
Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!


By William W. Kelso

"I'm telling you Susan, if we can pull this off we'll be made for life! That idol had got to be worth millions! According to my uncle it's solid gold with ruby eyes and weights at least fifty pounds. Do you know how much gold is worth now? And he said the old temple was full of treasure too, heaps of it!"

Susan replied, "I don't know Rob, it seems crazy to me. I mean, even we find this treasure of yours how will we get it of India anyway? It sounds like a crock to me anyway. If all this treasure is just lying around why hasn't anyone else found it? And why didn't your uncle get any? He died broke in that nasty state run old folks home."

"Susan honey, he did find the treasure. And he did bring home that one gold coin no one can identify. Heck, that collector gave us $10,000 just for ONE coin; think how much a thousand would be worth! Uncle Ralph didn't bring home any other treasure because it was during WWII. His patrol was wiped out later and he was the only survivor. They shipped him home and because he was wounded so badly he never could go back. Everybody thought he was crazy, but since I used to visit him and he liked me he finally gave me the coin and the map he drew, and showed me the photos he took of the inside of the temple. I'm telling you honey, it was full of treasure."

"You mean the photos that "mysteriously" disappeared after your uncle died?"

"It wasn't "mysterious", they just threw out all his stuff before I could come home from college for the funeral, that or the employees stole everything. They'd have gotten the coin too if he hadn't already given it to me along with the map."

Susan replied, "I know Rob, it's just that dropping college like this and running off to India is crazy. We'll spend every dime we have, and if we don't find this treasure of yours you won't be able to afford to go back to college for years, if ever."

"Honey, said Rob, if we find the treasure I won't HAVE to go back to college, we'll never have to work another day in our lives. Then we can just be together, you and me." He gave her a short passionate kiss. "And we can get married; no way can your father keep calling me a bum if we come home rich. And I want you to come with me, even if we don't find the treasure it will be the vacation of a lifetime, and you like the nature stuff. According to Uncle Ralph the temple is on some mountainside in a jungle or forest of some kind. Lots of great photo ops."

"Well, I guess so, if it means so much to you. Susan replied, and I would like to see India. It's supposed to be so beautiful in some parts."

"Honey, said Rob, where we're going there are hardly any people, so it will be really nice and pretty. You can take photos to your little heart's content, and maybe even use them to help get a job as a professional nature photographer if we don't find the treasure."

This will be great, I thought. Even if we don't find the treasure; even though I think we have a chance, it will still be great to be alone with Susan for awhile without her spaz of a Dad looking over her shoulder all the time. Where does that old creep get off thinking I'm a "no-good bum" just because I'm not rich? Hell, he made all his money throwing people out of their homes anyway. Sanctimonious jerk-off. If we find the treasure I'll buy his damn bank and he'll have to call me "Sir". Yeah, that would be great, and then I'd fire his ass!

It turned out to be more complicated then I'd thought it would. Passports, visas, special permission to travel where we wanted because it wasn't a tourist attraction, red tape, ad nauseam. And the medical stuff, including a gazillion immunizations. My arms and butt hurt for a week, and they made Susan sick. We just wanted to go on a vacation and nature hike, not a major diplomatic mission to the natives. Luckily Susan's membership in several professional photographers organizations; not to mention being an official photographer for the college paper, helped out a lot. Instead of just regular tourists we were "professional nature photographers" on a photo op to the remote regions of India. But by the time everything was arranged, including two-way Airline tickets, hotel reservations, local guides and transport, etc. the ten grand we'd gotten for that coin was almost gone. If we were frugal from now on we'd be fine though.

