Be Careful What You Ask For

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

Be Careful What You Ask For

By William W. Kelso

It worked, it actually worked! I thought in glee. When I had bought the spell and black candles from the old lady I had figured it was a bunch of bullcrap, but boy had I been wrong!

I stared at the demon in the pentagram, and it stared back at me. It wasn't as ugly as I would have thought, but it wasn't pretty either, kind of somewhere in between. It blinked its eyes as it looked at me and I felt kind of nervous for the first time, it had eyes like a snake and I'd seen how snakes looked at their food before swallowing it alive. It was looking at me like that. Its reptilian eyes were green with vertical golden pupils and showed no emotion at all. It had a bipedal goat like body that seemed to be pretty universal for demons, complete with horns. It was also very male, and though I'm not Gay it was kind of erotic looking. Its penis was human shaped, but much larger, as were its large black colored testicles, and the rest of it was a dull red color with dark brown fur. And it had the cloven hooves and long barbed tail as well. About what you'd expect. It blinked again, then asked in a surprisingly deep and mellow voice,

"Well mortal, thou hast summoned me. I await thy pleasure."

Um, OK I thought. I'm pretty sure I know what it means. I looked at the spell and according to it the demon would grant me one wish in exchange for some of my virgin seed. I had already "collected" that in a vial for that purpose. So I said,

"I summoned you to grant me one wish in exchange for my virgin seed. If I give you my seed you have to give me my wish, is that how it works?" The demon looked at me and blinked again, then replied,

"Yes mortal, in exchange for thy pure and untainted seed I will endow upon thee one wish of thy choosing. But one wish only, so think carefully on thy wish, once given it cannot be undone."

"OK, I said, I have the seed in this vial, how do I um, give it to you?" The demon smiled for the first time and chuckled, which creeped me out.

"Mortal, dost thou jest? Surely thou knowest such spilled seed is useless, it must come fresh to mine body from thee. Thou must enter the pentagram and couple with me."

Well, that set me back on my heels. "But, but, we're both boys!" I blurted out.

The demon chuckled again, and said, "An astute observation mortal, but that dost not change the way in which our pact must be sealed. I can give thee the choice as to which orifice in which to deposit thy seed. Mine mouth or mine ass. This much I can offer."

"Um, can't you um, call a female demon or something?" I asked. The demon smiled, and replied,

"Thou didst summon me by mine name, and I answered. I am unable to summon one of mine fellows. Only the wizard or sorcerer can doest this. But knoweth this mortal, such a spell may only be used the once, it cannot be used to summon mine self or another again. Such is the way of such things."

This I had not planned on. But oh, how I wanted what the demon could give me in exchange! To finally be able to be somebody, to be recognized and desirable, to finally get all the women I wanted! I wasn't too keen on the homo part, but if that's what it took I guess I could do it just once. It might not be too bad.

"Um, very well. I'll choose your, um, mouth. Now how do we do this? Do I come in there, or do you come out here? I mean, I'm new at this demonology stuff."

"Aye, it can be most complicated. But as to how we consummate, thou must enter the pentagram. I make a pledge and a promise not to physically or mentally harm thee in any way except in performance of fulfilling thy wish if required. I do so swear in the name of my Master and Patron Orobus, Prince of Hell. Should in any way I break my vow his wrath will fall upon mine shoulders most swiftly. You are now free to enter the pentagram, and in return for thy seed I will grant thee any wish thou dost desire."

Jeez, I thought, OK, here goes. I was already naked, so didn't have to worry about that. I stepped up to the pentagram, and then a little hesitantly put my toe over the edge. There was a slight tingle, but nothing else. So I finished crossing and stood in front of the demon. It smiled at me and I was surprised that it didn't smell bad or stink or something, it gave off a rather strong, but pleasant enough animal musk. It approached me and said,

"Mortal, I will now pleasure thee with mine mouth in order to accept the gift of thy pure seed. When I have received thine seed thou may maketh thy wish and I will fulfill it."

