The Seeker, Chapter 14

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 14

By William W. Kelso

"PET, where are you, and what are you doing? Hiss!" Vulva yelled.

She'd been so busy on the computer she suddenly realized she hadn't seen or heard him for awhile, and he wasn't in his usual corner or resting on his favorite rug by the desk. That could only mean one thing, then little sneak was up to something.

"Ah'm in thu brkrum, and ah'm nut doin nuthin!" I replied with my snout stuffed full of urinal cakes. Rats! I started chewing as fast as I could to get rid of the evidence.

"Pet, what's wrong with your voice? Hiss." Vulva said.

"Nuthin, gulp, ah bid muh tong agin." I replied. She'd probably buy that, I do bite my tongue a lot, stupid thing gets in the way all the time.

"Oh Peet, come HERE!" Vulva hissed.

Oh great, I thought as I obediently headed back to her office. My Mistress had spoken, and I must obey. I'd just take my time. I chewed and gulped as fast as I could, and used my claws to try and get chunks out from between my fangs as I went.

"Pet, NOW!" Vulva hissed in her "I've just about had it with you" tone of voice.

Reluctantly I slinked over to the desk and lay down on my fireproof rug. "I wasn't doin nothin, gulp, Mistress, hiiss," I whined.

Vulva wasn't buying that for a second, she knew her little dragon too well. "Pet, open your mouth. Hiss."

So I did, but just a little bit. SMACK!

"WIDER!" hissed Vulva as he gave her Pet a good smack with her tail.

With a yelp I opened my mouth as wide as I could, which is pretty wide as I have a big mouth. Crap, busted.

"PET! I KNEW IT!" Vulva hissed in anger as she saw the blue color of his tongue and gums, sure evidence he'd been in the urinal cakes again. "Just because you got away with ordering a whole pallet of cases of Tidy Bowl urinal cakes, HISS, doesn't mean you have to eat them ALL in one week! HISS!" SMACK! WHAM!

"Yipe, yipe, neigh!!" I squealed as I tried to dodge the deadly accurate blows. Damn blue dye! "If I don't they'll go bad!" I yelped.

"PET, Urinal Cakes do NOT go bad!" Vulva said. SMACK!

"OW! Yes they do, hiss, if the seals are broken they evaporate!" I replied, Hah, missed me that time!

"PET, hold still so I can punish you! HISS! And those cases are new, the seals are fine!"

No way! I thought, as I dodged again. SMACK! "OW!" Boy is her aim good. "Most of them have broken seals!" I hissed.

"PET, You DIDN'T!" Vulva screeched.

"It's not my fault they're defective! HISS." WHAM! SMACK! "Yipe!, Owoooo! Now we've got to eat them or they'll go bad like I said!" KE-RACK! "Yiiiiiihiss!" I squealed as I slid into the corner. My Mistress doesn't know her own strength!

"WE nothing! Vulva roared. I'm giving the rest of them to the mess halls, HISS! Give the slaves a treat! NO MORE for you, you greedy thing! HIIIISSSS!"

"But they're MINE! I yowled. That's not FAIR! Owoooohissss!"

"YOU WANT FAIR!" Vulva screeched, "I'll GIVE YOU FAIR!"

And started towards her Pet with her tail lashing back and forth, but he was already out the door, and all she saw was his tail disappearing around the corner.

"PET, YOU GET BACK HERE NOW!" She hissed like a leaky steam boiler.

Not bloody likely, I thought, as I made my escape. Boy has she been in a bad mood the last few days, ever since that stupid Halloween Party that Carl turned into a major bad trip for anybody that drank the punch he spiked. That "Tears of the Damned" was powerful stuff. I still had flashbacks. I was going to find a nice safe hiding place and wait for her to calm down a little, which usually took about a hundred years, give or take a decade. And those were TOO my urinal cakes, I stole them so they were MINE! So I moped along down the tunnel. At least she wasn't chasing me, but I kept looking back over my folded wings just in case. She could be sneaky when she wanted.

After she'd settled down a little bit Vulva felt kind of bad, she'd really over reacted a little bit this time, especially over something as trivial as urinal cakes. Her little Pet really did love the things, she did too. The ammonia in them was delicious. She figured it was probably partly because of her "condition". She'd been "pregnant" for years, but as with all her kind she could chose when to have her young. But in this case evidently the wild Halloween Party had set it in motion, so she had no choice now. Once the process was started it couldn't be stopped. She had mixed feelings; now wasn't the best of times, but as she ran her hand over her still flat stomach she found she was looking forward to being a mother again. Demonkind breed very slowly, and when her Pet had impregnated her she'd been surprised, but very pleased. It had been hundreds of years since she'd given birth. And as with all of her species of demonkind she would have twins, one male and one female, and one would be like her and one like the father. There were no hybrids amongst demonkind. She gave a soft hiss, yes it would be nice. She wondered what her Pet would think when she told him. He wasn't like most other demons when it came to young; he actually wanted to be involved in raising them. It was sweet, but weird. Usually it was the sole duty of the female, not that they minded, it was just the way of demonkind.

By now I was starting to feel pretty upset, I'd made my Mistress mad at me by being bad again. I never seemed to think much about it ahead of time, but of course most of the time I didn't MEAN to get in trouble, it just happened. Trouble just follows me around waiting for a chance to strike. But if my Mistress was mad at me I was miserable, I love her so and it hurts me to see her disappointed in me. I sat down in the tunnel and started howling in misery. "Owooooooo, hiss!"

As I sat there wailing most of the demonkind slaves and beasts and Imps just walked around me as far away as they could get. I wasn't very popular (I said I was sorry about the hand grenade in the mess hall!), so they pretty much just ignored me. Plus the fact I was Mistress's chief etiquette and discipline enforcer didn't help much. Show my Mistress disrespect; or break the rules, and I get to stomp on your ass, it's not my fault I like doing it so much. So I was really surprised when I felt a gentle pat on my head, and still sniffing I looked up to see a cow Imp looking at me.

"Master, youuu OK? She said, youuu seem soo sad. Youuu pretty. Can I help?"

She was typical of her kind, two thirds human and one third cow. Her sire had been a bull beast and her mother one of the human brood stock. Of all the Imps her kinds were probably the least intelligent, as in pretty stupid. I'd never paid much attention to them. But as I looked up at her I realized she had beautiful, gentle, large brown eyes with genuine concern in them. She gave me a big toothy smile as she stroked my snout. About this time an overseer demon came clopping up, and said,

"Get away from him you stupid Imp! I'm so sorry Master, I just turned my back for a second and she wandered off! I will punish her severely for daring to speak to you!"

Even though I'm just a slave like him I was the Mistress's familiar which gave me quite a bit of "prestige" in the eyes of the other slaves. Part of Hell's incredibly complex and fucked up hierarchy. So since I often act on Mistress's orders they all walk lightly around me, and listen respectfully (even though most hate my guts) when I speak.

"NO, I said, you won't. Hiss."

The cow Imp was still gently petting my snout, and I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. An act of random kindness is rare in Hell, and because of that it is to be savored. I gave a soft squeal of pleasure at the kind touch.

"I'm, I'm sorry Master, the overseer stammered, I won't, uh, won't what?"

I replied, "You won't punish this Imp, in fact you will assign her to one of the bath grottos as an attendant. Do you understand me? Hiss. And also, you may have an extra day off this month for free time for bringing her to my attention. Do you understand?"

The demon looked at me with his mouth open for a few seconds, then shut his jaws with a snap, and said,

"Yes Master, it will be done as you command."

And the overseer looked pretty pleased about the whole thing, I could have punished him for allowing an Imp under his charge to "affront" me, so he knew he'd lucked out big time. I'd seen him around more than a few times, and he was always firm; but not too harsh, with his charges. I'd also see about getting him promoted, My Mistress appreciates good talent. It's hard to find down here.

I took the cow Imps hand and licked it with the tip of my tongue, and said "Thank you for caring. Hiss."

"You're nice." She giggled.

And she waved goodbye as the overseer led her away, and I waved back. I wished she was still petting me, it had felt so nice.

