The Seeker, Chapter 13

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 13

By William W. Kelso

The next several days were a major bummer as Great Lord Ba'al's minions showed up to take half of my Mistress's stuff. One even tried to enter her private quarters, but an enraged and pissed off Fire Dragon convinced him of the error of his ways, and he left with a mildly scorched butt. Nobody, but NOBODY, touches my Mistress's personal stuff. Mistress was quite delighted when she found out, and I got extra urinal cakes for dinner, much to my own delight. But the worst part was when all the demonkind slaves were lined up and they picked the ones they wanted. It was really pretty horrible as most didn't want to leave Mistress Vulva's service, and some had to be dragged away kicking and screaming, literally. The only ones she wouldn't let them have were her Pets, those that had been changed by her, my brothers. Virgins all, now and forever, but getting more sex then we'd ever dreamed of. And of course they took half her beasts and Imps, and they didn't like it much either and most had to be led off with lead ropes and obedience collars. Of course they didn't take any of her breeding animals (human included) or her Hell Studs since she had the sole monopoly on that business. Except for Fire Drakes, they're the biggest of the Fire Dragons and can only be bred in a live volcano, literally in hot lava. Since Mistress Vulva doesn't have a live volcano in her domain Vulcan got the Fire Drake franchise. From what I knew about them he was welcome to it, they're nasty brutes. Big, dumb, and mean. One of them stepped on me once; I'm pretty sure on purpose, and didn't even say he was sorry! Jerk.

Great Lord Ba'als minions also took half of everything else. Supplies, furniture (what little there was), and even half her shrunken heads collection. She really screamed about that, but secretly I was delighted as I hate the things. You can't even have an intelligent conversation with them; most don't speak English or Latin so you can't understand a word they say. And when they get out of their boxes they chew up everything (including me) and make a mess, and I get blamed. They're too sneaky to let Mistress Vulva catch them in the act. So good riddance, as far as I was concerned that could have all the stupid things.

Mistress Vulva's domain was a really sad place after that. After the Great Lords minions left with their loot Mistress locked herself in her bathroom and I knew she wasn't taking a bath because I could hear her crying. I squealed and scratched at the door, but she wouldn't let me in. So I started yowling, but shut up when she yelled at me. The demonkind slaves and Imps were devastated. They'd all lost friends and/or favorite sexual partners. For immortal creatures to lose friends is really hard, you'd think being immortal we wouldn't give a damn and just make new ones, but it's the exact opposite. Friendship in Hell is rarely given, but once it is its forever, and I do mean forever. So we take the loss of a friend really hard. It's one reason why intimate relationships between demonkind and Imps are not encouraged as Imps will die of old age (or other things) and it can be really hard on a demon or demoness who loved them. Fuck them yes, love them no. But of course such "forbidden" relationships are not that uncommon, down here you take love where you can find it. The rest of us pretty much look the other way as long as you're discreet. So for a couple of weeks everybody just kind of moped around and mourned. It was so quiet it was eerie, and when the staff got together for meals they hardly even looked at one another or said a word. Oh, business went on and the breeding pens were running 24/7, but it just wasn't the same. You'd see a demonkind or Imp just standing still crying, maybe with another friend trying to console them. It was hard on all of us. Even I was pretty subdued, I'd really liked a couple of the demonkind slaves that had been taken, and I moped a lot. I would put my head in my Mistress's lap when I could tell she was having a bad spell, and she would scratch my head and we'd console one another.

About all I did that was bad during that whole time was booby-trap a few of the boxes full of stuff Great Lord Ba'al's minions hauled away so they'd blow up when they were opened, but for once when Mistress found out she wasn't mad. She laughed for almost an hour after she saw the burnt hairless face of one of the pissed off minions who was stupid enough to call to complain, and she told him in no uncertain terms where he could stick his complaint. I think even Great Lord Ba'al got a kick out of it.

Vulva was bored, and still sad about the loss of so many slaves, some of who had served her for over 1000 years. She discreetly checked up on some of them and at least most had fairly decent new owners. She was morosely going through the afternoons emails, but something was bugging her. She threw brimstone cookies to her Pet for awhile, and he either batted them into his mouth or over to the man-eating plant. When she ran out of cookies he got up and went over and lay down in the corner out of smacking range and started chewing on his tail, which always made her mad as it was a bad habit. She was positive he did it on purpose just to piss her off. But she had solved that little problem by getting an exterminators wand, so she gave him a good zap and he got the idea and stopped chewing on himself and eventually fell asleep. The wands were like miniature power lances with just the right amount of power to kill most of the vermin in Hell, but were also useful for disciplining Pets who were being bad. She felt that inkling in the back of her head again, what had she forgotten? Finally with a frustrated hiss she gave up trying to remember and got back to work. She had to supervise a livestock auction next week, and the preparations were a pain, but had to be taken care of as she couldn't trust anyone else.

I was bored, which I didn't mind that much as at least it meant I wasn't getting the crap smacked out of me. Poor Mistress was still so sad and upset about what that jerk Great Lord Ba'al had done, but she'd get over it. We're so used to getting handed a shit sandwich we just don't care anymore. She was tossing brimstone cookie at me; which was nice, and I was sharing them with the stupid plant since we were friends again. When she ran out I got up and moved over into a corner and started chewing on my tail, which is a bad habit I have. At least I was out of smacking range, but I'd forgotten about that nasty little wand my Mistress had gotten somewhere, but was reminded with she blasted me with the damn thing. It was like a really big electric spark, and it startled more then it hurt but I still did NOT like it, I figured I'd hide it where she couldn't find it if I could get my paws on it, or eat it. Or better yet feed it to the man-eating plant, that guy will eat anything. So I behaved, and after giving a huge yawn, fell asleep.

Vulva called up a file and started checking the names of the demonkind she needed to send invitations to for the livestock auction. She deleted a few as they were still pissed off at her for the utter devastation her private army (Pet) had inflicted on the Marque de Sade's holiday resort, which now looked like Verdun in 1918. She'd heard bodies were still washing up on the shore. It was truly amazing how destructive one little dragon could be, without even meaning too. She wondered about what he could do on purpose, and gave a shudder. She truly hoped she'd never find out. Hmm, now who did she want to send invitations to? Invitations? INVITATIONS!!

"PET, WHAT THE FUCK!" Vulva screamed at the top of her rather impressive voice.

I woke up with a roar. "I DIDN'T DO IT!" I hissed, and thinking we must be under attack I let loose with my fire plume and sprayed the immediate area as Vulva dived under her desk with a loud shriek and the fire alarm went off. Then seeing the only possible threat, the man-eating plant, I attacked it. We were still rolling around hissing and snarling in a big ball of kicking legs and flailing tentacles when the fire fighting brigade showed up, and with big grins hosed us down with ice cold water which made me roar even louder and filled the room with steam. It broke up the fight though, and the plant ran and locked itself in the Office Supplies Closet. Good, I hope those damn shrunken heads like salad, or even better yet maybe he'll eat them all. Then Mistress Vulva came looming out of the steam, grabbed my tail, and dragged me clawing and squealing down the hall and into her bedroom and threw me in a corner. And I still had NO idea what I'd done!

"Mistress, I squealed, I'm sorry, Hiss, I didn't mean to be bad! Um, what did I do now?"

"Pet, don't worry, you didn't do anything bad. Hiss!! It's the party; we almost forgot the, hiss, stupid party!"

I could hear her rummaging through her closet, and thought to myself, what stupid party?

"Um, Mistress, what are you talking about? What stupid party?" I dared ask.

If she came after me I had a good chance of making it out the door. When she came running back into the room I headed for the door, but then stopped in suprise because she was holding a large box. Usually she doesn't do that while she's whaling the tar out of me.

