Summer Heat – Chapter 10: In the heat of the summer

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#10 of Summer Heat

I apologize for the delay. A lot of things happened yesterday and I just forgot it was Sunday already. :)


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 10: In the heat of the summer

There was no rule or command needed in the next days to have Tanja present to Zen. The strong feeling of her heat, normally a feeling girls had to bear with by themselves and hide it, in addition to the mind breaking experience she had every time when he pushed her to orgasm until she collapsed made the horse girl present to Zen every time she met him. Zen did surely not complain about it. He took the horse girl hard in front of all others and gave them a good show on how mating worked. Sometimes he would take her in the usual mating position but sometimes he also had her sit on his lap during classes or dinner and made her moan while both took the time after their orgasm while they were sitting connected and slowly calmed down to eat and drink. Zen made sure to not fuck the girl after she fell asleep. If he felt very horny after Tanja dropped out, he would have Sissy suck him of or even took the younger horse girl hard after stimulating her enough the be drenched so that the entry would not hurt. His mating did not leave the other girls untouched. Most of them started to masturbate when he pushed into Tanja during classes and their combined moans were soon accompanied with the moans of the girls. Zen even decided to sleep in the horse girls room and at the evening he knocked Tanja out with a few orgasms and slept hugging her with his dick deep inside her snatch.

When the heat of Tanja went away she was able to return to help with the work and also paid more attention in classes again. Zen calmed down and did not pound her or Sissy anymore to let them rest. Most of the classes were like in a normal school, except the fact that all were naked, and the girls learned everything pretty fast. They paid extra attention in the sexual education classes that would never be found at a normal school. Mara explained them all that she and Zen dug up from the adult internet about heat, pregnancy, masturbation and the functions of the different species. The girls learned to masturbate alone or with each other and each of them was taught how to suck Zen off to know how they could please a male. Most of the girls were not too fond of the taste like Sissy had been but a few of them, like Lisa, liked it to suckle on the meaty dick and drink his cum. At the evening after this class, that went for hours, Zen felt sucked dry and exhausted. With having each girl suck him off once he got milked 18 times in a row, a test of endurance that was a first for him as well. But he held up even though the last girl, Angela, did not get much cum anymore but the deer girl had done it in the past so she knew about how productive he could be.

Zen woke up the next morning with a warm and soft feeling around his erect member. His knot had formed and a slurping sound came from his nether region while a smell tickled in his nose. "Lisa?" he gasped surprised when he opened the eyes and was met by the hind and tail of the vixen. He wanted to ask what the girl was doing this early in the morning waking him up with suckling on the tip of his member but then he looked directly at her puffy and wet snatch and his brain processed the scent. The girl went into heat and most likely followed rule 2 and went to tell Zen. When he was still asleep she decided to wake him up with a muzzlejob. Zen sure did not mind such a wake-up call and instead of calling out to her again he pushed his muzzle into her crotch and started to eat the girl out which earned him loud moans around his cock. When he felt his orgasm closing in, he raised and made Lisa slip deeper on his cock. He felt his tip entering her throat before his knot hit her muzzle and she gagged. In class he had not made them deep throat on him yet. Lisa now learned for the first time how it felt if his thick member stretched her throat and after a few more pulls and pushes she finally did not gag so strong anymore and Zen let her sink on his cock heads down with the help of gravity. He heard and felt her breath strongly through her nose against his knot that now pushed against her nose and muzzle. He softly caressed her throat and felt that his tip already entered as far into her throat as it did for Angela when he got his knot in. But this was still something that had to be achieved and after giving her a small rest, while she was taking in his increasing musk from his balls with her nose, he worked on her yaw with his paw and urged her to open it wide. The girl's throat contracted around his member and a noise came out of her nose that sounded as if she groaned. She had problems to open her muzzle wide enough but after a few minutes of groaning of the girl and him softly spreading her muzzle open with his paw while the other held her in position, Zen finally felt his knot softly push past her teeth. They were pointier than the teeth of Angela or Sissy when they deep throated him but even though they scratched his knot because of the tight fit it did not hurt him. Her contractions of her throat increased for a moment when he slipped in further until his knot settled behind her teeth and her lips closed behind it. Even if the girl would have wanted she would not have been able to pull his knot out of her muzzle. He felt her saliva swim around his dick and knot and some of it overflew her muzzle and dripped down on his balls. When he caressed her throat he noticed that nearly half of his member was inside her throat and his tip was past the throat already half way to her stomach. The girl held up bravely, not that she had much of a choice left, and her breath pumped hot against his saliva soaked balls. Zen started to eat out the girl. She did not emit any noise because he had plunged her throat but he felt her throat twitch sometimes and her folds quiver in arousal. He brushed softly over her hymen and savored her heat taste with moans. When he checked once he saw that Lisa had her eyes shut and concentrated on her breathing and the feeling in her snatch. He caressed her head and throat and when his balls contracted and pushed spurt after spurt into her stomach he roamed over her chest and belly, felt the spurts entering her food deposit and her erect nipples. A bit later she also came down with her orgasm from his licks and splashed her heated girl juices up into his muzzle and face. It dropped down on her own hind and soaked the fur and then she peed like a fountain soaking him and herself in the strong smelling liquid. Lisa had to hold out ten more minutes until his knot shrunk down enough that he could pull her up and drop his dick. She coughed, took long and deep breath and massaged her throat that hurt from the long and strong stretching. "That was a little punishment for not waiting until I wake up." Zen whispered and licked away the tears in her eyes. "So now it is time for your price for holding up so good." He continued and turned her on her belly, pulled her hind up high and then softly pushed his member into her snatch.

