The New Familiar

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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This story is copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is related to "The Seeker" series in that the Demoness Vulva plays a small part.

The New Familiar

By William W. Kelso

The Sorceress looked down at the figure on the bed in satisfaction; he was already in the first phases of his transformation. It had been ridiculously easy, the poor fool had almost begged for it. It was getting really hard to find virgins these days, and it was usually some young punk or an older loser. In his case it was the latter. He had been so pitifully grateful when she showed an "interest" in him it was almost funny. She did feel a little sorry for him in a way, he had been nice enough and wasn't some drooling pervert and hadn't even been Gay. Some guys just never had any luck, and he still didn't. It was always easier if it was some jerk. She stroked his writhing contorting body and he mewled and slobbered. The paralysis would wear off soon, but by then it would be far too late.

I lay on the bed staring helplessly at the ceiling, I couldn't move! But I wasn't completely still, my body was spasming and contorting and I could feel something happening to me. It hurt some, but mostly just felt so very strange and I was terrified. I tried to scream in pain and for help, but all I could do was make a soft squealing noise. I felt the woman caress me again and managed to turn my head enough to look at her, pleading with my eyes. Please, I thought, what are you doing to me? Please make it stop; you're hurting me, please! But she just smiled and kept stroking my body, and it felt so good. I arched and gave another squeal of pain as another cramp ripped through the length of my body. "Guuurrrgglee!"

She held him a little tighter as he suddenly writhed and bucked as he gave another muffled squeal of pain. "There, there." she said as she kept stroking his body, "It won't hurt much longer, just relax baby." She used a towel to wipe some of the drool off his face as he was slobbering constantly now, and he looked at her with wide terrified pleading eyes, and again she felt a little sorry for him. It wouldn't be that much longer before he'd understand though.

My body contorted again violently and I could no longer turn my head, so all I could do was stare at the ceiling. I felt so very, very strange. The pain was mostly gone now and I felt strangely lethargic and even a little euphoric, almost like I was a little high. What was she doing to me? I thought. Why was she doing it to me? I'd been flattered and a little nervous when the beautiful young woman had approached me in the Wall Mart parking lot. She told me her car had broken down, and asked if I'd give her a ride home as she had to take some medicine at a certain time every day and didn't have time to wait for a tow truck for her car and didn't have the money for a cab. She was so very beautiful, one of those incredibly sensual Italian or Mediterranean types of women that make any man drool with lust. And I was no exception, but I didn't drool, I just hoped. Just being with her and smelling her lovely scent was a treat for me and would have been more than enough. I had felt so gallant when I offered to take her home, I had been so stupid. I felt tears run down my face, what was happening to me! It felt so strange, so very wrong.

The Demoness Vulva; with whom she treated for her powers, was a Sex Demoness and most of the spells and other powers she provided required sex as a component of the magic as the sexual pleasure both powered and enabled the spells own powers. It was a very pleasurable way to serve her Mistress and herself, but it was hard to find willing partners as often the male would die in the process as the spell drained his life force. Sometimes animals would suffice; Rams or Billy Goats especially, but for more powerful spells her partners had to be human. The first few hundred years hadn't been so bad, but it was getting harder and harder to make her "lovers" disappear without a trace. The last time she had been approached by the police and questioned about the disappearance of a young man she had been seen with shortly before he went missing. They did not seem to consider her a prime suspect, but it had been unnerving. Acquiring an unsuspecting "partner" for a spell was no problem, but getting rid of them was. So she had summoned her Mistress and explained her problem. The great and beautiful beast had thought for a few moments, then running its forked tongue over its fangs had told her she needed a familiar, a very special one. Then her Mistress had provided her with a special onetime spell to create the familiar she needed. She paid her Mistress for her powers by sacrificing virgins to the Demoness, but for her own magic any male would do. In a way she was glad this virgin was for her, she had seen what happened to some of the virgins she gave to her Mistress and felt he would be much better off with her then in Hell.