"The Party! She shrieked, Great Lord Ba'al's stupid All Hallow's Eve party, it starts in six hours! Hissss!"

NOW I started panicking, and ran around in a circle yowling because I couldn't think of anything else to do. We were already on the Great Lord's shit list, and if we missed his party we'd find out what "attend or else" meant, and I for one had NO curiosity about what "or else" meant, none whatsoever.

Vulva threw the box on the bed and opening it started to throw the costumes it contained onto the bed. Good, everything was there; her curious little rodent of a Pet hadn't gotten into it. Hissing to herself she started to lay out the costumes for her and Pet. But since his yowling was starting get really annoying she gave him a smack with her tail and that shut him up.

I sat rubbing my snout and whimpering. She could be so mean sometimes, and I hadn't even been bad, I'd just been panicking. I'd hoped for a hug or head scratching, but she just smacked me. Whimper. She was doing something on the bed now, so curious I reared up and looked over her shoulder. I recognized the box now; it was the one with the costumes she'd ordered. I'd forgotten all about the stupid thing. Then I saw the costumes she was laying out. Oh, HELL no! I thought, and dropping back down to all fours I started to sneak out of the room. Of course she heard me; I swear she has eyes in the back of her head. She spoke in that voice I dread above all others, the voice that strikes terror into all who are unfortunate enough to hear it, that sweet reasoning I-want-to-dress-you-up-in-something-cute voice, and with a shriek of terror I ran for the door. But I'd also forgotten how fast she can move, and she cut me off. Then, with me kicking and screaming, she put the costume on me. As soon as she let me go I took refuge under the bed.

"Peeet, said Vulva, come out from under the bed, I want to, Hiss, see you my little jelly bean. Hiss."

"NO! I hissed, and don't call me that! I'm not coming out, no way, no how, not now, not ever, so there! Hiss. Tell Great Lord Ba'al I got eaten by a sand hydra, he'll believe that."

Vulva stuck her wand under the bed and blasted her reluctant pet until he finally crawled, sniveling, out of his hiding place. Yes, the price she'd paid for the wand had been well worth it. Normally she'd have had to drag him out, and he had sharp teeth.

ZAP! "OW!" ZAP! "OWOOOO! OK already, you win Mistress! I surrender! Knock it off already, I'm coming out, I promise." So reluctantly I slithered out from under the bed. Man, I really HATE that wand thingy. So I just stood there with a really pissed off look, and thought, how humiliating.

"Oh Pet, said Vulva, you look darling. Hiss!"

"I look like a great big SISSY!" I hissed back, and sitting down I started moping and feeling sorry myself, I do that a lot.

Her evil knows no bounds! Only a truly malevolent, evil, despicable, vile, depraved, mean, rotten, rat fink of a demoness would dress their familiar up as a sheep so they could go to a party as Little Bo Peep and her lost sheep. Of course she looked pretty stupid too. And EVERYbody who was ANYbody in Hell would be there and they'd ALL see us! I had enough problems with my stupid GAY harness and the jelly bean jokes.

"I AIN'T going, Period!" I hissed, and started sniveling. Then she got out that stupid wand again, so I had to give in to the inevitable.

Vulva just waved her magic wand at her Pet, and still grouching he obediently followed her down the tunnels towards the exit, but she put the leash on him just in case he made a break for it.

"Pet, I think you look cute. Hiss." She said.

"THAT'S the problem! Hiss!" I snapped back.

"Oh, come on Pet. You'll have a good time. Be lots of nice fire demoness's there, you'll probably get laid a bunch."

"Not dressed like THIS, I won't!" I hissed back, but felt my hopes; and something else, stir.

Most parties in Hell end up as wild orgies; which was the general idea, and since a bunch of the guests would be demi-demonkind like my Mistress, or Lords and Ladies, I might just luck out. There would be plenty of fire demoness's too. I had a pretty good rep at pleasing the ladies, my Mistress charges a LOT for my stud services because I'm one of the few virile fire demons around. You many think it sounds degrading to have your sexual services sold like an animals, but believe you me I have NO problem with it. I get laid, Mistress gets paid, and hopefully the demoness gets knocked up. Everybody wins. She usually doesn't let me give it away for free. For some reason demonkind had really low birth rates, so that makes my sexual services valuable. I guess it makes sense though, if immortal beings were pumping out babies like mortals do the whole place would be overflowing with the horrible little monsters. Believe me; demonic babies are NOT cute and cuddly. Go "kootchy-koo" to one and they'll probably bite your finger off, plus they tend to run in packs.

But as we walked down the tunnels my hopes started to fade as just about every demonkind slave who saw us stared in shock, then unable to help themselves started to crack up. Even the Imps and beasts couldn't hold it in. Finally I had enough and started after one of the move vocal ones with a roar, but was brought up short by my leash. "Acck-Erk!"

"PET! You leave them alone; they just don't know good costumes when they see them. Hiss."

Oh yes they do, I thought. And if I hear one more "Baaaa" I can't be held responsible for what I do. When we got to the entrance I sat down and refused to budge while the guards Imps sniggered and tried to control themselves. I let out a loud mournful howl.

"Owoooooo! Mistress, please don't make me go out in public like this! Owoooo!" Everyone will make fuuuunn of me! Owwoooooo!"

Vulva sat down and gave her miserable Pet a short hug, and his howls turned to squeals of joy. He is SO easy to make happy, she thought. Just her touching him does it, and she did like the feel of his hot slick scaly body, and felt herself start to get wet. He must have smelled it because he stuck his head between her legs and licked her pussy hungrily. Ohhh, he does know what I like, she thought with delight. But, unfortunately not enough time for that right now, but when his tongue slide into her she changed her mind.

"Mmmmm, Pet, oh, oh, that IS nice. OK, um, ugggh, just a quickie though. On and off, um, HISSSS!" He pushed her over onto to all fours, she lifted her tail out of the way, and then she gasped as he mounted her.

As soon as My Mistress started hugging me I forgot all my problems, the feel of her soft,

warm, fur, and her lovely scent, sent me into instant bliss. And when I smelled her sexual juices start to flow I knew what she wanted and boy did I want it to. I know what My Mistress likes, on indeed my goodness yes, and I do so like giving it to her, as often as possible. So I gave a happy bellow as I mounted her and serviced her while the two guard Imps watched. One was female and one was male, so they soon joined us. Didn't bother us at all, public copulation in Hell is the norm. And that set in motion a spontaneous orgy that was still going on when we came home quite some time later then we had expected. Everybody in Mistress Vulva's domain got laid that night, even the Imps and beasts. And from the way they wrecked the joint it must have been one Hell of a party, wish I'd been there. I think it was a way to help get over losing so many friends and blow off steam more than anything.

I humped My Mistress for about half an hour nonstop; roaring and bellowing in lust as fast and as hard as I could, to me that was a quickie. And she roared and shrieked in delight herself the whole time. Oh yes, I do indeed know what my Mistress likes. My Mistress is a sex demoness; one of the best, and she has trained me to pleasure her, and since I'm one of her virgin demons I'm something of a sex demon myself. In other words, we're insatiable. She's told me to "rape" her whenever I get a chance, to fuck her nonstop for hours on end bringing us to as many orgasms as possible as fast as possible, to take part in gang-banging her, etc. And when I "rape" her I make it as brutal as I can and show no mercy as that's the way she wants it, and if I can make her scream and beg for me to stop I know I'm doing it right. But my favorite is to make long slow love to her, because I do love her. And I have yet to leave her wanting, something of which I'm very proud. We're fucked up; in more ways than one, but we enjoy it so I guess that's really what counts, isn't it? One thing I could never; ever, do is hurt my Mistress in anyway. But I digress. After that lovely quick mating she held my snout and kissed it, and then told me,

"Pet, that was nice, Hiss, you're such a good little sex slave, you know what your Mistress likes, don't you? Yes you do, hissss."