His dick had been on the way down but when it hit the heated folds it directly went hard and his knot increased again. He pushed slowly through her hymen but all that was noticeable from the girl was a weak grip around his dick and a hoarse groan. Her throat was sore and she could not scream at the moment but her eyes were pressed shut and Zen saw more tears flow out of them. He did not go slow. Her tunnel, still twitching lightly from her revived orgasm, was relaxed from her exhaustion and he poked and breached her cervix within the first two minutes. Her inside heated up and made his rod melt inside her. He moaned strongly and slapped his knot against her pussy lips while the girl's noises changed and Zen interpreted the husky chirps as moans. He caressed the chest and erect teats of the girl while he pounded her with one hand and felt her slightly bulged stomach from his heavy load earlier. He knew that he soon would shoot his semen deep inside her womb as well and this time it would knock the girl up. Maybe not at the first time but surely when he was through with her after the heat. He pushed hard and his knot slipped into the girl after some first resistance. Her body, other than the bodies of the other girls, was made to take a knot. Like his sister her anatomy was built to lock him inside her pussy. Her pussy locked his knot with no problems and when he started to inseminate her with his cubs she moaned with her voice slowly coming back while he howled so loud that he was sure who ever was still sleeping was now awake. After a few minutes of rest and pushing his seed into the girl both calmed down a bit and Zen recognized for the first time that they were soaked in pee from earlier. "I think we should take a shower, don't you think so?" he asked the girl but she still was too exhausted to answer. He picked her up and got up. He held her pressed against his stomach and roamed over her bulged belly. She looked around with her eyes half opened. She was not crying anymore but panting heavily and Zen smiled when he opened his door to go to the shower. He could have taken his private shower but he did not want to hide. The girls, that were coming out of their rooms when he passed their floor to get to their shower, looked at him with big eyes. Zen held the girl with one hand, she rested with her weight on his base and was also held by his dick so he just had to keep her in position, and caressed her belly and clit with his other hand while he passed the observing eyes. Mara got out of her room that was directly in front of the showers. "The kit in heat snuck in on my room to wake me up." He explained and Mara looked at the exhausted girl. "We will finish and clean up in the shower." He added and after a sniff of their pee stained fur Mara nodded. "I think you should." Was all she said before she went to the rooms of the girls to make sure everyone was getting out of bed.

Zen turned on the shower and stood under the waterfall to let it soak into their fur. He had to hold the girl up and so was not able to leather them up with soap. He caressed her bulging belly and felt her twitching around his member. Because he stimulated her all the time she still was slightly in her orgasm. "You are a cute and beautiful little vixen." Zen whispered into her ear and she smiled tired. The other girls started to come in and at Zen's request started to help them soap up and wash their fur clean. He had Tanja and Sissy lick his balls and the clit of Lisa until another orgasm washed through both of them and her belly bulged even more. Then he sat down and let the girls finish their job in making their fur nice and shiny again. After her second orgasm it took a few minutes for Lisa to recover but she was more awake afterwards. Her exhaustion slowly went away and her throat also recovered and even though she still sounded hoarse she could speak and moan clearly now. When the other girls rinsed them off he watched his sister Sierah and Lily shower. Sierah, like Mara, showed her pregnancy clearly already. For Lily it was still a little bulge that could also could have come from overeating but Zen knew that she had more than food in her belly. His knot finally popped out of Lisa when they were finished with cleaning the fur and after they washed their genitals until they were not dripping anymore they went to the fur dryer and dried off. Zen thanked the other girls for helping them and each of them got a kiss on their forehead. Tanja, Lily and Sierah even got a deep kiss and he used the minute of kissing them to roam over their bellies and caress their utters and dugs earning some soft moans from them. He walked to the breakfast with all the girls. The girls on cooking duty this day already had prepared the tables and the girls sat down and started to eat except for Lisa. She had her stomach still full of Zen's cum and Zen led her to the middle of the room, put her into mating position and they entertained all other girls by showing a long and hard fucking with two climaxes for each of them. She digested enough of his cum to eat breakfast afterwards and while the other girls started to clean the tables they ate, the girl on Zen's lap and he knot deep in her still slightly twitching folds. He caressed her belly that was clearly bulged from his two loads and he slightly bounced her up and down while making her moan with caressing her dugs and feeling his own arousal rise again. When he finally came a third time, and the smaller vixen, that did not even reach to his yaw, started to groan from the heavy stretch of her womb and bulge of her belly, he pulled her head to the side, descended his muzzle and kissed her long and deeply.

