
Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!


By William W. Kelso

Dr. Patricia Schubert was as excited as she'd ever been in her life. The project she and her fellow scientists had worked on; many their entire lives, was finally reaching the final stages of completion. At last they would be able to send humans back in time! What had for hundreds of years been considered the stuff of science fiction, limited to Hollywood Movies and "SciFi" books would soon be a reality.

She had joined the project right out of grad school, after receiving a beaming recommendation from one of her professors and mentor. At first she had been skeptical, after all "Time Travel"? But when she had seen the top secret government sponsored facility she had been sold on the idea. The incredible amount of sheer intellect and genius that was being utilized, not to mention state of the art everything-you-could-imagine, was breath taking. Her job was fairly low key as she was not in the same intellectual bracket of the project heads, but she was more than good enough for the more routine; but vitally important, research needed.

When she had first arrived none of the "trials" had been successful. Some "time machines" had blown up, more did nothing, and while several had vanished from the time flux chamber the problem was none had returned. And paradoxically it seemed the farther back you went, the easier it was. There were theories that the "time line" had settled down more the farther back you went, so was easier to access. But who really knew? Time Travel was still mainly theories. Many brilliant, many nuttier then a fruitcake, but all were given serious consideration.

Then there came the major breakthrough. A "scout" unit had been put in the chamber and vanished as usual, but this one came back! And it had over two hours of visual and audio recordings. The unit had "landed" in a lightly wooded area of some kind, but the plants and other fauna were weird. Not to mention some dinosaurs that had fled with high pitched honks of fear when their grazing was suddenly interrupted by the strange visitor. And having a minor in paleontology she had immediately recognized the period as being Cretaceous and the dinosaurs as being Tenontosaurus of some kind. And her college minor in paleontology and longtime love of dinosaurs had been her ticket to the big time.

Impressed by her knowledge of that period; plus her good physical condition, the powers that be (after lots of begging as well) had decided she would be the first scientist to travel back in time. So far they had sent back several more scout units that had all returned successfully. They even sent back some test subjects such as worms and cockroaches, and all had returned healthy and intact. So now it was decided to send the first human explorers. But it would be a quick trip, six hours at the max, but they could return anytime by punching in the right code on the retrieval beacon. Her only companion on the first trip would be a professional mercenary for protection, he would be armed with a "stun gun" that was capable of knocking over a bull elephant with one shot. It caused total nerve paralysis and unconsciousness, but was not deadly. In case of airborne pathogens or other possible biological dangers; both from modern and ancient environments, they would wear "space suits" with their own oxygen supplies, and would go through "decon" when leaving and returning. It had initially been the plan to send robots, but nothing had been developed that would work yet, so impatiently they had decided on human explorers.

She met the mercenary for the first time a week before the "mission". He was a nice enough guy, even if a little "macho" for her tastes. She didn't care much for the way he called her "Doc" all the time, but put up with it since she knew he didn't mean anything by it. They were both trained in the wear and operation of the "space suits" they'd be wearing, but they were really just modified hazmat suits as worn by medical and military personnel. They were pretty comfortable as they had built in environmental units. She was already pretty familiar with most of the test and specimen retrieval equipment she'd be taking, so the training was short, but intense.

Sam had spent over ten years in the service, mainly Green Berets, but finally fed up by bureaucratic BS and lack of action he had decided to strike out on his own. He worked for a company that provides "private security" for anyone who could afford it, and his skills had been in great demand. The company provided everything from bank guards and rent-a-cops to clandestine espionage and commando type units. He had worked with one of the later, and had seen action from South America to Iraqi. But when he found out about this gig he had been skeptical. Time Travel?, yeah, right. But when he'd been briefed his skepticism had turned to amazement. The nerds had really pulled it off this time! Sam had always liked dinosaurs, or any kind of reptiles, and a chance to see some live ones close up would be awesome. He'd even get to dress up like a Space Marine, double awesome! And then there was the "ray-gun", triple awesome! He could hardly wait to try that baby out. If some mean old T-Rex or something tries to take a bite out of his ass he'd zap the MF! The training was short, and soon he and his "partner", a rather aloof, but hot chick he'd love to jump, were ready to make history. But she was the boss so he'd behave, at least on the mission. He liked her; she didn't treat him like a muscle bound moron like some intellectual types did. Most people assumed since he was big and strong he was a moron, but he had Masters in linguistics and law enforcement. He could speak seven languages fluently, and get by in ten others.

