Summer Heat – Chapter 9: New rules

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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#9 of Summer Heat

I am still not feeling super well but at least a bit better. Here is the next chapter that you are all waiting for. :)


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 9: New rules

Zen and Mara led the girls outside for the first class. They went to a clearing in the forest very close to the house and they carried a big empty box. The girls already were very excited. They got used to Mara and Zen, who told them to call them by their first names as well, and the adults were more like big siblings for them.

"Listen everyone." Shouted Zen and the girls went silent while he put the box next to a tree. "Do you still remember what we told you yesterday?" - "All that happens here, stays here." The girls replied in a choir and Zen smiled. "Yes, so we will do some things and teach you things that outside of here no other kid learns. So you should not tell anyone okay?" the girls nodded. He could see the excitement in their faces. "Okay, then we will start our first special class." He knocked at the box. "Everyone will not put all her clothes and put them into this box!" the girls gave sounds of disbelieve and it took a while until they noticed that Zen really meant it. Sierah, Mara, Angela and Lily already has most of their clothes stripped off and threw it into the box and Zen also just put his shirt in there and now stripped off his pants and underpants. "What are you waiting for?" he asked. "Disrobe everything and throw it in here." The girls were hesitant but one by one followed his command. He saw that most of them were very embarrassed and some seemed afraid because they were taught to never let anyone see them naked. The last one who was still wearing something was the older horse Tanja Hoopers. She still had her anti-scent underwear equipped. Zen knew that she got it last night from Mara because her heat started and she seemed very embarrassed about her scent.

"Come here Nina!" said Zen softly and pulled Nina along to a bank a few steps away and he signaled the girls to sit down on the grass. The horse girl followed him very hesitantly and he turned her around so that she faced all the other girls and stood behind Nina. The girl was around one head smaller than him so that he could easily look at the other girls while she stood in front of him. He opened the tight band of the underwear and Tanja looked to the ground when he slipped it off and threw the underwear to Mara who put it into the box. "Today we will learn about heat." Zen explained. The heavy scent of the girl directly went into his nostrils and he felt his member slowly creep out of its pouch but because Tanja stood in front of him the girls did not see. Only Tanja felt him poke her back slightly but she was too occupied with her embarrassment. Mara took over and explained that every girl would go into heat at the age of Tanja, some earlier, some later. She asked Tanja how she felt and it took a while for the girl to answer but her embarrassment slowly went away. Mara explained the itching and the feeling that was very unbearable and Tanja agreed and found her own words on how uncomfortable it was with her first heat. Zen had been standing behind Tanja and held his paws on her shoulder the whole time while he even felt his knot slowly form and push against the back of Tanja. When Mara was finished with her explanation he softly let his paws glide down over the arms of Tanja and caressed her chest. It took a while until the girl relaxed a bit and he went deeper with his paws. When he reached her utters she emitted an eep and moaned suddenly but Zen held her in place and started to roam over her utters and chest with long strides while he explained to all the girls.

"This is a way you can make it feel more comfortable and good during your heat. Are you feeling okay?" he asked Tanja and the horse girl just moaned and nodded. "It is different for every species. Tanja as a horse has utters that are very low under her belly and they are soft and very sensitive. Other animals like wolfs or foxes..." he winked to Lisa who gave him a smile, "... have a line of teats that get hard and point out and are also sensitive." Tanja moaned under his caressing paws and his member produced a bit pre that smeared over her back fur. He had the girl in a loose hug to continue his soft caressing and he felt her moan louder and getting more and more aroused.

"You can see that her fur down there is very wet. Partly this comes from the heat and partly from arousal, this is what we call the good feeling that you are having sweetheart." He added to Tanja. "Even though the mount there looks a bit different for each of you it is pretty much the same." He moved deeper and slid over the libido of Tanja making her moan louder and starting to breath faster. He could smell her heat strongly and under it his musk and he was sure she smelled it as well. He crouched a bit down dragging his knot along her back and leaving a trail of pre-cum on her fur. He felt the knot press firmly against the base of her tail and stopped because he was low enough to reach her private with his paws now. He massaged her clit until it became bigger. With her unique pussy she started to wink and press out juices. "This is a very unique trait that equines have." He explained to the girls. "Can you turn around and face them with your hind and then push your hands on the bank?" he asked Tanja and turned her around and pushed her upper body down so that her pussy was now put on full display for the other girls. She had her tail already up and to the side as if she wanted them to see her pussy. All eyes were so strongly focused on her pussy that no one noticed his hard dick that stood up for all to see now that he was not covered by the body of the girl. He continued to explain together with Mara while he spread the pussy of Tanja and showed all of them the hymen. He explained them about the pussy and showed them how Tanja blinked when he ran his paw around her sensitive flesh. Then he did some probing licks savoring her strong taste and after her increasing moan died down a bit when he stopped he told the girls that this was a way you could help someone in heat.