We had driven up to her house and she'd asked me to pull around to the rear as she only had a key for the back door. Like the gullible fool I was I saw no reason not to, so drove down the long tree lined drive and pulled around to the rear near an old converted carriage house. The main house was a gorgeous old Georgian style two story with wings on both sides and I was kind of surprised such a young woman would own such a large rambling place, but it was in good repair. I was delighted when she asked me in for a drink as I was infatuated by her, plus I wanted to see the inside of the house too as I love old places like that. She ushered me into a nice little sitting room with comfortable old overstuffed chairs and went to "take her medicine" and came back few minutes later with two glasses of ice cold green tea with drops of perspiration on the sides. It was a hot day and very warm in the house and the cold drink was welcome, plus I felt it would have been rude to refuse. I took a good long drink and a minute later felt first a little sleepy; then horribly weak, and with a gasp leaned back in the chair, and I couldn't move! She had taken the now empty glass of tea from my hand and had lifted up my eyelids and smiled at me. I had stared back in fear, I thought I was having a heart attack or stroke or something. I wish. Then she had turned and left the room, leaving me helpless in the chair. OMG, she's poisoned me!

It had been easy to lure the man inside her house; he had been so polite and eager. She was a little surprised he didn't try to kiss her or paw her once they got inside, not that she would have minded. But he was an old fashioned gentleman which was nice, he reminded her of the men she had known in her youth so many years ago. Despite her youthful appearance she was over 300 years old. She led him into the old fashioned sitting room and then went to "take her medicine". She made two glasses of tea and dosed his with a paralyzing potion so he would be unable to resist what was to come. He had drunk the tea without suspicion and soon was paralyzed and helpless just as she had intended. It had been incredibly simple. He was aware, but could only open and close his eyes. She checked him to make sure there weren't any complications, and then left him to finish preparations for the spell. She went down the stairs into the basement and double checked everything. Perfect, only one ingredient was missing, and she went back up the stairs to fetch it. He was a large man, but she threw him over her shoulders and carried him easily as she was very strong, it was of the benefits of serving Mistress Vulva.

I sat in the chair desperately trying to move, to do something, anything. It was obvious she had poisoned me, but why? I felt tears run down my face; all I'd wanted was to be friends. Why was she doing this to me? What could she possibly want with me? I looked as she entered the room again and tried to say something, but could only drool. I was surprised when she picked me up with ease and threw me over her shoulder like I weighed next to nothing. I had to have at least a 150 or more pounds on her, but she treated me like a bag of dirty laundry.

She carried him down into the cellar and carefully laid him down on an old mattress as she didn't want to accidently injure him by dumping him on the stone floor. Then she stripped him naked and made sure he had no jewelry or body piercings; but she hadn't expected anything like that with this one. He had to have no foreign objects on his person for the spell to work properly. Then she picked him up again and carried him over to the pentagram and laid him down inside of it. She spread his arms, but kept his legs together. It was one of two pentagrams inlaid into the natural stone floor of the basement, one was for summoning and sacrifice, but this one was for spell casting. She lit the candles and activated the pentagram; the she stripped herself naked and joined the man already inside the pentagram. Crouching down next to him she took a bottle of special paint and very carefully painted a series of sigils and glyphs on his stomach, chanting as she did so. She double checked to make sure they were correct according to the spell scroll, and then started to seduce the man which was very easy as he was already aroused. As she fondled and stroked his erection he stared at her with bulging eyes and make mewling slobbering sounds as he tried to talk, or scream. His helpless terror helped to arouse her, and she felt herself start to get wet. Oh yes, this will be most enjoyable she thought as she reached down and cupped his balls and fondled them gently. The man bucked weakly and gave a soft slobbering moan. Most enjoyable indeed!

She carried me down some stairs into a dimly lit cellar and threw me down on a mattress. Then to my very mixed feelings and emotions she stripped me naked and rolled me over like she was looking for something. Oh God I thought, she's going to do something horrible to me. I was terrified, yet was growing aroused at the same time. I had never been naked with a woman, or touched by one. Even under the circumstances it felt, well, strangely enjoyable. Oh God, please don't let her castrate me or torture me! What else could she want with a man like me? I was certainly no "hunk". Maybe she hated men and was going to take it out of me? I tried to scream, but only gave a muffled squeal. Then she picked me up and carried me a short way and put me down on my back on a cold floor and opened my arms, but left my legs together. Next she lit some candles, and then as I watched she took her own clothes off! And she was incredibly beautiful and I had a rock hard erection in record time, there was no way I could keep from getting one as just the sight of her made me want her regardless of my situation. She's going to rape me! I thought, and I was so very right. And God help me part of me wanted it. Then she crouched down next to me and started to paint something on my stomach, the paint felt strangely warm and greasy and I could smell it, but I couldn't see what she was doing. She was using a piece of paper for reference as she drew and was concentrating on what she was doing. I just lay there staring at her beautiful full firm breasts and the thatch of pubic hair between her legs. I could see her mound, and the way she was squatting made it open and I could see the pink of her nether lips. Oh God. Then she finished with whatever she was doing and turned her attention to me again.