Being a bath grotto attendant is about as cushy a job an Imp can get. The work is light, the dangers minimal, and they live longer. Usually it's a reward for services rendered, or in this case a returned favor, debt paid. Besides, any creature that caring and gentle deserved a break as far as I was concerned. I'm not ALL bad.

That unsolicited act of kindness from a perfect stranger; a mere Imp to boot, really helped lighten my mood. It didn't exactly cheer me up, but it did make me more reflective then I usually am. I began to pay more attention to what went on around me. Maybe I could be more of a help, then a hindrance, to My Mistress somehow. Do more to earn my keep. I sat there for awhile longer just thinking, much to the consternation of Imps and slaves as a brooding fire dragon sitting in the middle of the tunnel was not usually a good sign. It usually meant someone was going to get toasted and/or fricasseed. But they needn't have worried, not this time. This dragon was only mad at himself. With a loud hissing snort; that scared the crap out of two goat Imps; I finally got up and headed back to my Mistress's office to face the music.

Vulva was so lost in her reflective mood she didn't even hear the stranger enter her office. When she heard an impatient "Attend me, wench!" she looked up with a startled hiss. She saw a small slim demon, his upper body was mainly human as was his face, but he had cloven hooves, furry legs, and the usual tail with a bard on the end. He wore a purple toga with gold embroidery and a wreath of golden laurel leaves on his head. He had the face of a very young man, and it was haughty and arrogant. Oh, just super, she thought. Why, by Big L, did this jerk have to show up now of all times? It wasn't like she didn't already have more than enough problems on her hands. But he did "outrank" her, so time to be nice.

With a big fake smile Vulva said, "Greeting Lord Caligula, how might this humble slave be of service? Please, have a seat. Hiss."

"That is better, slave. The little demon said. I am in need of the services of an accomplished seeker, and I have been informed that yours has an almost perfect record. Is this true?"

"Indeed, My Lord, Vulva replied. He has never failed, though once he had to be satisfied with just killing his mark as the wayward soul had taken refuge in a church. He dropped a V-8 on him."

Caligula gave a brief laugh, "I like that; it shows creativity. Very well, I will hire him, how much for his immediate services?"

"And the mark My Lord?" Vulva asked.

"Yes, of course. Caligula replied. She is a nasty little creature, and has thus far evaded paying her dues. Her five hundred years were up almost three hundred years ago. She has strong nature magic, and has used it to hide herself. But I have it on good authority as to her current location."

Vulva frowned, nature magic? That could get tricky. "My Lord, this is a rather unusual request, but I think within his abilities as he is, um, versatile, and as you put it so well, creative. But the fee will be higher."

Caligula waved his hand dismissively. "The fee is of no importance, I would see this wretch in my clutches after having avoided them for so long, one way or another. I tire of her insolence. If your Seeker is successful any fee; within reason, will be acceptable."

"Very well, My Lord, if you have the coordinates?" Boy, thought Vulva, am I going to soak him!

When I walked in the door I was startled as My Mistress had a visitor. Since he didn't look very threatening I decided not to attack him, which is how I usually greeted guests who didn't have an appointment. Usually I ended up getting the crap beat out of me, by the guest and My Mistress, but I took my duties as a guard dragon seriously. To get to My Mistress you have to go through me first. But since he was also sitting in the "Lords Only" chair I figured I'd better back off this time. Be good! I reminded myself, be helpful.

Vulva looked up as her Pet came in the door. She was kind of surprised to see him back to soon, usually he hid until she came looking for him. She could always find him because of their mind link, but that didn't necessarily make it easy, for his size he was good at ambushes. Of course she HAD told him to surprise and rape her every time he got the chance. Her little dragon did love to rape his Mistress, and he was so good at it. Like any demoness she loved sudden brutal unexpected sex as well as the next. She said,

"Pet, this is Lord Caligula, a very powerful lord. Hiss." And added in her mind, "Be nice!"

My new ears (courtesy of Equa) came to attention when I heard that. I knew this guy!

"Really, HISS? THE Caligula?" I replied in my mind.

"Yes! She said, so please make a good impression, he wants to hire you for a BIG fee. HISS! We need it badly. Be good my little jelly bean."

"Yes, My Mistress, and don't call me that!" I replied.

I looked at him closely, and no doubt about it. I sat down on my haunches, made a fist with my right paw, and slammed it against my chest, and said,

"Ave Caesar! Salve!"

The little demon was absolutely delighted. "My, my, he said. How respectful to give me the old Imperial salute and address! Salve, Seeker!"

"Mistress, I said, do you know who this is? Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, Third Emperor of the Roman Empire, he's a legend! HIISS!"

The little demon was practically kicking his hooves in glee now, "He knows of me! I have not heard my full name in centuries! Where DID you get this delightful fire dragon Mistress Vulva?"

Who are you, and what have you done with my Pet? Vulva thought as she stared with an open mouth. Normally her Pet would attack anything that moved, and here he was having an intelligent conversation with one of the most stuck-up and obnoxious demons in all of Hell, and Caligula LIKED him! And she thought she'd seen everything. Her Pet never ceased to amaze her, but for once she was impressed and pleased. She shook her head, and then realized she had been asked a question.

"Um, what? Oh, hiss, he is one of my special Pets Lord Caligula, he was a virgin sacrifice. I raped him and dragged him down to Hell, and have been stuck with him ever since. Hiss."

I gave My Mistress a hurt look, "stuck with"? That wasn't a very nice way to put it. About this time Caligula held out his hand, and said,

"I am pleased with you dragon, you have the Imperial approval, you may kiss my ring."

Vulva shut her eyes, Oh please be good Pet, he doesn't mean it as insult. But as no screaming commenced she opened one of her eyes and was shocked to see her Pet actually kissing the ring! Usually if a stranger tried to pet her Pet; or put an appendage anywhere near his mouth, they got bit. She opened up her other eye and stared in amazement.

"An honor, Caesar" I said as I bowed my head and kissed the ring, the Seal of Imperial Rome."

When Caligula left a few minutes later he was still smiling and almost pranced out the door.

"PET, said Vulva. What in the name of Ba'al's Balls was THAT all about? Are you feeling all right? Did I hit you too hard? Hiss?" She added worriedly.

I had my head around the door and was watching as Imps and demonkind bowed to Caligula as he walked down the tunnel. I looked at Mistress Vulva, and said,

"What Mistress? Oh, no, I'm fine. It's just like meeting part of history is all, I've always been a big fan of the Roman Empire. He was kind of a jerk, but he did throw some wild parties. Hiss."

"He still does, she said. Pet, I'm surprised at you, that was very impressive. Hiss. He is very hard to get along with, but I think he likes you. Your Mistress is very pleased."

"Really? I hissed in delight. I'd done good, oh boy!

Crouching down I crawled over to her and rubbed my head against her legs, and crooned in adoration. She was pleased, joy! She started scratching my ears, it was wonderful! In a soft hissing voice I said,

"Mistress, I'm sorry I was bad. Hiss. I'll take the urinal cakes to the mess hall myself; the slaves deserve a treat anyway. And I met a nice cow Imp and had her assigned to a bath grotto. I hope it was OK, she was nice to me."

Vulva took her Pet's head in her hands and looked at him, "Pet, are you sure you've OK?"

This wasn't like him, usually he just whined and bitched if she took his treats away, and he hardly even noticed the Imps were alive, much less cared about one.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I really will try to be more helpful. You work so hard, and all I do is cause trouble. I don't know how you put up with me; I'm so bad all the time." I pressed my head against her leg and gave a low keen of apology.

Well, thought Vulva, what brought this on? Whatever it was she was glad though, as long as he didn't change too much. She loved him just like he was; thinking of him being too serious was not pleasant. His happy-go-lucky well meaning clumsiness had endeared him to her, she would hate for him to lose that quality as it was so rare down here.

"Well, that would be nice Pet, but I still need you to be my guard dragon and chief enforcer. But for now we have a little mission for you, Caligula has a really hairy one for you."

"Hairy?" I asked. "You don't mean Angelic involvement do you Mistress" And I quailed at the very thought, I'd almost been dissipated by the Light of Heaven once and frankly the thought of running into another Angel scared the, well, Hell out of me.