I just stood there and stared as it crouched down in front of me, it didn't have to kneel as its legs weren't shaped that way, and it was more natural for it to crouch. Oh shit I thought, as it reached up with its hands and started to fondle my penis and balls. Its hands were human like, but had nasty black claws. OMG, it could castrate me easily, I realized! But its touch was gentle and as it fondled and caressed me I started to respond, oh it did feel good. I was a little embarrassed at the small size of my penis, all three inches of it. That was the main reason I'd delved into demonology, a last desperate attempt to do something about my shameful inadequacy. I stood with my hands by my side as it brought me to a full hard erection, then looked down when I felt something warm touch the tip of my penis. The demon looked up at me with its expressionless eyes as its long black forked tongue licked the tip of my penis again, the snaked forward and around my balls as it slowly took the whole of my genitals into its muzzle, penis and balls! OMG, it felt incredible! With a moan I reached down and grasped the demons horns and tried to push into its muzzle as it tongued and sucked me. It gave a muffled chuckle and kept gently sucking and caressing me, snaking one of its hands around to knead and stroke my ass cheeks. My whole body was shuddering now; I'd jacked off plenty of times, but had never felt anything like this! I felt a growing pressure and burning ach in my balls and with a grunting gasp I came and felt my cum spurt into the demons mouth, and he sucked and lapped hungrily at my cock and squeezed my balls to get every last drop he could. With a final lick he pulled back from me, and I stepped back from him. It had only taken a few minutes, and I felt strangely disappointed. I actually wished it had lasted longer!

"Well mortal, didst I not pleasure thee most roundly? Thine seed was pure and sweet and I am most satisfied with thine own end of our pact. Thou hast kept it well and true. And now it behooves me to keep mine own end. Get thee down on thy hands and knees and present thyself that I might mount thee."

"Say WHAT? I blurted out. I just want my wish! You didn't say anything about um, uh, butt fucking me!" The demon let out a laugh as his tongue licked over his fangs, and said,

"Mortal, in exchange for thy seed I must give thee mine own seed in return. This will complete our pact and thine wish will be fulfilled. And as thou didst choose to deposit thy seed in my mouth, I choose in turn to deposit mine own seed in thy ass, as is my right. If you should so refuse then the pact is null and void. And be warned mortal; and I need not tell you this, if you refuse to honor our pact then my vow not to harm thee is broken, and I will drag thee down to Hell with me and do what I wish with thine body and soul." And the demon laughed a deep throaty SCARY laugh and ran his tongue over his fangs. He WANTS me to refuse, I realized I horror.

Oh shit, I thought, oh crap. It would appear I had a choice, let the demon corn hole me and get my wish, or get a one way trip to Hell. I thought about trying to make a run for it, but somehow knew that would be useless. Even though I didn't like it the choice was pretty obvious. I looked in resignation at the demons lengthening and thickening penis as it grew hard. Shit.

"But you'll hurt me with your, um, penis. It's huge! You promised you wouldn't hurt me!" I said as I kept staring at the demons huge erection and billiard ball sized testicles. The demon replied in a soft voice,

"Mortal, I did not lie. I will be most gentle with thee, and because of what I am I can mount any mortal, animal, or beast and do no damage should I so choose. Now before I mount thee I must know thy wish, for when I pass my seed into thee thy wish will be fulfilled."

"OK, um, I want to have a larger penis and balls, be able to have sex with anybody, be desirable, be able to have sex as often as I want to and never get tired or sore, never run dry of my seed, and be big and strong. That's my wish."

"Hmm, replied the demon. A fairly common wish, one which I can surely understand being what I am, the pleasures of the flesh are delectable. In truth there be more than one wish included in thy demand, but since they do relate to one another I will grant thy wish in its entirety. Now let us consummate the remainder of our pact. Get thee down on all fours mortal, mine loins ach for thee."

While he was talking I had watched as the demon used his own pre to slick down and lubricate his erection by stoking himself, and God he was huge, at least a good thirteen inches, and very thick. I watched as another large drop of pre formed on the head of his penis. OMG, this has GOT to hurt! With a low moan of fear I slowly dropped down on my knees and the demon walked around behind me, the sound of his hooves on the stone floor echoing in the cellar. He pushed against the back of my head and I fell forward onto my hands and clenched my eyes shut and whimpered. OMG, OMG. If I could have backed out I would have, I was NOT looking forward to this!