The final preparation completed she put the small jar of paint and brush outside of the pentagram as there must be no foreign objects of any kind inside, only her own nude body and the nude body of her partner and soon to be familiar. Then she straddled the helpless man and looked at his rampant erection and was very pleased he was fairly large; at least he wasn't a stubby, and soon he would be much larger. She reached down and wiped a drop of pre off the tip of his penis, and licked it from her finger while he stared at her and gave a gurgling moan. She couldn't tell if it was from fear or lust, but it really didn't matter. He was quite wet and she used his own pre to lubricate him, and she was already quite wet herself as she was looking forward to raping him. But she would make sure he enjoyed it as much as she did, whether he wanted to or not. With a big smile she took his penis and stood it upright, and then lowered herself onto it. She took her time and let him enjoy his first penetration. As he slid into her he gave a long muffled gurgle of pleasure and managed to buck just a little. She leaned forward and put her hands on his shoulders and began to rock back and forth in a slow steady rhythm. She enjoyed feeling his hardness inside of her and his helplessness as she used him to pleasure herself, his bulging eyes and muffled moans of pleasure aroused her even more. She rode him for awhile, then rearing up she took the scroll and began to chant the runes written on it and felt the power awaken in her and began to flow into the man. She finished reading the spell, and the scroll puffed out of existence with a brief flare of light. It was a onetime spell and she would not be able to remember the words. She closed her eyes and gave a deep grunt of pleasure as she felt the power increase and picked up the rhythm of her thrusts as she ground down on her partner. He was squealing and slobbering constantly, his eyes crying as he looked up at her. Pleading, terrified eyes with maybe a little something else; desire and gratitude?, in them.

I looked up as she straddled me, then moaned as she wiped a drop of my pre off the head of my penis and licked it from her finger! OMG! Then she reached down and stroked me a few times till I was slick from my own pre, then she gently grasped my penis and stood it upright and slowly lowered herself on to me! I felt my penis press against, and then slide past her lips and into her vagina. She was hot, wet, and oh so slick and velvety smooth, and ohhh Jesus, it was so incredible! I tried to scream, but could only slobber and mewl. I tried to move, oh how I wanted to thrust into her, hold her around her waist, feel her breasts and hold her close to me! Oh how I wanted to make love to her, but I was helpless and she was in total control as she raped me, and God help me I enjoyed it so very much maybe I did deserve what happened to me. She pinned my shoulders and rode me slowly and gently and I stared at her in terrified pleasure. Why did it have to be this way? I would gladly have given her what she wanted, gladly done anything she wanted for this! She suddenly leaned back and started to read from the piece of paper and I felt her getting even hotter and slicker and felt a strange, but pleasurable, tingling start to flow into my body for hers. I gasped and moaned as I desperately tried to thrust to meet her, but could only twitch and slobber helplessly. Suddenly there was a brief bright flash of light and the paper disappeared! She started grinding down on me faster and harder, and as the heat began to grow so did the pleasure and she looked down at me with a smile on her face and began to pick up the pace even more and I moaned and slobbered as she ground down on my aching throbbing penis faster and faster! I tried to scream, to shriek, to beg for release, but only mewled and slobbered even more. I could feel a force; a burning heat, growing inside of me as she raped me and I knew something was horribly wrong, but could do nothing except helplessly enjoy my defilement and degradation. I watched her large firm breasts bobbing as she rode me and sobbed and moaned; how I wanted to caress and kiss them!

