

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Truth about Unicorns By William W. Kelso A fairy ring! I thought, how cool. Haven't seen one of those in ages, all the recent rain must have caused the mushrooms to grow. And it was a really...

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The New Familiar

This story is copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is related to "The Seeker" series in that the Demoness Vulva plays a small part. The New Familiar By William W. Kelso The Sorceress looked down at the figure on the bed in satisfaction;...

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