"Now mortal, I recommend thou dost try to relax as I mount thee. There will be some pain and discomfort, but once I have penetrated thee I do promise it will be less uncomfortable. But be warned, it is not often I couple with a mortal, so I will take mine time and enjoy mineself most roundly."

OMG I thought, then I squealed softly as I felt something wet and blunt press against my asshole. The demon grunted and gave a powerful shove to seat himself and I felt his claws dig into my cheeks to spread them as he pushed into me, and the bastard lied, it DID hurt! I gave a loud gasping moan and tried to rear up, but he pushed me back down with his hand on the back of my head and I was helpless, he was way too powerful. He thrust again and I felt his penis slide into me as his head penetrated my anus, then he thrust again and again, sliding a little farther into me each time. It hurt like a SOB, and I moaned and squealed like a girl. Having partially penetrated me he took his hand off the back of my head and grabbed me in front of my legs around my waist and started lunging into me going deeper and deeper and I sobbed and screamed, it felt like I was being torn in half. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I didn't want my wish anymore, I just wanted him to stop, oh please God stop! I begged him but he just grunted in pleasure,

"Mortal, thou are tight as a virgin surely, but fear not as soon thou willst be stretched to accommodate mine phallus!" And the demon grunted in pleasure as he thrust again.

"Uh, uh, uhhhh!" I moaned as he kept ramming himself into me. He suddenly gave one more massive lunge and I felt his furry thighs slam into my rump and I could feel his huge warm testicles brushing against my own. He gave a throaty bleat and started to fuck me in a steady powerful rhythm, his thighs slapping into me with a loud meaty sound and his balls slapping against my own. I was hard again and slowly my moans became ones of pleasure as I felt his hardness sliding in and out of my abused flesh. OMG I'm going to come again! He took his hands from around my waist and instead grasped my butt checks and kneaded them as he humped me, and oh it felt so good. I started responded to his thrusts with deep moans of pleasure of my own; I could feel him deep inside of me as he took his pleasure and gave me incredible pleasure in return. He rode me for hours, speeding up and slowing down to prolong it as long as possible. I moaned and sobbed and begged for more, it felt so incredibly fantastic. I had never known such pleasure, and I came at least three more times until I was having dry orgasms and the agonizing ecstasy was unbearable. Finally I managed to gasp,

"Uh, uh, ugggggh! Please, oh please, no more, please stop, oh please. Oooh, ugghh!" I sobbed as another dry orgasm exploded and I tried to ejaculate but nothing came out.

The demon speeded up again, and I shrieked as still another massive dry orgasm rocked my loins, then he gave a deep guttural growl and I felt him explode deep inside of me like a volcano and screamed from the heat of his cum. And he pumped into me for what seemed like forever until I could feel his hot seed squirting from our joining and running down the insides of my thighs and dripping from the tip of my penis as it saturated my pubic hair. The demon gave a final grunt and dismounted and his penis slid free like a cork from a bottle and I felt still more of his cum pour out of me. God, he must have pumped a gallon into me! The demon patted me on my rump, and said,

"A most enjoyable coupling mortal, and now our pact hast been sealed. Your wish will soon be fulfilled. I hope thou art pleased with the results." Then he walked around in front of me and just stood and looked at me with a grin on him muzzle.

I stood up shakily, our warm sexual fluids dripping and running down my legs and thighs. I felt like I'd been torn in half, but there was no pain, only a pleasurable numbness. "Ohhhhh" I moaned. I could feel his seed; both on the inside and outside of me as it tingled and burned a little, but it was a pleasant burning. I gave a gasp as I felt a wave of lust wash over me. "Ohhh, ugghhhh!" I gasped, and realized I was getting an erection, but I was still rock hard! But there was no doubt about it though, I could feel myself getting longer and thicker and harder! I looked down at my penis as it grew to four, five, six inches and I could feel my balls swelling!