Vulva gave a visible shudder, she too had one almost been destroyed by the Light as well, only her Pet had saved her from Oblivion. She hadn't realized up until that moment just how much he was devoted to; and truly loved, her.

"Oh no Pet, Hiss, your Mistress would never knowingly send you to face that again. No she wouldn't. Hiss."

"Really?" I hissed softly.

"Really", she hissed back just as softly. The thought of her little dragon having to fight an Angel filled her with panic; she couldn't stand even the thought of his ceasing to exist. "I'd miss having to save your scaly butt every other day. Hiss."

"Hey! I hissed in indignation, that's not nice Mistress! I'm not, hiss, that bad!" Then I thought about it, and added a worried "Am I? Hiss."

"Pet, be quiet." She said.

She scratched his ears and rubbed her muzzle against his snout and licked him affectionately. She knew what she wanted him to do, and so did he as he pushed his snout between her legs and started to lick her mound. With a sign of pleasure she spread her legs to give him better access. She gasped as his tongue slid into her, Mmmm, yes, he was SO good at that! The shy little sexually repressed and horribly tortured young man had become a first rate sex demon, but of course he'd had a good teacher.

"Ohhhh, hiiiisssss, yeessss Pet!" she moaned.

I closed my eyes as My Mistress gently scratched my ears and licked my snout, it was so nice. I knew what she wanted from her body language and changing scent, and I wanted it too. Even though I'm a Seeker, a rare kind of demon, I'm also a sex demon since My Mistress is a Patroness of Carnal Pleasure. All my fellow "Pets" are too, no matter what our main "function" is. I'm almost sexually insatiable, even by demonic standards, and so is My Mistress. Which makes for some extremely incredible sex, and I DO so love to pleasure My Mistress. I'm a dedicated little sex slave. With an eager hiss I pushed my snout between her legs, time for a snack!

Vulva leaned back in her chair and gently grasped her pets head as he worked between her legs. Of all the things he did to her he seemed to like tongue fucking her best, which was fine with her. He pulled out of her, and wrapping the forked tip of his tongue around her clitoris began to rub and suck on it, and she kicked and flailed her legs as she gave a screech of pleasure.

"Raaawwwrrr!! YES, PET, that is, hiiisss, don't stop! HISSSS!"

Yes Mistress, I thought in my mind, I won't stop, not for a LONG time.

Fifteen minutes later Vulva was gasping, and hissing, "Pet, uhhh, arrggghh, that's, that's, Hissssss, enough, ssstop, pleasssee! Hisss!"

Nope, I thought, I have my orders. But a few minutes later I showed mercy and slipped my tongue back inside her now sopping wet vagina. Mmmm, I thought as I slurped happily, sweet and juicy! And I gave a squeal of delight when she climaxed a few minutes later and I was rewarded with a fresh flow of her delicious sexual juices. I DO so love to eat My Mistress!

"OOOHHH RAAAAWWRRRR!" Vulva shrieked as she climaxed violently. "Uh, uh, uhhh Hisssss! Pet, that was, hisss, nice. Now Mistress has treat for her, hiss, talented little dragon." But he wasn't through yet, and she hissed in pleasure as he kept licking her until she was squeaky clean. He was such a tidy little beast!

I licked my Mistress inside and out until she was nice and clean, I took pride in the fact I left my mates not only satisfied but pristine as well. No sloppy male here! When she told me she had a "treat" for me my ear perked up, a "treat" was different from a "surprise". A surprise in Hell is usually something bad, like being forced to wear a stupid costume or my GAY harness, but a treat is usually something nice.

Vulva got out of her chair, and crouching down next to her pet she grabbed his hind leg and flipped him over on his back. He didn't resist, and went over with a soft grunt and lay on his back looking up at her questioningly. She straddled his tail near the thick base and wrapped her own tail around his, time for some serious tail sex. Reaching down she began to stroke his cloaca vent, and it didn't take long to get a response.

"Time to return the favor, hiss, my little jelly bean." She hissed gutturally as his penis came sliding out and into her waiting hands, and soon her tongue was very busy.

When my Mistress flipped me over I was caught a little off guard, but when her intentions became clear I gave a soft hiss of delighted anticipation. My Mistress didn't pleasure me orally very often, but when she did, Do-dah, Do-dah! I gave a moan of pleasure as she wrapped her tail around mine and our tips started to caress one another's. A skilled demonkind could make his partner come with just tail sex, and we were both very skilled. That plus the oral part was going to make this very special. I was hard now, and I lifted up my head and watched as My Mistress gently grasped my shaft and started to lick the tip, and opening it I ran my nether tongue out and wrapped it around her tongue, and drew both of them back inside of me. And the feeling of her tongue inside my penis almost drove me insane with pleasure. And her tail! "Urrraarrhissssss, snort!" I gasped.

Vulva gasped as his nether tongue gripped her own tongue and pulled it inside of his penis. This was new! The sensation was, was very nice and different. With a muffled hiss of pleasure she wrapped her muzzle around the head of his penis and stuck her tongue as deeply into him as she could, and from his sounds he was enjoying it immensely. And she closed her eyes and gasped in pleasure as his nether tongue slid down her throat. Yes, she thought, this is new and very, very nice. She was surprised as she thought she knew all the tricks, but then again he never ceased to amaze her with his own sexual skills. He was not only her mate, but one the best lovers she'd ever had. And he was so hot, fire demons literally had molten blood, and despite being able to control his body temperature he was still one hot little demon. She could handle it because she was a demi-demoness, one step down from a true Lady Demoness, a regular demoness would have been badly burned by now unless they were a fire demoness.

I thrashed helplessly as she kept fucking my penis with her tongue, because that's the only way I can describe it. For some reason we'd never done this before, and it was almost unbearable. I roared and kicked, shrieked and whinnied in absolute sexual ecstasy. I was too far gone to even beg her to stop, to let me come! And when I did come, oh by Ba'al's balls it was unlike any kind of orgasm I'd ever had before, and I've had LOTS. My cum blasted past her tongue and into her mouth and she sucked and stroked my shaft the whole time, then I had a second orgasm from the tail sex, and passed out!

Vulva was having a hard time staying on top of her pet as he bucked and writhed underneath her, he was incredibly strong in his frantic struggles. Wow, she thought, he is really enjoying this, and so was she. It was awesome! He was digging his talons into the floor causing sparks to fly and his roars and shrieks were so loud she bet they could hear him all the way over at the South Vent. He suddenly lunged under and gave a loud shrill screech like steam escaping from a boiler, and his cum exploded into her mouth and she rubbed up and down his shaft as she sucked him dry, the feeling of his molten seed pouring down her throat to fill her stomach was wonderful. Then she squealed through the still pumping cock in her mouth as he orgasmed a second time from the tail sex, and she did too. She ground against his hot tail scales as her fluids squirted from her in a massively pleasure orgasm, and pulling her tongue free from his penis shrieked from her own agonizing ecstasy and fell across his belly in a dead faint. As she passed out from the pleasure her last thought was, Pet! Oh wow!

I woke up first a few minutes later. Ohhhh, I hissed, what happened? I felt a weight on my belly and looked up to find My Mistress lying on top of me, my still hard erection pinned underneath her warm body, the head between her breasts. Oh yeah, I thought, man that had really blown my warped little mind! I slid my nether tongue out of my penis and licked her breasts and nipples, and she gave a soft moan of pleasure and woke up.

Vulva gave a soft moan as she felt something hot and slick caressing her breasts. Mmm, she thought, that's nice. Pet? She lifted her head to find him staring at her, his mouth open and tongue hanging out. Bet he bites it again she thought. And what was licking her nipples? She raised her head a little higher, and it was his nether tongue, it was busily caressing and licking her breasts! That was new too! Normally he kept his nether tongue inside until he'd penetrated his mates, and then did wonderful things with it inside of them. It was one reason he had so much repeat business. Demoness's do like a demon that can make them scream in ecstasy. They were definitely going to have to do this more often, as in lots.