But finally the day came when we boarded the plane for New Delhi, India! We were excited and all worked up, but by the time we got there we were sick to death of planes; it was hot as hell, and we had jet lag so bad we slept for almost 24 hours in our lovely air-conditioned hotel room. Finally we ventured back out into the sweltering heat of New Delhi and caught a flight for the next leg of our journey to Kohima, capital city of Nagaland. And from there to the city of Kipshire by bus; over some roads that ran from good to god-awful, and after that it was by jeep and shanks mare. And talk about the middle of nowhere! But the city of Kipshire had some pretty modern areas for the view foreign tourists and businessmen they got, and our hotel was pretty decent. Plus the climate was a LOT nicer, it was humid but much cooler then we'd expected. It was also kind of weird that most of the locals seemed to be Christians of all things. There were Buddhist and Hindu temples and stuff, but many were abandoned. Looked like Christianity had pretty much driven most of the other religions out, and that worked out to our advantage as once the locals found out we were Christians too (at least Susan was) they got really friendly and anxious to help. They thought it was great that we wanted to take photos of the countryside, and we did keep busy with our cameras as there really was a lot of great stuff to take photos of. Of course we didn't tell them we were there to steal a treasure, I don't think they would have approved.

Since our destination was supposedly the lower slopes of Mt. Saramati we had to get permission from the local district headquarters, but it didn't turn out to be much of a problem. The local yokel commandant seemed impressed by our "credentials" and all our fancy camera gear. And when we posed with him for some photos "for our album" he smiled like a Cheshire Cat. He really was a nice little guy. He even invited us to lunch with the rest of his crew and it was pretty damn good chow. We took a few more photos, and parted the best of friends. I almost felt sorry we were going to be breaking the law, but we'd make it up by sending him a nice present later, like maybe a new Land Rover. He also appointed a guide to take us as far as we wanted. They were a little unsure about leaving us on our own for a few days, but when I gave Susan a kiss and told them we'd just been married he gave a knowing smile, and said "OK, you bet!"

We took two jeeps, and our guide took us to a crossroads and left us there, he was to come back in one week. After he left instead of taking the branch of the road to Mt. Saramati, we took a different one that led to a smaller mountain, which was where the temple was supposed to be located. We were really prepared; we even had fake camera equipment hollowed out to conceal coins and jewels inside of. This first time we wouldn't be able to take the idol, but could come back for it later when we had the money to buy influence and bribe the right people. We drove about fifty miles, and then slowed down looking for the path on Uncle Ralph's hand drawn map. He'd been right so far, so our hopes were high. But we didn't find it the first day, which was a bummer. There were supposed to be two old stone statues that marked the start of the trail to the temple, but we didn't see any statues of any kind. So when it started getting dark we pulled over into a nice level clearing and set up camp for the night. We cooked and had a nice dinner and got ready to hit the sack. It got pretty cool at night even though the area we were in was a sub-tropical forest.

We both knew what we wanted to do as we lay down on top of our sleeping bags. It was pretty romantic, being way out in the middle of a forest all by ourselves, and it really spiced up our lovemaking. Susan wasn't a great beauty, but then I wasn't exactly Clark Gable. But we were more than happy with one another in the sexual department, and really did love each other. She could be a demanding little vixen, and insisted on lots of foreplay; including plenty of tongue between both her sets of lips, which was fine with me. I just love to eat her pussy, and I was doing it right now. We were both naked, and she kicked feebly and moaned as I licked her inside and out, and she gave little gasps when I ran my tongue inside of her and explored with it. Not that I didn't know my way around pretty good already. Still, the return visits were nice. After awhile as her gasps turned into soft grunts I knew I'd better slow down or she'd come and I didn't want that yet. So I moved my explorations up her smooth belly to her small firm breasts and sucked and tongued her nipples, then on to her mouth for a very lengthy and serious French kiss. She says she loves to taste her own sex on my lips and tongue, and I know I sure do. She returned the favor and fondled my balls and gently tongued and sucked the head of my penis, then swallowed me and almost made me come, God what she could do with her own tongue! We both liked oral sex, a LOT. Then she spread her legs and I slipped into her and fucked her long and slow as she clawed at my back and locked her legs around my waist. And, oh man it was awesome. I don't know if it was the place, our adventure, or both, but when I climaxed it was one of the best orgasms I'd ever had, and she let out a scream that made my ears ring and BIT me on my shoulder! What a wild woman!