I just hissed and squealed in pleasure. If My Mistress is happy then I'm happy.

"Pet, I know you don't like to wear costumes, but this is an important party. It's the biggest one of the year; everybody and everything will be wearing stupid costumes. Hiss. Be a good boy for your Mistress, pleassse? Hiss."

And she gave him a gentle lick on the end of his snout and he closed his eyes and crooned. She did so love her little dragon.

"Hiiiisssss, ohhhh, hiiiisssss, I softly keened. Mistress, I love you so much. I'll try to be good, I promise, ohhh hiiiiisssss."

"That's my good little jelly bean, she said, and as a reward you can go play in the lava pits afterwards. Maybe a certain little fire salamander will be there? Hiss. Hmmm?"

"Don't call me that!" I hissed.

Oh boy, yeah, yeah, yeah! I thought. I'd had the "hots" for that cute little salamander chick ever since we'd gotten reamed out at Great Lord Ba'al's Fortress of Doom. Mistress had arranged a mating, but maybe I'd luck out and we'd get to do it in the lava, which would be awesome! When fire demonkind fuck in lava we draw power from it, and well, it's fucking fantastic. And, Oo, Oo, maybe Vulkna would be there too! But hopefully without the little flying cuisinarts that were her; and my, rotten little kids. Their favorite past time is making life miserable for daddy, and they're really good at it. The funny thing is I love the little shits. But then a horrible thought occurred to me as well.

"Mistress, I asked, Equa won't be there, will she?"

"Well, yes Pet, she is a demi-demoness after all. Hiss. It would be rude not to invite her even though Vore demonkind are not very popular. But I'll make her promise to leave you alone. OK?"

"Well, OK, I hissed. But if she smiles at me I'm outta there." And boy did I mean it. If she made a move toward me she'd see the world's fastest dragon.

"Very well Pet, if she makes a pass at you just let me know. Hiss. I'll take care of it. Hiss."

"Really?" I said.

"Have I ever lied to you Pet? Hiss." Vulva replied.

"No Mistress, you never have." I said. And honestly, she never has, not ever.

So we both leaped into the air, and with loud flaps of our wings took flight for Great Lord Ba'al's All Hallow's Eve party of the year. And I was bound and determined not to have a good time. And as befitting my station as a slave I flew slightly to one side, below, and behind My Mistress. Which suited me just fine as the view was spectacular, and I ain't talking about the ground.

We got there just in time; I think we were the next to last guests to arrive. It was at the South Vent volcano as usual, it was Hell's "hottest" club. We stretched to get the kinks out, and folding our wings entered the great cavern. I'd been there a couple times before, but it still impressed the heck out me. It was kind of like Carlsbad Caverns on steroids. Huge stalactites and stalagmites had been carved into tables, bars, platforms for cages, and all sorts of stuff. The main cavern was huge, as in freakin gigantic. There was a raised mound with a giant dining table carved from solid granite where Great Lord Ba'al and other bigwigs sat while the rest of us poor slobs just made do with whatever we could find or steal. Imps and beasts of all kinds were the wait staff and served the partying demonkind food and refreshments, or were food themselves if one of the guests wanted fresh meat. And of course any demonkind could just grab and fuck one of them if they felt like it, and there was plenty of that going on. Being an Imp or beast in Hell really sucks. Think of intelligent goats or cows, they set the table, you fuck them, and then you eat them. It sucks. I didn't much like it, but there was nothing I could do about it. Frankly I just can't eat anything that was talking to me a few minutes earlier. Fortunately since my diet is limited to chemicals and minerals for the most part I didn't have to. The souls I harvest don't count, I don't eat them, I just chew them up a little.

When we reached the entrance the Major Domo was there to announce us, and since he was dressed as a Fairy I felt a little better about my own stupid costume. No one paid much attention to our arrival as the party was already in full swing, but I did hear a few snickers, and once when I heard a loud "Baaaa" I turned with a angry hiss, but it was just a goat Imp, they "Baaa" all the time anyway. Soon Mistress Vulva was busy talking to some friends, so as soon as I could sneak off I made a beeline for the snack bar. I can be a real pig when it comes to munchies. And there was even a special one for fire demonkind, and it was spectacular. There were about twenty different kinds and flavors of brimstone cookies, big heaps of urinal cakes, assorted flavors of sulphur-both solid and liquid, and all sorts of other great goodies. I grabbed a whole plate full of my favorite ones, a pitcher of sulphur, and ignoring the shouts of the bar waiter ran off with them.

I found a table reserved for lesser slave demonkind like me and was soon having a very interesting conversation with a lovely little fire serpent. She didn't have any arms or legs, but that had never stopped me before. She was a; as near as I can figure, receptionist for a minor Fire Lord. Her job was to screen anyone or anything asking for an appointment, and eat the ones that didn't qualify. She looked well fed, nice and plump, so I guess she was good at what she did. I put a brimstone cookie on the tip of my tongue, and she opened her mouth to let me put it inside, then wrapped her tongue around mine and pulled it in too. Mmmm, oh yeah! I thought. She was a lovely burnt orange color on top with a scattering of small reddish spots on her back, and her belly bands were dark tan. I thought she was beautiful, and she seemed to like me. Deciding talking any longer was a waste of time we found a fairly private alcove, at least only a few tables had a direct view of the place.

As soon as we got there it was no holds barred, and she quickly wrapped me in her coils until I was helpless, and then did things with her tongue that soon had me hissing in delight, much to the amusement of several spectators, not that we paid any attention to them. As soon as I was rock hard she maneuvered to take me into her cloaca, and oh my goodness! I was totally helpless as she ground her belly bands against my own, and hissing in pleasure we locked our jaws and kissed demonic style. As we climaxed I roared into her mouth, and she gave the loudest hiss I'd ever heard, and we got polite applause. Then it was MY turn. She rolled over partially onto her back and coiled around to watch me, and I straddled her while I fucked her. I took her long and slow and she really liked that, she writhed around hissing and moaning helplessly, then when I finally made us come she almost threw me off of her she orgasmed so hard. Long and slow is not normal demonic style, and frankly a lot of demons are crappy lovers, but the demoness's really appreciate it when you take care of their needs too. Afterwards we lay in the alcove for awhile with her coils loosely wrapped around me while our tails rubbed against one another. I rested my head on top of one of her lovely coils and hissed softly in contentment as we gently licked one another's snouts. It had been a great mating, and the evening had hardly started (actually a lot of parties in Hell last for days; we're shitty about keeping track of the time). After a little while longer we parted ways to hunt for the next partner for the night. I might never see her again as Hell is a big place, but I'd always remember her. I did hope I would though. That tongue of hers, hubba-hubba!

As I was heading back over to the snack bar to fill up again I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turning my head found myself staring at Equa! Before I could panic and go ape shit she smiled, and said,

"Oh, don't worry little Dragon, neigh! I promised your Mistress I'd be good. I just want to say Hi is all."

I'll bet, I thought, before or after you shove feed me to your pussy? I was ready to make a run for it, but since she hadn't grabbed me or anything I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. For some reason I found her scent enticing and very familiar.

"Good boy, Equa said. Come over here, let's sit down and visit. Snort."

"Well, OK", I hissed. But just for a few minutes. I want to raid the bar.