"Pet, hiiss, that was very nice. I didn't know you could do that! Hiss! Mistress is very pleased, oh yesss she issss, hissss!"

"Mistress, I replied, I didn't know I could do it either, hiss! I usually don't use my nether tongue until I'm inside a female. And your tongue inside me like that, oh Raawwwrrrr! Neigh!" I hissed.

"Mmmm, yes, I enjoyed that too my good little, hiss, sex slave. I'm sure the other females will too. Hiss. And you came so much I thought I was going to drown!"

Oh yeah, I thought, that WILL be nice! "Urrrrrrriiissss" I hissed in lust at the lovely thought of other females writhing under my thrusts.

"Why Pet! Vulva hissed throatily, still not satisfied, Hissssss? I know I'm not!"

Vulva stood up and straddled her Pet, the tip of his penis just a couple of inches from the hot wet throbbing lips of her vagina, her fluids dripping onto his throbbing erection. Oh, how she wanted him inside of her! She looked at him, her tongue drooling over her fangs in lust. But first,

"Pet! She hissed lustfully, tongue me!"

And I did, I propped myself up on my elbows and watched as I used my nether tongue to caress the lips of her sex, then slid it inside of her. It's almost a foot long and I pushed deep into her and she threw her head back and keened in pleasure, gasping and snarling. I couldn't stand it anymore, so with a deep snarling hiss I sat up and grabbing her around the waist pulled her onto to me, and as I slid into her hot slick wet vagina I threw my own head back and roared my love for My Mistress, for I love her more than anything else, she is the one and only true love of my warped and twisted life, and she means more to both the human and demon in me than anything else in Hell, earth, or Heaven.

Vulva gasped at the incredible pleasure as her Pet's nether tongue caressed and licked her sex before sliding deeply into her, and throwing back her head gave a cry of sheer delight. Oh Pet, she thought, what would I do without you? When he grabbed her around her waist and impaled her on his massive erection she gave a shriek of ecstasy. He was so big, even for a demon his size, but she was what she was and could accommodate him, but it was oh so nice and tight! And his nether tongue, oh yeeesssss! She felt her lips rub against the soft lips of his cloaca as he slid into her to the hilt, and lowering her head found herself staring into his eyes, eyes that flickered brightly with the fires of Hell and also total love and devotion, she knew her own eyes reflected the same, for she did indeed love her little dragon more then she had ever loved anyone or anything before. It had come as a complete surprise that an old demoness like her was even capable of that emotion, but it had been a pleasant surprise for a change. She licked his snout and twined her tongue around his, then they opened their mouths and locked jaws as their tails twined around one another's again, and he started fucking her with slow steady strokes, using his powerful paws to lift her up and down on his shaft, and they both keened in pleasure and love for one another.

They moved together for what was a very long time for beasts of their sexual capabilities, slowly and tenderly as they made love instead of just mating. At some point he let her take over, and as she rode him he roughly kneaded her breast and nipples as their brutal kiss went on and one, their jaws locked together as they snarled and hissed in lust. Then as they neared release he reached behind her and grasped her hindquarters on each side of her own tail and ground up into her as she ground down, and as they climaxed simultaneously he pulled her into a strong embrace and they both roared their pleasure into one another's mouths as their kiss went on. And when it was over they pulled apart and he kept holding her with his erection still inside of her until it finally went limp and slid back into his vent, then he laid back down pulling her with him and they both fell into a long restful sleep holding one another closely. And several Imps and demonkind who came by on business; or just looked in the door, left quietly with smiles on their faces. It was good the Mistress was so happy.

Vulva woke up first, and looked at the creature holding her closely. He had a look of utter contentment on his scaly face and was breathing softly. Most couldn't tell that by looking at such a hard reptilian face with very limited movement, but she was thousands of years old and she could very easily. She was still a little confused to feel such love for another being, but he gave her so more then he took, and asked for nothing in return. That was alien to her, but very nice. She hated to wake him up, but he had a job to do.

"Pet, my love, it's time to wake up. We have work to do." He gave a snort and pawed at his nose, then lifted up his head sleepily.

"Mistress?" Then he looked at her, and said "I love you."

Vulva felt her black heart thaw just a little more; and kissing him on the end of his snout, said.

"And I love you too, my little jelly bean. Hissss. Now, time for work. We've been goofing off for too long. Souls to claim, lives to ruin."

I gave a snort of amusement. I'd goof off like that ANYtime! "Yes Mistress, what have we got? And don't call me that! Hiss."

"Nasty one Pet, old soul named Violet Teale, Caligula's been after her for hundreds of years. Hiss. She's sneaky, uses nature magic. Very powerful. But if you can run her to ground and claim her soul we get a big bonus. This is an important one Pet. It will go a long way towards, um, salvaging our reputation."

Because our reputation is trashed because I'm such an idiot, I almost said out loud. But I didn't, because My Mistress didn't really blame me for any of it, which was another reason I loved her. And I was bound and determined to turn things around and make her proud of me, to be an asset instead of well meaning hindrance. Time to a accept some responsibility for my actions.

I was surprised when my Mistress took me to the armory before I headed out on my latest trip "topside". She fitted me with some kind of harness, in addition to my regular GAY one. I stood obediently while she fitted it as I knew this one was for something other than looking "cute". And I could feel it start to tingle a little when she snapped the final buckle shut. It was kind of cool looking, black with silver trim and embossed with runes of power. It looked like something a barbarian warrior would wear. I felt like Conan.

"Mistress, what is this?" I asked curiously.

"Pet, this is armor against nature magic. There are some powers even our kind can be affected or injured by. Nature, or natural magic, is outside of our realm since we are "unnatural" beings. Hiss. And in turn nature magic has defenses against our kind of magic. But since your abilities are mainly physical, such as your fire plume and other natural weapons, you should be OK. You should be more than a match against any natural creature, my brave little dragon. It is mainly spells and castings that are affected. But if it gets hairy, you get out of there. Promise?"

She called me brave! I thought in delight. I rubbed my head against her warm furry legs, and said,

"Yes Mistress, but I won't, hiss, let you down." Not this time, I thought, not this time.

Then I followed her to the pentagram chamber and clambered up onto the platform. I looked at the nervous operator, and said,

"Get me close and I'll make it worth your while. Hiss."

Nothing like a little positive motivation. Ending up in the middle of a highway at rush hour, or in a New York City sewer was not fun. The operator said, "Yes Master".

I crouched down and wrapped my wings around myself, closed my eyes, and suddenly was somewhere else. I quickly folded my wings, and once the short period of disorientation was over I took a slow look around as the pentagram faded. I was in a forested area, but it looked more like a park as very little underbrush. I turned and spotted the beacon, but it was faint and flickering. Caligula had said the mark used magic to block the beacon, but it wasn't working 100% now. It was more than enough for me to get her "scent". Even if the beacon faded now I had her imprinted and could track her anywhere. I am very good at what I do. It bothered me at first quite a bit, but once I saw how rotten and evil the souls I was sent to claim were; with a few exceptions, I no longer feel sorry for them at all. I look at is as a public service now. The souls I am sent to claim belong in Hell. It's their own fault; I'm just the repo dragon. I contacted My Mistress in my mind,

"Mistress, arrived on target, operator did a good job."

"Be careful Pet, she's a nasty one. Been giving us the slip for a long time. And I'll let the operator know you're pleased. It will make her day. If you, hiss, run into any problems call me and I'll back you up. Hiss."

"Yes Mistress." I could sense she was concerned for me, and that made the flames in my heart burn even hotter. It is good to be loved.

I started through the woods on the ground since the beacon wasn't far. But of course as usual there was a tall imposing wall around the estate. What is it with walls? Do they really think a wall can keep out something that can fly? Of course I guess it is useful against lesser dangers. I climbed the wall by simply walking up the side, being at least part lizard can come in handy as I used not only my claws but my scales for purchase. I can walk across ceilings too, which can be really cool if you're planning on ambushing someone, like your Mistress. They never think to look up. It had broken glass on top, but that didn't bother me any. I walked along the top of the wall until I could get a better look at the house.