When it was over we just held each other, and she said it was the best fuck she'd ever had too. Usually we're good for twice; or on rare occasions three times, but after a long day and that memorable coupling we were both exhausted and fell asleep. However the next morning Susan was more than delighted to wake up and find me eating her pussy again. And that early morning fuck as almost as good as the night before, but this time I took her from behind. And we both gasped and moaned as I rode her, and she screamed again and I bellowed as we came. Yes, we knew how to pleasure one another; as only full time lovers can, and almost always came at about the same time. We never left the other wanting.

And then the morning became even better. Susan put on her tennis shoes; and nothing else to my delight, and ran out of the tent for her usual post-sex piss. She looked like an elf or nymph as she disappeared into the woods.

"Don't you watch!" she said.

"Never!" I replied, which was the truth, watching someone go to the bathroom is not a turn-on of mine.

But when she let out a loud squeal I didn't hesitate to come at a run even though all I had on was my underwear. When I arrived she was jumping up and down and pointing at the base of a broken off statue, and there was another fallen one nearby. It was the path!

I looked at the statues, and like Uncle Ralphs map said they were statues of snake people. Even though they were very worn; and had obviously been damaged on purpose, you could still make out enough to tell what they were. This was definitely the right place. The path was very overgrown, but you could still just barely make it out as it was bordered by older taller trees then the ones that had sprung up since it stopped being used. I joined Susan in jumping up and down and held her and swung her around, and when we stopped we kissed, long and slow. And one thing led to another and before we knew it were both naked again and she was lying on top of one of the fallen statues while I thrust between her legs as she watched me intently and moaned in pleasure. I was still pretty spent from last night; and this morning, so it took me quite awhile to reach orgasm, but that was fine with both of us. Our yells as we came probably scared every animal within a mile at least. Well, I thought, even if we don't find the treasure we've still had some of the best sex of our lives. And that ain't half bad.

I pulled the jeep well off the so-called road and hid it in a stand of bamboo; you couldn't see it from ten feet away even if you knew where it was. We filled up our packs with enough to keep us going for a few days and took all our "special" camera equipment. Uncle Ralph had said it was a good half days "march" to the temple, but we weren't taking any chances. The trail was really overgrown and steep since we were hiking up the side of a mountain, but we were in good shape and covered a lot of ground. But since we'd wasted so much time fucking that morning; but it was WAY worth it, we didn't find a temple the first day. We set up our mountain pup tent in a small clearing, and to our delight I was able to perform just fine again, and the jungle echoed to our yells and moans of lust. And something watched and listened with great interest.

The next morning after a cold breakfast of trail mix we set out again; and except for a small instance when Susan chased me around for awhile laughing after I made fun of her safari pith helmet for the hundredth time by doing my "Great White Hunter meets Cheetah" routine, we made good time and about an hour later entered a small overgrown valley and found the temple. It would have been impossible to see it from the air, or even close up, if you weren't following the old trail. It was one of those typical overly elaborate Hindu kinds of temples with the spires and building completely covered in fancy carvings. And it was totally overgrown and covered with huge trees that were slowly pulling it down. In fact the trees were probably all that held it up. As we got closer we could see that all the carvings; and they were everywhere, were of the snake people. And in a lot of the carvings they were being very intimate with each other. Karma Sutra kind of stuff. I leered at Susan and said,

"Don't those carving kind remind you of something? Maybe we can get some interesting ideas too."

"Gross, you're sick!" she replied, "Snakes do NOT turn me on! What is it with all these snake people anyway, it's degenerate."

"Well, I said, at least it looks like they're having fun. And they're called Nagas, not snake people. It's some religious thing with the Hindu's and Buddhists."

"Snakes with boobs, that's stupid!" Susan said, "Besides they're cold blooded and don't feel it like we do anyway. Gross."

"I don't know, I said, they look pretty happy to me. Ooo, I like this one, nice big boobs."

Then I added, "But you're right, snakes don't have butts." And I chased her around trying to grab her own lovely butt while making hissing sounds.

"You're sick, get away from me!" Susan shrieked in mock anger.

We poked around the temple for awhile, but couldn't find a way into the main building with the biggest spires. The doors had either collapsed or were grown over by roots and other plants. Knew I should have brought a machete, I thought. Or dynamite. But of course that was one thing we'd left behind. Finally Susan gave a yell, and when I found her she was pointing at a bunch of hanging vines.