"YES! I cried out, YES!" Let those bastard jocks and macho men eat their hearts out, I'll be the biggest stud on the block now! "Yes, Yes!!" I gave a moan as the wonderful feeling in my loins continued, it felt soooo good! I could feel my penis jutting up thick and hard and it bobbed as little as it grew and grew! I looked down and gasped, OMG, it was at least a foot long now and was STILL growing! It was magnificent, but just a little too big. I looked up at the demon and said,

"OK, that's big enough, you can stop now." But he just grinned at me.

With a moan I reached down and gripped myself, and looked again. No, no, it was at least fourteen inches long now! I reached down and hefted one of my testicles and pulled it out where I could see it better and it was the size of a billiards ball! "Nooooooo!" I squealed. I looked at the demon again.

"Please, it's too big, please make it stop! I don't want to be this big!" The demon smiled again, and said,

"I canst stop nothing mortal, our pact has been fulfilled. Now it only remains for thine wish to take effect. It is out of mine hands."

With a moan I fell to my knees and held myself. My penis had finally stopped growing; it must be close to sixteen inches long I realized in horror. But I could still feel myself getting an erection, but that was impossible! I felt something stir at the base of my shaft and looked as a nub pushed through my pubic hair and realized in disbelief that I was growing another penis! As I watched it quickly lengthened and thickened as it grew, pre dribbling from its head. "Nooooo!" I screamed.

"You bastard, you tricked me! I yelled at the demon, this isn't what I wanted, I'll be a freak!"

"Mortal, hissed the demon. Be careful whom thou doth insult, I have kept mine part of our pact. Foolish man, you are getting exactly what thou didst ask for, no more, no less."

I looked in horror at the massive twin penises jutting up from my crotch, and looking at my balls again found them to be the size of baseballs now, their heavy weight uncomfortably dragging down my scrotum. I managed to stagger to my feet and almost slipped in the large puddle of our sexual fluids and the new pre dripping in copious amounts from the heads of my twin penises. Oh God, they're so hard! With a whimper I started jacking off; one hand for each penis, and it felt sooo good. I have go get out of here and find help I thought, but then a cramp hit me and I fell back to my knees and moaned. I felt a dull burning sensation on my rump under my aching asshole, then a sudden warm wetness that felt surprising good. Oh God, I thought. I reached around behind me and felt below my asshole and found a warm wet opening with what felt like lips and as I touched it my fingers slid inside and I moaned in pleasure. In horror I pulled my hand back and it was slick and glistening. NO, I thought, that's impossible! But there was only one thing it could be, I had a VAGINA now! I looked at the demon in confused terror,

"What, what's happening to me? I squealed, this isn't what I wanted, this isn't my wish! You lied to me, you son-of-a-bitch!" The demon stepped forward and put his hoof against my forehead and giving a powerful shove pushed me over on my side.

"Mortal, I tire of thy insults, you try mine patience! Verily, in no way did I lie to thee! Thou shalt get that which thou didst request! It cannot be stopped."

"I, I didn't ask to be like this! I shrieked, I don't want to be a freak; you have to make it stop! Please! You said you wouldn't hurt me, you LIED!" The demon bent over and grabbed my hair and yanked my head up until his snarling muzzle was only inches away,

"Mortal, all that happens is thine own fault. You are becoming that which thou asked for, no more, no less. It is thine own fault thou wert not more specific in thy request. Thy wish will be granted to the letter. It is beyond mine, or thy, control now. And in no way have I done thee harm."

"Please, I sobbed, please! I don't want to be like this!" I felt a sudden burning warmth and pressure at the base of my spine, and gasped in pain as I felt something pushing out of my body! I fell to my hands and gasped as the pressure continued. It finally lessened some and I was able to rear back up, and looking over my shoulder was horrified to see I had a TAIL! A thick flesh colored tail that was curling and uncurling like it had a mind of its own! Noooooooo, OMG WHAT'S happening to me, this isn't what I wanted! It's not fair!