After finding a suitable table; the previous occupants split when they saw the Vore demoness coming, we sat down and I grabbed a Flaming Lugie from a passing waitress and Equa got a big mug of beer or something. We sat looking at one another for awhile, and I finally said,

"So, eat anyone I know lately?" She let out a shrill whinny of laughter, and replied,

"No, I seldom "eat" another demonkind, that's only on special occasions. You were such a good little lover I just couldn't help myself. Was it really that bad? Snort."

I thought about it for a minute, and then said, "You know Equa, I really don't remember much about it, hiss, I remember feeling warm and safe more than anything, it's just that it was so, well, so damn weird. I do like my mane though, snort."

I had been scenting her the whole time, and she smelled really nice. Every since she'd eaten, and changed me, I'd had this thing for equine demonkind. Most were off limits though as regular demonkind and fire demons just don't get along very well, at least sexually. Having a lover burst into flames can be a real bummer. But since Equa was a powerful demi-demoness, so she could handle the heat just fine as she'd already proven.

"Yes, she replied, your mane is lovely. But don't worry; a Vore can only eat another demonkind once. After that I guess you say they're immunized. Too bad really, you'd have made a lovely Vore stallion. Nicker."

I found I was kind of flattered, in a weird way. "Hiss, awww, you're just saying that." I said.

"Not at all, she said. I've never heard of a fire Vore demon, it would have been interesting to say the least. I really did enjoy mating with you; we Vores are pretty much limited to our own kind you know. The others don't seem to like us very much."

Gee, I wonder why? I thought, but didn't say it out loud. She looked, and sounded, kind of lonely. I knew what that was like. I guess it must be a bummer not to be able to get laid even at a party like this. I didn't really understand why though, I thought she was one gorgeous demoness. I'm not that big on boobs, but hers were to die for, they were almost as nice as my Mistress's and a lot bigger. I ran my tail under the table until I found hers and gently stroked it.

"I have no idea why, I said, you're beautiful."

And then to my great surprise she jumped up and ran off! And I could have sworn she was crying? Whadda I say? Me and my big maw! Aw man, I thought, and got up to follow her. She was pretty big, bigger then a normal horse, so she wasn't that hard to spot over the crowd. She disappeared into one of the tunnels leading to "privacy" chambers. When I got there she was gone, but I have an incredible sense of smell, and being part horse she wasn't hard for me to track down. Her scent trail led me to an opening to one of the mating rooms and I hesitated. The last time I'd been alone with her it hadn't exactly gone as I had expected. The sex had been fantastic; it was the post-sex snack that had sucked. I almost left, but then heard her sobbing. Man, what DID I say?? Well, if I erred it was up to me to fix the problem. I can be pretty dense, but I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. I crept quietly down the tunnel and looked into the room. She was sitting in a corner with her head down crying quietly. With a soft hiss, I asked,

"Equa, what's wrong? If I said something mean I'm sorry. I really do think you're beautiful; I'd never lie about anything like that. I'm really sorry."

Without looking up, she replied, "It's nothing you said, you're really very sweet. It's just that whenever anyone looks at me they see a big ugly Vore demoness and don't want to have anything, nicker, to do with me. It's like that for all of us Vores. We don't have to eat our lovers you know. There are so few of us it's hard for us to find lovers, except for the poor beasts and Imps we eat. I used to be a pretty little Lizard-Goat demoness like Vulva over a thousand years ago, but now I'm, I'm an ugly Vore demoness. And no one likes me." And she started sobbing again.

I really wasn't sure what to do. I'd never had much experience with females before I was sacrificed to Vulva. OK already; I never had ANY experience with girls before I was sacrificed. And since then most of my sex has been; honestly, little more than animal rutting. When we mate it's more like we're trying to kill each other much of the time. Demonkind are not long on tender emotional moments either, it scares most of us. You'd think demonkind wouldn't have these kinds of feelings, but despite our bad rep we ARE intelligent beings, we just don't advertise the fact and it's kind of embarrassing to see a great big demoness crying. But I'd been human once; unlike most demonkind, and I knew what it was like to be alone and unloved. The Hell if I was going to leave her like this. So, being the stupid little idiot that I am I made the decision to at least try to help somehow. I walked over to her, and rearing up I put my front feet/paws on her shoulder and gently licked and nuzzled her. I had to rear up as even with my long neck I could only just reach her head, she was one big lady. She was almost four times my size and looked like a horse dragon more than anything. All demonkind have reptilian attributes. Doesn't matter if you're a goat, dog, pig, or whatever, we all have scales. Part of the "crawl on your bellies" type stuff I guess to "remind" us we're damned, but believe you me we don't need any help in that department. We all know what we are, and what our lot is, we just don't give a shit. Most of us are quite satisfied with what we are, moi included, thank you very much.

"Equa, I said, you're not ugly, don't be silly. You're very beautiful, the others just don't understand. Please don't cry." And I snuffled at her mane and buried my nose in it, she smelled so nice.

Equa raised her head with tears running down her muzzle, and looked at the little dragon. He really was sweet, she thought, he was so different from other demons she knew, or demoness's for that matter. He was looking at her with genuine concern in his eyes and voice, and she wasn't used to that. She was used to being ostracized, it was just that on Halloween night she always got depressed because it was the anniversary of when she'd been eaten by a Vore and became one herself. It had been so long ago she couldn't remember much about what her life had been like before, but even her family had spurned her after that. That had hurt more than anything.

She really is sad, I thought, when I saw the tears on her muzzle. I licked them off with my tongue and nuzzled her muzzle and licked her some more, slowly and gently. I really wasn't offering sex, just companionship. When she pulled me into her lap I didn't resist, I knew she wouldn't hurt me.

"You know I used to be a human, don't you?" I asked her.

"Yes, she replied, your Mistress told me, all her Pets used to be humans. You were all virgins, weren't you?"

"Yes, I said, all of us were. And believe it or not we still are; it's why I'm virile. Vulva only accepts virgins as sacrifices. The poor female virgins end up in the breeding pits, but we males end up as her Pets. But we all have different forms."

"What was it like to be a mortal?" she asked curiously. "Did it hurt when she changed you into a demon? Do you hate her, hate being a demon?"

So I opened up to Equa, I really don't know why, but she listened so intently and seemed to really care, with no signs of impatience at all. I told her about how miserable I'd been as a human, about the horrible things the Beautre sisters had done to me (and she held me while I trembled and whimpered from the remembered terror), about how Mistress Vulva had saved me from a horrible slow death, how she had raped me and how it hadn't been rape after all, about how scared and lost I'd been at first, and how My Mistress had been patient and understanding until I'd gotten used to my new life, but most of all about how much I loved My Mistress and how happy I was now. And she held me while I cried, and when I was through I felt a like a thousand tons had been taken off my shoulders. She was the first one I'd been able to really open up to since I'd come here. And I loved her for it, and for awhile we just held and comforted one another, two poor misfits who found someone else who'd listen to; and sympathize, with them.

After we'd both recovered from our mutual depression, more by just listening to one another than any other reason, I knew there was something I wanted to do very much. I nuzzled one her incredible breasts, and gently licked her nipple. She gave a soft snort, and asked,

"Are you sure little dragon? I don't expect you too if you don't want too. I would never force you."

And that made me love her even more. "But Equa, I want to make love to you very much, I have ever since last time. I've just been scared, I didn't know you could only do, um, that thing once. Hiss." Mmm, nice, I thought, as I kept licking her now hard nipple.

She gave a soft snort of amusement. "You mean eat you with my pussy? I CAN still do it; you just wouldn't change and could come back out whenever I wanted to let you go. But I won't do that to you again, I know it was wrong last time I did. It's just that sometimes I get, well, carried away. I so seldom have demon lovers, and you pleasured me so well, and I needed it so badly. You were incredible. Snort, nicker."