"I can feel cooler air blowing through these vines; it might be a way in."

"Well, I said, take a look."

"Nu-uh, you go first, might be bugs."

"Gee thanks, I replied, what an honor. If I find any I'll drop them down your shirt."

"You do, she said, and no more nooky for a month!"

A dire threat indeed, so I replied, "OK, no bugs down your shirt, I'll just save the snakes for that."

After some rather rude comments from Susan concerning what I could do with any snakes I found, I used a big stick to push the vines aside, and to our delight found an intact and clear door. The fact the door was clear of all fauna while all the others were overgrown never occurred to us, nor did we notice the ground and floor of the tunnel was also clear of roots or debris. We were too excited about the possibility of treasure. Everything else had been right so far, so there must be a treasure too.

We lit the two lanterns we'd brought with us, then grinning and looking at one another we took a deep breath and entered the beckoning door. The way was nice and clear with plenty of room, so any worries about having to dig or crawl were proven groundless. We reached a large central chamber and the walls were covered with more of the snake people carvings, and there were two huge statues of Nagas. And there was no treasure, nothing. We were starting to get worried; and I was getting pissed, when Susan did it again and found the doorway. I was almost impossible to see as it was between the two pedestals the Naga statues were mounted on. Plus it was much narrower than; and not as tall as, the only other door that we had entered through. But it was clear too, and in the light of our lanterns we could see the tunnel disappeared into the dark. Well, we'd come this far, so no going back now. And oh how right I was about no going back.

We entered the second tunnel, and after we'd gone down it for a ways we never heard the door to the tunnel silently slide shut. The tunnel sloped down at a gentle angle and we had gone quite some distance before it suddenly exited into a very large chamber. And we found the treasure, and it was everything we had imagined and so much more. There were chests and piles of gold and silver coins, heaps of jewelry and stacks of ingots, coffers of gemstones, gem encrusted swords and crowns, goblets and jars of gold and carved jade, every kind of treasure in the world, and then some. We just stood for awhile and stared, then turning to one another we hugged and kissed, and then jumped for joy. We were richer then we could ever have dreamed possible. Even just a handful of the rubies, diamonds, sapphires, and other gems we could see would be worth millions. And the whole time we were unaware we were being watched by a cold, ancient, intelligence as great as our own. And we also didn't notice when a stone panel smoothly slid across the only entrance to the great chamber.

We split up to rummage around and try and determine the extent of the treasure as the chamber was huge. The walls of the chamber had the now common snake people carvings, but I noticed the walls were living granite. This chamber hadn't been built; it had been carved out of the solid rock of the mountain. And in each corner were more of the huge Naga statues, and their carved staring blank eyes creeped me out. After we had dug through chests of coins, gems, and other spectacular riches we met back at the center of the room to decide what to take. Susan had put on a diamond and ruby encrusted crown and draped herself with necklaces and other jewelry, so I bowed before her and said,

"Oh Great Queen, what is thy command? Speak and I shall obey, oh sexy one."

"I dub thee Sir Cheetah" she replied. Then threw stuff at me while I made monkey sounds and hopped around. "Knock it off, this is serious!" she giggled.

We decided to take only gems this time. They were worth a lot more, and wouldn't set off any metal detectors or anything. Be easier to smuggle out of the country that way too. We had enough hiding space for several pounds of them. I let her pick the gems though as she was pretty knowledgeable, she had brought along a jewelers loop and soon had set aside a little pile of better quality stones. I watched her for awhile, but soon lost interest so decided to look around some more to see if we'd missed anything. And I soon noticed we had.

There were several raised stone tables or altars around the room, and many had treasure piled high on them, but some didn't. And on one of those was a golden statue of a coiled Naga. Now why hadn't I seen that before, I wondered? I walked up and looked at it, and realized it was the idol my uncle had talked about. It was about two feet tall and appeared to be solid gold, and the detail was amazing. It had rubies for eyes and they reflected the light from the lanterns like flickering flames. It was eerie and beautiful. The statue basically looked like a cobra, but it had human like arms and a woman's breasts. So it was a Nagi, not a Naga. I stared at it in awe for a few minutes, and then I reached out to touch it and said softly,

"You are so beautiful" and stroked its head, and it lunged forward and bit me on my arm! "Holy Fucking Shit!" I yelled, and stumbled backwards. The "statue" slithered off the pedestal disappeared into the darkness with a loud hiss.