"I didn't say I wanted a TAIL!" I screamed at the demon. It grinned, and said,

"And thou didst not say thou didst not want one either mortal. By making thy wish so vague it is up to the magic to determine thy new form. Had thou been specific thou would have received only that which thou didst request, but now the magic will make sure every possible part of thy wish is honored. Thou didst wish to have a larger penis and balls, and are not two better than one? Thou didst wish to have sex with any partner whom thou desires, and so thou shalt, whether it be human or beast, male or female. Thou didst wish be insatiable and no matter how many times thou dost couple thou shalt never become sore or slack thy lust. Thou didst wish thine seed will never run dry, and so it shall be. Thou didst with to be strong and powerful, so thou wilt never tire. Thou didst wish to be desirable, and so thou shalt be to mine brethren and mineself. Every aspect of thine wish will be fully fulfilled. I so promised, so it shall be."

I was on hands and knees again, gasping and whimpering as my tail underwent another growth spurt, and my legs were cramping horribly. "Ohhhh, please, please, it hurts." I moaned. The pain faded a little and I managed to lurch to my feet. I looked down at the massive aching twin erections jutting up from my crotch and could feel my now even larger testicles rubbing against the inside of my thighs. "Ohhhhhh" I gasped, it felt so, so, good. My tail had grown longer and and looked like it belonged on a lizard or dinosaur, but instead of being scaly it was the color of my skin. And the wet warm feeling under my asshole was becoming more noticeable, it felt hot and I could fell fluid dribbling down the inside of my thighs. With a moan I reached back and the opening was larger and more sensitive, and I could feel large smooth wet lips protruding from it. With a sob I started sliding my fingers in and out of my new vagina, I wanted something, but didn't know what, I needed something so very badly! I looked at my feet and moaned, OMG, my toenails were turning black and becoming, claws??? They looked like something that belonged on a bird, or dinosaur! I looked at the demon,

"Please, please I sobbed. Enough, please make it stooopppp! This isn't right, this isn't what I wanted! Oh, pleeaassee" I sobbed as I kept roughly fingering myself and trying to jack off with my other hand as I stroked my aching erections. "Oh Pleeaaasseee, I can't stand it! Pleeasssee heelllppp meee!"

"Mortal, I have no control over thy change. It must run its course." Then it flared its nostrils and chuckled, "But I canst help thee with one of thy problems, and satisfy at least partially one of thy needs. This I will most gladly do so."

The demon walked back behind me, but I didn't pay much attention as the pain in my feet continued as they turned into padded claws instead of feet, and my legs were bending and becoming more muscular and oh God it hurt. Suddenly I felt something brush against me, back THERE! Whaaa? I looked over my shoulder as the demon pulled away my hand, and then he crouched down behind me and holding my tail out of the way he ran his tongue over my, my pussy! And then INSIDE of it! "Ohhhh, uhhhhh!" I gasped. "NO, NO, Don't, stop!" I cried, but it felt so good!

So I remained helpless from the pain in my legs and feet as the demon kept pleasuring my new female sex with his tongue, and I moaned as I felt so very, very wonderful. And when he reared up and pushed the head of his penis against my nether lips I gasped, and then screamed as he mounted me. Then with several powerful lunges he penetrated me to the hilt, and somehow I took his whole length. OMG! He's fucking me as a, a woman! He gave a deep grunt of pleasure and started fucking me with steady rapid strokes, and I sobbed and cried from the unbelievable pleasure as his thighs slapped into my rump. He took me hard and brutally, grunting and bleating as he ravished me, took me as an animal, not a man or woman. And I loved every minute, every thrust, as I moaned and shrieked from the agonizing pleasure. It didn't take him very long to reach his climax, and I screamed as my first female orgasm exploded and at the same time both my penises exploded and ejaculated and my screams became even louder and shriller. He rested for a minute, keeping himself inside of me, and then started servicing me again!

And as I moaned and screamed in agonizing ecstasy I kept changing. I could feel my horrible transformation continuing even as I sobbed and moaned in growing pleasure, pleasure that was unnatural, bestial and perverted. My arms and hands started to burn and tingle, and I held them up and watched uncomprehendingly at first as my fingers grew together and my arms became limp and boneless and started to writhe and coil like, like tentacles! I tried to say something, to beg the demon to make it stop, but could only howl in agonized ecstasy as I climaxed again as both male and female, and my penises drenched my new tentacles in cum. And still the demon rode me as I sobbed and mewled at the unending pleasure, loving the feel of his hardness as it slid in and out of me, my own penises bobbing in rhythm to his brutal thrusts. I gained control of my tentacles and wrapped them around my shafts and started stroking desperately, and soon newer even more powerful orgasms rocked my still changing body. And I screamed and screamed as I became less and less human.