Wow, imposing place. One of those huge old gothic inspired Victorian looking places. All turrets and chimneys; looked kind of like a castle. Kind of place Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre liked to hang out in. It even had statues that looked a lot like me on the "battlements" since I did have a passing resemblance to Gargoyles, which are pretty nice folks by the way. And since it was a lot farther away then I had originally thought I decided to save some time and fly part way. I took off and was nimbly swooping and gliding between trees (I'm a showoff) when suddenly I flew into something and came to a sudden stop, bouncing back and forth. What the Hell? I struggled, but just got tangled up more in some kind of almost invisible; but very sticky, ropes or strands of some kind. Ewww, what IS this stuff? It was thin and now that I was close up to it I could see it was shiny and gooey. It was closely woven in squares in radiating circles, and I realized it was a giant spider web! But where was the spider? I soon found out.

I felt a trembling in the web and with my peripheral vision saw something darker then the shadows move out of a tree and across the web towards me. It was the biggest spider I had ever seen, and I mean BIG! By Ba'al's balls, I thought, Charlotte has grown up! And I HATE bugs. I've seen plenty of demonkind with insectoid features, but this was a REAL bug. As it got closer I just stared, frozen in fascinated horror. But sight of those multiple eyes and grinding clicking mandibles snapped me out of it. With a roar I ignited my fire flux and toasted the huge ugly thing. My fire flux is actually more like incandescent superheated air then actual flames, it's almost invisible except as a wavering in the air like a heat mirage, but when it connects with anything, even steel, it bursts into molten flame. And the spider burst into flames along with the web, and then blew up.

Madame Violet Teale was immediately aware when the perimeter of her estate was breached, but by what she had yet to find out. When one of her guardians reported a capture she moved towards that side of the mansion with the intention of exciting to inspect the catch. Then she saw a ball of flame in the trees and lost contact with the guardian, and a few seconds later a large burning something ran shrieking out of the tree line and dived into one of the ornamental ponds. Well, whatever it was, if the fire didn't kill it the piranha would.

Ohhhh Grooosssss! I screamed as I ran through the woods. I was covered in burning bug guts and spider web. Eww, ewww! Hissss! NEIGH! Get if off, get it off! Grooosssss! I spied a pond, and despite my natural aversion to water, didn't hesitate to throw myself into it. Get it OFF! If there is one thing I hate more than giant bugs, it was giant bug guts. Gross, gross, gross!

Oh yes, much better, I thought as I frantically scrubbed myself off. Ewwww! Then I felt something nibbling on parts of my body, but it didn't last very long. I stood up in the now boiling water and watched as little dead parboiled fish with really big teeth came floating to the surface. Them ain't goldfish, I thought. Smells like Long John Silver's. Now that most of the nasty bug guts and spider web had burned and/or washed off in the boiling water I stood up to take a careful look around. Big bugs were definitely unusual, so I would be more careful from now on. Yuck! I thought with a shudder, I HATE bugs, especially ones bigger then I am.

Madame Teale gave a hiss of surprise and fear as she saw what was climbing out of the pond. There was no mistaking its demonic origins, and she had no doubt it was a Seeker. They never stop looking for you, she thought, damn demons! Well, she'd beaten them before, and would again. With a hiss of anger she called out to her other guardians to defend their patroness. She knew they could only buy her time, but that's what they were there for. She also activated the mundane defenses and heavy steel shutters slid into place over all the windows and doors. But again she knew they would just slow down the creature hunting for her.

I looked up as I heard; and saw, the heavy steel shutters slam down. Well, so much for subtlety, I thought, they know I'm here now. As I walked towards the mansion I suddenly ran into an invisible barrier that stopped me cold, that is until my magic harness flared and I was able to push through it. It felt like moving through thick air and there was a kind of rippling effect. As I got closer suddenly two of the Gargoyle statues sprung in to life and swooped down and landed in front of me. Since they were demons I said,

"Yield, I am on official business sanctioned by Heaven and Hell. I bear you no ill will."

They both bowed, and the male said, "We yield, and we hope you get the bitch this time. We have been bound to her; against our will, for over 100 years and wish to go home."

"Don't worry, you will." I replied. And they both bowed again, and moved to the side to let me pass. No demonkind can stand against another with the official mandate I had.

Next were the steel doors. I took a close look at them, and ran my hands over their surface to gauge their thickness and anchor points. Nice quality, someone got their monies worth. Turning in a quick circle I struck the doors with my tail and they exploded inward with a huge crash. The doors were intact, but the jambs had shattered. They always forget the jambs. I could have just melted my way through the doors, but this was a little more spectacular way to announce my arrival. I half expected to be met by gunfire and/or guard dogs, but it was quiet, which was always a bad sign. Carefully I entered the mansion, straining my senses for any signs of a trap, or more oversized insects. Uhhh, creepy nasty things!

I could sense my target, once I have a scent I never lose it. The inside of the place looked more like a flower shop or greenhouse than anything else. There were flowers and plants of every kind imaginable everywhere. Preferring the direct approach I started down the main hallway, and was instantly attacked by half the plants. They bombarded me with pollen or spoors, vines with thorns dripping poison, swarms of insects (more bugs, but normal size!). I solved most of those problems by turning up my body heat to the maximum, and most just exploded or burst into flames the second they touched me. I was now glowing like a hot coal and had faint flames licking up and down my body with more flickering from my eyes. I had unleashed the flames of Hell that burn inside of me, and even the footprints that I left were burning, but I didn't care if I burned the house down, not now. I usually tried to keep property damage to a minimum per: Article 4, paragraph 3c, of the demonic code of conduct. "Only lay waste if absolutely necessary". Well as far as I was concerned it was absolutely necessary, so I sent a blast of fire flux down the hallway, and then walked down it through the burning remnants of plants. I was fed up with this bullcrap. I came to several more steel doors and burned my way through them and more suicidal plants. Boy is this lady paranoid, I thought, I wonder why?

Vulva had watched through her Pet's eyes as he calmly and professionally removed one obstacle after another, and was proud of him. Go Pet, Go! She thought, no mercy, no prisoners! Do it like the demon you are!

Damn it, thought Madame Teale, as she took refuge in her inner sanctuary. This one is moving fast! Normally her guardians could buy a little more time, but he was walking right through them. Well, she wasn't beaten yet, not by a long shot. So far she had only thrown her cannon fodder at him, now it was time for the big stuff.

Finally I came to some really huge doors, but they were wood instead of steel. I gave them a blast of fire flux, but to my surprise they just charred a little and smoked. Hmm, they should have basically evaporated. I ran my hands over them and could feel a strange magic in them. I tried to burn them with my touch, with the same lack of results. Next I slammed into them, but they remained rock solid. Hmmm, nice doors, how irritating. So I went around them, the thick stone walls were easier to get through. I literally clawed my way through, my intense body heat causing the rock to crack and explode into easily removable chunks. It took awhile, but eventually I broke through onto a huge atrium. It looked like George of the Jungle's recreation room. Big trees, vines, all sorts of weird plants, etc. The only missing was some muscle bound idiot in a loin cloth and Cheetah.

Immediately I was attacked by more plants and insects, and also small animals. It made me mad that this errant soul was callously sacrificing so many small lives in an effort to prolong her miserable existence. But I had my job to do, and left a swath of death and destruction in my wake, sparing only those who didn't attack or hinder me. Then the limbs of truly huge tree grabbed me, and as I was lifted up I saw a huge mouth open in the top of the tree. This is gonna hurt, I thought, as the limbs stuffed me into the mouth and it swallowed me whole. And it did, a lot. I'm pretty much indestructible, but that doesn't mean I can't be hurt. And I don't LIKE to be hurt, avoiding it is one of my all time favorite hobbies. The damn tree chewed on me, and then tried to crush me in its stomach. As the hard lining ground against me I closed my eyes and unleashed the last of my fire flux, and the tree actually keened in agony, its center glowed red hot, then it burst into a spray of deadly splinters that destroyed anything near it. And I stood up and shook myself off. Well, that was unpleasant, I thought. I looked around and the atrium was a wasteland of smoldering plants and burning fires, it looked kind of like home.