She drew it out as long as she could, speeding up and slowing down, but finally she couldn't hold back any longer, the burning aching need in her loins became unbearable and she and her partner both orgasmed at the exact same moment as she ground down one last time and stopped, then threw her head back with her eyes squeezed shut and gave a deep guttural moan of pleasure as she exploded and the spell also exploded as it finished passing from her body into the mans. And somehow he managed to give a loud piercing scream of pain and pleasure as he came too and drained his balls as he ejaculated again and again in an orgasm lasting almost thirty seconds as he came and came. When he was through she dismounted and standing up walked over to the podium and used a rag to clean herself. It had been a very good rape, he had pleasured her far better than many of her "partners" and she knew he would continue to do so until they were both claimed by their Mistress, for her Mistress was now his as well. Her Mistress had explained that the spell contained a part of her own dark soul which would be passed into the man and he would become a demon himself, a very special demon. As with her he would be marked as the property of their dark mistress.

I finally managed to scream as she finally allowed me to come after what seemed like hours as she rode me and brought me to the brink again and again. And the heat grew and grew until it was almost painful as it flowed into my body from hers. As my orgasm exploded the strange heat also exploded inside my body and loins and I shrieked as froth spewed from my mouth and I pumped and pumped as I came and came and it was the most agonizing ecstasy I had ever dreamed possible! It went on and on and I wanted it to last forever, but finally I was drained and with a final mewling cry I slid from her hot embrace. Oh, how I had wanted more! And I felt the first tingling and heat growing in me as the change started.

Finishing her toilet she returned to the pentagram and deactivated it, blew out the candles, and then picking up the man she slung her over her shoulder and carried him back upstairs. She could feel the heat in his body as the spell took effect and he gave a muffle moan of pain. She carried him into her bedroom and laid him down on the bed, then lay down next to him and gently stroked and held him as the change ran its course. It would take some time as it was a drastic change and a very specialized spell. She would stay with him the whole time and try to give what comfort she could.

I lay there on the bed next to her as the change continued, unable to move or even see what was happening to me. She held me next to her nude body gently stroking me and rubbing herself against me, and it felt so erotic but I couldn't respond in any way or touch her. It was almost like she was still raping me. It felt so very strange and I could feel my body contorting as it changed its shape; there was pain and nausea but the sense of euphoria kept increasing until I was moaning in pleasure almost constantly. My body went limp and my arms and legs felt boneless and numb. At one point she flipped me over on to my stomach and kept holding me as she rubbed her body against mine and I thought I would come again any second. I kept getting harder and harder and it felt so strange and wonderful, my whole body sensitive and responding to the naked breasts and flesh pressing against it. I tried to moan, to say something, but could only make wet drooling smacking sounds. I turned my head and I could see her better, and she leaned over and kissed my mouth and I gave a gurgle of pleasure and ran my tongue into her mouth. I could tell the paralysis had worn off and wanted to hold her and touch her, but my body felt very stiff and I could only lie there as she kept kissing me, her nude body pressed next to mine. I ran my now incredibly long and prehensile tongue down her throat and then as she pulled away from me used it to lick her face until she was too far away. Then I licked my own strangely smooth head and face and sucked my tongue back into my mouth with a slurping smack. As I pulled my tongue back into my mouth I suddenly realized I had no teeth! And even more strange and disturbing, my mouth was vertical now. I tried to move again, but could only kind of wriggle a little bit. I licked my head again, it felt good but I felt so very, very strange.

It was almost over she realized as she looked down at the thing lying on the bed next to her. It looked back at her with emotionless reptilian eyes, and she leaned over and kissed its vertical lipless slit of a mouth and it ran a long pink forked prehensile tongue deep into her mouth and down her throat as it slobbered in lust. Its legs and arms had almost been completely absorbed and it no longer resembled a man, only the giant phallus it was slowly becoming. Its boneless vestigial limbs twitched a little as they slowly merged into its long sleek body. She rubbed her body against its hard rigid length, and it mewled and slobbered as it tried it move. As she watched the change finished and only a huge erect penis remained. Then it gave a sudden shudder, and started to shrink.