The two of them got into their suits, everything was double and triple checked, and they climbed onto the "platform". The platform was little more than exactly that, a raised metal mesh floored platform with a railing. It was not the actual "time machine" but instead a transportation device for the travelers. Its only equipment was a "beacon" to attract and open the "flux gate" for the return trip. It was set to automatically initiate retrieval after six hours, but could also be manually operated in case of an emergency. The suits were checked one more time; Sam made sure his "ray-gun" was fully charged, and they climbed onto the platform and sat down in the formed metal chairs. Patricia's fellow scientists all gave a thumbs up, the machine hummed, and they fell into eternity.

Wow, what a rush, Sam thought as his mind stopped spinning and settled down. It had been like riding a roller coaster upside down and sideways while going down an express elevator in a sky scraper. He checked the Doc, and she smiled at him through her faceplate. OK, everything is copasetic so far, he thought. They'd both taken Dramamine prior to leaving in case of nausea, but other than a faint headache he felt fine.

Having made sure the Doc was OK he did a quick survey of the immediate area. It was fairly open without much ground cover, and except for trees that looked pretty much like pine trees or conifers of some kind there wasn't much to see. The platform had materialized on the edge of a grove of the trees, but the area around was open for a ways with good visibility. The day was bright and clear, so the shade under the trees was welcome. He adjusted the temperature control on his suit to make it a little cooler as the sun felt hot on the suits plastic. He was kind of disappointed, he'd been expecting jungle or swamps or something with big beasties roaming around. So far he hadn't seen zip. The Doc seemed disappointed too.

Patricia was a little let down when about all she saw after "arriving" were mainly some trees and moss like ground cover. The only "wildlife" so far had been a little lizard that ran up one of the trees out of reach and scolded them with chirp like squeaks. Their instructions had been to stay close to the platform, but she was bound and determined to get some decent specimens of some kind. She didn't want the first time travel trip to be an unexciting anticlimax. There was no sign of the grazing dinosaurs that had been in the first recordings, but evidence of their passing was lying around all over the place, so she dutifully took some sample of what Sam called "dinodoodoo". A good a name as any she'd thought with a giggle.

Well, this is exciting, thought Sam. I'm guarding a good looking chick while she collects rare and interesting shit and a little lizard calls us names. He aimed his weapon at the vocal little lizard, and it shut up for a second and raised its head up higher, then became even louder in its condemnation of the strange invaders in its territory. Little guys got guts, Sam thought, guess I won't nuke him after all. He noticed the ground fell away in a gentle slope to the East, and he could see denser vegetation and what looked like water. He pointed it out to the Doc, and after a short consultation they decided to check it out even though it would take them a little farther away from the platform then they'd planned. He hoped they'd see some wilder wildlife of some kind. As they headed out he flipped the brave little lizard a salute, and said,

"You win buddy, we're leaving!" which got a laugh from the Doc.

As they walked down the slope to the stream or small river Patricia popped a couple of aspirin from the dispenser in her helmet, her headache had been getting worse and was now getting annoying. They reached the stream after a short uneventful hike, and soon she was happily gathering some good specimens of small aquatic life, and even caught a small lizard that was very docile and easy to handle. She was quite content to let Sam play guard dog as they worked their way down the stream. Everything was going fine except for that damn headache, that and her damn period was causing some cramping.

Sam; as vigilant as ever, was getting bored. He'd been on more exciting Cub Scout hikes when he was a kid. Where were the big toothy fanged monsters? He wanted an excuse to blast something. He figured if he saved the Doc from some drooling behemoth he'd have a better chance of her saying yes if he asked her out on a date. Even in her suit it was evident she had a nice body. No mistaking her for a guy. She was bent over doing something and he had a great view of her ass, and felt himself get a rock hard hard-on. At least the suit was bulky enough to hide that little detail! He shook his head and wished he could pop his ears, his head hurt and he had a faint ringing in his ears.

Patricia started to straighten up, but then doubled over as another cramp hit her. Why now, she thought. She'd always had pretty bad periods, and being cooped up in this damn space suit didn't help any. She decided to take a break and sat down on a convenient rock, making sure her specimens were secure. Sam sat down on another rock a little farther up the bank where he could keep watch better. Even with the suits environmental unit it was still warm, and she almost dozed off.