"Really? I hissed, flattered. You know, hmmm, that IS kind of interesting. By the way, why can't you have, um, normal babies? I mean, why do you have to, um, make new Vores that way?"

"I really don't know, Equa replied, I think it's because my womb is more like a stomach then a normal womb. In fact I can only drink with my mouth; I have to eat solids with my pussy. And I hate it, those poor Imps and Beasts, they plead so. I only eat when I'm starving. I would like, sniff, to have a colt or filly the normal way though. Snort."

Now that IS fucked up, I thought. And what the heck is a "normal demoness", I'd certainly never seen one. I licked her now harder nipple, and said,

"I guess in a way I am kind of like a colt, I mean you did give me a lovely mane while I was inside of you, so I guess that makes you my mother a little bit. Or something like that."

"You really are sweet, Equa replied, and I do like your mane. Reminds me of a stallion.

"Equa, I think you're very nice and I like you, a lot. I'm sorry about your, um, condition. You're about the only other demonkind I've met who gives a damn about what Imps and Beasts think or feel."

I started to stroke her mound with the tip of my tail.

"Equa, I'd really like to make love to you again, if you'll let me, and I mean all the way. I think I'll like it."

She rubbed the top of my snout, and replied,

"I'd like that very much little dragon, if you really want to."

"Oh yes, I really want to my lovely mare, I want to very much."

I said as I gently kneaded her magnificent breasts, and after that talking wasn't necessary for a long time.

I kept kneaded her breasts for awhile, wrapping my tongue around them as much as I could and tweaking her thumb sized nipples with the forked tip. Then we kissed for a long time, our tongues wrapped around one another's as we explored one another's mouths and throats. I began making very equine snorts and nickers in addition to my usual hisses of lust, so I guess maybe she'd put more equine in me then we'd originally thought, but I found it didn't bother me at all. The whole time I was gently stroking her mound and now swollen wet vagina with my tail as I rubbed it and slipped the tip inside, and when she gave a deep guttural snort I knew she was ready for me to mount her, and I sure know I was.

Because she was much larger then I was it would have been hard from me to mount her from behind, which is the normal demonic way. So we did it the so-called missionary way, which was just fine. I guarantee no two missionaries ever looked like us though. I had to straddle her tail and drag myself partially on top of her, but once I was in position it was smooth sailing, or fucking if you want to get technical. And it was fantastic. When she wasn't um, eating, her vagina was pretty much normal size, and because I'm very well endowed for a dragon my size (thank you Mistress Vulva) it was just right, nice, slick, tight, and oh so slippery. And we bellowed and whinnied and hissed in demonic and equine lust, each of us giving the other more pleasure then we could almost bear. She held me as gently as she could with her powerful legs, and bending over licked and caressed my snout and I kissed her back. It was different in some ways then my more normal couplings, frenzied yet tender. I think maybe because, as with my Mistress, I had a little of her inside of me. We climaxed several times, and our screams and roars of pleasure made other demonkind on their way to "romantic" rendezvous of their own speed up their pace somewhat as our sounds increased their own arousal. They smiled at one another and wondered if they would be that loud.

After it was over I sat by her side and cleaned her off with my tongue. I know it sounds gross, but one of my favorite things in cleaning off my partners when I'm through. Because of what I am I find their; and my own, sexual juices to be delicious and sweet, and they return the favor. It's considered polite in demonic society, since we don't wear clothes we don't want to go out in public dripping all over the place. While I was still licking her gently she gave a low moan and said,

"Did you really mean it about going all the way, I am so very hungry little stallion. But you don't have to if you don't want to. Mmmm, I won't force you."

She didn't have to, I knew what I wanted, and I wanted it very much. I no longer had any fear of her at all; I loved my great big mare. My only reply was to mount her again, and she gave a deep whinny of pleasure as I felt her vagina start to swell, and her lips slid over my back as they pulled my legs and tail slowly and sensuously inside of her slick embrace. And as I slid into her vagina I came almost constantly, squealing and snorting in ecstasy until my sounds of pleasure became muffled as her lips slid over my head and I disappeared, and was more erotic then anything I'd ever exprienced.

As her vagina shrank and resumed its normal size Equa started caressing the lovely bulge in her lower belly. She could feel her lover squirming inside of her as he got comfortable, and it made her have low intensity orgasms as he rubbed against her vagina from the inside. She decided she'd leave him in there about an hour, that would be long enough to satisfy her need and he'd have a nice little nap. She gave a soft squeal of pleasure as she came again, and drummed her hooves against the floor. Oh, oh, he was being very energetic, how nice!

And as he kept pleasuring her she realized she was crying again, much to her embarrassment. She'd finally found a lover who was willing to give her everything she needed. Damn these tears anyway.

You know, I thought, as I squirmed around trying to find the most comfortable position, I could really get to like this. It is unbelievably erotic to feel yourself drawn into your lover, to be eaten by her pussy, and it was even better if you knew it was only temporary. Her womb/stomach had soft spongy walls and was nice and hot and humid, and soon I was covered in thick mucus like slime. I hoped it wasn't digestive fluid. Soon I started to feel sleepy and content; and the sound of her hearts beating lured me into a deep restful sleep. And as I slept I put one of my thumbs in my mouth and sucked it without even being aware I was doing it. And for once my dreams were free of the Beautre sisters or other horrors, and yes, we do have nightmares. And just think about it, we're nightmares ourselves, so our own are real doozies.

Equa rested after her lover had calmed down, and she could tell he was sleeping now. She gently rubbed her belly and lay with her head back as she relived their mating; it had been glorious for her. She felt feelings for the little horse dragon she had never felt before, if not love certainly deep affection. He was so very different from any other demonkind she knew, there was an almost innocent goodness to him she found strangely appealing. She'd been able to open up to him like she never had before, and he had opened up to her as well. No wonder Vulva chose him as her familiar. After a little longer she gave a sad snort, time to let him out like she had promised. She gave her stomach a gentle rub, and said,

"Time to wake up little stallion." She knew he'd be able to hear her. She gave her belly another harder rub. "Wake up!"

I stirred and tried to yawn, and got a mouthful of sweet mucus. Gak, good thing I don't have to breathe! I tried to stretch, but her womb/stomach was clenched too tightly around me. Then I realized it was her voice that had woke me up, weird.

"Equa?" I said.

"Yes, little one." She replied.

"I can hear you? You can hear me? That's weird." I said.

I wondered how that worked, but I'd seen weirder stuff, a LOT weirder. It almost sounded more like when my Mistress talked to me in my mind, maybe when you're inside a Vore they can talk like that to their meals. Ewwww.

"Yes, Equa said, I can talk with anything inside of me. It's a Vore thing. Sometimes I sing to my, um, meals to help calm them down, make it easier on them. Don't tell the other Vores I do that though."

Double Ewww, I thought. "I promise I won't, is it time or me to come back out?"

"Who said anything about that, little stallion? I like you just where you are, aren't you nice and comfy?" Equa replied.


Then I heard her laughing, and her whole belly was shaking including me, and all of a sudden I felt pressure building up in her womb and I started to move, and with a wet slurp slowly slid out of her vagina, along with several gallons of goo. Gross, I was NOT going to lick THAT up! But I didn't have too, she did, very gently and she licked it off every inch of my body, and OH BOY was that NICE!

"It was NOT funny!" I grouched as we walked back to the party.

"Yes it was!" she replied.

"You scared the crap out of me, NOT funny!" I repeated, and flicked my ears toward her as she answered.