I managed to rear up; my tentacles flailing wildly, and tried to scream again, but could only make a wet mewling slobbering sound. I could feel my face starting to push forward, and I could SEE it becoming a long blunt snout and watched with tears running down my face as I couldn't even beg for it to stop anymore. And still the demon kept fucking me, and I mewled and gurgled in pleasure giving myself over to the final stages of my change. All I wanted now was for the pleasure to never stop, to feel his hardness inside me forever, the hardness that gave me so much pleasure. Finally he gave a final grunt of pleasure, and then dismounted even as multiple orgasms were still wracking my body. Nooo, I thought, please don't stop! I need it, I need it so badly! I felt fluids running down my thighs and I wanted him back inside of me, that was all that mattered! Unable to stand it, with a gurgling sob I ran the tip of my tail inside myself and started plunging it in and out as I fucked myself. Ohhh, it felt soo gooood! I sobbed. I thought, I don't want this, this is wrong, even as I kept helplessly pleasuring myself. Another series of orgasms shot through my body, and finally I was able to stop.

I stood there rocking back and forth drooling on the floor, and felt my lust fade enough to be more rational again, to try and understand what had happened to me. I crouched in front of the demon as I could no longer straighten up. My powerful legs were permanently bent into a forward leaning stance, like a kangaroo or bipedal reptile of some kind and my large clawed paws (?) kept me balanced. I looked down at my twin erections hanging, half limp now, from their sheaths and at the coconut sized testicles nestled inline between my powerful thighs. They were held high up against my body now as my scrotum has become thick and leathery, much like my skin. I raised my head and looked over my shoulder at my broad back with a mane running down its length, and long thick prehensile tail. Then I looked back forward and held up my tentacles; which I could control low, and coiled and uncoiled them. They were fairly long and sinewy and very strong, and if I wasn't doing anything with them they twitched constantly as if they wanted to grab something. But perhaps the worst was my face, or muzzle. My eyes have moved to the sides of my head and my peripheral vision is much better now. I don't seem to have jaws anymore, my whole "muzzle" seems to be some sort of a flexible cartilage covered by soft thick skin, almost like a trunk. I have lips; rubbery sensitive lips, but no teeth, and I can't stop drooling no matter how hard I try. And my long prehensile tongue is a horror, I stuck it out of my mouth and looked at it, and it's a penis, a fully formed, fully functional, penis. I can feel its balls inside of my cheeks. And the pre it constantly oozes helps keep my mouth well lubricated as it appears to be a fully functional vagina! My "mouth" is both male and female sexual organs, and I can fuck myself by running my "tongue" in and out of my "mouth". But for now I just let my "tongue" hang limply out of my "mouth" as drool and pre dripped from it.

I let my hideous head hang and cried large slow tears. All I'd wanted was to be able to at least compete for the girls with the other men. But now I wasn't even a man, I was a horrible perverted sexual monster. A multi-sexed hermaphrodite that looked more animal then human. No woman; or man, could even look at me without screaming and running in terrified revulsion. I mewled as I cried, slobbering and gurgling as those are the only sounds I can make now. Please, I thought, oh please, I don't deserve this. This isn't what I wanted; I didn't want to be like THIS! Please, someone help me.But there was no one to hear, and I couldn't talk anymore anyway. And I doubted if heaven would have anything to do with me now. All I could do was stare at the floor as I cried. Nooooooo!

I heard the demons hooves clopping on the stone floor as he approached me. Oh please, I thought, please fuck me some more! I felt my vaginas start to get warmer and wetter. Oh God, I wanted him so bad! I thought, even as I kept crying in revulsion at what I had become.