"Rob, what's wrong?" Susan yelled when she heard me scream.

"A, a fucking cobra bit me!" I yelled, as I looked at the two puncture wounds on my arm. "I thought it was a statue, but it bit me!"

Susan came running over and looked at the bit marks. "Oh God, Rob!" She grabbed my arm and started sucking at the wound. I pulled my arm away and said,

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Sucking out the poison!" she said, and tried to grab my arm again.

"That only works in the movies I said, we've got to get out of here. That damn snake; or whatever it is, might come back. And what if there's a nest of then?"

I suddenly staggered as a wave of nausea made me feel weak, and leaned against Susan. "Oh jeez." I said.

"Rob, what is it?" Susan asked.

"I feel sick, it must be the poison. Come on, let's get the hell out of here, and fuck the treasure for now."

We got about twenty feet when Susan suddenly let out a loud yell and almost let go of me. Turning her head she saw a glint of gold as a sinuous shape disappeared into the piles of treasure.

"What is it Susan?" I asked.

"The snake; or another one, just bit me too!" She squealed in fear.

"Go, go! I yelled. We've got to get out of here and find help!"

But when we reached the door it was sealed with a stone slab.

"Rob, this wasn't here before!" Susan said, and she let me go and tried to find a way to open the door, but it was useless. By then I felt too sick to care much about anything.

With a moan I slid down and sat with my back to the wall. I looked at the bite marks on my arm and the flesh around them was turning a puffy grayish looking color. Oh God, the poison was working fast. I was drenched in sweat and felt like I was burning up.

"Susan, Suzy, May I have some water please" I asked with a groan. When she gave me a canteen I drained it in one long swallow. I felt like I was going to catch on fire I was so hot.


Susan, get out of here. I'm too sick to go any farther." I mumbled. God my arm hurts I thought, as I held it next to my chest.

"Rob, I can't, the damn door won't open. She replied, besides, I'd never leave you."

She looked down at him and was horrified, he was drenched in sweat and looked pale and gaunt. She gave a moan of her own as her leg was starting to throb and burn now, she knew she must have a fever as she was starting to feel hot and sick. With a moan she sat down next to Rob, favoring her leg, and held him. It wasn't fair, to come all this way to be killed by a stupid snake. She was so thirsty, but they were out of water.

The Nagi watched from the shadows as the human female gave up her fruitless efforts to open the portal. Only the Nagi knew where the hidden switch was that would open it. She had known the minute they entered her domain and had scouted their camp, and had removed the concealing glamour she had put on the temple. Then she opened the first portal and waited for them in the darkness. She had expected the usual group of greedy men, so had been surprised when the temple violators turned out to be a young couple, obviously mated as they reeked of sex. The Nagi felt a faint stirring; it had been a long time since she had mated. She thought for awhile as she watched them interact with one another, yes, clearly a mated couple. After careful consideration she changed the fate she had in mind for them. And then she moved to punish those who dared to violate this holy place. Quickly she bit them both, and the returned to the shadows to watch the results. And as she waited she started to grow and assume her true size.

I moaned as the pain got worse, but I could feel Susan holding me and that helped some. I was so hot, and my arm hurt horribly and my legs felt numb and for some reason I could feel my pants sliding off. It felt like they were almost down around my knees. Did Susan want the have sex? If she did I was in no condition to respond, though I really would have liked to one last time as I had no doubt I was dying.

"Ugggggh!" I gasped, as another wave of pain and heat rippled through me. "Susan, ohhhh, what are you doing, unggghhh, with my pants?"