Wait a minute, since when did I have EARS? I mean, I've always had ears, but mine had always been reptilian holes in the side of my head, since when did I have ears that I could move around? Since I came back out of Equa! I stopped and gave a loud whinny of surprise and uncertainty,


At first Equa didn't know what he meant, and then she saw he was panicking and holding his, ears? But he didn't have, oh dear, she thought. That shouldn't have happened! After one visit to her womb demonkind were supposed to be immune from any further changes! Unless, he wanted to change? She couldn't think of any other reason.

"I, I, have NO idea little stallion." She said in genuine shock. "I've never heard of that happening before! Let me see!"

Whimpering I let her look at my disturbing new addition to my already screwed up anatomy.

She examined and rubbed them, which was actually kind of nice.

"Well, I whimpered, how bad is it?"

Equa replied, "They look like my ears, kind of part equine and part reptile, in fact they look like the kind of ears a dragon would have. They're finned and red and black. I think they're lovely. Your um, mane is a little longer and thicker too, but that's about it. Good thing you didn't stay in there any longer."

No shit, I thought, then I'd probably have hooves. Oh great, what if I wake up in the middle of the night and my dick is eating something?

"Boy is My Mistress going to be pissed!" I said worriedly, "I told her to keep you away from me, and now this happens! I am SO in trouble."

Equa softly said, "I'm so sorry, I really had no idea this would happen. I'll take full blame little stallion."

I took her hand, and said "No you won't, it was my fault, and I had to ask you to. You didn't make me. Hiss. So if My Mistress is going to freak on anybody it's me. Besides, I'm used to it. Snort."

And when we finally found My Mistress she was too busy to bother as she was the center piece of a gang bang in the middle of Great Lord Ba'als table. She had three very well endowed Minotaur's hard at work fucking the Hell out of her, and from her muffled roars of pleasure she was having a ball, and/or a balling. I watched all those bovine testicles swinging back and forth and felt jealous; I wanted to be humping My Mistress!

"I don't think we'd better bother her right now, it's not, Hiss, a good time. She doesn't like to be bothered when's she's, snort, working."

Then we both laughed when the Minotaur's all changed position while Mistress Vulva growled, "Aw, come ON, is that ALL you're got, Hiss??"

I took Equa's hand and licked it again, and said "Well, guess I've got to go for now. I really enjoyed our little excursion. Hiss. I'd like to see you again later, if My Mistress ever lets me out of the Cleaning Supplies Closet."

"Are you sure, Equa replied, even after what happened?"

"Definitely I said, you're one beautiful demoness and a Hell of a lover. And I think my hearing is even better now. Besides, I have this thing for fillies."

And I pinched her lovely equine butt, hard. And she walked off with a happy whinny, and I know I was very happy, much more then in a long time. After that I found my way over to the snack bar again, and things kind of went downhill after that, but it wasn't MY fault.

Vulva won her bet, that she could make the three Minotaur's gang-bang her around the world each in less than one hour, and make them all come every time. She WAS good at what she did, and she wore all three of the huge bovines out. Her price was the bovines, and three Minotaur's would be a nice addition to her breeding pens. After bowing to Great Lord Ba'al and his esteemed guests she jumped down off the table and went in search of further amusement. Great party, she thought. Then a sudden thought occurred to her, she hadn't seen her Pet for awhile, but figured since the volcano wasn't erupting he was probably behaving himself. Oh well, let the little jelly bean have some fun. She'd just spied a spectacularly well hung boar demon, and hurried to "introduce" herself.

I wandered around for a while, and man it was one Hell of a party, even by Hell's standards. I stuck my head in one of the grottos where a band of young demons and demoness's were jamming on a stage, but they were playing modern demonic pop, not my kind of thing. Think of a bunch of Komodo Dragons, cats, and a badger in a bag being beaten with aluminum baseball bats, you get the idea. NOT my favorite musical genre. I'll take the Crypt Kicker 5 any day. The little demoness's were shaking everything they had very nicely though.

In the next one some older demonkind were listening to an old jukebox playing "Anything Goes" by Cole Porter. Nice, but not lively enough for me.

The next one was the German beer hall motif place with demonkind in lederhosen and Nazi uniforms were "Yah, Yahing" to Om-pah-pah music. A really slinky lizard demoness was singing "Lili Marlene" and was really good. I started to go in when I suddenly heard a familiar voice. It was Carl Bruckmann, a former officer in the "Adolf Hitler" division, and part-time friend and major pain in the butt, so I ducked behind a potted plant so he wouldn't see me. I did NOT want to see him tonight. He tended to get me all sorts of deep shit, and then get off scott free and leave me holding the bag. But I had to move again when the "potted plant" tried to feel me up. Tucking my tail between my legs I hissed "Knock it off, I'm NOT interested" at the plant and dived under a large long table to wait until the coast was clear. Plus the view under the bench was pretty nice as there were several very tasty looking demoness's sitting at the benches. One was a fire demoness, so I stuck my head between her legs and started hopefully licking her mound. She gave a start, but then opened her legs for me. Offer accepted! As there were other demonkind busy under other tables it's really not as, um, depraved as it sounds, at least by our standards. So I very happily licked and tongued her pussy until she gave a deep grunt of pleasure and I was rewarded by a nice flow of her juices. But then she got up and left with her friends. How rude, I thought. Well, at least I got a treat. I'd remember her scent though, and try and look her up later. She owed me at least a quickie and I aimed to collect!

As I was sneaking out the door I suddenly heard a familiar voice. It was coming from one of the little side rooms for "private" parties. I stuck my head in, and sure enough it was Hitler; or his photo anyway. He's doomed to spend eternity in a photograph, but even like that he's still dangerous. He was giving a speech to about a half dozen spellbound young demonkind. He does have a talent for making speeches, got to give him that. But I knew if I could get him back it would take some of the heat off me for my lovely new ears. My Mistress had never let me forget how Carl had stolen Hitler's photo while I was on guard duty (and drunk as a skunk). I suddenly came up with a clever and cunning plan. I raided the cloak room and found a fireproof Allgemeine-SS officers uniform that fit. I ran into the room and yelled,

"Beunruhigen Sie! "Großer L" kommt, alle aus! Heil Hitler!"

The demonkind freaked out and split in a flurry of whipping tails and clattering hooves, any threat of "Big L" is to be taken in extreme panic. Before they wised up I grabbed the photo of Hitler and shoved in under my tunic. He saw who it was and gave a muffled,

"Nein, nein, nicht Sie! Pigdog Ratte fink!"

"Behave yourself!" I hissed.

Giving the salute to everyone I saw on the way out of the club I blended back into the huge crowd of partying demonkind. You may think a 700+ pound fire dragon in an SS uniform might stand out, but believe me I was pretty boring compared to most of the costumes.

I found a good hiding place to stick Der Fuhrer for awhile, and went back to enjoy the party. I found a smaller quieter bar where some guy was playing a concert piano covered in pieces of glass. He was really good, so I hung around for awhile to listen. When I went over to the bar to get a Flaming Luggie I was surprised to see it was Liberace! He stopped playing and lifted up his head, and said "I wish my brother George was here." Then he started playing Mozart's Piano Sonata in C. Even demonkind appreciate Mozart, and the whole place was stone quiet as we listened. Afterwards there was polite applause. At least he has an audience that really appreciates him; even in Hell we have SOME taste. I still think he got screwed though.