Sam was definitely not feeling good now; his headache and the ringing in his ears had gotten worse. Plus he was starting to feel sick to his stomach, and that worried him because barfing in this suit would not be fun. His fingers and toes hurt too, it felt like he'd stubbed them or something. And he felt like he needed to take a crap too even though they'd both had enemas before they left, but there was definitely a pressure in his guts that wanted out. He started to get up to tell the Doc it was time to go, but fell over onto his hands and knees as a violent cramp made him gasp in pain. Oh jeez, that was a bad one, he thought.

Patricia snapped out of her reverie when she heard Sam cry out in pain. She looked up see him bent over and he sounded sick, he was making gagging barfing sounds. She started to get up, but fell over with a moan as she put weight on her feet. Her toes all felt like they were broken, and caught off guard she fell over and rolled into the stream. She panicked a little even though the water wasn't very deep as she had never liked water of any kind unless it was in a bathtub, and had a fear of drowning. She managed to drag herself out on the bank, but still couldn't stand up due to the pain in her feet, and now her hands hurt like hell too. Her ears were ringing, and her headache was pounding like a trip hammer now.

Sam swayed back and forth on his hands and knees as more cramps and pain hit him in waves. His feet and hands hurt so bad he could hardly stand it, and he moaned in pain. And something was wrong too, his gloves were getting tighter, and as he watched the tips of the fingers began to stretch, and then with loud pops what looked like claws (?) suddenly pushed through the material, and the suits integrity alarm went off. He gave a deep grunt of discomfort, and heaving up he pulled his legs forward so he could rest more on the balls of his feet as it was more comfortable. He heard more ripping sounds as the suit alarm kept buzzing and felt the rear of the suit tear as something pushed its way out from his spine. And his head hurt so bad he was almost crying from the pain.

"DOC, he yelled, Sumkins wongrr!"

Patricia looked in horror at the claws pushing through the gloves and boots of her suit, and the damn alarm was making her headache even worse. The claws were the tips of thick pinkish-grey covered digits that were definitely NOT human, and the skin looked more like smooth pebbled leather. What the FUCK? She thought. She heard Sam call out, but his voice sounded garbled. She looked up and he was down on all fours and his body looked, wrong somehow, and she suddenly realized he had a short stubby tail poking through the back of his suit, and like her his feet and hands were changing. She felt a sudden pressure in her own rear, and leaned over as her suit tore yet again and the tip of her own tail began to poke through. Fuck, fuck , FUCK! She thought in growing disbelief and panic.

Sam felt his face bump against the faceplate and couldn't stand it anymore, the suit was growing more and more uncomfortable and confining, so with a snarl he literally tore the helmet off and threw it away. That was better! Standing up he ripped the suit off down to his waist, and when he looked at himself he whimpered in horror. His skin had turned a pinkish grey color on his belly, and a darker reddish brown on what he could see of his back and his arms, and it looked kind of like rough rubber or leather. And his hands! His fingers were longer, but there were fewer joints and they were thick and knobby with nasty claws on the tips and his thumbs looked more like fingers now. He could also tell there was something wrong with his legs, and he was having trouble standing up. Reaching around behind himself he grabbed whatever it was he could feel back there, and pulled his now longer tail around to where he could see it. Tail??

"DOC! He shrieked, Hep me, sumpkins wong! Id hurds!"

Patricia looked on in horror of her own as Sam took his helmet off and then tore off most of his upper suit. He had brownish skin with what looked like darker reddish brown stripes on the back, and pinkish softer looking skin on his belly. It looked more like leather or rubber then human skin. And he was staring at his own claws in obvious distress. And the tail was weird too, but the worst was the blunt muzzle of his face, a shot blunt hard muzzle with slits for nostrils and two rather large fangs jutting down over his lower lips. He opened that muzzle to yell at her in and she could see more fangs inside. The horror in his eyes was apparent. And as she stared at her own clawed hands, paws (?), she was pretty scared too, and she could feel the change continuing. She whimpered in fear as she felt her tail keep growing, pushing out and stretching as it lengthened.

Sam staggered across the stream to where the Doc sat looking at him, and fell down to all fours again as he reached her. He moaned as he felt a spasm rippled down his back and felt his tail push out some more. He looked in the Doc's faceplate and recoiled when he saw a fang filled muzzle looking back at him, then he saw her own clawed hands and realized that whatever was happening to him was happening to her too. They stared at one another, fear reflected in their eyes. She reached up and took her own helmet off, and looked back at him out of her own nonhuman face, and said,

"Sam, we, urrrrr, hav to gid bag tu thu platforrm, ssss, NOW!"