Susan; who was resting her head on Rob's shoulder, didn't understand what he was talking about at first, but looking down saw his pants were down around his knees. She knew she hadn't done anything, maybe it was from his convulsions. She'd been trying to hold him steady, but she was feeling sicker and weaker herself and it was getting hard. Reaching down she tried to pull his pants back up but they refused to budge, something was in the way. He must have his legs clenched really tight. She pulled up his T-shirt so she could get a better grip on his belt, and froze at what she saw. His stomach, it had hard looking plates growing on it! She pulled his shirt up higher and the plates reached his chest and his belly button was gone! In fact the plates went all the way down his thighs and there was NO space between his legs because they were growing together. And to make it even worse, and weirder, he had an erection, but NO balls. The plates were a silver-gray color, and along the outer edge she could see small silver SCALES! Like a snakes! OMG, he was turning into a snake! As a convulsion wracked her own body she fell across his lap with a gasp. She was burning up and covered in sweat; it was dripping from her like a shower, and her legs were starting to feel numb. She reached out to push herself back upright and gasped as the sight of her own arm, the back of it was covered with black scales!

"Ohhhhh God, Rob, what's happening to ussss!" She wailed as another convulsion made her collapse by his side.

I heard Susan cry out, and tried to snap out of the curtain of pain and heat that clouded my vision. I managed to open my eyes and saw her lying next to me as she thrashed on the floor, and it looked like her arms were covered in black paint or something. Oh God, my legs hurt! I leaned forward and looked down at my legs; but they were gone, and in their place was a thick stubby tail! A tail covered in bands and scales! And where the HELL was my dick!?! I could feel it, but not see it. I reached out to touch the bands in disbelief, and saw my arm was covered with what looked like silver scales. What, what? I must be; I have to be hallucinating! Susan screamed again, and with a moan I leaned back and looked at her. Her head, something was wrong with her head! She looked at me with terrified eyes as her jaws began to push forward, and opening her mouth she gave a loud hissing wail and a black forked tongue flicked out of it!

"Robsss, she wailed, help messss! It hurtsss ssssoo bad!"

But I couldn't even help myself. I could only lean back and give a gurgling moan as I felt my own horrible change continuing. I could visibly see my tail starting to lengthen and grow as it flopped about uncontrollably. My pants had been pushed all the way off, and the tail was swishing around and coiling and I had no control over it. Gasping for breath I looked over at Susan, and her own shorts, panties, and even shoes & socks lay scattered, thrown around by her own thrashing tail as she scrabbled at the stone floor with her hands and screamed as she made loud agonizing sounding hisses. I raised my scale covered hand up and felt my now large protruding jaws, and my tongue flicked out and I could taste myself. I felt something on my shoulders, and came away with a handful of hair, my hair was falling out. A sudden painful cramp went rippling up my spine, and with a loud hiss of pain I feel over on my side. I tried to clench my eyes shut from the agony, but found I couldn't. I felt my wildly flailing tail brush against Susan's tail, and I wrapped myself around her and pulled her into my embrace, and we both lay entwined as our bodies continued to convulse and change, but being near to one another helped some. And looking over her shoulder I saw something large move into the light of the two lanterns.

The Nagi; having resumed her true form and size, slithered slowly out into the light to look down at the two new Naga even though their transformations were not yet complete. But soon they would be. She was pleased; the male would be a lovely silver color, and the female ebony black. They were entwined in one another's coils and it seemed to give them comfort, yes, they were definitely a mated pair. She had made the right choice. Had she chosen to devour them she would have not had to hunt for a long time, but now she would no longer be alone. The female appeared to be delirious, but the male watched as she approached and flared his own hood defensively. She knew he probably did not even realize he was doing it, but was again pleased as it showed his readiness to defend his mate. He tried to talk, but instead hissed in pain.

"Do not worry, hissss, I mean you no harm my children" the great Golden Nagisi hissed.

I looked up at the huge serpent as she slithered closer to us. She was awe inspiring; she must be thirty feet long! Her scales were a burnished gold color, except on her belly bands which were a shinier gold color. That she was a cobra was obvious, but she also had very human arms and breasts covered in bands or scales. But her head was pure serpent, with no hair and the full flared hood of a cobra. Her reptilian eyes were a beautiful red color like rubies with golden irises. I could smell her now as I flicked my tongue out, a lovely female musk. I gave a moan as still another cramp ran up my back, but managed to ask,

"Who are you, hisss, whatsss happening to ussss? Pleassssse make it ssstop, it hurtssss."