Finally I found a bar playing 1980-90's classic rock, and really got into it. I was big enough now not to get stepped on all the time, and found a really sexy fox demoness to boogie with. Shame she was off limits sexually. I think she liked a demon in uniform. They played great stuff, The Clash, Smash Mouth, Judas Priest, Ozzie Osbourne, BTO, and other great stuff. After about fifty Flaming Lugies I was feeling pretty good, but was worn out by all the dancing and hungry, so split to find some munchies. I grabbed a huge plate of brimstone cookies off a table; despite the objections of the demonkind sitting there, and found a good place to hide, and they stopped looking for me after awhile. I was under one of the main dinner tables and the table cloth made it seem like a nice tent. I sat down to enjoy my ill gotten booty with a hiss of pleasure, and about that time the cover lifted up and Carl Bruckmann slipped inside me, and I almost choked on a cookie. He saw my uniform, and said,

"Trauriger Mein Herr, ich sah Sie nicht dort. Heil Hitler!"

"Agg, awk, Glurk, hiissss!" I said as I spit cookie crumbs in his face.

"Einen Moment sind Sie kein SS-Brigadefuhrer! Meine kleine Eidechse ist so Sie? What are you doing in that uniform, meine freund?"

"I'm NOT your friend, Carl. I replied, and it's a COSTUME party, remember? Hiss."

"Oh yah, as if I could forget, I got about 666 invitations. Es, den ein gutes aber ist, stimmen Sie nicht überein? It is one Hell of a party, yah? I like the pink ribbons on your tail by the way. By the way, have seen Der Fuhrer? He has gone missing, for a photo he really gets around."

"Nope sorry, don't have the slightest idea where he is, I lied. Hissss. And it is a great party, but what are you doing under this table?"

WHAT pink ribbons? I suddenly thought, and then remembered. Stupid sheep costume, I'd forgotten all about it! I liked the SS one better.

"Well, if you see him let me know. He has a speech to make at the North Vent tomorrow, booked solid at the Beer Hall. And I might ask you what you're doing under the table as well, meine kleine Eidechse."

"I, I said, am hiding from a half dozen pissed off demonkind, I swiped their Hors d'oeuvres. Cookie? What are you doing under here, is Drac after you, did you sneak up topside again?"

"Yah, danke. Mmm, gut cookie. Nein, meine Master ist busy with a lady bat somewhere right now, so I get to play for awhile. And look at what I found!"

And he held up two bottles of vintage "Tears of the Damned" wine. Of all the wine in Hell it's the rarest, and most potent. Just a cup of that stuff will send any demonkind to la-la land for about a month. It has the same affect on demonkind that LSD has on humans, and talk about BAD trips.

"Carl! I said, that's potent stuff, Hiss, where the Hell did you get it?"

"I'm not telling, he replied. Let us just say it was lying around untended. Wissen Sie, was ich meine?"

"In other words you stole it!" I hissed.

"Said the great brimstone cookie bandit." He replied smugly.

"Touche, I replied. But what are you going to do with it? You drink that much and you'll be in orbit for a century Carl, it's nasty stuff." I figured he'd be even more annoying and dangerous stoned out of his head.

"Ach, nein, nein, it is not for me. I'm going to put it in the punch, which will really get this party hopping!"

"HIISSS!! Yeah, hopping MAD. Carl, are you verrückt, bonkers, cuckoo?"

"Nein, wie unhöflich! I just want to have some fun, and they'll never find out anyway. Kommen sie mit mir. Come on, it will be fun, like a commando raid."

"Nu-uh, NO way Carl. You do it if you want to; I'm just, Hiss, going to, snort, find a better place to hide where you can't find me again. I know nothing, I see nothing!"

"Oh, ha-ha, Sgt. Schultz. Very well, Herr party pooper. I will go have all the fun to meinself!

Auf Wiedersehen!" And he darted out from under the table, just like the big lizard he is.

"Auf Wiedersehen Carl! I hissed, have fun. Don't step on a landmine or anything."

There is something wrong with that guy, I thought. Well, time to blow this joint before Carl blows it up. I figured I'd to outside and wait for My Mistress and finish off the cookies in peace and quiet (unless a sand hydra showed up). Maybe find that fire demoness who's pussy I'd eaten to keep me company, she owed me a good hump or two or three, but my usual limit is about ten.

As I crawled out from under the table one of my horns got hooked on the table cloth, and I pulled a huge bowel of sulphur dip and chives off the table and it landed on my head. Caught by surprise I thought I was under attack by a blob monster of some kind, cut loose with my fire plume, and set the table on fire; or at the least the cover and food as the table was granite. Unseen by me Carl used my diversion to spike the punch while everybody else was looking to see what the roaring and fireworks were all about.

Mistress Vulva looked up as a huge demon Behemoth walked up to her table holding her Pet upside down by his tail. Her Pet was wearing an SS uniform and was covered in smoking sulphur dip with brimstone cookies stuck all over it. The behemoth said,

"Lady, does this belong to you?"

Ooooo, I'm so going to get him for this! She thought. Smiling, she replied, "Why yess, HISS, he does belong to me. What's he done now? Hiss."

"Lemme go you big ugly mook! Mistress, I wailed, it wasn't my fault, a big scary monster attacked me and tried to absorb me!"

"Well, said the Behemoth, keep it on a leash already. Jeez lady, you shouldn't let it run around loose. And you'll be getting a bill, I suggest you pay it." Then he dropped her Pet on his head and stalked off.

"PET, she said in a low menacing hiss, UNDER the table NOW, and you STAY there until the party is over, HISSS. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?"

I scooted under the table with my tail between my legs, "It wasn't my fault!" Carl was there, and he did it! Owwooooooo! Neigh!"

"Carl? She hissed, I told you to stay AWAY for him, he's nuts! HISSS!"

"But he won't stay away for ME!" I wailed. "Owooooo, Owooo!"

She smiled at some other demonkind who were looking around for the source of the loud howls, and lashing out with her hoof kicked her Pet as hard as she could and said,

"Shut UP Pet! Hissss! We'll have a talk about this later!" And the whole time she kept smiling at the other demonkind and gave them a little wave.

"YIPE!" I squealed when her hoof hit the end of my snout. "You're mean!" I said in her mind.

"Oh, you have NO idea my little stormtrooper!" She hissed back.

Double yipe, I thought. I figured I'd better give her time to cool down, so shut up and settled down to wait out the party. I started licking her legs and tail and sniveled a little bit. I don't LIKE it when My Mistress is mad at me. Well, at least nothing else can happen. Boy was I wrong, as usual.

A short time later a commotion started over at the main table where the big fancy punch bowel was, it would appear the "Tears of the Damned" were starting to have an effect. There was a bunch of screaming and hollering, and a couple security demons came by hauling away some bovine demoness who was screaming something about milking machines with fangs. After that it quieted down a little bit, but soon started up again. Mistress Vulva said,

"What in the Hell is going on? Hisss."

Then she checked under the table and her Pet was still there, and he looked at her questioningly. Well, as least it's not him this time. And she got up to take a closer look.

When My Mistress walked towards the ruckus I went along as she had me on my leash. Once she puts it on I can't get it off as my fingers are too clumsy to work the catch and its gnaw proof, so I followed obediently. She jumped up on the end of a long bench table to try and get a better look, and I hopped up with her because I was curious too. About that time a huge dragon demoness came running down the aisle roaring about rats, jumped up on the other end of the table, and catapulted me and My Mistress into the air, much to our mutual surprise and consternation.

"PET, WHAT THE FUCK!" screeched Vulva.

"I DIDN'T DO IT! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" I yowled as I tumbled through air.

And you guessed it; screaming and roaring, we landed in the punch bowl with a huge splash. Vulva did a lovely cannonball; I just did an uncontrolled belly flop. And things kind of went south after that.