I mewled and slobbered as she pulled away from me. Please, I thought, please don't stop touching me, please! I tried to move again, but my hard rigid body was inflexible. What was wrong with me? I watched her with my eyes and realized I couldn't shut them anymore and I licked my tongue out and ran it over them in confusion. It felt like there were soft extra lenses over them, and they didn't feel dry or painful. I looked at her begging with my eyes: oh please touch me! I felt myself spasm and shudder again, and she started growing larger. But almost as soon as I thought that I realized she wasn't growing at all, I was shrinking! And as I shrank I felt myself finally go limp and began to writhe and coil in confused pain and pleasure.

She gently stroked the creature as it slowly shrank down to the correct size. Its scrotum was now taught and held its large testicles in line with one another so it could move easier. She picked the now much smaller creature and held it up to her breast and held it gently. "Hello baby, come to Mama" she cooed at it. It snuggled against her and its long pink forked tongue licked out and across her breast and it wrapped the forked tip around her nipple and she gave a gasp of pleasure as she felt a tingling sensation. It writhed for awhile until it finally seemed to figure out how to move its new body, and then it coiled around her other breast and squeezed it gently as it rubbed against her. Ohhh, she moaned. Its whole body was tingling and just its touch was sooo erotic. It certainly seemed to enjoy what it was doing to her, and she knew she did. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter.

She started stroking me again until I was small enough for her to pick up and hold against her breasts like a child. I ran my tongue out and around one of her breasts and slobbered in pleasure as I wrapped the forked tip around her nipple and felt in grow hard as a tingling sensation flowed down my tongue and into her breast. Uhhhh, I thought, what am I doing?? It feels so incredibly good! I slowly wrapped my body around her other breast and squeezed; I was learning how to move my strange new body and it felt so unbelievably good, my whole body was incredibly sensitive. I squeezed harder and eagerly licked and tongued her other breast as she moaned and stroked my body. I loved what I was doing, but what AM I? I could feel my long tubular body as I moved it across and around her breasts and my skin was so very, very sensitive. Was I a snake of some kind? I could see my tongue and it was forked like a snakes. But while I could see, and hear, for some reason I couldn't make any sounds other than a wet slurping sound as my tongue flicked in and out of my mouth. I turned my head and looked at my body and saw a long thick round tan colored tube, but no scales. What AM I? Then I turned my attention back to my lover, slobbering happily as I pleasured her and myself.

She moaned as he coiled around her breast and used his tongue on the other so he could pleasure both at the same time, then switched from one back to the other as he slithered across her chest. She stopped stroking him and held him up to her face and kissed his head and his tongue instantly came sliding out and into her mouth, then slid down her throat as she kissed the creature and fondled its body. She pulled away from his ardent kiss reluctantly, and reaching down laid him across one of her thighs and let him go. He looked around uncertainly for a moment, his tongue licking out like he was scenting the air. As his tongue explored it was drawn to her wet sex and with a quick slither he turned to face it and probed at it with his head, and then ran his tongue inside of her and she hissed between her teeth. Oh, oh, she had never felt anything like this! He licked and tongued her slowly growing more frenzied, then tried to press his head into her but she realized he was having trouble as his body was growing rigid and he was losing his mobility. He licked at her desperately and then made a wet mewling sound of distress. With a moan she reached down to help the struggling creature. She gripped it at the base of its "tail" and could feel the two swollen testicles inside as they pulsed, and taking a firm grip she guided his head and body into her and began to stroke him in and out. She felt his tongue slide out and start doing THINGS to her like she had never imaged possible and soon she was moaning in agonizing ecstasy as orgasm after orgasm wracked her body and she felt him spurting again and again deep inside of her even as his tongue kept busy. She arched herself off the bed and bucked as it went on and on, and finally exhausted she pulled him from her and gently licked him clean, then held him between her breasts and he seemed to go to sleep as he was clearly exhausted too. He snuggled between her breasts and was so warm.