"Do not fear my children, the Golden Nagi hissed, soon the pain will end and you will sstart your new livesss at my sside. I have been called many namess ssuch asss Vishahara, Jagadgauri, Nitya, Padmavati, and many others, but my true name is Manasssa. I am the lasst of my kind. I have been lonely for sso long, it will be nice, hissss, to have othersss of my kind to keep me company. Hiss. Your mate wass the firsst female to enter the temple in agesss, and the only one wittth a mate. Sssoo the time iss right for the Nagas to come back into the world."

I gasped and hissed again, "Pleasse, I asked, why have you done thiss to usss? It hurtsss. We don't want to be like thisss, hissss."

The great Golden Nagi looked down at the male who now no longer had any resemblance to a human except for his eyes. The changes were nearing their completion.

"My children, you have committed sssacrilege and profaned thiss holy place with your presssence and greed. Normally I would have devoured you, but sssince you were not the ussual band of ruthlesss adventurerss but insstead loverss I decided to be merciful. Do not worry; you will come to love your new livess in my sservice. You will both make fine Nagass"

I turned my head to one side so I could look at Susan better, and the black shiny scales now covered her completely. She seemed to be unconscious even though he eyes were open and staring, her mouth open slightly as her tongue flicked in and out as she breathed heavily. Her long lovely tail was entwined around my own and it felt lovely as it brushed against me, and gently I nuzzled her head and ran my tongue across her face. She tasted sweet and spicy; her musk strong and enticing. I looked back up at the Golden Nagi, and asked,

"Will ssshe be alright? Hisss. Will sshe,will sssshe" but before I could finish I felt a strange feeling overcome me, and suddenly I knew and understood so much more.

The Golden Nagi watched as the males eyes clouded, and when they cleared again the human eyes were gone and in their place were beautiful reptilian eyes like diamonds, bright and clear with silver irises. The male bowed his head to her in homage even as he pulled his mate into a closer embrace. She also noticed the females eyes had changed as well, and were now reptilian and the color of gray sapphires with black irises. They made a beautiful couple, and again she was pleased.

I looked down at Susan again and her beautiful crystalline eyes stared back into my own. The pain was gone and only euphoria remained as we came to accept our new bodies. We pressed our snouts together and gently licked one another as our bodies coiled and wrapped around one another. She was so much more desirable now; her new form sleek and shiny, smooth and sinuous, and her lovely scales reflected the light. I thought I had loved her before, but it paled next to what I felt for her now. My human memories were intact, I knew who I had been, but I also knew what I was now, something much better as far as I was concerned. We reluctantly uncoiled and slithering closer to the great Golden One we rendered homage to our Mistress.

Susan looked into her mates crystalline diamond eyes and could see his great love for her. He was incredibly beautiful now, his bright silver scales shone even in the dim light, though she knew they could see perfectly well in pitch blackness. She lovingly stroked his sleek strong body with her own as they kissed and tasted one another. Her human memories remained intact, but they were of little consequence now. She understood now, knew so much. She and her mate untwined and paid homage to their Mistress, the great Golden Nagi who in her mercy had spared them for their great crime and given them this wonderful gift. She would be more than happy for the privilege of serving her new Mistress for as long as she wished it. And somehow she knew that would be for a very long time indeed. She gently stroked the tip of her mate's tail with her own and felt his own tail give a twitch of delight at her touch. He smelled so nice, strong and male.

The Golden Nagi, Manasa, watched in approval as her new children and devotees paid her homage by lowering their hoods and bowing in respect. For now they were only about a third of her size, but they would grow quickly as they fed until they would approach her own size. And despite their size they were adults, and she would enjoy mating with the male. It had been too long since she had been bred. He would sire many clutches of eggs with her and his mate, and soon they would have young Naga to teach and care for, it would be so nice. But for now they must breed, and that would be most enjoyable indeed.