Patricia watched as Sam fell down next to her, and reaching up she pulled off her own helmet and threw it away. It was useless now anyway. As she did tufts of hair fell out, and reaching up her strange new hands she felt her head and with horror realized she was bald now, her skull smooth and hairless except for what felt more like bristles or whiskers, and Sam was bald too except for scattered long thick hairs. His muzzle was longer now too, and she could see smaller fangs protruding from his upper jaw in addition to the two longer ones, and running her now thicker tongue over her own teeth realized she had fangs as well. And the damn headache was so bad now she was finding it hard to concentrate. She knew they had to get back to the platform as soon as they could. She thought she knew what was happening, and they didn't have much time. She told that to Sam, then getting to her now clawed feet she started to stagger up the bank in the general direction of the clump of trees where the platform was located. If she was right the changes should reverse themselves if they could activate the emergency recall in time and get home.

Sam followed as best he could, but his legs didn't fit the suit anymore, so finally with an irritated hiss he sat down and pulled the rest of the suit off. Like the rest of his body his legs were now covered by brownish leathery skin with reddish-brown bands and diamond shaped patterns. Plus he also realized his legs were shorter than before, with thick toes with claws on the tips, long sharp claws. All he had on under the suit had been a t-shirt and shorts. The t-shirt was in tatters and his shorts had gotten so tight the waistband was digging into his skin painfully, so with a hiss he tore them off easily with his powerful paws. Then he gave an even louder hiss when he saw his penis was gone, it had been replaced by a kind of slightly raised bulge with a slit in it, and with a whimper he ran his claw across the strange thing, it looks more like a pussy, he thought. Then he held his hands in his paws, the damn headache had gotten so bad he could hardly stand it anymore. He gave a low moaning squeal of pain, tears running down his still growing muzzle. God it hurt!

Patricia paused when she realized Sam had stopped to remove the remnants of his suit, which was a good idea, so she removed hers as well. She had begun to trip in the tattered remains of her boots and her legs seemed too short for the suit now. She had worn panties and a bra under the suit, but now the bra was stretched and tight so she pulled it off, and gave a hiss of dismay to find her large breasts were gone except of the faint fading outlines of nipples on the rough hide of her chest. Plus her now much longer and thicker tail had pushed her panties so far down her legs they were useless, so she ripped them off as well. Much better, now she could move unimpeded. All that remained of her vagina was a tight slit between her powerful legs, a cloaca she realized. And there was a pungent scent coming from it and she knew she was in estrus. She and Sam now resembled bipedal lizards; no-dinosaurs, with very little humanity remaining; they looked something like Komodo Dragons now, but with much larger heads. She realized they were becoming some sort of Synapsids. Therapsida, or maybe even Biarmosuchus. Her head hurt so badly now it was getting hard to think, but she knew they had to hurry. The emergency recall was their only hope. She didn't know if this was irreversible, but she did know they had little time left as she could feel her human mind fading.

"Sum, hiisss, cumon, qwik, urrrk!" she grunted at him, and turning she headed for the beckoning platform, their only hope.

Sam lurched to his feet to follow her, and as he passed where she had been sitting he paused as he caught her scent. His head jerked up and he opened his mouth and took a deeper smell. He felt the stirrings of lust, the female, no Doc, was in heat. He felt his penis slide from is vent, and taking a quick look was amazed at the size. It was dark red and wet looking, the shape was fairly human like, but with pointed tip and kind of knot. He gave another hiss of lust as it throbbed and pre dripped from the tip. As he started to follow her again his interest was now more than just getting home. Her tail, whipping back and forth, was spreading her advertisement for a mate and he gave a deeper hiss of lust. That enticing scent almost made him forget his terrible aching headache, and she really was a beautiful female. About halfway to the grove of trees he fell to all fours as that was more comfortable now as his legs changed shape and his arms became legs. He followed her at a steady trot, his head swinging from side to side on his slowly lengthening and thickening neck, his long tail whipping back and forth. He did not drag it on the ground, but held it out from his body to help balance him. He kept his eyes on the object of his growing lust even as he felt his mind fading and becoming something much simpler. She was teasing him by fleeing and making him chase her, and it was arousing him even more.