The punch bowl was huge, about the size of a small swimming pool. It was almost full of cherry flavored sulphur punch, complete with "The Tears of the Damned" thanks to Carl's little clandestine contribution to the brew. And we both got big mouthfuls as we were still screaming when we landed, and before long were both stoned to the max. Trying to crawl out was useless as the sides were polished silver, and we couldn't fly out because our wings were soaked. The Imps serving the punch using long handled ladles didn't seem to care much if there were a couple of apparently drunk demonkind swimming around in the bowl, they'd seen weirder stuff before, so kept on serving the punch. No one had ANY idea what was going on.

By then I didn't know who I was, what I was, or where I was. But I was horny, so I grabbed the nearest female, who happened to be My Mistress (I had no idea who she was at this point), and started humping the Hell out of her. And from the sounds she made she was enjoying it as much as I was.

As the punch made the rounds more and more demonkind started freaking out in various ways. Soon it was utter chaos and pandemonium broke out, even more than usual. My Mistress and I didn't really pay much attention as we still fucking our brains out in the punch, so we pretty much ignored the sounds of power lances and explosions, and the screaming and roaring was pretty normal anyway even if the volume was turned up. We could hear Great Lord Ba'al bellowing for order, but after the punch took effect on him it was pretty much pure chaos from that point on. The few unaffected demonkind and surviving Imps gave up trying to do anything about the apparently contagious insanity, so they left and barred the great portals to the South Vent after them. And the rest of us proceeded to tear the place apart.

I managed to get out of the punch bowl finally, and was flying around the great chamber chasing a screaming Gryphon demoness when some jerk blasted me with a power lance for target practice. I was so stoned I hardly noticed it, but it did stun me a little bit and I flew into one of the big chandeliers that helped light the place, and hung onto to it for dear life as it swung back and forth. Then some joker cut the chain and I; and the chandelier, fell into the punch bowel and soon I was happily humping My Mistress again while we both bellowed in lust and pleasure. As it turned out the punch bowel was probably the safest place to be.

Vulva woke up with a groggy snort. She was lying over the edge of a table and a rather large behemoth was leisurely fucking her. She gave a grunt of pleasure and spread her legs as wide as she could and locked them around his waist. Damn but he's big, she thought as he thrust into her again, even for me! He had a strange blank stare in his eyes and gave deep guttural snarls of pleasure and lust as he humped her. Mmmm, she thought, but not TOO big! He fucked her for several more hours and she enjoyed herself immensely, but finally she wore him out and he wandered off talking to himself. Somewhat shakily she staggered to her hooves and looked around blearily. The great chamber looked like a war zone with no survivors. The few demonkind on their feet wandered around aimlessly or were fucking one another, though in most cases one; or more, of their partners was unconscious. Vulva sniffed herself and could smell the scents and sexual juices of more males; and some females, on herself then she could count. She had vague memories of having the living Hell fucked out of her while she screamed in agonized ecstasy. What the HELL had happened? And where the heck was her Pet?

"Ohhhh, gurgle, glub." I moaned. I realized my head was under water or something that was bubbling, and lifting it up I found I was lying on my back with my rump up the side of the punch bowel and my lower body under the surface of then now mostly empty bowel. Luckily for me the "Tears of the Damned" had eventually evaporated from the punch or I'd still be higher than the moon. The punch was now boiling from my body heat, and it felt good to my aching head, so I submerged again.

Vulva stumbled around looking for her Pet, having to step over comatose and/or catatonic demonkind that littered the floor. They were also lying on; and under, tables, hanging from chandeliers, and smoke and flames were coming out of some of the clubs and bars. One was standing on a table shouting about the end of days or something. Great Lord Ba'al was passed out on the main table in a heap of females. Finally she found her Pet; he was still in the punch bowel, his tail hanging over the edge. She tried to contact him in her mind, but only got gibberish. Boy is he smashed, she thought. She grabbed his tail, and with a mighty heave that made her head hurt she dragged him over the edge, and yowling he landed with a soggy splat at her hooves.

I felt something grab my tail and start pulling, and in panic I kicked my feet and yowled and I was dragged out of the punch bowel, and landed with on my back at My Mistress's hooves. I shook my head and weakly waved at her. Man my head hurt.

"Mistress I said, is that you? Ohhh, hisss, what happened? I feel like shit."

"You look like shit too", Vulva said as she stared down at him.

He still had his SS uniform on, but it was now pretty much ruined. Between the sulphur dip, punch, other fluids, and pink bowties on his tail it looked more like a clown costume now. And since when did he have ears? But Vulva was too worn out and tired to give a damn right now. She just wanted to go home, seal the portals, turn off the computer, and spend about ten years soaking in a nice hot sulphur bath, with her Pet of course.

"Come on Pet, let's go, Hiss, home." She muttered, and grabbing his tail dragged him behind her.

"Home, Hiiissss,that would be nice."

I moaned as My Mistress dragged me through the smoldering ruins of the South Vent club, or what was left of it. It wasn't much, but it was the only home I'd ever had, and it seemed like paradise to me at this point. Then I remembered something,

"Wa, wait a minute Mistress. I gotta get something. Hic, snort."

I managed to stagger to my feet, and weaving unsteadily I found the place where I'd hidden Hitler's photo, and taking it my Mistress I handed it to her, and promptly fell down again, flat on my face.

"Pet, where earth did you find him? Hissss." Vulva asked in amazement.

"He was giving a speech in the Beer Hall, hic, I put on this uniform and, Hiss, yelled that "Big L" was coming. After they all lit out for the Eastern Front I swiped, hiss, him.

"Pet, I'm impressed. Your Mistress is pleased; maybe this wasn't a total disaster after all. Hiss. Good boy."

Her Pet was smiling as she dragged him out the main door. As she left she tried to thank Great Lord Ba'al for the great party, but he just mumbled something and limply waved a hand without looking up.

The party had lasted almost two weeks, and went down in Hell's history as one of the biggest and best parties ever. It was talked about for centuries. The fact that no one ever figured out exactly what happened made it even more legendary, but I'm not telling.

Somehow we managed to get Airborne, but Vulva had to hold onto her Pet's leash with both hands as he was all over the sky, he had no coordination at all and flew upside down half the time. Once they got tangled and started to fall, but she managed to straighten things out before they impacted, much to the disappointment of a rather large sand hydra who had been watching and waiting for them hopefully. After dual nose dive crash landings near the portal to their domain a few Imps had helped them to reach one of the bath grottos, and she moaned in delight as she slid into the boiling sulphur pool. She noticed that while they had been gone the staff had a party of their own and tore the place up, but that was OK, they'd needed it.

Oh yesssss, that is so nice! She thought. She remembered to be sure to reward the Imps for their concern. They just heaved her Pet in next to her face first; he wasn't very popular with the help. She dragged him out and held his head in her lap and gently licked his now sleeping head. She knew he had something to do with what happened, but couldn't prove anything. She didn't really care though right now, he was safe and that was the main thing.

She licked him again and he crooned in his sleep, and he put his arms around her and hugged her close and crooned even louder. The fact he was still sound asleep made it even more touching. She decided she even liked the ears, they looked good on him. Still holding him she fell asleep too, and several demonkind staff and Imps stood guard to make sure they weren't disturbed.

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 14

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 14 By William W. Kelso "PET, where are you, and what are you doing? Hiss!" Vulva yelled. She'd been so busy on the computer she suddenly realized she hadn't seen or heard him...

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The Seeker, Chapter 12

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! The Seeker, Chapter 12 By William W. Kelso WHAM! I bounced through the door, hit the desk, and rolled into a corner of My Mistress's office. Dragon in the corner pocket, I thought. Boy is she pissed...

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The Truth About Unicorns

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Truth about Unicorns By William W. Kelso A fairy ring! I thought, how cool. Haven't seen one of those in ages, all the recent rain must have caused the mushrooms to grow. And it was a really...

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