I kept coiling around her beautiful breasts as I eagerly licked and caressed them with both my body and incredibly long tongue. She tasted sweet and salty and I no longer thought about anything else other then pleasuring myself and her. It didn't matter what I had become as long as I was with her as I realized I loved her with all my soul; that she meant more to me than anything. I let go of her breast reluctantly as she picked me up and looked at me, then kissed my face and with a happy slurp I slid my tongue into her mouth and explored it before running it as deeply down her throat as it would go. She closed her eyes and sucked and tongued me back and my whole body shuddered in delight. Then she took me and set me down and at first I wasn't sure where I was. I looked around and tasted the air with my tongue, then locating the source of a sweet smelling musk and heat signature I coiled and turned to face, her vagina! Its huge wet lips beckoned irresistibly to me, and suddenly I realized what I was! Oh my GOD, I'm a penis! I twisted and looked at my long tubular body, I could feel my testicles inside of me, but couldn't see them. I really did look like a strange tan colored fleshy snake, but that's NOT what I was. Then unable to resist any longer, and not wanting too, I turned my attention back to that dark wet beckoning tunnel that I so badly wanted to be inside of. I slithered closer and ran my tongue across its lips and then slowly worked its way deeper into her sex as I eagerly lapped at the fluids inside and dripping from it, they were sweet and delicious and if I could have moaned I would have. Somehow I knew I needed those fluids, that they gave me life. I felt my body start to stiffen and grown hard and frantically tried to push myself inside those silky pink lips, but when I grew rigid and fully erect I couldn't move much anymore. I need it SO badly! I kept licking trying to draw myself inside with my tongue, but there was nothing to hold onto to. My whole body was quivering and shuddering with its aching need, and I started crying and mewling for help. Please, I thought, please don't leave me like this! I need you, I love you, I want you so very much!

And my lover heard me and taking me gently in her grip she pressed my head against those wet beckoning lips and slid me inside of her, and then in and out in steady powerful thrusts. I screamed in ecstasy inside my mind as her lovely slick pink vagina muscles stroked up to thirteen inches of my body at a time as she plunged me into her again and again until finally she started coming and I drank and soaked up her juices even as my own hot fluids poured into her in return past my frantically licking tongue. My whole body shuddered and spasmed uncontrollably as I came almost constantly and she thrust faster and faster, it went far beyond mere sexual pleasure, it was a joining with my lover I can't describe. Even as I poured my own fluids into her I was feeding from hers as I needed them to survive, I was in all ways totally dependent on her now for all my wants and needs. And I found I had no problems with this realization as she also needed me, I was so much more than just a lover. Finally she orgasmed one final time then let me rest inside of her for a short time and I eagerly fed absorbing her fluids though my skin and sucking them up with my "mouth". Then she pulled me from her and I went oh so reluctantly, and held me between her breasts as I slowly grew limp again. I couldn't shut my eyes but that didn't keep me from falling into a deep contented sleep.

She looked at the thing that was partially coiled around one of her breasts as it slept. Its reptilian eyes were wide open, but someone she just knew it was sleeping. It was about twenty four inches long and at first glance looked a lot like a tan colored snake, but the fully formed glacis of its "head" and vertical slit of a mouth gave it away. The only sign of its testicles were two large bulges towards the base of its stubby little tail. She had held onto it there and felt them pulsing as she had mated with her new familiar for the first time since his change, and it had been far better than any sex she'd ever had before, even with the demonic beasts her Mistress sometimes "loaned" her for a few days. Her Mistress had called what she was creating to be her familiar was a "demon phallus", a kind of living dildo. It would be her familiar and would provide the sexual energy she needed for her spells, but would not in any way be affected by the spells as her previous "partners" had been. With it she no longer needed other human partners to power her spells, all she need now worry about was finding virgins to sacrifice to her Mistress once every ten years, or more often on special occasions. It had no anus or "penis" of its own as it no longer produced any waste products, nor did it have lungs with which to breathe as it no longer needed to. It was a fully functional penis in every sense of the word except it no longer produced sperm, only lubricating and other fluids so it could ejaculate and orgasm. The only nutrients it needed would come from her sexual fluids, without her it would die. It could "mate" with other females, and would do so eagerly, but only she could nurture it. The fluids it produced for its own orgasm were a powerful aphrodisiac, and if she wanted to milk it she could sell the fluid to other Sorceresses or witches for a great amount as it was very rare. She gently stroked and petted the sleeping creature until she finally fell asleep herself.