Patricia staggered to a stop next to the platform; she had been fighting the urge to drop to all fours for awhile realizing that would be a mistake. She leaned against the railing of the platform giving gasping hisses of exhaustion. She stared down her long snout at the control panel and tried to concentrate. It was so hard, her mind felt fuzzy and unfocused. The code, what was the code?? Slowly she began to punch the keypad with her long sharp clumsy claws. Hissing in frustration she hit the cancel button and slowly started taping in the code again. She turned her massive blunt head sideways so she could see it better. There, almost done! "Yessss!" she hissed.

Sam slowly approached the female, he no longer thought of her as anything else other than a desirable female, and she was obviously looking for a mate from the pheromones she was signaling with, the whole area reeked of them. She had led him on a chase to make sure he was strong and fast and now was waiting for him. Some part of what remained of Sam's human mind also knew he was supposed to protect her and take care of her. But first he wanted to claim her as his mate; he was rampant and needed to slack his lust. He walked up behind her and gently rubbed his snout against her tail and licked her lovely hide with his large rough tongue as he took in her heady scent. He started to mount her, but as he reared up he suddenly caught a new scent, a terrifying one. With a loud hiss he slid off of her, and spinning around he saw the T-Rex coming around the other side of the grove of trees. As he spun he hit the female with his tail, and giving a loud shrieking warning hiss of danger he tried to push her in the direction of the trees, they might offer cover.

Patricia was vaguely aware that Sam was sniffing around her rear, but found she didn't mind that much. He was a handsome male, and would make a good mate. Then she blinked, her still human eyes staring out of the sides of her large fang filled muzzle. NO, she thought; don't think like that, CONCENTRATE! She reached out to punch in the last number, but suddenly Sam; who had been licking and rubbing her rump in a very arousing manner tried to climb and mount her. Feeling his weight settling on her back she tried to say something, to tell him to get off of her, to stop!

"Ssssm, nsss, ssstp!" she hissed, she couldn't let this happen, not now!

He suddenly slid off of her, and then lunged against her and she hit the wrong number. "RAASSSSSS!" she hissed in anger, but when she heard his shriek of warning she turned and saw the T-Rex, and joined him in his rapid run into the trees without a seconds hesitation. She found she could run much easier and faster on all fours. They raised their bodies up well off the ground and ran in a fast waddling lope, their bodies twisting from side to side.

She instinctively followed the male, and they passed through the trees and into the open area and kept going without looking back, moving amazingly fast despite their thick heavy bodies. They reached the cover of some large rocks and boulders, and not sensing, or hearing, pursuit came to a stop and raised their heads to take a quick look. They were safe; the T-Rex had not followed. It had just fed and was full, it had mainly been interested in the trees as a shady place to get out of the hot sun and doze with a full stomach. It stopped briefly to nuzzle the strange shiny thing on the ground; then standing next to it fell into a light slumber.

Patricia was growing frantic, how long would the big dummy take a nap next to the platform? Of ALL the places and ALL the times to do that! She felt a gentle rub on her tail, and with turned her head. Sam looked back at her with eyes that were no longer human, they were a strange orange color with black pupils nestled under thick protective ridges. He nuzzled her again, and gently licked her tail with his long thick tongue and hissed softly. She could smell his arousal, and oh God was responding to it. He was so big and strong. Her own lust had become too intense to deny, but even as she squatted and lifted her tail to one side as he mounted her she kept staring in fading despair at the beckoning salvation of the platform. As he penetrated her she gave a deep hiss of pleasure, oh he was so large and it felt sooo good! She gave a guttural hiss of pleasure as her cloaca closed around his knot to keep him inside of her; she would let him go only when she was satisfied. He pinned her by hooking one hind leg over her rump and grasping her with his strong front legs and bit her gently on the back of her neck. Ohhh, "HISSSS!" she moaned, he was so strong! She gave a shrill gasp of pleasure as he began to grind is crotch bands against hers. No, she realized, this is wrong, we have to stop! The platform, we have to get back! This is WRONG! But they couldn't have stopped even if they'd wanted to as they ground against one another in sexual ecstasy.

As they mated she hissed and grunted in pleasure, paying more and more attention to the male servicing her as her own eyes began to change. She knew what was happening and part of her was terrified, but it felt so good, the feeling of her mate inside of her as they mated was wonderful, so much pleasure. Her eyes slowly turned a darker orange-brown color as the last of her human mind and memories faded, and her pupils narrowed into vertical slits. She gave one last glance at the platform, but couldn't remember what it was anymore. There was final despairing wail deep in the back of her now much simpler mind, and then she turned her full attention to her mate and the pleasure he was giving her; he was all that mattered now. The human mind was gone; the animal was in full control.