I started towards another door, but to my surprise it opened and a pack of what looked like wolves came charging through, but then I noticed they weren't all running on all fours. Were's! Some Were's are demonic, others natural. And they were all over me like ugly on Rosanne Barr. With a roar I threw them off, but they kept coming back even after they had been badly burned or torn by my claws and fangs. And I didn't get off Scott free. I already had a badly sprained wing from my tour of the trees insides, and they tore my wings membranes to shreds as they were my most vulnerable anatomy, and again it hurt, and I HATE to be hurt. Finally I just grabbed each one and snapped their spines over my knees, roaring in pure demonic rage. An enraged demon is a force not to be trifled with. We're like a main battle tank stuck in fast gear, hard to stop.

Vulva looked on in wonder, she had never seen her Pet so, so, demonic before. It frightened her a little, but she was also impressed. He was one bad MF when he was pissed. Sometimes such rages could alter ones personality, and she dearly hoped her Pet didn't lose that quality of bumbling well meaning innocence she had grown to love. It was inevitable that he would be become hardened the longer he was in Hell, but she hoped he wouldn't become as callous and ruthless as most older demonkind.

I threw the last snarling Were from me with a final ear shattering roar, and it was over. No more victims presented themselves for the slaughter. I started to move forward when I heard one of the Were's whimpering. Snarling, I stopped and bent over him, flaming drool dripping from my fangs. He had a look of utter terror in his eyes, and said, even as he was changing back to human form,

"Please, please don't hurt me anymore. I, I can't feel my legs!"

"WHY did you impede my way? I snarled, surely you knew you couldn't stop a demon, despite your powers! Foolish creature! Why die for a Mistress that clearly doesn't care about you?"

He looked up at me, tears of pain in his eyes. "I had no choice, I'm a slave, my pack mates and I all are. She bound us and changed us; I used to drive a cab". He turned his head and looked at the broken dead bodies strewn around like dolls, and his tears turned to those of grief. "We had no choice."

I felt my rage die down. I looked at his badly burned body and shattered back, and reaching down I mercifully broke his neck. Quick and painless, and something inside of me was crying as I did it. I knew what it was like to be a slave, but in my case I was lucky in that I was satisfied with my lot and had a Mistress who loved me, and whom I loved with all my soul. But for many slaves it was different, and I knew my Mistress would never send me to die with no hope, not for any reason. And my rage returned, tenfold. Rage at the callous bitch I was hunting, and grief for the innocents I had slaughtered.


And was blasted backward by a bolt from a power lance. Where in the HELL did she get one of those!?

"Here I am little dragon, my but you ARE a persistent and annoying little brute aren't you?"

I rolled to my feet and faced her, hissing and snarling. "YOU ARE MINE! I WILL RIP OUT YOUR ROTTEN SOUL!" I shrieked in hatred.

"I think not", Madame Teale replied, and blasted the dragon again.

I rolled with the blast, taking most of it on my already tattered wings. Damn it that hurt! But fire demonkind are more resistant to power lances, plus my version of adrenalin was in full bloom and I was MADDER then HELL! I gave a snarl and dodged behind the huge trunk of the shattered tree.

I heard my Mistress in my mind, "Pet, get out of there. She shouldn't have a power lance, but she does. This is getting out of hand."

"NO, I replied, she forced me to kill innocents, I WANT her!"

"Very well Pet, I am impressed. One thing, the lance is an older model; it has five charges, and then will be spent. It may not even be fully charged, they lose power over time."

"Thank you Mistress, that is very helpful." And it was; five blasts huh, and she'd already used two.

Madame Teale laughed, looked like she had the stupid creature on the run. "Oh little dragon, where are you?" She called.

Madame Teale had wanted to use a transportation spell to flee, but the demon had moved so fast she didn't have time. His persistence had been, well, terrifying. Well, once she had blasted him into unconsciousness she had ways to bind him. He would be a nice addition to her "collection". And she would have fun making him pay for all the damage he had caused. He had set her back years, plus she would have to find a new home. It was very irritating. She would make him writhe in agony. She knew how to hurt his kind, she'd had years of practice.

With a roar I dashed across the space between the tree trunk and a large stone fountain, diving behind the fountain as a power bolt narrowly missed me. That's three, I thought. Then as low as I could go; and being a reptile that was pretty low, I quickly burrowed into the soft loamy ground and moved through it like a big mole.

Madame Teale cursed as she missed, she seldom did and it made her mad. She ran to the far side of the fountain prepared to fire another blast, but he was gone. She saw where he had gone though; the smoking hole in the ground was a dead giveaway. But it meant he was beyond her reach, at least for now. Clever little bastard, she thought.

I poked my head up through the dirt and took a quick look around. No sign of Ms. Whackjob, so I exited, and crouching low went looking for her. And got a blast in the back. OW, SONOFA..!!! She'd climbed up on a walkway of some kind and had the high ground advantage on me, and my wings were shredded so I was temporarily unable to fly. This wasn't good I thought, as I shook my ringing head and tried to come to my senses. I kept trying to run, and I think my crazy uncoordinated weavings made me too hard a moving target for her to waste her last bolt.

Got him! Madame Teale thought in glee. But then was dismayed when he got up and took off in a staggering limping run. Just when she thought she had a good bead on him he'd stumble to one side. When he disappeared around the tree trunk again she cursed. Damn he was tough little bastard. He was in an area she couldn't see from the walkway, so she ran down the stairs and took off in pursuit. She knew one more blast would disable him for awhile, more than long enough to bind him. She had bound more than one demon to her service, and/or imprisoned them. But this one would be a real prize.

Vulva had enough; she had the power to intervene if a demonkind in her employee ran into a bad situation. And she could tell he was injured as she could feel what he was feeling, and NO one hurt her Pet!

"Pet, she called, I'm coming!"

"NO, Mistress, please! Let me have her, I need to do this! Please!" he replied.

Vulva had just started to invoke an intervention spell, but stopped when she heard the pleading in his voice, she could hear it even in her mind.

"Pet, are you sure? I can tell you're hurt, I don't want her to hurt you anymore my little jelly bean."

"Mistress, he replied, I love you, but don't call me that! And please, I need to do this, to prove I'm a demon worth respecting. Let me have her."

Reluctantly Vulva said, "Very well my Pet. And Pet, I'm proud of you. Hiss."

I smiled despite my pain, My Mistress was proud of me! Now it was time to earn that pride! I looked around, and smiled again, but this time it wasn't a nice smile.

Madame Teale slowly moved around the huge shattered tree trunk. No sign of the demon, he must have gone to ground again!

"Damn it, where the Hell are you!" she muttered. Then she heard a chilling voice of pure malevolence,

"Look up!" I said, and then I fell onto the startled woman, and the sheer terror her eyes was so refreshing.

I had climbed what remained of the tree trunk, and was hanging upside down on the underside of the only remaining branch. They never look up. I had never felt such satisfaction in claiming a soul, and I tore her body to shreds in the process instead of just ripping her soul out. I wanted her to feel what those poor slaves of hers had felt, to die in agony. And I did it slowly in true demon form. She had been quick, and had gotten off that last blast, but it had only clipped me and numbed on arm, but one was all I needed as my legs are just as good for tearing someone limb from limb. Then I held up her struggling soul in my one good hand and looked at the foul thing. It looked like a shriveled naked rat with leprosy for skin. I wanted to throw it as far away as I could. I heard a voice respectfully say,

"It is done! Praise be to the Dark Lord!"

Looking up I saw the two Gargoyles's looking at me, and they bowed low.

"Don't do that, I said, I'm a slave. I am merely doing my own Mistress's bidding." But they kept bowing.

The Gargoyle replied, "We have been slaves to this creature for over 100 years, and you have freed us no matter what your reasons. We will always come if you need us, now and forever. We give this promise freely and of our own will." And the female nodded in agreement.

To receive fealty from another demonkind is unusual, it is rarely given. But to refuse it was a great insult, so I said,

"And I accept your offer with gratitude, and return the promise of aid should you need it. But know I am bound to Mistress Vulva, it is she who sent me, and so the offer must also apply to her."