He asked Tanja to crouch on the ground on all fours, in the mating position but the girl did not know that yet, and asked each of the girls to step forward and lick a few times while gently massaging the utter of Tanja. Some of them giggled, others moaned with the horse girl and as the last girl her own sister Sissy stepped forward and let her tongue glide over the already twitching and drenched nether lips of Tanja. This finally was too much for the girl and she orgasmed on the spot splashing more of clear fluid into the face of her sister and after a while started to pee. Zen pulled Sissy away before the pee started to splash into the grass and helped the younger horse girl to clean her eyes at least from the strong smelling girl juice. After the peeing died down Tanja started to wink again with her pussy and it opened and closed in the rhythm of her twitches and moans. He saw her eyes still being clouded from the lust and was sure that she was not listening to anything they said right now.

"As you can see you made her feel very good. So good that she had to pee. But there is something that makes a girl feel even better. And that is this." He showed his penis and the girls all were whispering in chaos. "This is called a penis and normally you are not supposed to see it but I will show you the act that feels better than anything else. If it enters you the first time it might hurt a bit when the hymen, that you saw earlier, breaks." He showed the small skin in the vagina of Tanja when her lips opened again and pushed more heat scent into Zen's nostrils. "Mara will explain it to you while I will demonstrate it." He took position behind Tanja who still was totally out of it and tried to recover. He already felt her radiating heat when his member was still a few centimeters away and then he bit down on her and pushed forward. Her painful cry only lasted for a second before she moaned strongly from his member slipping all the way inside her. Even though she was tight her tunnel gave way even stronger than Lily's had in the past. When his knot collided it slipped past her libido with a slurp and when he pulled back it held for a moment and then slipped out again. He felt his tip breach her cervix and move out again. A horse's pussy was built to push something out, not to contain something like his knot and also horses dicks were usually nearly as thick as his knot. But slipping in and out with his knot felt good in its own way and Zen increased his pace and made the horse under him whinny and moan in high pitches while he grunted and moaned in the same intervals. His balls slapped against her wet clit and pussy and he pounded away at her as if he wanted to break her. When he did his final push and his balls started to explode inside her he felt her grip and hold his knot inside while spurt after spurt potent seed flooded her waiting fertile tunnel. He heard her long and high whinny while he put his head into the back and howled strong. He rested on the girls back, while he let go of her scruff, and felt his seed push into her with strong spurts. It felt wonderful and when he looked over his shoulder and at the girls that looked at their mating with big eyes he decided that he would mate all of them and every girl that would get into heat would be impregnated by him. His gaze fell upon his sister and the slight bulge of her belly and he roamed with his hands over the evenly bulged belly of Tanja and fondled her utters which made her moan even louder and the twitching and milking around his knot increased for a few seconds.

Zen pulled Tanja back with him when he got up and sat down in the bank facing the other kids. She was still moaning and he also still caressed her utters and belly. "This, girls, is mating." He said when he came down enough from his orgasm to breath normally. "As you can see it feels very good and is the best thing to sooth the feeling inside you when you are in heat." Tanja under him still twitched around his knot and his balls were wet from her juices while he sent his last spurts into her womb. "We will set a few new rules now." He said and smiled. All eyes were glued on him. He was sure Tanja would have to be told the rules later because she was not paying attention but moaned and huffed. "First rule: You will run around naked all the time." The girls looked at each other. There was not much of the reservation or shyness of before now that they had seen this. Some of them voiced a small complaint but Zen raised his voice again and it got silent. "Second rule: If you notice that you go into heat you will come to me or Mara and tell us." The mumbling increased a bit. "Third rule:..." the mumbling got more silent. "... you are allowed to help each other to feel good and explore but if you do, you need to do it openly and not in your room okay?" The girls nodded but stayed silent. "Fourth rule: You will watch me and other girls if they please each other or themselves to learn something." "Fifths and last additional rule: When I or Mara tell you to do something you will do it." This was a very normal rule in schools because teachers always asked for obedience. This was how society worked in Pan.