She gave another deep squealing grunt of pleasure as her mate speeded up his thrusts, and as he climaxed she did too and gave a shrieking hiss of pleasure. As he dismounted she turned to face him and they gently rubbed their muzzles against one another in affection, they would be life mates until one of them died. They could still smell, and see, the great predator in the grove of trees, and with hisses of caution they moved down to the creek and followed the stream in a direction leading away from the danger. They somehow knew that while they weren't high on the great predators preferred dining menu it would still make a snack of them if the opportunity presented itself. Better to be as far away as possible.

The T-Rex gave a snort of startled surprise as the strange thing next to her suddenly seemed to vibrate faster, and faster, until it disappeared. Alarmed, she moved off to find a less puzzling place to finish her nap.

The scientists and other staff had been horrified when the platform returned by itself with no sign of the two expedition members. Quickly they downloaded the camera recordings as they had been running the whole time. They had watched as Patricia and Sam explored the immediate area, and a couple had chuckled when Sam menaced a small lizard with his stun rifle. But when they moved off out of range of the cameras nothing had happened for almost three hours. Then the scientists had watched in open mouthed amazement as two small dinosaurs had approached the platform. One had been walking upright on its hind legs initially; the other on all fours. And it was interesting in that the appeared to be mates as the male was obviously quite aroused, and started to mate with the female. But when the T-Rex showed up (fantastic footage) they had both taken off on all fours at a high rate of speed. Just because they had tiny brains it didn't mean they were stupid. But what had been really weird was the upright one had almost looked like it was trying to operate the controls on the platform. It had poked at the control panel with its clumsy claws in apparent curiosity. At least that's what they had initially thought until one scientist had noticed something and asked for a zoom in on the dinosaurs head. Then they could now clearly see blue human eyes in the dinosaurs head, eyes filled with fear. Patricia had blue eyes.

"Oh my God, one said, Dr. Filbert was right"

"Who" asked another scientist?

"Dr. Thomas Filbert, the first scientist replied. He theorized that if you went back in time you would devolve into an ancestral life form native to the era. It would be times way of correcting an "error". It would appear he was right. Poor Sam and Patricia, I hope their memories are gone too. What a terrible fate, it would be even more horrible to remember you used to be human. I hope they're happy."

She was very happy. All ten of the eggs she'd laid were healthy and well on their way to hatching. She had built her nest near a large tree which offered some protection from the elements, and was a good defensive position. The nest was a raised mound to keep the eggs out of water during rain, and they were covered with a thin layer of mulch to help keep them warm. She had scraped the mulch off for now, and gently turned each egg with the tip of her muzzle and licked them. She could hear the peeps of the chicks inside and answered with a low crooning hiss to reassure them she was there. She would guard and protect the nest while her mate hunted. He was a good provider and seldom failed to bring her a lovely hunk of fresh raw meat, or a complete smaller animal for her to feast on. Then at night they would both curl around the nest with their heads facing one another and gently lick one another's snouts until falling asleep. Sometimes she had strange dreams of a brightly lit place with all sorts of strange things, but they vanished like mist as soon as she woke up and she didn't worry herself about them. Since the eggs would be hatching soon she knew she would soon be ready to mate again, and was looking forward to feeling her mates weight on her back as he serviced her, it would be wonderful. He was so strong, she was very happy with her mate. She turned another egg and the chick peeped in response, and she crooned her love to the new life growing within.

Some things are never meant to be, and the grand scheme of things has ways of making sure certain lines are never crossed.

But Sam and Patricia were quite happy with their new lives and love one another very much, as much as they are capable in their new forms. In time he would add more females to his harem and Patricia did not mind sharing her fine mate with other females at all. She was proud of him, and their pack prospered under his leadership. And their descendants would one day inherit the earth.

The End


A Familiar for a Familiar

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Familiar for a Familiar By William W. Kelso "Glitz, where are you honey? Vivian called. She hadn't seen her familiar for awhile and needed her to help with a spell. "Coming Mistress!" she...

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The Seeker, Chapter 14

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 14 By William W. Kelso "PET, where are you, and what are you doing? Hiss!" Vulva yelled. She'd been so busy on the computer she suddenly realized she hadn't seen or heard him...

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The Host

My stories are copyrighted, so no takee! This one is dark kiddies, from one of my darker moody days. So be warned if you're squeamish! The Host By William W. Kelso The demon watched in delight as the brood worm slowly forced its way into...

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