There, I had made two new friends, a very good thing in Hell. They had no problem with extending the fealty; it was standard that the offer also applied to ones owner or patroness.

"I will summon a pentagram so we can go home, and so I can deliver this foul THING to its rightful owner. Hiss." I said. The soul kicked and squealed, and hurled insults at me, so I squeezed it until it shut up.

"Wait! Said a Gargoyle, there are other brothers and sisters bound here! We must free them as well. They are bound in a dungeon below."

"Of course, I replied. Here, hold this for me.", I said as I tossed the soul to the female Gargoyle. From the look on her face she planned on doing more than just "holding" it. Fine by me, she had 100 years of grievances to discuss with her former owner.

"Show me." I told the other Gargoyle, and with another bow he turned and led the way.

We passed through several more doors, or it's more accurate to say burned our way, or the Gargoyle simply tore them to shreds. Gargoyles aren't really made out of stone you know, it's more like banded steel covered in grey rubber. They can tear right through steel like tin foil. It's much better to have them as friends then enemies. When we reached the dungeon I felt my rage rekindle, and flames began to lick over my body again and the Gargoyle stepped back warily. You always treat a demonkind in a demonic rage very carefully, even a friend.

We were creatures of Hell, already damned just by that fact. But not even we deserved what had been done to the wretched creatures imprisoned by Violet Teale. There were six demonkind bound in a dungeon specifically built to hold them. All were chained or otherwise bound to the walls or racks, and one was in a cage. There were whips and other torture devices, some sexual, lying on tables or hanging from hooks. All empowered to cause pain to supernatural beings. We carefully freed our kindred from their bindings, and their expressions of gratitude were heartfelt and I received more vows of fealty. The last one I freed was a rather small demoness hanging in a cage, her body horribly brutalized. When I opened the cage she cringed and begged me not to hurt her anymore. I gently pulled her out, weakly crying and begging, and hugged her to me with my one good arm. At the feel of my body's demonic heat she finally realized she was free, and hugged me as hard as she could. The other demonkind were "natural" born, but I could tell she was a changeling, like myself, so I supported her as we left that foul place. By the time we exited the house was well on its way to burning down. We moved to the lawn and watched the conflagration for awhile, then hearing sirens in the distance I realized it was time to go. Just before I summoned my exit pentagram one of the Gargoyles, the female holding the now subdued but squirming soul, came over and said,

"The small demoness is Marie-Constance Quesnet, she had been here longer than any of the others. The things Teale did to her were horrible even by our standards, and totally unnecessary as her will was broken long ago. The Marquis will be glad to see her I am sure; you will have a powerful ally now."

"What happened to the soul?" I asked.

The Gargoyle smiled, "This thing? She threw it to the other Gargoyle, who turned and threw it to the other demonkind who were quite happy to welcome it. "It tried to escape." She said, as screams started.

"Good job." I smiled back, flaming drool dripping from my fangs to set the grass on fire. "But do leave enough for its owner, the Emperor will be pleased." Then I remembered something else she had said,

"What did you mean by the Marquis? Do you mean the Marquis de Sade?"

The Gargoyle gave a deep chuckle, "Is there any other? She was his lover, their love was legendary. I had no idea what had happened to her until that bitch trapped me and my sister. She made us her guard dogs, and we had to sit on the gables of her homes over the years, night and day. I will enjoy watching her being punished, and I hope they let me help."

"Hiss, hiss! I mused, this was interesting, and good news. "Yes, I'm sure they will let you have some personal moments with her." And we both laughed, and it wasn't pretty.

"Mistress, I called in my mind, it is done! Have the operator send us to Caligula's domain if he can. I can't fly right now, and have other injured with me."

"I know Pet, I saw, Vulva replied. And I am very, very proud of you. You are a credit to your kind. Hiss. Hurry home, I miss you and need a massage."

I swelled with pride. "Come, it is time for us to go home!" I roared. And I knew what My Mistress meant by a massage. I felt a stirring in my sheath, oh indeed my goodness yes!

And all of us; except one, gave cheers, roars, or hisses of delight. That one screamed in pure terror, which was sweet to our ears. I summoned the pentagram, and one by one we all dropped through.

We all materialized in the court of Emperor Caligula, third emperor of the Roman Empire and all around nutjob, but he throws great parties. His court looked like a Roman temple, complete with fluted marble columns and all the trappings. The Imps and demonkind bound to his service either wore Roman armor, or were nude as was the norm. The ones in armor looked sharp though, it worked really well no matter their form. Lorica segmentata looks good on anybody, but instead of pilum or spears they carried very businesslike power lances. Caligula was reclining on a royal throne draped in purple velvet embroidered in heavy gold bullion with the seal of Rome. It was impressive. He was wearing his toga and laurels, and one Hell of an orgy was going on and even I was impressed, and believe me that means a lot coming from a demon whose Mistress is a Patroness of Carnal Pleasure, and who by association is a carnal demon himself. I am so going to crash one of his parties, I thought.

But the second we appeared the party stopped, and Caligula sat up and took notice. The rest cleared a large space and gave us room. Carrying the whining pleading soul in my one good hand I approached the throne, and bowing I said,

"Ave Caesar, I bring you a present my Lord." And I threw the struggling soul to the floor in front of the throne.

The smile on Emperor Caligula's face made even me cringe a little. He said in a perfectly normal sounding voice.

"Why Violet Teale, what a pleasant surprise! I'm so happy you could finally grace us with your presence my dear. I have so looked forward to this meeting, there are so many things I want to do to you, and we have all of eternity! Isn't that nice?" And at the end he was no longer smiling, and was changing into his pure demonic form.

Then his smile came back as he faced me, full of needle sharp fangs now, and it was a much nicer one this time. He said,

"Seeker, we are most pleased! Not only have you fulfilled the contract in full you have also freed some of our brethren mostly foully imprisoned. Approach the throne!"

So I did. He may be a spoiled rotten little brat, but he was also one time emperor of the greatest empire the world has ever known, and he was a powerful Lord as well. It paid to be courteous. Besides, I was flattered.

As I approached he held a hand over his shoulder and snapped his fingers, and a demon in the armor of a Centurion handed him an ornate baton. He held it out to me, and said,

"As a token of my gratitude and respect I appoint you a Tribune in the Praetorian Guard and present you with your baton of victory and office. So I have spoken, so it is noted. In my domain all will treat you with the respect due your rank."

Wow, I thought, wow! I accepted the baton and gave the Imperial salute, and all the Legionnaires saluted as well, and everyone; myself included, said "Hail Caesar!" and meant it. Whatever his faults, he rewards loyalty and has style.

Caligula loved it, and beamed like a kid at a birthday party. Then he frowned as he took a closer look at me.

"You are injured Tribune! I have been remiss in my duties as your emperor and host! Slaves, take him; take them all, to my personal baths and attend to their needs! I will join you later, but first I have other things to attend to."

And he gave that horrible smile again, and the soul started pleading again. I knew it would do it no good, not that I cared.

As some Imps and lesser demonkind escorted us from the Imperial reception hall I heard Caligula talking to Violet Teale in an almost gentle voice.

"Well my dear, what shall it be first? You really should have come when your time was up you know, you caused me a great deal of trouble, and there are other powerful ones who will want some alone time with you as well. Shall we start with a hundred years of being gang-raped nonstop? No, you might enjoy that. I know, I shall skin you alive! Yes! Slaves, bring me a rack, we will have some new entertainment for the rest of the orgy!"

Later we could hear the screams as far away as the baths, and even I cringed just a little bit.

The baths were fantastic, and there was even a lava pool. Being the only fire demonkind present I had it all to myself, except for a lovely little attendant fire salamander. I mated with her as the boiling churning lava healed my torn and battered body, both of us glowing almost as hot as the lava as flames licked over our bodies, and I needed the sex just as badly. We coupled for hours and it was glorious, and we were both very much satisfied afterwards. I got her address too; she was definitely worth looking up again later. When I emerged from the lava it slid off my body like oil, and I was whole and healed. And I felt absolutely fantastic.

"Mistress, I called, I'm well again, Caligula has been very accommodating."