I lifted my horrible foul misshapen head as he stopped in front of me and looked at him with tears running from my eyes. He gently took the back of my head and guided his penis into my mouth and I closed my eyes and gave a muffled mewl of pleasure as he slid into me.I felt my own mouth penis withdraw deep inside of my throat to make room for him. He started thrusting into my snout with wet smacking sounds and I felt my penises grow erect again. I wrapped one tentacle around his waist to help steady us, and used the other to grip and stroke my own aching erections. I ran the tip of my tail into my vagina again and started fucking myself, I just couldn't stop myself, I didn't WANT to stop myself. The pleasure was indescribable and my eyes rolled up in my head as I mewled and slobbered in ecstasy. He gently rubbed my head and ran his fingers through my mane of long black hair. Then his own tail slide across my flank and I felt the tip penetrate my other vagina alongside my own rapidly thrusting tail and I gave a great gurgling scream around the cock in my mouth. Oh, oh, it felt soooo gooood! "Urrgghhh, guuuurrggllee!" I slobbered. The demon grunted in pleasure, and told me,

"Foolish mortal, thine wish has been fulfilled and the pact kept. I hope thou hast learned a valuable lesson, but even so for thou it is too late. I have no power over thee now mortal, and when I return to mine home thou shalt remain as thou art."

I looked up at the demon and pleaded with my eyes even as I eagerly sucked at the penis in my mouth and stroked my own massive erections. Then I clenched my eyes shut and tried to scream as multiple massive orgasms rocked me again and again. When the pleasure had faded to a bearable level I opened my eyes again and kept staring up at the demon, pleading with my eyes. Please, I thought, don't leave me like this, I can't live like this! Please help me! I'll do anything! The demon seemed to know exactly what I was thinking, and said,

"Mortal, thou are truly a hideous abomination now, not a fit thing for this world. At best thou wouldst spend thy life in a show for freaks and monsters. But I offer thee this boon. Come with me back to Hell, one such as thyself would be welcome there. Mine brethren wouldst find thee most desirable, and I canst promise thee an unending supply of eager lovers and partners who shalt lust for thy services, and only such as they can satisfy thy own unnatural needs. Thou shalt be my slave, and I will be a most caring master and let none harm or abuse thee. Or thou canst remain here as thou art now. What sayest thee?"

I shuddered and gave another muffled mewl of agonized pain and pleasure as I came and came again and again as both a male and female animal. When I was coherent again I looked up in gratitude at the demon, now my Master, and shook my head "Yes". I knew what I was now, and where I belonged. And he was still pleasuring me when the sun rose and we blinked out of sight as the summoning spell was broken.

And my Master has kept his promise. In the place I now dwell in his service he provides me with an unending supply of eager partners, many as bestial as myself and many outright animals. I gave a mewl of pleasure as I reared up and mounted a large grunting pig demoness and penetrated her with both of my penises, one in her pussy and one in her ass. I thrust a few times until I had climbed her and had her firmly gripped between my thighs, and then I lifted my own tail to let a goat demon mount me and wrapped my tail around his waist. I would not let him go until he had serviced me long and well as I am a demanding sex slave. A horse/lizard demoness crouched in front of me and I pressed my soft snout against her and ran my tongue penis deep inside of her vagina and started fucking her as I lunged into the pig demoness under me. And I slobbered and mewled from the unending sexual pleasure and ecstasy. It is nonstop, twenty-four hours a day. And I need it, I live for it. I don't eat or sleep, I don't need to. I guess that's because of where I am, and what I am, but I don't want it to stop and revel in the incredible pleasure I constantly give and receive. My Master kept his word and granted my wish and gave me even more, he gave me a home where I am a treasured slave and I serve my Master willingly to the best of my ability and would have it no other way. And he is pleased with his eager willing slave, and I am happy now.

The End


A Special Forgotten Place

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Special Forgotten Place By William W. Kelso It was a perfect; beautiful, day in late summer/early fall in Northern Tennessee near the Kentucky border. I had told my friends I was going hunting, but...

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The Seeker, Chapter 11

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 11 By William W. Kelso I grabbed some more stuff out of the chest of drawers and started to stuff them into my Mistress's suitcase. I kept my body heat down as low as I could as I...

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The Sweet Tooth

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is a little short story in the spirit of the season. The Sweet Tooth By William W. Kelso I paused and carefully sniffed the air, my ears flicking towards the slightest of sounds. My sensitive nose quivered...

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