Zen felt Tanja twitch and her moaning grew stronger and he knew that she was on her way to the next peek. The milking of her tunnel told him that she never really let go completely of her orgasm. He pushed slightly into the girl while he continued to caress her belly and utter and even her clit until the girls peeked again and her milking exploded. Zen felt his dick rock hard and at the end of the milking he spurted strongly into the girl's womb again. Her whinny was much weaker than before because she had no energy left from all the moaning and on the top of her orgasm she collapsed from the exhaustion. "Okay girls!" he said after a minute of resting while he emptied more into her and the pressure was finally too strong and made cum leak out of her pussy. With her tunnel being built to fit even thicker dicks his knot was not able to seal her up and with her folds and tunnel relaxing it was not such a tight fit anymore and she slowly emptied over his dick and balls. "You will now learn to please each other with Mara. Go in pairs and you Sissy..." he beckoned Tanja's sister. "... will come here and learn from me while your sister rests." The girls grouped up in pairs and Sissy slowly came to Zen. "Is my sister okay?" she asked a bit concerned that her sister was not reacting and just sat there on his lap. "Sure Sissy. She is just resting. The feeling was too strong for her to keep up and she does not have the endurance yet. You will learn to understand that." He slipped Tanja off his dick with ease and laid her down on the grass. Her snatch was still leaking cum and softly winking and push out more of his load. Zen felt horny with the heat scent swarming around him and he turned to Sissy.

"You will now learn how to give a muzzlejob." He explained and beckoned the girl closer while he sat down on the bank again. His member was still hard and dripped from his and Tanja's juices. "You will start by licking all of this..." he dipped his finger into the cum and rubbed it between two fingers, "... and clean me up really good down there and then you will take my penis into your mouth and suckle on it." The girl hesitated. Zen saw in her eyes that she was curious but at the same time extremely shy. "Rule five!" he whispered and the girl woke from her staring at his dick and started with sniffing and then the first careful licks. Her expression showed that she did not like the taste much and she stopped until Zen softly put a hand behind her head and pushed her forward which she understood right as command to continue. While Sissy cleaned his nether region he looked around to see if the other girls were learning good. The 8 years old weasel Emily Coals was with the 9 years old buffalo girl Charlotte Flings and moaned under her licks. Lisa, the 12 years old vixen, was together with the older Lynx, Nina Minx (12), while the younger Lynx sister Ida (10) pared up with Sierah and got the experienced girl show her a pleasurable time judging on the moans that the girl was emitting. Debra Mince, a 11 years old goat, paired up with the 10 years old elephant girl Olga Spikes. With the trunk Olga was suckling at the pussy of the goat girl while her hands roamed over her belly and utters. The other pairs were: The 12 years old Bea Khans, a tigress, with Mimi Softpaws, a snow leopard of the same age. Sandy Sandster, a 11 years old beaver girl, with Lily who was only slightly bigger than her partner. Angela settled in with the other deer Ana Miller, who was 12 years old. Last but not least Tina Lanster, an 11 years old zebra, paired up with Isabelle Arlons, a giraffe of the same age.

Zen directed his attention back to Sissy who finished cleaning him and he guided her muzzle over his hard dick and made her move back and forth. He threw a short look to Angela and the deer girl just got up from Ana, who moaned strongly, and looked to him. When their eyes met Zen smiled and the girl returned the smile until he signaled her with a nod towards Ana to continue. He also focused more on his partner now. The girl was inexperienced but it still felt very good. Her tongue was very active and Zen felt his climax closing in. He pushed his knot past her lips but as a horse she had an even longer snout as Angela and in addition she was older and so he did not feel the anticipated entry of her throat with his tip. The feeling of her saliva coated muzzle suckling on his member and her lips softly holding in his knot made him moan anyway and soon he was not able to hold back and came buckets into the muzzle of the girl. She was totally surprised and did not manage to keep breathing and gulping in the right order. She coughed and sneezed when she got the cum the wrong way and cum sprayed out of her nostrils and soon coated Zen's belly. The girl wanted to push back but he held her softly in place. Not only did it feel good but the girl also looked super cute with cum dripping out of her nostrils and her cheeks bulging from his load. At the middle of his climax the girl finally managed to calm down and gulp all coming spurts without getting them into her trachea. She breathed heavily and her nostrils flared under her heavy intake and outburst of air. At every breath out she snorted a bit and sometimes it sent more cum dripping out of it that had been deep in her nose before. Zen smiled and let the girl pull back. When his knot popped out she held his member for a few seconds in her muzzle before she let his dick pop free completely. Because his climax was not completely over he sprayed his last spurts over her head and smiled. "You did this very good." He praised her and even though the girl looked in a mix of exhaustion and shock she smiled, showing her cum coated teeth. "Now I will make you feel good." He announced to her and pulled the girl up into a deep kiss. The other girls turned around from whispers of their class mates that notified them of the change with their teacher and soon he saw a few of them try out kissing themselves. Zen fondled the utters and roamed over the belly and hind of Sissy making her moan into his muzzle. After a few minutes he moved his paw to her nether lips and found them soaking wet. He did not know if sucking him off did arouse her already, if it was his musk that was still strong in her nose with all the cum still coating the inside of her nostrils or if it had been his caressing but he also did not care which one it was. He continued his kiss while he massaged her clit and then went back to her utters for a while. He went back and forth feeling the wet pussy of the girl open and close while he glided over it and a lot of liquid gushing on his paws making them wet. She sat on his lap facing him in the kiss and with her pussy between his knees dripping her juices strongly on the ground beneath. Zen felt her moans in his mouth and her pussy twitched stronger showing that her climax was close to unfolding. Because he had to lean a bit forward and down to kiss the smaller girl, his rock hard member poked her utters every now and then smearing pre over the sensitive flesh and making himself wince from the warm touch. Finally, he was not able to hold back anymore.