I woke with a happy sleepy slurp and raised my head and looked around. I knew what I was now, but it was still so strange and new. I looked at the mounds of the two huge (to me) beasts I was nestled between and lovingly ran my tongue across them and my lover gave a soft moan but didn't awaken. I looked around some more, and scenting the sweet scent of the one place I wanted to be more than anywhere else I slithered down her smooth perfect stomach and coiled between her legs and rubbed my head against her nether lips in adoration. I flicked my tongue across them and soon they grew wet and ready for me, and eagerly I burrowed into her until I was in as far as I could go and blissfully fell asleep again. Home.

She woke with a start and felt some warm and soft inside of her, and looking down she realized her familiar had forced himself into her vagina while she was sleeping. However about twelve inches of him remained outside, and reaching down she started to pull him out, but as she touched him she felt his tongue start to work inside of her and with a moan of pleasure she just gripped him until he became hard and then she stroked them to mutually massive orgasms one after another. Finally, both spent, she pulled him from her and she draped him around her neck and he licked her breasts as she showered and cleaned them both. In the weeks to come he slowly stretched and deepened her until he was able to completely crawl inside of her and would spend the nights in the warm wet slick embrace of her vagina and it was marvelous. She would have small orgasms all night long, moaning and gasping as she slept, and never felt more alive and aware when she woke up. During the day he would ride looped around her neck with his head constantly licking her face or breasts & nipples with his tongue, he never seemed to tire of that. He also would lick her ears which tickled. When she sat or lay down he would slither over her body and explore it and it felt very erotic as his warm sinuous body caressed hers. They were both in a constant state of varying degrees of arousal and she would frequently caress and stroke him to hardness and they would pleasure themselves many times a day. And the power of her spells was increased immeasurably. With him she needed no other partners; for spells or just for sex, as they would only pale next to his love for her, and hers for him. But for fun she sometimes took other human or animal partners and enjoyed watching him pleasure them and himself, and often he would completely disappear into the females and make them come for hours until they went almost insane from the agonizing ecstasy. As she worked a spell she could feel the power flowing into her from his writhing orgasming body.

It had been a very long day, so she was looking forward to a good night's sleep. As she spread her legs for him she watched as he slowly slithered inside of her until he disappeared and her lips closed with a final soft slurp. She could feel him squirming inside of her and it felt incredible. She had begun to carry him inside of her for days at a time as there really was no reason for him to come out anymore, and he was perfectly happy to remain where he was indefinitely. She gently rubbed the small bulge in her crotch and gasped as the first of many orgasms washed through her, and finally fell asleep.

I cannot stand to be separated from my lover for any reason or for any length of time. Without being able to feel and sense her presence I panic and become frantic as I slither at random desperately trying to find her, slobbering in fear. But she seldom let's me separate from her body, and even more seldom lets me from her sight. She is aware of my needs, but it is a mutual need as I know she needs me as much as I need her. The pleasure we give one another is indescribable, and she may not know it but she is addicted to my own sexual fluids. If she were to be separated from me for more than a few hours her withdrawal symptoms would start and would be horrible. So I make sure she has plenty of my fluids as I do not want my owner and lover to suffer in any way. I exist only to give her pleasure and power, it is what I was made for, and it is what I am. I no longer question this; there is no need as I am perfectly happy now. And somehow I know I also have another who owns me, a great and dark power to which I am bound and one day will join, but that is far in the future.

Slowly and persistently I have enlarged my home inside my lovers lovely body; the home that shelters me and nurtures me, that gives me so much pleasure, until finally I can fit my whole body snuggly inside. When we are not pleasuring one another I sleep in that soft wet embrace, perfectly happy and content. Even during the day she often leaves me inside, much to my delight, though I am happy to hang around her neck or loop myself around her breasts. I love to slither over her body and explore it, tasting every inch of my lover. Sometimes she will even swallow me until a good length of me in down her throat, and that is nice too. But overall I prefer the home that strokes and caresses me so lovingly while I am inside making me come constantly as I feed and provide my lover with what she needs as well. Sometimes she provides me with other females to pleasure; both human and animal, and I do so enthusiastically, but always I long to return to her. I in no way hate her for what she has done to me for I am in a heaven I can't began to describe, and I am no longer lonely and unloved. I know I am an unnatural thing; an abomination, but don't care. I will be with her for as long as my dark Mistress allows, and I hope it will be for eternity for without her I would wither and die from loneliness and despair, without her I would be nothing.

The End


Be Careful What You Ask For

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