I do not know how long we have been here now since our Mistress made us her children. Our former lives seem like a faint dream, and we seldom bother to dwell on those fading memories. We hunt in the forests surrounding the temple and feed well. We move without hindrance through the thick jungle growth as we hold our arms tightly against our sides, and our strikes are swift and sure. We need not see the prey in the dark; we can sense its body heat. There are numerous wild pigs and other animals, and the occasional stray human which our Mistress always claims. She gives them more pleasure than they've ever known before they become one with her by nurturing her body, of if they are female she allows me to pleasure them before she devours their eager willing bodies. I feel no compassion for the animals I swallow, my poison is swift acting and they do not suffer. The feel and taste of them sliding down my throat to my belly is delicious, as are they. I can go for weeks; or even a month or longer, after a large meal without feeling the need to feed again. But the best times are those spent in the temple where we spend much of our time mating. Like the humans we used to be Naga enjoy sex for pleasure as well as procreation. And we are insatiable.

I gave a guttural hiss of pleasure as the two females wrapped their lovely coils around me, rubbing and stroking my body in an incredibly erotic way. Of course I was entwining my own body around theirs as well, and they were also hissing in pleasure. My Mistress was pressing against my back and I could feel her breasts rubbing against me as her tongue flicked across my shoulder and head, and my mate was facing me as my tongue coiled around her own breasts and I caressed her nipples with the split end of my tongue. Her own tongue flicked over my head as she and our Mistress kissed. We are almost as large as our Mistress now, and our large bodies thrashed and writhed in a huge pile of coils in the middle of the chamber. The only way you could tell where one ended and another started was from the color of our scales. And by far the best part was that since I had two penises (or hemipenes) I am able to couple with both females at the same time. Once I am erect and my penises emerge from my cloaca my eager mates quickly press their own cloaca's against them until I achieve penetration and because of the hooked barbs on my hemipenes we remain joined despite our frenzied lust. It seems to go on forever and it drives me almost delirious with sexual ecstasy, but all too soon we all suddenly freeze with our bodies shuddering and trembling as we climax, the feel of my cum spurting inside of them triggering their own orgasms. Then we rest; still coiled lovingly around one another, for a few hours until starting again. My mate lies with her head on my chest and I run my tongue lovingly over my Mistress's beautiful breasts as she hisses in pleasure.

The Golden Nagi gave a soft hiss of pleasure as the males penises slid from her own and his mate's cloacae. He had proven to be a most satisfactory and enjoyable mate and was more than capable of satisfying her and his life mate, often at the same time, which was most impressive. He was young and enthusiastic and took great pride in being able to satisfy his mates. Already the signs of his virility were evident scattered throughout the chamber. The numerous clutches of eggs were carefully and lovingly nestled in nests made from soft mosses and the fur and feathers of prey animals. Once they hatched the hatchlings would be fully aware and capable of hunting as are all snakes, but they would also seek out the comfort and protection of their parents. And Naga guard their young with diligence and untold ferocity. And they also teach them to live as civilized beings. Already they could hear the young calling from more than once clutch, and soon the eggs would start to hatch and precious new life would enter the world under the proud watchful eyes of their parents. They rested for awhile, and then the Golden Nagi gave another hiss of pleasure as the male began to caress the tip of her tail with his own. Again, already, she thought? Yes indeed, a MOST satisfactory mate and lover. And soon they were all hissing in the throes of reptilian ecstasy yet again.

After the eggs began to hatch they were unable mate as often as they were busy caring for; and watching over, the young. But they still had plenty of time to produce more clutches. And after five years the young Naga began to become adults and were ready to venture out on their own. And after untold centuries the Naga would go forth into the world again to claim their rightful place.

The End



My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Cursed! By William W. Kelso I was enraged, how DARE he cheat on me! I'd been going out with him for almost two years and thought it was getting serious, that he might be the one I'd been looking and...

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Alone and Afraid

This story is copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is related to a series I am working on called "The Hidden Ones". Alone and Afraid By William W. Kelso I sat alone in the dark, scared to go outside even here. But the new needs and desires...

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Alien Livestock

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! Be prepared for a different twist on alien abduction. Alien Livestock By William W.Kelso Samantha was scared and completely puzzled at the same time. She stared at the strange thing that shared her...

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