Zen picked Sissy up while still being locked with her in a kiss and aimed his member for her quivering folds. He felt the hot fluids that dripped down from her snatch coating his member and knot. Then he let gravity help him to push the girl on his thick member. The 9 years old horse girl was much tighter than her 3 years' older sister. Zen saw her pressing her eyes shut in the pain of her hymen giving way to the strong force and an uncomfortable groan was muffled from his deep kiss. She was so tight that his knot did not directly slip in but rested outside her folds against her clit each time he pulled her up and let her sink down. With all the lubricant on the knot it became so slippery that it slowly sank into her folds on the tenth descent and Zen let gravity do the work and felt her pussy very slowly stretch around his knot while it sank in a millimeter each second. For Zen it felt wonderful. Her tunnel was twitching and stimulating his tip while his knot was soaked and tightly gripped by her folds that let it sink in very slowly. Her pussy pushed against the knot from the inside as if it tried to push out the intruder but her own weight was stronger and pushed the knot in more and more. When half of his knot passed her nether lips it went faster and he felt her folds closing behind his knot pulling it in and helping gravity to make him enter the small girl. His tip breached her cervix and when her nether lips hit his base, and the girl started to contract around his knot and member and milk him, he broke the kiss and while Sissy whinnied just like her sister did before he threw his head back and howled. He felt her utters press against his fur and her belly swell against his with each spurt he sent into her small womb. He hugged the girl that was now panting strongly and caressed her back while he sent more spurts into her womb with each milking of her tunnel. "You are wonderful!" he whispered into her ears but the girl was still to occupied with her dying down climax and pumped air out of her lungs exhausted so she did not respond. Zen caressed over her hind, felt up her strong tail base and also made the girl moan when he wet his paw in the poodle under them on the bank and caressed her backdoor with the wet paw. The girl finally breathed slower and relaxed and when Zen checked on her he found that she went asleep. He tried to pull out of her but her tunnel was much tighter than her sisters and his knot really was stuck inside this time. So he just pulled her up with him and carried her in front of his chest, his thick knot deep inside her pussy, and went around so see how the first experience of the other girls went. All of them either had passed out from their orgasm or were panting strongly. Mara had helped girls where the partner passed out before they could feel an orgasm and only a few eyes looked at Zen with a tired and exhausted stare. One of these eye pairs was his sisters.

Mara took him a bit to the side and after she checked that Sissy was really sleeping she whispered to him. "Just to make sure I understand. Are you trying to knock up all the girls in heat here?" Zen looked at her with a smile. They had not talked about this. Mara sure went with the flow but the original plan had been to have them strip to put away their embarrassment and then teach them about anatomy of boys and girls. A pure theoretical class with a few exercises on how they could please themselves. The rules he set had not been planned and definitely not his mating. "Yes, you understood right. I know we did not plan this but her heat just was so strong and I could not resist." He smirked and kissed Mara. "Don't worry. We got one year, right? So they can safely get their cubs here and no one will ever know." - "Foals in Tanja's case. I read that the children always follow the mother's traits in cross breeding." Zen chuckled at her correction and kissed her on the muzzle again. "I can't wait to see our little kittens." He whispered and after another long kiss he went back to the bank and sat down until his knot deflated enough to pull out of Sissy.

Summer Heat – Chapter 10: In the heat of the summer

# Summer Heat - Chapter 10: In the heat of the summer There was no rule or command needed in the next days to have Tanja present to Zen. The strong feeling of her heat, normally a feeling girls had to bear with by themselves and hide it, in addition...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 8: Unexpected events

# Summer Heat - Chapter 8: Unexpected events For the next two days Zen was mostly occupied with Lily until her heat declined and finally went away. Zen also took a break from mating after this time and they spend one more day together until it was...

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