"Yes, Vulva hissed in amusement, I saw what you mean by accommodating, she was very pretty. Hiss? Tell me, how was it to mate in hot lava? It looked like fun."

I felt myself flush with embarrassment, which was pretty hard considering I'm already a dark red color. "Um, yes, it was nice Mistress, but I kept thinking of you." And I had too, I can't lie to my Mistress, she knows me too well.

"That's sweet Pet, but I'm going to make you prove it when you get home." Vulva replied.

Oh boy, I thought, Do-dah, do-dah! "Um, Mistress, Can I make a little side trip first, I have something for the Marquis de Sade."

"Of course Pet, that's very nice of you. I saw, and heard everything. The Marquis will be pleased, he's been so lonely."

I collected the Lady Quesnet from the sulphur pool she had been soaking in, and when I told her my intention she hugged me again and cried, much to my embarrassment and the delight of the Imps and other demonkind present.

She followed me back to the reception hall, and as we walked with our escort of Praetorians I noticed how pretty she was, in a dainty almost frail way you seldom see in demonkind. She was exquisitely lovely, and turned every male demons head, and not a few demoness's.

As we walked into the hall again a Centurion announced us. Caligula looked up from the table with a bloody mewling thing on it, and smiled through the blood caking his face. Remember where you are, what you are, I reminded myself.

"Tribune, Lady, welcome again! I see my baths agreed with you. We are pleased; I must remember to reward the staff. Would any of you care to..?" and he indicated the thing on the table.

It's face, stripped of its flesh, with only bloody muscle covering it and one eye floating in a socket full of blood, stared in horror as the Lady Quesnet slowly approached. The eye couldn't even shut as it had no eyelid left. The thing was quiet too, its tongue long gone. The Lady looked down, and said,

"I truly feel sorry for you, you have only yourself to blame for this. We only do that which is in our nature; you decided your own torment long ago. Now adieu, I hope we never meet again." Then she turned and walked back to my side.

Well, and I thought I'd seen everything. I bowed to Emperor Caligula again, and he threw me a salute, and then turned back to his fun, and the thing bucked in silent agony. I couldn't leave fast enough.

I picked up Lady Quesnet in my arms, and taking flight I headed for the Domain of the Marquis de Sade. I had been banned from it on pain of destruction, but I had a feeling I was about to make amends. It was the least I could do after single handedly destroying the same domain in the space of several hours. I didn't mean to, I swear!

As we flew through the searing bright burning skies of Hell the Lady looked at me, and said,

"Mon ami, you are a strange demon, I have not met another like you. You have a kindness about you, yet you are also a consummate Seeker, dedicated to those who hire your services and your Mistress. Tell me, mon sauveur, what is your story?"

And so I unburdened myself on her, and she listed with true interest and sympathy. And she told me her story as well. She had been the Marquis last lover while he was alive, and had cared for him until he died. She had truly loved the old man. When she died he had met her at the Gates of Hell and made her his lover for eternity, and she had never stopped loving him. We can tell things like that. I told her what had happened, and she had a laugh more fitting for an Angel. "Oh mon, she said, I wish I could have seen the look on his face when you destroyed his castle!" By the time we arrived at the Marquis domain I had another friend, which was very nice.

Of course they saw me coming, and had a "welcoming committee" assembled in the main courtyard of the partially rebuilt castle. I hoped I could keep from destroying it again while I was there. I landed and gently put down my lovely burden, then turned to face the Marquis as he and some Demons-at-arms approached. I was standing in front of Lady Quesnet so she was blocked from view. This is gonna be fun, I thought.

The Marquis arrived with his soldiers, and he almost looked happy to see me. He smiled a very cold smile, and said,

"Ah, le destructeur revient, it would appear my prayers have been answered! My slaves and I have all been looking forward to showing you our appreciation for what you did last time you were here."

Then he gestured to several armored soldiers who slowly approached with chains of binding in their hands. I decided not to wait any longer, so turning to one side, I said,

"Marquis, allow me to present La dame Marie-Constance Quesnet. I believe you know her?"

For someone of the Marquis's complexion to turn white was amazing, and he had to hold on to a burly bull Imp to keep from collapsing in shock. In a quivering voice, he said,

"Non, non, ce ne peut pas être donc! This cannot be, why do you torment me so! Votre cruauté ne sait pas de liens, vous tortionnaire vil! Be gone, leave me in peace, I beg you!"

Lady Quesnet said softly, "François, est-ce que vous ne me connaissez pas? I am real my love, this brave demon rescued from the foul prison in which I have languished these past 150 years."

"Est-ce que ce peut être vraiment? Oh, my dear, lumière de ma vie, I had long ago given up hope, though I never stopped searching. Est-ce que c'est vra, is it really you? Is my torment over?"

The Lady Quesnet ran to him and they grabbed each other and hugged, and the watching Imps and demonkind all clapped. They hugged and kissed passionately, and I mean passionately, for quite a long time. But I didn't mind, and everyone had big grins on their faces or muzzles, or whatever they had for faces. Still holding one another tightly they started to walk away, totally ignoring everyone else, but then they paused, and I heard the Marquis say,

"Un moment, mon amour."

Then he slowly walked up to me, and said, "Monsieur, I know not what I have done to deserve so great a gift, and I can never repay you for this, this unexpected kindness. I do not understand, why do you do this thing? Je dois savoir."

"Marquis, I did you a great disservice; unintentionally I assure you, when you showed great courtesy to myself and My Mistress by inviting us into your domain. I too know what it is to be alone. I am glad to have been of service. As for payment, your friendship, Hiss, would be quite enough."

The Marquis just looked at me for a few seconds, and then he just nodded, and with tears in his eyes turned back to his waiting lady. And as I took off everybody cheered, which was nice. I was surprised at how good I felt.

And finally I was going home, home! A hole in the ground in Hell, but the only place I had ever thought of as home. And My Mistress! She was waiting for me when I landed outside the gates to her domain. As I folded my wings she walked up and gave me a kiss on my snout, and said,

"I missed you my little jelly bean, and I am so very proud of my little warrior. Hiss! You really showed them no one messes with this Seeker! And the word is out, congratulations are pouring in from all over Hell! Hiss, everyone including our Great Lord is most impressed. Hiss! You did good Pet, I am so pleased!"

I pressed against her legs and crooned in pleasure. To me praise from My Mistress is what I want more than anything. And as we walked through the tunnels I got a lot more respect from the "staff" then usual. They might not love me, but they now knew I wasn't to be messed with, which was nice. I had earned their respect instead of just having it reflected onto me from my position with our Mistress. When we got back to My Mistress's office I lay down on my favorite rug while she checked a few things on the computer. Then after that she'd left orders we weren't to be disturbed, indefinitely. And oh boy, I knew what that meant!

But then everything that had happened began to catch up with me like the world's worst jet lag. And I started to tremble like I was having a fit, and with a croaking wail of distress I turned to My Mistress and she was there for me.

Vulva suddenly heard her Pet give a horrible squeal of anguish, and stopping what she was doing in surprised concern she turned to him, and he pressed his head into her lap and wailed like a damned soul.

"Pet, my love, I'm here, what's wrong? Hiss!"

Sobbing and wailing I choked out, "Mistress, I , I hurt those poor innocents, I tore them to pieces! I, I can't stand it. I'm a monster; they were only trying to protect their own Mistress even though she didn't deserve it. I KILLED them Mistress! And they screamed, and, and...." And then all I could do was sob uncontrollably as I vented my grief for the horrible things I'd done.

As Vulva gently stroked the grieving dragons head and crooned to him, she thought to herself. He never ceases to amaze me; despite what he did he hasn't changed at all. And I'm so lucky he's mine. And she thanked whatever deity might be responsible.

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 15

**My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!** ** ...

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The Host

My stories are copyrighted, so no takee! This one is dark kiddies, from one of my darker moody days. So be warned if you're squeamish! The Host By William W. Kelso The demon watched in delight as the brood worm slowly forced its way into...

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For the Love of a Dog

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is dedicated to all the dogs that have shared my life and given me their unconditional love, to all those sweet gentle souls that I still miss so much. If there are no dogs in heaven, then I won't go...

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