At the first day of Lisa's heat Zen did not spend much time away from her and most of the times when he was with her he was knot deep in the hot vixen. He worked her into stamina and even though he let her rest when she dropped out, he was atop of her the moment she woke up. Her belly was often bulged strongly from two or three of his climaxes and when she did not drop out exhausted by this he got her to suck him off while she emptied and filled her stomach with some more of his sticky liquid. Mara taught the other kids about the difference between the anatomy of Lisa and Tanja and that they also were different from other species. The lioness had given in to the whims of Zen and fully supported his horniness and longing for the girl in heat. His sex drive showed her a side of Zen that she did not know for all the years she had been with him. She wondered if this side had always been there or if it just had been awakened with the heat of his sister. Zen visited Lisa's room and took her a few times in her own bed before the girl finally went to sleep exhausted. She did not leak much on the sheet, even if she bulged a bit after Zen's last entry, because the girl sealed her cervix when she rolled around and got to sleep and the pressure was not strong enough to break the seal. Zen put the cover over her and kissed her on the cheek. The heat scent that filled the whole room had his member still hard and his knot half formed. He went to Tanja and gave her a good night kiss as well. The older horse girl slept already and Zen caressed her utters and belly for a minute. Her belly did not show any change yet. It was too early for that. When he went to Debra, the goat, she also was fast asleep already and he gave her a kiss on the cheek and fondled her utters. The girls moaned in her sleep once but did not show any more reaction. Then he went to Sissy, the younger horse, and he noticed that she was still awake. She looked at him and when he gave her a kiss, for her even on her muzzle because she was awake, and fondled her utters he noticed that she was wet. The girl must have had masturbating while watching him and Lisa go. "Let me take care of this." He whispered and while he kissed her again he pushed away the cover and started to fondle her utters more intensely and also played with her clit. The girl moaned softly in his mouth and after he felt her start to twitch he pulled her up and pushed his hard member into her welcoming folds. During her sisters heat he had taken her a few times and she was strongly lubricated and therefore the entry was painless for the girl and her moans showed Zen that she enjoyed it. He established a slow pace and pushed in and out. Even though he spread her good during her sisters heat it took him a few attempts until he was able to push his knot into her twitching pussy and she locked it up like before and held him deep inside her womb while she milked his member in an orgasm and he soon joined in with spurting inside her womb and making her as full as Lisa. Even though he had impregnated her sister Tanja already and was on the go with Lisa the younger horse was for these four girls his favorite at the moment. She was cute and willing, even outside her heat, and Zen enjoyed her tight milking tunnel around his knot. The girl under him relaxed and Zen noticed that she was drifting to sleep. He pulled the cover over both of them and tied together and holding her in his arm even after breaking the kiss he closed his eyes as well and went to sleep with the twitching of her tunnel around his knot and the last spurts of semen in her sacred cavern.

The next days were just like with Tanja. Zen did not have to ask Lisa for presenting to him. The biggest difference to Tanja was on the one hand that she was much tighter and locked him inside when he knotted her and on the other hand that her cervix also was tighter and was able to seal one load of him inside making her look a bit pregnant already. Not as much as Mara or Sierah that already showed strongly but more like Lily who only showed a very small bulge. These days Zen enjoyed his life with the girls who all were eager to learn and he was not sorry for their mistake with the website that led to it not only being him, his sister and her friends and Mara. All the girls were eager to learn especially about their new found pleasure of masturbating and about sex in general. The topic was banned in Pan. Zen and Mara could not find out why it was banned. It did not say on the internet. It had been very hard to even find the little information they got and Zen decided to find out as much as possible in addition to this with his small group of girls that turned more into his harem than his school with every day. They taught the girls that this topic was a taboo in Pan and that they were not supposed to talk to anyone about what they did. Despite all the distractions of sexual nature the girls picked up the normal school material very fast as well. Zen wondered if this was caused by the interest the girls showed for everything he or Mara told them, no matter the topic. Lisa finished her heat within a bit over three days and Zen calmed down when he was not in the intoxicating influence of her heat scent. The weeks passed by and soon it had been one month since the school started and Lily began to show her pregnancy and also Tanja gained a bit of weight already.

Summer Heat – Chapter 11: Two plus one

# Summer Heat - Chapter 11: Two plus one It knocked at the door of Zen. It was late in the night and he went over a few tests of the class as well as his diary where he noted down all his experience of the school for the website. He did not include...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 9: New rules

# Summer Heat - Chapter 9: New rules Zen and Mara led the girls outside for the first class. They went to a clearing in the forest very close to the house and they carried a big empty box. The girls already were very excited. They got used to Mara and...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 8: Unexpected events

# Summer Heat - Chapter 8: Unexpected events For the next two days Zen was mostly occupied with Lily until her heat declined and finally went away. Zen also took a break from mating after this time and they spend one more day together until it was...

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